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Nairobi | Thursday, September 11, 2014
No. 18055
overnors meet in Nairobi
tomorrow to lay strategies
on how to popularise their
referendum campaign in Jubilee
The meeting comes just a week
after President Uhuru Kenyatta
dared Jubilee governors who have
been pushing for the referendum
to quit the ruling coalition and seek
fresh mandate from voters.
Sources in the Council of Gov-
ernors said the talks would seek to
identify local leaders to spearhead
the Pesa Mashinani campaign in
counties where governors have
opposed the push for the refer-
The counties include Kiambu,
Nyeri, Laikipia, Embu, Tharaka-
Nithi, Muranga, Nakuru, Baringo,
Kirinyaga, Uasin Gishu and Narok.
The governors will also discuss
Governors seek ways to beat Jubilee order on vote

VETTING | Maj-Gen Kameru becomes the rst NIS boss to be cleared by Parliament
MPs approve hiring
of spy chief, envoys
Debate: Some MPs accused the
agency of doing more political
work in the past.
Minority leader Francis Nyenze
said Uhuru should appoint
someone from outside central
Kenya next time.
Majority Leader Aden Duale said
Maj Gen Kamerus (left) main
job would be to reorganise NIS.
House criticises performance
of the intelligence service
and asks new director-general
to improve it as Opposition
fails to make good its threat
to scuttle the vetting over
regional balance Page 2
Governor faces probe over
Sh21.9m spent on oces
Report exposes loss of millions after
Nyandarua county chiefs allegedly in-
ated repair costs Page 17
As lifestyles evolve, small
towns line up for the spoils
DN2 Neighbourhoods near bigger urban
areas are poised to enjoy part of the windfall
that is Kenyas booming property business
News P. 2-11
Opinion P. 12-13
Letters P. 14
County P. 17-29
World P. 32-35
Business P. 36-40
Sport P. 63-67
Knut issues conditions for attending
meeting on averting boycott Back Page
I had nothing
to do with
the attacks, a
lot of people
believed in my
innocence and
the court has
armed that
Lamu Governor
Issa Timamy
Lamu Governor
Issa Timamy (left)
with his lawyer, Mr
Pheroze Nowrojee,
outside the Mom-
basa Law Courts
after the case
against him over the
Mpeketoni killings
was thrown out. The
judge accused the
prosecution of lack-
ing seriousness in
pursuing the case.
The judge however
said the DPP is free
to reopen the case
once investigations
are completed.
FREE | Murder case against Lamu governor thrown out
arliament yesterday approved
the appointment of Major-Gen-
eral Philip Wachira Kameru as
the new director-general of the Na-
tional Intelligence Service.
Also approved were 25 envoys,
clearing the way for their swearing
Yesterdays special sitting of Parlia-
ment, convened specically to discuss
the appointments, was devoid of the
reworks promised by those who op-
posed Gen Kamerus appointment.
This was the rst time that Parlia-
ment is approving the appointment of
a NIS chief and envoys, a requirement
under the new constitution.
Sentiment in the House was fairly
unanimous and after an hour and
half of debate, MPs asked for a vote
and approved Gen Kamerus ap-
The 25 nominees to various
ambassadorial postings 16 new
appointees, three in missions, four
based at the Foreign Aairs ministry
and one newly appointed diplomat
all sailed through.
Although some MPs from the Op-
position Coalition for Reforms and
Democracy had suggested the nomi-
nation of Gen Kameru would present
them an opportunity to criticize the
President for failing to nominate the
NIS head from outside Central Kenya,
there was little of that.
The biggest dramatic moment of
the afternoon came as the MPs de-
bated the report on the ambassadors
when Kiminini MP Chris Wamalwa
claimed he had dissented on some
nominees but that had been removed
from the report.
After an exchange between him
and the leadership of the commit-
tee, Speaker Justice Muturi criticized
the clerks of the committee for poor
record keeping and suggested
chairman Ndungu Gethenji could
have done a better job handling the
Mr Gethenji was on the spot in the
morning when he tried to table the
report of the committee without the
Speaker having approved it.
Earlier, MPs criticized the perform-
ance of the intelligence service and
said they hoped Gen Kameru will
change it for the better and suggested
dierent ways it can work.
There were expressions of concern
that the agency has lost its focus on
security and become politicised.
Defence and Foreign Relations
Committee member Adan Keynan
said over the last ve years, NIS
functions have been politicised and
the perception has been created
that it does more of a political than
security job.
Gen Kameru, he said, should allow
the rest of the security agencies to
do their work.
Over the last few years, other agen-
cies have been complaining that NIS
has transformed itself into the prefect
of the other security agencies, said
Mr Keynan.
Minority Leader Francis Nyenze
supported the nomination but said
that the next time, President Kenyatta
should appoint someone from outside
Central Kenya.
Deputy Minority Leader Jakoyo
Midiwo also supported Gen Kamerus
nomination but said the head of NIS
should sit in the National Police
Service Commission so that the
information gathered by the agency
can be given to the police.
Right now NIS can gather infor-
mation about a chicken stolen in
Siaya and take it to the President,
he said.
He said the House investigated the
Westgate attack last year, when NIS
said it passed on intelligence to the
police but that the assertion was not
Mr Midiwo cited the massacre in
Mpeketoni and the disruption of the
presidential function in Migori on
Monday as incidents which the NIS
should have warned of in advance.
There is no way the President can
go to a place which is not hostile to
anybody like Migori and get embar-
rassed and intelligence is there. Even
if politicians had sponsored these
people, the intelligence should have
been there, said Mr Midiwo.
It is wrong for the President not
to be told that he is going to an area
where people dont want to see even
the governor. Why is he going to dis-
tribute nets when he could have sent
the minister? he asked.
Majority Leader Aden Duale said
Maj Gen Kamerus main job would be
to reorganise NIS so that Kenya is safe
from terrorists, drug dealers, money
launderers and organised crime.
Being the Director General of the
NIS is not a birthday. He is not like
the director of veterinary services at
Kabete, said Mr Duale.
On the ambassadors, Deputy Mi-
nority Leader Jakoyo Midiwo said
Parliament needs to come up with a
law to determine the education stand-
ards and calibre of ambassador.
Parliament okays
Uhuru choice for
spy chief, envoys
National Intelligence Service (nominee Major-General Philip Wachira Kameru (left)
with PIC chairman Adan Keynan at County Hall in Nairobi where he faced MPs for
vetting last week.
PARLIAMENT | Call to have head of NIS in National Police Service Commission
Members concerned
agency has lost security
focus and become
increasingly politicised
Amb. Prof. Sam Ongeri - UN Habitat
Amb. Chirau Ali. Mwakwere - Dar-
es-Salaam, Tanzania
Hon. Robinson Githae - Washington
Hon. Kiema Kilonzo - Ankara,
Mr. Richard Opembe - Dublin,
Hon. Mohammud Mohamed -
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Ms. Lucy Chelimo - Ottawa, Canada
Dr. George Masafu - Kinshasa, DRC
Prof. Julius Bitok - Khartoum, Sudan
Mr. Joseph Magut - Berlin, Germany
Mr. Isaac Njenga - Windhoek,
Hon. Sheikh Dor - Muscat, Oman
Ms. Sophie Kadzo Kombe - Lusaka,
Major. General (Rtd) Jeo Otieno
- Cairo, Egypt
Stephen Ndungu Karau - Geneva,
Ms. Rukia Subow - Tehran, Iran
Amb. Mohamed Gello - Seoul, Korea
Amb. Jean Kamau - Bangkok,
Amb. Josephat Maikara - Luanda,
Amb. Lazarus Ombayi, Amayo -
London, United Kingdom
Amb. John Lanyasunya - Algiers,
Amb. Solomon Karanja Maina -
Tokyo, Japan
Amb. Ali Abbas - Kuwait City,
Mr. Richard Lemoshira - Harare,
Prof. George Godia - UNESCO
New ambassadors
Protesters block Thika
road for the second day
The fate of a Nairobi police-
man arrested over a killing lies
with the court, Inspector Gen-
eral of Police David Kimaiyo
said yesterday, as protesters
demanded his release.
Demonstrators barricaded
sections of Thika Superhighway
for the second day yesterday,
following the arrest of Consta-
ble Titus Ngamau Musila on
Thursday last week.
In Githurai 45, they used
the body of a man suspected
to have drowned, to block the
highway, demanding the re-
lease of the policeman.
The residents claimed the
man drowned on Tuesday
when he fell in an old quarry
while running away from
riot police. The police chief
warned that protesters would
be arrested and charged for
engaging in illegal activities
and breaching peace.
The residents said the ocer,
popularly known in Githurai
as Katitu, had helped reduce
crime in Githurai 45, Zim-
merman and Githurai Kimbo
and he should be released and
allowed to serve them.
A day after he was arrested,
Mr Musila was charged with
the killing of Kenneth Kimani
Mwangi on April 14 last year.
The case is due for mention
on September 16, and the hear-
ing on May 11 and 12, 2015.
Police statement
Unauthorised and violent
demonstrations will be rmly
dealt with in accordance with
the law. Do not inconven-
ience innocent members of
the public, said the police
boss in a statement read by
police spokesperson Gatiria
The demonstrations para-
lysed transport on the busy
highway as rowdy youths
pelted vehicles with stones
and burnt tyres.
The police reacted by throw-
ing tear gas canisters at the
The officer is not new to
Last year, Githurai residents
marched on Thika superhigh-
way demanding his removal
from police service, over his
methods of law enforcement.
Thursday September 11, 2014
2 | National News
TRAFFIC | Pedestrians crossing highway at non-designated points
Vandalism leaves road users exposed
ehicles are whizzing by on either
side of the dual carriage Waiyaki
Way, as heavy trucks compete
for space with smaller vehicles.
Just after Uthiru shopping centre, a
concrete barrier in the middle of the
highway begins winding its way up to
the junction to Limuru Town.
The safety measure to prevent
head-on collisions and shield drivers
from the glare of headlamps at night
is made of steel, making it an easy
target for scrap metal hunters.
Metal hunters
The barrier is beginning to be-
come porous, and features huge
holes some big enough for a car
to drive through. It has, in recent
months, become a target of vandals
who have taken to harvesting the
heavy duty steel frame that holds
the barrier in place.
Sections of the barrier have become
so degraded that if a driver lost con-
trol of his vehicle at the particular
spot, there would be nothing to pre-
vent the car from veering o into the
opposite trac.
However, this is a danger that the
vandals have turned a blind eye to,
and it is possibly a matter of time
before the inevitable happens.
Granted, some of the gaps in the
barrier were caused by accidents. But
with the vandals having also hived o
chunks of the barrier, pedestrians have
perfected the art of walking across
the highway and crossing at the gaps
instead of walking a longer distance
to designated crossing points. They
are disregarding the Trac Comman-
dant, who has warned that pedestrians
who cross highways at non-designated
points will be charged with attempted
Yet it is at these disintegrated
sections that much of the vandalism
occurs, with people chipping away at
the loose concrete in the dead of the
night to expose the steel inside. They
then cut it out and sell it as scrap.
The frequent accidents are the
very reason that the barrier must be
Motorists have complained that
some sections of the barrier remain
unrepaired for months after gaps
The Kenya National Highways
Authority (Kenha) is well aware of
the degraded barrier.
A drive on the highway shows that
some repair work has been done on
some of the bigger holes, but most
of them remain yawning, exposing
motorists to danger.
Contacted for comment, Kenhas
Charles Njogu said it was the duty
of the Kenya Roads Board (KRB) to
provide funds for maintenance of the
We are looking into alternative
heavy duty plastic to replace the steel
frame so as to discourage the vandals
because plastic does not have a market
value as high as steel, he said.
We, however, have not received
any money from KRB to make this
possible, he added.
In the meantime, questions abound
over the fate of motorists using this
dangerous stretch. How long before
a serious accident spilling onto both
sides of the highway hits the head-
lines? Must authorities wait until
disaster strikes to do something?
Above and top: Sections of the barrier on Waiyaki Way, which have been destroyed by scrap metal hunters.
We are looking into
alternative heavy duty plastic
to replace the steel frame so
as to discourage the vandals
Charles Njogu, KRB
Pedestrians and
motorists alike at risk
as barrier is torn apart in
hunt for scrap metal
Thursday September 11, 2014
National News 3
their strategies for collecting the one
million signatures needed to support the
push for a referendum.
We have a meeting on Friday. We will
discuss the referendum but it is not the
main agenda, it may come up as an AoB
(Any other Business), the chairman of
the Council of Governors, Mr Isaac Ruto,
told the Nation. The talks come against
the background of a political stando be-
tween the President and his deputy, Mr
William Ruto on one hand, and governors
from the Jubilee coalition who support the
Nandi Governor Cleophas Lagat is the
latest from Jubilee to support the push. On
Tuesday, he said he would not be intimi-
dated by calls to resign.
Quality services
I serve the electorate and all that we are
demanding is adequate funds for delivery
of quality services, he said.
Mr Ruto told the Nation that there would
be no turning back on the governors push
for the referendum. The governors seeking
to increase funding for the counties.
The modalities of launching the signa-
ture collection are being handled by our
team of experts so there is nothing much
to discuss on the referendum matter. It is
a matter we dealt with a long time ago and
there is no turning back, he said.
Two governors allied to the Deputy Presi-
dents United Republican Party (URP), who
sought anonymity for fear of inviting the
wrath of the Presidency, said the meet-
ing would discuss the ways of penetrating
counties whose governors do not support
the referendum campaign.
They said that they would enlist the
support of opinion leaders, including cler-
gymen, to push the referendum campaign
in such counties.
In an area like Narok, we will use the
deputy governor who is with us, said a
governor from North Rift.
The signature collection will be coor-
dinated by county assemblies in regions
which are receptive to the push.
The governors disclosed that they had
enlisted hundreds of volunteers to steer the
campaign in Bomet, Meru, Kakamega, West
Pokot, Nandi, Kericho and Narok.
Apart from Mr Ruto, the governors
actively involved in the campaign, are Mr
Peter Munya (Meru), Mr Wyclie Oparanya
(Kakamega), Mr Simon Kachapin (West
Pokot), Mr Lagat (Nandi) and Prof Paul
Chepkwony (Kericho).
In Cord zones, the governors will be in
charge of the campaign while MPs will
spearhead the Okoa Kenya initiative, one
governor said.
In Mombasa, Governor Ali Hassan Joho
will spearhead both campaigns, according
to his political adviser, Mr Idris Abdirah-
man. Joho is supporting both initiatives.
In our Junda declaration last Saturday, Joho
coined the slogan Pesa Mashinani, Okoa
Kenya, meaning we are supporting both
campaigns, he said.
The governors are also trying to reach
out to Members of County Assemblies
(MCAs) to lead the campaigns in recep-
tive regions.
In Nandi and Baringo counties for in-
stance, MCAs have indicated that they will
support the referendum.
The County Assemblies Forums select
committee on the referendum has been
going through submissions from the
county assemblies on the what position
MCAs should take in the debate.
The committee, headed by Migori
County speaker Gordon Oluoch, is looking
into issues they believe bedevil devolution
and require redress.
We are remaining with 27 days to come
up with ndings which we will submit to
the county assembly forum steering
committee to give the way forward, Mr
Oluoch said.
Some MCAs have distanced themselves
from the committee, saying that they would
follow party aliations on the debate.
Nairobi MCAs aliated to the Opposi-
tion, Cord, became the second after their
Busia colleagues to denounce the resolution
to create the committee.
As Nairobi Cord MCAs, we are distanc-
ing ourselves from the move to create a
parallel referendum and pledge to support
the Okoa Kenya referendum, Nairobi Ma-
jority Leader Elias Otieno said.
Busia Majority Leader Josephat Wandera
accused the leadership of the county as-
semblys forum of being used by Jubilee
to oppose the referendum, claims which
forum chairman Nuh Abdi dismissed.
Mr Abdi said that they took a bipartisan
approach to allow the committee to nd
an appropriate position to be taken by all
Governors seek to beat Jubilee on vote
REFERENDUM | County bosses will be meeting in Nairobi tomorrow to lay strategies for their campaign to change Constitution
Governors want more funds chan-
neled to counties under the Pesa
Mashinani campaign.
They want the law on their impeach-
ment changed and the role of the Sen-
ate strengthened to make it the Upper
House of Parliament.
They are also pushing for changes
in the Constitution to ensure that
Members of County Assembly enjoy
similar privileges as MPs.
They want county governments given
role in security matters.
Cord is collecting signatures under
the Okoa Kenya campaign.
It wants all national game reserves
placed under county governments.
It wants future elections to be con-
ducted electronically.
Cord and counties
dier on the agenda
Governor Alex
Tolgos (far left),
with his Turkana
and Uasin Gishu
Josphat Nanok
and Jackson
Mandago at a
June meeting in
Eldoret Town.
County bosses
will be meeting in
Nairobi tomorrow
to discuss ways
to get around
President Uhurus
order warning
Jubilee governors
against support-
ing calls for a
Joho is
In our Junda
last Saturday,
Joho coined
the slogan
Johos political
Thursday September 11, 2014
4 | National News
IEBC boosts
registration of
civil servants
The ongoing biometric registra-
tion of civil servants got a boost
yesterday when the Independent
Electoral and Boundaries Com-
mission donated kits.
IEBC transferred 40 Biometric
Registration Kits including laptops,
cameras, printers and nger print
scanners to the Ministry of Devo-
lution and Planning to help in the
process that is aimed at weeding
out ghost workers.
This was the rst batch of 200
kits the government requested to
assist in the process.
Entrench eciency
President Kenyatta, who
launched the registration, said it
would entrench eciency and ef-
fectiveness in the public service.
Salaries of the workers will be veri-
ed based on their qualications.
Acting electoral commission
CEO Betty Sungura-Nyabuto said
kits had been recalled from each of
the 17 regional warehouses coun-
trywide. The voters data have
been transferred and the system
cleaned to allow for the loading of a
new operating system and software
for registration of public servants,
she said.
The kits will not be collected
after the sta audit is completed,
she said, noting that transfer of
the kits did not aect her agencys
ord leader Raila Od-
inga today takes the
referendum campaign
to Taita Taveta County, days
after President Kenyatta vis-
ited the region.
The visit comes as the coali-
tion indenitely postponed a
planned retreat for its gover-
nors and senators scheduled
to take place in Arusha this
Mr Odinga (right), and
other Cord leaders are ex-
pected to hold meetings and
public rallies in Wundanyi and
The coastal tour comes
barely a week after the Presi-
dent pitched tent there in an
attempt to conquer the region
that is deemed to be loyal to
The Okoa Kenya team
has realigned its referendum
campaign timetable. Now, the
focus will be on a county-to-
county basis, said Mr Dennis
Onyango, Mr Odingas spokes-
He said an elaborate cam-
paign timeline was being
prepared and would be re-
leased later.
Coast leaders are divided
over the referendum calls.
Kilifi North MP Gideon
Mungaro leads a group of
ODM rebels against the pro-
posed vote.
Mr Mungaro, who was re-
cently ousted as the coalitions
Chief Whip, is supported by
Mvita MP Abudulswamad
Nassir and Kwale Woman
Representative Zainab Chid-
Mombasa Governor Hassan
Joho, Senator Hassan Omar
and Wundanyi MP Thomas
Mwadeghu lead the campaign
in the region. Cord is stable
at the coast and people like
Mungaro will be contained,
said Mr Omar. He has no
leverage worth mentioning.
Team in charge
According to the Okoa
Kenya secretariat, the Oppo-
sitions team in charge of the
campaign has collected more
than 1.4 million signatures.
Some Mombasa religious
leaders want Cord governors
to halt another campaign for a
referendum to increase fund-
ing to counties.
The Council of Imams and
Preachers of Kenya ocials
said the parallel campaigns
by governors on one hand
and Cord on the other, had
caused an unnecessary elec-
tioneering mood.
Raila heads to Coast
in referendum push
POLITICS | Regions leaders divided over calls for poll
Leader expected
in Taita Taveta
today, a week after
Presidents tour
Ministries blamed
for health strikes
Governors have accused
the national government
of inciting health workers
against the county bosses
by not releasing funds to
The Council of Gover-
nors Secretary Ken Lusaka
(below) observed that coun-
ties with level ve hospitals
are threatened due to inad-
equate funding.
Mr Lusaka told the
Nation that though the
counties had been allo-
cated a conditional grant
of Sh1.8 billion this nan-
cial year, the money was
hardly enough to cope with
increased health needs in
the countrys 11 level ve
Mr Lusaka warned
against politicising the
issue of devolved funds,
saying that allocating cash
to counties was not a favour,
but a constitutional right.
He challenged Parliament
to stop hiding behind the
law by relying on old au-
dited accounts to decide
the amount that goes to
The Sh226 billion that
Parliament endorsed for
the counties was based on
the 2009/2010 audited ac-
counts as opposed to the
most recent statistics.
Law delayed
Governors can now meet
their recurrent and devel-
opment expenditure, after
President Kenyatta signed
the County Allocation of
Revenue Act into law. The
law had been delayed in the
National Assembly and the
Senate due to amendments
that were referred to the two
Houses for consensus.
The Act provides for eq-
uitable allocation of revenue
among county governments
this nancial year.
Senator Boni Khalwale
(Kakamega, UDF) said the
criteria used to decide the
amount to be given to in-
dividual counties should
be reviewed to ensure the
hospitals that cater for a
large population get more
House team
backs MP in
absentee suit
An attempt to unseat Emgwen
MP Alex Kosgey on the basis of
absenteeism suered a blow after
the Privileges Committee said miss-
ing plenary sittings did not mean a
lawmaker was not working.
The teams vice-chairman, Mr
Peter Shehe, told the Nation that
they discovered that Mr Kosgey had
been attending meetings and the
biometric system used to record
attendance was at times faulty.
The same argument could be
applied to Rongai MP Raymond
Moi, who is facing a similar pe-
tition. Unlike Mr Kosgey, who is
rarely seen in the House, Mr Moi is
active in the Lands Committee and
has been in the House a noticeable
number of times.
The committee met lawyers for
the man who presented the peti-
tion to National Assembly Speaker
Justin Muturi. The lawyers told
journalists that the committee
appeared unlikely to grant their
clients wish.
We have written evidence that
Alex Kosgey was in Australia and he
had been sent by the committee and
was even leading the committee so
we cannot say that this gentleman
was absent and was nowhere to be
seen, said Mr Shehe.
He added: That petition will be
thrown out because the honourable
member was executing his duties
as a leader.
INGENUITY | Hawkers advantage
A hawker sells her wares along Bunyala road in Nairobi.
Hawkers normally take advantage of the trac jam to
sell goods along the Nairobi roads.
Thursday September 11, 2014
National News 5
did shoddy
job, says
Ruto lawyer
Lawyers representing Deputy
President William Ruto yester-
day accused ICC Prosecutor
Fatou Bensouda of failing to
thoroughly investigate what
happened in Eldoret North
constituency ahead of the
2007 elections.
Mr Essa Faal, the deputy
presidents lawyer, said the
prosecution did not take time
to cross-check statements
given by Witness 604.
The witness had initially told
the prosecutor that Mr Ruto
held a harambee on November
19 2007 in an unidentified
school in the constituency
but the defence disputed that
saying the said fund raiser was
held in July the same year. The
witness yesterday agreed that
there was no such harambee
on the indicated date. Mr Ruto
was the area MP.
The prosecution did not
even check the newspapers
that showed Mr Ruto was
elsewhere the whole day,
said Mr Faal.
The hearing focused on the
harambee that was held in a
school in Eldoret North con-
stituency in 2007 which the
witness earlier told the court
Mr Ruto incited the attendants
to prepare for violence incase
ODM lost the elections.
The defence provided a range
of documents to prove that the
witness lied about the event.
The lawyer provided the wit-
ness the schools Visitors Book
and a log book showing that
there was only one harambee
that was held in July 2007. The
defence team also played TV
clips to prove that Mr Ruto at-
tended the harambee in July.
The court allowed the team
more time for cross-examina-
Recanted testimony
The defence cross-examined
witness 604 the whole day and
put him to task to explain why
he had provided wrong dates
and incorrect accounts to the
prosecutor. The witness has al-
ready recanted his witness and
had withdrawn from testifying
but the court compelled him to,
among others, testify through
a video link from a secret loca-
tion in Nairobi.
Faal: I put to you that all
major parties, ODM, PNU and
ODM-K held their primaries on
17/11/2007, is that right?
Witness: I do not have any
Faal: Would you agree that
the entry of November 15 in
your diary is incorrect?
Witness: yes.
Faal: I have examined the
diaries and observed that you
recorded the Post-Election
Violence in two diaries, is
that right?
Witness: Yes
Faal: You presented the two
diaries believing that you story
will be more believable, is that
Witness: Yes.
resident Uhuru Keny-
atta has requested the
International Criminal
Court to drop charges against
him after prosecutor Fatou
Bensouda said she had insuf-
cient evidence.
His lawyers also asked the
judges to reject Ms Bensoudas
request for an adjournment.
By proclaiming insuciency
of evidence at the door of the
court, yet seeking to prolong the
proceedings indenitely, the pros-
ecution has placed the accused
in a position not countenanced
by the Statute, nor by any true
conception of justice, namely
that of an individual in respect
of whom there is insucient evi-
dence to prosecute but who must
nevertheless endure the stigma of
criminal charges and subjection
to a prolonged criminal process,
his lawyers, Steven Kay and Gil-
lian Higgins argued.
The defence respectfully
requests the chamber to deny
the prosecutions request for a
further adjournment, terminate
proceedings, and issue a nal
determination of the charges
against Mr Kenyatta, the de-
fence said.
This is the third time Mr
Kenyatta is requesting for the
termination of the charges.
The rst attempt was made
shortly after the prosecution
dropped charges against former
head of Public Service Francis
Muthaura. He made another at-
tempt in October 2013 after the
withdrawal of key witnesses.
This came as the victims
asked the Trial Chamber to
make a nding of non-compli-
ance and refer Kenya to the
Assembly of State Parties of
the Rome Statute.
Their lawyer, Mr Fergal
Gaynor, in response to the pros-
ecutions September 5 request for
indenite adjournment, asked the
Trial Chamber to consider the
possibility of issuing a warrant
of arrest against Mr Kenyatta for
obstruction of justice.
The Trial Chamber should
make a nding of non-compli-
ance under Article 87(7), and
warn the accused of his liability
for arrest for obstruction of jus-
tice in violation of the summons
conditions in this case, said Mr
Gaynor in his submission on be-
half of the 20,000 victims.
Ms Bensouda had asked
the chamber to indefinitely
postpone the trial because the
available evidence is insucient
to prove Mr Uhuru Kenyattas
alleged criminal responsibility
beyond reasonable doubt.
Uhuru requests ICC
to terminate charges
HAGUE TRIAL | Defence also wants adjournment rejected
Move comes after
Bensouda admits
she has no proof to
secure conviction

The defence
requests the
chamber to deny
the prosecutions
request for
a further
and terminate
Defence lawyers
Police boss orders
arrest of leaders
Inspector General of Police
David Kimaiyo yesterday or-
dered the arrest of politicians
over heckling that interrupted
President Kenyattas rally in
Migori on Monday.
He said political leaders
should bear responsibility for
the actions of their supporters
and followers, but the police
chief did not give names of
those targeted.
Im directing my ocers
to investigate and institute
appropriate legal action
against all people who might
have been involved in this
incident, either directly or
indirectly. Respect for our
institutions including the
Presidency is not negotiable,
Mr Kimaiyo (below) said in a
The police chief added that
the Criminal Procedure Act,
commonly referred to as
the Penal Code outlawed
disruption of public gath-
erings using threatening,
abusive or insulting words
or behaviour with the in-
tent to provoke breach
of peace.
The statement
was read by
police spokes-
person Gatiria
F i v e
p e o -
p l e
have so far been arrested
in connection with the in-
Police spokesman Masoud
Mwinyi declined to name
those under investigation
when explaining the IGs
All aspects will be in-
vestigated in disregard of a
persons status in the society.
Action will be taken against
anyone who played a role
without bias, he said.
Preliminary investigations
showed the rowdy youths, who
also threw chairs and shoes,
were hired by a local politician.
Detectives were tracking M-
pesa transactions between an
MP and 10 people who were
initially arrested.
The incident
was widely
by leaders
across the
Deputy President William Ruto going through the Biometric regis-
tration for civil servants at Harambee House Annex yesterday
Thursday September 11, 2014
6 | National News
ore than 40 people
arrested in connec-
tion with attacks in
Mandera County have es-
caped from police custody.
The 44 were arrested by
police and the military on
Monday and taken to Man-
dera police station where they
were locked up in the cells.
Detectives who went to
interrogate them the follow-
ing day were shocked to nd
the group missing and senior
police ocers at the station
could not explain the disap-
Preliminary investigations
showed that the cells doors
and windows were intact, sug-
gesting an inside job.
Senior ocers from Nairobi
are now investigating the
Meanwhile, a county
administrative officer was
arrested and three members
of the county assembly re-
corded statements over the
violence that has raged for
three weeks.
The ghting pitting the De-
godia and the Garreh clans
has left 31 people dead, 155
injured and thousands dis-
Yesterday, Inspector Gen-
eral of Police David Kimaiyo
said in a statement that ve
leaders had recorded state-
ments over the violence,
while 43 suspects had been
arrested and charged over
various criminal oences.
The statement, read by
police spokesperson Gatiria
Mboroki, said three AK-47
ries and 403 bullets were
The statement did not men-
tion the escape from Mandera
police station.
Mr Kimaiyo directed that
MPs in Wajir and Mandera
counties should record
statements but that had not
happened by last evening.
In the violence that started
last month heavily armed as-
sailants raided Rhamu town
took the ght to other parts of
the County including Banisa
and Chroqo in Guba, Ogor-
wein as well as Gofa.
Mr Kimaiyo and Interior
cabinet secretary Joseph Ole
Lenku visited the areas at the
They held meetings with
local leaders, before calling
for disarmament of all the
armed groups operating
The ghting between the
Garreh and Degodia clans
of the Somali community
has attracted armed groups
from Ethiopia.
About 200 heavily armed
men from Ethiopia carried
out one of the attacks in
Guba last month
All attacks were marked
by wanton destruction of
property .
More than 300 houses were
burnt, including schools and
health centres.
The entry of a heavily
armed group from Ethio-
pia complicates the fragile
situation further.
An earlier report by senior
ocers from Nairobi said the
200 assailants were dressed
in military fatigues and raided
44 supects escape
from police custody
A man is assisted to a waiting aircraft heading to Nairobi after
Mondays attacks in Rhamu, Mandera county.
DARING | The suspects had been arrested by the police and the military on Monday
Detectives had
gone to interrogate
them only to nd
the lot missing and
no explanations
Number of heavily armed men
from Ethiopia who carried out
one of the attacks last month.
Mumias shares
fail to sweeten
investors lives
Mumias Sugar Company share-
holders are counting massive losses
as the stock continues on a free-fall
that has seen it devalue by 97 per
cent in the past eight years.
Investors who bought the stock
at its peak are feeling the eects of
gross mismanagement and indus-
try adversities. The stock closed
in yesterdays trading at Sh2.25,
compared to September 12, 2006
when it peaked at Sh60.
No respite in sight
There appears to be no respite
in sight for the companys 140,000
shareholders as the management
today takes them through its per-
formance for the financial year
ended June 30, during which losses
increased by at least a quarter.
The company has experienced
operational challenges arising from
a signicant drop in prices due to
an inux of illegally imported sugar
over the year. Additionally, cane
supply was aected by shortages
arising from low yields due to poor
soil fertility and poor husbandry,
all of which affected the crop
harvested during the year under
review, management said in a
statement yesterday.
The Board of Directors had taken
measures to safeguard sharehold-
ers, the statement said.
Thursday September 11, 2014
8 | National News
New charge
for suspect
in Sh1.3bn
heroin case
A suspect in the Sh1.3 billion
heroin case has been charged with
stealing Sh1.9 million.
Mr Maur Abdalla Bwanamaka,
the chairman of the Chama Cha
Uzalendo (CCU) party, was own
from Mombasas Shimo la Tewa
Prison to Nairobi to answer charges
of forgery and theft.
The suspect (below) denied forg-
ing a cheque for Sh1.9 million from
the CCU payable to himself.
He is further accused of forg-
ing a letter of resignation of the
partys treasurer, Ms Caroline
Mumbua Malinda, and presenting
it to Commercial Bank of Africa
(CBA), where he allegedly stole
the money.
Former assistant minister Wav-
inya Ndeti, the partys leader, has
been listed as a witness.
A prosecutor urged the court to
allow Mr Bwanamakas detention
to enable police complete inves-
tigations and requested that he
be detained at Kileleshwa Police
Station for two days.
The magistrate granted the re-
quest and allowed police to hold
him until September 15 when he
will be taken back to court.
Mr Bwanamaka is among 12 peo-
ple accused of tracking the heroin
that was destroyed in the Indian
Ocean two weeks ago along ship that
carried. (President Uhuru Kenyatta
witnessed the destruction)
The accused include nine Paki-
stanis and an Indian.
A magistrate in Mombasa had
granted them a bond of Sh5 mil-
lion each but the decision was
suspended after the Director of
Public Prosecutions challenged it
at the High Court.
GENDER A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D-
MALE 1855 6267 10776 15315 18216 21836 26492 32385 37703 39672 28542
FEMALE 867 3492 6237 9341 12648 16515 22079 28378 34100 38505 27251
ALL 2722 9759 17013 24656 30864 38351 48571 60763 71803 78177 55793
CUM. TOTAL 2722 12481 29494 54150 85014 123365 171936 232699 304502 382679 438472
ore than 500,000 primary
and secondary school leavers
can now benet from a new
government document that provides
guidance on careers.
The Kenya National Examinations
Council (Knec) has, for the rst time
in the history of the exam system,
published a career guide booklet.
The first edition of the Career
Booklet 2014 is modelled on a simi-
lar document the Education ministry
produced on the advent of the 8-4-4
system but was inexplicably discon-
tinued despite its popularity.
A number of students completing
school, lack basic and critical informa-
tion on foundations of career planning
and choice, the document says.
Some enrol to study a course where
they clearly lack basic foundation.
Currently, those who fail to gain
direct entry to secondary school and
universities are forced to seek admis-
sion to tertiary institutions through
trial and error, many of them una-
ware of the courses they can pursue
as gateway to better careers.
But the new document, targeting
courses in business and technology,
now provides crucial information on
more than 100 courses oered in
colleges approved by the govern-
The booklet targets candidates who
scored below C plain, most of whom
are not able to gain straight entry to
universities. Last year, about 320,000
students who sat the Kenya Certicate
of Secondary Education examination
scored average grades of C plain and
below (See table below).
Cumulatively, about 500,000 can-
didates have obtained mean grades
that are targeted by the advice in the
career booklet. At the Kenya Certi-
cate of Primary Education, 200,000
candidates failed to gain places in the
2013 exam.
It indicates the qualications to
courses in human resource, supplies,
medical laboratory technology, social
development among others.
The graduates of the courses
will stand a chance of nding jobs
in hospitals, research institutions,
learning organisations, manufactur-
ing industries and petroleum sector,
it says. It is the rst time Knec is
providing a document giving full ca-
reer course guidelines to secondary
school students.
The career course guideline is in-
tended to give information on entry
requirements to course choices after
completion of school.
It gives a variety of programmes
examined by the Knec at artisan, craft,
certicate, diploma, higher diploma
and professional levels for school
leavers to study.
This Career Course Guide, which
will be distributed to all schools in
Kenya, addresses the specic sub-
ject requirements for specic career
courses and the various career elds
to choose from, the council says.
Starting this year, the Kenya
Universities and Colleges Central
Placement Service officially took
over the processing of admission
of government-sponsored students
to universities and middle level col-
EDUCATION | Most of candidates who sat last years KCSE exam scored below C plain
End of trial, error in career choice
Knec publishes booklet
to guide weak candidates
on vocations to pursue
at tertiary institutions
Alliance High School students celebrate after the release of the 2013 Kenya
Certicate of Secondary Examinations results on March 3. Alliance was the top
school in the country.
Candidates targeted by the new
career guide booklet the exams
body, Knec, has published
Thursday September 11, 2014
National News 9
Police to blame for most gun
related deaths, says report
Over 200 cases of gun
related killings by law
enforcement agents have
been documented in Kenya
over the last two years, a new
research by an anti-torture
organisation has revealed.
According to the Inde-
pendent Medico-Legal Unit
(IMLU), most gun-related
deaths (67 percent) were
caused by law enforcement
agents with the remaining
percentage accountable to
thugs and undetermined
The six-page report titled
Guns: Our security, our
dilemma! Enhancing ac-
countability for police use
of rearms points out that
proportion of gun deaths due
to police shooting was high-
est in Nairobi (68.5 percent)
and lowest in Kakamega
(26.3 percent).
According to IMLU, oc-
ers were responsible for 64
percent of male deaths and
36.3 percent of female deaths
with the average age of the
victims being 28 years.
Complaints by relatives,
witnesses and community
members indicate an unlaw-
ful pattern of rearm use.
We are aware of the threat
posed by armed crime and
take cognizance of the fact
that pursing armed criminals
is a hazardous process.
But the use of rearms by
the police has to be within
the connes of the law, the
research, signed by IMLU
executive director Mr Peter
Kiama says.
Proportion of gun
deaths attributed to po-
lice shooting highest in
Nairobi at 68.5pc.
Police ocers are re-
sponsible for 64 percent
of male deaths and
36.3 percent of female
Average victim age is 28.
Misuse of
Barber who raped girl
has case to answer
A barber who allegedly
impregnated a school-girl
during a rape ordeal has a case
to answer, a Nakuru court ruled
yesterday. Senior Principal
Magistrate Felix Kombo told a
packed court that the accused,
Mr Godfrey Githinji Gachanja,
will be given the opportunity to
defend himself after the court
said evidence adduced was
strong enough to warrant him to
be placed on his own defence.
Dates for Mbiyu kin
murder case deferred
Hearing dates for the murder
case against the widow of former
powerful Cabinet Minister Mbiyu
Koinange, her step-son and
ve others have been deferred
because the judge handling the
matter will be away. The defence
hearing which was set to com-
mence on September 30 and
proceed to October 2 was pushed
further since Lady Justice Hellen
Omondi will be away handling
other ocial matters.
he High Court has
suspended the release
Sh360 million to three
major political parties.
Lady Justice Mumbi Ngugi
restrained the registrar of po-
litical parties Lucy Ndungu
from releasing the money set
aside for political party fund-
ing in the 2014/2015 nancial
year pending the ruling of an
application by more than ten
small parties that participated
in the last General Election.
In order not to render the
petitioners case nugatory, I
direct that no disbursement
to political parties should be
made until Monday next week
when I shall issue a compre-
hensive ruling on the matter,
said Ms Ngugi.
The money was scheduled
to be disbursed to the Or-
ange Democratic Movement
(ODM), The National Alli-
ance (TNA) and the United
Republican Party (URP),
the only parties qualied to
get the funding according
to the outcome of the 2013
According to the Political
Parties Act, only parties that
garner at least ve per cent
of votes cast during a General
Election qualify for the party
funds. The Act does not rec-
ognise coalitions.
Only ODM, TNA and URP
qualified for state funding
after they garnered a com-
bined total of 65 per cent of
votes in the 2013 elections.
During the 2013/2014 fi-
nancial year, TNA got 43.3
per cent of the funds while
ODM got 38.5 per cent and
URP 13.7 per cent.
The Political Parties Forum
Coalition, Muungano Party
and Kenya National Congress
(KNC) last year challenged
the legality of the Act claim-
ing that it unfairly locked
out fringe parties and failed
to promote democracy.
Justice David Majanja how-
ever dismissed their petition
in February, ruling that the
Political Parties Act was not
unconstitutional and did not
discriminate against the fringe
The small parties have
however appealed against
the decision with their ap-
plication still pending at the
Court of Appeal.
They sought to stop the
disbursement claiming that
the registrar can release the
funds before their appeal is
Through lawyer Charles
Kanjama, the parties argued
that the registrar is in the
process of allocating the
Sh360 million released by
the Treasury when their ap-
peal is still pending and which
action will make it a waste of
judicial time.
Should the registrar be
allowed to proceed, the peti-
tioners will be prejudiced and
suer irreparable harm, said
Mr Kanjama.
Lawyers representing the
registrar of political parties,
ODM, TNA and URP however
opposed the application on
grounds that it was an abuse
of the court process.
Political parties to
wait longer for cash
JUSTICE | Comprehensive ruling set for next week
Registrar barred
from releasing the
money for political
party funding
Amount of money to be
released to three major
political parties

I direct that no
disbursement to
political parties
should be made
until Monday
next week....
Lady Justice Mumbi
Kenyan woman, 25,
suering in Lebanon
A 25-year-old Kenyan woman
has been languishing in a depor-
tation camp in Lebanon since
July 22.
Ms Jane Njeri, from Gachie
in Kiambu County, was taken to
the camp by a Kenyan consulate
ocial after allegedly breaching
a contract she signed with her
Ms Njeri went to the Middle
East country last April to work
as a househelp in the capital city
of Beirut. But she ed from her
employer after complaining of
being overworked.
Yesterday, her family appealed
to the government to help them
bring their kin back home saying
they have been trying to seek as-
sistance from an agent who sent
her there without success.
However the agent who did
not want to identify herself said
by telephone that she was work-
ing on the case.
Delayed in payment
I have been following
up Njeris case and it is her
former employer who has de-
layed in paying her air ticket,
she said.
Ministry of Foreign Aairs
and International Trade said
there was little they could do
in the matter since Ms Njeri
did not inform them when she
left Kenya.
The best we can do is to
provide her with travelling
documents in case she has lost
her passport, public relations
ocer Edwin Limo said.
Governor hits out at
senators over funds
Siaya Governor Cornel Ras-
anga (above) yesterday dared
Senators seeking to chair county
development boards to resign or
wait until the next election to vie
as governors if they are interested
in management of county funds.
He said the push by the senators
to control projects in counties
was not in line with the constitu-
tion. Mr Rasanga dismissed the
proposal saying that the consti-
tution has given them absolute
powers.to manage resources.
County executive in
pitch for more funds
Mombasa county Executive for
Trade and Industry Mohammed
Abdi is seeking an increase in
revenue allocation for the county.
Speaking during a press brieng
ahead of the Import/Export Con-
ference at the Sarova Whitesands
Hotel in Mombasa yesterday, Mr
Abdi said the revenue allocation
was a disadvantage to the county
as it is not commensurate to the
revenue generated by the county
to the National Treasury.
FIT| Skills on display at NYS parade
Servicemen in silent drill during National Youth Service
pass-out parade at Gilgil, Nakuru County, yesterday.
President Kenyatta was the chief guest.
Thursday September 11, 2014
10 | National News
enyas war on poaching is
paying dividends, the Kenya
Wildlife Service (KWS) said
Director-General William Kiprono
said the number of animals killed by
poachers had drastically gone down
in recent years and the situation is
set to get even better.
Kenya is doing far much better as
recent census show increase in wildlife
numbers, compared to other countries
such as Uganda and South Africa who
had to deploy their military forces to
ght poachers, Mr Kiprono said.
Mr Kiprono who spoke in Macha-
kos where he opened a workshop
for rangers and scientists dismissed
calls to declare poaching a national
disaster saying such a move would
kill tourism.
The country has made a lot of
gains in containing the problem and
the poaching menace was under
Our sustained eorts in dealing
with poaching cartels have been suc-
cesful and I can say the worst is now
behind us, he said.
Mr Kiprono accused conservation
groups of waging a smear campaign
using alarmingly manufactured g-
ures about the crisis in Kenya to
attract donors funds.
Statistics show a decline in poach-
ing cases since 2012 and there is a
dierent trend contrary to what some
lobby groups have been portraying,
Mr Kiprono said.
Up to the end of last month, Kenya
had lost 116 elephants and 26 rhinos
to poachers. Comparatively, we are
winning this war because in 2012 we
lost 384 elephants and 30 rhinos while
in 2011, some 289 elephants and 29
rhinos were killed he explained.
The director said he was not down-
playing the magnitude of wildlife
crime but reiterated that declaring
poaching a national disaster will be
counter productive.
Conservationists have repeatedly
said KWS was losing the ght against
poachers and that the countrys famed
wildlife will soon be no more.
A lobby group, Kenyans United
Against Poaching (KUAPO), has so
far gathered more than 20,000 sig-
natures as it seeks to present a plea
to President Kenyatta to declare
poaching a national disaster.
Their petition is currently being
scrutinised by the Parliamentary
Committee on Environment and
Natural Resources
More elephants are being killed
in South Africa and Uganda than in
Kenya. Why havent those countries
declared poaching a disaster? Mr
Kipr0no said. Thes calls are driven
by sinister motives.
He said Kenya is yet to reach that
critical stage and declaring poaching
a national disaster will only scare o
tourists. Figures being bandied around
are misleading and intended to justify
donor funding to NGOs.
Recently enacted Wildlife Conser-
vation Act spells out tough penalties
including life sentences and Sh20
million nes for poaching oences,
and will boost the war on poaching,
he said.
KWS: Were winning poaching war
Kenya Wildlife Director-General William Kiprono with Chinas ambassador to
Kenya Dr Liu Xinfa during the presentation of anti-poaching equipment at the
Chinese Embassy in Nairobi on August 15.
WILDLIFE| Agency accuses NGOs of peddling lies to attract donor funding
Parastatal boss Kiprono
says animal population
has increased because
fewer are being killed
Sh20m : Amount of money one
will pay in nes for poaching
oences as provided for in the
recently enacted Wildlife Con-
servation Act.
116: Number of elephants killed
by poachers up to the end of
last month compared to 384
killed in 2012 and 289 in 2011.
