Unit Plan Template

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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial
Unit Plan Template
Author of the unit
Name and Last name Jeanette De Gracia
Name of educational
Dr. Carlos A. Mendoza Elementar !chool
Location of the school "eranillo# !an Miguelito
$urther details of the
educational institution
%inner of Manuel Jos& 'urtado ()*( a+ard
Descri,tion of the unit
-nit .itle
/h No0 Little Monsters in M 1ac2ard0
!ummar of the -nit
The main idea of this project is to gain new vocabulary about the insects as
part of a wildlife that help us and our planet, using imagination, natural
approach and creativity, where the students describe orally and use what
they had learned using language structure and phrases make up of
adjectives, nouns and verb to be, example: My favorite insect is the ants !t
is brown !t has six legs"etc Through a #nally result, a booklet
presentation in which they make their discovery answering $uestions that
develop their critical thinking
Area 3 s curricular 3 s or su45ect 3
%nglish & %cology, Plants and 'nimals & (istening, )peaking, *eading and +riting
6ear and le7el
First level 2014
A,,ro8imate .ime Needed
,- sessions of .- minutes
$undamentals of the unit
Conce,tual Procedural Attitudinal
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 1 de 12
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Insects and
Asks the essential qestion! "o# keep
or planet health$% &iscss.
'eads a stor$! (Ants and the
)rasshoppers*+or #atch a video,
-ings (The Ants )o .arching*
Asks ho# the ants and grasshoppers
#ork in the stor$ and ho# the$ are
help/l /or s and or planet%
-ings and pla$s (Insect in a 0ar*
1earn a2ot
caring /or and
2eing kind to all
living creatres.
3e conscios
those insects are
2eing4 instead o/
2other4 learned
a2ot the5.
/oney 0ee
1ruit 1lies
1ield 2rickets
/oney 0ee
0lister 0eetles
(ady 0ugs
Parts of
the body
6erb to
'sks /ow many of you have ever gone
outside and seen an insect7 +hat is an
insect7 2an you tell me what it looks
like7 (et8s have a large piece of paper
and draw an insect with the students
help 2hildren input ideas
9brainstorming: as to what the insect
looks like
)hows insect 4ashcard to listen and
repeat and compares with pictures to
what insect looks like
3oes a brief class discussion of bugs
'sk students to name the various
parts of a ;typical; bug 9examples:
legs, head, eyes, antennae, fu<<, etc:
(ist them all on the board under the
heading ;bug parts;
'sks students about the shapes and
colors they have seen on bugs
9examples: round, oval, fat, skinny,
red, green, black, etc: (ist them all
the board under the headings ;shapes;
and ;colors;
3raws their favorite insect or bugs and
at the end of the two weeks they will
handle out a booklet of their favorite
'fter the drawing of the insect, steps
backs and looks at it 3oes that look
like an insect you have seen before7
+hat is it name7
't the end of the #rst week redraws in
a booklet the insect and compare if it
looks like as the one we created
together 3iscuss the shape, the colors
and the parts of the body
'sks =if you know how it helps me and
my planet7 Then explains what insect
is helpful to the planet 1or example,
some insects, such as ladybugs, eat
other insects that are harmful to
3oes a >ature +alk: 'ssign for the
weekend to looking for !nsects with
their parents 9goes to a park, backyard
or does a picnic: =now that we know
what an insect is, how many body
parts that it has, the shape and colors,
and how it help our planet7 Tells us so
many wonderful things that you know
about your favorite insects with your
'ead the prover2 and
ans#er #ho #as the
slggard in the reading o/
the stor$ (The Ants and
the )rasshoppers* and
#ho is the #ise.
According #ith the ne6t
Prover2 7!7 to 8
7)o to the ant4 $o
slggard9 consider its
#a$s and 2e #ise:
;It has no co55ander4
no overseer or rler4
8$et it stores its provisions
in s55er and gathers its
/ood at harvest.
8"o# long #ill $o lie
there4 $o slggard%
<hen #ill $o get p /ro5
$or sleep%
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 2 de 12
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Learning /45ecti7es
After com,leting this lesson# students +ould 4e a4le to9
:ecognize ho+ insects are 4enefit to our ,lanet.
-se critical thin2ing and demonstrate +hat the ha7e learned orall.
-nderstand and gain a 4etter 2no+ledge a4out insects.
Identif insects and descri4e them according +ith their sha,e# colors and ,arts of the
Achievement indicators:
/4ser7ing the students and +riting do+n m findings in ru4rics9
Partici,ate in the de7elo,ment of different games and entertainment follo+ing the
res,ecti7e rules.
Paing attention# follo+ing directions and doing creations +ith understanding.
A4le successfull to identif 7oca4ular related to insects
