Riemann Hypothesis Proof A Comprehensive Version

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Proof for Riemann Hypothesis.

Abstract: Proof of Riemann’s hypothesis that the real part of the solution of Zeta function
is ½ is proved. Historical development of this area of Mathematics from Gauss,
Legrange, Euler, Riemann to Hilbert is discussed. Initially a surrogate for zeta function is
derived and using Cauchy principal number of integration between bounds it is proved
that the real part of Riemann zeta function is ½. Also Riemann’s ξ =∫ 1/Ln(x) gives the
number of Prime numbers between 0 and that number. Many have tried to prove this by
conjuring up the ξ function to be equal to ∫ 1/x2, but this will not satisfy the sum of Prime
number criterion of Original Riemann’s Zeta function. So I choose the original ξ function
of Riemann to prove it. This is given in the book “God created Integers” by Prof. Stephen
Hawkings published by Penguin which is a good reference for this. Many late attempters
use the modified version of 1/x2 instead of 1/Ln(x) to prove. The problem with that it
won’t be accurate.

Subscription of Proof
Subscription: Legrange and Gauss conjured that п(x) the function counting all the primes
less than x asymptotically approaches Li(x) meaning п(x)/Li(x) tend to 1, where,
Li(x) = ∫ dx/ln(x)

Euler created a time series solution to the function Li(x) and Riemann named it the ξ
function adding his own solution to Euler’s work.

In Riemann’s words “a value x is the root of a function f(x) if f(x)=0. A root of the
function ξ(x) is real if and only if the root of the zeta function is complex number with
real part equal to ½”.

Proving the real part to be ½ was left undone by Riemann. Hilbert later on added, finding
the proof for Riemann hypothesis as one of the problem that remain un resolved in

I start where Riemann left his hypothesis without the proof.

As said earlier Li(x) = ∫ dx/Ln(x)

Riemann conjured that the function ξ = ∫ 1/ln(x) has the real part of the root at ½ when
We start with the time series expansion of Log function which is,
((x-1)/(x-2))+1/3((x-3)/(x-4))+1/5((x-5)/(x-6))+……..= Ln(x)
Now let this be reduced to the differential equation,
f”(x)+f’(x)+c= Ln(x)
1/f”(x)+1/f’(x)+1/c= 1/Ln(x) (inverting)
∫1/f”(x)+ ∫ 1/f’(x)+∫1/c= ∫1/ln(x)--------------(1)
Now, f(x)=ln(x),
F’(x)=1/x and f”(x)= -1/x2-------------------------------(2)
Substituting (2) in (1)
Here we see that c = 0.546 when x=2

Now for x=2, equation (3) becomes

And for x= 0.5 equation (3) becomes
This shows that there is 1 prime number which is 0 before 0.5 and 3 prime numbers
before 2 which are 0.1 and 2.
We know that there are 2 prime numbers before 1 which is 0 and 1 itself.
Now Riemann’s conjuncture that.
∫ 1/ln(x)=0=(2-1)-(3-2) integrating by taking intermediate limit 1, between 0.5 and 2
Thus the area under the Riemann ξ function between 0.5 and 2 is 0.
Which proves Riemann’s conjuncture.
Now the Riemann Hypothesis Proof.
We can see that the differential equation,
d2y/dx2+dy/dx+(x/ln(x)√φ=∫1/ln(x)---------------(4) mimics equation (1) where φ=1.61
which is the Fibionacci Number

Since here a=1 and b =1 in the differential equation(4) the roots will be (b+/-√b2-4ac)/2a.
So it is (1+/-√1-4c)/2= 1/2 +/- √1-4c/2 where we see that the roots are complex and if we
vary c from 1 to infinity and changing ‘a’ and ‘b’ proportionately we get infinite
number of complex roots with real part at ½. ½ is seen to be remaining constant for all
roots only complex part varying. So all the roots of Riemann ξ function lie on the
complex plane at ½ from 1 through infinity. We already proved with Gamma function
that ½ is a root of Riemann ξ function and the differential equation supplements it and
also proves the Hypothesis with the Eliptical function. This shows that the Riemann
Zeta function is an Eliptical function and so as described above all it’s trivial roots
must be ½ and all non-trivial roots lie on ½ plane up to infinity. Thus proved
Riemann Hypothesis.
Riemann’s conjuncture was that the real part of the root is ½ when s=2 which remain
proved and the Zeta function gives the number of Primes before the value x used for
ascertaining it at any time which we proved for 2 to be 2 which are 0 and 2. ie; ∫ 1/Ln(2)=
2.057=2 rounded off to it’s absolute value which is probably as accurate one can get in
this. We also prove the Riemann Hypothesis that all complex roots of Riemannξ function
lie on the complex plane at 1/2

Ref: “God Created Integers” Prof. Stephen Hawkings PP 618

“Mysteries of Mathematics” Prof. Calvin Clawson

Mathew Cherian B.E, MBA(Western Michigan University)

3-B Tranquil Residency
Kochin 682021

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