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Violett Complete Walkthrough (Text)
By Shogs
This walkthrough is a basic walkthrough, and while it will point out diary pages, it is not intended as a guide for achievements,
diary pages, or collecting elements. I assume that you are trying to collect all those things as we move through the guide. I
will point things out here and there where I can.
The guide has been updated and is current as of Jan 24th, 2014.
Section One - Teapot / Washing (1st necklace piece) / Train (2nd necklace
piece) Rooms
- Swing the cage left and right until the bug to your left touches your hand.
- click on the diary page hanging next to you to collect it
- click on the switch under your cage to see that it is broken
- click on the paperclip and pull down to bring it to the ground
- click on the paperclip and drag it onto the wires closest to the bottom of the screen to complete the
- click on the switch to turn on the circuit and start a fire
- click on the fly at the top left and pull on it until it is free
- click on the green brick on the ground to pull up a brick rest for the bottle
- grab the spoon near the green bottle and pull down on it to rock the bottle
- when the bottle is rocking towards the green brick, quickly grab the tongs to have them grab and
hold the bottle
- walk to the bottle and grab the cork and pull
- above you is a bottle with a drip, pull on it to make it fall and attract the fly
- click on fly so it flies around, hoping it will land on the drip. If it doesnt, click on it again
- once it drinks the pool, it will fly into the bottle, quickly grab the cork from your bag and click it on the
bottle to trap the fly
- click on the tongs to release the bottle
- walk to the left and grab the pink whistle that is between the two flower like objects at the front of the
- click on the board on the ground to uncover another page of the diary
- climb the stairs to exit
- right beside the first door you can enter there is a small patch of slightly different lines - click on it to
get a ring but don't go through the door.
- instead, just above you you will see what looks like a pair of doors, click on the door on the left.
- you will appear through a door on the right that has two sets of stairs leading down. Take the
farthest set of stairs.
- you will appear at the back of the screen. Go through the door to your right.
- you will appear at the front of the screen. Collect the diary page near you, then enter the red door.
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Category: Walkthroughs
Languages: English
Dec 16, 2013 @ 9:39pm
Jan 24 @ 8:57am
Section One - Teapot / Washing (1st necklace piece) / Train (2nd necklace piece) Rooms
Section Two - Library (3rd necklace piece) / Caterpillar / Mole Rooms
Section Three - Termite / Snail / Turtle (Plant Growth Power) Rooms
Section Four - Chimney (Hover Power) / Clock / Grasshopper Rooms
Section Five - Pond / Gnome / Island (Shield Power) Rooms
Section Six - Back to the Caterpillar / Pipes Room / End of Game
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- walk to the spinning wheel and click on the threads above it to take a spool for yourself
- next, click on the pin that is holding the toothbrush on the wall, the toothbrush will fall and break.
- click on the toothbush handle to collect it.
- click on the diary page to collect it
- you can then click on the top of the ladder for a cut-scene
- grab the toothbrush handle from your backpack and use it on the left side water tap - do this twice
until the water flows to fill the sink
- a flute will float in the water, click on it to bring it out of the water and collect it.
- walk to the right side of the sink, and collect the pink whistle that rests in the cup.
- walk back to the left until you are on the overhang with the music note sign.
- bring the flute you rescued from the sink out of your backpack and click it on the sign to play it
- once the towel has knocked down the extra cord, the next stage starts.
- here, you will need to pull on the two cords that are handing down. Once controls a cat, the other
the mouse. Use the cord to pull the characters off screen where they will pick up a match stick in their
tails. Then, bring them back over the pool. The key here is that the cat will scare the mouse making it
drop the match stick. Then, you need the dog to scare the cat so it also drops the match stick. You
need BOTH matchsticks in the water at the same time. The beavershark will attack one stick, which
will allow you enough time to quickly click on the other stick and bring it safely out of the water and
onto the washboard. You will need to click a few times to do this. Do this until you have 5 match sticks
on the washboard (the cat and mouse will
disappear). [NEW] You start with 3 match sticks on the washboard now and only need to do this
- use the thread you took from the spinningwheel on the matchsticks to make a raft.
