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The private notes of Dhullam al Khaddim

1000 Anno Domini

The process of creating a souled weapon is far more difficult than I previously imagined. I know for a fact I am not the
only sorcerer working on this pet project, but war is coming to my homeland and the Reaper is sure to be involved.
Couple this with the fact that Eibon has betrayed the rest of us and is now one of his Eight Powerful Warriors is also
troubling; his discovery of the Lazarus pools a thousand years ago proved instrumental in developing the longevity that
now exists in witches. Once a single tribe seeking to conquer Death they are now endemic to society, springing up in the
bloodlines they left behind after the great Rebirth. So far only one member of the original tribe is still alive, and the
witch community has named her queen, going so far as to title her Magic Grandmother. Indeed, without her research
in the field of magic I would not have come so far as a sorcerer. While sorcery is quite different from witchery in energy
type and origin, studying the other has proven quite beneficial. Witchery brings with it the inherent power of
transformation, change, chaos. Creating weapons with a soul wavelength is not unheard of, everyone is aware of the
souled weapons created by infusing a blade with the soul of a human, but creating one that can freely change between a
humanoid form (to serve as a warrior) and weaponised form is quite a bit different. Normally the process kills the human
involved and prevents a human body from being available, furthermore the ability to switch between the two is missing.
A witch may be able to transform, but they lack many traits that human souls bring to souled weapons. If there was some
way to combine the two

1070 Anno Domini
My apprentice Beryl and I have had a breakthrough idea. Create not just one weapon, but many in one. The most
powerful weapon a person has.


I recently purchased a set of playing cards from the Orient. Already I have started adding the necessary runes to create a
human weapon. What comes next is a human soul- and a witch soul. I have decided to sacrifice a witch to make this a
reality. Furthermore I will require witch longevity to ensure my project can be completed. I will have Beryl splice a
witch soul with my own to not only obtain her longevity but also the inherent magic to go along with my learned magic.
Witchery and sorcery together as one. However, I have not told Beryl the true reason for creating this weapon. The true
objective behind creating a being that draws its power from the deepest recesses of the human psyche. To remove the
barriers between our souls and coalesce into one, beautiful being, free of suffering, free of pain, forever in a state of
bliss. I will use this weapon not for the petty vengeance against the Reaper, with whom I have no quarrel as he is merely
doing what nature demands, but for the ascendance of the entire human race. We will transcend death, we will transcend
life, and we will transcend existence.

1083 Anno Domini
Beryl has done me a great service in providing me with a son. She desires to move onto splicing his soul as soon as he is
born, but I know that not only are we on the cusp of war (tensions between the petty religions of the world over which
god is stronger) we also require a strong soul for this project in order for him to keep a human form. If I am darkness
servant, he will be its king. Malik. I will train our son in the art of soul combat as soon as he can walk and build him into
the perfect warrior. This coming war will prove a wonderful setting to test my experiment. I will perform the rite when
he is seventeen.

1100 Anno Domini
Beryl has brought two witches to me. Scheherezade, the Djinn witch, known for her wish granting magic, and Atem, the
Pharaoh witch, known for his commanding ability and spacial magic. Malik will be receiving the soul of Scheherezade-
after all, he is going to grant humanitys deepest wish; one for peace.

1101 Anno Domini
I have run into a problem that I have easily dealt with thanks to Atems magic. Malik had refused to use his abilities in
the Crusade and tried to flee me. By weaving my magic with Atems, I have created a pocket dimension that will not
only serve as a holding cell for Malik, but also a means of control. By weaving magic into a few command phrases I can
activate many different states, and the lamp pocket dimension will prove a useful yoke. He must obey the holder of the
lamp to the best of his ability.

1123 Anno Domini
Maliks lamp has gone missing. I must begin looking at alternatives.

1945 Anno Domini
The Philadelphia Experiment has failed. The means of cloaking they used has infected the U Boat I was on in the shape
of a djinn. They used a madness clown, likely the same from Barbarossa, to hide their ship. Now I am the only survivor,
aside from an engineer named Francis. The only way to help him survive was to use Atems spacial magic to create a
pocket body within the platform for his severed head. His vocal cords were harmed in the process.

2013 Anno Domini
I have found my son.

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