Election Code

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1he purpose of Lhe LlecLlon Code shall be Lo govern Lhe elecLlon of Lhe undergraduaLe AssoclaLlon
resldenL and vlce-resldenL, Class Cfflcers, and any oLher poslLlons for whlch Lhe undergraduaLe
AssoclaLlon Councll mandaLes a democraLlc, campus-wlde elecLlon. 1he LlecLlon Code shall also govern
Lhe procedures for advlsory quesLlons and referenda.

3/()'&# 669 !"# %&#'()*+ ,*<<)44)*+

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1. 1he LlecLlon Commlsslon shall conslsL of no fewer Lhan Lhree and no more Lhan elghL members of
Lhe AssoclaLlon. 1hey shall be nomlnaLed by Lhe ouLgolng uA resldenL, and approved by a ma[orlLy
voLe of Lhe full voLlng membershlp of Lhe Councll. 1he Lerm of membershlp on Lhe LlecLlon
Commlsslon shall be one year, beglnnlng on Lhe lasL Councll meeLlng of Lhe sprlng Lerm and endlng
Lhe lasL Councll meeLlng of Lhe sprlng Lerm of Lhe followlng year.
2. 1he ouLgolng uA resldenL, wlLh Lhe ma[orlLy approval of Lhe full voLlng membershlp of Lhe Councll,
shall appolnL one member of Lhe Commlsslon Lo be Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon Chalr.
3. ln Lhe case LhaL Lhe Commlsslon Chalr cannoL serve hls or her full Lerm, Lhe uA resldenL shall
nomlnaLe a new LlecLlon Commlsslon Chalr who musL be approved by a ma[orlLy voLe of Lhe full
voLlng membershlp of Lhe Councll. lf Lhe uA resldenL deems lnsLallaLlon lmmedlaLely necessary,
Lhe rlnclpal Cfflcers musL approve Lhe AcLlng Commlsslon Chalr wlLh aL leasL a 4/3 voLe unLll Lhe
nexL Councll meeLlng.
4. 1he !udlclal 8oard may approve, decllne, or modlfy Lhe flnal llsL of commlsslon members
before flnal voLe by Lhe Councll.
3. no person lnLendlng Lo run for offlce ln uA elecLlons may slL on Lhe Commlsslon. 1he uA resldenL
shall lmmedlaLely replace any member who obLalns a peLlLlon for offlce wlLh conflrmaLlon from Lhe

=#'()*+ ?9 @#4;*+4)>)&)()#4 1+- :*A#/4
1. 1he Commlsslon shall be responslble for Lhe execuLlon and prlmary lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe Code,
and for Lhe preservaLlon of Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe elecLlon.
2. 1he Commlsslon shall be responslble for lnformlng llvlng groups Lhey may seL resLrlcLlons for
campalgnlng wlLhln Lhelr llvlng space. 1he governlng bodles of Lhe llvlng groups may requesL a formal
lnvesLlgaLlon by Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon ln Lhe case of a poLenLlal vlolaLlon.
3. 1he Commlsslon shall be empowered Lo enacL any speclal rules governlng Lhe elecLlon process LhaL
do noL confllcL wlLh Lhe uA ConsLlLuLlon, Lhe 8ylaws of Lhe uA Councll, or Lhls Code.
4. lor each elecLlon, Lhe Commlsslon shall seL Lhe schedule for Lhe elecLlon, lnLerpreL Lhe campalgn
rules, hear offlclal complalnLs, and lmpose sancLlons as necessary. lL shall also be responslble for
managlng Lhe elecLronlc voLlng sysLem, organlzlng debaLes and sLudy breaks, generaLlng publlclLy,
and complllng Lhe candldaLe's peLlLlons and plaLforms. AfLer voLlng ls compleLe, Lhe Commlsslon
shall be responslble for counLlng Lhe casL voLes and publlcly dlscloslng wlnners and compleLe
voLlng Lallles ln a Llmely manner.
3. 1he LlecLlon Commlsslon Chalr may, aL hls or her dlscreLlon, asslgn lndlvldual members or groups
of members Lo fulflll Lhe duLles of Lhe Commlsslon or perform any of Lhem hlm or herself, as
6. 1he LlecLlon Commlsslon Chalr, aL hls or her dlscreLlon, may close meeLlngs of Lhe Commlsslon Lo
only members of Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon and members of Lhe !udlclal 8oard.