20,000: Number of signatures a
lobby group has so far collected
in its push to have poaching de-
clared a national disaster.
Hefty nes lined
up for poachers
Atwoli seeks
more funds
for NHIF
The government should allocate
funds in its annual budget to boost
the National Hospital Insurance
Fund (NHIF) kitty that is funded
by employees and employers con-
Central Organisation of Trade
Union Secretary General Francis At-
woli said in Mombasa yesterday the
extra funds from tax payers would
supplement the workers meagre
Mr Atwoli said to achieve univer-
sal health care for the benet of the
workers, all the NHIF contributions
should not be left to the workers
who earn low incomes.
For NHIF to be trusted by the
workers, he said, it required the
institution to strengthen and build
its capacity to take charge of the
members contributions.
Full medicare
Cotu has over two million
members with 47 affiliates and
it is through such assurance
that workers will be assured that
their money is safe to provide full
medicare, Mr Atwoli said during
a brieng on Cotus consultations
with the NHIF management at the
Serena Beach Hotel.
On the controversy surround-
ing the increase in membership
contributions, Mr Atwoli said
consultations were ongoing with
the management and a consensus
will be reached possibly by today.
In the previous regime, the
management failed to consult on
the proposed Sh1,000 to Sh2,000
increment that our union rejected,
he said. However, he admitted that
there was need to review the con-
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13. KBS 240P Mercedes Benz
Thursday September 11, 2014
National News 11
recent headline in the
Daily Nation said that
KDF troops set to
join regional standby force.
The Kenya Defence Forces,
the report said, is set to
get approval to contribute
troops to the East Africa
Standby Force (EASF).
EASFs business is to
keep the region peaceful
during times of conict
in situations such as in
Somalia and South Sudan.
Lately, they are working
together on counter-
terrorism. Its members are
Kenya, Burundi, Comoros,
Djibouti, Ethiopia, Rwanda,
the Seychelles, Somalia,
Sudan and Uganda. It is the
most advanced in formation
of all the African standby
All this might seem like
ordinary stu, but it isnt.
The thing with modern
Eastern African armies is
that they stand and ght.
They dont, like happened
in Mali, take ight when
they hear rumours of
rebels advancing. And they
dont do the Naija scoot.
Recently, the Boko Haram
militants overran a town
in northeastern Nigeria.
The soldiers ed with the
civilians barefoot and in
The Nigerian army was
once mighty, roaming West
Africa, knocking the heads
of warlords and restoring
order. Its recent collapse is
truly bewildering.
Why dont East African
armies ee? For starters,
they have a lot of practice
ghting at home, in
neighbouring countries,
and working in troubled
lands like Somalia, South
Sudan, the Darfur region,
and so forth. But some of
it has to do with the craft
they have developed from
their joint military exercises,
especially the East African
Community armies.
Some time ago, I read a
leaked brief from the EAC
headquarters. One of the
fascinating bits was on the
joint training exercises,
many of them with the US
military, that the regional
forces hold and we in the
media never get to know.
There are many.
In July, during the 20th
liberation anniversary in
Rwanda, I went on a trip
that traced the route of the
Rwanda Patriotic Army
rebels during the war that
eventually brought Paul
Kagame to power.
One of the stops was
Gabiro, the scene of a lot of
military activity during the
war. It used to be a village
when we covered the war.
Now it is a small modernish
town. It also has a combat
training school.
The school is also the
East African regional
training centre for non-
commissioned ocers. You
hear about these military
schools in Africa, and often
they are just shacks and
overgrown grounds.
The Gabiro centre will
surprise you. It is a world-
class facility, and there the
regions NCOs hone their
battleeld skills again,
without us in the media
What we are saying is that
the EASF is another step
in a major reorganisation
of our militaries that could
fundamentally change even
how national politics is
conducted in East Africa in
the years to come.
My own sense is that
because terrorism has
become transnational, and
regional crises like South
Sudan have consequences
way beyond their borders,
in organising as standby
brigades or peace-
enforcement consortiums
the militaries are creating
a regional federation. Only
that they are not aware they
are doing so.
But even without that, the
expansion of the military
role all over Africa is
happening in subtle ways.
In Liberia and Sierra Leone,
they have been deployed to
enforce Ebola quarantines
(and, not surprisingly,
rogues took the opportunity
to solicit bribes from people
to let them escape the
quarantine zones. Some
things never change).
In Egypt, the military
which already dabbles
in business is to lead in
funding and working on the
$4 billion expansion of the
Suez Canal. There will be
industrial and logistics hubs
built around the expanded
canal that will cost another $4
million. It has been awarded
to a Bahrain registered rm,
Dar Al-Handasah Egypt. The
Egyptian army is the local
African armies are
getting multi-skilled,
making money, learning
to work regionally and
internationally. This gives
them a knowledge base,
resources, and networks
that dont have to rely on
civilian structures, and
therefore great autonomy
and ability to purse pan-
What next? Will the
Kenya-Uganda armies take
over the new railway to
end the bickering? Will the
regional armies standardise
their equipment? Will
they federate ahead of the
politicians? Well, this time
we will be there to tell you.
Mr Onyango-Obbo is editor
of Mail & Guardian Africa
Twitter: @cobbo3
African armies
are getting multi-
skilled, making
money, learning to
work regionally and
WHAT OTHERS SAY | Charles Onyango-Obbo
Kenya army joins regional force: Are
soldiers making a political federation?
Punish harshly teachers
who fail their students
he Kenya National Examinations Council
has in recent times introduced measures to
ensure all eligible candidates are registered to
write Standard Eight or Form Four tests.
Specically, the council has introduced a policy
where registration is done a year in advance to
avoid a last-minute rush.
Further, the registration has been automated to
ensure eciency and transparency. Candidates or
their parents can easily check on the status of their
registration online and detect any irregularity that
may have happened.
However, evidence is emerging that some schools
still lock out candidates from sitting the national
examinations by failing to register them.
Reports from the council indicate that 1,500
candidates may not write this years exams because
their schools did not submit their names and pay
the requisite fees on time. This is an old problem
that recurs with worrying regularity.
It cannot be attributed to anything else other than
negligence or sheer fraud. Too often, some schools
collect examamination fees but fail to submit the
money to the council. In a few cases, schools make
wrong entries that invalidate the registration.
None of this is acceptable. All schools preparing
candidates for national examinations understand
the rules and regulations. They know the
procedures and the timelines. Therefore, those
who do not follow the procedures and register
candidates deserve punishment.
Putting a child through primary or secondary
education is a massive investment. Denying them a
chance to sit the national exams at the end of their
school cycle is therefore a painful experience. Thus
the headteachers or managers of schools that are
guilty of this must be punished harshly for violating
professional responsibilities.
Rethink anti-media Bill
he media will be encouraged by the remarks
made by National Assembly Speaker Justin
Muturi on a Bill that could, if passed in its
current form, have disastrous consequences.
The Speakers comments come in the wake of
fears that some of the provisions in the proposed
law could hamper the coverage of proceedings in
Speaker Muturi says that though the
Parliamentary Powers and Privileges (Amendment)
Bill contains useful provisions, some of the
suggestions are rather ludicrous.
Of particular concern is the clause intended
to create a new oence called defamation of
Parliament and for which oenders would be ned
up to Sh500,000 for making disparaging remarks
about the House or its members.
But even more important is the fact that freedom
of expression is guaranteed in the Constitution
and that the people have a right to know what their
representatives in the law-making body are doing.
The media have the useful role of disseminating
information and should be supported and not
unfairly targeted through punitive legislation, as
there are already enough laws in the statute books
to fully take care of those who err.
LINUS GITAHI: Chief Executive Ocer
TOM MSHINDI: Ag. Group Editorial Director
MUTUMA MATHIU: Group Managing Editor
Published at Nation Centre, Kimathi Street and printed at
Mombasa Road, Nairobi by Nation Media Group Limited
POB 49010, Nairobi 00100
Tel: 3288000, 0719038000. Fax 221396
Registered at the GPO as a newspaper
Thursday September 11, 2014
12 | Opinion
Hawkers ee tear-gas lobbed by police at Ngara
tys new cashless system for parking fee payment
allows the use of M-Pesa, Airtel Money and 20
other electronic methods, Jambo Pay CEO Dan-
son Muchemi claries. Users create an account on
their phones by dialling *217# or signing up at http:
//epayments.nairobi.go.ke. One can top up using
any mobile money options, Visa, MasterCard and
various banks. The system is convenient as park-
ing and other bills can now be paid through the
phone. He can be reached on Tel. 0709920000 or
dmuchemi@webtribe.co.ke for details.
E-mail: watchman@ke.nationmedia.com
or write to Watchman,
POB 49010, Nairobi 00100.
Fax 2213946.
DISTRESSED. For how long will motorists and pe-
destrians continue to suer the consequences of the
frequent clashes between hawkers and the Nairobi City
County askaris at Ngara? asks Damaris Ngigi. Quite
often, she moans, motorists suddenly get caught up in
the mayhem with their cars getting stoned though they
have no idea about the cause of the conict. As they
swallow teargas, nearby schools are also aected. Who
will put an end to this impunity? She wants to know.
retary Charity Ngilu has been doing a commendable
job at Ardhi House, notes David Jasondu. However, he
wishes she could liaise with the city government to
establish whether a huge building coming up at the in-
tersection of Mbagathi and Langata roads, directly op-
posite T-Mall, was ocially cleared. The property is
just next to a roundabout and touches on a river bank
at a location that was clearly demarcated as riparian
land. Its allocation is a mystery that Ngilu and Gover-
nor Evans Kidero should help unravel?
EDUCATE CRO0KED COP. There is crooked traf-
c policeman on a motorbike who has been preying
on motorists between the entrance to the National
Assembly and the Parliament Police Station in Nairobi,
Quince Viraj reports. He will, for example, insist that at
the roundabout, drivers indicate the direction in which
they are going. Can someone drum into his head that
vehicles at a roundabout have the right of way and it is
impossible to indicate where one will exit. Another of-
cer openly solicits bribes.
WRONG PRIORITY. Mt Kenya Universitys idea of
building latrines at a cost of Sh1 million for the people
displaced by post-election violence may sound like
a good corporate social responsibility project, but it
is ridiculous, considering that what they need most
is something to put in their stomachs, says Phoebe
Okullu. According to her, the priority should have
been a programme to boost the IDPs economic status
so they can build their own latrines. Her contact is
STANDARDISE BUMPS. Bumps being erected on
roads in densely populated areas should be standard-
ised as part of eorts to boost safety, urges Naro Moru
resident T.B. Muckle. He adds: The shape and dimen-
sions of all future bumps should be made so that they
allow a vehicle to go over smoothly at low speed, but
create severe jarring when one is speeding. The second
step is to mark them with quality paint for longevity
and good visibility, particularly for rst-time drivers at
night and in the rain.
Have a secure day, wont you!
ENVIRONMENT | Christian Turner & Andreas Peschke
any Kenyans tell us
how weather pat-
terns have changed
over recent years. The worlds
leading climate scientists say
the Earths climate is chang-
ing due to human activity. If
left unchecked, the eects of
climate change will be wide-
The British and German
governments chose Tuesday,
September 9, to raise interna-
tional awareness on climate
change. Our message is sim-
ple: It is not too late, but we
must act quickly.
The International Panel on
Climate Changes Fifth Assess-
ment Science Report, published
in September 2013, concluded
that warming of the climate
system is unequivocal.
Further climate change is
expected to increase the fre-
quency of extreme weather
events such as droughts,
oods, and heat waves. We
are already seeing the im-
pact of this, especially in
Kenya, which has endured
six droughts and two oods
between 1992 and 2009, af-
fecting 10 million people.
Drought is estimated to have
slowed down the countrys
economic growth by an aver-
age of 2.8 per cent per year.
The annual cost of climatic
shocks to Kenya alone is esti-
mated at about Sh44.3 billion
(about 2 per cent of the GDP).
If not addressed, climate
change will severely hamper
Kenyas ambition of achiev-
ing middle income status by
2030. As ever, the impact will
be disproportionately felt by
vulnerable groups, especially
women and those living in the
arid and semi-arid lands and
coastal regions.
We need a worldwide, large-
scale change to our energy
system to limit the eects of
climate change. The UK and
Germany are leading from
the front. We are investing
in low-carbon and energy-ef-
cient technologies, with an
increased focus on home-
grown renewable energy, to
create a sustainable supply of
aordable energy for consum-
ers and businesses alike. We
are pushing for an ambitious
EU energy and climate change
agreement that will lead to
a 40 per cent reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions by
Kenya is a leader in Africa
on climate change. We con-
gratulate the country on its
ambitious National Climate
Change Action Plan and the
Climate Bill currently before
Parliament. Kenya is a low
emitter, with a strong history
of utilising its renewable en-
ergy resources. Hydro energy
is long established and recent
times have seen signicant in-
creases in solar and wind.
Europe and Africa face many
of the same issues. Health,
urban planning, transport, and
aordable housing, all present
challenges to be addressed in
the light of climate change.
Climate change transcends
national borders. It must be a
core national and international
policy issue, recognised as
both an economic challenge
and an opportunity for innova-
tion and long-term sustainable
Decisive action is needed
at every level, from govern-
ments to citizens, all over
the world. No activity is too
small. Kenya is ideally placed
to further utilise and benet
from renewable technologies
such as solar, hydro, and wind
to maintain a thriving, green,
and sustainable economy. We
want to challenge the assump-
tion that we, or Kenya, face
a binary choice between the
environment and growth and
development. That is a false
choice. We need both. And we
can have both.
The UK and Germany are
actively deploying their own
climate nance to support low-
carbon development globally,
as well as encouraging others
to do their bit. The UKs 3.87
billion (about Sh554 billion)
International Climate Fund is
helping developing countries,
including Kenya, to reduce
emissions and mitigate the im-
pacts of climate change.
In a similar way, Germanys
International Climate Protec-
tion Initiative has supported
over 400 projects since 2008,
worth a total of 3.89 billion
(about Sh444 billion).
The UK and Germany are
committed to playing their
part in securing a climate -
nance commitment of about
Sh14.3 trillion per year by
2020 from a range of funding
sources and we are match-
ing our words with cash and
By working together, all of
us in our dierent ways, we
can secure a future that is
greener, cleaner, stronger, and
more sustainable. Our partner-
ship with Kenya is a vital part
of this.
Dr Turner is the British High
Commissioner and Mr Peschke
the German Ambassador in
Climate change is here, but its not too
late for what we do to make a dierence
Youths demonstrate to create
awareness on climate change
zee Jomo Kenyatta in July 1976
told the Catholic bishops of
Eastern Africa that the Church
is the conscience of society. He told them
not to be afraid to speak out if the Execu-
tive wanders o the path and that if they
kept quiet, one day they would have to
answer for the mistakes of that arm of the
Needless to say, our society needs
a conscience. Politics seems to have
taken centre stage, yet politicians, whose
hallmark is shrewdness, cannot be that
conscience. The shrewd only have a
mouth and a stomach, hence the syco-
phancy in our public aairs, including
school management.
One of the contributions of the Church
in keeping society on the right path is
the provision of education. The state can-
not manage church-sponsored schools
without the Church, which has invested
heavily in education. To be the conscience
of society, the Church should also engage
in other economic sectors, as well as feed
and clothe the poor.
The Church needs to be complimented,
not condemned, for its immense con-
tribution to education. The criticism
directed at the Church during a recent
Kisii County education conference is,
therefore, unfortunate, more so because it
came from a professor who should know
the problems facing church-sponsored
The closure of Cardinal Otunga and
Mangu high schools in 2001 was a result
of the arrogance of government o-
cials, who did not want to consult their
sponsors, the Catholic Church. Instead,
they wanted to impose their preferred
headteachers. The committee of profes-
sionals formed after the Kisii County
Education Conference may not succeed if
the Church is not involved.
It is little wonder then that while pri-
vate schools owned by Church-aliated
institutions have high standards and are
the envy of many, most public church-
sponsored schools are in a sorry state.
In America, parents have decided to
manage schools under the chartered
school arrangement in which they pool
resources to run the institutions. The
mushrooming of private schools in Kenya
reects this phenomenon and speaks
volumes about the waning condence in
public education.
The government is not a good manager.
It uses an economic model that equates
students to commodities without consid-
ering what is needed to educate a whole
person. Allocating money to schools is
certainly not enough. An archbishop of
Washington once asked the state educa-
tion department to give him half the
allocation in the budget for elementary
education and all the elementary schools
in the state of Washington to run.
After the introduction of free primary
education in 2003, there were many
strikes. This indicates that parents and
the Church have a vital role in school
management. The passing of the Basic
Education Bill 2013 notwithstanding,
there is a crisis in education in Kenya.
Since independence, families and
churches have developed schools organi-
cally under the principle of subsidiary and
solidarity. These schools reect the pref-
erences and traditions particular to the
communities where they are established.
The government should not impose a
management structure alien to schools.
Mr Momanyi is an administrator at Strath-
more University. (momanyichris@gmail.com)
EDUCATION| Christopher Momanyi
State must respect Churchs role in schools
The mushrooming of private
schools in Kenya speaks
volumes about the waning
condence of parents and
students in public education
Thursday September 11, 2014
Opinion 13
hat President Kenyatta could
visit Migori County and
forced to cut short his war
against malaria by shoes-hurling
youths chanting slogans against
their governor is both shameful
and regrettable.
What is even more embarrass-
ing is that these events are being
termed pre-organised by a po-
litical network. Who are in these
networks? Arent there ocers on
the ground to carry out pre-visit in-
telligence before the Head of State
toured a county? Do we believe
that the so-called politicians who
organised to embarrass the Head
of State went to another planet to
plan their activities?
Our intelligence is a sham. No
wonder a car belonging to the
presidential motorcade could be
stolen and driven across the border
to Uganda.
NIS is reactive in every sense
and rarely pre-empts anything.
The implication is that these
activities were organised and our
NIS was unable to prevent what-
ever was planned. What if it was
something worse?
Kenyans are also tired of the pro-
ling of criminal activities. When
a drug haul is impounded, a small
man is arrested and prosecuted; the
owner remains unmasked. When
Lamu was attacked, there was po-
litical involvement; a lorry driver
is the only person I can remember
being taken to court.
Once the Nyanza Regional Com-
missioner Francis Mutie starts
talking about high-prole arrests,
then believe you me, the common
jobless village youth, who may not
be sober as you read this, is the one
they will arrest.
The assertion that there are even
M-Pesa records to prove the fund-
ing of hecklers is simply another
indicator that our intelligence
machinery trails events when the
ocers ought to be on top.
Blame innocent
I am a member of the Cord, and
I want to use this opportunity to
condemn the disruption of the
presidential function in Migori.
However, our coalition leader,
Mr Raila Odinga, had nothing to
do with the hooligans who were
shouting ODM slogans much as
some Jubilee activists would want
us to believe.
Its disturbing that every time
an ugly incident happens, the per-
son to pin all the blame on is Mr
The Mau Forest evictions, ICC
indictments, Mpeketoni attacks, et
all, are deemed to have been caused
by Raila. Why then not lock him up
in jail if he is such a bad boy?
Lets stop this stone-age kind of
To the editor
The editor welcomes brief letters on topical issues. Write on e-mail to: mailbox@
ke.nationmedia.com. You can also mail to: The Editor, Daily Nation, POB 49010,
Nairobi 00100. Letters may be edited for clarity, space or legal considerations.
Intelligence agents are to blame for
the chaos that erupted in Migori
President Kenyatta share a joke with Migori Governor Okoth Obado during his
visit to Sony Sugar Company in Awendo Town on Monday.
Emails from correspondents
Appoint professionals to the boards of tourism agencies
The planned constitution of a board of governors
for the Tourism Regulatory Authority (TRA) is good
news. It is sad that all the corporations under the de-
partment of tourism lack functioning boards. Every
key decision by the organisations must wait for the
ministry head oce to give a nod.
This is very frustrating as the aected statutory
bodies are held captive by the ministry when crucial
decisions have to be made.
During the vetting of Ms Phyllis Kandie as Tourism
Cabinet Secretary, she promised Kenyans that consti-
tuting boards was her agenda number one. One and
half years later, the corporations are still operating
without boards. What happened to the promise?
The industry requires men and women who are
qualied and passionate about tourism. I urge the
minister to consider the input of the professional bod-
ies or trade organisations in the sector when consti-
tuting the boards.
Major stakeholders such as Kenya Association of
Hotel-keepers and Caterers (KAHC), Kenya Tourism
Federation (KTF), Kenya Association of Tour Opera-
tors (Kato) and Kenya Association of Travel Agents
(Kata) ought to be represented on the boards. That
way the boards will have people with relevant ex-
pertise and experience to turn around the important
Comment on the chaos during Uhurus visit to Migori County last Monday.
is free to meet his people in any
county regardless of the areas politi-
cal stand whether they voted him
in or not. Its immature to disrupt a
presidential meeting because of few
politicians who want to gain political
mileage and divide Kenyans along
ethnic lines.
GAKONYO KIMANI: Unacceptable.
The organisers of such hooliganism
must be held responsible to serve as
an example to others.
J.M. CHEGE: When will young peo-
ple learn that primitive behaviour has
no chance in the 21 century?
ERICK MINGARE: Its normal for
presidents in Kenya to be heckled and
therefore the siege mentality being
overplayed by some politicians is suf-
focating. Moi was heckled at Uhuru
Park and mud was thrown at him; his
convoy was stoned in Western as he
tried to sell Mudavadi. Kibakis convoy
had objects hurled at it in Iten. Raila
got the same treatment at a hotel in
Karatina, and also in Embu and Meru.
The government should accept to
move on and stop throwing tantrums.
Comment on pro-
test by Githurai
residents over po-
licemans arrest.
Send your comments to:
In response to Joseph Kamatas
letter to the editor in yesterdays
Nation, a trac oender need not
appear in court in person. The law
allows a person to appear in court
through an advocate and even send
a written plea. Date of attendance
need not be on the day of arrest.
Section 116(1) of the Trac Act
provides that it shall be lawful for
any police ocer to serve, either
personally or by registered post,
upon any person who is reasonably
suspected of having committed any
oence in connection with the driv-
ing or use of any vehicle which is
punishable only by a ne, or by a
ne and imprisonment for a period
not exceeding six months, a notice
in the prescribed form...
Trac oenders can
send lawyer to court
As the calls for referendum heats
up, I suppose many are yet to make
up their minds on which side to
back. Unfortunately, politicians have
already decided for them.
The issues that the plebiscite is
supposed to address are still largely
shrouded in mystery apart from the
calls for increased funding to the
counties which both the opposition,
Cord, and the pro-referendum gover-
nors strongly support.
If counties had lived up to their
billing as engines for development,
the clarion call Pesa Mashinani
would have been an easy sell. Tangi-
ble service delivery must dene our
devolved systems.
Let counties deliver
before seeking cash
The Monday incident in Migori
during which rowdy youths inter-
rupted the Presidents speech de-
serves to be condemned. It doesnt
matter that they were targeting Gov-
ernor Okoth Obado or whoever else.
The presence of the President ought
to have been a sobering moment and
they should not have washed their
dirty linen in public.
In a country where tribal stereo-
types abound, it is damaging when a
crowd appears to reinforce the same
stereotypes. The damage may take
quite some time to undo.
That some of the social media
commentators are congratulating the
hooligans only widens the rift that
already exists in the country.
Gloating over Migori
fracas causing division
POWER COUNTS: In his response
yesterday to my rejoinder, Donald
Okatch asserts that we Luos need
to take stock of our under-develop-
ment since independence, then di-
gresses, by accusing our politicians
of being the cause of our stunted
growth. But what have successive
governments since independence
done to improve, say the shing
industry? In the ve years a Prime
Minister came from our community
there are tangible benets. By the
way belittling motel business is in
bad taste.
RALLY TENSION: I do not under-
stand why the crowd in Migori had
the audacity to appear for a rally in
the rst place if they had no busi-
ness listening to the speeches and
theirs was to cause harm, tension
and chaos. I believe in staying out
of something you do not condone.
Its a total misuse of their role as the
public. We all should learn the les-
son that the best solution to issues is
ignoring them. This makes a better
statement than hurling missiles. I
thank the President for developing
Kenya irrespective of party support.
bridges on Mombasa Road (GM
Motors and Bellevue), according to
the Kenya National Highways Au-
thority, cost Sh350 million. Either
my understanding of what a million
Kenya shilling means is very dif-
ferent or something is amiss with
public projects costing in this coun-
try. How can two footbridges cost
Sh350 million? Are they are made
of gold? Worse still, is the slow pace
in putting up a mere footbridge.
Why take a whole two years? Will we
achieve Vision 2030 at this pace?
POOR DONOR: It is ironical that
the government has pledged to do-
nate Sh87 million to West Africans
to ght Ebola, while its people are
grappling with the high cost of liv-
ing, insecurity, unemployment,
drought and famine which have
claimed several lives in the recent
past. I believe that that money could
have been put into better use to
ght hunger, assist needy but bright
students, and pay our badly remu-
nerated police ocers, teachers and
doctors. What are the priority areas
of this government? Kenya is a poor
country and must desist from dish-
ing out grants to other countries.
Thursday September 11, 2014
14 | Letters
Governor faces probe over
Sh21.9m spent on oces
yandarua deputy Governor
Waithaka Mwangi Kirika is
among senior county oc-
ers to be investigated in connection
with Sh21.9 million allegedly spent
on oce renovations.
Some Sh12.8 million had been ear-
marked for the renovation of a private
building identied as the county head-
quarters. However, the county chiefs
are said to have inated the gure to
Sh21.9 million, according to a report
tabled in the assembly yesterday.
The County Assembly Public In-
vestment Committee report into the
expenditure described the transac-
tions as a rip-o and misuse of public
funds. The ndings by the nine-mem-
ber team, which doubles up as Public
Accounts Committee, says the county
bosses could not explain how a Sh12.8
million tender awarded to a contractor
for the repair of two oors and a car
park escalated to Sh21.9 million.
This happened at a time no building
in Ol Kalou sub-county could cost more
than Sh8 million, the report says.
A document showing the break-
down of how the money was used and
presented by Executive Committee
member for Finance John Ngaruiya
shows repairs on one of the oors cost
Sh2.9 million while those on second
one cost Sh3 million. The car park
repairs consumed Sh3.7 million.
The county also spent Sh3.6 million
to pay the annual rent upfront. The car
park monthly rent is Sh50,000.
The committee termed the deal as
waste of public money, noting that the
yet-to-be validated lease agreement
for the building said to be worth
Sh6 million is only for two years
and expires on July 1, next year.
The government also received
Sh61 million for the renovation
of former Ol Kalou Town Council
oces but no one has explained where
the money is. None of the ocers
who appeared before the committee
said what happened to the money,
says the report tabled by committee
chairman Silvester Mwangi Kagiri.
It recommends that action be taken
against the ocers responsible for
inating the renovation cost. They
should also be investigated further
by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption
Commission, the reports adds.
The deputy governor should bear
the blame for on-site changes of the
original gures to increase the cost
from Sh12.8 million to Sh21.9 million,
the report further says.
The office of the deputy gover-
nor should be interrogated on what
other interest it had in the project
other than being representative of
the client. This is because he pro-
posed a good number of additional
works that were all implemented leading
to signicant deal of escalating costs.
Among those recommended for
investigation are former county sec-
retary Isaac Githui, nance ocer
Jesse Mwangi, former head of sup-
plies chain management Ephantus
Thigah, works ocer L.N. Musili,
quantity surveyor, Mr J.K. Ngigi and
project architect O.W. Wasike.
Assembly committee
report exposes loss of
millions after county
chiefs allegedly
inated repair costs
What committee
report alleges
That under the deputy gover-
nors watch, repair works meant to
cost Sh12.8 million were inated to
Sh21.9 million. Deputy governor al-
legedly made changes to the deal
while on site due to alleged vested
interests. Report by the Public
Accounts Committee says the
county government is also unable
to account for Sh61 million meant
to fund repairs on the former Ol
Kalou Town Council oces.
The team wants the governor,
his deputy and several other top
ocials investigated by the Ethics
and Anti-Corruption Commission.
Nyandarua Gov-
ernor Waithaka
Mwangi joins
dancers during
this years Ush-
irika Day celebra-
tions in Ol Kalou
Town. His deputy,
Mr Waithaka Ki-
rika, is among top
county ocials
facing investiga-
tions into the use
of Sh21.9 mill
ion spent on of-
ce repairs.
Nyandarua | Waithaka Mwangi and his deputy at the centre of alleged scandal
Kili >
Parents of errant students will
be arrested, warns governor
Parents of students who
cause unrest in school will be
arrested, Governor Amason
Kingi (left) has warned.
Mr Kingi said parents
were responsible for their
children and schools were not
correctional centres. We shall
arrest you and your parent if
you participate in a rampage,
he told students at Dr Krapf
Memorial High School in
Rabai during a funds drive for
the construction of dormitory
razed last week during riots.
Nehemiah Okwembah
Meru >
County launches plan to help
school leavers select courses
The Meru county government will hold a career
day tomorrow to help guide students who complete
their secondary education in selecting courses to
pursue. Career and talents development director
at Katheri Boys High School in Meru Central
District, Mr Nicholas Muriuki, said more than
4,000 students are expected to attend the function
at the institution. Speaking to the Nation by phone
yesterday, Mr Muriuki said: We decided to launch
the event after we saw students get confused even
after nishing Kenya Certicate of Secondary
Education examination. Most of them are not
certain of what they want to do at university,
Mr Muriuki said. He said the event seeks to help
introduce students to various career choices, work
places and other personal development strategies.
Lucas Barasa
Travel rms say travel charges proposed by
Kili county are too high P. 26
More than 50 people taken to hospital after
drinking water from Londokwe River. P. 23
For comprehensive stories, go to www.nation.co.ke/counties
Nyeri >
Coee farmers reap big with
Sh3.1bn immediate payment
The county government yesterday announced that
farmers who sold their coee through its joint
marketing initiative would be paid Sh3.1 billion. Trade
Executive Stanley Miano and Agriculture Executive
Shadrack Mubea said the farmers, who delivered
their produce to Sagana Coee Mills, would paid
immediately. Coee producers momentous eorts
resulted in tremendous improvement in the year
2013/14 payment rates of between 20 per cent and
600 per cent for the 106 factories that utilised the
joint marketing initiative, they said. The ocials said
the joint marketing initiative had resulted in an over
12 per cent reduction in milling losses. The county
government praised the Kenya Cooperative Coee
Exporters for its assistance in milling, marketing and
selling Nyeri Countys coee. Evalyne Githinji
Thursday September 11, 2014
Baringo >
Arrest FGM preachers or
face the sack, chiefs told
Chiefs who turn a blind eye to
female circumcision in their areas
of jurisdiction have been warned
they will lose their jobs. Baringo
County Commissioner Peter
Okwanyo on Tuesday directed
chiefs and their assistants to arrest
perpetrators of Female Genital
Mutilation. Female circumcision
has been outlawed and chiefs risk
being sacked if they fail to prevent
young girls from undergoing
the rite, warned Mr Okwanyo.
He issued the directive during
a meeting on legal implications
of FGM at Barbelo. Anti-FGM
activist Linah Jebii Kilimo said the
law provided penalties for anyone
convicted of promoting female
circumcision. Barnabas Bii
Uasin Gishu >
Locals accuse area of
development bias
Residents of Kimumu have
accused the Uasin Gishu county
government of discriminating
against them. They complained
that no project had been initiated
in the area by the county
government. Mrs Beatrice
Singoei noted that roads in the
region were bad. She said the
sick could not easily access
hospitals and children could not
safely go to school. The Nation
could not reach the Kimumu
ward representative Samuel Ruto
for comment. Gerald Bwisa
Nakuru >
Devolved unit urged to
encourage hawkers
A report has urged the County
to formulate policies that favour
street vendors to promote
their existence, nurture growth in
earnings and improve livelihoods.
A ve-city global study by the
US-based Women in Information
Employment Globalising and
Organising said constant
battles with police, during
which hawkers are arrested and
their wares conscated did not
augur well for county revenue
generation, employment creation,
better nutrition and education for
hundreds of families. The report
said local governments with a
more enabling environment for
hawkers report better revenues.
James Kariuki
Laikipia >
MP wants Nacada to
seek counties support
Laikipia Women Representative
Jane Machira yesterday asked the
anti-drugs agency to change its
lone-ranger tactics if the war
against substance and alcohol
abuse is to be won. Mrs Machira
said Nacada should cease being a
crisis driven outt and nd ways
to work with county governments
as policy enforcement agencies to
curb deaths caused by consumption
of toxic drinks. She further asked
Nacada to involve stakeholders in
the alcohol industry to help root
out licensed brewers behind the
manufacture of toxic drinks. Mrs
Machira said it was unfortunate
that illicit brews were being sold
under the noses of police and
chiefs. James Kariuki
Kili >
MP to set up bursary
for needy students
Kaloleni MP Gunga Mwinga
yesterday said he would set
up a fund to help bright needy
students in the constituency.
Addressing residents at
Kaloleni trading centre during a
meeting with the CDF projects
implementation team, the MP
said although there were bursary
funds from both the national
and the county governments,
there was need to have a full
scholarship programme to ensure
local children access education
without major diculties. Mr
Mwinga said he was organising
a harambee to help nance the
scholarship. Kazungu Samuel
Narok >
Probe sought after kin
sells blind mans land
National Association for Persons
with Disability chairman David
Sankok yesterday urged the anti-
graft agency to investigate how
a man sold land belonging to
his blind brother in Maji Moto,
Narok South Sub-county. He
said all those involved in seizing
the land should be named and
shamed and the 150-acre plot
reverted to Mr Natasim Siololo.
He urged Lands Secretary
Charity Ngilu to look into how
the deal was executed.
George Sayagie
Narok >
Ministry misleading
Uhuru on poaching
Wildlife conservationists
have accused the government
of playing down the eects
of poaching. This could
compromise measures to
protect animals in parks, they
said. Conservation groups
in Narok, led by the Mara
Serengeti Ecosystem chairman
Nick Ole Murero blamed the
Kenya Wildlife Service and the
Wildlife ministry for failing to
brief the President accordingly
and declare poaching a national
disaster. About 47 elephants have
been killed in the Maasai Mara
and 16 elephant tusks worth Sh10
million seized, said Narokiana
Conservancy chairman Sammy
Nkoitoi.George Sayagie
Kakamega >
KFS ocers accused of
abetting illegal logging
Kenya Forest Service ocers
and their Kenya Wildlife Service
counterparts are being blamed for
the wanton destruction of local
forests. They protect illegal loggers
and charcoal burners, said the
countys environment executive,
Mrs Peninah Mukabane yesterday,
when she visited Buyangu forest in
Kambiri location, Kakamega East
sub-county. Mr Sylvester Mambili,
the chairman of Muleishi, an
environmental conservation group,
said the situation was getting out
of hand, with loggers exploiting
the small number of wardens and
rangers to sneak into forests at
night to cut trees.
Benson Amadala
Nandi >
County eyes Sh400m
from trade exhibition
The county hopes to raise more
than Sh400 million from the
Agricultural Trade Fair and
Cultural Fete it is set to host
from October 8. It has already
injected Sh15 million into
organising for the event. The
show is consistent with my
governments desire to promote
agri-business, bring producers
and consumers together and
enable farmers to interact with
the industrial and commercial
players for optimal growth in
the sector, said the governor, Dr
Cleophas Lagat during a meeting
with leaders in Kapsabet town.
Gerald Bwisa
Muranga >
Residents confront
MPs over bad road
Residents of Gitubi ward
yesterday confronted a group of
MPs over delay in completion
of the Muranga-Gitugi-Mioro
road construction. The MPs, who
are members of a Parliamentary
Committee on Transport, Public
Works and Housing, were in
the area to inspect construction
of roads. Committee chairman
Maina Kamanda had a dicult
time pacifying the residents, who
demanded action against the
contractor. Mr Kamanda shifted
the blame to Kenya Rural Roads
Authority (KeRRa) and Kenya
National Highways Authority
(KenHa), accusing them of
awarding tenders to incompetent
contractors. Martin Mwaura
Kirinyaga >
Gichugu gets Sh180m
for technical college
The national government has
disbursed Sh180 million for
the construction of a technical
training institute in Gichugu
Constituency. Area MP
Njogu Barua said some of the
money had been released and
construction work would start
soon. Mr Barua told journalists in
Kianyaga town yesterday that the
Constituency Development Fund
had also contributed Sh10 million
towards the project, which will
take three years to complete.
George Munene
Kisumu >
Families push irrigation
board for compensation
More than 19 families are
demanding compensation for
the demolition of their houses
at Ahero Rice Scheme by the
National Irrigation Board (NIB).
The aected households were
kicked out of Kamaganga, Kori
and Masara villages. They termed
the evictions illegal and demanded
payment for their property.
However, Mr Laban Kiplagat, NIBs
western Kenya regional manager,
said the aected villagers settled
on the land without the boards
permission. There was a very bad
trend in which people just settled
on any open space. We told them to
vacate but they refused, he told the
Nation by telephone yesterday.
Patrick Langat
Laikipia >
Two get three years jail
for attempted fraud
Two men who tried to defraud a
businessman of Sh500,000 by
claiming they had diamonds to
sell him were yesterday jailed for
three years each. Harrison Ngige
and David Maina were sentenced
by Nyahururu Senior Principal
Magistrate Denis Mikoyan,
who found them guilty of the
oence. They tried to swindle Mr
Boniface Kamau of Sh500,000
by claiming they had posts and
diamonds to sell him on behalf
of a businessman from Zaire.
They committed the oence on
January 8 at Kawa Falls hotel in
Nyahururu town.
David Macharia
Busia >
Woman, attendant
arrested over abortion
Two women are in custody for
allegedly helping a teenager to
procure an abortion in Aremit
location, Teso South. Area
chief Livingstone Enaga said
the women were arrested after
the mission went awry. The 16-
year-old girl is in Form Three.
She developed complications,
resulting in heavy bleeding
that prompted the adults her
mother and a traditional birth
attendant to take her to
hospital. Raphael Wanjala
Mandera >
County forms forum
to collect locals views
The county government has
launched an initiative to collect
residents views and address
their needs. Governor Ali Robas
(above) administration has
formed a round table for regular
meetings with youth, women and
elders to address their needs.
During the Ramadhan period, the
county government distributed
food to 120 needy households.
Chief of sta Tamima Ali said
the devolved unit had enlisted
a local radio station to engage
the public through questions
to county ministries, and two
executive members will appear
every week to respond to the
issues raised by the public.
Lucas Barasa
Police ocers bar a television cameraman from recording events at the home of
an Administration Police ocer who had shot himself dead yesterday The ocer
who was based at the Mathari Mission Hospital in Mathari, Nyeri County shot
himself in the neck and died instantly. It was not clear what prompted the ocer
to turn the gun on himself.
Not here, please! Nyeri |
Thursday September 11, 2014
18 | County
Trans Nzoia >
Sh55m pumped into
Elgon water project
The county has injected Sh55
million into a water project in Mt
Elgon Forest. Governor Patrick
Khaemba said the project,
which will make use of gravity,
will serve 120,000 residents to
ensure they have clean piped
water. Speaking during a tour of
the Endebess Ward on Tuesday,
Mr Khaemba said the county
seeks to take advantage of its
location between Mt Elgon and
Cherangany water towers to curb
water shortage in the region.
Philip Bwayo
Kakamega >
County set to ght
maize disease threat
Measures to deal with a possible
outbreak of a lethal maize
disease in the next planting
season have been put in place.
The County Executive for
Agriculture, Mrs Peninah
Mukabane, said yesterday that
money from the emergency fund
would be used to buy chemicals.
We have asked the Kenya Plant
Health Inspectorate Service for
a quotation on the chemical we
will need, she said. An outbreak
of the viral disease in Lugari and
Likuyani a week ago destroyed
106 acres of the crop. Ministry
ocials have since brought the
Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease
outbreak under control.
Benson Amadala
Deputy governor backs
drive for referendum
The campaign for a referendum to
increase funding to counties has
received a boost. Deputy Governor
Kennedy Kamto, who had been
silent on the issue, yesterday rallied
residents to support the drive.
This is not about me but its for
the sake of development in this
county, he said. Accompanied by
three county assembly members,
Mr Kamto pledged to protect
devolution by joining the calls for
increased funding.
Nehemiah Okwembah
The number of people taken to hospi-
tal after drinking poisoned water from
wells in Makueni County
Amount in shillings tour bus operators
taking visitors to Kili County will be
required to pay in new plan
The amount Nyandarua County gov-
ernment is said to have spent on of-
ce renovations
The amount Nandi Governor
Cleophas Lagat says they
are hoping to raise from next
months trade fair For comprehensive stories, go to www.nation.co.ke
Nairobi >
Farmers making balm
from weeds win award
Kakamega farmers using
weeds to make balm are this
years most innovative group
in environmental conservation.
Muliru Farmers Conservation
Group received the National
Environment Trust Fund award
from First Lady Margaret
Kenyatta on Tuesday night at the
Safari Park Hotel. The farmers
grow the African blue basil
(Ocimum Kilimandscharicum) and
use the weed to make ointments.
Stella Cherono
Kirinyaga >
Farmer charged with
murder of his child
A farmer has been charged with
the murder of his 12-year-old
son. Mr Angelus Mwobe was
yesterday presented in a Gichugu
court over the death of Ian Maina
on September 8 at Kiangome
Village. He was not required to
plead to the charge as police
sought more time to conclude
investigations. A magistrate
ordered that he be remanded
until September 15 when the case
will be mentioned.
George Munene
Laikipia >
500 groups allowed to
apply for local tenders
About 500 women and youth
groups are now eligible to apply
for special contracts in the
county. The special groups will
be entitled to 30 per cent of
the contracts awarded by the
county government in line with
Jubilee administration policies.
County head of supply chain
Paul Njenga said those pre-
qualied had attained more than
60 points during the evaluation
by the tender committee. The
successful candidates will be
notied through SMS. He said
the awarding of tenders would
empower locals.
Muchiri Gitonga
Baringo >
MPs demand repeat
of teachers hiring
Two MPs have demanded that
teacher recruitment in their
region be repeated. Baringo
North MP William Cheptumo and
his Baringo South counterpart
Grace Kipchoim (below) said that
the slots allocated the Teachers
Service Commission allocated
the county were too few despite
schools being understaed.
Florah Koech
Nyeri >
Ex-preacher convicted
for theft of cereals
A court has slapped a Sh50,000
ne or six months in jail on a
former pastor. Robert Gichuki,
37, was convicted of stealing 80
sacks of maize and 40 of beans
worth Sh288,000 from Mr David
Kinyua. The court heard that
Gichuki tricked Mr Kinyua into
selling the cereals to him and
paid with a bankers cheque of
Sh386,000. The cheque turned
out to be fake after Mr Kinyua
presented it to a local bank.
Evalyne Githinji
Uasin Gishu >
Permanent nurses
join work boycott
Nurses at the local referral
hospital yesterday joined the
strike by their colleagues who
were hired under the Economic
Stimulus Programme (ESP). The
permanent nurses said they were
joining the strike in protest at
harassment by county ocials
and poor working conditions at
the Uasin Gishu hospital. The
ESP nursing sta are demanding
three months pay arrears,
permanent and terms of service
among other benets.
Everlyne Simiyu
Kisii >
Ill upgrade schools and
quit if I dont, says MP
The Borabu lawmaker will quit
as MP if he fails to replace
mud-walled primary school
buildings in his constituency
with permanent ones. Mr Ben
Momanyi said he will not defend
his seat in 2017 if he fails to
deliver on the promise. He said
while presenting CDF cheques
to various schools: It is quite a
shame that Borabu is the only
constituency in Kisii County that
has mud-walled classrooms.
Brian Moseti
Bomet >
Trainer calls for vetting
of police, army recruits
Recruits joining the police and the
military should be vetted to weed
out members of criminal gangs,
a chief executive said yesterday.
SPA group of colleges CEO Joseph
Ndungu said some gang members
are joining the police service and
may jeopardise the countrys
security in future. Mr Ndungu was
speaking at a Bomet Hotel during
a forum on crime prevention that
brought together police ocers,
NGOs and private security rms.
Georey Rono
Kisii >
Text book targeting
county pupils launched
An all-inclusive social studies
book for Standard Four pupils in
the county has been launched.
The book, authored by Mr
Cleophas Ondieki, and published
by Longhorn Publishers is in
line with the syllabus oered
countrywide. However, it has an
extra 10 pages that are dedicated
to Kisii County. Governor James
Ongwae yesterday described the
book as the rst of its kind in the
Brian Moseti
Nakuru >
Ex-policeman denies
uniform abuse charge
A former policeman was
yesterday charged with having
uniforms that he used to terrorise
the public. Mr Desmond Mutune
and his co-accused, Mr James
Kavuta, denied the charge. The
two are alleged to be part of a
gang that has been terrorising
Nakuru residents. They were
remanded at Nakuru Central
Police Station.
Eric Matara
Homa Bay >
Parents demand probe
after another school re
Parents have demanded an
investigation into res that have
destroyed three dormitories at
Homa Bay High School in the last
two months. In the latest incident
yesterday, students property worth
millions of shillings went up in
ames three days after another
re. Students blamed a suspicious
character spotted on the compound
the previous night.
Maurice Kaluoch
Families evicted from forest demand reparation Nairobi |
Protesters from
Enoosupukia in
Narok County
camp outside
State House in
Nairobi yesterday.
They held a
to demand
compensation for
land they lost after
they were evicted
from a forest in
Wajir >
Villagers honour pledge
to turn in illegal arms
Two ries have been surrendered
to the authorities. The residents
of Majesa Location, Wajir South
Sub-county, turned in the illegal
rearms two M16 type ries
with nine bullets and a home-
made gun with two bullets and
two empty magazines yesterday.