- use the toohbrush handle on the raft to sail across the water
- grab the first part of the necklace
- click on the ladder leading back to the raft to sail back across
- leave the room
- click on the door just to your left after exiting the red door.
- you will appear in the back - click on the door infront of you to continue your return.
- you will appear back on the podium where there are two stairs down - you will also see an arrow on
the ground near the exit. Click near the bottom/right side of the arrow to access a hidden door.
- you will appear at the front of the screen, click on the stairs down on this platform
- you will appear at the top right of the screen. click on the black door to your right
- you will appear at the very back of the screen. Walk to your right and then click on the red door.
- click on the bar above the balloon that the ball is rolling on to make it raise up.
- point the gun at the balloon
- wait for a ball to drop, set off the gun, popping the balloon and letting the ball fall into the water
tower. This will fill the engine with water.
- next, open the oven door by grabbing it and pulling right
- point the gun at the open oven door
- [NEW]grab the blueberries out of the oven (**as of the latest patch, there are no longer any
blueberries in the oven)
- move the spinning blade to the left of the balloon all the way to the right
- click on the bar above the balloon to make it flat again
- click on the third dial from the left on the oven to turn the gas on the back left burner
- grab the green block on the clock like think over the oven and drag it all the way to the left.
- now sit back and watch as the ball drops into the coal bucket and fills the second car with coal.
- now walk all the way to the left to see an puzzle with PLUS and MINUS signs on it.
- This puzzle is random... so I can't really put a walkthrough for it - HOWEVER, it is easy to solve.
Basically, you need to line up the PLUS signs and the MINUS signs against the PLUS and MINUS
terminals on the switch.
- click on the stop light under the puzzle to turn the light green
- grab the pink whistle from your bag and click it on the third train car (the one with the ladder)
- once the train finishes moving, climb up and grab the second part of the necklace
- grab the pink whistle from your bag and click it on the third train car again to return.
- exit the room
- walk left and then exit through the center column
- you will appear on the right of the screen. Climb the stairs to your left and go through the door at
the top of the stairs.
- you will appear at the bottom of the screen. go through the only black door on this platform to your
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- you will appear on the platform with two sets of stairs. Go down the set closest to you.
- you will appear on the far left side of the screen, click on the red door at the bottom left of the
Section Two - Library (3rd necklace piece) / Caterpillar / Mole Rooms
- you'll see a black knob on the book next to the door - click on it to open it and retreive a candy.
- climb the stairs next to the book to the second shelf with a rubick's cube. Click on the candy behind
the cube.
- walk towards the children playing. you willl see bookmarks in the book they are playing on.
- you need to click on 5 bookmarks, which are hinted at in the room.
- click on STAR, 3 CIRCLES, MOON, 2, and the SQUARE MAZE symboled bookmarks. This will
extend a bridge to the children.
- Cross to the children and they will ask you to play hide and seek. Just click on them when their
heads pop up to send them to lunch.
- head back down to mother and she will give you a key
- use the key on the gate next to the mother to unlock it
- head through the gate
- click and drag the pages on the book above you to turn the page - a candy will drop out.
- pick up the candy
- exit to the right to head back downstairs
- move to the left and go through the door in the book to head back to the children
- talk to the children to ask about the blocks
- give each of the children a candy
- head back to the left and go back through the gate next to the mother
- once back at the top books, click on the green ladder to climb the blocks and get to the final step
- click on the pink whistle behind the lantern to collect it.
- change pages on the big book above you to the sun, and change the page on the book at the top
left to rain to create a rainbow.
- change the page on the bottom left book to rain (a diary page will fall out, and then will fall down
once you change pages again - we'll get it later)
- change the page on the big book above you to what looks like space make an ice bridge.
- climb the ice bridge and rainbow to collect the final piece of the necklace.
- head all the way back down the books and go back through the doorway in the book
- at the top of the stairs you can collect the diary page that fell down earlier
- leave the room.