3/()'&# 6669 ,1+-)-1(# B21&)7)'1()*+4

=#'()*+ 39 !8;#4 *7 ,1+-)-1(#4

1. CandldaLes are deflned Lo be any people LhaL make Lhelr lnLenL Lo run for offlce known Lo Lhe
2. An offlclal candldaLe" ls a candldaLe who has been offlclally declared valld by Lhe Commlsslon
accordlng Lo Lhe crlLerla deflned ln lll.8.4.
3. All elecLlons shall supply balloLs wlLh an opLlon for a wrlLe-ln candldaLe. WrlLe-ln candldaLes may noL
be declared Lhe wlnner of a race unLll Lhey demonsLraLe LhaL Lhey are a reglsLered undergraduaLe,
slgn Lhe SLaLemenL of Candldacy (see lll.8.1.c), and saLlsfy any addlLlonal requlremenLs seL by Lhe

=#'()*+ ?9 :#()()*+4 7*/ C77)')1& ,1+-)-1(#4
1. CandldaLe eLlLlon MaLerlals shall lnclude:
a. A copy of Lhls LlecLlon Code.
b. A schedule of elecLlon evenLs and deadllnes.
c. 1he followlng sLaLemenL of candldacy:
lf elecLed Lo Lhe offlce of ____ of Lhe undergraduaLe AssoclaLlon, l ____ hereby promlse Lo fulflll
all responslblllLles of my offlce as enumeraLed ln Lhe undergraduaLe AssoclaLlon ConsLlLuLlon,
unlform Class ConsLlLuLlon, oLher bylaws of Lhe undergraduaLe AssoclaLlon, and Lhe
undergraduaLe AssoclaLlon LlecLlon Code. l fully undersLand LhaL fallure Lo do so shall be
grounds for removal from offlce. l agree Lo follow all campalgn rules and procedures as lald ouL
ln Lhe candldaLe packeL, and undersLand LhaL fallure Lo do so may resulL ln sancLlons up Lo and
lncludlng dlsquallflcaLlon from Lhe elecLlon.
d. An offlclal form for slgnaLures.
e. A budgeL form.
f. Any oLher maLerlals LhaL Lhe Commlsslon chooses Lo supply.
2. no lndlvldual may submlL a peLlLlon for more Lhan one offlce of any glven Lype (uA resldenL/vlce-
resldenL and Class Councll) durlng Lhe same elecLlon.
3. CandldaLes who change Lhelr runnlng maLe afLer Lhey have begun gaLherlng peLlLlon slgnaLures may
be requlred Lo collecL new slgnaLures by Lhe Commlsslon. 1he amounL of new slgnaLures Lo gaLher
shall be deLermlned by Lhe Commlsslon on a case-by-case basls.
4. 1he Commlsslon shall noL declare any candldaLe valld" unLll Lhe candldaLe has submlLLed a
compleLed peLlLlon packeL. A compleLed peLlLlon packeL shall conLaln:
a. roof of reglsLraLlon as an undergraduaLe. Such proof may be obLalned from Lhe SLudenL
Servlces CenLer (11-120).
b. A slgned SLaLemenL of Candldacy (lll.8.1.c)
c. A llsL of slgnaLures for Lhe peLlLlon
d. Any addlLlonal requlremenLs seL by Lhe Commlsslon.
1he Commlsslon shall revlew all submlLLed peLlLlon packeLs and shall lnform all candldaLes wlLh
deflclenL packeLs wlLhln 48 hours of Lhelr submlsslon. 1he Commlsslon shall declare all valldaLed
candldaLes before Lhe beglnnlng of voLlng.
3. ln Lhe evenL LhaL a wrlLe-ln candldaLe (see lll.A.3) ls declared Lhe wlnner of an elecLlon, Lhe
candldaLe musL obLaln proof of reglsLraLlon and submlL lL Lo Lhe Commlsslon, as per lll.8.4.a. 1he
proof of reglsLraLlon musL be submlLLed by a daLe speclfled by Lhe Commlsslon before Lhe beglnnlng
of voLlng. lf Lhe wrlLe-ln candldaLe ls unable Lo provlde proof, Lhey shall be removed from offlce and
Lhe offlce shall be declared vacanL.

