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Activity 1.1.

1 History of Civil
Engineering and Architecture
Can you name any of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? Each was a feat of
civil engineering and architecture. What causes structures such as these to fill us
with awe even today? What is it that makes them seem more wondrous in our time
of modernization? These structures have paved the way for many new advances in
the design of the structures you see today.
n this activity you will learn a!out the history of civil engineering and architecture.
"ou will see differences !etween the two professions and learn of their !eginnings.
#istory of Civil Engineering and Architecture presentation
n this activity you will investigate the history of civil engineering and architecture.
"ou will see differences !etween the two professions and learn of their !eginnings.
$. %efine civil engineering.
The design of and construction of public or!s" i.e. bridges" airports" dams etc.
&. %efine architecture.
The art and science of designing buildings that people ill live in
'. %escri!e the origination of the concept of architecture?
After the #eolithic revolution" the transition into settlements after agriculture as
(. n ancient times how were !uilding materials chosen?
$aterials ere chosen by hat as available locally and hat ould hold
together in a shelter
). *ive two e+amples of vernacular architecture.
%og cabins and mud huts.
,. -ame and descri!e the type of system used to create many early !uildings.
&ernacular architecture
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CEA 3 4nit $ 3 0esson $.$ 3 Activity $.$.$ 3 #istory Civil Engineering and Architecture3 .age $
5. What was the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids? 6e+ican pyramids?
The Egyptian pyramids ere used for tombs of the pharaohs" hile the
$e'ican pyramids ere for religious sacrifice.
7. What kind of construction method was used to !uild the .arthenon? 6ade a
simple sketch to illustrate.
(eams and pillars ) *******
+ + + +
8. What pro!lem in architecture led to this form of construction?
,pen areas not being able to have structure overhead.
$2. E+plain how an arch is created.
The arch is created from stones that come to rest on one another forming a
semicircle ith a !ey stone here the to sides of the semicircle come together.
$$. #ow is the vault used in civil engineering?
The vault is used for a ide hallay of arches connected together and to hold up
lots of vertical eight from above it.
$&. *ive an e+ample of an arch and dome system.
The Pantheon has an arch and dome system to it.
$'. *ive an e+ample of a modern material we have that was not availa!le to the
ancients. #ow did this restrict construction in ancient times?
-teel and iron as not available bac! then" this restricted the ability of the
structures to bear eight and the lightness of the structure itself since it ould
have been made from stone instead.
$(. What was the purpose of the 9oman a:ueducts?
The aqueducts ere used to supply the city of .ome ith a constant ater supply
ithout the need of human labor to operate the system.
$). Compare ancient *reek roads to ancient 9oman roads.
.oman roads had a series of underlying layers ith the top layer at an angle for
ater run off that the /ree!s did not have.
$,. %escri!e an ancient 9oman !ridge.
A series of large arches connected at points ith large pillars to hold up the
$5. #ow did !uilding materials and methods change after the 9omans?
The materials increase is sophistication although the methods to building
bridges" public buildings" and roads stayed almost constant besides for the
invention of ne materials to or! ith.
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CEA 3 4nit $ 3 0esson $.$ 3 Activity $.$.$ 3 #istory Civil Engineering and Architecture3 .age &
$. *ive an e+ample of a modern pyramid not shown in the presentation. #ow does
its function differ from that of the Egyptian pyramids? What do you think accounts
for this difference?
The glass pyramid in Paris" 0rance is different because it is hollo on the inside
and it is not used for a tomb or for sacrifice. The change in culture accounts for
the change in use.
&. *ive an e+ample of a modern structure that uses an arch and dome system.
The 1nited -tates capital building uses a dome and arch structure.
'. What is the main purpose of modern roads? #ow is the cost of modern roadways
The purpose of modern roads is for the transportation of citi2ens. This is different
since roman roads ere mainly for the intended use of the government to
transport its army to spots of rebellion ithin the empire.
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CEA 3 4nit $ 3 0esson $.$ 3 Activity $.$.$ 3 #istory Civil Engineering and Architecture3 .age '

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