%rite the name of their fa7orite insect
Lastl# the students can descri4e orall# +hat the had learned using ad5ecti7es.
Guiding ;uestions -nit Plan
Essential ;uestion 'o+ 2ee, our ,lanet health?
-nit ;uestions
Do you think that only animals like lions and
elephants are wildlife? What do you think about
butterfies and others insects or bus also
count as wildlife?
!ow many of you have ever one outside and
seen an insect? What is an insect? "an you tell
me what it looks like?
!ow do you feel about bus? #any people do
not like insects$
Did you know that many insects are needed to
keep our planet healthy?
Content ;uestions
What is its name?
Where it lives?
!ow it help me and my planet?
What the insect looks like? Does it have a
head%&s it s'uare( circle( rectanle( oval? What
does the body look like? Does it have a tail? &s it
lon or short? What does its mouth look like?
Does it have any les? !ow many? What colors
is it? Does it have eyes? !ow many? What about
a nose? Does it have ears?
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina = de 12
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
E7aluation Plan
!chedule of assessments
Antes > Gauging student
A2servation Checklist
Participate in the develop5ent o/ di//erent ga5es4 song4 stor$ and entertain5ent
/ollo#ing the respective rles.
The stdents are pa$ing attention4 /ollo#ing directions and doing creations #ith
&iscssion o/ #hat the$ had seen on Bideos.
Durante el desarrollo > Monitoring<,rogress!
Class #orks!
&ra#s their /avorite insect or 2gs and co5pare #ith the /lashcard.
<rites voca2lar$ and does scra52le #ords ga5e.
A2servation check list
'edra#s in a 2ooklet their /avorite insect4 discss and dra# correctl$ the shape4 the colors and the
parts o/ the 2od$.
"erificar com,rensi@n > Chec2ing understanding!
Asking qestions!
+hat is its name7
+here it lives7
/ow it help me and my planet7
+hat the insect looks like7 !s it s$uare, circle, rectangle, oval7
+hat does the body look like7 3oes it have a tail7 !s it long or short7 +hat does its
mouth look like7 3oes it have any legs7 /ow many7 +hat colors is it7 3oes it have eyes7
/ow many7 +hat about a nose7 3oes it have ears7
A2servation check list o/ point to identi/$ the /lashcard pictres.
Identi/$ #riting insect na5es.
Al concluir la unidad >At the end o/ the nit!
'2ric /or!
The "andle ot a 2ooklet o/ their /avorite insect
Arall$ description +speech,
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina C de 12
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
1efore !tarting the Pro5ect
During the Pro5ect /nce the ,ro5ect is
Understands the main idea of
the story: Ants and the
Grasshoppers(or watch a
Joins in the song The Ants go
marching doing gesture.
omprehend the message of
!rover" #:# to $. And as%s
how the ants and
grasshoppers wor% in the
story and how they are he&pfu&
for us and our p&anet'
Answer who was the s&uggard
in the reading of the story
The Ants and the
Grasshoppers and who is
!articipate enthusiastica&&y
when sings and p&ays (nsect
in a Jar
Share ideas when
respond to the question
How many of you have
ever gone outside and
seen an insect? What is
an insect? Can you tell
me what it looks like?
Input ideas
(brainstorming about
what the insect looks like!
"isten# repeat and
compares the drawings
with the $ashcard to
conclude what insect
looks like!
%articipate and respond in
the discussion about
bugs! &sk students to
name the various parts of
a 'typical( bug
(e)amples* legs# head#
eyes# antennae# fu++#
etc!! "ist them all on the
board under the heading
'bug parts!(
,espond with
understanding about the
shapes and colors they
have seen on bugs
(e)amples* round# oval#
fat# skinny# red# green#
black# etc! "ist them all
the board under the
headings 'shapes( and
"earn the vocabulary of
insect names# it phoneme
and it writing word!
-raws their favorite insect
or bugs!
,edraws in a booklet the
insect and compare to
conclude the shape# the
colors and the parts of the
"istens and talk over for
what insect is helpful to
the planet! .or e)ample#
some insects# such as
ladybugs# eat other
insects that are harmful
to plants!
Iidentify the insect
pointing to what they
listen# what is writing or
answering questions!
-oes a /ature Walk*
(dentifies voca"u&ary
re&ated to insects
)rites the name of their
favorite insect
*ast&y+ the student can
descri"e ora&&y+ what
they had &earned using
Te&&s things a"out their
favorite insects with the
"oo%&et. -ow the insect
is+ how many "ody parts
that it has+ the shape
and co&ors+ and how it
he&p our p&anet'
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina D de 12
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
&ssign for the weekend to
looking for Insects with
their parents (goes to a
park# backyard or does a
picnic to observe 'nd
complete their booklet
E7aluations :esume