Wajir County Commissioner
Fredrick Shisia said there had
been a stando between the Geri
and Maqabul sub-clans over the
ownership of Majesa location.
The dispute turned violent, but
during a peace meeting, the clans
agreed to surrender the illegal
Shekhey Ahmed
Thursday September 11, 2014
County 19
County embarks on
massive road projects
n extensive upgrade of roads
has begun in Bungoma County
aimed at promoting tourism
and agriculture in the region.
Seven major roads leading to Mt
Elgon National Park are to be im-
proved at a cost of Sh100 million. In
addition, two bridges to the park are
under construction.
The projects will ease access to the
park for tourists and increase revenue
to the county government, according
to Governor Kenneth Lusaka.
The programme is a game changer
considering that agriculture and tour-
ism are the main income generation
sectors in the county, he said.
The county government has further
allocated Sh230 million to repair 18
dilapidated link roads in Bungoma,
Kimilili and Webuye towns, Mr Lu-
saka said.
Huge sums have been
allocated to improve
access to markets
and tourism sites
The rigorous infrastructure devel-
opment will open up major production
areas and promote development of
He said work had started on 68
rural roads in the 45 wards of the
county to improve access to urban
areas and markets for produce.
Works on the 10km Kapspkwony-
Kamuneru road will cost an additional
Sh14.7 million while the 5km Toroso-
Kapkota Barracks road will cost Sh7.5
million, according to the governor.
Also ongoing is the upgrade of
the 3km Kapkateny-Sacho-Wambete
road, at a cost of Sh4 million; the
Kaptalelio-Chepkoya Police Station
road, at Sh4 million; and the 3km
Toroso-Tuikut road, which will cost
Sh4.5 million.
In agriculture, Sh800 million will
be used to improve production and
value addition, Mr Lusaka says in a
county development plan.
Out of that, Sh19.9 million will be
used to develop green houses and in-
crease horticultural production, while
Sh56 million has been set aside for the
purchase of dairy cows and goats.
Meanwhile, the Nandi County Gov-
ernment plans to spend Sh2 billion in
the next ve years to improve tourism
as it seeks to open more avenues for
revenue generation.
for dairy
Rural roads
where work
is ongoing
set aside
to repair
18 roads in
three towns
Bungoma | Region seeks to increase revenue sources
A worker puts metals in place yesterday before nal works
for the drainage system on the Kisumu-Nairobi Road. Im-
provement of the road network by the Kenya National
Highways Authority is opening up business opportunities
to traders in areas with good roads.
Improving road drainage Kisumu |
Mutua hails
devolution for
growth gains
Machakos Governor Alfred
Mutua has hailed devolution for
spearheading economic growth in
the country.
Speaking yesterday at his of-
ce during a meeting with Nation
Media Groups chief operating of-
cer and acting editorial director,
Mr Tom Mshindi, the governor
said despite hiccups experienced
in the last one year, devolution had
spurred growth.
He said there were many projects
initiated by county governments
with money circulating the country,
something that was not possible in
the centralised government.
Dr Mutua said although there
were challenges to do with dis-
bursement of funds from the
national government to counties,
a lot had been achieved within a
very short period.
Mr Mshindi, who paid the gov-
ernor a courtesy call, said NMG
was committed to advancing the
ideals of devolution and pledged
to work in partnership with county
He said the group will use its
platforms to support accountability
and good governance as well as pro-
tect devolution which has started
transforming the country
Machakos >
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Thursday September 11, 2014
20 | County
Bids are invited for Quotation of the following:
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Thursday September 11, 2014
22 |
50 villagers sick after
water wells poisoned
ore than 50 people have
been taken to hospital after
consuming poisoned water
from Londokwe River in Kathonzweni
sub-county in Makueni.
Police said the river, along which
more than 40 wells were dug for
domestic use, is believed to have
been contaminated with an animal
pesticide known as Triatix as empty
bottles were found on its banks on
Tuesday morning.
Speaking to journalist at Makueni
Referral Hospital on Tuesday, Medical
Ocer of Health Solomon Maundu
said the victims were suering from
severe stomach pains, headache, and
burns and redness on the mouth and
We have received 57 patients and
the number is expected to rise, he
Dr Maundu said ambulances had
been sent to the region to transport
Police boss says empty
bottles of toxic animal
pesticide found on the
banks of the river
more victims to the hospital if the
need arose.
Kiteta/Kisau Ward Representative
Jackson Ngovi said the Makueni
County Assembly would deliver
water in bowsers to schools and
market places.
All available water bowsers in the
county will be used to supply water
to all the market places and the nine
schools in the area where residents
can access it for domestic use and for
their animals, said Mr Ngovi.
Kathonzweni police boss Samuel
Waweru said the poisoned water had
turned white and was unt for human
We found empty bottles of Triatix
on the river bank and the water in the
wells had turned white, an indication
that someone had poured the pesticide
into the water, said Mr Waweru.
He said the frogs in the river had
died and warned residents not to use
the water for domestic use.
Mr Waweru said no arrests had been
made and appealed to the public to
report anybody suspected to have
committed the act.
Any report you make to the police
will be treated as condential as we
want to nd the person who commit-
ted such a crime, he said.
Early this year, more than 20 people
died in Kitise Ward in the same area
after consuming a toxic brew.
Makueni | Victims complain of stomach pains, headache
We found
bottles of
Triatix on
the river
bank and
the water
in the
wells had
Area police
boss Samuel
Kenya Police spokesperson Gatiria Mboroki and her Administration Police counterpart Masoud Mwinyi
address the Press on poisoning of wells on seasonal riverbeds in Kathonzweni, Makueni County, at po-
lice headquarters in Nairobi yesterday. They said police were investigating the incident.
Muranga >
Secondary school teach-
ers are protesting against
the impromptu introduction
of post-mock examinations
across the region by the county
About 3,600 teachers repre-
senting 292 secondary schools
in Muranga, through the Kenya
Union of Post Primary Educa-
tion Teachers (Kuppet) county
branch, yesterday said the
exam was introduced by Gov-
ernor Mwangi wa Iria without
prior consultation with stake-
holders including the county
education oce.
The governor imposed
the exam on schools and
candidates without prior con-
sultations with all education
stakeholders in the county,
said branch Kuppet executive
secretary Phillip Kimani.
The post-mock exams
started last week, soon after
schools reopened for the third
Some school principals,
who talked to the Nation on
condition of anonymity for
fear of victimization, said the
governors idea was good but
the timing was wrong.
Teachers criticise post-mock exams
The Government of Kenya has received fnancing from the French Development Agency (AFD) under Credit
No. CKE 1038 for Extended Technical Assistance, whose main undertaking is development of a Generation
and Transmission masterplan, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultancy services for renewable
energy resource assessment and county energy plans in pilot counties.
The Ministry of Energy and Petroleum is currently undertaking survey of Renewable Energy Technologies in
three pilot counties of Nakuru, Meru and Kakamega, and therefore seeks consultancy services to scale up the
survey on renewable energy technologies and mapping of the assessment of their potentials in the remaining
44 counties. In addition, it is intended to develop County Energy Plans in three (3) counties.
The overall objective of this study is to establish the extent to which renewable energy forms are utilized and
are accessible to the Kenyan people, as well as assess and map the potential of the locally available renewable
energy resources. The study will cover all forms of renewable energy and associated technologies, including:
wind, solar PV, solar thermal, geothermal, biogas, frewood, charcoal, bioethanol, biodiesel, small hydro power,
solar box cookers, solar driers, freless cookers and energy effciency and conservation measures. In addition
it will cover kerosene and LPG both of which are not renewable but nevertheless, information on them is
required for planning purposes as they are used for household cooking and lighting. The exercise will involve
review and consolidation of existing maps/studies/reports, on-site data capturing, and development of GIS data
storage and a retrieval system.
In three (3) of the Counties, the Consultant will, in collaboration with the Ministry, County Governments and
other key stakeholders, develop County Energy Plans. The study will be conducted within a period of not more
than Eighteen (18) months.
In particular, the Consultant will:
1. Map out and establish a GIS database for Renewable Energy Technologies and their potentials
2. Analyze the use of the different forms of energy at domestic, institutional, and small and micro
enterprise levels (quantity, quality, pricing, availability, affordability and supply, demand and fnancing)
and make appropriate recommendations).
3. Analyze the different technologies for each energy type (Cost, availability, affordability and
4. Assess the energy effciency practices at domestic, institutional and small and micro enterprise
levels and make appropriate recommendations
5. Identify barriers to supply enhancement strategies, interfuel substitution, access to fuels and
associated technologies and make appropriate recommendations
6. Evaluate the impact of policy reforms in the power and petroleum subsectors on access to
electricity and LPG by domestic, institutional and small and micro enterprise consumers and make
appropriate recommendations
7. Propose changes necessary in the legal and regulatory framework to promote effcient supply and
use of the different forms of renewable energy.
8. Develop County Energy Plans for three (3) pilot counties
The Ministry of Energy and Petroleum now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing
the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualifed to perform
the services (e.g. brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of
appropriate skills among staff, among others.). Interested frms must submit the following information:
(i) Experience of the frm to undertake works of similar nature (provide list of studies conducted of a
similar nature in the last 10 years)
(ii) Capability of key personnel, including their qualifcations and competence in undertaking the
consultancy works. Such personnel must include specialists in the following disciplines; a) Renewable
Energy with BSc degree; b) Energy effciency and conservation with BSc degree, c) Socio-economics
with a BSc/BA degree d) GIS with a BSc/BA degree. Knowledge of renewable energy technologies is a
must for all the specialists.
(iii) A brief outline of the technical approach and methodology for carrying out the study.
Consultants may associate with other frms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their
Eligible frms are requested to submit their Expression of Interest for this assignment to:
The Principal Secretary
Ministry of Energy and Petroleum
Nyayo House
P. O. Box 30582-00100
to be deposited in the Tender Box situated on 24
foor, Nyayo House Building so as to be received not later
than 3rd October, 2014 at 10.00 am (East Africa Time). The responses will be opened immediately
thereafter at the Conference Room, 23
Floor, in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to
Thursday September 11, 2014
County 23
Drivers speed to their deaths despite warnings
erse danger warning signs lit-
ter a three-kilometre stretch of
the Maai Mahiu-Narok Road at
Ntuleles Pinyiny Hills but they have
failed to deter drivers from speeding
at this death trap.
Ironically, Pinyiny in the Maasai
language can be translated to the
cursed area.
A kilometre from a sharp bend as
one approaches Ntulele township is
a sign urging drivers: Reduce Speed
Now, another in red screams Engage
Low Gear followed by a chilling one
reading Death Trap, metres away
from red luminous lines across the
road that warn motorists to drive
carefully. It is at this black spot that
41 people died when a City to City
bus they were travelling in crashed
on August 29, 2013. Two months
later, on October 25, a 14-seater
matatu crashed at the same spot,
killing nine.
A huge three-metre white cross
inscribed with the words May God
Bless Our Roads a plea to God to
restore sanity on Kenyan roads has
also been erected at the spot.
Minute-long silence
My solemn minute-long silence in
honour of those who perished was
rudely interrupted by the sound of
a speeding four-wheel-drive vehicle
closely followed by four others being
driven at equally high speed.
You know you are entering Ntulele
when you see numerous motorcycles
carrying charcoal and lorries with
young men perched dangerously on
top of huge loads.
After a series of bumps, you come
across elds of lush healthy maize,
barley and wheat on its many hills.
But this idyllic view is quickly
Black spot claimed 41
lives in August 2013
and another nine
two months later
If drivers
these road
signs, a lot
of families
would be
the agony
of losing
loved ones
and bread
Peter Ole
Narok | Numerous danger signs have been erected on this stretch of road but the carnage continues
A barrier built at
the Ntulele black
spot on the Maai
road. About 100
people died at
the spot last year.
shattered by hundreds of vehicle
wreckages at Ntulele Police Post.
At Ntulele Trading Centre, numer-
ous women sell dry maize in plastic
containers that once held cooking fat,
while others sit on sacks of charcoal
waiting for buyers.
This comes as a surprise to rst-
time visitors as traditionally, women
are expected to stay at home looking
after children, cooking and tending
In Pinyiny area, a tourist van slows
down in observance of the road signs
while matatu drivers carefully ma-
noeuvre their way downhill next to
the new concrete embankment. But
even this new barrier bears fresh scars
from being hit by speeding vehicles.
If drivers observed these road
signs, a lot of families would be spared
the agony of losing loved ones and
bread winners, says a resident, Mr
Peter Ole Sankale.
Pythons drive?
Some residents blame a python that
was killed for the accidents but this
is quickly rebutted by blogger James
Omondi who said: Slow down! Speed
kills! Do pythons drive?! while
Sammy KK said: The cause of ac-
cidents is well known. High speeds,
fatigue, poor roads and drunken driv-
ing. Forget this poor African science,
not based on any known facts.
KGN-ADM-20-2014 Tender for Provision of Taxi Services for
Year 2014-2016
2014 at 2.00 pm
KGN-HYD-19-2014 Completion Works to the Proposed Hydro
Plaza at the 7-Forks Hydro Station for
Kenya Electricity Generating Company Ltd
(Mandatory site visit on 23
2014 at the site starting 10.00am)
2014 at 10.00am
KGN-PR- 01-2014 Tender for Design and Printing of Diaries
and Calendars for year 2015 (Exclusive
to registered entities of Youth, Women
and Persons Living With Disability)
October 2014
at 10.00am
KGN-GRD-40-2014 Tender for Supply of Personal Protective
Equipment for Drilling Personnel
October 2014
KGN-GRD-42-2014 Tender for Supply of Directional
Drilling Tools for Geothermal Resource
Development (Directional Survey Tools and
Aerated Drilling Mud Motors)
October 2014
KGN-GRD-43-2014 Tender for Supply of Drill String
Components for Geothermal Resource
Development (Drill pipes, Drill Collars,
String Stabilizers, Subs and Float Valves)
October 2014
Interested frms may obtain further information from the offce of the Supply Chain Manager,
Tel: (254) (020) 3666204, Fax: (254) (020) 3666200 Email: pkimemia@kengen.co.ke
c.c: tenders@kengen.co.ke on normal working days beginning 11
September 2014
The tender document may be collected upon payment of a non-refundable fee of KShs.1,000.00
paid in cash or through a bankers cheque at any KenGen fnance offce. The document can
also be viewed and downloaded from the website www.kengen.co.ke, and the Bidders who
download the tender document from the website must forward their particulars immediately
to tenders@kengen.co.ke for records and any further tender clarifcations and addenda.
Downloaded copies are FREE.
Tenders MUST be accompanied by a Bid Security in the form and amount specifed in the Tender
Documents, and must be delivered to:
Company Secretary & Legal Director
Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited
7th Floor, Stima Plaza Phase III
Kolobot Road, Parklands
P O Box 47936 - 00100
Tenders will be opened soon after the closing time in the presence of the candidates representatives who
choose to attend at Stima Plaza Phase III, Executive Committee Room, 7
Thursday September 11, 2014
24 | County
Case on dead
mans estate
set for ruling
The High Court in Mombasa is
set to determine a case in which
two women are ghting for the
estate of a Belgian man who died
late last year.
But the court is yet to set the
date when the two Ms Amina
Marder who was a girlfriend of the
deceased, Mr Geert Derere and
his daughter Ms Amelie Derere will
be cross examined to determine the
rightful owner of the estate.
High Court Judge Maureen
Odero issued the orders following
an application by Ms Marder, the
daughter of a Coast politician, de-
manding letters of administration
for Mr Dereres estate, saying she
was a dependant.
However, Ms Derere objected,
on the grounds that she was the
only surviving heir to her fathers
Ms Derere claims her father ar-
rived in Kenya on October 23, last
year and on the same day died
mysteriously while in Ms Marders
house in Nyali, Mombasa.
Six days after Mr Dereres death,
the Belgian embassy wrote to the
Kenyan Government seeking per-
mission to conduct investigations.
The case will be mentioned next
week for directions.
Mombasa >
Tourism groups reject travel levies
our operators have rejected
hefty travel charges proposed
by the county government.
In its Finance Bill for 2014/2015,
the government intends to charge
an annual fee of Sh528,000 for tour
buses registered in other counties, but
which take visitors to Kili.
The Bill further proposes to charge
Sh408,000 for minibuses, Sh288,000
for vans and Sh216,000 for cars car-
rying tourists.
Alternatively, it proposes a monthly
fee of Sh44,000 for buses, Sh34,000
for mini-buses, Sh24,000 for vans,
and Sh18,000 for cars.
Firms that would prefer to pay daily
charges would part with Sh2,200 for
buses, Sh1,500 for minibuses, Sh1,000
for vans and Sh900 for cars.
Kenya Association of Tour Opera-
tors (Kato) Coast branch chairperson
Monika Solanki yesterday said the
levies were ill-timed and, if adopted,
could lead to the closure of travel
Charges suggested
in Bill should be
scrapped to save
rms, they argue
There will
be mass
if Kili
as tour
rms will
be unable
to pay
Kuldip Tours
Kili | Executive ocer says proposed charges are meant to ensure fair play among tour rms
Already, the companies pay opera-
tional fees to the Tourism ministry
and for Transport Licensing Board
(TLB) licences to operate across the
country, she said.
The ocial warned that the levies
would be unconstitutional since tour-
ism is a national function.
We do reject the charges since they
are illegal, she said in Kikambala at
a forum convened to discuss the Bill.
They will also be a double expense
to tour rms, which are already ex-
periencing hard times.
Kuldip Touring Company direc-
tor Ishpal Oberoi expressed similar
fears, saying Kili would become an
expensive destination. Currently,
tour companies are hit hard by lack of
business owing to the tourism slump
experienced across the country, he
said, warning of possible lay-os.
Kenya Association of Hotelkeepers
and Caterers (KAHC) Coast branch
executive ocer Sam Ikwaye said
the county government should give
incentives to operators instead of in-
troducing levies at a time when the
tourism sector is struggling.
Finance executive John Kombe,
however, defended the proposals as
a means to ensure fair competition for
travel rms based in the county.
For fair play, we proposed the
travel levy for tour vehicles from
other counties as our companies
also pay revenue to the national
government, he said. However, he
added, the county could suspend or
reduce the fees.
Tourists at the
Maasai Mara
Game Reserve
in Narok County:
Tour operators at
the Coast have
opposed plans
by Kili County
to introduce
travel levies for
transport rms
operating in the
In response to the noted illegal and substandard developments in Nandi County towns, market centers and private farms
and pursuant to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 chapter 5 Article 62 (2), Physical Planning Act Cap 286, Urban areas and
Cities Act of 2011, Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act of 1999 Section 58 and the County Government
Act 2012, Nandi County Government hereby notifes residents, developers and plot owners on the following:
The County Government of Nandi has power and mandate to:
1. Regulate and control development of land and buildings for orderly development of its area,
2. Control and prohibit subdivision of land into smaller areas,
3. Consider and approve all development applications and grant all development permissions,
4. Ensure proper execution and implementation of approved physical development plans,
5. Formulate policies and enact laws to regulate zoning in respect to land use and densities of development,
6. Reserve and maintain all the land planned for open spaces, parks, urban forests and green belts in accordance with
the approved physical development plan,
7. Execute law enforcement to ensure compliance to the above.
In respect to the above, plot owners, residents and developers are advised to STRICTLY adhere to the following:
1. All upcoming developments MUST get approval from the County Government failure to which, they will be
demolished at owners cost. Temporary structures are not allowed in towns.
2. All existing developments which were constructed without approvals or following the right procedure MUST be
regularized within one month of this notice failure to which they will be demolished at owners cost without any
further notice,
3. All developments done within riparian reserves (roads, rivers) and any encroachments into the public facilities MUST
be removed within one month of this notice failure to which they will be removed at the owners cost without
further notice.
4. High-rise buildings (more than four foors) MUST provide for lifts, parking facilities and ramps for the physically
challenged persons,
5. Process to develop undeveloped plots MUST be initiated within three months of this notice failure to which, the
County Government will take necessary action,
6. Before commencement of construction works, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report MUST be
7. All scrutiny fees for the development applications MUST be deposited in the following account:
Nandi County Revenue Fund
Account Number 0490260871255
Equity Bank, Kapsabet Branch.
8. All developers are required to comply with all other relevant laws relating to land use planning and development
All enquiries related to this notice and matters therein to be referred to: Chief Offcer, Lands, Environment and
Natural Resources.
Dr. John Kipkorir Chumo
County Executive Committee Member for Lands, Environment and Natural Resources
Nandi County Government.
Thursday September 11, 2014
26 | County
TENDER NO. WASREB/01/2014-2015,
The Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates for the
provision of Corporate Insurance Cover for an initial period of one year and renewable annually up to a
maximum of two years subject to satisfactory performance.
The tender document may be obtained by interested eligible candidates from the Procurement Offce,
on 5
foor wing A of NHIF building during normal working hours upon payment of a non - refundable
tender fee of Kshs.1,000 in cash or by a bankers cheque addressed to Water Services Regulatory Board.
(Personal cheques will not be accepted). Alternatively, the tender document is available from our website
Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes, must be expressed in Kenya shillings and shall remain
valid for a period of 120 days from the closing date of the tender.
Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelope clearly marked should be addressed and posted to;-
The Chief Executive Offcer,
Water Services Regulatory Board
foor NHIF building wing A
P.O. Box 41621 00100
Or be deposited in the tender box located on the 5
foor of NHIF Building Wing A so as to reach on or
before Wednesday, 1
October, 2014 at 12.00 noon.
Tenders must be accompanied by a tender Security of Kenya Shillings One Hundred Thousand (100,000)
in form of a guarantee from a reputable bank or an insurance company approved by PPOA payable to the
Chief Executive Offcer, Water Services Regulatory Board.
Tenders will be opened immediately on closing date and time in the presence of the tenderers or their
representatives who choose to attend in the Boardroom on the 5
foor of NHIF building.
NB:Tender fee for bidders who will download the tender document onlinemust pay
before the closing date and obtain an offcial receipt.
Water Services for All Kenyans.
Thursday September 11, 2014
Elgeyo-Marakwet >
Disagreement between a
truck driver and farm owner
over payment of Sh5,000 re-
sulted in the destruction of a
multi-million shilling bridge in
Kerio Valley, paralysing trans-
port across the region.
The farmer had demanded
the money from the driver who
was ferrying an excavator as
compensation for his crops
before allowing him to pass
through his farm to bypass a
bridge which could not take the
weight of his cargo.
But the driver declined to
pay and instead headed for the
Embobut bridge.
The bridge, located near
Soko Mjinga Trading Centre,
can take loads of up to 12.5
tonnes but the truck and
its cargo weighed nearly 20
When he got halfway across
the bridge, all hell broke loose
as the bridge came tumbling
own with the truck and its ex-
cavator load, said Jacob Kibet,
a boda boda operator.
Kenya National Highways
Authoritys North Rift Man-
ager Dominic Kirera said the
construction company would
be held liable for the damage as
its driver ignored clear instruc-
tions on the weight limit.
Truck driver destroys key bridge
Villagers lock out chief
over suspect land deals
group of villagers in Kilifi
County yesterday locked their
chief out of his oce, demand-
ing his sacking over an alleged plot
to sell o their land.
This came only a day after they
blocked the Mombasa-Kili highway
and lit huge res using tyres, in a pro-
test against the administrator.
They threatened to evict him if the
government fails to take action.
Yesterday, the chief made a brief
appearance at the oce early in the
morning, only to nd the door locked
with two huge padlocks.
He left hurriedly without talking
to anyone.
When the Nation contacted him
by telephone for comment, the chief
denied the allegations levelled against
I do not know anything of that
sort. These are false allegations, he
said before disconnecting the call.
But administrator
denies knowledge of
transactions, terms
allegations as false
Deputy County Commissioner Ce-
lina Maitha said she was in a meeting
and promised to call later to comment
on the matter.
Residents claimed that the chief
had disregarded orders and warn-
ings by Governor Amason Kingi
and MP Mustafa Idd two weeks ago
against taking strangers around to
show them land.
There are three parcels of land
which are to be sold o. We were
evicted from the rst one and now,
there is a plan to remove us from the
second plot, said Mr Juma Mohamed
Targeted for sale
He said that the people had lived on
the land for more than 50 years, and
urged the government to pay o the
owner, whom they had never known,
and distribute it among them.
Another resident, Mr Nicholas
Nyamawi, claimed that surveyors
had gone at night to erect beacons
in areas targeted for sale.
We want the chief, his assistant
and the village elders removed and
new ones appointed, he said.
Also aggrieved was Mr Chai Katama
Idd, who accused the administrator
of being a lone ranger.
He never consults the people and
prefers to do everything unilaterally,
Mr Idd alleged.
Kili | Residents had blocked road in protest
want the
chief, his
and the
and new
Mr Nicholas
Residents of Shariani Location, Kili County, protest outside the chiefs oce yesterday. They accused
the administrator of involvement in a plot to sell their land illegally.

Kenya Pipeline Company Limited invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates for The Engineering
Design, Procurement and Construction (EPC), Testing and Commissioning of a 10 (ten inch)
122km oil pipeline from Sinendet PS 26 to Kisumu PS28 together with tie in facilities at PS28
for the future Kisumu Busia Pipeline
The selected EPC contractor shall among other key activities
a) Carry out the design, procurement of materials and construction of the 10 pipeline from
PS26 (Sinendent) to PS28 (Kisumu)
b) Carrying out Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and obtain Nema approvals
c) Supply, installation and commissioning of a Single Mode 96 strand fibre optic cable along
the entire pipeline length, from Sinendet (PS26) to Kisumu (PS28)
The Tenderers must provide the following minimum requirements:-
1. Certificate of Incorporation of the company/business registration for both foreign and local
2. Valid KRA Tax Compliance Certificate. (for local/Kenyan firms).
3. Original Tender Security of USD.350,000.00 issued by a bank operating in Kenya or an
Insurance Company approved by the Public Procurement Oversight Authority, Kenya (PPOA)
4. All foreign tenderers participating in this tender shall source at least 40% of their supplies
from citizen contractors. An agreement between the tenderer and the local company must be
5. National Construction Authority Certificate for those firms proposed to carry out engineering
6. Site Visit Certificate.
Bidders must paginate all their documents and initial each page
KPC reserves the right to confirm the authenticity of all documents submitted by Tenderers.
Any attempt by bidders to misrepresent themselves by submitting documents that are not
genuine will amount to disqualification.
Interested eligible candidates may inspect and obtain the tender documents at the office of the
Procurement Manager, Kenya Pipeline Company Ltd, Nairobi Terminal, Nanyuki Road, Industrial
Area during normal working hours on payment of non-refundable fee of Ksh.1,000.00 payable in
cash or in form of a Bankers Cheque drawn in favour of Kenya Pipeline Company Limited. The
tender documents can also be viewed and downloaded from the website www.kpc.co.ke at no cost.
Bidders who download the tender document from the website will be required to email their detailed
contact information to opentender@kpc.co.ke for recording, further clarifications and addenda. In
addition, all addenda will also be posted on the website as they become available.
No other email addresses shall be used and KPC shall not be liable if bidders choose to send
their information and/or queries to other email addresses.
Tenders in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked TENDER FOR THE ENGINEERING DESIGN,
OPEN BEFORE 10.00 A.M. 8
October 2014 should be addressed to:
The Managing Director
Kenya Pipeline Company Limited
P.O Box 73442 - 00200
And be deposited in the Tender Box situated on the Ground Floor of Kenpipe Plaza, Sekondi Road
(Off Nanyuki Road), Industrial Area, Nairobi, so as to be received on or before the correct closing
date above at 10.00 a.m. Tenders submitted later than the indicated closing date and time shall
automatically be disqualified. Opening of the tenders will take place immediately thereafter in the
presence of the Tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend.
The tender documents are not transferable.
Kenya Pipeline Company Limited is not bound to accept and can reject any tenders either in whole
or in part.
P.O. Box 73442-00200,
TELEPHONE: 254-20-2606500/4
TELEFAX: 254-20-8040188/3540032,
E-mail: info@kpc.co.ke
Thursday September 11, 2014
28 | County
Ward reps accused of sabotage
isumu Governor Jack Ranguma
yesterday turned the heat on
members of the county as-
sembly accusing them of delaying
the implementation of projects.
He said many projects commis-
sioned by his oce have not started
because some MCAs claimed that
they are not consulted when tenders
are awarded.
His comments came after the
county assembly summoned ten
ministers over awed procurement
procedures which MCAs blamed
for the delay in projects.
Mr Ranguma said work in some
sub-counties has started due to the
cooperation of MCAs and the con-
The governor said the county has
tried to speed up the work but interfer-
ence by ward reps hinders progress.
The stalled projects are not stuck
at my oce. It is some MCAs that
want to control their execution, he
Governor blames
MCAs for delay in
implementation of
projects in county
We are
aware that
in the
are some
of the
issues we
expect the
to expose,
Ms Nerea
Okombo, a
ward rep
Kisumu | Leaders summon ministers to appear before them
Mr Ranguma asked the assembly
members to stick to their oversight
role. He made the comments follow-
ing debate of a report tabled before
the county assembly by the Imple-
mentation Committee. The report
unanimously resolved that ministers
should appear in person to explain
the delay in projects.
The ward reps noted that a number
of projects started in the county had
stalled for months yet the assembly
had approved them.
Roads, construction of ECD class-
rooms, bursaries, water projects as
well as health projects are some of
the most aected.
Kisumu Leader of Majority Samuel
Ongow blamed cartels for working in
cahoot with enemies of the countys
They must know that the failure
of the executive means failure of the
MCAs as well, said Mr Ongow.
Manyatta B ward rep Nerea
Okombo claimed that some MCAs
vouched for some contactors to
win tenders. She threatened to table
a list of companies associated with
some ward reps.
We are aware that MCAs inuence
tendering in the county government.
These are some of the issues that we
expect the ministers to expose when
they appear before this House, said
Ms Okombo.
Mr Jactone Onunga of Nyalenda
A ward blamed poor oversight and
frustration for the delay in implemen-
tation of projects.
Members of the
Kisumu County
Assembly dur-
ing the opening
of the assembly.
MCAs accused
county execu-
tives of delaying
of projects.
Pupils miss
lessons due
to rains as
classes leak
Rain is considered a blessing,
but to many pupils at Kachemogen
Primary School in Pokot South, the
sight of gathering clouds means the
end of the lesson.
Due to poor condition of class-
rooms, learning at the institution
is interrupted whet it rains as
the pupils have to seek shelter
Mr Isaac Kapelinyan, the deputy
head teacher, said the school, with
500 pupils, is over-populated and
has many other challenges in-
cluding lack of classrooms and
inadequate teachers.
We are forced to call o class
before it rains because the class-
room gets lled with water and
the roof leaks, he said yesterday.
This can expose the pupils to many
Governor Simon Kachapin, who
toured the school on Tuesday, asked
the national government to trans-
fer the role of building schools to
Its very bad to see our pupils
learning in such conditions. He
also urged the National Treasury
to allocate more funds for employ-
ing teachers.
West Pokot >
Focus On
Parastatal Reforms on NTV
The need for reform of bloated, ineffcient parastatals
has been an urgent one for the government. Join us
as we speak to the Chief of Staff and Head of Public
Service Joseph Kinyua on Parastatal Reforms. We will
explore the fndings of the Task Force on Parastatal
Reforms, and interrogate the progress so far of the
Implementation Committee.
Thursday September 11, 2014
County 29
MONROVIA, Wednesday
ealth workers
reported today being
overwhelmed by new
Ebola cases at the epicentre
of an outbreak described as an
existential threat to hardest-hit
The World Health Organization
(WHO), which raised the death
toll to nearly 2,300, has predicted
an exponential increase in
infection across west Africa, and
warned that Liberia in particular
will face thousands of new cases
in the coming weeks.
We are overwhelmed. The
patients keep coming in (huge)
numbers. Yesterday we received
up to 30 patients, Ms Sophie
Jane, a spokeswoman for Doctors
Without Borders (Medecins Sans
Frontieres, MSF), told AFP at
the aid agencys Ebola unit in
The WHO upped the death toll
on Tuesday to 2,296 out of 4,293
cases in Liberia, Sierra Leone,
Guinea and Nigeria. Nearly half
of all infections had come in the
past 21 days, it said.
Liberia, with 1,200 dead, has
borne the brunt of the outbreak,
and has run perilously short of
space at the few Ebola treatment
sites operating.
The WHO said Montserrado
county, which contains Monrovia,
needed 1,000 beds. It reported
that infected people were being
driven to centres in the capital
only to be turned away, return
home and create are-ups of
deadly fever in their villages.
Bystanders watched warily on
Wednesday as a man turned away
by the MSF centre in Monrovia
struggled to stay on his feet.
I came but they say they
have no space. I have strong
headache and I have fever. I am
trying to get back home, the
man told AFP.
Residents interviewed by
AFP described an atmosphere
of fear paralysing daily life in
the Liberian capital.
I am afraid. I dont know what
to do now actually. Where are
we going? Are we all going to
die? If WHO can say this kind of
thing it means we are nished,
said Monrovia resident Kluboh
Johnson, 45.
Meanwhile, businesses
said trade was drying up as
people stayed indoors, afraid
of infection. A few people will
come and take one or two bottles
of beer, but custom is no longer
like before. They are afraid to
come out because of Ebola,
the owner of one bar told AFP.
I am afraid myself. One man
came here last night and started
to drink abundantly.
When I asked him what was
wrong, he asked me if I did not
hear that thousands of people
are going to get Ebola in the
coming weeks.
In another development,
a Guinean student who was
Senegals only conrmed case
in the deadly Ebola epidemic has
recovered, the health ministry
said today. Senegal became the
fifth country affected by the
West African outbreak when the
student crossed the border just
before it closed on August 21.
We conducted two sets of
tests. He no longer has the virus.
He is cured, said Pape Amadou
Diack, director of health at the
It was a case imported into
Senegal. We took charge of him
and, thank God, we have this
Under surveillance
Health Minister Awa Marie
Coll Seck said in a statement on
Monday that 67 people who had
possibly been in contact with the
student were under surveillance
in Dakar but were showing no
signs of infection.
In Italy, a Nigerian woman
suspected of being Italys rst
Ebola case is in fact sick with
malaria, regional health services
said today.
The 42-year-old resident
of Italy had recently returned
from a trip to Nigeria, where
eight people have died in the
current outbreak, and was
hospitalised Tuesday with
Ebola-like symptoms.
Tests for Ebola conducted
on the patient, who was
isolated in a hospital ward in
the central town of Ancona,
were negative, regional health
official Almerino Mezzolani
was quoted as saying. Italy is
among several countries which
have suspended direct ights to
west African nations stricken by
the Ebola outbreak.
The tropical virus can fell its
victims within days, causing
severe fever and muscle pain,
weakness, vomiting and
diarrhoea, in some cases shutting
down organs.(AFP)
Karim Wade remains mute
as bail plea rejected Page 34
DAMAGE | Business people say trade drying up as people stay indoors, afraid of infection
Health services overwhelmed by
Ebola as Senegal patient recovers
Sierra Leone expects to uncover hundreds of hidden cases
FREETOWN, Wednesday
Sierra Leone said today it
expected to uncover up to 20
percent more Ebola victims
when it imposes a nationwide
curfew to find the dead and
suerers who have yet to go to
The government has
announced the shutdown, with
the population of six million
conned to their homes except
for essential business, for 72
hours starting from September
19. More than 20,000 volunteers
will go door-to-door to remove
bodies and take patients who
have not yet gone to hospital
into the care of medics.
The governments Ebola
emergency operation centre
said 10 areas of the capital
Freetown had been designated
as hot spots charged with
dealing with the surge in cases
expected. Isolation centres
including schools equipped
with beds will be set up as we
envisage a ve per cent to 20 per
cent surge during the exercise,
which is aimed at breaking the
chain of transmission, Steven
Ngaoja, head of the centre, told a
news conference in Freetown.
The Ebola outbreak has killed
almost 2,300 people in four west
African nations.
Sierra Leone has reported
some 500 deaths from almost
1,400 cases since it registered
its rst infection in May.
The government has set
aside $1.3 million to cover the
costs of the shutdown, most
of which has been donated by
the United Nations Childrens
Fund. (AFP)
GRAPHIC NEWS Sources: Pharmaceutical companies, Centres for Disease Control, Virology Blog
Two experimental vaccines against the deadly Ebola virus ravaging
West Africa could be available as soon as November. Ebola cAd3
and VSV-EBOV would first be given to health care workers most at risk
Ebola virus: Outer
membrane is studded with
glycoprotein (GP) which binds
to host cell to enable infection
Ebola cAd3: Developed by U.S. National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID) and GlaxoSmithKline.
10,000 doses available by end of year
Vaccine uses genetically modified chimpanzee
cold virus chimp adenovirus type 3 (cAd3)
to deliver non-infectious Ebola GP gene to human
cells. Gene produces glycoprotein that triggers
immune system to fight viral infection
VSV-EBOV: Developed by
Canadas National Microbiology
Laboratory. 800 doses of vaccine
donated to World Health Organization
Prime-boost vaccine:
Netherlands-based Crucell and
Denmark-based Bavarian Nordic,
(J&Js vaccine division) are working
with NIAID to produce a two-shot,
prime-boost vaccine
Vaccine based on weakened
strains of vesicular stomatitis
virus, a common animal
pathogen. Glycoprotein of VSV
is replaced with Ebola GP. Protects
both before and after exposure.
Profectus Biosciences is also
developing a VSV vaccine
Tekmira vaccine
gave 100% protection in non-human
primates to otherwise lethal dose of
Zaire Ebola virus
First shot uses adenovirus-
based vaccine to get harmless
Ebola gene into cells to prime
immune system. Second shot
contains smallpox-based vaccine
which boosts immune response
Vaccine uses RNA interference
known as RNAi which
silences disease by causing
genes to block Ebola replication
within cells of infected person
ZMapp: Vaccine
developed by Mapp
has successfully treated five of seven
Ebola victims two fatalities
Cocktail of three genetically
modified mouse monoclonal
antibodies molecules that
neutralize GP protein on
surface of Ebola virus
One man
came here
last night
and started
to drink
When I
asked him
what was
wrong, he
asked me
if I did not
hear that
of people
are going to
get Ebola in
the coming
One bar owner
Number killed by Ebola
I dont
know what
to do now
Where are
we going?
Are we all
going to
die? asks
SA minister denies
spy comments
South African Deputy Defence
Minister Kebby Maphatsoe on
Tuesday denied labelling Public
Protector Thuli Madonsela (pic-
tured) as a CIA spy, apologising
for any oence that had been
caused by his alleged comments.
Mr Maphatsoe told the South Af-
rican Broadcasting Corporation
(SABC) that he never referred
to Ms Madonsela as a CIA spy.
He said he would le a complaint
with the Press Ombudsman
against the newspaper that he
claims misquoted him. After
consultation with my organisa-
tion, the African National Con-
gress, it would seem as though
my statements have been misun-
derstood and misinterpreted, I
therefore withdraw those state-
ments and therefore apologise for
any oence that would have been
caused. (Xinhua)
World Bank chief
to visit Ethiopia
The World Banks Managing
Director and Chief Operating
Ocer Sri Mulyani Indrawati
will arrive in Ethiopia coming
Sunday, for a three-day stay in
the country, said WB in a state-
ment yesterday. The visit is part
of the World Bank Groups eort
to further strengthen the partner-
ship with Ethiopia, according to
the statement. Mr Indrawati is
scheduled to meet with Ethiopian
Prime Minister Hailemariam
Deslegn and members of his
cabinet to discuss opportunities
and challenges the country is cur-
rently facing. (Xinhua)
Gambia gets support to
end genital mutilation
United Nations Population
Fund and Gambia government
have funded the countrys Com-
mittee on Traditional Practice
aecting The Health of Women
and Children (GAMCOTRAP)
with a tune of 3 million U.S. dol-
lars to launch a new campaign to
end Female Genital Mutilation
(FGM) in Gambia. The three-
year project is designed to raise
awareness and empower com-
munities to abandon FGM in the
West African nation where thou-
sands of young girls are at risk of
this practice. (Xinhua)
Thursday September 11, 2014
32 |
Wade denied bail
as he stays mute
in his graft trial
Mr Karim Wade, son of former Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, arrives at a courthouse in Dakar, Senegal, anked by
two prison guards on July 31, 2014, for the start of his trial for charges of illicit enrichment.
NATION Correspondent
DAKAR, Wednesday
he court trying Karim Wade in
Dakar for ill-gotten wealth, has
nally announced the rejection
of the accuseds request for bail or
temporary release.
Announcing the decision yesterday
evening, the court insisted that the
move was mainly due to Mr Wades
refusal to respond to questions by
The session which lasted less than
10 minutes was postponed to Wednes-
day, September 10, 2014.
Mr Wade reiterated that he was
being held illegally and again vowed
to continue remaining mute before the
judges during the next session.
During the accuseds trial last
Friday, he vowed not to respond
to the judges questions until his
co-accused, Ibrahima Khalil Bourgi
was allowed to pursue medical treat-
ment in France.
Mr Bourgi who is a Senegalese
of Lebanese origin, is known as Mr
Wades main contact person and busi-
ness partner, who organised all of the
former president sons transactions
On two occasions, Mr Bourgi has
been present in court in his hospital
wheelchair on drips. The court had
long insisted that a travel ban will
remain in place against Mr Bourgi,
alleging that the Lebanese national
was pretending to be ill.
Mr Bourgis doctors have tried to
convince the court that he was indeed
ill but state doctors have maintained
the contrary.
Justice Ministry ocials fear that
a permission to allow Mr Bourgi to
travel to France could seriously delay
the trial which is expected to last six
Mr Karim and about 10 co-accused
have been held in remand for slightly
DEMAND |He vows not to respond to judges questions until his co-accused was allowed to get medical treatment in France
over a year now. They are standing
trial for allegedly swindling millions of
dollars when they served in dierent
capacities during the 12 year-rule of
ex-President Abdoulaye Wade.
Earlier in the trial, Mr Wades
defence lawyers ignored the com-
petence of the court set up to try
their client.
The 30 defence lawyers argue that
their client can only be judged by the
Supreme Court and not by the Court
for the Repression of Illegal Enrich-
ment (CREI).
The lawyers defended their argu-
ment by stating that the Supreme
Court was in existence when the case
against their client was introduced
before the countrys legal jurisdiction.
They argue that it was after the intro-
duction of the case that the CREI was
re-activited and hence casted doubt
on the competence and impartiality
of the court.
In a counter argument, the state
lawyers have insisted that the bat-
tery of defence lawyers was mostly
comprised of former government
ministers who have left oce lesser
than three years. The state lawyers
pointed that that fact was in contra-
diction of the legal framework of the
countrys law.
Judges stated the move
was mainly due to the
accuseds refusal to
respond to questions
China-funded Sudan palace to replace historic building
KHARTOUM, Wednesday
Sudan today announced the
completion of a China-funded
presidential palace to replace the
colonial-era oces where British
General Charles Gordon died in
a battle that dened Sudanese
The new three-storey domed
palace has been built with a grant
from Beijing, the ocial SUNA
news agency reported without
specifying the amount.
SUNA said the project conrms
the strong relations between
Khartoum and Beijing, whose
ambassador Luo Xiaoguang at-
tended a signing ceremony with
Sudanese officials to confirm
completion of the project.
The heavy-looking, grey-brown
stone of the new palace contrasts
with the whitewashed old palace
that recalls Britains colonial past.
Both buildings are near each other
along the Blue Nile River.
President Omar al-Bashir has
his oces at the palace, which
was originally built in the early
19th century during Turco-Egyp-
tian rule.
A plaque inside the old palace
marks the spot where General
Gordon was killed in 1885 by the
forces of a messianic Islamic re-
former called the Mahdi.
From 1877-79, Gordon was
governor of Sudan under the
Turco-Egyptian administration.
After the British occupied
Egypt in 1882 and the Sudanese
Mahdist revolt intensied, Brit-
ain again dispatched Gordon to
Despite his eorts to defend it,
the garrison was destroyed and
the Mahdis conquest ushered in
a period of Islamist rule.
SUNA said construction of the
new palace began in 2010. It will
be inaugurated on January 1, the
countrys independence day.
Mr Emad Sayed Ahmed, the
presidential press secretary, told
AFP that the government has
outgrown the existing palace.
However, ocial ceremonies
will still be held in the historic
building even after the adminis-
tration moves to the new palace,
Ahmed said. He had no details
about the cost but said the new
palace reects Sudan and Suda-
nese culture.
The Chinese embassy spokes-
woman could not be reached for
comment. (AFP)
The new Presidential Palace while it was under con-
struction in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum.
Thousands mourn Italian
nuns killed in Burundi
Thousands of mourners in Burundi cel-
ebrated the lives of three Italian nuns brutally
murdered this week, in tearful farewells be-
fore their bodies were taken to Democratic
Republic of Congo for burial. The emotional
and sombre mass in a large Roman Catholic
church in Burundis capital was attended by as
many as three thousand mourners, including
the vice-president and top politicians. Mourn-
ers sobbed as Archbishop of Bujumbura
Evariste Ngonagoye praised the life of service
the three nuns had given in the impoverished
nation, and condemned the inhuman crimes
of the killer. The three Roman Catholic nuns
were named as Olga Raschietti, 83, Lucia
Pulici, 75, and Bernadetta Boggian, aged 79.
Gambia urged to drop
life sentences for gays
Rights campaigners called on Wednesday
for Gambian President Yahya Jammeh to re-
ject proposals by lawmakers to introduce a
punishment of life in prison for aggravated
homosexuality. Amnesty International and
Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a joint
statement that a bill passed by parliament
on August 25 could be used to target re-
peat oenders and people living with HIV.