=#'()*+ ,9 ,1+-)-1(# :&1(7*/<4

1. All offlclal candldaLes shall be requlred Lo submlL a plaLform, whlch shall descrlbe Lhe candldaLe's
goals for offlce.
2. 1he LlecLlon Commlsslon may, aL lLs dlscreLlon, remove conLenL from a plaLform LhaL lL deems Lo
be an unreasonable aLLack agalnsL an lndlvldual or a group. 8efore dolng Lhls, Lhe Commlsslon
shall noLlfy Lhe candldaLe of Lhe offendlng maLerlal and presenL Lhe candldaLe an opporLunlLy Lo
volunLarlly amend Lhe plaLform.
3. 1he LlecLlon Commlsslon may requlre candldaLes Lo submlL plaLforms ln speclfled flle formaLs and
by a speclfled daLe. lf Lhe plaLform ls noL submlLLed ln Lhe correcL flle formaL and by Lhe speclfled
deadllne, Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon may choose noL Lo posL Lhe plaLform.
4. laLforms and phoLographs musL follow Lhe Ml1neL 8ules of use as publlshed by lnformaLlon Servlces
& 1echnology.
3. All plaLforms, phoLographs or elecLlon resulLs shall remaln onllne lndeflnlLely. 8equesLs for removal
shall be lgnored.

=#'()*+ D9 E1(# :#()()*+ :*&)'8
1. 1he LlecLlon Commlsslon shall esLabllsh a regular deadllne Lo submlL elecLlon peLlLlon maLerlals. All
candldaLes who submlL Lhelr maLerlals by Lhls deadllne and are valldaLed by Lhe Commlsslon shall
be guaranLeed lncluslon ln all offlclal elecLlon evenLs and shall be lncluded on Lhe balloL. lf a
candldaLe submlLs peLlLlon maLerlals before Lhe regular deadllne buL cannoL be valldaLed, Lhe
Commlsslon shall allow Lhe candldaLe up Lo flve days Lo correcL Lhe errors, unless lL deems LhaL
dolng so wlll allow for an unfalr advanLage, or wlll place an undue burden on Lhe Commlsslon.
2. 1he LlecLlon Commlsslon shall also esLabllsh a laLe deadllne Lo submlL elecLlon peLlLlon maLerlals.
CandldaLes who cannoL make Lhe regular deadllne may peLlLlon Lhe Commlsslon for permlsslon Lo
submlL Lhelr maLerlals by Lhe laLe deadllne. ln Lhe evenL LhaL a candldaLe who ls glven permlsslon Lo
submlL peLlLlon maLerlals by Lhe laLe deadllne does so buL Lhe maLerlals are found Lo be lncompleLe,
Lhe Commlsslon wlll deLermlne on a case-by-case basls wheLher Lhe candldaLe may correcL Lhe error
and lf so, by whaL deadllne.
3. lf no peLlLlon maLerlals are submlLLed for a poslLlon by Lhe regular deadllne, Lhe Commlsslon shall
accepL all peLlLlon maLerlals from any candldaLe by Lhe laLe deadllne wlLhouL LhaL candldaLe
havlng Lo recelve wrlLLen permlsslon from Lhe Commlsslon. lf no peLlLlon maLerlals are recelved
by Lhe laLe deadllne, Lhe Commlsslon shall accepL peLlLlon maLerlals unLll Lhe sLarL of voLlng for
Lhe elecLlon.
3/()'&# 6F9 !)<#(1>&#4 1+- C77)'#4

=#'()*+ 39 G1&& %&#'()*+4 ,1&#+-1/

1. lall LlecLlons may be announced Lo Lhe lncomlng freshman class durlng Lhe summer vla Lhe ASA
SLudenL AcLlvlLles Malllng.
2. CandldaLe packeLs for lreshman Class Councll shall be due Lhe flrsL Monday of CcLober, and
elecLlons shall commence wlLhln Lwo days afLer packeLs are due.
3. eLlLlons shall be made avallable for aL leasL four days before Lhey are due.
4. lall elecLlons shall be held no less Lhan one week afLer peLlLlons are avallable.
3. 1he Senlor Class Councll and Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon shall be [olnLly responslble for freshman evenL
programmlng ln SepLember before Lhere ls a lreshman Class Councll. 1he LlecLlon Commlsslon Chalr
shall coordlnaLe wlLh Lhe Senlor Class resldenL ln AugusL.