- click on the black door just above your head
- you will appear on the platform with two stairs - click on the black door infront of you
- you will appear at the double doors in the center of the screen. Click on the black door at the base
of the stairs.
- you will appear just behind the door to your right. Click on the red door below you.
- click on the strawberry next to you.
- click on the dome holding the berries to find you can't open it
- top left drawer in
- bottom right drawer out
- third drawer from the bottom left out
- second drawer from the bottom on the left out (6>)
- third drawer from the bottom right out
- top left drawer out
- top right drawer in - grab the ring
- top left drawer in
- second drawer from the bottom right in
- third drawer from the bottom left in
- second drawer from the bottom left in
- bottom right drawer in
- third drawer from the bottom right in
- bottom left drawer in
- last drawer in
- all drawers should now be in.
- click on the peg on the rope that was behind the last drawer and pull it out, this will shut a door
letting spiders in.
- click on the light switch just above that rope.
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- click on the light switch above the window
- move to the center of the screen and click and pull down on the knife hanging in the back.
- the knife will fall cutting therope and exposing a switch above a grey door - click on it.
- while there, pull on the garlic until it too drops to the floor.
- move to the far right and you'll see the last switch above the large yellow pot on the far right of the
screen - click it to turn on the fan.
- click on the red circular handle on the pot to turn it
- [NEW] click on the red circular handle again and DRAG it down to the bottom peg on the pot and
attach it there
- [NEW]click on it to turn it
- click on the handle on the spigot on the pot to let hot water flow and stop the last of the spiders. The
gate will now open letting you talk to the caterpillar
- talk to the caterpillar and he will open the door to the floor
- you will also ask about the locked case, and he will tell you he needs two rings
- give the caterpillar the two rings* from your backpack, and he will give you a key (*one ring is found
in this room, the other is found in the ESCHER room)
- use the key on the container and take the blueberries
- head back to the floor and head down the stairs in the floor
- grab the yellow jacket just behind you when you enter the room
- grab the weight off the shelf )just above the checker board)
- grab the bike pedal off the top shelf (it's beside what looks like Alladin's lamp)
- walk to the right and talk to the mole lying down. He wants a barrel of food.
- click on the small yellow helmet above him to collect it.
- walk past him to the right and pick up the small weight on the box
- pick up the colourful hat resting in front of you on the bags
- talk to the mole hanging in the air - he wants a soccer ball
- walk to the short piece of wood near the water wheel at the floor. Click on this so that it is slanted
high on the left, and low towards the water wheel on the right.
- walk to the left and click on the board that has the black and yellow stripes on it, you'll change your
- talk to the mole beside the plank, he'll let you by so you can climb the stairs and do the water
- remove the weight hanging on the bottom right pipe (slightly obscured by wood) and place it on the
top left spout to stop the water.
- remove the bottom left plug and place it in the hole on the top that is draining water to stop that
- place the weight in your bag on the next spout that is dropping water to have it stop too.
- the water should now be flowing into the water wheel making the elevator go up and down.
- head down and towards the elevator
- get on the elevator and ride it up.
- At the top, click on the net full of barrels
- ride back to the bottom, and then give the barrel to the sleepy mole, he will then let you take the
- head back to the platform where you did the water puzzle
- grab the bike pedal from your backpack and put it on the stationary bike at the top of the stairs
- click on the bike to use your hands to crank it and extend a platform
- head down the ladder and then click on the board with the yellow and black stripes again to take off
your outfit.
- when you reappear, grab the green key you just received and place it in the lock just up and to your
- grab the soccer ball
- walk all the way to the right and give the soccer ball to the mole in the air
- he will drop his hammer opening the way to another room.
- enter the pipe
Section Three - Termite / Snail / Turtle (Plant Growth Power) Rooms
- click on the bottom left ladder and pull it down.
- click on the bottom right ladder and pull it down
- climb the bottom right ladder
- grab the bottom right ladder and pull it up
- click on the platform above you to that you now climb this ladder
- grab the weight that is on the middle ladder just above you to the right, this will see the ladder go up
- click on the bottom right ladder and pull it up
- click on the platform just above you to climb this ladder
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- grab the rock that is swinging from the top left ladder - it will fall into place.