President Jammeh should not approve this
profoundly damaging act that violates in-
ternational human rights law, said Stephen
Cockburn, Amnestys deputy regional direc-
tor for west and central Africa. Gambias
national assembly and the president should
not endorse state-sponsored homophobia.
Jammeh, a former military ocer, seized
power in a 1994. (AFP)
Thursday September 11, 2014
34 | International News
A HUG FOR POPE | Meeting nuns
Pope Francis embraces nuns during his weekly general audience in St Peters
Square at the Vatican yesterday.
MOSCOW, Wednesday
rimeas Kremlin-loyal leader
today said that if the world
recognises an independent
Scotland, then it should also oer
similar recognition to the Black
Sea peninsula which has joined
Acting regional head Sergei Ak-
syonov said that the West would
have no other option but to back
Crimeas move to break away from
Ukraine, if it also accepts a Scot-
tish vote to split from the United
The Scottish referendum on
whether to break from its 300-
year-old union is being held on
September 18, with polls showing
both sides in a dead heat.
Crimea split from Ukraine and
joined Russia after a disputed
referendum in March.
If in any country the majority
of the population (of a region) take
a decision about their independ-
ent statehood then I personally
support this, Mr Aksyonov was
quoted as saying by Russias In-
terfax news agency. The people
living in a particular place better
understand the processes that are
happening there and it is their right
to take such a decision, he said.
Meanwhile, President Vladimir
Putin today accused Western coun-
tries of creating the Ukrainian
crisis and using it to revive Nato.
The crisis in Ukraine, which was
basically provoked and created by
some of our Western partners, is
now being used to revive this mili-
tary bloc (Nato), President Putin
said at a government meeting,
quoted by the state RIA Novosti
news agency.
Moscow argues it has acted to
defend the rights of the regions
Russian-speaking population fol-
lowing the ouster of Ukraines
Kremlin-backed leader Viktor
Yanukovych. (AFP)
Crimea wants
like Scotland
The West should back
regions bid to get
freedom, says acting
head Sergei Aksyonov
ACCUSED | Crisis being used to revive Nato
Pakistan air strikes
kill 65 militants
Pakistans military said Wednes-
day it had killed 65 militants and
destroyed ve hideouts in fresh air
strikes as part of a major oensive
against the Taliban in the north-
west. Pakistan began the long-
awaited push to clear insurgent
bases from North Waziristan dis-
trict, on the Afghan border, in June
after a bloody attack on Karachi
airport nally sank faltering peace
talks with the rebels. According to
an ocial statement, the military
rst carried out air strikes early
Wednesday in Datta Khel area of
North Waziristan tribal district,
killing 35, and later targeted a vil-
lage in the Shawal Valley, killing
30. (AFP)
EU gives France,
Britain key jobs
France and Britain secured
top positions on Wednesday in
incoming European Commission
President Jean Claude-Junckers
new team, which must tackle a
stagnant economy, rising euro-
scepticism and the Ukraine crisis
on its borders. Former French
nance minister Pierre Moscovici
was named economic aairs com-
missioner while Britain scored
a coup by winning the nancial
services post for its nominee
Jonathan Hill. (AFP)
8K >K BULNP PL NBRBNOB PEFO PNBKA$ PEB )/68A +/?6;: >KA -/64/ *3; SFll
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All that property known as LR,NO.KAJIADO/KAPUTIEI-NORTH/3778 registered in the name of MICHAEL KIPROTICH
KIRUI. It is a freehold interest measuring 0.10Ha or 0.247Acres and located within Kitengela Township on the south-
eastern part of the Kitengela Kajiado road, Kajiado County just about 400 meters from the main tarmacked Kitengela-
Kajiado road. It is a vacant plot suitable for residential developments, especially for private, single dwelling house for owner
occupation and rental purposes. Piped water, electricity and telephone facilities are all available in the area for connection
when desired. Access road is earth surfaced.
All that property known as TITLE NO. MARMANET/NORTH RUMURUTI BLOCK 2/1908(NDURUMO) in the name of
FRANCIS MURIUKI NYAGA. It is a free hold interest measuring 2.007Ha and located opposite three point police post
11kilometres to the North West of Rumuruti Town. It is a vacant agricultural plot rectangular in shape with a gentle gradient. Water
can be obtained from seasoned rivers while electricity is a few meters away. Access road is earth surfaced.
All that property known as TITLE NO. MARMANET/NORTH RUMURUTI BLOCK 2/1738(NDURUMO) in the name of
MILLITONIC MWENDWA KIMANZI. It is a free hold interest measuring 3.705Ha and located 7 Km off Nyahururu-Rumuruti
road branching leftwards to Rumuruti-Sigili road at Aiyam Secondary School sign board. It is a vacant agricultural land with
a level gradient with unmarked boundaries. Water can be obtained from seasonal rivers while electricity is a few kilometers
away. Foul drainage would be to a septic tank while access road is earth surfaced.
All that property known as TITLE.NO. TRANS-NZOIA/KAPKOI/89 in the name of GEORGE JOSHUA OKUNGU. It is a
freehold interest measuring 8.10 Ha or 20 Acres and situated about 2.5 Kilometers to the north of Kapomboi trading center,
Kapkoi area, Kwanza division of Trans-nzoia County. It is an agricultural land with red soils suitable for maize production.
Developments on the plot include temporary structures.
1. All interested bidders are requested to view the properties and verify the details for Themselves as the auctioneers
or the chargees do not warrant these.
2. Interested bidders must deposit Kshs. 200,000.00 for Property No. 1, Kshs. 50,000.00 for Property No. 2 & 3 and
Kshs. 500,000.00 for Property No.4 in CASH OR BANKERS CHEQUE with the auctioneer before being allowed
to bid.
3. Sale is subject to a reserve price, and the auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid without giving any reasons
for doing so.
4. Interested bidders are requested to view the properties between 10.00 am and 5.00pm and our office will assist
the bidders to point out the property subject to prior arrangement.
5. 25% of the purchase price must be paid to the auctioneer at the fall of the hammer and the balance to be paid in
60 days for the Properties to the chargees.
30Acres in Kisaju, four bed roomed house Fedha Estate, 3- Bed roomedhouses Ongata Rongai (4 units), 5.2
Ha agricultural plot in Mijomboni area kilifi County,A vacant quarter Acre plot in Gikambura Area Kiambu
County, 3 Bedroomed Bungalow in Ruiru,8.5 Acres vacant plot in Karen,5 bedroomed bungalow standing on
approximately 0.75 Acres in Lavington,a 3 storied commercial cum residential building within Serena beach
area directly opposite Mombasa Continental Resort,Shanzu Mombasa
Under instructions from our principals, the chargees, in exercise of their statutory power of sale, we shall sell
by Public Auction the under mentioned properties and all the improvements erected thereon.
Thursday September 11, 2014
International News 35
East Africa seeks to lay oil pipeline
from Eldoret to Kigali. Page 39
NBK goes online
to reach customers
The National Bank of Kenya
has launched mobile and Inter-
net applications to make it more
convenient for its customers
to transact business. The apps
called NatMobile and NatCon-
nect will oer banking services
and nancial information via
telephone and the Internet. The
banks managing director, Mr
Munir Ahmed, said that custom-
ers will be able to enjoy benets
that include deposits, buying air-
time and repaying loans besides
making balance enquiry.
Firm launches awards
initiative for groups
Raki Micronance Bank
(RMB) has launched an awards
initiative for investment groups
across East Africa in apprecia-
tion of their role in mobilisation
of resources and national de-
velopment. The inaugural East
Africa Chama Awards will fete
organisations in Kenya, Uganda,
Tanzania, South Sudan, Rwanda
and Burundi in recognition of
their role in promoting social eco-
nomic development in the East
African region. RMB signed the
partnership yesterday with Na-
tion Media Group chief executive
ocer Linus Gitahi.
Chamber hosts meet
to improve trading
The Kenya National Chamber
of Commerce and Industry has
organised a two-day conference
and exhibition in Mombasa
aimed at boosting import and ex-
port trade across East and Cen-
tral African. Mombasa chairman
of the chamber James Mureu said
the main aim of the conference is
to create a platform where supply
chain professionals, government
agencies and the business com-
munity can interact and exchange
ideas on how to improve service
orrowing by local banks
accounted for 58 per cent of
investments made in Kenya by
the global nancier as of June.
The International Finance
Corporation, the World Bank Groups
private lending arm, invested Sh18.2
billion ($210 million) in the country
during the period under review,
accounting for 40 per cent of the
total outlays it made in the East
Africa region, according to nancial
results released yesterday.
The heavy spending on banks,
according to IFC head for the East
Africa region Manuel Moses, has been
triggered by new terms of capital
adequacy set by the Central Bank of
Kenya (CBK).
Reach our clients
Noting the changing regulations
that had pushed banks to seek
opportunities such as bonds and
subordinated loans, he said: We
will support them as banks are a
conduit through which we reach our
The Kenya Commercial Bank,
Diamond Trust Bank, Gulf African
Bank, Bank of Africa and Chese Bank
are among the 18 nancial institutions
that have benetted from IFC lending
during the period under review.
More banks are likely to turn to
the international lender for credit if
CBK honours its proposal to increase
the minimum capital requirement yet
again in a bid to raise the industry to
the level of Egypt, Angola, Nigeria
and South Africa.
Last year, IFC pumped $456
million (Sh39.6 billion) into Kenya,
accounting for 80 per cent of the
institutions investment in the East
Africa region. It was evaluating local
proposals for funding totalling some
$300 million (Sh26.1 billion) as at
Unlike the subsidised loans from the
World Bank through its International
Development Association (IDA), IFC
advances are priced at market rates.
The institution invests both in loans
and in equity.
During the period, IFC also
extended to Bidco $36.5 million
(Sh3.1 billion) and National Cement
$70 million (Sh6 billion) in a mixture
of loan and equity. It bought a stake
in Bridge Academies and Garden City
at $42 million (Sh3.6 billion).
IFCs continued activity in sub-
Saharan Africa reects our support
to the private sector clients as they
drive local economies forward.
IFC strives to deliver investments,
knowledge and solutions based on
global best practices, which in turn
improve business and living standards
in Africa, IFC director for Eastern
and Southern Africa Oumar Seydi
The institutions global spending
during the year under review was $22
billion (Sh1.9 trillion), of which $4.6
billion (Sh400.2 billion) relates to
investments in sub-Saharan Africa.
Borrowing by local
nancial institutions
due to new banking
regulators capital
adequacy terms,
boosts performance
FINANCE | International Finance Corporation releases report on performance
World Bank arm invests Sh18bn
in Kenya during year up to June
Borrowers: Among banks that
went for money are Kenya Com-
mercial Bank DTB, Gulf African
Bank and Bank of Africa.
Reason: IFC says the new re-
quirements by the Central Bank
to shored up capital contributed
to the performance.
Future: More institutions are
bound to turn to the World
Banks lending arm if the market
regulator further increases capi-
tal requirements.
What stood out
during period
From Left: International Finance Corporation (IFC) regional head, East Africa,
Manuel Moses, head, investment climate, East and Southern Africa region
Catherine Masinde and director for East and Southern Africa Oumar Seydi
yesterday during release of the results.
The amount of money in millions of
dollars that IFC extended to Bidco
during the period
Dubai-based frm sues over duty-free shops award
A Dubai-based company has gone to court chal-
lenging the awarding of duty-free shops at the new
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport terminals.
Suzan General Trading Limited is seeking an
order to quash the decision by the Kenya Airports
Authority to deny it a licence for development and
operation of the outlets under a single master per-
mit at Terminal 4.
According to the company, KAA violated tender-
ing rules and regulations as provided by the Public
Procurement Administration Board (PPAB) to lock
it out of the tendering process.
Suzans lawyer Daniel Gacugia accuses KAA of
wilful and blatant disregard of the PPABs directives
to advertise for tenders and award of contracts for
duty-free shops. He claims the company was denied
its rights to equal treatment as a result.
KAA did the opposite
He said that after challenging the manner in
which the bidding was initially done, the board in
December 2013 issued new guidelines ordering
KAA to retender for the development and opera-
tion of the terminal.
KAA did the opposite of what they were directed
to do in the re-tendering. They failed to enlarge
the specications to make the tender eligibility
more inclusive and did not subject the process to
competitive bidding as directed by the board.
Mr Gacugia added that the authority lacked juris-
diction to revise the tender and award the contract
without clear procedures for evaluation.
The company wants an order quashing the
tendering process and award of duty-free shops
and a directive to KAA to retender for the shops
in compliance with directions issued by the Public
Procurement Administration Board.
Lady Justice Mumbi Ngugi certied the applica-
tion urgent and directed him to serve KAA for an
inter-parties hearing on September 17.
NTSA seeks to apply
brakes on accidents
National Transport and Safety
Authority is seeking funding from
the private sector in eort to curb
road crashes. The accidents re-
sult into an average 3,000 deaths
every year and costs the economy
Sh13.5 billion or about 1.5 per
cent of the Gross Domestic Prod-
uct. NTSA chief executive James
Meja yesterday said although
measures already initiated by
the authority had started bearing
fruit, more needed to be done to
ensure safe transport.
Thursday September 11, 2014
36 |
Thursday September 11, 2014
Safari Link starts direct ights to Lodwar
Travel to Northern Kenya
has been eased after an air-
line introduced direct ights
to Lodwar.
Safari Links move will see
it expand its domestic market
as it further opens up Turkana
for tourism and business.
The move is expected to
spark erce competition and
take way a chunk of business
from Fly540, which has been
the sole operator to the Lod-
war Airstrip.
Safari Links entry is also
expected to contribute to-
wards economic growth in
Northern Kenya by opening
up the region for tourism
and investment in develop-
ment and other sectors.
Speaking at the launch yes-
terday, the airlines managing
director, Mr John Buckley, said
the launch of the ights will
provide an opportunity for the
airline to support development
beyond tourism.
He also acknowledged the
growing economy of Turkana
County and the attention it
was receiving since the dis-
covery of oil as one of the
reasons the airline decided
to start ying there.
We genuinely believe that
over the coming years, this
area in Kenya will see a dra-
matic growth and we want to
assist and participate in that
growth by providing a reliable
air connection to Nairobi, he
The only airline that had been
operating on the route prior to
the entry of Safari Link to the
DEAL | Jamii Bora to receive loan
Shelter Afrique managing director James Mugerwa (left) and
Jamii Bora Bank Limited chief executive ocer Samuel Kimani
during the signing of an agreement that will see the bank re-
ceive a Sh100 million loan. Borrowers will use the money to
build or buy low-cost residential houses. The signing was done
in Nairobi yesterday.
tipulations for undertak-
ing a Sh130 billion gas
venture are due to be
This follows bidders verdict
that the terms the government
set for putting up the plant
were impractical.
The Public Privatisation Unit
at the National Treasury said
yesterday that the tendering
process for the 700MW Lique-
ed Natural Gas plant at Dongo
Kundu near Mombasa will be
altered after applicants failed
to meet the set criteria.
The project is central to the
governments plan to generate
5,000MW of power by 2016.
PPP has now proposed a
30-month, a year longer than
the initial 18 months. This is
because timelines appear to be
a fresh headache in public pro-
curement for capital-intensive
infrastructure projects that also
require lengthy implementation
The process is to be re-
peated. We thought it would
be unfair to other bidders to
evaluate the only two, which
submitted bids. The more the
rms, the higher the level of
competition, PPP unit head
Stanley Kamau said. The unit
has the nal say on procure-
ment of all public projects
undertaken by private inves-
The move follows pressure
from potential bidders who
described as too tight the ex-
ecution schedule of the project
one of the largest under the
5000MW initiative.
It also followed requests
from the Ministry of Energy
and Petroleum, which is con-
tracting the project on behalf
of the government.
Energy Cabinet Secretary
Davis Chirchir last week said
potential bidders wrote to the
tender committee over the
unattractive terms.
Only two bids
We received only two bids
both of which stated construc-
tion would last 24 months.
Other potential bidders wrote
letters saying they would bid
if the implementation proc-
ess would be extended to 24
months. If we proceeded, all
bids would have been non-re-
sponsive, he said.
The minister has now recom-
mended a repeat of the process
without opening the submit-
ted nancial bids because of
issues entailed in technical
proposals. Most of the 10
rms short-listed from the 36
that had expressed interest did
not submit their bids.
Terms for gas
factory set to
be reviewed
ENERGY | Back to the drawing board
Bidders had said
conditions for
setting up the plant
were unrealistic
ISSUE NO. FXD 1/2014/10
An opportunity to invest in Government of Kenya Ten-Year (Re-open) Fixed Coupon Treasury Bond
The Central Bank of Kenya, acng in its capacity as a fscal agent for the Republic of Kenya, is ofering the invesng public
an opportunity to invest in a Ten-Year Fixed Coupon Re-open Treasury Bond whose terms and condions are as follows:
1. Issuer : Republic of Kenya
2. Amount : Up to Kshs. 15 Billion
3. Purpose : Budgetary Support
4. Period of Sale : 10/09/2014 to 23/09/2014
5. Value/Payment date : 29/09/2014. Payments above Kshs 1 Million must be made by RTGS, Payments
below Kshs 1 Million may be made by Cash, Bankers cheque or RTGS and
must reach the Central Bank of Kenya not later than 2 pm on Monday, 29

September, 2014 for Cash and Cheques and 3.30 pm for RTGS. Please provide
the following details with each payment: Investors Name, Reference No. and
CDS Account Number. The account to be credited when using RTGS is the
investors Virtual Account.
6. Pricing : Discounted/Par/Premium.
7. Minimum amount : Kshs 50,000.00
8. Tenor : Ten-year-Re-open (9.33 years to maturity)
9. Coupon Rate : 12.180% p.a.
10. Interest payment dates : 26/01/2015,27/07/2015,25/01/2016,25/07/2016,23/01/2017, 24/07/2017,
22/01/2018,23/07/2018,21/01/2019,22/07/2019, 20/01/2020,20/07/2020,
18/01/2021,19/07/2021,17/01/2022, 18/07/2022, 16/01/2023, 17/07/2023
and 15/01/2024.
11. Eligibility : Only CDS account holders with updated mandates.
12. Issuance method : Mul-Price Bid Aucon.
13. Bids : All investors are required to complete bond applicaon forms.
14. Non- compeve bids : Maximum Kshs. 20 Million per CDS account.
15. Bids Closure : 2 p.m. on Tuesday, 23
September, 2014.
16. Aucon Date : Wednesday, 24
September, 2014.
17. Results : Investors should obtain details of amounts payable for successful bids, from
Central Bank on Thursday, 25/09/2014.
18. Redempon date : 15/01/2024
19. Placing Agents : Commercial Banks
Non-Bank Financial Instuons
Licensed Stock Brokers
Licensed Investment Advisors
20. Rediscounng : Possible as a last resort, the bond will be rediscounted at 3% above the higher
of prevailing market yield or coupon rate.
21. Liquidity : The bond qualifes for statutory liquidity rao requirements for commercial
banks and non-bank fnancial instuons
22. Lisng : The bond will be listed on the Nairobi Securies Exchange.
23. Trading : Secondary trading in mulples of Ksh 50,000 to commence on Tuesday, 30

September, 2014.
24. Tax : Discount/interest amount is subject to withholding tax at the rate of 10%.
25. Right to accept applicaons : The Central Bank reserves the right to accept bids in full or part thereof or
reject them in total without giving any reason.
26. Re-opening : The Bond may be re-opened at a future date.
For further details contact any of the following:-
Your Bank
Brokers of Nairobi Securies Exchange and Licensed Investment Advisors, CBK Headquarters, Branches in Mombasa,
Kisumu, Eldoret and the Currency Centres in Nyeri, Nakuru & Meru or visit our website at www.centralbank.go.ke
Thursday September 11, 2014
38 | Biusiness News
Court freezes
Kiereini deals
A city tycoon has been barred from
dealing in any manner with all his
companies shares as listed in the
NSE and the Central Depository
Settlement Corporation, a court
ruled yesterday.
In addition to the prohibition,
all other accounts of Mr Jeremiah
Kiereini relating to ownership of
stakes were also frozen temporarily
pending the hearing of a case led
against him by the Capital Markets
Justice Eric Ogola reissued the
interim orders stating he was not
persuaded that the parties in court
were unique in any way.
He said that the situation was
not peculiar and that he shared the
same views as his colleague Fran-
cis Gikonyo who deemed it t to
grant the orders against the Nairobi
The suit relates to alleged fraudu-
lent acquisition of money when Mr
Kiereini was a director with motor
dealer CMC Holdings Limited.
Proceedings resume October
he regional governments have
started the search for a con-
tractor to design and construct
a petroleum products pipeline from
Eldoret to Kigali.
The project is part of a number
of infrastructure initiatives that are
being undertaken by governments of
Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda under the
Northern Corridor Integration plan
that seeks to open up the region for
economic development.
The Eldoret-Kampala-Kigali
pipeline will serve, among others,
the markets of Uganda, Rwanda and
the neighbouring states of Tanzania,
Burundi, South Sudan and the Demo-
cratic Republic of Congo, the tender
notice reads.
The rened products pipeline will
be an extension of the existing line in
Eldoret, which is owned by the Kenya
Pipeline Company.
Its completion is expected to ease
road congestion by petroleum tankers
and reduce accidents resulting from
heavy reliance on the vehicles.
It is also hoped to deal with fuel
dumping , which mainly occurs when
tankers ferrying products for export
are diverted locally, threatening the
local business.
The project will be implemented in
two stages that will see construction
of a 350-kilometre 12-inch multi-prod-
ucts pipeline between Eldoret and
Kampala and a 434-kilometre line
with similar specications between
Kampala and Kigali.
It will also involve building of stor-
age terminals, pump stations, road
and rail loading facilities for tankers
at Kampala, Mbarara and Kigali.
Process was aborted
In December 2012, the governments
of Kenya and Uganda advertised a
tender for the same project, but
according to Mr Daniel Kiptoo, pe-
troleum legal advisor to Energy and
Petroleum Cabinet Secretary Davis
Chirchir, the process was aborted to
take into account the Northern Cor-
ridor Integration project.
Prior to the two bids, Tamoil East
Africa company associated with the
late Libyan leader Muammar Gadd-
a, had been contracted to set up the
products pipeline between Eldoret and
Kampala. The deal was terminated
due to what ocials termed failure
by the rm to full the terms of the
Tamoil had been retained to set
up the 350-kilometre line and oper-
ate it for a period of 20 years before
transferring ownership to the two
East Africa plans oil
pipeline to Rwanda
INFRASTRUCTURE | Joint initiatives taking shape
part of
plans by
the bloc to
open up
region for
The Eldoret-Kampala-Kigali
pipeline will serve...the
markets of Uganda, Rwanda
AWARDS | Time for a sele
Head of Kenya Development Co-operation section at
the Embassy of Sweden in Nairobi Anders Ronquist
takes a sele with First Lady Margaret Kenyatta during
National Environmental Trust Fund green innovation
awards held at Safari Park hotel on Tuesday.
A. RESULTS OF 182-DAY & 364-DAY TREASURY BILLS ISSUES 2054/182 & 1975/364 DATED 15/09/2014
C. NEXT TREASURY BILLS AUCTIONS: ISSUE NOs. 2074/91 , 2055/182 & 1976/364 DATED 22/09/2014
Offer amount (Kshs. M) 3,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 12,000.00
AUCTION DATES & BIDS CLOSURE 18/09/2014 17/09/2014 17/09/2014
RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT 19/09/2014 18/09/2014 18/09/2014
Redemptions 17,641.49
Net Repayment 5,641.49
This week the Central Bank of Kenya offered 182 and 364 Days Treasury Bills for a total of Kshs.9 Billion. The total number of bids
received was 61 amounting to Kshs. 0.80 Billion representing 20% subscription and 82 bids amounting to Kshs.9.02 Billion representing
180% subscription for 182 and 364 days,respectively. Bids accepted amounted to Kshs.0.42 Billion for 182 days and Kshs. 9.02 Billion
for 364 days Treasury Bills. The weighted average rate of accepted bids, which will be applied for non-competitive bids, was 8.550% for
the 182-day and 10.163% for 364-day Treasury Bills. The other auction statistics are summarised in the table below.
Due Date 16/03/2015 14/09/2015
Amount Offered (Kshs. M) 4,000.00 5,000.00 9,000.00
Bids Received (Kshs. M) 801.51 9,019.56 9,821.07
Performance Rate (%) 20.04 180.39 109.12
Number of Bids Received 61 82 143
Number of Accepted Bids 58 82 140
Total Amount Accepted (Kshs. M) 418.70 9,019.56 9,438.26
Of which: Competitive bids 48.05 6,856.13 6,904.18
: Non-competitive bids 370.65 2,163.43 2,534.08
Purpose / Application of Funds:
Rollover / Redemptions 6,693.37 4,789.75 11,483.12
Net Repayment/New Borrowing 6,274.67 4,229.81
Market Weighted Average Rate 8.957% 10.163%
Weighted Average Rate of accepted bids 8.550% 10.163%
Price per Kshs 100 at average rate 95.911 90.798
This Auction Last Auction Variance
(%) (%)
182 - day 8.550 8.550 0.000
364 - day 10.163 10.233 0.070
Bids must be submitted using the specified format and must reach the Central Bank (HQ, Branch or Currency Centre) by 2.00
p.m. on Wednesday, 17th September, 2014 for 182-day & 364-day and Thursday,18th September, 2014 for 91- day Treasury
Bills. Payments above Kshs.1 Million must be made by electronic transfer using RTGS. Payments below Kshs. 1 Million may
be made by Cash, Bankers Cheque or RTGS and must reach the Central Bank not later than Monday, 22nd September,
2014, 2.00 p.m. for Cash and Cheques and 3.00 p.m for RTGS funds transfers. Please provide the following details with each
payment: Name, Reference No., Issue No., and include the Portfolio number and the Investors virtual account number.
The Central Bank of Kenya is offering tap sale for the Re-Open 30-year Savings and Development Bond, which is offered
in five tranches for the month of September 2014, on First- come -first- served basis. The sale period commenced on
22nd, August 2014 and is to close on either attainment of the quantum on offer or expiry of the sale period on September
23rd, 2014, whichever comes first. Investors are advised to obtain results of the allocation of their bids for the third tranche
at Central Bank of Kenya, Head office or at any Branch or Currency Center with effect from Thursday ,11th September
2014. Payments deadline is on Monday,15th September 2014, 2.00pm.The tap sale allocation statistics for the third
tranche are summarised in the table below.
Due Date 21/01/2041
Total bids Accepted at Face Value (Kshs. M) 19.15
Total bids Accepted at Cost (Kshs. M) 16.75
Total Number of Accepted Bids 19
Allocated average rate for accepted bids (%) 13.775%
Adjusted Average Price(Per Kes 100.00) 88.167
Coupon Rate (%) 12.000%
10 September 2014
Under instruction received from our principals, the chargees, in exercise of their statutory powers of
sale, we shall sell all the undermentioned land parcels together with any development erected thereon as
indicated here below:
All that property known as LR No. NGONG/NGONG/55244, freehold registered in the name TONNY MUNGA
MWAURA. Approx. 0.05 ha about 1.8 km off Matasia Kiserian Road along Ole Roimen Road in Matasia area,
close to the Administration police Camp , kajiado North District. Erected on the plot in a bungalow with a built
up area 113.19 square feet.
All that property known as KAJIADO /KIPETO/3241, freehold registered in the name of GEORGE MAINA
KANGEMA, Approx 2.43 Ha (6 Acres). The property lies 6.7km from Olooloitikosh Ole polos road in Kipeto Area,
Kajiado District. Erected on the plot is a dwelling House under construction.
1. The sale subject to a reserve price
2. All interested buyers are requested to view and verify the details of the property by themselves, as these are
not warranted by the auctioneers, the charges or their advocates.
3. At least 25% of the purchase price shall be paid to the principal (As shall be advised by the Auctioneer) by
the purchaser immediately upon the fall of the hammer, and the balance paid within thirty (30) days from the
date of the sale.
4. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid without giving reasons
5. All those interested in bidding at the auction for each property shall pay to the Auctioneer a refundable
deposit of Kshs. 500,000/= (five hundred thousand) by bankers cheque in order to participate at the
Auction. The said deposit shall be refunded to the non-successful bidders immediately after the auction, while
for the purchaser it will be part of the required deposit.
TEL: 0712195551 OR 020 2211007
Thursday September 11, 2014
Business News 39
Last 12 Mths Security Prices
High Low Yesterday Previous Shares
36.75 23.50 Eaagads Ord 1.25 33.75 34.75 700
180.00 81.00 Kakuzi Ord.5.00 165.00 161.00 100
167.00 110.00 Kapchorua Tea Co Ord 5.00 133.00
670.00 460.00 The Limuru Tea Co. Ord 20.00 715.00
30.00 24.50 Rea Vipingo Plantations Ord 5.00 27.50
19.95 12.80 Sasini Ltd Ord 1.00 15.50 15.95 500
320.00 210.00 Williamson Tea Kenya Ord 5.00 288.00 288.00 3,000
Automobiles & Accessories
50.00 21.50 Car & General (K) Ord 5.00 43.25
- - CMC Holdings Ord 0.50 13.50
13.00 8.00 Marshalls (E.A.) Ord 5.00 9.85 10.25 7,100
9.40 4.50 Sameer Africa Ord 5.00 6.75 6.90 10,600
19.15 15.30 Barclays Bank Ord 0.50 17.35 17.35 12,,586,600
155.00 68.00 CFC Stanbic of Kenya Holdings Ord.5.00 129.00 127.00 10,,800
280.00 166.00 Diamond Trust Bank Ord 4.00 256.00 257.00 17,300
50.00 29.50 Equity Bank Ord 0.50 48.00 48.00 894,100
51.00 23.75 Housing Finance Co Ord 5.00 44.50 44.50 15,100
147.00 85.00 I &M Holdings Ltd Ord 1.00 136.00 136.00 23,300
60.00 41.25 KCB Ord 1.00 57.00 57.00 800,100
39.25 18.60 NBK Ord 5.00 28.25 28.25 26,500
81.00 54.50 NIC Bank Ord 5.00 72.50 73.00 150,900
340.00 280.00 StandardChartered Ord 5.00 329.00 322.00 15,000
25.00 14.80 Co-op Bank of Kenya Ord 1.00 19.50 19.45 10,649,200
Commercial & Services
8.00 3.55 Express Ord 5.00 6.55 6.45 23,900
- - Hutchings Biemer Ord 5.00 20.25
14.70 8.30 Kenya Airways Ord 5.00 9.90 9.85 279,500
18.00 5.00 Longhorn Kenya Ord 1.00 15.00 14.25 38,200
345.00 296.00 Nation Media Group Ord. 2.50 313.00 314.00 123,000
78.00 42.50 ScanGroup Ord. 1.00 44.00 45.25 5,400
36.50 25.00 Standard Group Ord 5.00 34.00 36.00 3,500
53.00 32.00 TPS EA (Serena) Ord 1.00 34.75 34.75 193,700
23.00 11.00 Uchumi Supermarket Ord 5.00 11.50 11.75 115,600
Construction & Allied
98.50 70.00 ARM Cement Ord 1.00 84.50 85.00 13,400
220.00 170.00 BamburiCement Ord 5.00 160.00 168.00 364,100
115.00 60.00 Crown Paints Kenya Ord 5.00 108.00 115.00 8,500
18.00 13.50 E.A.Cables Ord 0.50 15.30 15.10 15,400
110.00 52.00 E.A.Portland Cement Ord 5.00 77..00 72.50 1,100
Energy & Petroleum
17.90 8.70 KenGen Ord 2.50 10.80 10.40 110,200
10.50 7.90 KenolKobil Ltd Ord 0.05 8.80 8.75 1,361,200
16.00 12.85 KP&LC Ord 2.50 15.05 15.15 414,500
7.50 6.70 KP&LC 4% Pref.20.00 8.00
- - KP&LC 7% Pref.20.00 5.50
28.75 15.85 Total Kenya Ord 5.00 24.00 24.00 3,400
20.50 13.00 Umeme Ltd Ord 0.50 20.00 19.80 1,000
28.00 7.80 British American Investments Co.0.10 26.25 25.50 465,300
12.20 4.20 CIC Insurance Group Ord.1.00 8.60 8.35 942,500
424.00 255.00 Jubilee Holdings Ord 5.00 419.00 415.00 2,600
21.00 13.10 Kenya Re Corporation Ord 2.50 17.90 17.80 732,600
23.00 11.05 Liberty Kenya Holdings Ord 1.00 18.00 18.05 10,300
145.00 55.00 Pan Africa Insurance Ord 5.00 132.00 129.00 3,700
55.50 22.75 CentumInvestment Co Ord 0.50 58.00 58.00 329,900
6.40 3.50 Olympia Capital Holdings Ord 5.00 4.80 4.80 11,400
37.75 20.00 Trans-Century LtdOrd 0.50 21.00 21.00 17,200
Investment Services
18.00 15.00 Nairobi Securities Exchange. Ord 4.00 17.85 16.30 6,824,800
Manufacturing & Allied
- A.Baumann & Co. Ord 5.00 11.10
190.00 113.00 B.O.C Kenya Ord 5.00 140.00 140.00 1,100
879.00 521.00 British American Tobacco Kenya Ord 10.00 865.00 829.00 139,300
67.50 26.00 Carbacid Investments Ord 5.00 25.75 25.75 1,176,200
346.00 212.00 East African Breweries Ord 2.00 282.00 283.00 183,100
4.00 2.40 Eveready EA Ord 1.00 2.95 3.00 32,000
26.25 4.40 Kenya Orchards Ord 5.00 26.25 24.00 100
4.20 2.00 Mumias Sugar Co. Ord 2.00 2.25 2.30 1,640,900
38.50 15.00 Unga Group Ord 5.00 35.25 35.50 40,600
Telecommunication & Technology
13.50 7.45 SafaricomLtd Ord. 0.05 13.15 13.25 13,203,700
Growth & Enterprise Market Segment (GEMS)
17.50 3.20 Home Afrika Ltd Ord. 1.00 4.75 4.80 487,2000
NSE All Share Index(NASI)-(1 Jan 2008=100 Up 0.12 points to close at 159.94
NSE 20 Share Index Up 7.12 points to close at 5190.01 EquityTurnover- 1,235,346,531 Prv-895,611,082
Euro $ C$ SF IR JY ZR
ABC buy 114.39 88.40 142.91 - 94.85 1.46 84.15 8.22
sell 114.69 88.60 143.31 - 95.12 1.47 84.38 8.28
Barclays buy 113.89 88.55 142.21 80.41 94.38 1.46 83.23 8.17
sell 114.32 88.75 142.71 80.74 94.79 1.46 83.57 8.20
Co-op buy 114.60 88.55 144.59 81.37 95.01 1.46 84.06 8.10
sell 114.88 88.75 144.94 81.60 95.27 1.42 84.29 8.37
Equity buy 114.09 88.55 142.57 80.40 94.60 1.46 83.36 8.04
sell 114.36 88.75 142.93 80.62 94.84 1.47 83.57 8.16
NBK buy 113.58 88.20 141.81 80.19 94.11 1.45 83.00 8.15
sell 114.87 88.80 143.86 81.50 95.25 1.47 83.58 8.21
KCB buy 114.00 88.55 142.40 80.30 94.50 1.46 83.25 8.00
sell 114.40 88.75 142.90 80.60 94.90 1.46 83.65 8.20
CBA buy 113.96 88.50 142.53 79.94 94.55 1.46 83.25 8.12
sell 114.34 88.70 143.00 80.58 94.81 1.46 83.45 8.15
CFC Stanbic buy 114.40 88.50 142.73 80.59 94.75 1.44 83.13 8.07
sell 114.68 88.70 143.03 80.77 94.96 1.46 83.32 8.17
GulfAfrican buy 114.05 88.60 142.40 80.54 94.53 1.46 83.38 8.18
sell 114.22 88.70 142.60 80.67 94.66 1.46 83.50 8.20
FCB buy 117.40 87.70 147.30 80.20 96.70 1.30 85.80 7.70
sell 118.00 87.90 148.30 80.70 96.80 1.60 85.80 8.70
Prime buy 114.00 88.40 142.50 80.30 94.50 1.46 83.20 8.00
sell 114.50 88.80 143.00 80.70 95.00 1.47 83.60 8.30
Mean Buy Selll
1 US Dollar 88.6319 88.5528 88.7111
1 Sterling Pound 143.0833 142.9394 143.2272
1 Euro 114.6147 114.5011 114.7283
1 South African Rand 8.0995 8.0905 8.1085
Ksh/Ush 29.3913 29.3086 29.4739
1 Ksh/Tsh 18.7749 18.7023 18.8475
1 Ksh/Rwanda Franc 7.7625 7.7104 7.8145
1 Ksh/Burundi Franc 17.4882 17.3597 17.6166
1 UAE Dirham 24.1303 24.1085 24.1522
1 Canadian Dollar 80.7529 80.6613 80.8446
1 Swiss Franc 94.9206 94.8178 95.0233
100 Japanese Yen 83.2782 83.1943 83.3621
1 Swedish Kroner 12.4594 12.4459 12.4729
1 Norwegian Kroner 13.9681 13.9500 13.9861
1 Danish Kroner 15.3964 15.3810 15.4119
1 Indian Rupee 1.4574 1.4560 1.4588
1 Hong Kong Dollar 11.4361 11.4259 11.4463
1 Singapore Dollar 70.0648 69.9745 70.1551
1 Saudi Riyal 23.6323 23.6109 23.6538
1 Chinese Yuan 14.4578 14.4425 14.4730
1 Australian Dollar 81.2135 81.1232 81.3037
Money Market Funds Daily Yield Eective Annual Rate
African Alliance Kenya Shilling Fund Kenya Shilling 7.29% 7.54%
Old Mutual Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 7.01% 7.24%
British-American Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 10.39% 10.95%
Stanlib Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 10.01% 10.48%
CBA Market Fund Kenya Shilling 6.22% 6.42%
CIC Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 10.46% 10.98%
Zimele Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 9.0% 9.31%
Amana Shilling Fund Kenya Shilling 10.19% 10.68%
ICEA Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 8.37% 8.63%
Madison Asset Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 10.03% 10.50%
GenCap Hela Fund Kenya Shilling 10.91% 11.36%
UAP Money Market Fund Kenya Shilling 10.12% 10.65%
Fixed Income Funds/Equity Funds/Balanced Funds Buy Sell
African Alliance Fixed Income Fund Kenya Shilling 11.37 11.00
CIC Fixed Income Fund Kenya Shilling 9.08 9.32
Standard Investment Income Fund Kenya Shilling 94.91 95.85
UAP Enhanced Income Fund Kenya Shilling 10.32 10.83
African Alliance Kenya Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 204.97 192.49
ICEA Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 154.57 162.71
British-American Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 211.93 218.67
CBA Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 165.01 175.17
CIC Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 14.09 14.84
Old Mutual Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 399.33 427.87
Stanlib Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 182.36 182.36
Madison Asset Equity Fund Kenya Shilling 51.23 54.39
GenCap Hisa Fund Kenya Shilling 132.45 127.82
African Alliance Managed Fund Kenya Shilling 22.64 21.33
British-American Managed Retirement Fund Kenya Shilling 137.10 138.26
ICEA Growth Fund Kenya Shilling 148.15 155.94
Amana Growth Fund Kenya Shilling 111.68 111.68
British-American Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 195.66 201.38
CIC Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 13.41 14.05
Old Mutual Balanced Fund/Toboa Kenya Shilling 161.02 171.46
Madison Asset Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 66.55 77.22
Amana Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 112.55 112.55
Zimele Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 5.60 5.77
Stanlib Balanced Fund Kenya Shilling 129.62 129.62
GenCap Eneza Fund Kenya Shilling 125.20 120.82
GenCap Iman Fund Kenya Shilling 115.14 109.38
Stanlib Bond Fund B1 Kenya Shilling 101.18 101.18
Stanlib Bond Fund A Kenya Shilling 100.83 100.83
Old Mutual East Africa Fund Kenya Shilling 156.20 165.31
British American Bond Plus Fund Kenya Shilling 143.80 146.73
GenCap Hazina Fund Kenya Shilling 116.06 112.00
ICEA Bond Fund Kenya Shilling 97.23 98.22
Old Mutual Bond Fund Kenya Shilling 102.74 105.18
UAP High Yield Bond Fund Kenya Shilling 10.19 10.198
Algerian Dinar 79.2212
Bahrani Dinar 0.377701
Djibouti Franc 177
Egyptian Pound 7.15
Jordanian Dinar 0.708
Kuwait Dinar 0.28145
Lebanese Pound 1510
Libyan Dinar 1.2035
Moroccan Dirham 8.2107
Omani Riyal 0.38469
Qatar Riyal 3.6406
Saudi Riyal 3.7508
Syrian Pound 148.05
Tunisian Dinar 1.663
Yemeni Riyal 214.88
UAE Dirham 3.6729
Currencies are quoted against the US Dollar
Thursday September 11, 2014
40 | Business
Thursday September 11, 2014
Property Guide 41
An industrial complex on 3.8 acres located off Mombasa Road near the Inland
Container Depot.
Developments comprise 23 fully let Godowns with a total area of
approximately 125,000 sq ft
Godown sizes range from 5,500 sq ft to 7,300 sq ft
A good investment opportunity
Price and Particulars on Application
7.4 acres of prime land located in a fast developing area of Eldoret town.
Located off Nairobi Road on the second row.
Ideal for industrial or residential development
Price and Particulars on Application
Thursday September 11, 2014
42 | Property Guide
Thursday September 11, 2014
Property Guide 43
Thursday September 11, 2014
44 | Property Guide
Approx. 10,000 sqft
Ground Floor Showroom + 3 Floors
Approval to Build 2 more Floors
Up to 15 Car Parks. Potential for another 15 cars*
40 KVA Generator
Adequate Water Supply (Ground + Overhead Tanks)
Banks / Financial Institutions / Medical Centres
Colleges / Training Centres / Call Centres
Casinos / Entertainment
ICT / Electronic Companies
Retail Companies / Furniture Showrooms
Service Industry Law Firms / Audit Firms
Suitable for Head Office / Executive Offices
0737 511 458
RUAKA ROAD Old Runda Estate
An executive four bed roomed bungalow (two en suite), Extra two bathrooms,
separate dining area, servants quarters for two on a beautifully developed 11
acre garden Ksh 180,000pm
A beautiful three bedroomed Apartment (master en suite) within a secure court
Ksh 95,000pm
RING ROAD KILELESHWA Overlooking Arboretum Forest
Executive three bed roomed Apartments (master en suite) with 24-hour security,
borehole within a quite environment Ksh 65,000pm
A secure two bedroomed Apartment Ksh 60,000pm
A lovely two bed roomed Apartment with an American kitchen Ksh 60,000pm
MANAGU COURT Lenana Road Kilimani
A three bed roomed newly renovated maisonette within a secure court Ksh
A spacious two bed roomed Apartment (master en suite), separate bathroom
Ksh 40,000pm
KASARANI Behind Naivas Supermarket
Newly constructed and specially finished spacious two bed roomed Apartments
with basement parking Ksh 25,000pm 50% let
A spacious two bed roomed flat within a secure area Ksh 22,000pm
OLE SHAPARA ROAD South C Shopping Centre
2 bed roomed flats within a secure court Ksh 25,000pm
A block of spacious six (6) two bed roomed flats with one servants quarters on a
slightly over a quarter acre plot, all houses occupied. Offers invited
SAIKA ESTATE- Kangundo Road
A three bed roomed maisonnette on a large plot with no extension Ksh 7m
A block of four two bed roomed flats with potential for further development Ksh
Touching the Konza Isinya Bypass,
Situated 3 kms from Isinya Town
2 acres @ 3.5 Million per acre
90% Financing Can be arranged through:
KITENGELA Residential Plots (Site 1)
ACACIA Area and Neighboring EPZ tank, highly
devpd area with all the amenities
About 5 Minutes drive
from the Tarmac
1/8 Acres with
Title Deeds, Gated
Price kshs.499,000
Deposit ksh.250,000
and Balance payable
in 3 months
KITENGELA Residential Plots (Site 2)
ACACIA Area in a highly community,with all the
About 300 Meters from the Acacia School.
1/8 Acres with Title Deeds, Gated Concept
Price kshs.849,000
Deposit ksh.350,000 and Balance payable in 3
KISERIAN, PRIME- Residential Plots
and in highly devpd area with all the amenities
900 Meters from the Tarmac and Ideal FOR
1/8 Acres with Title Deeds in Gated Concept.
Special Price kshs.799,000
Pay a Deposit ksh.300,000 and Balance payable
in 3 Months
ONGATA RONGAI - Commercial Plots
Near Nazarene University, Touching TUALA
Shopping Centre,
1/8 Acres and ideal for commercial use.
Borehole & Electricity On site.
Title Deeds ready,
Price: KShs.995,000
Pay a Deposit ksh.250,000 and Balance Payable
in 3 Months.
ONGATA RONGAI-Residential Plots
Near Nazarene University, Near
TUALA Shopping Centre,
1/8 Acres and ideal for residential
Borehole & Electricity On site.
Title Deeds ready,
Price: KShs.850,000
Pay a Deposit ksh.250,000 and
Balance Payable in 3 Months.
KAMULU, Residential Plots
About 500 Metres off Kangundo Road tarmac just next
to KBC Station.
1/8 Acres, Gated Concept, Ideal for Residential & Near
all amenities
Suitable for Investment or Speculation &Title Deeds
Price: kshs. 349,000
Deposit ksh.150,000 and Balance Payable in 3 Months
RUIRU, Residential Plots
Very Prime plots, Opposite Nairobi Institute of Business
Studies (NIBS) on Thika Superhighway.
Just Eight (8) Minutes drive off the Superhighway on
all-weather road.