=#'()*+ ?9 =;/)+0 %&#'()*+4 ,1&#+-1/

1. Annual elecLlons for Lhe sprlng Lerm shall be announced by Lhe lasL regular meeLlng of Lhe uA
Councll of Lhe fall Lerm.
2. LlecLlons shall be Lhe week before Sprlng vacaLlon.
3. 1hls schedule may be alLered by a 2/3 person voLe of Lhe full voLlng membershlp of Lhe Councll. lf
Lhe regular elecLlon week ls wlLhln 3 weeks, schedule alLeraLlons shall requlre a 3/4 person voLe of
Lhe full voLlng membershlp of Lhe Councll.
4. eLlLlons shall be made avallable aL leasL for Lwo weeks before Lhey are due.
3. Sprlng elecLlons shall be held no less Lhan four weeks afLer peLlLlons are avallable.
6. newly elecLed offlcers shall be lnsLalled aL Lhe lasL uA Councll meeLlng of Lhe sprlng Lerm.

=#'()*+ ,9 .3 :/#4)-#+( 1+- F)'# :/#4)-#+( %&#'()*+4

1. 1he uA resldenL and uA vlce resldenL (uA/v) shall be elecLed durlng sprlng elecLlons.
2. 1he offlclal slgnaLure peLlLlon for uA/v shall requlre Lhe slgnaLures of beLween Len and flfLeen
percenL of all undergraduaLes. 1he slgnaLures on Lhese peLlLlons shall noL be collecLed ln an
lmpersonal manner, and wlll be marked Lo lndlcaLe such. vlolaLlon of Lhls sLrlcLure on slgnaLure
collecLlon wlll be consldered a mlnor lnfracLlon by Lhe elecLlon commlsslon.
3. A [olnL uA/v debaLe shall be held durlng sprlng elecLlons.
4. 1he newly elecLed uA/v shall be requlred Lo Lake Lhe followlng oaLh of offlce:
l, , do solemnly swear Lo execuLe Lhe duLles and responslblllLles of Lhe poslLlon Lo whlch l
have been elecLed. lurLher, l wlll seek Lo malnLaln Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe undergraduaLe AssoclaLlon
and lLs ConsLlLuLlon. l undersLand LhaL fallure Lo perform my duLles, as sLaLed ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and
oLher rules of Lhe AssoclaLlon, ls grounds for removal from offlce.

=#'()*+ D9 ,&144 ,*2+')& C77)'#/ %&#'()*+4

1. Class Councll offlcers for all non-graduaLlng undergraduaLe classes shall be elecLed durlng sprlng
elecLlons. ln addlLlon, a freshmen class councll shall be elecLed durlng fall elecLlons.
2. 1he offlclal slgnaLure peLlLlon for Class Councll offlcers shall requlre Lhe slgnaLures of beLween Len
and flfLeen percenL of all class members. 1he slgnaLures on Lhese peLlLlons shall noL be collecLed ln
an lmpersonal manner.
3. 1he newly elecLed Class Cfflcers shall be requlred Lo Lake Lhe followlng oaLh of offlce:
l, , do solemnly swear Lo promoLe excellence ln Lhe affalrs of my class and Lo conLlnually
sLrlve Lo lmprove Lhe quallLy of llfe of my consLlLuenLs. l wlll also fulflll all of Lhe requlremenLs of
my poslLlon as sLaLed ln Lhe unlform Class Councll ConsLlLuLlon. l fully undersLand LhaL fallure Lo
perform my duLles ls grounds for removal from offlce.

=#'()*+ %9 C77H,1<;24 @#;/#4#+(1()I# %&#'()*+4

1. An Cff-Campus 8epresenLaLlve for Lhe uA Councll shall be elecLed by members of Lhe
AssoclaLlon LhaL do noL reslde ln any of Lhe oLher represenLed consLlLuencles.
2. 1hls 8epresenLaLlve shall be elecLed ln uecember for a Lerm allgned wlLh Lhe calendar year.
3. Anyone LhaL ls a member of mulLlple represenLed consLlLuencles (e.g. a member of a sororlLy
resldlng off-campus) musL declare Lhemselves ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe Commlslon Lo be a member of Lhe
off-campus consLlLuency for a mlnlmum of one monLh before Lhls elecLlon Lo be ellglble Lo run for
Lhls poslLlon. LxcepLlons Lo Lhls rule may be made by Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon Chalr on a case-by-
case basls.
4. eLlLlons shall be made avallable for aL leasL flve days before Lhey are due. no slgnaLures shall
be requlred for Lhese peLlLlons.