- take the rock with rope from your bag and connect it to the ladder that is in the top middle of the
platforms, this will bring the ladder down
- click on the bridge to cross the bridge
- click on the sack to move it out of the way
- click behind the sack at the right side of the screen to exit the level
- click on the colourful striped hose
- click on the matching green and red shirt
- continue down the stairs and click on the switch to open some shutters (you'll get there later)
- climb back up the stairs and reenter the termite level
- click on the path to start walking across the path
- click on the platform next to the path to have Violett move to the platform
- click on the platform below to move down one level
- click on the bottom right ladder and move it down
- click on the ground to get to the ground
- in the arch you will see a green coathanger - click on it to change
- talk to the termite that is standing on the ground infront of the pipes, he'll say you need a paper
- click on the platforms and climb to the top of the hill, then walk past the termite at the top
- next, click on the femalte termite in the green dress... instead of walking the short path down after
the guard, Violett will instead walk to the left and down the ladders to the path and speak to her on
the path (a bug I suspect). They will give you the paper
- click on the ground to return to the ground
- click on the clotheshanger to return to your normal clothes
- talk to the termite guard to give him the paper and he'll let you near the pipes
- for this game, there are 5 snake heads, you just need to follow the pipes and make the red arrows
follow the flow of the water so that it will water the gardens and make plants grow.
- once done, click on the purple beans at the bottom right
- then click right to move the screen right and then click on the red balls that are just under the bridge
- once collected, you can leave the room by exiting to the left
- head to the left of the mole room and head towards where you rescued the soccer ball
- click on the clothing closest to the left and pull to the left to make them sway
- when the snail moves to investigate, click on the fishing rod/clothing on the right side to take the rod
- head down the stairs and talk to the chef - he needs three ingredients
- take the blue-red beans from your backpack and put them in the pot
- take the orange beans from your backpack and put them in the pot
- click to the right of the chef and talk to the snail at water's edge
- give him the fishing rod you just acquired
- when you see a crab on the rock to the right, click on it. Do this 6 times to get your crab for the soup
- head back to the chef and put the crab in the pot
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- take the soup in return
- head back up the stairs and again grab the laundry on the left and pull to the left making them sway
- when the snail is out of the way, enter through the doorway
- on the other side of the bridge is another diary page - pick it up
- continue to the right through two more doorways and then through the boot
- climb down the stairs and click on the paper boat at the bottom (not sure what this does yet)
- exit to the right
- talk to the turtle
- give him the soup you just made and he'll leave.
- press the button on the bench behind him to activate a puzzle at the top of the screen
- now you need to find 5 pipes - they are located:
1) click just above the big green plant to the left side of the bench the turtle was on
2) click on the pipe resting on the wood roof just above the flower to the left of the bench
3) there is a pipe sticking out from a roof just after the bench near the flowers growing on the left of
the walkway
4) there is a pipe against the house in plain view
5) the last pipe is at the bottom of the broken ladder that will now fix
- grab the pipes from your backpack and place them on the ladder (you only have to do this once)
- climb the ladder
- you will stop by standing on a wooden overlook
- you will see a page dangling over the edge just to your left, you can retrieve that page after you
complete the chimney room and gain the hover power.
- instead click on the ledge just to the left of the page to have Violett walk over to the puzzle.
- there are 4 levels to the puzzle. They'll call them:
These are the moves you need to make:
B right
B right
C right
C right
C right
A right
A right
A right
D right
C left
B right
(Samorama also suggest that you can turn ALL the following RIGHT - BB CCC AAAA)
- this will open the doors on the right leading to your next power.