Size 40*80 and Title Deeds
ready on completion of
Near all the amenities and ideal
for immediate residential devpt.
Price: Kshs.750,000
Deposit: Kshs.250,000 and
balance payable in 3 Months.
KITENGELA PLOTS Call Mr. Kayaya on: 0721 672 048
RONGAI PLOTS Call Mr. Gathambo on: 0728 818 590
KAMULU PLOTS Call Anthony on: 0724 452 574
RUIRU PLOTS Call Mr.Njoroge on: 0726 375 854
KISERIAN PLOTS Call Mr.Burugu on: 0722 813 434
Cash Price
Ksh.450,000 Only
*Few Remaining
Cash Price:
*Few remaining
Cash Price:
*Few remaining
Thursday September 11, 2014
Package Price Includes:
International Return Air Ticket
5 Days Canton Fair Attendance
Western Style Breakfast & Dinner
Cheapest Cargo Arrangement
Visa Processing & Fair Entry Fees
4 star Hotel Accomodation
2 Days City Tour Tour & Shopping
Disco Night & Pearl River Tour
English Speaking Tour Guide
All the Domestic Transfers
Call: 020-8014333/4, 020-3535299, 0722-463737, 0732-463737
Offce: Postbank House, 15th Floor, Market Lane, next to City Market
We are Chinese, we know China
China Import & Export Fair
(or 115th Canton Fair)
10 Days Luxurious Business Trip, all inclusive price 169,000/=
Departures: Group (1) 13th Apr. 2014 Group (2) 23rd Apr. 2014
Destination: Guangzhou China
Join us you will not only gain your business, but also experience a brilliant life in China.
Call us now for the detailed Programme and free business consultation
We are also specialised in tailor-made China trips for
individuals and full container shipping from China
Other Services: Visa Hotel Booking Business Consultation Sourcing & Procurement
13th Oct. 2014 24th Oct. 2014
P.O BOX 86-40100, KISUMU
EMAIL: kisumuassembly@gmail.com
In reference to the advertisement which appeared
in the Daily Nation and Standard Newspapers of
Wednesday 20
August 2014, it was noted that
there was an error which indicated that the listed
offcers would be vetted to serve in positions of
Executive Committee Members.
We would like to correct this error and state that
the above offcers would be vetted to serve in the
positions of Chief Offcers.
All other information remains the same.
The error is highly regreted.
Nelco Sagwe
CIVIL CASE NO. 446 OF 2013
PAUL SOURABH.............. 1
TEDD MOYA................ 2
P.O BOX 1182-10400
Under Order 5Rule 17(2),(3) and (4)
TAKENOTICE that the above suit has been filed in the High Court of Kenya at Nairobi in
the Commercial and Tax Division and you have been sued as the 3
Defendant. Service
upon you has been ordered by means of advertisement. Copies of the Pleadings may
be obtained from the Registry at the Milimani Law Courts or the Plaintiffs Advocates
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that unless you appear within the next Fifteen (15) days from
the date of the notice hereof, this suit may proceed and judgment may be given in your
Dated at Nairobi on this 9
day of September, 2014
P.O BOX 51745-00100
NAIROBI. (HA/LIT/045/13/A)
E-MAIL: info@henia-anzala.com
The Nation Media Group Advertising Centre
located at the Ground Floor, Nation Centre, Kimathi Street
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sunday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Public Holidays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
We are open to receive all your Advertising Requirements.
For all enquiries please call: 3288661/2/3/4/5
The Nation Media Group Advertising Centre
located at the Ground Floor, Nation Centre, Kimathi Street
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sunday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Public Holidays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
We are open to receive all your Advertising Requirements.
For all enquiries please call: 3288661/2/3/4/5
The Nation Media Group Advertising Centre
located at the Ground Floor, Nation Centre, Kimathi Street
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sunday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Public Holidays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
We are open to receive all your Advertising Requirements.
For all enquiries please call: 3288661/2/3/4/5
The Nation Media Group Advertising Centre
located at the Ground Floor, Nation Centre, Kimathi Street
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sunday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Public Holidays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
We are open to receive all your Advertising Requirements.
For all enquiries please call: 3288661/2/3/4/5
The Nation Media Group Advertising Centre
located at the Ground Floor, Nation Centre, Kimathi Street
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sunday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Public Holidays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
We are open to receive all your Advertising Requirements.
For all enquiries please call: 3288661/2/3/4/5
Kijabe Street, East African Growers Building, 1
Floor, Opposite Longonot Place. P.O. Box 79051 -00400,
Nairobi, Tel 2224800/2244910/ Phone: 0733-241979/0722-756751, Email: baselineauc@yahoo.co.uk
Class B Auctioneers, Repossessors, Private Investigators Process Servers, Real
Estate Agents, Appraisers, and Commission Agents
Duly instructed by our principal, the financier, we shall sell by public auction the under mentioned
1. Refundable deposit of kshs.100, 000/= MUST BE PAID to obtain bidding number prior to the
auction. 2. Sale is subject to a reserve price. 3. The declared purchaser must deposit 40% of the
purchase price by close of business auction day and the balance paid within seven days (7) days
from the date of auction, failure to which the money received including the deposit will be forfeited.
Thursday September 11, 2014
46 |
The following Prime Properties/Land is for sale
1. Approximately 1.5 (One and half) opposite Uganda High commission
Riverside Nairobi. The land is Ideal for offce block, Residential Homes,
mansionates, Embassy, Private residence. Asking Price kshs 650Million.
The land is to be sold to one buyer.
2. 14 (fourteen Acres) in Eldoret town, 500 meters from State House
Eldoret. The land is ideal for a Mall, Residential houses. Asking Price kshs
50 million per acre. The land is to be sold to one buyer.
3. KAIRABIRO BURULI Masindi in Uganda 13KM from Kampala
Uganda 15,000 Acres each @ 700 Dollars. The land is along the road
and is 10km from the Ugandan Oil felds. The Land is ideal for property
development, Farming-wheat/maize/sorghum. The land is to be sold to
one buyer.
4. 12 (Twelve acres) in eldoret town-Municipality, in the Industrial area
adjacent Kenya cereals board next to eldoret steel mills. Land is ideal
for Industrial development. Asking price kshs 45 million per acre. The
land is to be sold to one buyer.
5. 0.5 Acres (approx half an acre). Nakuru municipality, Near KCC
Nakuru . Land is ideal for commercial development asking price
kshs 45 million. The land is to be sold to one buyer.
6. Thika Road Near near Clay works Size 33*70.Asking price kshs
7. 44 Acres (forty four Acres) between Malindi Golf course and
University of Nairobi land in Mombasa Kenya, The land is touching the
beach. The land is ideal for resorts, Residential homes, apartments and
other commercial developments. Asking Price @ 20.5 million per acre.
The land is to be sold to one buyer.
All the land is undeveloped has Ready Titles. Contact me on 0722333639
for further details. Serious buyers only. The sale is on frst come frst
served basis.
L R NO. NAIROBI / BLOCK 83 / 893
(NAIROBI BLOCK 83 / 899 1222)
TAKE NOTICE that the property NAIROBI/BLOCK 83 / 893, further sub-divided into
plots comprising NAIROBI/BLOCK 83 /899 1222, situated at Umoja Innercore
Nairobi, is the property of WAZEE WA MAKADARA, a Self Help Group.
The property NAIROBI /BLOCK 83/893 is the subject of an on-going law Suit between
Jared Oduor Osodo, Crispus Munene, Jesse Mburu Gitau v- Habib Omar Kongo &
Aviton Enterprises at MILIMANI LAW COURTS, NAIROBI, in ELC No. 508 of 2010.
Kindly be advised, informed that any purported sale, transfer, excisement, alienation or
other disposition of and in the said property and the resultant interest is subject to the
outcome of the afore-mentioned suit, and that titles and such other interests purportedly
created, and obtained are questionable, to the possible detriment of the purported
purchasers until the final determination of the suit.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT any person(s) who have entered into any dealings in
respect of the said property, without the express consent of the duly registered owners
of the property, shall have done so at their own risk, and WAZEE WA MAKADARA SELF
HELP GROUP shall not be liable to such person(s) and / or entities.
Inquiries for further details may be directed to either Gitonga, Kinyanjui Advocates, Golf
Course Commercial Center, 2
Floor Room 2.12, Mtongwe Road, (Opposite Mbagathi
Hospital), P.O. Box 26128-00100, Nairobi, Tel: 0202372769
DATED this 9
September, 2014
Thursday September 11, 2014
Property Guide 47
Thursday September 11, 2014
48 | Property Guide
County Assembly
P O Box 159-30400
Tel: 053-22115
E-mail: baringocountyassembly@gmail.com
Pursuant to Article 196(1b) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and Section 133 of the Public Finance Management
Act. The Finance and Economic Planning Committee will conduct Public Hearings in all Baringo Sub- Counties on
the following dates and venues:
17/09/14 9.00 AM-12 NOON Tiaty Chemolingot-Michuki grounds
17/09/14 2.00 PM- 5.00 PM Baringo South Family Life Centre Marigat
18/09/14 9.00AM- 12 NOON Baringo North Moi Primary Kabartonjo grounds
18/09/14 2.0PM- 5.00 PM Baringo Central Kabarnet Museum
19/09/14 9.00AM- 12 NOON Eldama Ravine County Hall/Sub County
19/09/14 2.00PM-5.00 PM Mogotio Sub County Offces
The Budget and Appropriations Committee of the Baringo County Assembly hereby inform the general public that
the Committee will be conducting public participation on the following three bills;
i) The Baringo County Property Rates Bill, 2014
ii) The Baringo County Trade Licenses Bill, 2014
iii) The Baringo County Revenue Administration Bill, 2014.
The exercise will be conducted in the six Sub- Counties on 16/09/ 2014 from 9:00 a.m in the following venues;
Baringo North Sub County Kabartonjo Primary School,
Baringo South- Family Life Care Centre Marigat
Baringo Central Kabarnet Museum
Mogotio- Sub County offces
Eldama Ravine County Hall/ Sub County offces
Tiaty Sub County- Chemolingot /Michuki Grounds
The Baringo County Assembly invites the public, institutions, Organizations CBOs and NGOs, teachers, unions
and individual persons to download the Bills in www.baringo.go.ke, for scrutiny and submission on conferment,
inclusion and amendments to the proposed provision on the Bills to facilitate fnalization. All correspondents
should be forwarded in writing to the undersigned or through e-mail baringocountyassembly@gmail.com.
Call for Applications
DAI, a global consulting frm based in the United States, is currently accepting
applications from candidates for long-term positions on the USAID/East Africa Trade
and Investment Hub (TIH) Project, based in Nairobi. A fve-year project funded by
USAID East Africa, TIH is intended to spur inclusive economic growth by promoting
an enabling environment for trade and investment and increasing East African trade
and investment, particularly to and from the United States. The project will build upon
prior investments to increase regional trade competitiveness and reduce poverty.
Candidates with prior experience in the following areas are encouraged to apply:
Human Resources and Administration
Finance and Accounting
Information Technology and ICT
Grants and Subcontracts Management
Knowledge Management and Monitoring and Evaluation
Economic Policy, Agricultural Trade, Trade Promotion, and Investment
General Requirements:
Strong English language skills- both written and oral
Kenyan citizenship or other eligibility to work in Kenya
Prior experience on USAID and/or international donor programs highly
Interested candidates should e-mail their CV to EastAfricaTrade@dai.com.
Candidates must reference the position for which you are applying in the subject line
of the email. CVs are due by September 18th, 2014.
No phone inquiries will be accepted and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
For further information about the positions available, please refer to our ads on
kenyanjobs.blogspot.com and brightermonday.co.ke.
Telephone: Nairobi 2892000
Applications are invited from professionally trained Graduate teachers for the position of Quality Assurance and
Standards Ofcers.
Successful candidates will be deployed as TSC Quality Assurance and Standards Ofcers at the County or Sub-
County level and will continue to serve under the current Terms and Conditions of service of teachers.
i. Ensure compliance with professional and ethical standards in the teaching service.
ii. Ensure adherence to the value and principles of Public Service and promote the Teachers Service Commissions
image and core values.
iii. Validate the reports from relevant agencies to facilitate appropriate action by the Commission.
iv. Liaise with other relevant Government Agencies in Standards Assessment;
v. Enforce teacher registration in all Educational Institutions
vi. Monitor performance of teachers in schools and ensure that all teachers are appraised.
vii. Any other relevant duties assigned.
i. Must be holders of a Bachelor of Education Degree or Bachelor of Science /Bachelor of Arts with a Post
Graduate Diploma in Education.
ii. Must be conversant with:
a) Trends in Education and Training.
b) Curriculum development, Implementation, Supervision and Evaluation.
c) Structure and functions of TSC under the new constitutional dispensation.
d) TSC Act, Code of Regulations for Teachers, the Code of Conduct and Ethics and relevant legal
iii. Must be an employee of TSC with a teaching experience of not less than 10 years
iv. Be in Minimum Job Group M.
v. Have posted good performance in core curricula and school curriculum delivery including participation in
National Examinations.
vi. Must comply with the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution and have consistently maintained a
good performance record.
Masters Degree, Computer literacy and attendance of a Management course is an added advantage.
Applicants should apply online on the form provided. All elds in the form must be completed. To check advertised
posts and access the application, one must open the TSC website www.tsc.go.ke
This application must be received on or before 1st October 2014
Thursday September 11, 2014
P.O. BOX 1112 10100
Nyeri County government want to inform all stakeholders and general
public that coffee growers who delivered their coffee to Sagana through
joint coffee marketing initiative that moneys have been deposited in the
Societies accounts and management should ensure that the farmers
receive payments due to them immediately.
The County Government of Nyeri wants to commend strongly the Coffee
farmers, including the coffee factories and societies, for their faith,
courage, patience and confdence, in the transformation of the Countys
coffee industry.
The coffee producers momentous efforts has resulted in tremendous
improvement in the year 2013/14 coffee payment rates of between 20%
to 600% compared to rates paid in the year 2012/13 for the 106 factories
that utilized the joint coffee marketing initiative.
Through the joint marketing initiative transparency, Nyeri coffee farmers
has received a gross sales of over Kshs 3.1 Billion for their coffee; over
12% reduction in milling losses and over 25% increase in premium
grades allocation. In addition, joint marketing initiatives improve direct
market sales from 5% in the past years to over 40% this year.
County Government of Nyeri is also appreciative to Kenya Cooperative
Coffee Exporters (KCCE) for their effort and instrumental role in milling,
marketing and selling of Nyeri coffee. Additionally, the County Government
is thankful to the Cooperative Bank of Kenya for its commendable support
in the entire process.
The county is highly indebted to both domestic and international
stakeholders who played one role or another in making this process a
Going Forward
In order to strengthen the new joint coffee marketing initiative, the
county government of Nyeri wishes to encourage the coffee farmers
to sustainably increase their production by adopting good farming
Using the lessons learnt, farmers need to strengthen their collective
capacity for the direct marketing of their coffee in order to improve their
earnings for the best interests of Kenyas coffee Industry.
The farmers should move to the next level of processing and value
addition of their coffee for both local and international markets. The
County Government of Nyeri is keen to share its experiences with other
coffee growing counties towards the improvement of competitiveness
and sustainability of Kenyas coffee Industry.
Stan Miano, E.S. Trade Shadrack Mubea, E.S. Agriculture
A growing regional radio station broadcasting in Kikamba language
has vacancies for;
The applicant must have the relevant academic qualification
and has worked for a radio station in
a managerial position for a period of not less than 5 years.
The applicant must have the relevant academic qualification
and has served in a senior position in a marketing firm,
preferably in a media firm.
Both vacancies have attractive packages to the successful
Applications should be sent to the Chief Executive
Offcer not later than September 24, 2014.
P.O. Box 49037-00100 Nairobi.
Or via e-mail radiopost2014@gmail.com
Under instructions received from our principals we shall sell by PUBLIC AUCTION the
under mentioned motor vehicles .
ON 19
september 2014 AS FROM 10:00 A.M. AT KITALE C.M.C
1. Strictly cash at the fall of the hammer.
2. A refundable deposit of Kshs.100.000/= must be paid to obtain bidding number.
3. Viewing will be done from Thursday 11
September 2014 between 10:00am & 4:00pm
All are welcome
Auctioneers, Repossession, Debt Collection, Estate Agent, Realization of Charged Securities, Private
Investigators & Commission Agent. HEAD OFFICE Former N.S.S.F Building, Next to Equity Bank,, Opp. Co-
operative Bank,, 1
Floor room 7, Moi Avenue P.O. BOX 494, Bungoma.TEL 0720 553774
Consultancy services for the development and maintenance of
a Homepage for the process of Developing a National Forest
Programme - Tender No. KFS/MMMB/01/2014-2015
The Government of Kenya and Government of Finland are executing the Miti Mingi
Maisha Bora (MMMB) programme of support to forest sector reform. The objective is to
reduce poverty by better ensuring that the forest sector improves the lives of the poor
while restoring the environment and aiding the economic recovery and growth of Kenya
within the context of Vision 2030.
Through the Ministry of Environment Water & Natural Resources (MEW & NR), Kenya
Forest Service invites request for proposals (RFP) from qualifed consulting frms and/or
individuals to undertake the above stated consultancy.
In summary
The Webpage Developer will in accordance with terms of reference and dialogue with the
National Forest Programme Secretariat develop, and propose a maintenance and hosting
regime, for a homepage for the National Forest Programme Development Process.
Detailed terms of reference may be found on the KFS Website from www.kenyaforestser
vice.org (under tender tab) on 12
September 2014.
The required response and format to these RFP will similarly be detailed in the
KFS Website. The completed RFP documents in plain sealed envelopes bearing the
tender number and reference, should be addressed to:-
P.O. Box 30513 - 00100
Tel. No. +254-20-2397-660/0715-735555
Fax No. +254-20-8010745
and be deposited in the tender box situated on Ground foor reception area of KFS,
Headquarter Karura off-Kiambu Road so as to be received on or before 24
2014 at 12.00 Noon. Proposals submitted later than the indicated closing date and
time shall automatically be disqualifed. Opening of technical proposals will take place
immediately thereafter in the Main Boardroom in the presence of consultants or their
representatives who may choose to witness the opening.
Thursday September 11, 2014
50 |
The University of Nairobi wishes to Refurbish and Modernize Taifa Hall into a Modern
The history of Taifa Hall has its genesis in the origins of the University of Nairobi. Gandhi
Wing which houses Taifa Hall was completed in 1956, the signifcance of the hall is
derived from its position within the University. On the left hand side of the hall is Harry
Thuku Road and on the right hand side is the Great Court which are all very signifcant to
the institution and the nation as a whole. The Hall embodies the strength and character
of the founding fathers of East Africa. It depicts the determination of the young Taifa to
build knowledge and wisdom and sustain the national character.
Over the years, world leaders, prominent scholars, government functionaries, and
dignitaries have given public lectures at the Taifa Hall. The hall is also used by the
University for lectures and examinations. The hall occupies a total foor area of approx
and a sitting capacity of over 1000pax.
Qualifed and experienced Interior Design frm are invited to express interest for
Interior Design and Refurbishment Works to actualize the proposed conversion. The
proposed works shall include but not limited to:-
1. Redesign and fx new foor fnishes using appropriate foor fnish to withstand the
traffc and also minimize noise
2. Design and repair works to the stage currently in timber decking including
appropriate fnish
3. Interior designs and redecoration of wall and ceiling surfaces to enhance the theme
and signifcance of the hall as well the acoustic properties
4. Design, supply and installation of appropriate auditorium seats
5. Design and install appropriate intercommunication system in the hall
6. Design and installation of appropriate lighting system
7. Any other necessary works to make hall a modern Auditorium
Interested frms should provide information demonstrating that they have the required
qualifcations and relevant experience to perform the works.
The eligible frms SHALL provide the following information and provide certifed
copies of documents to support the information given;
Certifcation of Incorporation/registration
Business Permit
Company Profle and qualifcation of key managers, consultants and directors.
Registration with NCA 5 and above for Specialized Works
Availability of appropriate skills amongst staff
Audited accounts for the last 3 years.
Three major Clients provided with similar works in the last 3 years.
Experience in Interior design and interior refurbishment works
Tax Compliance Certifcate
VAT registration certifcate
PIN certifcate
Company brochures.
Firms may associate with other frms to form a joint venture to enhance their
Further information may be obtained from The Procurement Manager/Secretary,
University of Nairobi Tender Committee during offce hours from 0800 to 1700 hours
from Monday to Friday excluding lunch hour (1300 to 1400 hours) and public holidays.
The Expression of Interest (EOI) documents in plain sealed envelopes marked
Expression of Interest for Interior Design and Refurbishment Works for Taifa Hall
should be submitted to: The Procurement Manager/Secretary, University of Nairobi
Tender Committee P O Box 30197-00100 Nairobi.
The Expression of Interest (EOI) Documents Must be placed inside the Tender Box at the
Reception Area, Administration Block, Main Campus. Bulk documents shall be delivered to
the offce of The Procurement Manager, University of Nairobi, Main Campus, Nairobi,
Administration Block 1
Floor Room A104 on or before Thursday 25
September, 2014
at 10.30 a.m. Opening will be done immediately thereafter in the Council Committee
Room in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.
Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened.
The University of Nairobi reserves the right to accept or reject an EOI in whole or in
part. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualifcation.
The University of Nairobi invites interested and qualifed bidders for the following
Tender Number Tender Name Tender Fee
Bid Bond
Closing Date
UON/T/12/2014-2015 Supply of Drugs,
Surgical items and
medical equipment to
the University Health
1,000.00 10,000.00 Friday 26

2014 at 10.30
UON/T/13/2014-2015 Supply, Installation
and commissioning of
two (2) photocopying
machines at the
Examinations Centre.
1,000.00 10,000.00 Monday 29th
2014 at 10.30
The tender documents with further detailed information may be obtained from The
Procurement Manager University of Nairobi, Main Campus, Administration Block
Floor Room A104 during offce hours from 0800 to 1700 hours from Monday to Friday
excluding lunch hour (1300 to 1400 hours) and public holidays, upon payment of a non-
refundable cash fee deposit of Kshs. 1,000.00 (Kenya Shillings one thousand only)
at Barclays Bank Ac. No. 094-8245531 Queensway House Branch and thereafter
obtaining an offcial receipt from Gandhi Wing Room G4.
Prices quoted must be net, inclusive of all taxes and remain valid for 120 days from the
closing date of the tender.
Tenders should be accompanied by bid bonds as stated above in the form of bank
guarantee, Insurance Company guarantee approved by the Public Procurement Oversight
Authority, a letter of credit or guarantee by a deposit taking Microfnance institution,
Sacco Society, The Youth Enterprise Development Fund or Women Enterprise Fund which
must be attached to the tender document.
The completed tender documents must be submitted in plain sealed envelope marked
with tender Number and description to: The Procurement Manager/Secretary,
University of Nairobi Tender Committee, P.O. Box 30197- 00100, Nairobi. The
tender documents should be placed inside the Tender Box at the reception area,
Administration Block, Main Campus on or before the closing date. Opening will be
done on the same day thereafter at the Council Committee Room in the presence of
tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend.
Bidders for tender Number UON/T/12/2014-2015 MUST submit Samples on or before
Thursday 25
September 2014 at 4.00 pm
Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened.
The University of Nairobi reserves the right to accept or reject a tender in whole or
in part. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualifcation
Thursday September 11, 2014
Thursday September 11, 2014
52 |

- 71 acres for sale touching tarmac.
- Adjacent to The East African University
- Highly developed area with all services
- 1 acre touching the tarmac
- One Stop Border Post Namanga
- Water & Electricity on site
- Opposite Paradiso curio shop.
For viewing and information contact:
Kapiti Dairies Ltd, Allimex Hse, - off msa rd. on Langata
By-Pass, Behind EKA Hotel
Tel: 020-2223986/020-2228789 or 0722-799475
Email: kapiti@wananchi.com
50ft X 100ft300,000/=
Located at Komarock Shrine, 2.5km off Kangundo Road
Near the Great Eastern BY-PASS
Water & Electricity Services on site
Ideal for family homes and Estate Development
30% Minimum Deposit
Balance within 90 days
Pay Cash or Bankers Cheque to;
i) Equity Bank, Kimathi Street Branch,
Account 0260294705886 or Deposit at any Equity Branch
ii) Cooperative Bank, Parliament Road Branch, Account No.
01100001727001 or deposit at any Cooperative Bank Branch
Processing of plot Title Deeds Commence on completion of
NCM House, 4
Floor, Room 1, Tom Mboya Street, Nairobi
Te: 0733-734151, 0722 378975, 0722 728072, 0721 338479
Special Discount for
cash buyers
Thursday September 11, 2014
Property Guide 53
Please call us: 020 4450975/6, 0701 645286, 0739 530876
Ksh 1,999
Ksh 819
Ksh 29,000
Ksh 1,399
Ksh 55
Under instrucon received from UNICEF, we shall sell the following goods by Public
Canon fax machine L400, HP 9200C Digital sender fax machine HP laserjet CP4525, 9
HP laserjet 4700dn, HP colorjet 4650DN, HP digital sender9250c fax machine,HP digital
sender scanner 9200, 22 HP laserjet 4250n, 40 HP laserjet P4015n, HP laserjet P4250N,
HP Priner, HP Scanjet 7270, HP Scanjet 8250 scanner, 2 HP Scanjet 8270, HP Scanjet
8270 scanner, HP scannerjet 8270, Kyocera KM 1650, 8 Kyocera KM 2050, Kyocera KM
3232 four in one, Kyocera KM 5035, Kyocera KM-C3232E (P/C/S/FAX 4 IN 1) Kyocera
KM-C3232E, Kyocera photocopier, Kyocera KM 2050, printer C494A, 4 Taskalfa 300Cl
Canon toner gp605, canon drum cartridge G, canon toner gp 300/400 series, catridges
131 black, catridges 338 black, catridges 343 black, fuser kit 247, fuser kit 7503, fuser kit
c4198, Hp 262, Hp 364, Hp 381 cyan, Hp 382 yellow, Hp 383 magenta, Hp 384 black, Hp
385 cyan, Hp 386 yellow, Hp 387 magenta, Hp 390 black, Hp 5942, Hp 5951, Hp 5952, Hp
9720, Hp 9720A, Hp 9721, Hp 9722, Hp 9723, Hp C4127X, Hp C4191A, Hp C861X, image
transfer kit C4196A,2 image transfer kit Q3675A, imaging unit tc600 series, Kyocera
tk 590 cyan, Kyocera tk 865 magenta, Kyocera tk 410, Kyocera tk 590 black, Kyocera
tk590magenta, Kyocera tk825 black, Kyocera tk825 cyan, Kyocera tk825 magenta.
1) A detailed catalogue can be obtained at our ofces located at Pangani Aucon
Centre. Muranga road opp. Guru Nanak Hospital.
2) All bidders on the aucon day Must pay refundable deposit of Kshs 5,000/=
3) The highest bidder shall be declared the purchaser.
4) Strictly cash on at the fall of the hammer.
Pangani aucon centre, muranga road,opp Guru Nanak Hospital
P.o Box 62579-00200 Nairobi Tel: 0722-512480
Thursday September 11, 2014
54 |
A116 Marriage
A Data extractor and tracking software.
Call: 0728-227813
LONELY singles sms 0714385103
MALIK Lost lover Back 24hrs,
wealth, job, exam, marriage, financial
debt, Pay after success 0732095797
A167 Acupuncture
ADDICTIONS, Smoking - Stop all
3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217
ASTHMA, Skin other Allergies.
3745861, 0737540562, 0721170217
DISORDERS of children -
3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217
HEADACHES - Bloodpressure & Pains
3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217
TIREDNESS, Memory and Moods.
3744885,0737540562, 0721170217
A181 Beauty
NEW Upperhill Aroma 0720-701703
A230 Health
0715012179 Mens size delay power
for size. 100% guarantee 0722506355
WEIGHT loss. Naturally safely
painlessly lose up to 9kg in a month.
Call us for free consultation.We serve
whole kenya. 0710-620323
A244 Herbal Medicine
BABU, Good Effect on man-power,
Luck rings, bring back lost property,
business attraction, marriage problems.
Call: Babu on 0706908919, 0706908919
A258 Marriage & Family Counselling
VISIT Mohamad for solutions to all
your problems; like troubled
marriages, job promotion, business
boost etc 0720006094
A265 Medical
A279 Notices
Head office: P.O. Box 30059 00100 GPO Nairobi
POLICY 37009939 in the name of HARUN
APPLICATION has been made to this company for
the issue of duplicate of the above-numbered policy,
the original having been reported as lost or misplaced.
Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the
contrary at the office of the Company within thirty
(30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate
policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence
of the contract.
Dated the 8TH SEPTEMBER, 2014
(incorporated in Kenya)
Head office: P.O. Box 30059 00100 GPO Nairobi
POLICY 6005021 in the name of PETER
APPLICATION has been made to this company for
the issue of duplicate of the above-numbered policy,
the original having been reported as lost or misplaced.
Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the
contrary at the office of the Company within thirty
(30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate
policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence
of the contract.
Dated the 8TH SEPTEMBER, 2014
(incorporated in Kenya)
Head office: P.O. Box 30059 00100 GPO Nairobi
POLICY 6007584 in the name of PETER KAMAU
APPLICATION has been made to this company for
the issue of duplicate of the above-numbered policy,
the original having been reported as lost or misplaced.
Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the
contrary at the office of the Company within thirty
(30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate
policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence
of the contract.
Dated the 8TH SEPTEMBER, 2014
(incorporated in Kenya)
Head office: P.O. Box 30059 00100 GPO Nairobi
POLICY 37000215 in the name of VALENTINE
APPLICATION has been made to this company for
the issue of duplicate of the above-numbered policy,
the original having been reported as lost or misplaced.
Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the
contrary at the office of the Company within thirty
(30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate
policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence
of the contract.
Dated the 8TH SEPTEMBER, 2014
(incorporated in Kenya)
B664 Farm Services
GRNHSE kadogo @ 35k &
watertimers 0723675878
A988 Dogs & Dog Training
DACHSHUND pups pure 0703343618
B015 Poultry
AUTO Imported Incubators 1056,
528, 352Eggs cheap 0722851228
A392 Gift Items
SUCCESS Cards @M.Ismail River
Road for w/sale/Retail 0736-776223
A377 Shoes & Footwear
Vietnum new shoes wsale 0733323248
B462 Business for Sale
CLUB in Utawala sitting on 50x100
plot touching tarmac road big parking
Call 0789-135721
DEAL! Prestigious Running Restaurant
& Resort, beautiful garden,
swimming-pool Bar, located in
Bamburi on Mba-Mld road. Fully
equipped. Automatic silent Generator
135KVA, parking, LONG LEASE,
B476 Business Opportunities
LOST Title deed Francis Mwangi
Munyua lower muhito/ngamia/250
LOVE partner sms 0704-057570
0723408602 Mens delay
0723408602 Mens desire
0723408602 Mens high stamina
0723408602 Mens size
0723408602 Reduce pot in Mombasa
0723408602 short time & failure
A109 Lost
LOSS of title deed LPNo.
LOST Title Deed Mitubiri Wempa
Blk1/5790 for Benson Irungu
Multytouch International welcomes all
Kenyans for the launch and fundraising
of one million Jobs initiative for women
and youth at Uhuru Park Nairobi on
13th September 2014 from 10.00am
Come Let us reason together
0772125772, 0739-578713,
020-2405832, 020-2404236
BAKERY school offers 2,3,4 & 6wks
practical courses in making & selling
African theme cakes, african pot,
modern cake making & decoration,
guitar, football, teddybear, blackforest,
swissroll, plastic icing, samosa, bread,
meatpies, yoghurt, pizzas, cookies,
sweets,soup, fish, rice, spaghetti, soap
making e.t.c. Continuous intake. 25%
sponsorship available. Also new
imported bakery machinery available.
Call Principal NCBCT 0722237181,
020-3504453, 0716-648942 or visit 1st
Flr NHC Hse Aga-khan walk, 1st flr
Victoria Hse, Tom Mboya Str opp. Fire
Station, Nbi. Msa branch 0720911746
next to Summerlink Hotel, Meru rd off
Digo rd, www.bakeryschool.co.ke.
JAP Spintz pups 15k 0750811369
LOW DESIRE, MenSize and Failure
3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217
UNCOLLECTEDGoods to be sold
after 21days to recover the cost of
freight Msa18306, 28205, 26901
26008, 30201 MY09308 choice
forwarding Co Ltd
B001 Livestock
FARM pride dairies in-calf Heifers for
sale 0739534477 vet
CHICKS a lot available 0722850673
AGROVET Rimpa 100k 0736300439
EARN $100 daily writing content
online sms 0711880249
The owner of plot No Kilifi/Mtwapa/
1646 proposes to change the user
from agriculture to residential cum
Commercial subject to approval
by Kilifi County Government. Any
objection can be forwarded within 14
days from the date of this notice to:
County Secretary,
Kilifi County Government,
P.O. Box 519-80108, KILIFI
SHOP Immediate sale 0720-130714
B469 Business Offers
20lts water distrbrs wanted 0722523905
Thursday September 11, 2014
Classieds 55
profits book now: 0721-454984
INVST 5K make 10K wkly 0723235614
B483 Business Required
FOR Acccounting, Tax & related
services Call 020-2655459
B490 Computer Services
WEBSITE Design - 0720-630319
B498 Construction
NGO requires transporters email
B525 Financial
02010010, 0722632287 Loan on cars
iPads, laptops, households.
020-2245564 spot loans on Toshiba,
Macpros& HP Laptops btwn 20K-50K
ACCESS quick cash against ur
car/plot around Nrb-2hrs 0721322265
ADVANCE selling ur car 0722833300
AT 0788-347173, 0703-483820 we
finance buying of new & used motor
vehicles (buses, lorries,saloon cars)
dep frm 35% balance in 4-5yrs
BONGAPOINTS sell 0711149392
LOANS on the spot between 15-40K
with laptops as security, 0723408602
SELL to us Gold ornaments 0721111367
WE finance buying of new saloon cars
(Probox/NZE/Premio etc) dep 30%.
balnc 48 months 0721-914458
B539 Machinery for Hire
EXCAVATOR CAT325 ready to
work 6k/hr Tel 0723227825
B546 Machinery for Sale
Sprinkler pump set
Sprinkler pump body
Engine or motor driven
Types 1 cover 0.7 acres
Type 2 cover 1.1 acres
Type 3 cover 2.3 acres
Height : 40m/55m
Flow: 22cm/24cbm per hr.
Submersible pump
Flow: 0.6 - 10 cubic m/hr.
Single/three phase
Centrifugal pump
Height : 14-125 metre
Flow: 6-150 cubic m/hr
Motor or engine driven
House pump
Automatic/unautomatic/single phase
Suction height:9m
Max height:20-55m
Comprehensive machine supplier
Below also available:
Axle ow pump for shing pond; petro Engine Sprayer; Foot
Valve, Suction Horse, Delivery Hose, Hair Pipe, Garden Hose;
Camco Equipment (Kenya) ltd
Mombasa Rd, 300m after cabanas Fly over, Next to
Tusky HQs, Tuffsteel Entrance, Duldul phase 2
+254 702-829281 702-829268 719-594630
Petrol water pump
Height: 16-35m
Flow: 16-108m3/hr.
Size: 1.5/2/3/4inch
submersible pump
Height: 9-36m
Flow: 18-96 m3/hr.
Single/three phase
B827 Web Hosting/Design
WEBDESIGN 5k smart 0728303129
A716 Office Cleaning
Commercial & Domestic 0721868070
A822 Computers
Systems Dejavu Technologies
Rahimtullah bld opp Bazaar/TSC 1st
floor rm 16 Moi Avenue 0726106253
LAPTOP i7 4/250 @30k 0722283796
PRINTERS! Printers!! Very wide
variety Epson HP Canon utmost
competitive prices Mobile 0770324039
SACCO software free WWW.LT.CO.KE
A871 Miscellaneous
For Cost Effective,
Renewable Fuel
P. O. BOX 26393 00504 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: (020) 3507850-3, 8070603-8, Fax: (020) 2502943,
Mobile: 0734 600203, 0722 203486,
0726 610471, 0733 589611.
Email: info@rotomoulders.com, enquiries@rotomoulders.com
Made heavier to last longer
Double layered Quality assured
Ideal for domestic, Industrial
& Agriculture Usage
GYPSUM Boards 9MM @ 700/-
12MM @ 900/- call 0717-718755
PLASTIC Posts call 0738485491
A925 Tents
TENTS chairs decor: 0722841605
A571 Hotels
guests Juja Thika rd near JKUAT gate
self contained rms 0726990654
REGIONAL Hotel call 0722741732
B243 Domestic/Casual Jobs
H/Helps wntd best sal+off 0722554435
B250 General
INTERN Jobs good package SMS your
No & Grade to 0716732680
JOBS at Lex hse 0706148192
LOKING for sales and marketing
person experience 3yrs 0705020093
SALES Reps men & women Coast
region call 0722951233
Marketing /
Operations Manager
Email: info@juetanasecurity.com
Tel: 0722 791921
Interested parties to report on Monday
at our offices in Kiambu Town.
reporting time 8.00hrs on Monday
To make appropriate enquiries and
take appropriate advice before sending
money, incurring any expense or
entering into binding commitment in
relation to an advertisement.
be liable to any person for loss or
damage incurred or suffered as a
result of his/her accepting of offering
to accept an invitation contained in any
advertisement published in the Nation.
B263 Women
A high school lady Headteacher
required urgently. call 0722323919
SECRETARY/Receptionist required
by a private sch. Good knowledge of
front office and secretarial duties,
good PR, computer literate, age over
30 yrs, born again, above 3 yrs
experience. Salary negotiable Call:
0714-147362, by 12/9/14
WAITRESS 0715455550
B403 Colleges
National ID Interim Driving Licence
Valid Driving Licence
Call: 0704201901 / 0737371345
Registration ongoing.
October intake takes place on 1st Oct 2014
2. Stone Cutting Machine Training
B383 Education
20 Sales pple F4s and above blw 30yrs
needed 5000 wkly Call 0705-820048,
0733-643580 Nbi
B485 Business Services
BUSINESS Plans 3K 0720646916
0729840857 a loan on ur car.1hr
Telephone No: 0722642687, 0733670010
STUDY Auto/ ArchiCAD @4500/-
Prokon/Civil-3D /Revit @6000/-
Laptop/ Mobile repairs @12000
CCNA @17K Bell inst 0721992065
(10) A Trailer Turnboys, cleaners &
receptionist req. Biva Hse 0700351966
1,Quick books knowledge a must call
ANIMAL feeds s/man Dip Animal
Nutrition,Motorcycle Rider Thika
B499 Tenders
Description Registration Rating Year Odometer
Make/model No (c.c) of Man. Reading (kms)
NQR66 KAN 914U 4334 2003 152,979
1. All interested parties are invited to
purchase the tender document at a
non- refundable fee of kshs.1000/=
payable in cash or bankers cheque to
the school accounts office .
2. Viewing of the vehicle will done during
the purchase of the tender document
from 8.OOA.M TO 5.00 P.M (Monday
to Friday)
3. All bids in plain sealed envelope
marked with tender no LHS/T/2/2014
should be addressed to:
P.O BOX 47990-00100, NAIROBI.
And deposited in the tender box in
the school office not later than 30th
September 2014.
4. Applicants or their representatives are
at liberty to attend the opening of the
tender the same day at 12.00 noon.
5. Langata high school is bound to
award the tender to the highest bidder
subject to reserved price. Canvassing
will lead to automatic disqualification
We invite bid for purchase of motor
vehicle As is where - is basis as under
5H/girls wntd good sal+off 0722702558
JOBS 4 Ladies: Housekeepers
needed to work in: Dubai, Qatar,
Jordan, Lebanon & SA. We train and
advise our ladies Nb. 1month salary
paid in advance if you have a passport.
Frank Adams Ltd. St Ellis Hse. 1st flr.
Rm 109 - Wabera St. next to
Nakumat City Hall. Nrb 0708352944
We are urgently looking for the following
1. Manager
2. Principal
3. Lecturers
4. Office Assistant
Interviews on Saturday 13/09/2014 at
the college. Time: 11am 3pm
Lake Naivasha institute, Friends
House opp. Eagle House barier Kaniu
Road - Naivasha town.
H/girls centre 0721531412, 0720673202
B491 Consultancy Services
PROPOSALS & B/Plan 0722804708
A730 Sanitary Services
Contact us for your pocket friendly
aerobic & anaerobic Bio-Digesters.
No exhausters required as they
never fill up and no smells.
For more details
...your home for biological septic tanks
Call: 0723-778492
0729-398756 or 020-8710122
Visit: www.kenyacastproductsltd.com
INVEST 50k, 10% pm, 0708393149
GET loans Upto Kshs. 500,000/= using
your log book we donot hold your
car. Call 0715612623, 0735612623
B324 Building
Are you tired of fencing with timber due to
its short lifespan?
Has your fence been stollen, eaten by
termites or just rotted?
made from recycled plastic
We shall also help you do a quality fence.
Call 0722-653645, 0727-546439
/ 0710-399902 / 0703-576936
Email: info@coreclimited.com
NDAKAINI marathon. book early
for accomodation @ scenic view
hotel & resort thika 0712175454
COOKS and Waiters needed in a
restaurant in Nrb CBD. Must be
experienced. Serious applicants only
call 0708423055
EXP chef waiters men butcher man at
embakasi call 0773110871.
GRADUATE Mech & electrical
engineers for consultancy firm Tel:
PROPERTY Manager req. Email CV
B277 Domestic/Casual Jobs
0722516342, 0721834778 trained h/g
0202214396 Advance selling your car
plots/ laptop. 0724268552, 0710746831
INVEST & earn 35% monthly for 7
months min 30k investment secured
SALES Girls needed for Mobikash call
0722669117/ 0722235862
Grader-CAT 120 Motor Grader
ExUSA, gd working cond 0719520055
B581 Printing
PRINTING All Types 0736439140
NGO urgently need county project
coordinators 0720998633
DUBAI Ladies Drivers Nurses and
housekeepers wanted call Janiki
Recruitment on 0721764290
Ladies 4 fashion / beauty shows &
MC wanted, good pay 0733939333
PHARMTECH Req 0772227222
URGENT sales people. Call: 0723325317
Thursday September 11, 2014
56 | Classieds
B177 Motor Cycle for Sale
@ 160,000/-
inclusive of VAT
& Log Book
Carries upto 800Kgs maximum
Reverse Gear
Air Cooler Engine
Tyres are heavy duty
Engine capacity 150cc
1year service
We have genuine spare parts
1 litre goes for 30-35km (Very
P. O. Box 36053 - 00200
B227 Containers
CONTAINERS 40ft 20ft 0721260047
B049 Car Hire
0700128555 rav4, Voxy, saloon new,
modern, f/ld, variety from 2500/- p.d
CAR hire 2k/24hr 0739660033
CARS Wanted 50-200k 0722169877
ISUZU new Truck NKR 3.5 tonnes 4
short/longterm hire lease 0722793030
B085 For Sale, Private
ADVANCE on ur car 0711-433404
ADVANCE selling ur car 0710746831
DUET 2002 285k 0721819249
H/FIT 07 1.3cc black 580k 0736998339
HONDAFIT 650k 0722712392
ISUZU Bus /Lorry/pick ups new &
used depst from 500K bal financed in
48 mnths. 0722293903, 0721914458
ISUZU Bus KAS 850k 0723792308
ISUZU Tipper CXZ 0722885380
M/DEMIO red KBA 590k 0722864153
MAZDA Etude 350k 0720491039
M Benz S280, yr 01,KAX 0720943666
MER C200 03 1.2m 0727-729753
MERC ML270 v/c 04 black 0722338418
N/Note BZ 590k owner 0736-030156
N/Wingroad KBY 690k 0722864153
T/Noah 2003 670k 0727729753
NIS H/Body BQ 2011 1.4m 0721859585
NISSAN B15 2001 340k 0726577070
NISS Murano 06 1.45m 0727-729753
Rangesports yr 05 petrol BH 0720943666
SLEONE KAJ silver 250k 0702016284
SUB Impreza 07 890k 0720491039
SUB Legacy 04 695k 0720491039
Suzuki 07 1.6cc black 820k 0736998339
T/110 KAR 97 @ 420k 0727715244
T/Axio 07 1.5cc KCA 1.15m 0700572961
T/Belta 07 KBY silver 700k 0705864475
T/Caldina KCA 1.8cc 980k 0722768169
T/Harrier 07 BZ 2.3m 0722924262
T/Premio KBJ 03 @670K 0722435757
T/Probox KBH mnl 420k 0722714686
T/WISH yr 04 white 0725110072
TMARK 2 650k 0722712392
Townace 08 auto 960k 0727-729753
TOY Caldina 06 890k 0720491039
TOY NZE BV 06 880k 0722868684
Toyota nze KBP @550k 0721336088
TOYOTA nze silver 01, 535k. o.n.o
TVOXY 2006 KBX choice of 3 880k
ono. Quick sale. Tel: 0722-968863
TOY Passo 07 570k 0727-729753
SUB Impreza 03 590k 0727-729753
TOY Rav4 2000 KAX 0720723563
TOY Rav4 98 auto 640k 0772557799
TOY Wish NZE ist Dep. from 200k
12-36M. 0722-633351, 0722-113750
T Prado, yr05, KBQ, mnl 0720943666
Vitz 07 alloy KCA 0731046024
B103 Lorries for Sale
ISUZU truck FVZ KBR 0711425259
B113 Motor Vehicle Repairs
B740 Land, Plots for Sale
100,000/= Dep bal 4months
50,000/= Dep bal 4months
KAMULU 50X100 Dep 50,000/= bal
DAYSTAR 50X100 dep. 100,000 bal.