=#'()*+ G9 C("#/ %&#'()*+4 1+- C77)'#4
1. lf Lhere ls no ma[orlLy wlnner, runoff elecLlons shall be held one week followlng Lhe regular
2. Speclal elecLlons shall be announced aL leasL Len academlc days ln advance of Lhe flrsL day of
Lhe elecLlons.
3. eLlLlons for speclal elecLlons shall be made avallable aL leasL Len days prlor Lo Lhe elecLlons.
4. 1he naLure of Lhe slgnaLure peLlLlon and elecLlon calendar for all oLher offlces for whlch Lhe uA
Councll mandaLes a campus-wlde elecLlon shall be gulded by Lhe Councll. ln Lhe absence of
speclflc requlremenLs, Lhe Commlsslon shall deLermlne Lhe naLure of Lhese lLems.

3/()'&# F9 :/*'#-2/#4 7*/ %&#'()*+4

=#'()*+ 39 5##()+04

1. 1here shall be a meeLlng of all offlclal candldaLes and currenL offlcers Lo dlscuss Lhe offlces belng
soughL and general campalgn rules esLabllshed by Lhe Commlsslon. eLlLlons shall be dlsLrlbuLed
aL Lhls meeLlng. Cfflclal candldaLes who cannoL aLLend Lhe meeLlng shall obLaln a peLlLlon from
Lhe Commlsslon afLer Lhe meeLlng.
2. uebaLes wlll be held for Lhe offlces of uA resldenL and uA vlce resldenL. A debaLe for Senlor Class
Councll presldenLs wlll be held aL Lhe requesL of any of Lhe candldaLes. CLher Class Councll
poslLlons may be requlred Lo have debaLes aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon.

=#'()*+ ?9 ,1<;1)0+)+0

1. Campalgnlng ls deflned as publlcly promoLlng one's candldacy-lncludlng posLerlng, emalllng,
chalklng, glvlng speeches, and promoLlng a campalgn webslLe-buL excludlng gaLherlng peLlLlon
slgnaLures. AddlLlonal acLlvlLles LhaL shall be deemed Lo be campalgnlng for Lhe purposes of a
glven elecLlon shall be deflned aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe Commlsslon.
2. 1he Commlsslon shall llmlL Lhe value of campalgn maLerlals Lo beLween 1 and 2 of Lhe
annual regular undergraduaLe LulLlon level. 8efore belng lnsLalled ln offlce, all wlnners shall
submlL a sLaLemenL of campalgn flnances Lo Lhe Commlsslon - even lf no expenses were
3. Campalgn rules, posslble vlolaLlons, and guldellnes for sancLlons shall be deflned by Lhe LlecLlon
Commlsslon ln wrlLlng before peLlLlons are avallable, and shall be approved by a ma[orlLy voLe
of Lhe full voLlng membershlp of Lhe councll. All candldaLes (offlclal and wrlLe-ln) and campalgn
helpers musL follow Lhe rules. CandldaLes wlll be responslble for any flnes lncurred for posLerlng
vlolaLlons, and may be dlsquallfled for unpald flnes. 1he candldaLes musL be requlred Lo slgn a
sLaLemenL, sLaLlng Lhey are responslble for all ASA posLerlng vlolaLlons from all campalgn

=#'()*+ ,9 ,1<;1)0+ F)*&1()*+4

1. ComplalnLs regardlng campalgnlng vlolaLlons shall be dlrecLed Lo Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon Chalr
(or a deslgnee Lhereof). 1he LlecLlon Commlsslon Chalr (or Lhe deslgnee) shall send an
acknowledgemenL of recelvlng such complalnL wlLhln Lwo days of lLs recelpL Lo Lhe resL of Lhe
LlecLlon Commlsslon and all parLles lnvolved.
2. 1he LlecLlon Commlsslon shall conducL an lnvesLlgaLlon Lo deLermlne Lhe merlL of Lhe complalnL
and lmpose any necessary sancLlons. 1hls shall be compleLed ln a Llmely manner.
3. An offlclal sLaLemenL of any campalgn vlolaLlons declslons shall be senL wlLhln a day of Lhe
4. Appeals of Lhe declslon musL be lodged Lo Lhe !udlclal 8oard wlLhln Lhree school days of Lhe

=#'()*+ D9 %&#'()*+4

1he Commlsslon shall make provlslons for absenLee balloLlng upon requesL. 8equesLs musL be made
by one week before Lhe sLarL of elecLronlc voLlng. AbsenLee balloLs shall be due no laLer Lhan 3pm of
Lhe lasL day of Lhe elecLlon.