- click on the ladder leading up to the door and enter
- click on the glowing ball to learn the power of making plants grow (you can now go back to the
Termite Room and make the plant grow and obtain a diary page if you want)
- click on the ladder to head back down
- click on the steel ladder to continue to the ground
- exit the level to the left
- climb the path the left and go through the boot
- continue left going through two doorways and coming to a bridge before the house where the old
snail is blocking the path
- click again on his laundry on the far left and pull left to make it sway, and when he leaves enter
through the doorway
- climb the stairs to the left and leave the room
- exit the mole room to the left (remember you can go right here to get the Termite dairy page if you
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- move to the window at the back
- click on the diary page next to the cup on the windowsil
- click on the ladder next to the cup
Section Four - Chimney (Hover Power) / Clock / Grasshopper Rooms
- click on the path above you on the left so that you are standing next to the blue flag
- walk past the first flag to bring the elevator down
- get on the elevator and ride it up one level, get off to the right and walk past the flag
- walk back towards the elevator flipping the flag so it is pointing left.
- get on the elevator
- go up one level and get off to your left
- climb to the top of the right ladder and walk past the top flag to the left ladder
- climb down the left ladder one level, and walk over to the right ladder
- climb down the right ladder one level
- go across the elevator to the right side and climb down one level
- walk past the flag and then walk back to the right to the ladder to flip the flag right
- climb the ladder and then cross the elevator to the left side.
- go to the far left ladder, flipping the flag to the left, and climb one level
- cross over to the right ladder and climb down
- get on the elevator and go down one level
- get off and go past the flag to the right
- when the elevator stops at this level again, click on it to get on it (flipping the flag left) (this is timed,
if you don't get it, just walk through the flag again flipping it right to call the elevator back down)
- ride to the top of the elevator and get off to the right and click on the pink orb to gain the float power
- walk to the left to get on the elevator (flipping the flag left)
- ride down the elevator and get off to the right.
- climb down the right ladder and then move to the left of the flag
- move back to the right ladder (flipping the flag right) and climb the right ladder
- get on the elevator and ride it to the bottom
- get off on the right and exit the level (bottom right)
- walk to the left and climb the vine in the window
- when you enter, there is a cork just underneath you, click on the cork
- this will release a black ant, he'll run out and remove a pine needle - more with him later
- if you look just up and to your right, you will see a diary page above a green plant. Use your Plant
Growth power to obatin it.
- look just up and to the left of the diary page to find a cork, click on that cork and then pick it up
- walk to the right and you'll see a clock. On the top left of the clock are two corks, click on both.
- one cork falls away and is lost, but the other falls and hits a red ant.
- Move to the middle of the screen and get ready to click on the far left red ant
when he comes out again, click on the first red ant to move him out of the way to let the black ant get
the next needle
- keep moving the red ants out of the way to let the black ant collect the pine needles
- when it comes time to move the far right ant, you'll need to click on it three times.
- when the black ant passes the far right any, he'll remove a needle that will release one of the clock's
- help the black ant return with that pine needle, then help him one more time as he comes out
- this time, he will move the cork back to his hole and leave it there for you to pick up
- move to the right where you see the worm coming out of the branches, and use the corks to plug all
the holes
- this will force the worm out the last hole which will free the last chain for the clock allowing it to work
- talk to the baby birds and they'll show you worms in the shape of a backwards roman numeral 7
- move the hands on the clock to 7 o'clock to free the mother bird
- after she has fed the babies once, click on the mother bird to talk to her
- she wants berries - drag the blueberries* (from the Caterpillar room) from your backpack onto the
mother bird
- you will drop them on the board, she'll come and eat them and push the board into position
- cross the board and exit the level to the right
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- walk to the right and talk to the guard - he'll tell you that you need a medal to pass
- enter the tree door just to your left
- walk to the far right and collect another diary page
- enter the far right door on the level and appear on the other side of the screen on the far right to
collect another diary page - go back through the door
- skip a door and enter the second door from the left.
- you'll appear on the other side of the screen again next to the green key - take it. Go back through
the door.
- now enter the second door from the right and you'll appear one level below to the left
- enter the door just to the right and you'll appear at the top of the tree
- enter the door to your right and you'll appear on the other side again
- enter the door beside the one you came out of and you'll reappear next to the blue key. Take it.