Jubilee Exchange, 5th Flr, Rm
508 TEL 020-2610923, 0700-509512,
0751-201267, 0700-497890
0.109ha Ongata Rongai with borehole
22m 0722270313, 0721347080 Nyotu
0723320522 MLOLONGO plot for
sale 1.2m
1/2ACRE Ongata Rongai Nkoroi 5m
0722270313, 0721347080 Nyotu
1/4AC Kitengela Enkasiti opp. Confrence
Centre clean title 1.8M 0722707498
1/4ACRE commercial plot Ongata
Rongai on tarmac 32m 0722270313
1/8 Plots Milimani Kitengela 0722505099
100 Acres Koma-Rock 0722756423
1/8 acre plot ongata rongai. price
negotiable. 0717326462
2ACRES commercial, residential
Karen Langata road on tarmac 2.4M
0722270313, 0721347080 Nyotu
2Acres Karen West next to Oloolua
Forest @Ksh12.5M per acre Tel
0722742490 No agents
50ACRES and above 0710890536
CLAYWORKS 33x85 serviced plot
5.5m 100mt to h/way 0722870934
off Wanyee rd 1/4 acre Kshs 10.5M
GATARAKWA Rwrii 36 acres
offer 0717009024
GIGIRI 1 acre prime 0733-363100
ISINYA 40x80 75k 0710516913
JUJA 5 acres 25m 0726357163
JUJA Kalimoni, Leejim Est opp. Juja South
Est. Res/Comm 1/8 (50x100) SPECIAL
OFFER, payable instalmt 0711875976
JUJA Kalimoni 50x100 400,000/=
40x80 500,000/= (with title) Juja
farms 50x100 400,000/= Call Chipro
0734730041, 0724406111, 0725261736,
0725600040, 0727439644,
KAHAWA Sukari 10acs 0733-363100
KAJIADO town plot 1/8 w/title. bulls
eye 1.5 acres on tarmac. 0737004111
KAMULU 50x100 dep. 50,000 bal
4mths. Ready titles. 0202-164920,
0712-013550, 0705654430 Sideway
Properties Ltd. Vedic Hse 7th Floor
KAREN 1&1.3 4,5,8.5,10 acs 0711182038
KASARANI 1/2ac 15m 0725154497
KERARAPON 1/4s &1/2s 0728150007
KIAMBU, karunga.1/8 or 1/4 acre.
0706180750 / 0787563538
KIAMBU Rd 5acres 0728150007
KIAMUBI plot sale 0720771473
KIKUYU /Gitaru quick sale 1/8
residential plots 1.6M 0722314373,
0722797050, 0722706424
KIKUYU 50x100 1.1M 0727784405
KIKUYU ndiuni 1/8 35k 0708313106
KILIMANI 1-2 acres 0733-363100
KINOO Prime Plot 0722-875594
KISAJU 5-10 acres 0733-363100
NISSAN b15 year 2004, ksh 450k
0721144998 new cars from 1500/=
HEARSE For sale Toyota Shark
manual KBN 1.3M ono 0721-896623
l/ROVER TDi 04 KAS 1.2M 0722416919
MERC 200E v/c Tel 0722262035
Nis/caravan 07 kca 1.15m 0727430899
PRADO AT 3L D4D F/loaded KBR
Excellent Condition 3.1M neg. Call:
TOY Fielder 07 KBZ 1500cc 1.1m Dep
380,000 Bal 2yrs 0711971952
TOY Probox 07 KBZ 1300cc 700000
Dep 250,000 Bal 2yrs 0711971952
B086 Lorries For Sale
FUSO Model 2007 Reg KBZ 4.2m
0721-896623, 0722-381957
KAMULU - shopping Centre 1acre
mains connected 6.5m 0722921050
KANGEMI Gichagi 1/8acre offers
KINANGOP Mawingu 13acres
mature trees 10M 0733586010
KINOO 1/4acre 16M 0722921050
KISAJU Town 1/8 acre plots 600 mtrs
from tarmac. 850k with Titles
0722998343, 0726387980
KISE-P/LINE 5,15,25,40acs 0711182038
KISERIAN 2acrs 7.5M 0725817814
KISERIAN Pipeline Rd 1/2acre water
& electricity 2.5m 0703735289
KISERIANTinga 1/8@45k 0725660080
KITENGELA 1/8 ac Plots @450k
0727-367393, Vineyard Properties
KITENGELA Yukos 1st row 1/4
acre commercial plot T: 0733-363100
N/wingroad KCA slv 690k 0787933640
TOY Fielder silver 680k 0787472447
TOY NZE Luxel 06 795k 0720-491039
JUJA Farm plts 40x80 @270k, 40x100
@370k membry ruiru bypass hse
@7.5M, all titles, owner 0752915456
KASARANI 40x80 0701-090184
plot 50x100 for sale with title
0722-522500, 0722-652041
0702936871 premio wish 2k pd
CARS For hire call 0726374621
CR-V honda BZ 2007 2.10M 2.4cc
ISUZU FVZ KBK 4.2m 0733586058
NIS Xtrail black BZ alloy 0722340348
P/206 KAN 2000 400k local 1.4cc
T/Allion BL 2003 680k 1.5cc 0723975286
T/Corolla BC 690k 2008 manual
T/Harrier BQ 2004 1.65m 2.4cc
T / Harrier BR 2005 1.6m 2.4cc
T/prado BY 2007 3.4M 2.7cc 0722584886
T / Premio BR 2005 850k 1.8cc
Toyota Wish KBM 660K 0723930034
ISUZU Lorry KAA 1.2M 0789-535354
ICORE: 40/60 original 0722669177
100x100 red soil 15M, Matasia
Thiongo rd 2.5M, Kiamumbi
Commerical 100x100 9M, Kitengela/
Acacia 50M from Int school 2M, CAll
0703-758015 /6
VICTOR safaris & tours ltd car hire
0722379197, 0720545192
T/Fielder KBU v/c 650K 0704685369
T/HARRIER 840k v/clean 0720464074
T/NZE BU white 600K 0735151834
JUJA 1/8 plots touching Thika Rd near
new mall 0721963203
JUJA 40x60 plot 1Km from Thika Rd
near JKUAT 0721963203
KENOL plots 550K, 650K, 750K,
850K ready titles 0727984320
N/B12 KAC cln 90k 0722689440
NISSAN Bluebird sylphy 07 1.5cc
KCA gold 920k 0722716488
TOY Auris KCA 950k 0722716488
Kiserian(1/4acre)....Ksh 2.8m
Kiserian (1/8acre)...Ksh 2.5m
Nkoroi (1/8acre)......Ksh 1.9m
Pipeline (1/8acre)....Ksh 850k
Oloiren (1/8acre)......Ksh 350k
Birika (1/8acre).........Ksh 650k
Call: 0722 492 001
For viewing
T/PASSO KCA gold 540K 0710-640809
T-AVENSIS BT 810k 0752-615 613
T-AXIO KCA 07 gold 0752-615 613
TOY 103 KBB @425k 0735701732
KAMBIRUA murang'a 5ac, hse water
trees 4m. 0722840337
0700210756/ NOAH nze 1500 p/d
9 Seater van 12k pd 0726754744
CAR hire 2k/24hr 0733208698
CO.NEEDS cars long lease.call
CANTER 4D32 v-clean 0720915868
DATSUN1200 170k 0722900618
H/Fit 07 640K silver KCA 0722686182
ISUZU Dmax pick up KBC
0771706345, 0722650028
ISUZU FSR KAQ 2.25m 0722270708
ISZ nqr 33p KBS 2.5m 0722416919
IZUZU nhr KBE 850 neg 0722705642
MIT fh215 kav h/s 0732712454
MIT FH41p KBX&KBQ 2.8M0722416919
N/ Sylphia KCA 07 970K 0722555253
NISAN B15 KAW v/c 345k 0722588890
NISSAN navara 2007 1.8m
NISSAN Van KBY 790k 0721311392
N Wingroad KCA 07 765k 0722555253
P/504 p/up 350k 0722700791
PAJERO io KAU 480k 0733961699
SUZK Escd new model 0722528241
T/110 KAX 2000 390k auto 0724428308
T/Hilux 08 petl local 1.2m 0732366591
T/noah KBS 06 720k 0722416919
T. Primio 06 BW 980 neg 0722705642
T.FDR 06 800k 0723803250
TOY 100 auto 390k 0722981464
TOY 103 kaw 420k 0722148509
TOY Caldina KBF & KAW 0722696841
TOY EE1 02 auto KBH 0725852466
TOY ist blk 610k BR v/cln 0722416796
TOYOTA Harrier 08 BZ black quick
sale 2.29m. Call 0722708035
TRAUM White 1.5L 2007 0727944431
T/SUCCEED bl 480k 0728330640
VITZ BZ sil alloys 595k 0721774752
VW Golf 05 a/t Blue 740K 0725601150
GATUNDU 40x80ft plot 0720903187
GITHURAI flat Inc. 120k with shops
Title 12M 0731-213511
ISINYA 4 Acres Call 0733-715290
JOSKA 40x80 300k 0723212294
KAMULU- Joska Plots 30% Dep. Bal
6Months Gribs Agencies Ltd.
0722426617, 0722984937 Titles
Ready 50x100 Free Viewing any day.
KATANI 1/4acre 1.8M 0722743852
KBU rd on tarmac 1.5ac @150m
Mushroom Gardens 1/2ac @15m Call
0725726251 www.wilcyconsultants.com
KIKUYU 1/8, 1/2, 1/4 tel: 0721797550
KITE /Kisaju 2acres 150 mtrs from
tarmac offers 0722578466
MERC C230 KBS 05 1.5m0724268552
T/Mark 2 KBK yr02 580 0724268552
ISUZU bus coach 62 seater for staff
only 1998 model 60,000km since new
immaculate condition company
maintained throughout 0723575640
MITS L200 v/l KAT 0720905794
Nis caravan KCA 07 1.2m 0722616632
NIS Datsun KAM h/body 0720905794
B712 Accommodation Available
Conference facilities
Wedding and reception
Self-contained rooms (bed/
breakfast, Half-board, Full-
Statehouse Road/ Mamlaka
Road Tel: 2725922/3
40X80 Umoja I/core 0722163961 John
FORTSMITH Road Kanyariri on
tarmac 1/4 ac @5M 0720 996 994
KAJIADO 3acres near main road
Ksh600k per acre 0722738782
KENOL town behind summit hotel
1/8 acre (50 x 100). 0719520055
KIRINYAGA 1/4 plot 0736439140
Motoring / Property Classifications: VAT Inclusive
All Days 450/= per line per day
Beauty/Medical/Health/Herbal & Acupuncture Sections
All Days 550/= per line per day
All Days 2,000/=per centimetre column +VAT
Minimum size 4cm x 1 column
Beauty/Medical/Health/Herbal & Acupuncture Sections
All Days 2,100/=per centimetre column +VAT
Minimum size 4cm x 1 column
DNA Voucher Fee 2,500/-
Mombasa Kisumu
Furaha Plaza, Ground floor, Mega Plaza, 3rd flr, Wing B
Nkuruma Road, P.O.BOX 80708 Tel: (057) 2021699, 2021230
Tel: 0732 138 900, 0719 038 900, 020 328 8900.
0734 333 385, 0722 200 770, 041 222 5479 Eldoret
Fax 2230264 Fax (057) 2020388 Kisumu Zion Mall,
Wing C, Tel: 0722 200 773
Nakuru 0719038950/1
C.K. Patel Building, Kenyatta Avenue
Te (051) 2215506, 2215740, 2211688 Nyeri
Kona Hauthi House. P.O. BOX 1396,
Tel: (061) 2030640,
Tel/Fax: (061) 2034120
Jopaka Enterprises 0719 038 8661/3/4/5/6
Jogoo Kimakia Building
Patrick Kamau: 0725856687 TREBIL COMMUNICATIONS
Email:jopakathika@yahoo.com Kenduba Hse, opp. PostbankMaua, Meru County
Mbambu Communications Jonah Munyi Nyaga: 0734 604 247/0725 856 355
Clairbourn Building, Uhuru Street Email trebilcom@yahoo.com
along Kwame Nkuruma Road KARATINA
Room No.A7,, Call Thika on 0710 305337 Harmony Plaza,
Email: thika.nationagency@mbambu.com First Flr. Next to Equity Bank,
Stephen Munyiri: 0733277993/ 0711411515
EMBU Email: stephenmunyiri@gmail.com
Peterson Stationers/Bookshop
County Council ADC House KISII
Peter Kangugi: 068-22-30278 Mwalimu House, Telfax: (058)31386
Email: pkpkangugi@gmail.com Peter Angwenyi: 0722478171
Admedia International Ltd, Email:pemapservices@gmail.com
Nguviu House, 1st Floor, Rm 02
Above Mbuni Dry Cleaners MERU
Silas Nthiga: 0722357028/020 2114546 Ndiungi Agencies
Email: advertisemedia@yahoo.com Kingora Building, Opposite Meru Teachers House
Sophia Ntinyari: 0712628022
KAKAMEGA Email: ndiungiagencies@yahoo.co.uk
Friends Communication Isiolo Video Den
Ambewe Complex, 2nd Flr, Rm 6, Pwins Plaza, 1st floor, opp. Uchumi Supermarket
Wycliffe Irangi 0722375680 Peter Kaluai: 0721405815
Email:Irangi70@yahoo.com Email: isiolovideoden@yahoo.com
Bungoma County S.N. Peter Designers,
AM Enterprises Ltd Ushirika Bank House,
Nasombi House, Moi Avenue 2nd Floor, Lucy Gitura: 0725608918
Opposite Bungoma County Assemmbly
Call Chriss Masinde Njabini Service Station
Tel. 055 30161 Tel: 0713 375405/0723019528
Cell: 0721 526154 Email: Njabinistation@gmail.com/njabini09@gmail.com
Chief Kitonga Building, Biashara Street, Wadi Plaza along Kilungya street, Kitui town,
1st Floor, Room 6. P.O. Box 8 - 90200 Kitui Room G8 behind Bondeni Pharmacy,
Pinnacle News Agency: 0720922438. Email:mwiyendip.services@gmail.com
Email: titusma57@yahoo.com Winnie Mwende 0726384400 and 0736286593.
For further enquiries, call: 0719 038 8661/3/4/5/6
or email:adcentre@ke.nationmedia.com
Thursday September 11, 2014
Classieds 57
KONZA 4acres 10M 3rd row 2 titles
MIGAA Golf plot qtr acre 2row frm
hole 18. Asking 7.5m 0723411653
SIGONA 1/4 acre 8M 0722921050
THOGOTO 1/4Acre 8M 0722921050
KOMA 2BR 4.8M owner 0722217408
LAVINGTON 1 acre 0733-363100
LONGONOT 50x100 prime plots
@280k with title 700mts from main
rd. Garden Masters LTD Ribiero Hse-
Luthuli Avenue 2nd Flr. room 203.
0719396330 Installments allowed
LONGONOT prime plots for sale
50x100 0717608655
LORESHO 1/2 ac comml 0733-363100
LOWER Kabete 60x100ft quick sale
5.5M. Call owner 0721923602
MAKUYUmananja 1/8@55k 0721491116
MOLO 1/8ac academy 0724-220069
MOMBASA Rd 3 acres and 8 acres
MSA Rd 10acres near Mombasa
Cement 38m/acre 0722522375
MUTHAIGA 1acre 0722810960
MWIHOKO 1/8ac plots 0725154497
MWIHOKO 40x80 700k 0722877868
NAIVASHA Kedong & Greenpark
5acres portions @15M 0733991512
acre 200 mtrs from tarmac, kshs
375k, tel 0726666398
NAMANGA rd 6,10,150 on tarmac,
10, 20, 30, 120,acs. 0711182038
Ngong 1/8s 1/4 1/2 1-10acr 0728150007
NGONG Kibiko 50x100 0733-363100
NGONG Kimuka 50x100 0733-363100
NGONG Town residential plots 1/8,
1/4, 1acre price Neg 0717-322227
O/Rongai 1/8 600 & 380k 0722312536
ONGATA Rongai 1/4 acre comercial
good for apartments 0721-299680
PLOT / hse Thika Ngoingwa near
tamac Rd 100x70 7M, 0721721211
REDHILL 5 acres T: 0733-363100
BUSINESS PARK 1.8M 0727094141
RUAI 1/8ac KBC, 1km from tarmac
300000/- 0722450218 Nemuge Co. Ltd
RUAI 1/8ac KBC 180,000/- title, elec.
0722 450218 Nemuge Company Ltd
RUAI 1/8ac KBC 95,000/- best special
offer; Nanyuki 200k with title near
Enaai Golf & Military (Juakali): 0722
450218, 0727755544 Nemuge Co. Ltd
Free Viewing Wed & Sat 9.30am
RUAI 1/8ac KBC dev. area, 250,000/-
0722450218 Nemuge Co. Ltd
RUAI 50x100 2km frm Kangundo rd
400,000/=; JOSKA 2km frm Kangundo
rd 600,000/=; JOSKA 3km frm
Kangundo rd 250,000/=; KBC 50x100
60metres frm Kangundo rd 800,000/=;
KISAJU 50x100 next Jamii Bora
400,000/= Seanrick Rivers Investment.
For real investment. KTDA Plaza, 7th
Flr Moi Av. Nbi. tel.0702984888, 0702
984999 or visit www.seanrick.co.ke
or Email: info@seanrick.co.ke
RUAI 50x100 KBC 325k ready title.
Call 0727-779777 Fortune Co. Ltd
RUAI 50x100 KBC offer 99k dev. area
electricity. Viewing Wed & Sat 10am
Call 0714-717777 Fortune Co. Ltd
RUAI 50x100 Koma Shrine 295k, title.
Call 0727-779777 Fortune Co. Ltd
RUAI at Joska touching outer by-pass
develped 50x100 150,000 0724717438
RUAI at KBC 2km from tarmac
50x100 300,000/- titles 0724717436
RUAI at KBC 50x100 500m from
tarmac 370,000/- w/titles 0724-717438
RUAI at KBC 50x100 dev 350,000
prime with titles & water 0724717436
RUAI at KBC 50x100 special offer
280,000/- w/titles Tel: 0724717438
RUAI-JOSKA 50x100 Plots prime
dev area with elec 1km from Kgd rd.
400,000 Ruai Joska- 2km from greater
eastern by-pass @ 350,000, Isinya
2km off Konza rd 250,000, Isinya
4km off Namanga Rd. near, Diaspora
Echo village 300,000, Kajiado near
Kajiado District Hosp. Special Offer
65,000, Viewing Day: Sunday.
Time:10:00 am. Free Transport!!!,
Finelands Holdings Ltd, Development
Hse, 8th Floor Rm 811 Opp. Afya
Centre, Tel: 0722417074, 0724816611
RUAI-JOSKA 50x100 150K, 180K,
230K, 600K ready title KBC 50X100
140K, 250K, Kamulu 50x100 ready
title 500k. Viewing Wed 9am, Sat
10.30am. Hope Realty Tusker hse,
opp. Naivas 0727867432, 0735696835
RUAI Joska prime Dev. Elec, water
with titles 600,000/- 0722-206832
RUAI-KAMULU at Joska 50x100 Dev.
Prime 150,000/- Titles 0722206830
RUAI-KAMULU at Joska near Sunshine
Dev. 270,000 Titles 0722-206832
RUAI - KAMULU at KBC 50x100 500m
from Rd. 350,000 titles 0722206830
RUAI - KAMULU at KBC opp. farm
C Dev. Titles @260,000/- 0722206830
RUAKA Plots 4 sale 0720-320656
RUIRU Bypass 50x100 2.5km 800k
Call 0703735289
RUNDAMAE 1/2 acre 0733-363100
RUNDAMAE 1.2 acres 0733-363100
SOUTH-B 60x140 ft 0733-363100
SYOKIMAU 1/4Acre Commercial
Plot touching Syokimau Katani Road
THIKA Landless Gatundu Phase One
1/4Acre Very Prime 0722501238
THOME1 0.5acres qs 0721385045
TRADE-IN my 50x100 plot 600k
Kitengela for Car 0734224466
UTAWALA Airways 40x80 t/l 1.1m
0763609750 owner Beatrice
VALLEYROAD 2 acres 0733-363100
WESTLANDS 1/2 acre 0733-363100
WESTLANDS 1.2 acs 0733-363100
B761 Premises, Offices for Sale
PARTITIONED office 480sqft, Moi
Av. on sale. Call owner 0721716744
B768 Premises, Offices to Let
BARICHO Rd 900sqft office & show
rm 6500sqft, lift &generator 0722515510
CHEAP Furn offices 0728692695
Approximately 7,850sqft etc.
Perimeter wall, Electric fence,
cabro paved
driveways, etc.
Ready on Mombasa Road
Tel: 0204454285,
0720 903 187
1,2BR Parklands 15-28k 0720-040895
1BR Kilimani 15,000/- 0727032058
DONHOLM 2br flats 0722513654
KAREN Muiri lane 5br/ 1br g/hse + sq
KILIMANI 3br Sq pool 0720903187
Langata rd 2brm 0728519578 owner
N/West 1br flats 0722678051 owner
ORONGAI 3br apt secure Serene
Call 0722-494350
ROSLYN b/sitter 12K 0719-473466
U/HII 1br9k 0706102940 ownr
E263 Women
SALES rep 5k+comm 0704500687
U/HILL 2br apt m/est 0727723949
UTAWALA 1br 0721284122
KIAMBU Rd Windsor 2&3br
maisonette SQ 35/40k 0722580099
KILIMANI 1500-40000sqft, new
office suites, sh110 per sqft, inclusive
s/charge 0708800411
OFFICE Hurlingham 0728601170
OFFICES 2let 7,000/=pm 0719633519
Offices Riara Rd: 17K-100K 0724744838
OFFICE to let CBD 30k 0722995040
WAIYAKI Way office units 1500sqft
ideal location 0722742222
WESTLANDS Ring Rd corporate
office space to let from 3200sqft call
B782 Properties for Sale
Contact Person 0721277982
To Isinya
To Kiserian
Distance from
School to the farm
Approx 800m
Sathya Sai
2 b/rm apt. Mlolongo near Rd good
finish 4.5M 0721425111
AWENDO /Migori 3br bungalow 1/8
acre 3.9m 0705886429, 0724211204
CBD Hotel with Restaurants, club and
42 suites. With high income of ksh.
3M per month. Call 0733-363100
GATAKA home 6 br blow very
suitable for clinic/ outreach centre
GITHURAI 44 10rms 0738672780
IMARA Daima apt 4 sale 0721798214
KAHAWA Sukari exclusive Family
mansion on 1/2ac owner 0722879442
KAREN 1/2acre 25m 0723400906
Kileleshwa 3br apt 20m 0717664899
KILELESHWA block of 10 fully
furnished apartments income of
19M/yr sale 180m 0722522375
KILIMANI 4br maisonette ensuite
dsq secure 33m 0722522375
LAVINGTON 3br new apart
ensuite dsq s/pool 14m 0722522375
LORESHO 4br: 1/2 acre 0733-363100
MUIGAI Inn balcan part complete
bunglow 0729432479
RUAKA to Muchatha Road 1/4ac
plot on tarmac 15M 0736-677439
IMPERIAL Housing Ltd Ngoigwa
mansion Thika 9M 0703758015/6
KAREN 4 br all ens. 25M 0733-586058
NGONG 3br houses q/s0729038205
NYERI Tetu/kihuyo 4br hse on 1acre
kshs.18m 0707867184
1,2,3br Parklands 7-25k 0716266150
bungalow 0721686589
Plots, 1 Acre each at 4.5m. Clean
Titles. No Agent. Call 0728862414
ONGATA Rongai 3br bungalow
ensuite Dsq 6.5m 0722522375
ORONGAI 3brm near Exciting with
p/wall 8.5M. Call 0722-655345
Get an apartment at Kshs. 12.20M in
Lavington with a two year payment plan.
These apartments will be 3 bedrooms
all ensuite and a DSQ. 24 hour security,
with an electric fence, a swimming pool
and a Gym.
Contact us on 0710521478 /
0725165000 / 0722718161. Tofna
Rom Builders, Chandarana House,
Lavington Shopping Centre,
Suite 302. View more details at
www.tofnarom.com Whats New
Email: info@tofnarom.com
RIRUTA Satellite 12 houses two
bedroomed each on 1/4 acre good
income 30m ono Tel 0721-977622
RONGAI Rimpa road 500m off
magadi road 1/8 acre plots with title
0720757814, 0735962799
RUIRU 10rms @KU camps 0738672780
RUNDA Evergreen 5br 0733-363100
SOUTH B 3br+2sq 10M 0721235614
SYOKIMAU 4bedroom house for
sale 16.5m Call 0721415478
THIKA Section-9 4br 0733-363100
THINDIGUA maisonete 45m
600mtr off Kbu Rd 0724300148
UMOJA Building for sale 5 shops &
22 1 bedroom self contained flats
48M Call 0720-924792 owner
UTHIRU Corporation 2 bedroom
flats (7) 18M ono 0722792049 owner
B789 Properties to Let
3B/RM flat on East Church rd
W/Lands. Call 0707857366
4BR Komarock to let 0722831037
AT South-B 1bedroom studios Call
0712-007616, 0720-451423
CAR WASH and service bay for hire
on Nairobi Nakuru Highway Limuru
area. Call 0718762577 for details.
EASTLEIGH Sec3 affordable
selfcontained studio apartments &
bedsitters 0714538594, 0706116647
G.Course1 3br 40k 0726103009
GUEST House Lavington 5k bed
&breakfast comfortable 0723227825
KIAMBAA 2bed flats new secure
adequate water 0715-966551
KILIMANI 1bd rmd apt 0721798214
KILIMANI 4br maisonette ensuite
Dsq secure 110k 0722522375
LANGATA4bdr maison 0723767717
LAVINGTON pride 3br s/pool
gymn ample parking new 0728567840
M.Rd, (Greatwall III) - Three bdrm flat
(new) 35k, 0733 958 036 (owner).
MEMBLEY 4bedrooms mansion and
1 bedroom SQ 65k 0734224466
MtView karen l/kabete 1-4br 0725817817
NGARA 1b/r bedsitter 0715455550
NGONG 3br bungalow 0722-300481
RUIRU 2bd rmd hse 0721798214
RUNDA Flametree Drive 118 vacant
secure Tel. 0723227825
SOUTH B 1&2 br apts ensuite b/hole
lift internet 26-38k 0725069592
State Hs Crest 2br 60K 0733760006
UPPERHILL near Donbosco
Church two bedroom flat on first
floor call Ben 0722708781
UTHIRU / 87 /Kiuru 3BD flats
m/ensuite 25K Tel 0722854822,
D531 Hotels
E782 Properties for Sale
MTWAPA Maisonate 1 acre with
main house, 2cottages, swimming
pool, hse veranda, garage, sq,
workshop & beautiful garden. Sam
0724 839963 www.rudy-maeder.com
KITENGELA Yukos prime 5 acres
touching Namanga Rd 0735-207047
MIREMA Plot 40x80 0727-709124
NGONG 1/8, 1/4, 1/2acs 0729038205
NYERI Gatitu 1/4acre ready title 2M
0722396678 0720016030
SOUTH B 3br+Sq 11M 0707798737
(Off Peponi Road, Next to Oil libya, -
3BR Bungalow, M-Ensuite, 1/2 acre well
done garden, detached wing of 3 DSQ
.........................Kshs. 160,000 o.n.o
KAHAWA SUKARI (On Kwale Rd near
St. Peters ACK Church- Plot 2896 - 4
BR Town House, 2-Ensuite, 1/4 acre
compound, permanent fence & DSQ
.............................Kshs. 65,000 o.n.o
KAHAWA SUKARI (On Nyahururu Rd)
Plot 1%1- 4 BR Town House, All Ensuite,
1/4 acre compound, permanent fence &
DSQ.....................Kshs. 60,000 o.n.o
Contacts: 0714-498948 / 0722-793900
- Business Space, 2047 Sq ft to
accommodate more tenants on
partition.....Details on application.
Contact: 0721-858034
Properties Ltd
B803Property Management
NERRY Investment Ltd Property
Developers and Managers call
0710207565 for great returns
Lukenya 1/4 acre plots next to
Daystar university950k 0736570327
AN Office building to let Juja Town
from 16K 0721963203
LAIKIPIA Tigithi Matanya Thome IV
8acs 0727439644,0722462256
RUIRU Murera plots 40x60 300K
ready titles 0726243890 Shelta
SALE Mangu Investment Mutudu Farm
Kentta Rd 3 1/8acre prime plts call
owner 0733877483
MADARAKAnew 2br 8m 0722663609
GODOWN 5,000ft@29/- 0712422955
South C,
Double storied residential
house, good income
Kshs.20m -0733-561361
Road near
Forest View
4 Bedroomed house on
0.27 acre. Ideal for re-
Kshs.12m- 0733-561361
Tassia Estate 2 bedroomed spacious flats
Kshs.18,000/= -18,500/=
South B,
Balozi Estate
4 bedroomed maisonette
Kshs.50,000/= pm
Ambank Hse, 13th Fr., University Way,
P.O. Box 9577 00100, GPO Nairobi
Phone: (254-020) 2469381/2,
Cell: (254-020) 786883891, 0733-561361,
Email: info@valuezoneltd.com
Website: www.valuezoneltd.com
Registered Valuers, Estate and
Managing Agents
FOR sale: KILE 1br 14.8m /Donholm
two2b/r massionets harambee 15m
lavington 3B/r apts 13.9m 0720378389
GREEN-SPAN 3br +sq tel: 0732772561
NBI-DAM Mans 4br 2sq tel: 0732772561
E257 Men
HEADTEACHER & P1Teacher 25yrs
minimum, born again Christian. Apply
to P.O Box 90692 - 80100 Mombasa.
Email: kisaunipceachurch@gmail.com
Phone 0773494117 by19th Sept 2014
COAST (Telephone
Coast Numbers Only)
E243 Domestic
D557 Apartments available
KONZA 5acres 7.5m0722896551
MAKUTANO 700m off Nyeri -Nbi
Highway 4acres ideal for hotel,
school, farming, water & power ready
for connection 2M per acre Call
owner 0721702046
MALILI /Konza city land for sale
7.8acres call 0701645375
MILLIGAN Valuers: Karen Ndege rd
2acres @60m Call 0733-620089
MILLIGAN Valuers membley 1/4acre
prime plot 8M 0733-620089
MSA Rd Industrial 1acre 0720903187
NANYUKI Nturukuma 1/8 plots
clean title near dispensary ap camp
400k 0775 690370/0738170573
NAROMORU 1/8 plots (Kwa J) on
highway clean title 310k call owner
0775 690370/0738170573
RUIRU /town 1ac 18.5m 0714137144
RUIRU Ruai bypass 1/8a 0723212294
RUNDA mumwe 1/2 acre owner 31m
SAIGERI, kajiado county 5, 10, 20
acres. ideal for school, resort or
chama investment. great growth
potential. 0731306605
SYOKIMAU 1/4ac 5m 0714137144
SYOKIMAU Prime plot 50x100
behind Mastermind Call 0721-965332,
UMOJA plot 0726617687
UTAWALA 30/60 700 0722699817
ZIMMERMAN 50x100 with 4 unit of
2&3br income 60k @8.5m 0737889922
INDUSTRIAL: Dar-essalaam rd 1st
floor office 0722678051 owner
KAGIO Godown to let 0720903187
SHOPS /Stalls /Offices at Rware
B/Centre Mfa/Luthuli Ave 0722282506
GODOWN 5000sqf for sale saachi
plaza harlingham nrbi 0737888354
HIGHRISE: H&J 2br flat 0726-669979
Kenya-Re South-C 2br 0733-715290
MALINDI 4 bedroom Villa all ensuite
on 2.5ac, p/wall, casurina rd. 072603569
MILLIGAN Valuers: Jamhuri 4br
m/ensuite mas with SQ 0733-620089
MILLIGAN Valuers: Langata 4br
m/ensuite mas with SQ 0733-620089
MILLIGAN Valuers: Lavi 3br Apt
m/ens @13m 60k Call 0733-620089
MILLIGAN Valuers: Westlands 3br
Apt m/ens with SQ 21m 0733-620089
NAKURU town commercial property
monthly inc 90,000 @12m 0722913931
NYAYO h/r 2b/r 0737412877
RONGAI3br blw 1/4ac 12M 0722638805
South-C 2br apartment 0720903187
SOUTH C 3br+sq 14M 0726925943
PIPELINE plot 10 0723403265
RUAI 100x120 with title 0733740413
U/Matasia 1/2 &1ac main rd 0750811369
KASARANI 5 br maisonette +2 3br
SQ with ready income 0719520055
UMOJA Innercore block fully let
15-18M 0722738782/ 0724856934
WESTLANDS opposite Nairobi
School 3bedrooms maisonette sq,
extension 31m 0725732460
1BR Parkroad 20K 0720394433
IMARA Daima 2br&Sq 0722163379
WESTLAND 3br 75k 0725923311
Limuru 2.5acres 12.5m 0707162152
MACHAKOS land & plots along
highway. 0786366944.
MIREMA Drive 1/8ac 8.5m 0722286152
O/RONGAI 0.06ha 200meters to
tarmac ideal for flats 5M 0724952296
RUAI bypass 1acre 0724083561
RUAKA 1/2 & 1/4 15m 0705061407
SYOKIMAU. 1/4acre Gated
community 8M Title Deed. Owner
0720322311, 0723702710
SYOKIMAU 1/8 & 1/4 acre plots
0720852338, 0726387980
UTAWALA 1/4acre 0721284122
SMALL office Moi av 7k 0724952296
GODOWN to Let 7660sqft along
MSA rad Airport junction next to
Rural Electrification 0739583860,
O/RONGAI Apt Blocks 3b/rooms good
location 0722-256107
ORONGAI commerecial dev,
rentals 1/2acre land 30M 0722921050
SOUTH C -3 bd rm mansionette
with large sq. & excellent finishes
0726387980, 0720852338
KILELESHWA, 1 br gazebo garden
LANGATA 1br ext 0715640610
LANGATA NGEI-1 3b/rm bungalow
vacant 55k . Call 0713-361002 owner
NHC Langata 3brm apartment
m/ensuite 30K 0721-472816
upperhill 0722699488
Thursday September 11, 2014
58 | Classieds
It is with humble acceptance of God will that
we announce the passing on to glory of our
beloved father Newton Onyango Maube.
Loving husband of the late Truphosa Ayitso
and late Rhodah Achungo Zadock. Loving
father of Clyde Maube, Evans Kwendo, Joseph
Musumba, Johnstone Jomo, Benson Maute
Mary Akwela, Jesca Onyango, Lydia Ayiemba,
Joyce Ahono, Mathews Nabakwa,Rose Maube,
Phelestus Ambasa, Sellah, Oyiko, Doris Owendi,
Frankline Otiala, Winfridah Onyango. The late
Noel Ayieta and Akapo Onyango. Father inlaw
of many. He was grandfather of 74, and 25 great
The cortege leaves mt.Elgon Mortuary Kitale
on 10/92014 for burial at his home at Itabalia
village Emuhaya on 13/9/2014.
Praise be the time he was with us.
Celebration of a li fe well lived
Newton Onyango
It is with great humility and acceptance of Gods
will that we annnounce the passsing on of Isabella
Waitherero Mbugua Mburi of Mihuti village Mathioya,
Muranga County on 5/09/2014 after a short illness at
Kiriani Mission Hospital.
Wife of the late Joseph Mbugua Mburi. Adoring
mother of Steve and Grace Mburi (formerly of
Standard Chartered), John and Frasiah Kirubi
(Forward Travellers) Gerald and Lorna Mburi (MM
Consulting / Kobil), Late Nyaga, Boniface and Margaret
Macharia (Sarova Stanley), Sara and Munyi (Kirinyaga)
Jame Muthuma (Ruai), Florence Wanjiru (Double M
Connection), Lucy and Geroge Nyoike (NCCK and
Kenya Power), Mary and Joseph Weru (Dandora and
Sudan), Charity and Maina (Rwathia), Jane and Rev. Paul
Maina (USA). Grandmother of many grandchildrem
and great grand children.
Family and friends are meeting at the All Saints
Cathereal (Kindergarten) starting on Tuesday 9th Sept
2014 from 5:30pm to 8:00pm until Friday 12/09/2014
for funeral arrangements. Cortege will leave Kiriani
Mission Hospital Funeral Home at 9:00am. Funeral
service will be held on Saturday 13th Sept 2014 at St.
Pauls Church Mihuti at 10:00a.m.Thereafter she will be
laid to rest at her farm Mathioya Mihuti Village.
In Gods hands you rest, on our hearts you remain forever.Amen
Celebration of a Life Well Lived
Isabella Waitherero
Mbugua Mburi
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the death of James Kingeru Kiroge on
Sunday 7th September 2014 after a short illness.
Wakiroge, as was popularly known was until his
death a businessman in the construction and
transport industry. He was the son of the late Kiroge
and late Salome Muthoni of Kangemi. Husband
of Grace Wanjiru Mburu. Father of late William
Kiroge, Virginia Muthoni (Shinyalu), Gladys Wangechi,
Caroline Wanjiru & George Muriu (of Ntulele
Narok), Grace Wairimu, Patrick Njoroge, Teresia
Wanjiku, William Kiroge, Judy Muthoni, Caroline
Wanjiru, Tabitha Wambui & Hilda Muthoni. Brother
of Njoroge Kiroge, Kamau Kiroge(late), Stephen
Warui & Lucy Wanjiru. Son in law to James Mburu
& Teresia Wanjiku.
A fundraising will be held on Sunday 14th September
2014 at ACK Canon Hesbon Memorial Church-Ruiru
along Ruiru-Ruai By-pass before Kamakis starting
12.00 p.m. to offset a huge hospital bill incurred at NBI
& Nazareth Hospitals where he was hospitalized before
his death. Any Mpesa contributions should be made to
The Cortege leaves Nazareth Hospital Mortuary on Tuesday 16th September 2014 at 8.30 a.m.
for a funeral service at ACK Canon Hesbon Memorial Church starting from 10.30 a.m. Burial will
be at his Gatongora farm -Ruiru.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Death & Funeral Announcement
James Kingeru
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the death of Mary Muthoni Wandabu
(Double Sure) of Dandora phase 11. Daughter of
the late Rose Wangui Thuo and Michael Wandabu.
Mother of Rose Wangui of Dandora phase IV, Esther
Wairimu of Kabuku-Limuru, Susan Wambui of Gitithia
and Serah Wangechi of Dandora phase Il. Niece of
Kinyua Thuo of Gitithia. Cousin of Francis Thuo of
Ngarariga, Margret Muthoni (Titi), Foro Nyaga from
Gitithia among others.
Friends and family members are meeting for prayers
and funeral arrangement at her home Dandora
phase II. Cortege leaves Uplands Mortuary on 16th
September, 2014 at 11:00am for funeral/Burial at her
farm in Gitithia location, Kiambu County.
There will be a main fundralsing on Sunday 14th
September at her home in Dandora phase 11 at 2pm.
We love you, but God loves you More. RIP.
Death and Funeral Announcement
Mary Muthoni
(Double Sure)
We are announcing the untimely death of Puro
Kihunyu Kangara former teacher at Koinange
Primary School Nakuru. Son of the late Kangara
Kihunyu and Esther Wanjiru Kangara. Husband
of Lucy Njeri Kihunyu of Ministry of Public
Works Nakuru. Father of Esther Wanjiru, Patrick
Kangara K.M.T.C Msambweni Mombasa, Tabby
Wanjiru (Public Health Nyahururu), Ruth Wangui
(Administration Police S.G.B Nairobi) and Penina
Waruguru (U.S.A).
Burial arrangements are being held at his home
Mwariki Nakuru.
Cortege will leave War Memorial Mortuary
Nakuru at 6:30a.m on Friday, 12/09/2014
prayers and burial will take place at his Farm
Kanderendu, Kigumo Muranga County on Friday,
12th September 2014.
May God rest his soul in eternal peace
Death and Funeral Announcement
Puro Kihunyu
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will
that we announce the sudden death of Mr
Charles Kipkemoi Ronoh that occurred on
29/08/2014 through road accident. Son of Mr
& Mrs Samuel Soi. Husband of Salome Sigilai.
Father of Garret Kiprop. Brother of Joseph, Dr.
Thomas, the late Richard, Joseah, Paul & David.
Sister of Selina.
Family, relatives & friends are meeting at All
Saints Cathedral from 6pm to nalize on the
burial arrangements.
The cortege will leave Chiromo Mortuary on
Friday 12th Sept 2014 for burial at his rural
home Cheboyo Village in Bomet County on
Saturday 13th September 2014. The funeral
Service will be conducted at the graveside.
In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you will live forever
Death and Funeral Announcement
Kipkemoi Ronoh
It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of
Gods will that Machakos County KESSHA announce
the sudden demise of Mr. Sebastian Mutua Martin
that occurred on 3rd,September, 2014. He was the
Principal Mwala Boys secondary school.
Son of Martin Muoki and Sabina Martin. Beloved
husband of Georginah Mutua(H/T Uvanga primary
school). Dear father of Telesia Mwikali-MKU-Thika,
Winfred Kaindi - Carmel Girls sec sch-Mbiuni
and Antony Mumo - St. Charles Lwanga sec
sch - Kitui. Brother of Pia James, Teckla Nduku
(Delmonte),Stanalaus Mwania (H/T Konza pri sch),
Getrude Nzau (Pumwani Hosp), Jacinta Mwanza
(Othaya Dist Hosp), Evergisha Kioko (Yumbuni Sec
sch). Brother in-law of the late James Kiunga, David
Wambua, Patricia Mwanzia, Daniel Musangi (DCIO
Kajiado), Thomas Mutunga (Othaya Dist Hosp.) and
Daniel Kioko (Masaku Ndogo Sec).
The cortege will leave Montezuma Monalisa funeral
home Machakos on 12th,September,2014 at 7.30am
for requiem mass and burial at his home Syoumbu Village Matulani sub Location,Mwala,Machakos
In Gods hands you rest,but in our heart you will live forever.Amen.
Sebastian Mutua
Death and Funeral Announcement
Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association
Machakos County Branch
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the passing of Jane Kwamboka Mogere
on 04/09/2014 at KNH after a short illiness. Wife
of late Kennedy Nyamwancha. Daughter of Paul
Mogere & Esther Nyanduko. Mother of Valerie &
Tito. Daugthter-in-law of late Mboga, Priscah, late
Mumbo, Ayusa, Nyamwaro, Henderson Magare
among others. Sister of Milka, Moraa, Peter, David,
Mary, Margaret, Ken, Philis, late Reah, Fred, Sarah &
Linet, Niece of late Masese, Okara, Mongina, Sarange
among others. Cousin of Ezekiel, Chief Masese. In-
law of Reuben, Iscaac, Ken, Ayubu, Innocent, Ben,
Nick Charlies, Nelia, Nyamori, Omwenga among
others. Aunt of Bousi, Kevin, Ivy, Jackson, Finely, Rose
among others
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at Garden
Square, Kahawa Wendani & Nyakongo from 5pm for
funeral arrangements.
Funeral details will be announced later
I have fought the good ght, I have nished the race, I have kept the faith
Death Announcement
Jane Kwamboka
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death
of Hellen Kemunto Mageto. Wife of David Mageto
Mochama. Daughter of the Late Hazaliah Ongwani and
Peris Ondieki. Mother of late Samuel and Shem, Milcah,
Gideon, Florence, Monicah, Esther (USA), Omabati,
Mochama, Peris, Mogere and Alice. Grandmother of
Zakayo, Evans, Geoffrey (Tcher), Norah, Judy,Alice, Rose
among others. Sister of Late Onyambu, Eunice and Mary,
Jerusha, Nyanduko, Moturi, Dinah, Mokeira, Nyamwaka,
Ratemo, Simeon, Kangwana (Principal), Kwamboka,
Theresa, Veronicah, Jeriah among others. Auntie of
Tom, Nyagaka, Josephine (All Principals), Zablon, Milcah,
Justin (USA), Orina, Kennedy, Richard, Nahason, Jane,
Vincent and Clinton. Korera of late Onyiego, Ondieki,
Nyaribo, Abuga and Onchwangi, Paul, Koreta, Nyarinda,
Ongweso, Mandere and Monda. Mother-in-law of late
Ratemo, Mogaka, Onserio, Julius, late Osano, Esther,
Nyaboke, Mary, Dorothy and Selina.
Sister-in-law of late Onchwangi, Mogire, Mainye, Sangara,
Gwaro, Gisembe, Makori, Peter, Omwenga, Nyambane,
Billiha, Moraa, Milcah, Bonareri and Late Moriasi. Body
leaves Gucha Mortuary on Thursday 11/09/2014 for
burial on Friday 12/09/2014 at her home Nyamasibi village, Nyaribari, Masaba at 2.30pm.
Death And Funeral Announcement
Hellen Kemunto
We regret to announce the death of Dominic Sagana
Makinda which occurred on 2nd September 2014
through a tragic road accident. He was the son of
Henry Makinda Machuki and Clensensia Mwango
Makinda. Husband of Edwina Kerubo Sagana, father
of Sarah and Austin. Son-in-law of Gideon and Gladys
Nyanchoka. Brother of Boniface Makinda (ESC-
Mumias), Absalom Makinda (Egerton University),
Peter Makinda (Min. of Water Nakuru), Esther, Jane,
Robert, Tom, James-Assistant Chief, Benard-UoN.
Brother-in-law of Truphena, Jackline, Melab, Mary,
Beatrice, Nancy, Ruth, Lydia; Samuel and Robert.