E7aluation Process and Pur,ose
/ow many of you have ever gone
outside and seen an insect7 +hat is
an insect7 2an you tell me what it
looks like7
3id you know that many insects are
needed to keep our planet healthy7
.raws favorite insect
ompares the drawing with the f&ashcard
insect pictures
/edraw with the ma%e0up and discovering
To identify the insect "y o"servation and
Point to
+here is the ?????9name of the
Match the writing names with the
insects pictures
+hat insect has ???????legs and its
color is ???????????7
*istens+ repeats+ reads and writes insect
Uses ad,ectives to descri"e the insects
/ecogni1e the name of the insects "y
(dentify which is the insect in the picture
an re&ate the writing name of the insect
with the picture
an identify more than five names
an identify the insect giving c&ues of their
co&or+ shape or he&pfu&ness
+hat is its name7
+here it lives7
/ow it help me and my planet7
+hat the insect looks like7
3oes it have a head"!s it s$uare, circle,
rectangle, oval7
+hat does the body look like7 /ow
many7 3oes it have eyes7
+hat colors is it7
+hat is it helpful7
/eads the story 2 &isten and repeat
.isp&ays f&ashcard &isten and repeat
As%s 3uestions to o"serve co&ors+ shapes+
"ody parts.
As%s where it &ives and for what is it he&pfu&'
.escri"es ora&&y their insect using what they
had &earned.
-nit Details
Pre7ious !2ills
As%s the essentia& 3uestion: -ow %eep our p&anet hea&thy' .iscuss.
/eads a story: Ants and the Grasshoppers(or watch a video)
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 7 de 12
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
4ings The Ants Go 5arching
'ead the prover2 and ans#er #ho #as the slggard in the reading o/ the stor$ (The Ants and the )rasshoppers* and #ho is #ise.
As%s how the ants and grasshoppers wor% in the story and how they are he&pfu& for us and our p&anet'
4ings and p&ays (nsect in a Jar
&sks How many of you have ever gone outside and seen an insect? What is an insect? Can
you tell me what it looks like? "et0s have a large piece of paper and draw an insect with the
students help! Children input ideas (brainstorming as to what the insect looks like!
Shows insect $ashcard to listen and repeat and compares with pictures to what insect looks
-oes a brief class discussion of bugs! &sk students to name the various parts of a 1typical1
bug (e)amples* legs# head# eyes# antennae# fu++# etc!! "ist them all on the board under the
heading 1bug parts!1
&sks students about the shapes and colors they have seen on bugs (e)amples* round# oval#
fat# skinny# red# green# black# etc! "ist them all the board under the headings 1shapes1 and
Write a vocabulary of the insect names and do a practice!
-raws their favorite insect or bugs and at the end of the two weeks they will handle out a
booklet of their favorite bugs!
&fter the drawing of the insect# steps backs and looks at it! Wow2 -oes that look like an insect