- enter the door and appear on the other side, enter the left door there to come back to the main tree
- enter the far left door this time to reappear at the bottom of the tree
- use the green key on the green box and the blue key on the blue box to unlock the balloons and
raise the bridge - this exposes the pink key
- enter the tree doorway again
- appear one level above and enter the second door from the right again
- pick up the pink key
- exit through the left door
- appear on the second level and then exit through the left door again
- use the pink key on the pink box
- enter the tree door again
- talk to the grasshopper - he wants a hot drink and gives you a glass
- walk back across the bridge and through the left most door
- walk to the left and exit the level
Just walk through the clock room exiting on the left
- walk over the hot water spout on the right side of the caterpillar and use the glass on it
- head back to the window and climb the plant on the left side again
Just walk through the clock room exiting on the right
- enter the doorway in the tree
- walk across the bridge and give the grasshopper his drink
- he still won't give you his medal, but you can now walk to his left and throw the switch
- walk back across the bridge and enter the second door from the right
- you will appear on the bottom of the tree - enter the door to the right
- you will appear at the top of the tree - enter the door on your left
- this time you appear above the grasshopper, click on his medal to take it
- click on the door to return
- click on the right most door to appear across the way again
- click on the right door to appear at the top of that tree and take the key then enter the door to leave
- click on the left door
- click on the middle door
- click on the left door
- click on the furthest left door
- take the medal from your backpack and show the guard to gain entry past the gate
- exit to the left
Section Five - Pond / Gnome / Island (Shield Power) Rooms
- click on the fishing rod that you can see in the background to go and take it
- click on the diary page on the island just to your right to hover over to it and take it
- take the fishing rod from your backpack and use it on the reeds at the far back of the screen - this
will create a bridge
- hover back over to the left and then click on the reed bridge to cross it.
- talk to the grasshopper on the boat and he'll say he wants two pearls
- click on the black pearl in the clam shell held by the statue at the front of the screen
- the toad will eat it
- talk to the toad, he wants a worm in exchange
- click on the reed bridge to cross back over to the left and then exit the area to the left
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- pass through the Grasshopper room exiting on your left
- move towards the branch where the mother bird is fetching worms and talk to her
- she will trade a worm for a strawberry* (*can be found in the Caterpillar room)
- take the strawberry from your backpack and give it to her, she'll come and drop the worm before
you, Pick it up.
- exit the area to your right
- pass through the Grasshopper room exiting on your right
- click on the other side of the bridge to cross it
- move over to the toad and give him the worm from your backpack to get the pearl - 1 down, 1 to go
- grab the grey key from your backpack and put it in the keyhole in the garden's gnome's stomache
- pass through the gate that is now open between the gnomes.
- walk over to the cannon and watch it be loaded
- grab the cannon and keep your mouse button down, pull to the right to elongate the arrow then
release to fire it and take out a tooth, this will also destroy a loading tube.
- grab the first face that the cannon balls roll through and turn it left once, this will have the balls
falling to the face tower in the middle
- swivel that face tower to the left once to have a cannonball load into the cannon again.
- pull back and fire again - keep firing until the next set of teeth falls - this will break another tube.
- swivel the middle face tower once to the left, and the tower just to the upper left of it to the right
- fire the cannon again to take out the rest of the teeth
- walk to the left and you'll see a gnome with some shears, click on the button on his shoulder
- at the front of the screen you'll see a gnome lying down - click on the button on his side
- near the stairs leading into the fire is a grim stone gnome with a button on his left chin (our right
looking at him) - press it.
- head to the right and you'll see the final button at the front of the screen in a stone carving. it's at
the top left, press it to deploy the final set of stairs.
- climb the stairs to retreive the final pearl
- leave the area to your left
- give the grasshopper both pearls from your backpack - he will take you to the next area
**NOTE - you can give the all the pages you have when you find them and then if you are looking for
a particular weather pattern just click on the book to have her sing. - OR - you can follow the
walkthrough below.
- get off the boat and walk up the path to your right
- just to the right of the rock is a music page - click on it to take it.