Uncle of Ibrahim (USA), Paul, Chris, Alice, Steve,
Magdalene, Rhodah, Victor, Maureen, Marceyline,
Wycliffe, Geoffrey, Fredrick, Vincent, Brian, Nicholas
and Diana among others.
Family and friends are meeting daily in Nairobi
(Garden Square, Main Harembee on 14/9/14), Nakuru
(Rigena-Lions) and Kisii. Burial will be on 18th
September 2014 at his Nyarenda home, Kisii County.
Further inquiries and support can be done though
mobile No. 0721829485 or 0725727780
Death and Funeral Announcement
Dominic Sagana
It is with humble acceptance of Gods
will that we announce the death of
Mzee William Nyangule Mukubi. Son
of the late Paul Okutoyi and Miriam
Amanya of Ebushisoka Emungabo
village. Husband of the late Peris
Nyakoa and Mama Agnes Atuwo. Father
of late David, Lydia, Benedict, Fridah,
Elizabeth, Rose, late Bessy, Paul, Miriam,
Patrick, Wilson, Ritah, David Kulundu
and Daniel. Brother of Mzee Eystone,
Late (Rita, Kulundu, Alushula, Hariet,
Ambundo and Malika). Brother-in-law
of the late Nyambura, late Truphosa,
late Esther, Jane and Beatrice. Father-
in-law of late Okwako, Musakali, Kamadi,
Simiyu, Kajina and Esther. Grandfather
of Arnold, Brenda, Francine, Linda, Lucy,
Neville, Calvin late Edgar, Mitchelle,
Kelvin, Sammy, Joy, Christian, Peris,
Nyangule and Agnes. Great grandfather
of Barbara, Quincy,Wayne and Alvin.
The cortege leaves Mukumu Hospital Mortuary on Thursday 11/09/2014 at
midday, to his home in Ebushisoka Emungabo village.
He will be laid to rest on Saturday 13/09/2014 at his farm.
Daddy, in Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever.
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Mzee William
Nyangule Mukubi
Celebration of a life well lived
With deep sorrow, humility and humble
acceptance of Gods will, we announce the death
of Dorcas Moraa Kenyeru Orioki (Formally
of Telkom Kenya) on 28/08/2014 at Nairobi
Wife of Francis Kenyeru Orioki (Principal Land
Registration Ofcer), Mother of Lydia Kenyeru
(Taj Limited), Desmond Orioki (Storm Africa),
and Brenda (Loreto Convent). Daughter of the
late Stanley Otwori Onchonga and Peninah
Nyabonyi, and late Bathsheba. Daughter In-law of
the late Peter Orioki and Leah Bosibori. Sister
to Ezekiel,Janet, (Pamella, Bob, Jasper, Martha,
Shem all of USA), Josphene, David,Meshack and
The cortege Leaves Lee Funeral Home on 11/09/
2014 for a funeral service at St. Pauls University
Chapel at 7.45 am and thereafter the body leaves to Wilson Airport to be own to Ichuni
village, Kisii County for an overnight stay. Burial on Friday 12/09/2014.
Death and Funeral Annoucement
Dorcas Moraa
Kenyeru Orioki
Its with profound sadness and heavy hearts
that we announce the demise of Mercy
Mwende Kinyili on 4/9/2014 at 3.00 a.m after
a short illness.
Beloved daughter of Felix Nathan Kinyili and
Jennifer Kailu Kinyili.
Loving sister of Caroline Kinyili, Ndinda
Kinyili, Sandra Kinyili, Kennedy Kinyili and
Michael Mwaki Kinyili.
Aunt of Jayne Musyoka, Joel Muli and Joy
Sister-in-law of Kissinger Muli. Cousin and
friend to many.
Funeral service will be at AIC Mbaraki 12/
09/2014 at 2.00 p.m. Burial will be held at
her fathers farm in Kyanika, Nzambani, Kitui
County on 13/9/2014.
May the Almighty restore her life in
Gone too soon
Mercy Mwende
3/7/1992 - 4/9/2014
Thursday September 11, 2014
Transition 59
It is with great sorrow and humble acceptance of
Gods will that we announce the passing away of
John Francis Kabuchu of Trufoods Ltd (and formerly
of Kenya Railways) on 8th September 2014 after a
sudden illness. Husband of the late Mary Karungari
Kabuchu. Son of the late Finhas Kaboi and the late
Bilha Wambui. Father of the Late Joseph Kabuchu, Lucy
Kabuchu, Jane Kabuchu (Total Kenya), Jacinta Kabuchu,
Juliana Kabuchu (KPMG) and James Kabuchu.
Father in law of Joseph Wamahiu, Kenneth Kamau
and John Ngamau. Brother of Charles Kiune, John
Ndegwa, Nyaguthii, the Late Dr Maina, Esther Ndeti,
Wangoi, the late Wangechi and Miano. Brother in law
of Juliana Wanjohi, Lucy Ritho, Joseph Kirira (Canopy),
Charles Munene, John Mwai and Beatrice Njeri.
Grandfather of Linus Ndungu, Francis Kabuchu,Albert
Ngamau, Adam Ngamau, Daniel Kabuchu, Maryanne
Karungari and Lillian Muthoni.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at Buruburu Phase 2, Nuriguyo Court house No 312 and
Paradiso on Jogoo road for funeral arrangements.
The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral Home on Friday, 12th September 2014 at 8:30am for
a mass at Our Lady of Visitation Catholic Church, Makadara, Jogoo Road starting at 10:00am.
Thereafter, burial will take place at Langata Cemetery.
May his soul rest in eternal peace.
John Francis
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the promotion to glory of Mrs. Ruth
Wambui Chege (Mama Sammy). Loving wife of Mr.
Simon Chege Kuria of Umoja 2 PCEA Baraka. Mother
of Grace Wanjiku Njiiri, Jenifer Mumbi, Rachael
waithera Liyayi (USA), Sammy Chege, Alex Kibunja
and Fred Kuria. Sister to the Late Ndungu Kibunja,
Rebecca Karanja, Mrs Hannah wagayu, Mishack
Kibunja, Susan wanjeri, Mrs. Catherine Wangui Kibe,
Mrs. Grace Mumbi Ngugi, Mr Evanson Muiru Kibunja
,Irene Nyambura (Switzerland), Mr Stanley Ndungu
Kibunja, Peter Muiru Kibunja, Mama Kimaru, Njihia
Kibunja. Grand Mother to Georgina Wambui, Susan
Mwihaki Njiiri, Muracia Njiiri, Tracy Wambui, Bonface
Liyayi, Ian Kimani, Sammy Kimani, Bridgit Wambui,
Kimani Kibunja and Samantha Wambui. Mother in-law
to Dr. Njiiri Muracia (Kili), Peter Liyayi (USA), Judy
Mugure, Rebecca Kibunja and Mary Njeri Kuria.
There will be meetings on Wednesday and Thursday at
Garden Square Restaurant Nairobi as from 5pm and
daily meetings at Umoja 2 Baraka.
The cortege will leave War Memorial Hospital
Mortuary Nakuru, on Saturday 13 September at 8:30am and proceed for a Church
service at ACK Cathedral church of good shepherd at 10:00 am. There after the burial will be at
home in Umoja 2 Baraka, Lanet.
In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you leave forever.
Mrs. Ruth
Wambui Chege
(Mama Sammy)
1946 6/9/2014
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that
we announce the passing on of Richard Njenga
Nganga (Wa Githaria) who hails from Njiku
Village Kiambu County. Son of the late Paul
Nganga and Beatrice Waithera. Beloved husband
of the late Phyllis Nyambura. Brother of Francis
Kimani of Kinungi among others. Father of
Margaret Mubena, Samuel Nganga, James Gitau,
Paul Kinyanjui, Peter Ngaruiya, Josephine Waithera
Mutiga, Francis Kimani, John Nganga, Joseph Kiarie,
Naomi Wangari and Hannah Wanjiru Kiragu Kiruki
(Geneva Switzerland). Grandfather of many and
great-grandfather of three.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his home
in Njiku from 6.00 pm.
The cortege leaves Kihara District Hospital on
Friday 12th at 9.00 am followed by funeral service
at his home.
In Gods hands you rest, In our hearts you
remain forever.
Death and Funeral Announcement
Richard Njenga
Nganga (Wa,
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the transition on Sunday 7th
September 2014 of Mr. Elon Aram Muraguri of Gatura, Mathira East Sub County, Nyeri County.
Beloved husband of Mrs. Ruth Njoki Muraguri. Father of Nellie Wanjiku Gitau, Patrick Mugo
(Australia) Dr. Serah Njambi, Catherine Wanjiku, and Silas Muturi. Father in law of Elizabeth
Wanja and Jane Wangui. Brother of Mr. Andrew Kabugi, Ms. Sophia Wacoro and Mr. Gilbert
Kariuki. He also leaves behind several grand and great grand children.
The cortege leaves Jamii Hospital Mortuary Karatina on Tuesday September 16, 2014 at 10.00
am for the funeral service to be held at the church he loved, PCEA Gatura Church (2km from
Karatina town along Karatina Kerugoya road) starting at 11.00 am.
Prayer meetings for burial arrangements are taking place daily at his Gatura home starting at 4.00
pm. Family contacts: 0718 330 221 and 0722 392 921
Elon Aram Muraguri
Former District Commissioner
Promotion To Glory
It is with profound grief that we announce
the sad demise of Mr. Mukeshbhai
Raojibhai Patel, son of MR (Ramanbhai)
Raojibhai G Patel & Mrs Urmilaben R
Patel of Mombasa (Native Gam Nar) on
Monday, 8th September, 2014
Father of Tarang (south Africa) and Sahil
(UK); Husband to Rajeshreeben M Patel
He was the Brother of Harshna Y Patel
(Swindon UK) and Prena D Patel (Ilford,
The cortege will leave at 1.30 pm, from
the residence of Mr.Jayantilal M Patel (of
Nairobi Ironmongers Ltd), 4Greenway, off
Westlands Road, Behind Imperial bank,
Westlands, Nairobi on Thursday, 11th
September, 2014.The Cremation ceremony will be held at the Hindu Crematorium,
Karioko at 2.00 pm
Prayer Meeting will be held at residence of Mr Jayantilal M Patel (of Nairobi
Ironmongers Ltd), 4Greenway, off Westlands Road, Behind Imperial bank,Westlands,
Nairobi on Thursday, 11th September, 2014 at 7.00 pm to 8.00pm
The love that comes from special people, means more than words can
say, for special people are miracles that bless our lives each day.We will
hold forever in our hearts.
Mukeshbhai Raojibhai
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that
we announce the passing on of our beloved
mother Mrs. Agnes Kalekye Kitaka (Mama)
of Makueni County, Nthangu Village on 8th
September 2014. Wife of Anthony Kitaka Mulili.
Daughter of late Mr & Mrs Morris Musyoki.
Beloved mother of Angeline Sila, Late Aphonce
Wambua, Boniface Muoki, John Kitaka, Justina
Ndote, Victor Kitaka, Anette Nzyuko and
Phoncean Musyoki. Mother In Law of Jackson
sila, Pyillis, Anna, Diana, Partrick, Christine,
and late Nzyuko. Grandmother of Mwende,
Mbela,nthenya,Vicky, Victoria, Mwende, Mulili,
Kanuu, Ngina, Mutheu, Komunya, Ngami, Tony,
Ivy, Yvette, Isaac, Damiana, Freedom, Alex,
Ian, Michelle, Zoe,Chelsea, and Trevor. Sister
of Fransisca Katiku, Late Alphonce Matheka,
Pauline Kyonda, Teresia Kaweu, Berita Mwasi,
Bertha Ngumbi and late Mbithe. Sister in law of
late Pius, Kingoku, Fredrick, George, Ndambuki,
Elena Musila, among others. Great Grandmother
of Quentin, Mwaniki, Shiku, Chantel, Ian, Sydney,
Beres, Alice, and Pearl. Aunt of Late Mbevi, Matheka, Nthenya, Nzilani, Beata, Pascal Makite,
Irene Mwanza, JaneFrances,Jeniffer, Mutile, Matheka (MCA ), Martin, Irene, Stella, Pato,Musyoki,
among others.
A fundraising in aid of offsetting the medical bill will be held on 12th September 2014 at Rio
Hotel Nairobi West starting from 6.00 pm.
Funeral meetings will start from 15th September 2014 at KICC at 5.30 pm.
The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral home on Saturday 20th September 2014 at 8.00 am
for burial at Nthangu Village,Wote Division, Makueni County.
Its all well Mama you fought a good ght and now at peaceful rest.
We treasure you in our hearts forever.Amen.
Agnes Kalekye Kitaka
Celebration of a life well lived
It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods
will that we announce the sudden death of Mwalimu
John Solomon Aliona (Baba Mlezi). Son of the late
Joshua Semo and late Mama Rael Semo of Mukuli
village,Vihiga County. Husband of late Madam Josephine
Imbwana and Madam Jane Lundu (Nabemo Primary
School). Father of Caleb Semo, Hellen Mwenyen, Boaz
Mudenyu (Ministry of Health, Kisumu), Chris Opati
Min of Health, Siaya, Willingtone Mudaki (Ministry of
Education), Jackson Kilaka (Abott Laboratories) and
Charity Saranwa. Foster father of Marion and Jamin
Amaheno. Brother of Terry Semo, Abednego Ombeva,
Hannah Kageha, Grace Gwadenya, Joel Semo, Dorcas
Yeswa, Rispa, Dina, Trufosa among others. Son-in-law of
Agnes Nyagoha. Father- in-law of Eddah and Claudine.
Uncle of Linet, Benard, Oskin, Judith, Beatrice, John,
Moses among others. Grandfather of Harrison, George,
Fred, Aggrey, John, Josephine, Blessing among others.
The body leaves Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital
Mortuary-Private Wing on Thursday 11/09/2014 at
8.00am for his home in Mautuma-Lugari sub county.
Burial will take place on Saturday 13/09/2014 in his
farm in Lugari Sub-County, Mautuma Location, Quarry
Village from 9.30am presided over by the Salvation
Army Church.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
blessed be the name of the Lord Job 1:21
Transition Of Life
John Solomon
(Baba Mlezi)
1954 6/09/2014
Death has occurred at Aga
Khan Hospital, Nairobi of Mrs.
Milka Moraa Ogeto wife of
the late Pastor Nathan Ogeto
both (formerly of Baraton
Daughter-in-Law of the late
Pastor Ezra Ogeto and Marita
Bosibori of SENSI and daughter
to the late Samwel Bwana and
late Mama Yunuke Nyanchoka
of Bonyunyu. She was mother
to Pamela Meroka, Christine
Nwosu, Evelyne Ogeto, The late
Mavis Aroni, Rhoda Ogeto, Sam
Ogeto, Anne Ogeto.
Funeral arrangements are taking place at the LMS GUEST
HOUSE, Chui Room from 6:00 pm within Nairobi Central SDA
Church, complex from Tuesday 9th Sep 2014 through 11th Sep
There will be a fundraising at LMS GUEST HOUSE, Simba Room
on Tuesday, 16 September 2014.
Burial date will be announced later.
Moraa Ogeto
Death Announcement
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the Promotion to Gods glory of Sospeter
Mwangi Muchirungu. Loving husband to Jane Wanja
Muchirungu. Father to Margaret Njeri (Kinangop),
Late Njogu, Late Muthoni, Late Serah, Late Mwangi,
Anastacia Muthoni Gichuki (Kilgoris),Teresia
Kanuthu Munene (Oljororok), Roseland Wachuka
Muhinja (Kisumu), Joseph Gathaiyia (Nbi), Late
Mwatha, Boniface Mwangi (Kitale Technical/Eldoret),
Anthony Nyaga (Mbale), Faith Wairimu Mugereki
(Kilgoris), Winny Njoki Muriithi (Kitengela), Maureen
Mumbi Mwangi (Juja Farm Sec.School) and Kenneth
Nyinge (Nbi). Father In-law to Late James Gichuki,
Robert Munene (Oljororok), Late Charles Muhinja
Kimani, Mercy Kinanu (Kilgoris), Jane Kimanto (Eld),
Esther Waitherero Nyaga, George Mugereki, Silvano
Kariuki (Barclays-Nbi), Salome Wangeci. Grandfather
of several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily for prayers
and funeral arrangements at his home at Ruiru
Murera and Rossette Restaurant Harambee Plaza
(Wed to Friday) at 6.00 pm. The Cortege leaves
Kenyatta University Funeral Home on Tuesday 16th
Sept 2014 for service and burial at his home at Ruiru Murera, Kiambu County from 10.00 am.
Guka, In Gods hands you rest, in our Hearts you live forever.
Guka we celebrate you
Mzee Sospeter
Muchirungu (Guka)
1918-Sept 2014
We regret to announce the death of Capt
H K Koskei of Hq Armoured Brigade, Isiolo
following a fatal road trafc accident at
Longisa along Narok Bomet Road on Sunday
31 August 2014. He was the son of Retired
Warrant Ofcer Class I Daniel Koskei and
Mrs Alice Koskei (currently admitted at
ICU, Tenwek Hospital following the same
accident) of Abossi, Njipichip Location,
Narok County.
Brother to Mrs Veronica Cherono Agengo,
Mercy Chepngetich, Gilbert Kibet Koech,
late Beatrice Chelangat (died of the same
accident) and Lilian Chepkirui Kosekei.
Brotehr-in-law to Mr Musa Agengo Rombo.
He will be laid to rest at Abossi Village, Njipichip Location in Narok County on
Saturday 13 September 2014.
Death and Funeral Announcement
Capt H K Koskei
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that
we announce the death of Peter Johnson Gakuru
Cerere of Nyogoti Village, Gatara, Murarandia,
Muranga County, on Monday 8
Son of the late Johana Cerere and Joyce Wanjeri,
Son In-law of the late Hezbon Mathenyu and
Esther Nduta. Beloved husband of the late
Deborah Muthoni Gakuru. Loving father of Joyce
Njeri, John M. Gakuru of Huduma Kenya, Hezbon
M. Gakuru and Paul Mwithiga of Jubilee Christian
Church (JCC). Brother of the late Cephas
Mwithiga, the Late Ruth Wanjiru, Zablon Muya,
the Late Solomon Ciira, Priscah Wangari, Maxwell
Gikaru, Esther Nyambura and Kihoro Cerere.
Family and Friends are meeting daily at Wakens
Restraurant Tom Mboya Street opposite Fire
Station at 5:30pm and his Muranga home.
The cortege leaves Muriranjas Hospital on Wednesday 17
September 2014 at 10:00
am followed by funeral service and interment at his farm Nyogoti, Gatara, Murarandia,
Muranga County.
Celebration Of A Life Well Lived
Peter Johnson
Gakuru Cerere
It is with great humility and acceptance of Gods will
that we announce the passing on of Nerea Kathugu
Njeru. Wife of the late John Njeru Njine.Mother
of Harun Njine (Kanjuu), Stephen Njeru (Kanjuu),
Richard Njeru (Kanjuu), Betty Wanjiku (USA), Faith
Muthoni (Parliament), Winnie Wanjru (U.S.A), Jopsy
Njoki (Port Health Lunga Lunga), Emma Kabari
(USA), Jayne Wanjira (USA), Late Benard Gikunju and
Richard Muti (Kanjuu).
The cortege leaves Kibugi funeral home on Friday
12th September 2014 at 9:30am .Funeral service
will take place at St. Mary Magdaline A.C.K Church
Kanjuu village Njukiini Sub-location, Gichugu
constituency, Kirinyaga County and she will be laid
to rest at her home at Kanjuu village.To deate the
hospital bill and funeral expense, we are accepting
donations on Faith Muthoni 0722795491 and Jopsy
I have fought the good ght , I have nished
the race ,I have kept the faith
2nd Timothy 4:7
Celebtration of a life well lived
Nerea Kathugu
Thursday September 11, 2014
60 | Transition
Death and Funeral Announcement
We regret to announce the death of Helida Apiyo Tindi Oremo of German Institute
Mombasa which occurred on 30/08/2014 at Aga Khan Hospital Mombasa. Wife of Jacob
Rodi Oremo of Mombasa. Daughter to the late Zaddock Tindi and Mama Elizabeth Tindi of
Konyango, Majieri, Kendu Bay. Daughter in Law of Justus Oremo Oyuoro, Phoebe Oremo
and the Late Mama Prisca Achola Oremo of Sakwa, Kapiyo, Bondo. Sister of Sophie Owiti,
Joash, the Late Jotham Onecho, Rtd. Major Charles Tindi, Wilson (Egerton University)
Ezra Tindi, Henry, the late James, Lameck Tindi (KPLC), Justus Tindi, Bati (USA), Michael,
Beatrice, Tom, and David. Sister in Law of Moses Oremo of Bar Kanyango TTC and Betty
Obande Oremo of Lwak Girls School, Peter Oremo of KPA, and Elizabeth Zani Oremo,
David Oremo and Florence Ambogo, Norman Oremo and Evelyne Wandia Oremo, Pamela
Oremo (HCDA) and Wilson Okul, Dorothy Oremo and Mugo, the Late Dr.Dorah Oremo,
the Late George Oremo, Dominic Owiti, Laban Odhiambo, and Elisha Odero.
Aunt of Tom Midamba, Dr. Cockar Midamba (UK) Angela Odenyo, Eric Owiti,Victor, Molly,
Rachael,Ted, Joanne, Rosemary, Cindy Owiti, Ryan Oremo, Michi Mugo, Elvira Julia Oremo,
Ben Mugo, Priscilla Mugo, Prisca Oremo, Dorah Oremo and others.
Meetings at their residence in Ndegwa Flats, Mkomani near ASK Show Gate B and at
S.D.A Church Kizingo from 6pm.
There will be a Harambee to offset Hospital and funeral expenses at Mbaraki Club on
Friday 12th September from 6.30pm.
Contributions may be sent to MPesa No. 0722859025
There will be a Funeral Service at Kizingo SDA Church on Wednesday 17th September
at 12.00pm
The cortege will leave Mombasa on Wednesday 17th September at 2.00pm for burial at
Mr.Justus Oremos Home, Nyandusi, Sakwa Kapiyo, Bondo on Friday 19th September
Helida Apiyo Tindi Oremo
of German Institute Mombasa
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the sudden
death of Petronilla Wambui Huho which occurred through murder on
31st August 2014 in Kiserian, formerly of Ethiopian airlines, Taylors
travel tubman road, recently an HIV counsellor at Kenyatta National
Daughter of the late Laban Wanganga Huho and late Loice Wambui
Huho. Beloved mother of Mercy Muthegu, Jackie Muthegu and Michael
Muthegu. Sister of Joseph Wanganga, late Assumpta Wanjiku, late Joyce
Wanjiru, late Mary Wairimu, late Barnabas Kariuki, late Elizabeth
Wairimu, Wilson Chege, late Margaret Wanini, Martin Waweru, late
Jane Njeri, late Samuel Waweru.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at All Saints Cathedral from
Burial date will be announced later
Death Announcement
Petronilla Wambui Huho (Betty)
A Celebration of Life
We celebrate the life of a loving, kind, wise, and generous man who interacted freely
with everyone. He lived a purposeful life, and pursued his interests with passion. KK
went to be with the Lord on Friday, 5th September 2014 at the Aga Khan Hospital.
Son of Kenneth Kinuthia Kairu and the late Naomi Warigo Kinuthia of Kamuchege,
Gatamaiyu. Son-in-law of the late James Karamba Kamau and the late Alice Thuiya
Karamba. Loving husband of Salome Njoki Kinuthia. Devoted father of Alice Thuiya
Kinuthia, Kenneth Kinuthia Kariuki, Nancy Warigo Kariuki Njuguna and Kris
Karamba Kariuki. Father-in-law of Wairimu Kireri-Kinuthia,Timothy Njuguna Kihiko
and Angela Sabiri Karamba. A wonderful brother of Joyce Wambui Githua, Salome
Wanjiru Gathecha, Julius Kairu Kinuthia, Grace Wairimu Nganga and Ruth Njeri
Kinuthia. Brother-in-law of Ndungu Karamba. Awesome grandfather of Alexander
Terrence Kariuki, Kariuki Kinuthia, Njuguna Kihiko Jr and Wairimu Njuguna.
Daily meetings are taking place at his residence in Ridgeways from 8th - 10th
September at 6pm.
There will also be daily prayer meetings at Mzee Kenneth Kinuthia Kairus home in
Kamuchege from 4pm onwards.
There will be a memorial service at PCEA St Andrews Church Nairobi on Thursday
11th September at 2 pm.
The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral Home on Friday, 12th September at 8am
for PCEA Naomi Warigo Church in Kamuchege, Githunguri for the Memorial
Service starting at 11.00am. His nal resting place will be at the family farm at
Kamuchege Githunguri.
May the Almighty God rest his soul in eternal peace,Amen.
The heart of the wise instructs his mouth, and adds learning to his lips
(Proverbs 16:23)
Kariuki Kinuthia (KK)
It is with great humility and acceptance
of Gods will that we announce the
sudden death of Miss Anne Njoki
Wachira that occurred on 6/9/2014
She was a loving and cheerful
daughter of Joseph Muraya Wachira
and Margaret Wanjiku Wachira.
Sister of Lydia Njambi Wachira, Peter
Maina Wachira and Jackson Kimandu
The cortege leaves Kenyatta University
Mortuary on Saturday 13/9/2014 at
7:00 am, the Funeral Service will take
place at their home in Kiarithaini Village, Karatina Nyeri County
from 11:00 am.
In Gods arms you rest and in our hearts you forever live.
Rest in Peace.
Anne Njoki
Gone Too Soon
It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods
will that we announce the death of Mr. Stanley Maina
Mwangi (Kabathayu) of Mawa Textiles Nyahururu which
occurred on 5th September, 2014 after a long illness.
Son of the late Lameck Mwangi Kimiri (Kamwana) and
the late Muthoni Kimiri. Husband of Tabitha Wanjiku,
Father of Stephen Mwangi, Robert Wamagwi, Simon
Kamau, Alice Muthoni, Timothy Karanja, and Anne
Wangui. Father-in-law of Elizabeth Muthoni, Grace
Nyawira and Benson Ndungu. Grandfather of Many.
Son-in-law of Joshua Wamagwi Kagiri and Hannah
Wangui Wamagwi and uncle of many. Brother of
Margaret Wangari Mwangi. Step-brother of the late
chief Stephen Maina (Rwathia location-Muranga),
Mary Wairimu, Danson Gatere, Joseph Kariuki, Julius
Manyara, John Muthee and Francis Gathiru.
Family and friends are meeting daily at his residence in
Nyahururu-Moi Estate, Ribs village hotel Nyahururu,
Ol-kalou Bull Head Hotel, Ambassador Hotel Nairobi
and where he was born at Kenya-Njeru Muranga
County, from 5:30 pm daily for prayers and funeral
The cortege Ieaves Nyahururu District Hospital mortuary, on Saturday, 13th September, 2014 for
burial at his rural home Kiganjo -Olkalou Nyandarua County on the same day.
Daddy, in Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you remain forever.
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Stanley Maina
Mwangi - Kimiri
1949 - 2014
Death and Funeral Announcement
Its with humble acceptance of Gods will that we
announce the passing on of Mzee Ezekiel Kimaiyo
Arap Chirchir. He was the second born child of the
Late Kibagur arap Kapngoror and the Late Kobilo
Kapngoror. Brother of the Late Kabon Kaplimo,
the Late Kabon Kapkotut, Kabon Kapsawe, Late
Kibet Tororei Chirchir, Micah Chirchir and Kipkorir
Chirchir. Loving husband of Mrs Lydia Teriki Chirchir
and Mrs Selly Kimoi Chirchir. Adoring father of the
late Chemulwo, Joyce Sawe (BurntForest), Tabitha
Koskei (Siliboi), Saul Chirchir (Siliboi), Clara Kimetto
(Eldoret), Late Liza Songok, Eunice Lagat (Mwafrika-
Moiben), Lina Joseph Ochieng (USA), Joel Chirchir
(Kapngetuny),Simeon Chirchir (Kapngetuny), Late
Jebet Chirchir and Ruth Chelashaw (Nairobi). Blessed
with 65 Grandchildren and 44 Great Grandchildren.
The cortege leaves MTRH Farewell home on Friday
12th September 2014 at 2.00pm for Chepyemat
Kapngetuny Location- Ainabkoi.
Burial will be held on 13th September 2014 starting
at 10.00 am.
In Gods Hands you Rest, In our hearts you
live forever. Fare Thee Well Grandpa..
Celebrating a life well lived
Kugo Ezekiel
Kimaiyo Arap
We regret to announce the sudden death of Mrs.
Dorcas Chebet otieno.
Wife to Mr. Robert Otieno, daughter of Mr.
Jacob kiplimo Baraiywa and Mrs. Ruth Jelimo of
Chemoset farm Uasin Gishu County. Co-wife to
Judith Achieng Ogutu.
Sister of Monica (Safaricom), Dr.Ibrahim Limo
(Kapenguria District Hospital), Rachael, Nelson
and Steven Limo (Both in Finland). Daughter in
law to the late Paul Otieno Misinjro and mama
Hellen otieno of Kachien location Kaditonge
Sister-in law to Joan, Pamella, Alice, Perez, Jackline,
Penelope, Mildred, Sharon, Dorine, Vera, Vidah,
Nancy, Sheila and Jacinta. Sister-in law to Peter,
Keffa,Victor, Fred, Dancun, Benson, Richard, James,
Calvins, Joshua, Zach Apamo, Jacob Apam and
others.Cousin to Simon, Sammy, Nelly, Sarah, Lydia,
Davy, Isaac and Daniel.
There will be a fundraising on Thursday 11th September 2014 at Gardens Square
Restaurant Nairobi from 5pm.
The cortege leaves Chiromo Funeral Home on Friday 12th of September 2014 for burial
on 14th September 2014 at her home in Kachien Kaditonge Village Oyugis Homabay
County. For further information call 0721835862.
May her soul rest in eternal peace.
Dorcas Chebet
Celebration of Life
It is with great sadness and humble acceptance of
Gods will that we announce the promotion to glory
of our beloved sister Dorcas Emali Otuoma formerly
of International Rescue Committee (IRC). Daughter
of Fanuel Otuoma and the late Julia Aluso Otuoma.
Step daughter of Milcah Otuoma on 6th September
2014. Loving sister of Moses Otuoma, Susan Otuoma
of Our Lady of Mercy South B, John Otuoma of
KEFRI, Florence Otuoma, Tom Otuoma C.E.O
Otoms Enterprises Limited, Linah Ayako Otuoma
of Ministry of Youth Affairs, Paul Otuoma, the late
Kerry Otuoma, Oscar Otuoma of KDF, Julie Winnie
Otuoma of Micro Finance Africa.
The cortege leaves Chiromo, Mortuary on Wednesday
10th September 2014 at 8:00am. Burial service will
be held at Ebushisoka Emungabo Khwisero on Friday
13th September 2014 at 2:00pm.
Our special thanks goes to Dr. Ondiege, Dr. Kiarie
of MP. Shah, Dr. Nyawira of Avenue Parklands, Sharon
Kijabe Mission. Family friends Sammy Okata, Patty
Okata and others.
In Gods hands you rest, In our hearts you live forever
Death and Funeral Announcement
Dorcas Emali
Otuoma (Dorry)
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that
we announce the passing on of our beloved Mr.
Washington Riungu MNanjau which occurred on
2nd September 2014. Son of the late Joseck MNanjau
and the late Martha Kainyu. Son in-law of late Justo
MNdengwa and late Esther Njugu. Retired Secretary
Manager of Igoji farmers Society and chairman of
Kathigiri Boarding Primary School-Igoji. Husband of
Hannah Mukwairu. Father of Rodger Kaaria, Dinah
Kawira, Kellen Karega, Alex Mugendi, Rita Wanja,
Kenneth Kimathi, Mercy Kagwiria, Jeddy Kinanu.
Father-in-law of Janerose Kaaria, the late Ephrasio
Kirimi, Mary Mugendi, Stephen Thiongo, Lillian
Kimathi and Japheth Mwema. Brother of Eliphas Edith,
Obed, Phineas all the late, Margaret and Japhet. The
late has 16 grandchildren and 3 great-grand children.
The cortege leaves PCEA. Chogoria Hospital at 8:
30am for memorial services at P.C.E.A Kathigiri
Church and thereafter the body will be laid to rest at
his farm in Kithangari Village, Gikui Sublocation- Igoji
on Friday 12th September 2014.
May our loving God rest your soul in eternal peace.Amen
Celebration of a Life Well Lived
Riungu MNanjau
1939 - Sept. 2014
Thursday September 11, 2014
Transition 61
The Bishop, the Clergy and faithful of the Catholic
Diocese of Kisii are sad to announce the death of Rev.
Fr. John Joseph Oseko which occurred on 30th August
2014. Fr. John Oseko was the rst born son of the
late Luka Ongeri and Late mama Yusabia Nyarigara.
Brother of Late Pancras Nyandika, late Mary Nyaboke
Boera, late Zachary Kiriama, late Marcella Anyim,
Late Francis Motari, late Teresia Moraa, late Aloys
Mogeni and Joseph Ratemo Ongeri. Step son of the
late Pacica Kemunto Ongeri, step brother of Francis
Mocheche, Paul Omanga, Ann Moraa Osiemo, Hellen
Kwamboka, Luke Ongeri and Richard Mogeni. Brother
in-law of Justice John Osiemo, the late Anyim, the late
Patrick Boera, Sr. Bibiana Kemunto, LSSF and the late
Obao, among others.
He was ordained priest in 1959 and has worked in
various parishes, namely, Isebania, Mawego, Rakwaro,
Sengera, Rangenyo, and nally retired at Kisii
The Body left Nairobi Womens Hospital (Adams)
Mortuary Wednesday 10/09/2014 for a requiem Mass at
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish,Adams, after which the Cortege proceeded to Kisii.Today 11/09/
2014 the Body leaves for Rangenyo Parish for Requiem Mass at 10.00 am. It will then proceed to
Nyabururu Parish, for Overnight and vigil Masses.The funeral will take place on Friday 12/09/2014,
with the Funeral Mass at 10.00 am, and thereafter burial at the Clergy Cemetry.
Eternal Rest Grant unto him Oh! Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.Amen
Rev. Fr. John
Joseph Oseko
Death and Funeral Announcement
The family of the late Veronicah Wanjiru Muriuki
(Wainuku), wish to thank the almighty God for the
gift of life and the wonderful and memorable years
we shared with her.We wish to express our gratitude
and appreciation to the churches: CCM lhwagi
Church, Fr Maina and Fr. Antony Ndei; St. Joseph
Freinandameitz, Fr. Leone and Fr. Jerome; St. Cecilia
Church, Mrs. Kabiru and all prayer groups in Nairobi,
Nakuru, Kiambaa and Githurai 45. Special thanks to
Dr Waithaka, K.N.H., Nairobi West Hospital, Landnan
Hospital (Pangani) and Precious Hospital (Ruai). To
Kameme Fm, Inoro FM, extended family, neighbours,
clan (Muhiriga) of aicakamuyu a mbari ya Irungu,
Egerton University (Nairobi & Main Campus), Internal
Audit Judiciary and Agenda 4 group committees:
Kiambaa (chaired by Mr. Muchiri), Ruai (Chaired by
Mutema Kiarie and Michael), Southern Springs (chaired
by S.K), co-ordinator Mwangi Wa Iregi. M.P. Mathira, the
MCAs and the local chief service providers and the men
and youth in the village.
We thank you for your messages of condolences, sympathy, moral and nancial support extended
to us during the ilness till the demise of our dear mother and grandmother.We will always treasure
your generosity and support. May God bless you abundantly.
Wanjiru Muriuki
A year ago, you departed from us and went
to be with The Lord. You were a Dad who
was so special and who was loved so very
much, and brought so much happiness to
the many hearts you touched. You were
always kind, caring and understanding too,
if help was ever needed Dad it so freely
came from you. You were a gift to all the
world and brought joy to everyone, and life
has never been the same ever since you
have been gone.
Dearly missed and fondly remembered by
your loving Wife, Children, Grand Children,
In-Laws, Family and Friends.
A Memorial Service and Unveiling of the
Cross will be held on 13th September, 2014
At 12 Noon at The Langata Cemetery.
Sweetpie, in Gods hands you rested, in our hearts you live
forever. Eternal rest grant unto his soul, Oh Lord.
Capt. George
Gabriel Turuka
(Baba Lulu)
1st Anniversary/Unveiling of the Cross
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will
that we announce the passing on to Glory
of Paul Mweya Kimotho, formerly of Hotel
Loving husband of Ann Njoki Mweya. Son
of late Michael Kimotho Gacere and late
Magdalene Wangui Kimotho. Brother of the late
John Mwangi, the late Kihiko, Pauline Wacuka,
Julius Kahari, Jane Wanjiku, the late Gatuiku and
Thomas Waruimbo. Loving father of Winnie
Wangui (Barbeque Masters), Caroline Wanja
(Standard Chartered Bank), Rosebell Wacuka
(KLDA), Jennifer Wanjiku (Braz Afrique) and
Michael Kimotho (Klique Entertainment).
Father-in-law of Patrick Kabiru (Barbeque
Masters), Julius Ngari The Banda School) and
Haji Kioko (EMRAY Ent. Ltd). Grandfather of
Jeremy, Melissa, Matthew,Anisa and Mark. Son-in-
law of the late Zakayo Muturi and Ruth Wanja.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at Mocca Lounge, Cianda House Ground Flr,
Koinange Street and at his residence Jericho Lumumba W104790 at 6.00pm. Memorial
service will be held on Wednesday 10th at,PCEA Makadara (Hamza) at 3pm. The
cortege will leave North Kinangop Mission Hospital Mortuary for a burial at his home,
Geta Sublocation (Bushi), Kipipiri on Friday 12th Sept. at 10.00am.
Paul Mweya
Celebration of Life Well Lived
We humbly accept Gods will and announce the promotion
to glory of Jones Nthenge Zakayo on 2nd September
2014 of Kenya National Archives. Beloved husband of
Ann Nthenge. Father of Lincoln Kioko (Kitengela) and
Jackline Mwikali (St. Lawrence Sec, Makueni). Father-in-
law of Mary Muloko. Grandfather of Denis Wambua. Son
of the late Zakayo Mue and the late of Naomi Syomiti.
Brother of the late Dr. Mue (Machakos), Muthoka (Tala),
Mutinda (Mukuyuni), Shadrack (Britain), Kavuli (Donyo),
late Beatrice (Msa), late Phoebe Kaloki, Josephine Musembi
((Nakuru), Elizabeth Zakayo (Nbi), Mwongeli (Donyo),
Kanyiva, Rose Ndungwa (Kimilili). Uncle of Charles Muli
(Family bank) Charles Kaloki (CID Hq), Rosabel, Mutindi,
Ndindi, Mutuku (Tala) among others. Cousin of Ngoi Muuo,
Joshua, Morphat Mutune (Tz) Daniel Mbithi (NCE), Koki
Munyao, Kent Mutiso (Scangroup), Nduume (Tala Mkt).
Nephew of Reuben Kawenzi, Isaac Mue, Pst. Mue (Mwea),
Nzavi, Late Mbithi, Nelson, Kavesu among others.The body
is lying at Kenyatta Hospital Mortuary Private Wing. Friends
and family members are meeting daily at Magomano Hotel
3rd oor Rm 10 opp. Gill house from 6.00 pm. There will
be a Harambee on Thursday, 11/9/2014 from 6.00pm at the
same venue. Cortege leaves Kenyatta Hospital Mortuary on
Saturday, 13/9/2014 at 7.00am for burial on the same day at
Ngambo village, Kitwii Sub-Location, Kanzalu Location, Kangundo Sub-county, Machakos County.
Death & Funeral Announcement
Jones Nthenge
Min. of Sports, Culture & The Arts
Celebration of a Life Well Lived
With profound shock we announce the death of Charles Gitonga
Juma (Rtd Asst. Commisioner of Police) on the 5th September
2014. Beloved husband of Justina Wanjiku, adored father of Emily,
Evelyn, Martin and Lucy.
Son of Beatrice Nyaitotae and Nderitu Juma, brother of the late
Lucy Wangui, Late Kariuki, Late Nguru, Late Muthee Gathii and
Kibe. Cousin of Martin Gitonga, Late Muhia and Titus Nderitu. Son
in law of Alice Wanjira and brother in law of Saos Robic, Njeru and
many others. Uncle, true friend and hero of many.
Famly, friends and well wishers are meeting at the Tin Tin Restaurant
(KICC) on Thursday 11th September 2014 from 5.00pm for a
fundraising. A requiem mass will be held on the 12th of September
2014 at Nairobi Pentecostal Church, Valley Road from 10.00a.m.
The cortege leaves Kenyatta University funeral home on Saturday
13th September at 7.00a.m for internment at his Kararu farm,
Nanyuki Laikipia County.
When a man has done what he considers to be his duty
to his people and his country, he can rest in peace.
Charles Gitonga Juma
29/3/1952 5 /9/2014
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of Rtd.Wo
Francis Wanjohi Zablon Muthigani of Kirima-ini Village, Kiburu Location, Kirinyaga
County on the 5th September 2014 after a long illness bravely borne.
Son of the Late Zablon Muthigani and the Late Susana Gachui. Beloved husband
of Edith Wambuci Wanjohi. Father of Samuel Mwangi,Virginia Njeri Thirimu James
Murimi and Eunice Wambui Ruhara. Brother of the Late Maria Wanjiku Ndimitu,
Abia Kabui Gutu, Esther Micere, Cecilia Wanjiru Wotuku, Hezekiah Muriuki Zablon,
Lucia Wangithi Mwangi and the late Margaret Wairiuko. Father in law of Muthoni
Mwangi, Solomon Thirimu, Julie Wambui Murimi and George Daniel Ruhara. Loving
grandfather of Yvonne, Edith, Njeri, Jodie, Natalia, Kenzi, Mitchelle and Sean.
Family and friends are meeting daily at his Kirima-ini home and St Pauls Chapel,
University way, Nairobi at 5.30 p.m for funeral arrangements.
The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral Home off Mbagathi road on 12th
September 2014 for a funeral service at Baricho Catholic Church starting 11.00
am followed by burial at his Kirima-ini home.
I have fought the good ght, I have nished the race,
I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7)
Death and Funeral Announcement
Rtd. Wo Francis Wanjohi Muthigani
With deep sorrow, humility and humble acceptance
of Gods will, we announce the death of John Mwaura
Kinuthia on 2/9/2014 at NBl Hospital.
Son of the late Isaac Kinuthia Njoroge and late Naomi
Nduta Kinuthia. Husband of Felister Njoki Mwaura.
Father of Fredrick Gitau Mwaura (Mechanic wa ha
Maina wa Maguru), Benson Kinuthia Mwaura (Country
Accountant Sameer Africa Burundi) & Naomi Nduta
Mwaura (Kambui Girls.). Brother of the late Peter
Boro, Grace Wambui (Ruai,) late Margaret Ngendo
Ribiro Kamere, Stephen Kinuthia, William Kinuthia
(Auditor), Jane Nungari Boro, Late James Kinyanjui,
Geoffrey Kibunja Kinuthia (Mombasa), Jacqueline
W. Kinuthia (Finance Manager Chandarana), Samuel
Gitimu (Mombasa) & Kennedy Kinuthia KK (Unilever).
Nephew of the late Samuel Gitimu Mwaura and the
late James Kinyanjui Mwaura. Father in-law of Cynthia
Wairimu (Accountant at Zetech College). Step son
of Josephine Nyokabi Kinuthia. Grandfather of Zoey
Njoki Kinuthia.
Family & friends are meeting daily at his residence
in Giatha-ini village Githunguri, sub county Kiambu
County. The cortege leaves Mukoe Funeral home on
Tuesday 16th Sept 2014 at 9.00am, for a funeral & burial
Service at his Residence at 11.00am. NB: There will be a major fund drive on Sunday 14/9/2014 to
Offset Hospital bill at his Residence in Giatha-ini Githunguri at 2.00pm.
Death and Funeral Annoucement
John Mwaura
It is with profound sorrow that we announce the
demise of our cherished father Mr. Francis Muguro
Kariuki formerly of Kenya Commercial Bank after
a long battle with cancer. Son of the late Samuel
Kariuki Kareigi and Agatah Wangechi. Husband of
Evelyne Waithera Muguro. Father of Antony Irungu
Muguro (Powergen Technology) and Irene Nyakeru.
Brother of the late Njeri and Wambui, Waithera,
Henry, Rose, late Wanjiku and Mwangi. Son-in-Law
of the late Paul Mungai Githegi and the late Elizabeth
Wanjiku. Brother-in-Law of Martha and the late
Githegi. Grandfather of Timothy Macharia (Petrocity-
Eldoret), Henry Kareigi (Adrian Contractors) and the
late Carolyne Njoki. Great grandfather of Natasha
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his
residence in Gacharu Village- Muranga County and
Magomano Restaurant in Nairobi.
The cortege leaves Muranga District Hospital
Mortuary on Saturday 13/09/2014 at 9.00am. Funeral
service and burial will be held on the same day at his
home in Gacharu Village, Muranga County.
Fare thee well. In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever.Amen.
Death and Funeral Announcement
Francis Muguro
Its with profound grief and acceptance of Gods
will that we announce the sudden death of Danson
Waithaka Githiri which occurred on 4th September
2014 at Guru Nanak Hospital after cardiac failure.
Loving husband to Elizabeth Wambui. Father to Claire
Nyambura, son to (late) David Githiri Waithinja and
son to Cecilia Nyambura. Brother to (late) Beatrice
Wakarima (late) Peter Githinji, Leah Muthoni, Regina
Wairimu, Samuel Maina and Agatha Wangari.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily at Millennium
Hotel (Nyamakima) and Gikomba Market from 6.00
pm for funeral arrangements.