you have seen before? What name would we give this insect?
&t the end of the 3rst week redraws in a booklet the insect and compare if it looks like as the
one we created together! -iscuss the shape# the colors and the parts of the body!
&sks 'if you know how it helps me and my planet?
4)plains what insect is helpful to the planet! .or e)ample# some insects# such as ladybugs# eat
other insects that are harmful to plants!
-isplay $ashcard and identify the insect pointing to what they listen# what is writing or
answering questions!
-oes a /ature Walk* &ssign for the weekend to looking for Insects with their parents (goes to
a park# backyard or does a picnic to observe!
5ells them 'now that we know what an insect is# how many body parts that it has# the shape
and colors# and how it help our planet? 5ells us so many wonderful things that you know about
your favorite insects with your booklet!
Adecuaciones Curriculares
!tudents +ith
s,ecial needs
<hen the$ e6press the description o/ their insect4 gide the5 sing colors4
shapes4 part o/ the 2od$4 places /lashcard to ask and o2tain an orall$ respond.
.ore ti5e to do class#ork and assign5ent /or ho5e.
Ese easier phone5es and /e#er #ords to learn.
Fvalate their strength.
No !,anish<
Ese video4 /lashcard and ga5es.
.alent !tudent Assign e6tra tasks 2ased on stdentsG skills.
Materials and :esources needed for the unit
.echnologA 'ard+are
&igital C5ara
&B& pla$er
laser disc
Pro@ector -$ste5
video ca5era
Bideo Con/erencing
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina ; de 12
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
.echnolog A !oft+are
&ata 2ase > -preadsheet
&iagraph p2lications
F5ail Progra5
Fnc$clopedia on C&?'A.
Pictre Fditor
#e2 -earch
<e2site &evelop5ent
<ord Processing
Printer Material Insects4 color4 shapes4 part o/ the 2od$ and phone5es /lashcards
!u,,lies -tor$ 3ig 2ook4 Plastic 0ar4 insect pictres and ca5era
Internet :esources Bideo o/ the stor$ and songs
/thers :esources <hite sheet o/ paper4 #hite 2oard4 coloring pencils4 pencils and note2ook
1os progra5as de IntelH Fdcacin son /inanciados por la Indacin Intel $ la Corporacin Intel.
&erechos reservados 20084 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Intel4 el logo de Intel4 la iniciativa de Intel Fdcacin $ el Progra5a Intel Fdcar son
5arcas registradas de Intel Corporation o de ss s2sidiarias en los Fstados Enidos $ otros paJses. KAtros no52res $ 5arcas peden ser recla5adas co5o la propiedad
de terceras partes.
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 8 de 12
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
First )evel Write * +ooklet Drawin ,ubric
-tudents will illustrate and write about their observation and conclusion of
their favorite insects
.rea of
/oor 2 Fair 0 1ood 4 23cellent 4 5otal
3rawing &
!llustration is