- continue just a bit to your right to find another music page - take it.
- you can continue to the right to see a frog on other side of a chasm, talk to him to see he wants 3
- walk back to the left up behind the house and enter the door on the back of the house (you will walk
between rocks to get there)
- you will appear at the bottom of the house next to a switch - use the switch
- head back out the door and then head back to the bottom of the house where you first docked, and
enter the bottom door.
- you will come out just above that door. Go back into the door to reappear at the top of the house
- cross the bridge and talk to the singer, he will say he's missing some music pages.
- give him the first page and he will sing bringing both rain and three flies - do NOT give him more
pages - it MUST be raining to get the flies. If you gave the singer more than 1 page already, just click
on the book until it rains.
- head back out the door and over to where the flies are
- click on the flies to zoom in on them, and then grab all three flies, they will fall to your feet, scoop
them up.
- head back towards the frog on the bike
- give the three flies to the toad on the bike and then talk to him to take the lift down
- once in the rowboat, click on the page just above you on the rocks to collect it
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- you can then try to sail towards the swans to see that you are attacked.
- click on the lift again and go back up
- head back to the singer by entering the bottom door of the tower on the left of the screen, then
reentering the door you exit from.
- cross the bridge and give him the next page - it will start a thunderstorm that will scare away the
swans (again, if you have given more then 2 pages, just click on the book until it thunders).
- head back over to the lift and talk to the frog to go down to the rowboat again
- click in the area that the swans were to head there - you will appear on a spire in the middle of the
screen with another switch. Throw that switch.
- there is another diary page that you can grab here by clicking on it (you will float over to it using the
"hover" ability gained from the Chimney room).
- hover back over to the spire, then click on the entrance to return to the rowboat
- click on the lift and return to the top.
- head to the backdoor on the house and enter it, this will have you exit next to the first switch again
- click on the switch, and then head back out the exit
- return to the bottom entrance of the house and enter it, you will appear at the bridge
- don't cross the bridge, but instead reenter the exit, you will the reappear at the top of the house
- take the last song page, and head out the exit
- you will reappear at the back of the house, run back to the bottom entrance and enter it to end up
at the bridge
- give the singer the third page, this will bring out sunny weather and open the rock formation next to
the house
- head back across the bridge and through the door
- this will take you to the top of the house, just exit again to end up at the back door.
- click on the power to absorb in
- enter the door at the bottom of the house and head back to the bridge
- cross the bridge and return the last page
- head back and out the door to appear at the top, exit again to appear at the back of the house
- head to the bottom of the house and ring the bell on the dock to call the grasshopper on his boat
- click on the boat and leave the area
Section Six - Back to the Caterpillar / Pipes Room / End of Game
- head back through the exit at the top right leading to the GNOME ROOM
- you can now click through the fire on the central stairs to pick up the diary note
- exit the room to the left
**note - you can also now return to the Chimney room and claim the diary page there that is behind
the fire.
- make your way to the left and exit out the left of the screen
- make your way to the left and exit out the left of the screen
- make your wat to the left and exit out the left of the screen
- talk to the caterpillar now that you have completed the amulet, and he'll open a door at the back of
the room
- enter the door
- cross over the first ladder
- once across, grab the ladder and drag it over the next gap
- cross over the ladder again, and then this time drag the ladder and position it that you can climb
DOWN the ladder to the screw
- move the ladder to again climb down
- move to the left under the hanging wire/rope and then position the ladder so that you can climb up
and get it (lean the ladder on the right wall)
- collect the wire/rope, then position the ladder to climb down the pipe on your left
- move the ladder again to cross over to the right - you'll be standing next to a room with glowing
liquid in it.
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- move the ladder to cross over to the platform in the room
- keep moving right and you'll see another gap that is too large for the ladder, instead, grab the
wire/rope from your backpack and click on the screw in the tank. This will hang the wire/rope.