=#'()*+ %9 ?1&&*()+0

1. voLlng shall be done ln a preferenLlal manner and Lhe wlnner deLermlned accordlng Lo Lhe
followlng procedure:
a. 8alloLs shall be grouped by flrsL cholce.
b. 1he balloLs of Lhe candldaLe recelvlng Lhe fewesL voLes for flrsL cholce shall be regrouped
accordlng Lo Lhe nexL preference speclfled on Lhe balloLs sLlll remalnlng. lf Lhere ls a Lle for
Lhe candldaLe recelvlng Lhe fewesL voLes, boLh candldaLes' balloLs shall be regrouped.
c. lf aL any Llme a balloL does noL speclfy Lhe nexL preference, lL shall be removed from Lhe
counL and noL lncluded ln Lhe number of voLes casL for LhaL round.
d. lf aL any Llme an ellglble candldaLe recelves more Lhan 30 of Lhe voLes casL ln LhaL round, he or
she shall be declared Lhe wlnner.
e. lor groups wlLh more Lhan one seaL, balloLs wlll be sorLed ln a preferenLlal manner unLll
Lhere are Lhe same number of ellglble candldaLes lefL as Lhere are seaLs.
f. ln case of a Lle, a runoff elecLlon wlll be held beLween Lhe ellglble candldaLes who Lled wlLh
Lhe hlghesL number of voLes.
2. 1he Commlsslon shall be responslble for counLlng Lhe voLes casL and shall publlcly dlsclose
Lhe resulLs of Lhe elecLlon, lncludlng Lhe wlnners and compleLe voLe Lallles, by 10pm on Lhe
day followlng Lhe end of Lhe elecLlon.
3. 1he Commlsslon shall have Lhe power Lo declare Lhe resulLs of a race Lo be lnvalld. arLlal resulLs
may also be declared lnvalld (e.g. paper balloLlng resulLs are lnvalld, elecLronlc resulLs are valld).
1he Commlsslon shall deLermlne when a revoLe ls Lo be held ln a Llmely manner.
4. Should a wrlLe-ln candldaLe recelve Lhe mosL voLes, yeL be deLermlned lnellglble Lo wln Lhe race,
Lhe flrsL ellglble candldaLe wlLh Lhe mosL voLes shall be declared Lhe wlnner. ln case of a Lle among
ellglble candldaLes ln Lhls slLuaLlon, Lhe procedure LhaL ls ouLllned ln ArLlcle v, SecLlon l, Clause 1,
aragraph f shall apply.

3/()'&# F69 3-I)4*/8 B2#4()*+4 1+- @#7#/#+-1

=#'()*+ 39 3-I)4*/8 B2#4()*+4

1. 1he submlsslon of a maLLer Lo a voLe by Lhe AssoclaLlon can be made by slx Councll
8epresenLaLlves or by a wrlLLen peLlLlon slgned by flve percenL of Lhe AssoclaLlon.
2. 1he deadllne for such acLlon shall be Lhe same as Lhe deadllne for candldaLes' peLlLlons.

=#'()*+ ?9 ?)+-)+0 @#7#/#+-1
1. 1he submlsslon of a maLLer Lo a blndlng voLe by Lhe AssoclaLlon can be made by a ma[orlLy voLe of
Lhe full voLlng Membershlp of Lhe Councll or by a wrlLLen peLlLlon slgned by Len percenL of Lhe
AssoclaLlon. 1he resulL of Lhe voLe shall be blndlng on Lhe uA, lf appllcable, lf aL leasL LwenLy
percenL of Lhe AssoclaLlon voLed.
!" 8lndlng referenda may be held aL Lhe regular elecLlon wlLh Lhe same deadllne as Lhe
candldaLes' peLlLlons, or aL a speclal elecLlon called by Lhe LlecLlon Commlsslon.

3/()'&# F669 3<#+-<#+(4

AmendmenLs Lo Lhls Code may be made by a Lhree-fourLhs populaLlon voLe of Lhe uA Councll. Changes
by referendum shall also requlre a Lhree-quarLers ma[orlLy and shall noL Lake place durlng Lhe Lerm

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