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The Structure and Function of Human Body

The eye is made up of three coats, enclosing three transparent structures.
The function of the eye is to act as a receptor to light (electromagnetic energy).

The structure of a human nose is composed of bones, cartilage and fibro fatty tissues
The nose is the body's organ of smell and also functions as part of the body's respiratory

3.The Heart
The heart is a powerful muscle slightly larger than a clenched fist. It is composed of
four chambers, two upper (the atria) and two lower (the ventricles). The heart is a
muscular pumping organ located medial to the lungs along the bodys midline in the
thoracic region.

4.Blood Vessels
Blood vessels are the bodys highways that allow blood to flow quickly and efficiently
from the heart to every region of the body and back again.

5. Mouth
The function of the mouth is to breaks down food and as oral cavity.

6. Teeth
The teeth are 32 small, hard organs found along the anterior and lateral edges of the
mouth. The teeth are designed for cutting and grinding food into smaller pieces.

7. Tongue.
The tongue is located on the inferior portion of the mouth just posterior and medial to
the teeth. The tongue also helps to push food toward the posterior part of the mouth for

8. Pharynx
The pharynx, or throat, is a funnel-shaped tube connected to the posterior end of the
mouth. The pharynx is responsible for the passing of masses of chewed food from the
mouth to the esophagus. The pharynx also plays an important role in the respiratory

The esophagus is a muscular tube connecting the pharynx to the stomach that is part of
the upper gastrointestinal tract. It carries swallowed masses of chewed food along its

The stomach is a muscular sac that is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity,
just inferior to the diaphragm. This major organ acts as a storage tank for food so that
the body has time to digest large meals properly.

11.Small Intestine
The small intestine is a long, thin tube about 1 inch in diameter and about 10 feet long
that is part of the lower gastrointestinal tract.

The liver is a roughly triangular accessory organ of the digestive system located to the
right of the stomach, just inferior to the diaphragm and superior to the small
intestine.The main function of the liver is the production of bile and its secretion into
the small intestine.

The pancreas is a large gland located just inferior and posterior to the stomach. The
pancreas secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine to complete the chemical
digestion of foods.

14.Large Intestine
The large intestine is a long, thick tube about 2 inches in diameter and about 5 feet
long. The large intestine absorbs water and contains many symbiotic bacteria that aid in
the breaking down of wastes to extract some small amounts of nutrients

The lungs are a pair of large, spongy organs found in the thorax lateral to the heartand
superior to the respiratory organ.

The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs found along the posterior wall of the
abdominal cavity. The kidneys filter metabolic wastes, excess ions, and chemicals from
the blood to form urine.

The ureters are a pair of tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary
bladder. move urine toward the urinary bladder.

18. Urinary Bladder
The urinary bladder is a sac-like hollow organ used for the storage of urine. The urinary
bladder is located along the bodys midline at the inferior end of the pelvis.

19. Urethra
The urethra is the tube through which urine passes from the bladder to the exterior of
the body. The urethra is also an organ of the male reproductive system as it carries
sperm out of the body through the penis.

The ear is conventionally and conveniently divided into three parts: the outer, the
middle and the inner ears.The function of ear is as receptor of sound sensitivity .

The skin is contain of three layers.They are epidermis,dermis and hipodermis.
The function of skin is protect underlying tissues, regulate body temperature, house
sensory receptors, and synthesize Vitamin D

The brain has three main parts, the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem.
The function of brain is detects information from the environment and controls body

The hand is composed of many small bones called carpals, metacarpals and phalanges.
The two bones of the lower arm -- the radius and the ulna -- meet at the hand to form the
wrist.The function of hand is to hold something.

A leg is a weight bearing and locomotive structure,usually having a columner shape.The
leg is the lower limb of the body that suports the body when standing provides the
ability to walk,run and jump.

Inside the lungs, each primary bronchus divides repeatedly into branches of smaller
diameters, forming secondary bronchi, tertiary bronchi, and numerous orders of
bronchioles, including terminal bronchioles and microscopic respiratory
bronchioles.The function of lung as respiratory organ.

Name : Dina Alfila Lubis
Nim : 4132141002
Class : Biology Education A 2013
Subject : English Biology

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