- swing the rope by clicking on it and dragging it left, then right, and repeat until it is swinging hard /
touching both Violett and the other side. Click on it to have Violett swing across
- exit the pipe room on the right
- Sit back and watch the show NEW in the original game, there was no final battle... just a cut scene.
That has now been changed with a recent patch.
The key to this battle is the plant infront of Violett. You need to start all your attacks by first clicking
on this plant.
- Click on the plant, hold the mouse button to power up, move the mouse right and release to fire a
magic bolt
- Click on the plant, hold the mouse button, move the mouse left and release to raise a magic shield
(blue mana)
- Click on the plant, hold the mouse button, and move the mouse up or down and release to move up
or down a level.
We also now know why we were to collect those mana balls, because those mana balls represent how
much power you will have during this fight. Dark blue mana is depleated when you raise a shield, light
blue is your life bar.
1) When you first arrive on the scene, quickly click on the plant, hold the button a bit, move right and
release to fire the first shot into the enemy.
2) Quickly raise a shield by clicking on the plant, holding the button and moving left and release. You
don't need to power the shield very long, just get it up to absorb the next attack asap
3) The enemy, upon being hit, will raise a red shield - DO NOT ATTACK! If you attack and hit the red
shield, the damage will be reflected on YOU!
4) instead, click on the plant, hold the button, let yourself power up your attack while you wait for the
enemy shield to drop - when her red shield drops, move right and let go of the mouse button and hit
her hard :)
5) return to 2) and raise your shield again and continue repeating this sequence until victory.
I moved between only the top two platforms, and I only moved once when she moved down once. I
made my move after I made my attack and she rasied her shield.
I hit her 3 times i think in order to defeat her - this will vary based on the power of your attacks.
Thanks to anonynamja for posting their strategy in the comments section, as that was the basis for
me when I stepped into the fight.
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Shogs [author] Jan 24 @ 7:09am
I've just replayed the ending - will update the guide with more detail.
Shogs [author] Jan 24 @ 6:57am
Thanks MangAnime :)
Halcyon - there wasn't a battle when I first created this guide :D You just watched a
sequence at the end.
Anonynamja - thanks for that quick note - I'll place it in the guide tagging you.
anonynamja Jan 24 @ 4:21am
For the Spidress battle, hold your mouse and move in various directions to use magic. Left
to use shield, center to grow a protective plant, up and down to move to the various levels,
and right to fire. The longer you hold, the more powerful the blast. You should stay around
the top 2 levels, dodging her attacks. Use shield, then charge up for a powerful attack. It
takes about 4-5 hits to defeat her.
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Halcyon Jan 23 @ 3:01pm
I'm stuck at the end. You said 'Sit back and watch the show' but I'm fighting and losing over
and over. I don't think I am using the controls correctly. Why don't I see anyone else fighting
in this part?
MangAnimE Jan 18 @ 5:26am
In snail room - "click on the paper boat at the bottom (not sure what this does yet)".
There's a gem just visible through the fog when the boat moves away, only thing I've
noticed about the boat so far.
Shogs [author] Dec 29, 2013 @ 1:04pm
Not a problem. I'm update my guide to indicate that ability is required.
Alexa Dec 29, 2013 @ 12:49pm
@Shogs - no, I haven't yet ... I didn't know about getting the hover ability there, I didn't read
that section yet so I wouldn't get any spoilers :) I'll go do that now, thanks a lot!
Shogs [author] Dec 29, 2013 @ 12:45pm
Alexa - have you done the chimney room yet? The Chimney room will give you the "hover"
ability that will allow you to hover over to the diary page.
Samorama - thanks for the note - I'll add it to the guide and give it a try :)
Alexa Dec 29, 2013 @ 11:03am
In the frog room, I've managed to get the shiny red orb in the stone, so basically I've done
everything, but I can't get the diary page that's next to the spire in the foreground ... When I
reached the spire by boat, I tried clicking on the diary page but Violett just shakes her head
and utters that annoying grunt that means no. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it just
another bug?
samorama Dec 28, 2013 @ 10:06pm
Great guide! You know, in the Turtle Room, you can easily turn the blocks all right: BB CCC
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