focuses on
one topic
with limited
3etail is
focuses on the
topic with some
attention paid
3etail is used to
describe their
focuses on
the topic
with much
detail paid
to describe
their insect
+riting )tudent
support to
engage in
writing of
any kind
attempts to
form letters
)tudent is
able to
writing from
attempts to
form words
through letter A

what is
drawn and
what is
Use of
The student
did not use his
or her own
The students
used some
Used his or her
imagination and
Included new ideas
most of the time.
Used his or
and always
Included new
Effort put in
The student
rushed through
and did not
wor hard.
!ut a small
"ored hard for
most of the time.
Too time and
wored hard.
>ame of the
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 8 de 12
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
/oor 6 7ot 8et 9bserved
Fair 6 +einnin to Develop
1ood6 Developin as 23pected
23cellent 6 Developin +eyond 23pectations
&reas of

Point Value:
Point Value:
Point Value:
Point Value:
6oice: clarity,
pace, 4uency
Presenter spoke
vaguely and
occasionally spoke
clearly and at a
good pace
Presenter usually
spoke clearly
3elivery was
usually 4uent
Presenter spoke clearly
and at a good pace to
ensure classmates
comprehension 3elivery
was 4uent and
The vocabulary
was not
appropriate and
the presentation
content was
The vocabulary of
the presentation
was mainly
appropriate for the
topic The
content was
The vocabulary of
the presentation
was appropriate for
the topic The
content was
The vocabulary of the
presentation was
appropriate for the
topic ' variety of
phrases and sentence
structures were used
The presentation
content was
grammatically correct
Pronunciation >o correct
pronunciation at
occasionally correct,
but often hesitant
and inaccurate
Pronunciation and
intonation is
usually correct
Pronunciation and
intonation is correct and
Use the
>o booklet was
0ooklet was
appropriate and
related to the
spoken message

0ooklet supported
the presentation
eBectively They
clari#ed and
reinforced the
spoken message

0ooklet supported the
presentation eBectively
They clari#ed and
reinforced the spoken
message and impact its

1inish on time
3oesn8t #nish
and can8t
present on time
'lmost #nish and
the presentation
was inade$uate
1inish on time, but
the presentation
was short
3oes the presentation
and #nishing on time
,ubric 9ral ,eport: #y favorite insect
7ame of the
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 10 de 12
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
.rea of
9bservation "heck list
Follow classwork
The student is missing.
#one of the directions
were followed.
$ollowed some
$ollowed most
%ll the directions
were followed.
Participate in the
development of
different games,
song, story and
following the
respective rules.
The student doesn&t
show interest in
participate in games'
songs and stories.
(idn&t following
action' rules and didn&t
sing so can&t relate
movement with words.
The student rarely
interest in participate
in games' songs and
stories following
action' rules and
singing with gestures
and can&t understand
at all' )ecause distract
The student shows
some interest in
participate in games'
songs and stories
following action' rules
and singing with
gestures with
understanding of the
The student shows a
real interest in
participate in games'
songs and stories
following action' rules
an singing with
gestures with
understanding of the
Doing Creation with
The student doesn&t
compare his or her
drawing with the
flashcard and use any
color' changes the
shape and the part of
the )ody isn&t
complete. (oesn&t
write what he or she
o)serves giving
The student rarely
associate his or her
drawing with the
flashcard and doesn&t
use the properly
colors' and the shape
and the part of the
)ody are not complete.
"rite some giving
The student
approximates his or
her drawing with the
flashcard and use the
properly colors' draw
the shape correctly and
the part of the )ody is
complete. "rite what
he or she o)serves
giving names.
The student does an
excellent comparison
with his or her drawing
and the flashcard using
the properly colors'
draw the shape
correctly and the part
of the )ody is
complete. "rite what
he or she o)serves
giving names.
Behavior during the
Project work
The student was not
respectful and )ehaved
poorly' so he or she
can&t do his or her
class wors.
*is)ehaved during
most of class. +o he or
she fairly can do his or
her classwor.
,ehaved well for
most of the class' so he
or she can conclude
satisfactory his or her
The student was
respectful and well-
)ehaved' so his or her
classwor are
complete and
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 11 de 12
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
'rea of 'ssessment
=Point toC assessment D
evaluation check list
8es 7o
,econi<e the name of the
insects by listenin
&dentify which is the insect
in the picture
"an relate the writin name
of the insect with the
"an identify more than =ve
"an identify the insect
ivin clues of their color(
shape or helpfulness
2omment: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 12 de 12

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