The cortege leaves KU funeral home on Saturday
13th September 2014 at 7.00am and the burial will
take place on the same day at his home in Witima
Village Othaya Location.
In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts we
cherish you forever. Rest in peace
Death and Funeral Announcement
Danson Waithaka
With deep sorrow, humility and acceptance
of Gods will, we announce the death of
Mzee John Ondewe Okoth, former Senior
Hydrologist at the Ministry of Water, and until
his death, Director of Siaya Bondo and Water
Sanitation Company (SIBO) and Chairman of
Siaya Red Cross.
He was the son of the late Joseph Okoth
Nyangor and Turphosa Adhiambo Okoth of
Obambo Sub-Location, Central Alego Location,
Siaya County.
Beloved husband to Jane Akinyi Okoth of
Ministry of Health Siaya and father to Stella
Okoth, Lucy Okoth and Denis Okoth (UK), Eve
Adhiambo Okoth (ALS Airline,Wilson Airport),
Evans Otango (Greece), the late Douglas
Okoth and Kevin Owuor Okoth. Grand Father
to Jessie Banks (UK), Shawn Owiro (Sunrise
School, Donhom, Nairobi) and Jermaine Owiro
(Tassia School, Nairobi) and father in Law to
John Owiro of Sedo Logistics, Sophie Faith
Juma and Rebecca Abongo.
Brother to the late Alloys Owuor, the late
Anjelina Nyangor, Jenipher Genga, Radin and
son in Law to the late Christopher Rabut, Herina Rabut and late Ida Rabut of Lubao Kakamega
and brother in Law to the late Joshua Rabut, Peter and Kennedy.
First Cousin to the Late Joseph Mujema, Oduya, Owuor Nallos, and Father Joseph Oketch
Fundraiser on Saturday, September 13, 2014 at 2.00 pm at the City Court in City Hall Nairobi
and in Siaya at the Mwalimu Plaza on Tuesday, September 16, 2014. Burial will be on Saturday,
September 20, 2014 at his Siaya residence.
Donations can be sent through MPESA number 0722166394.
Oriti wuod Nyar-John
John Ondewe
1/11/1950 3/09/2014
Celebrating Johns Life
Thursday September 11, 2014
62 | Transition
TENNIS | Date-Krumm urges her compatriot to be proud of his Gand Slam exploits rather than mourn
Nishikori loses
US Open, wins
Sh83.7m bonus
New York
apanese tennis sensation Kei
Nishikori may have lost the US
Open final, but he has won a
$940,000 (Sh83.2 million) special
bonus from a sponsor delighted
about seeing its brand splashed across
screens worldwide.
Fast Retailing and its charismatic
President Tadashi Yanai will each give
50 million yen to the 24-year-old tour-
nament runner-up, who lost in straight
sets to Croatian giant Marin Cilic.
The casual-clothing firm, which
operates the Uniqlo brand, saw a run
on shirts worn by Japans best male
tennis star during the tournament at
Flushing Meadows, which feature the
cheap-chic brands logo.
The rm wanted to congratulate the
athlete and celebrate his achievement,
and to reward him for boosting both
Uniqlos brand image and the morale
of its workers, a company spokesman
We wanted to celebrate his historic
achievement, he said. The bonus was
also meant to show our continued
support as he aims to be the worlds
number one, he said.
Runners-up prize
The bonus comes on top of a runner-
ups purse of $1.45 million (Sh128.4m).
Fast Retailing has been working to
make itself a top global brand to rival
Zara and H&M, and has opened ag-
ship stores at prestigious addresses
in London, New York and Shanghai,
as well as at home in Tokyo.
Nishikori became the rst Japanese
and the rst Asian man to play in a
Gland Slam singles nal, after defeat-
ing world number-one Novak Djokovic,
who is also sponsored by Uniqlo.
Nishikoris performance in New
York led the news in Japan for days
and dominated all sorts of television
programmes and newspapers, with
the seminal between Nishikori and
Djokovic touted as a showdown be-
tween two Uniqlo players. Even after
the youngster came undone in the
nal, crushed by Cilic 6-3, 6-3, 6-3,
his cheerful but humble demeanour
further endeared him to Japanese fans.
The nal between the two younger
stars was also seen as a possible signal
of the end of dominance by the Big
4 Djokovic, Roger Federer, Rafael
Nadal, and Andy Murray.
And veteran Japanese tennis star
Kimiko Date-Krumm said she had
sent Nishikori a text message telling
him to be proud of his Grand Slam
I sent him a text message, Date-
Krumm said.I said dont be sad
because it was a big, big success. Try
to go to the next stage. (AFP)
Sponsor happy with
brand exposure rewards
Japanese star for his
exploits in New York
Japans Kei Nishikori looks on with his runners-up trophy after losing the US
Open mens singles nal match against Marin Cilic of Croatia in New York City.
Kenyas welterweight champion Ray-
ton Okwiri of Kenya Prisons Boxing Club
yesterday expressed his disappointment
at the move by the Boxing Association
of Kenya to change his choice of coach
for AIBA pro-boxing ghts.
He said: I wanted Patrick Maina
and Maurice Maina, both from Prisons
Boxing Club to be at my corner when
I take part in the inaugural AIBA pro
He added: I gave the two names when
I signed my contract and for BAK to drop
any of them was very unfair.
Commenting on the issue, the BAK
chairman, John Kameta said: Boxers
were not supposed to choose their
coaches. That was the prerogative of
the executive.
Okwiri (above) will be accompanied
by bantamweight Benson Gicharu
from Kenya Police. Gicharus choice
of coaches was not interfered with. He
had chosen David Munuhe and John
Waweru. In Okwiris case, Maurice Maina
was substituted with Mike Mushime of
Welterweight Okwiri unhappy with change of coach
Menengai Group presents Sh4m
to national squads ahead of Cup
qualier matches. P.65
StanChart race
organisers plan
bigger event
Organisers of this years edition of
Standard Chartered Nairobi Mara-
thon have introduced changes that
will improve the status of the race be-
sides curbing cheating incidents.
This years race due October 26 in
Nairobi targets to raise over Sh25m
for charity up from 23.09m realised
last year. Last years race attracted
22,000 participants but an estimated
25,000 are expected this year.
Even though the nishing points
for the 42km (Full marathon) and
21km (half marathon) races will
remain inside Nyayo National
Stadium, the finishing points of
the two races have been separated
to avoid the confusion that almost
saw an intruder declared womens
42km winner.
Micro chips to be introduced
Running micro chips will also be
introduced in the 10km of the event
to avoid incidents of cheating seen in
men and womens races last year.
Kenya Air Force ocer Winfridah
Kwambokas moment of glory was
almost cut short when an intruder,
Selina Ariongonyang, almost cheated
her way to victory.
Ariongonyany, who had allegedly
entered the race midway, cashed in
on the chaotic environment at the
nishing area to take the womens
full marathon tag only for the real
winner to enter the grounds min-
utes later.
While brieng the media on this
years preparations, SCB CEO
Lamin Manjang said the changes
are part of the initiatives they have
put in place for the next two years
so as to improve the status of the
Better race
The 10km race especially has
become popular attracting more
the 45 per cent of the participants.
We want to enhance professionalism
in the management of the race, said
In the next two years with the
government, Athletics Kenya and
other sponsors, we want to push up
the status of the marathon because
we believe that this event has what
it takes to rival major marathons
like London, Berlin, Boston and
Registration will start on Mon-
day at Standard Chartered Bank
branches across the country, selected
supermarkets and health clubs.
Former Pakistan
o-spinner Saqlain
Mushtaq will help
countryman Saeed
Ajmal correct his bowl-
ing action which led
to his suspension from
international cricket, he
conrmed yesterday.
Final St Lager Classic is on
Kingston Hill will face 14 rivals at Doncaster on
Saturday for the Ladbrokes St Leger. The Roger
Varian-trained Derby runner up, who is 5-2 with
sponsors for the worlds oldest Classic, stood his
ground alongside all other leading contenders. Winner
of 2013s Racing Post Trophy, Kingston Hill missed the
Great Voltigeur Stakes at York due to no rain.
Wales win
over Andorra in
their Euro 2016
qualier match
on Tuesday
Johnson: Abusive Ferry should go
Magic Johnson (right), the retired NBA star dragged into
the Los Angeles Clippers racism controversy, yesterday
called for the ring of Atlanta Hawks general manager
Danny Ferry over unrelated racist remarks. A photo of John-
son with former girlfriend of then-Clippers owner Donald
Sterling that led to racist comments from Sterling that later
saw him banished from the NBA for life and Clippers sold.
I sent him a text message. I
said dont be sad because it
was a big success. Try to go
to the next stages
Date-Krumm, tennis player
Standard Chartered Bank Chief CEO
Lamin Manjang (right) and AK Presi-
dent Isaiah Kiplagat at yesterdays
press brieng.
Thursday September 11, 2014
frican Rally Championship
title contender, Mohammed
Essa from Zambia is doubtful
for the 2014 KCB Safari Rally that
begins tomorrow.
As of yesterday, Quentin Mitchell
was also in a race against time to
clear his car from Mombasa in time
for the event.
Eorts to reach Essa proved fruit-
less, although the General Manager
of Kenya Motor Sports Federation,
Mwaura Njoroge conrmed that the
Zambian had failed to report to the
secretariat in time for his recce pro-
gramme, which was done yesterday.
It is widely believed lack of proper
sponsorship has locked out Essa
from this years event. We have no
reasons for Essas failure to report
for the event considering the high
stakes for him in the ARC title race.
Unconrmed reports also point to lack
of sponsorship for him in the Safari
Rally, said Mwaura.
In his absence, Gary Chanyes of
Cote dIvoire can clinch the crown
Zambian Essa doubtful for race
Ian Duncans Mitsubishi Evo undergoes scrutineering at Galleria Shopping Mall in Nairobi yesterday in readiness for the KCB
Safari Rally which will be agged o tomorrow at KICC, Nairobi.
2014 KCB SAFARI RALLY | Cote dIvoires Chanyes well placed to clinch continental title for the first time with only the
Madagascar Rally remaining if he
nishes second in the ARC Class of
the Safari Rally.
Chanyes leads the series with 101
points while Essa is second with
A maximum 50 points are at stake
in the last two rounds of the ARC
Mitchells chances of debuting the
latest Skoda ST2000 rally on Kenyan
soil look remote as eorts to clear
the car from Mombasa are being
hampered by bureaucracy.
I have spent long hours at all the
relevant Government oces trying to
get clearance. I have managed to get
the code reference from KRA but Im
still waiting for the car to be released
from the port, he said
I have been given permission by
the rally organizers to present the car
for scrutineering latest this evening
otherwise, I am doomed, said Mitch-
ell yesterday.
If Mitchell succeeds in his bid to
enter the car in the KCB Safari Rally,
it will be the rst of its kind in Af-
rica, just like the two Protons of Carl
Tundo and Alastair Cavenagh, which
made their rally debut in the KCB
Kiambu Rally early this year.
Introduction of such sophisticated
rally cars is likely to heighten Kenyas
prole with regards to quality of cars
competing in the Kenya National Rally
Maximum points up for grabs in the
remaining two rounds of the African
Rally Championship
We have no reasons for
Essas failure to report for
the event considering the
high stakes for him in the
ARC title race
Mwaura Njoroge, KMSF General
Mitchell also in a race
against time to clear his
car from Mombasa in
time for weekends event
Senge stands by his under-strength
squad after World Series tournament
National mens hockey team
coach Meshack Senge has
lauded his players for their
performance at the just con-
cluded World Hockey League
One first round matches in
Senge (right) has expressed
satisfaction with his teams per-
formance despite their failure
to progress to the second
Kenya lost 1-2 to Egypt in
their last game of the series at
the weekend to nish second
behind the North Africans.
Senge said his players
performed well even in the
absence of some key players
who missed out on the tourna-
ment for various reasons.
Good players
According to the Strathmore
Scorpions coach, seven of his
first team players from last
years Africa Cup of Nations
were absent with only four
making the team.
This was a relatively new
team, we missed some very
good players but I am proud
of their performance which
was incredible. Finishing
second was no mean feat,
Senge said.
Emmanuel Simiyu was the
sole striker in the team and
gave a good account of him-
self scoring in his rst senior
debut during the 8-0 thrashing
of Tanzania in Kenyas open-
ing match.
This was a relatively
new team, but I
am proud of their
Meshack Senge, Kenya
mens hockey team coach
Nairobi Water sound warning to rivals
Nairobi Water team manager
Teresia Suleiman is condent
the club will soon dismantle
the decade-long dominance
of Kenya Prisons and Kenya
Pipeline in the Kenya Volley-
ball Federation (KVF) womens
Suleimans team is cur-
rently placed fourth on the
KVF league standings head-
ing into the seventh round of
xtures scheduled for Eldama
Ravine County on September
26-27. Our target is to nish
the current campaign among
the top two. So far we are on
course to achieving that target
but we need to stay focused and
ensure that we beat Pipeline
when we play against them,
Suleiman said.
The fast improving Water
side has nished the league in
fth, fourth and third positions
since earning promotion to the
top ight league in 2011.
The team has already
churned out players such as
Ndiema Chemutai, Naomi Too
and Rose Wangare, all of whom
have earned call-ups in the na-
tional team. Nairobi Water has
also posted impressive results
in regional tournaments in re-
cent times, including winning
the Mwalimu Nyerere Volley-
ball Cup in Arusha, Tanzania
last year.
Thursday September 11, 2014
64 | Sport
ational men and womens bas-
ketball teams have received a
Sh4 million sponsorship from
the Menengai Group of companies.
The two teams are currently train-
ing ahead of the qualier matches
for next years All Africa Games in
Congo Brazzaville.
The tournament will also serve as
the qualiers for this years Africa
Cup of Nations tournament to be
staged in Uganda from Septem-
ber 21.
Menengai Group, through its
brands Kabras Sugar and Top Fry,
has sponsored the teams to the tune
of Sh4 million ahead of the regional
SPONSORSHIP | KBF chairman Otula says money will help prepare squads for matches
Masai Ujiri, president of NBA side Toronto Raptors, takes youth from Mombasa through basketball clinic on August 18 be-
fore last months Africa Zone Five Basketball Club championship. Menengai Group of companies yesterday presented Sh4
million in sponsorship to national basketball teams ahead of the qualiers for next years Africa Cup of Nations tournament.
Timely boost for basketball teams
Menengai Group gives
Sh4m in sponsorship
to national squads
ahead of Cup qualiers
Basketball is a growing sport
and we want to be part of the
growth. Were committed
to managing our social
responsibility... theres no
better way to do this than
givin back to the community
Cynthia Mumbo, Menengai
Group Marketing Ocer
games which will bring together
teams from seven countries (Kenya,
Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi,
Sonalia, Ethiopia and Egypt).
While presenting the sponsorship
cheque yesterday, Menengai Group
Marketing Manager Cynthia Mumbo
said the money will be released in
phases. Basketball is a growing sport
and we want to be part of the growth.
We are committed to managing our
social responsibility and there is no
better way to do this than giving
back to the community, Mumbo
said, adding that her company is
passionate about the development
of sport in Kenya.
Kenya Basketball Federation chair-
man Paul Otula thanked the company
for the sponsorship.
He appealed to the company to
release part of the money so that it
can help in preparing the teams for
the tournament.
Kenyans lose to Zimbabwe XI by 43 runs in South Africa
Kenya blew up her chances of
clinching the ACA Cup when they lost
to Zimbabwe Select XI by 43 runs at
Sahara Park Willowmoor in Benoni,
South Africa, yesterday.
Batting rst, Zimbabwe set a target
of 248 by the time all their batsmen
had returned to the pavilion. Carl
Mumba was Zimbabwes highest
scorer with 71 runs o 54 deliver-
ies with seven boundaries and three
Did well with the bat
Innocent Kaia (38), Forster Mutizwa
(23) and Timycer Maruma (23) were
the other batsmen who did well with
the bat.
James Ngoche was Kenyas highest
wicket taker with three for 55. Elijah
Otieno (2/32), Shem Ngoche (2/49)
Narendra Patel (1/12) Nehemiah Odhi-
ambo (1/40) and Nelson Odhiambo
(1/51) were the other wicket takers.
In reply, Kenya was bundled out for
204 with 28 balls in hand. Kenya failed
to establish any meaningful partner-
ships and lacked someone to carry the
team through. Not a single batsman
scored half a century. Alex Obanda
(36) top-scored for Kenya. Morris
Ouma (30), Rakep Patel (30), Naren-
dra Patel (20) and Gurdeep Singh
(13) were the batsmen who posted
meaningful totals on the scoreboard.
Malcolm Waller (2/34) did well with
the ball for Zimbabwe.
Kenyas batsmen failed to cope
with Zimbabwes sti bowling and
tight elding and lost wickets without
meaningful totals on the board.
Nairobi youth
to showcase
football talent
Ninenty-six youngsters will this
weekend have an opportunity to
showcase their skills in a tour-
nament dubbed KFC Football
The tournament, which will
begin on Saturday, is a culmina-
tion of a month-long selection
process that will see the players,
aged 14 and under, compete in
teams of ve players each.
The tournament will feature
both boys and girls and will be held
at the Kenya Harlequin grounds
in Nairobi.
The 96 players were chosen
from a pool of 947 players who
turned up for selection at various
KFC outlets in Nairobi, namely
KFC Junction, KFC Kimathi, KFC
Galleria and KFC Woodvale.
Selection process
During the selection process,
the players were taken through
sessions which featured football
techniques like ball control,
playing formations, passing the
ball, taking penalty kicks and
ball juggling during which they
scored points. Players with the
highest points qualied for the
I cant wait for this Saturday. I
am going to step up training with
my local team to improve my t-
ness in the course of the week,
said Ngamau Kihara, 13, from Mt
Sinai Primary School who made
it through the selection process
alongside his twin brother.
The players have been divided
into 16 teams of six players each
and assigned a qualied coach.
The teams, which are fully-kitted
by KFC, will play the tournament
on round-robin basis.
Youth who will compete in KFC
Football Beat this weekend
Thursday September 11, 2014
Sport 65
Man United
record revenue
ash-strapped Gor Mahia have
threatened not to honour next years
continental xtures should they retain
the league title.
Gor Mahia ocials have said that hon-
ouring the continental assignments comes
with huge nancial burden yet local football
administrators and the Government do not
step in to ease the burden on Kenyan teams
as is the case in other African leagues.
Club organizing secretary David Kiilo
yesterday expressed frustration at the ap-
parent lack of support, saying that KOgalos
The national football team has
landed an invitation to play an in-
ternational friendly match in North
Coming weeks after Harambee Stars
lost 1-0 to former African champions
Egypt in Aswan in another friendly
clash, Kenya has now been invited to,
and is set to play Morocco away in a
build-up match set for the Marrakech
Stadium on October 13.
Reports suggest the Atlas Lions are
keen to play against Kenya alongside a
number of west and southern African
nations in readiness for the 2015 Af-
rica Cup of Nations, a tournament the
country will be hosting. The Morocco
FA will thus meet all the expenses of
the Kenyan team.
Harambee Stars are in the meantime
minus any competitive engagements
after being embarrassingly bundled
out of the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations
qualiers by Lesotho last month.
The teams new technical bench led
by former Gor Mahia coach Bobby
Williamson is thus expected to use this
tie as build up to upcoming competi-
tive engagements including the 2015
Cecafa Senior Challenge Cup, 2015
All Africa Games qualiers and 2016
Africa Nations Championships (Chan)
tournaments. We had a good outing
in Egypt and learnt several lessons
especially in terms of experience and
exposure. Such friendlies will build our
morale and help us know each other
well. Stars forward Noah Wafula said
Egyptian media reports have in
the recent past linked Wafula with a
host of clubs in the country including
former African champs Zamalek, after
claiming the speedy player impressed a
host of scouts during the Kenya/Egypt
friendly. Other players expected to fea-
ture in the Morroco friendly include
Georey Kataka, Jesse Were, Brian
Osumba and David Owino.
Harambee Stars to play Morocco in friendly match
FOOTBALL | The KPL champions are yet to get sponsor since expiry of Tuzos deal
KOgalo warn they wont
honour continental xtures
should they retain league
title owing to lack of funds
National Executive has met before
to discuss the matter and should
they successfully defend the league
title and fail to get the requisite sup-
port from the two bodies, they will
snub African Champions League
Continental xtures
We dont have a sponsor yet
and if we are not going to get sup-
port from the Government and the
federation fails to step in, we will
not honour continental fixtures
because the matches come with a
lot of nancial burden. At the end
of the day, it does not add any value
to us, what we get instead is pain,
Kiilo said yesterday.
Participating in the tournament
has in the past left us with huge
debts, and added to our current
nancial situation, it gets worse,
he said. Asked whether the club
does not fear reprisals that may
follow from the Confederation of
African Football, Kiilo said that they
would approach each situation as
it comes.
Its no secret that we (Gor
Mahia) are struggling nancially.
It has been highlighted many times
in the media and when the right
time comes, we will argue our case,
he said.
Drawing comparisons with other
countries, the long-serving Gor
Mahia ocial said that in Egypt for
instance, the Government shoulders
the bulk of the expenditure for the
clubs that represent the country in
international assignments.
In 2013 when we played ENPPI,
the Egyptian government took care
of all the expenses. In fact, the hotel
we stayed in while in Egypt was paid
for by their government, including
our transport, he charged. In
Kenya, no one cares. The clubs are
left on their own. More painful is
the fact that at times we tag along
a member of the federation yet they
do not extend a helping hand.
Gor spent Sh15 million
According to Kiilo, KOgalo, spent
a whooping Sh15 million early this
year to prepare and honour
their four African Championship
ties against Gabonese opposition
US Bitam and Tunisian giants Es-
According to the CAF rules, the
host club bears the cost of accom-
modating the visiting team at least
in a three-star hotel as well as the
cost of local transport.
Other requirements include pur-
chasing return air tickets for match
ocials and hosting them. Govern-
ments are however not obliged to
extend any nancial help to clubs.
Despite their on-pitch travails
last season, Manchester United
yesterday announced a 19 per
cent rise in annual revenue to a
record 433.2 million ($698.8
million, 539.6 million euros).
United oundered in their
rst season after the retirement
of long-serving manager Alex
Ferguson, nishing seventh in
the Premier League and sacking
his successor, David Moyes, but
they continued to thrive com-
Helped by a blockbuster
750 million 10-year deal with
Adidas, the club reported a 49
percent increase in sponsorship
Overall prot fell sharply,
from 146.4 million to 23.9
million, but mainly because
United had received a one-o
tax credit from American assets
worth 155 million in the previ-
ous year.
We are very proud of the
results achieved in scal year
2014 as we once again gener-
ated record revenues, said
executive vice-chairman Ed
Woodward in a statement.
With Louis van Gaal at
the helm as manager, and the
recent signing of some of the
worlds leading players to fur-
ther strengthen our squad, we
are very excited about the future
and believe its the start of a
new chapter in the clubs his-
Louiss footballing phi-
losophy ts very well with
Manchester United and he has
an impressive track record of
success throughout his career,
winning league titles with every
club he has managed.
Income will fall
Partly due to their non-par-
ticipation in the Champions
League, United expect their
income to fall to between 385
million and 395 million over
the course of the current sea-
son. They invested around 150
million on new players during
the close-season transfer win-
dow, including a British-record
59.7 million swoop for Argen-
tina international winger Angel
di Maria.
The gures released yesterday
also revealed that United paid
out 5.2 million in compensa-
tion to former Everton manager
Moyes, who was dismissed in
April, and some members of his
coaching sta.
United are without a win after
three Premier League games
this season and were knocked
out of the League Cup following
a 4-0 loss to third-tier Milton
Keynes Dons. (AFP)
Broke Gor alarmed over Caf ties
Gor Mahias Timothy Otieno
dribbles past Sony Sugars
Joseph Omweri (left) and
Andrew Anton during their
Tusker Premier League
match played at City Sta-
dium on August 24.
We had a good outing in
Egypt and learnt several
lessons especially in terms of
experience and exposure
Noah Wafula, Kenyan striker
We are very proud of the
results achieved in scal
year 2014 as we once
again generated record
Ed Woodward, Man Uniteds
executive vice-chairman
Thursday September 11, 2014
66 | Sport
P W D L F A Pts
Iceland 1 1 0 0 3 0 3
Czech Rep 1 1 0 0 2 1 3
Kazstan 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
Latvia 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
Netherlands 1 0 0 1 1 2 0
Turkey 1 0 0 1 0 3 0
Cyprus 1 1 0 0 2 1 3
Wales 1 1 0 0 2 1 3
Belgium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Israel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Andorra 1 0 0 1 1 2 0
Bosnia 1 0 0 1 1 2 0
Spain 1 1 0 0 5 1 3
Slovakia 1 1 0 0 1 0 3
Belarus 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
Luxbourg 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
Ukraine 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
Macedonia 1 0 0 1 1 5 0
Poland 1 1 0 0 7 0 3
Germany 1 1 0 0 2 1 3
Ireland 1 1 0 0 2 1 3
Georgia 1 0 0 1 1 2 0
Scotland 1 0 0 1 1 2 0
Gibraltar 1 0 0 1 0 7 0
England 1 1 0 0 2 0 3
Lithuania 1 1 0 0 2 0 3
Estonia 1 1 0 0 1 0 3
Slovenia 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
San Marino 1 0 0 1 0 2 0
Switzerland 1 0 0 1 0 2 0
Finland 1 1 0 0 3 1 3
N. Ireland 1 1 0 0 2 1 3
Romania 1 1 0 0 1 0 3
Greece 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
Hungary 1 0 0 1 1 2 0
Faroe Is. 1 0 0 1 1 3 0
Russia 1 1 0 0 4 0 3
Montenegro 1 1 0 0 2 0 3
Austria 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
Sweden 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
Moldova 1 0 0 1 0 2 0
Liechstein 1 0 0 1 0 4 0
Croatia 1 1 0 0 2 0 3
Italy 1 1 0 0 2 0 3
Bulgaria 1 1 0 0 2 1 3
Azerbaijan 1 0 0 1 1 2 0
new Cameroon team continued
a great start to 2015 Africa Cup
of Nations qualifying by thrash-
ing star-stacked Cote dIvoire 4-1 in
Yaounde yesterday.
Clinton NJie and Vincent Abou-
bakar scored twice each for the
Indomitable Lions with reigning
African Footballer of the Year Yaya
Toure on target for the Elephants.
Cameroon opened their Group D
campaign with a 2-0 victory in the
Democratic Republic of Congo last
Saturday and have a three-point lead
after two matchdays.
The Congolese bounced back
to overcome Sierra Leone 2-0 in
Lubumbashi in another early kick-
o and share second place with the
Ivorians on three points.
Sierra Leone, forced to play a home
xture in DR Congo because of the
Ebola crisis in west Africa, are point-
less having lost in Ivory Coast four
days ago.
Germany-born Cameroon coach
Volker Finke recently axed 13 of the
World Cup squad that fared disas-
trously in Brazil three months ago,
including talisman Samuel Etoo.
Etoo retired
Record four-time African Footballer
of the Year Etoo retired from interna-
tional football a week later, and young
stars like NJie and Aboubakar have
taken up the mantle.
They have scored three goals each
in two qualiers and both came close
to hat-tricks against an Ivorian side
lucky to escape with only a three-goal
defeat at Stade Ahmadou Ahidjo.
Cameroon had a goal disallowed,
struck the woodwork and came
close several other times in a display
reminiscent of the great Lions teams
Indomitable Lions devour Ivorians
2015 AFCON QUALIFIERS | Hosts Malawi overwhelm Ethiopia to stay in contention
Cameroon continue
great start to qualiers
with humiliation of
visiting Cote dIvoire
Cote dIvoires midelder Max-Alain Gradel runs with the ball during their 2015
Africa Cup of Nations qualier match against Sierra Leone last weekend in Abid-
jan. Cameroon yesterday beat Cote dIvoire 4-1 in a Group F match.
Andorra la Vella, Andora
Arsenal midfielder Aaron Ramsey
(left) could miss his sides showdown
with Manchester City on Saturday after
Wales manager Chris Coleman revealed
that he had twisted his ankle on inter-
national duty.
The 23-year-old sustained the injury
during the latter stages of Waless 2-1
win away to Andorra in their opening
Euro 2016 qualier on Tuesday, putting
his participation in Arsenals home game
with City in doubt.
He got a kick and there was a twist
in his ankle, Coleman told journalists
after the game.
Hopefully hell be OK for Arsenal at
the weekend, but well have to see what
the next 24 to 48 hours hold.
Wales required two goals from Gareth
Bale, including a late free-kick, to see
o an Andorra side who had lost their
previous 44 competitive games.
Articial pitch
The Real Madrid forward was critical of
the articial 3G pitch, which had been
the subject of scrutiny in the build-up
to the game.
This is by far the worst pitch Ive
ever played on, Bale said.
But its the same for both teams and
we said in the changing room before
the game, no matter how we get the
three points, we get them, and thats
what we did.
Coleman added: In my opinion, the
pitch is not up to the standard of a Uefa
qualier. But I dont want to make a
protest because I want other teams to
come here. I didnt want to say anything
about the pitch before the game, but I
can now and if youre a passing team,
forget it. (AFP)
Arsenals Ramsey risks missing Man City clash
that won the African title four times. A
deection o a defender helped NJie put
Cameroon ahead on 15 minutes only for
Toure to level 10 minutes later when he
slid in to convert a cross.
Aboubakar intercepted a headed back-
pass for fire past veteran goalkeeper
Boubacar Barry and give the home team
a 2-1 half-time lead.
A loose ball was hammered home by
Aboubakar on 54 minutes and he set up
NJie to score with an unstoppable close-
range shot 14 minutes from time.
Atusaye Nyondo bagged a brace as
Malawi edged Ethiopia 3-2 in a Blantyre
battle of Group B teams who lost their
opening matches to Mali and Algeria
Meanwhile, African champions Nigeria
on Tuesday avoided a ban from interna-
tional football after FIFA said the countrys
football association had complied with a
directive about its leadership.
The world governing body said it
welcomed the fact that ousted president
Aminu Maigari and his executive commit-
tee had been able to return to work and as
a result lifted the threat of sanctions.
FIFA had given Chris Giwa, who
replaced Maigari and his executive com-
mittee in controversial circumstances on
August 26, until 0700 GMT on Monday to
step down from his post or Nigeria would
face suspension from all matches.
The deadline came and went with Giwa
and his ocials nowhere to be seen at
the headquarters of the Nigeria Football
Federation (NFF) in the capital, Abuja.
Maigari returned to work on Tuesday
and showed reporters a letter dated Sep-
tember 8 from FIFA secretary-general
Jerome Valcke, which said it was aware
that he been able to resume his duties
without hindrance.
We also note that the persons claiming
to have been elected vacated the premises
of the NFF, the letter read.
Against this background, we would
like to conrm that the conditions set in
FIFAs aforementioned correspondence
of September 3 2014 have been complied
with and that the NFF is accordingly not
The NFF has been in turmoil since the
end of the World Cup nals in July.
FIFA had briey suspended the country
from international competition because of
government interference in the running
of its aairs.
Maigari was ousted as head of the body,
impeached on corruption charges then
reinstated and was arrested by Nigerias
secret police, allegedly to stop him attend-
ing the August 26 meeting when Giwa
assumed control. (AFP)
Cameroons win over Cote dIvoire in 2015
Cup of Nations qualiers yesterday
Hiddink furious after
Dutch loss to Czech
The Netherlands coach
Guus Hiddink was so enraged
after his teams last-minute
loss to the Czech Republic on
Tuesday he had to take time
to calm down ahead of a tel-
evision interview. The newly-
appointed Hiddinks emo-
tional outburst followed Hol-
lands stoppage-time 2-1 loss
in their opening Euro 2016
qualifying Group A xture.
At Blantyre, Malawi;
Malawi 3 (Nyondo 18, 66, F. Banda 62)
Ethiopia 2 (Kebede 44, Saleh 90+2)
At Lubumbashi, DR Congo;
Sierra Leone 0 Democratic Republic of
Congo 2 (Mubele 51, Bokila 88)
Note: match switched from Freetown
because of Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone
At Yaounde:
Cameroon 4 (NJie 15, 76, Aboubakar 37,
54) Ivory Coast 1 (Toure 25)
Thursday September 11, 2014
Sport 67
Japans Nishikori gets Sh83.7
million from sponsor for bril-
liant performance. P.63
Italy cruise past Norway as the Dutch
are stunned by Czech Republic in Euro
2016 qualiers. P.67
he rivalry between two major
unions deepened yesterday
after Knut refused to meet
Kuppet for talks on averting a strike
by teachers.
The unions are expected to meet
Teachers Service Commission (TSC)
ocials today.
Knut last evening issued conditions
for attending the meeting, with its
secretary-general Wilson Sossion
insisting they would only attend if
discussions were conned to a fol-
low-up of a previous one and focus
on an agreed agenda.
The union also demands that the
meeting as convened be attended
only by duly appointed and recog-
nised members, said Mr Sossion
in a letter to TSC Secretary Gabriel
Kuppet had requested the meet-
ing with Knut to strategise on how
to meet the teachers employer and
table their demands.
We wanted to meet Knut before
facing the TSC so that we speak
with one voice, but Knut declined
to meet. We needed to develop a
consensus on the way to move these
talks. We are aware Knut is pushing
for implementation of Legal Notice
534 of 1997, township allowances
and car loans while we are pushing
for leave and postgraduate allow-
ances and a comprehensive medical
scheme, among others, said Kuppet
chairman Omboko Milemba at a press
Knut has 37 demands while Kuppet
will present 11.
Knut is also asking the TSC to
quash a pay deal it signed with Kup-
pet last year and craft a new one.
The agreement by Kuppet and the
TSC after last years strike resulted in
teachers getting some allowances.
We pushed for teachers to have
commuter allowances, responsibility
allowances for primary school heads
and their deputies, we pushed for spe-
cial allowances, which gave teachers a
at rate of Sh10,000, we pushed for
recruitment of 10,000 teachers. How
selsh can they be to want all this
revoked? asked Mr Omboko.
Knut had also earlier demanded
that only appointed and recognised
members of the consultative meeting
would attend todays talks with TSC,
putting Kuppet at a bargaining disad-
vantage since the representation ratio
is 4.1 based on union membership.
Knuts priorities are totally upside
down. They are concentrating on how
many of our ocials will be in the
meeting instead of discussing how we
are all going to represent the teachers.
Clearly, they do not have the plight
of teachers at heart, theirs is only
supremacy wars and chest thump-
ing against us, said Kuppet deputy
secretary-general Moses Nthurima.
Knut issues conditions
for attending meeting
on averting looming
boycott of classes
Turf wars stall talks on teachers strike
EDUCATION | Bid to approach employer with one voice stutters
Kuppet chairman Omboko Milemba (right) and Deputy secretary-general Moses
Nthurima address journalists in Nairobi yesterday. They accused Knut of not car-
ing about the plight of teachers by refusing to hold talks on the looming strike.
Knut: Nullication of a pay deal
the teachers employer signed
with Kuppet that ended last
years strike. Union wants a new
one formulated.
Kuppet: Leave and post-gradu-
ate allowances for members.
Knut: Wants implementation of
Legal Notice 534 of 1997, town-
ship allowances and car loans.
Kuppet: Union will push TSC
for a comprehensive medical
scheme for teachers.
What the unions
want from TSC
Thursday September 11, 2014
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Some 5,500 land owners in Tassia, Nairobi
will have to fork out an extra Sh5 billion
to lay infrastructure in the estate after the
High Court dismissed a case they had led
challenging the charge. The ruling gives
the National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
the green light to collect the money and
complete the infrastructure before handing
over the titles to the plot owners. The plot
owners will now each part with Sh920,000
each for the development of roads, sewer
lines and street lighting. The court also
allowed the NSSF to vary the original
selling price for those who failed to pay
for their plots within six months. Owners
of plots measuring 33ft by 66 ft will pay
Sh550,000, up from Sh315,000, while plots
measuring 50ft by 100 ft will attract Sh1.2
million, up from Sh800,000. The Tassia Plot
Owners Association had moved to court
arguing that the original sale contracts had
no provision for the additional costs.
Nairobi County Governor Evans Kidero
has told o Chinese developer Erdemann
Properties over a Sh200 million payment
it is claiming for the restoration of a
collapsed Nairobi Dam wall. Erdemann
has moved to court saying that after
heavy rains in 2011, one of the dams walls
collapsed and a lot of soil was deposited
in its Seefar Apartments, then under
construction. It claims that during a
stakeholder meeting, the then City Council
of Nairobi said it had no money for repairs
and tasked the developer with the job,
promising to reimburse the amount later.
But Dr Kidero has dismissed the claim,
saying no such deal was reached. He said
that during excavations for the basement,
Erdemann had weakened the wall, causing
it to collapse. He said that the repair was
in line with an indemnity form that the
developers had signed before they got
approvals for the development.
Land owners in Tassia to pay Sh5 billion for
infrastructure as court dismisses their case
You caused your own woes, Kidero tells
Erdemann over collapsed dam wall
he need for privacy and
exclusivity is driving
young professionals to
seek residence in estates
outside major urban areas, also
known as satellite towns.
The demographic that was
initially attracted to things like
quick access to entertainment
joints now prefers out-of-town
residences that hide them from
the hustle and bustle of city
life, places where they can have
an afternoon nyama choma gig
without attracting the attention
of the local residents association
This, coupled with the improved
road network that has created
easier accesses to workplaces,
means satellite settlements are
now quite an attractive proposition
for the modern buyer or builder
who wants a piece of city life and a
slice of rural life on one plate.
In Nairobi, for instance, areas
that were previously dominated by
bushes and shrubs are now being
cleared for construction of houses,
shopping malls and all that comes
with gated communities.
That is why Syokimau, Katani,
Lukenya and even Athi River
have been transformed, almost
overnight, into property hotspots
where the citys growing middle
class is emigrating.
The Syokimau-Katani-Lukenya
area is special in a way: rst, it
is serviced well by the Eastern
and Northern bypasses; second,
it is going to reap big from the
expansion of Airport North Road
and the airport itself; third, it
boasts a not-so-bad infrastructural
network; and, fourth, it sits next
to the Nairobi-Mombasa highway,
one of the countrys main transport
Similarly, such areas as
Rongai, Kitengela and Ruai have
now become the citys new and
expanding dormitories as people
relocate here in search of cheaper
rents, cheaper land, or bigger
houses that go for what a bed-
sitter costs near the city centre.
Brian Mureithi, a public relations
consultant, says he chose to stay
in Limuru, a small town about 35
kilometres west of Nairobi, even
though he works in the city centre
because of one thing: Limuru
provides him with better yet more
aordable accommodation.
Nairobi is just too much of a
hustle, says Mureithi. Unless
you can aord to live in the leafy
suburbs, it does not make any
sense to be cramped inside a
small servants quarter near the
city when you can have a two- or
thre-bedroom house for the same
The security here is also
much better than closer to the
city, and because I have a huge
compound, I am keeping poultry
as a side hustle, which I cant do
in the city.
It is not, however, just about the
space and the chicken. As these
satellite towns grow, they are
attracting major infrastructural
investments, which are in turn
attracting commercial developers
seeking cheaper land.
Cheaper land means cheaper
housing, which is why today it
is much more aordable to buy a
house with the same, if not better,
amenities in, say, Athi River than
in Langata.
Jacky Kendi, and auditor who
works in Westlands, Nairobi,
chose to move to Ruaka instead
on staying near her workplace.
Of course she has to struggle
with the daily commute to work,
but she thinks the price is worth
the stay.
It might be farther away from
As lifestyles evolve, small
towns line up for the spoils
Windfall: Just a few years ago few people knew where Katani is, but as
people seek bigger spaces and property prices pierce ceilings near the city
centre, this is quickly attracting the attention of developers who want better
yields. The same is happening across the country, meaning that, now, more
than ever before, towns near bigger towns are poised to enjoy part of the
windfall that is Kenyas booming property business
is published every week by Nation Media Group Limited. It is
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every care will be taken on receipt of such material, the Nation Media
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Mwinzi REVISE EDITOR: Mary Wasike SUB-EDITORS: Elly Wamari,
Naliaka Wafula, Judy Ogecha PHOTO EDITOR: Joan Pereruan
Rate of appreciation of the value of
land in some parts of Nairobi over
the last ve years. This has pushed
developers farther and farther away
from the city, according to industry
September 11, 2014
coverstory coverstory
NHC spent Sh130m on an
ICT system it did not need
The governments housing development parastatal,
the National Housing Corporation (NHC), lost Sh130
million on an ICT platform it did not need, an audit
says. The audit by the oce of the Inspector General
for Corporations, and which saw the suspension of the
Managing Director, Wachira Njuguna, says that Sh52.5
million of the amount was paid upfront. It emerged that
NHC did not need the platform or have the capacity to
host it. Another ICT system had been procured earlier
in 2012 for Sh14 million, and the audit found that NHC
did not need the new one.
The High Court has criticised
the lands ministry for illegal
allocations of public land after it
ordered the revocation of a title
issued irregularly in Upper Hill.
Associated Steels, which led a
petition in 2007 seeking to stop
the transfer of the piece of land
to Cami Graphics, said that the
0.86ha parcel of land had been
hived from their plot for a road
reserve in 1992. The company
moved to court after it found out
that the land it had ceded, and
which fronts the road, had been
assigned to Cami Graphics. There
was no evidence that Cami had
made an application for the plot.
The court ruled that the oce of
the Commissioner of Lands had no
power to convert land reserved for
public utility to private use.
High Court criticises Lands ministry
over allocation of Upper Hill land
the city centre, she explains, but
I still get there in comfortable
enough time. Ruaka, though
still growing as more and more
developers build here, is not as
congested as some Nairobi estates
are, and I think I would actually
move farther if I feel my space has
been invaded.
Her sentiments are echoed by
Lydia Limbe, a writer based in the
city who says that Ruakas allure
of a relaxed, rural setting was so
attractive to her that she could not
resist moving there.
I have had the experience of
living in Kilimani and Kileleshwa
but they all got crowded, says
Ruaka, however, is on every
developers radar, and that has
her worried. Should the worst
happen and the place goes to the
dogs, she would move farther away
as, if it were up to her, she would
live on a farm.
Outside Nairobi, the same
is happening. In Kisumu, for
instance, Maseno, Ahero and even
Kakamega are the new property
Peter Kimani says it is all about
the quality of life, the breath of
fresh Maseno air every morning
he wakes up, and the fact that he
can enjoy the same facilities that
residences nearer Kisumu town
would oer him.
I love the village life here. It
frees your mind from the hustles
and bustles of the city. When
Im here I feel truly at home,
he says, adding that instead of
renting a three-bedroom house for
Sh30,000 near Kisumus CBD, he
decided to look for a house that
oered him the same comforts
about 25 kilometres away.
In Mombasa, the gospel is
now no longer about Kizingo
and Ganjoni and Nyali and Tudor
as developers seek better yields
outside the traditional crowd
As a result, Mtwapa, Kikambala,
Mazeras and of late Kaloleni
have started attracting the
attention of real estate investors
and individual builders.
Charles Abwao, for instance,
says he opted to move 16
kilometres away to Mtwapa from
Makande on the island because he
could not nd peace at home.
Makande is a nice estate, he
says, but it is too busy. The trac
was a mess and it was driving me
crazy. I decided to move out and
see what areas outside Mombasa
town had to oer. And Im not
And so the quiet exodus is
happening. As people establish
their careers and start their
families, they are starting to look
for more comfortable, peaceful
areas to live in.
These areas may not have the
infrastructural developments that
CBDs and their adjoining estates
boast, but they still are cool
enough, quiet enough, conducive
enough and cheaper enough to
attract people in their droves.
Consequently, these are the new
growth areas, as Nathan Luesby,
the managing director of Jenga
Web, says in an interview published
by constructionkenya.com.
Land in some areas of Nairobi,
for instance, appreaciated in value
by more than 1,ooo per cent in the
past ve years, say Luesby, and
that cannot be a good piece of
information for the developers
who wants to put up for-sale
If you are not careful, you
end up getting priced out of the
market, he adds.
Some analysts have forecasted
a reduction in the number of new
construction projects in Nairobi
owing to the exhaustion of land in
city suburbs like South B, South
C and Langata.
The result is that now most
projects are coming up in satellite
towns where land is cheaper, Alex
Mungai, a Nairobi-based property
consultant, is quoted as saying by
For example, the selling price
for an acre of land in an estate
like Kilimani is as much as Sh300
million, an amount that is way out
of reach for many Kenyans, he
I love the village life
here. It frees your
mind from the hustles
and bustles of the city.
When Im here I feel
truly at home.
Peter Kimani, who
works in Kisumu but
stays 25 kilometres
away in Maseno,
explaining his choice of
Above left and
cover: A housing
coming up along
the Southern
bypass in Nairobi.
Above: The
growth of Utange
in the north coast
is captured in this
single shot.
Inset: The
urban sprawl of
Mombasa, which
a lot of people
are running away
September 11, 2014
Twitter: @KinuthiaMburu
or the past six months,
Nelly Chepkoech had
been wondering how to
restore natural beauty to
her home garden.
The pruned hedges and lawn
looked too formal and dull, and
I felt they needed a change, she
says. I wanted excitement and
Then it struck her that one way
of doing this was going rustic.
I nd it attractive and natural
and felt that my garden could do
well with such a look, she says.
And Teresia Mugure, a home
dcor expert, agrees. Unlike the
common, modern themes, going
rustic oers an element of nature
and adds an old-fashioned aura to
a garden, she says.
Ms Mugure says that with the
right artistic touch and creativity,
Ms Chepkoech can radically
transform her back garden. First,
you need the right accessories.
Some of the rustic accessories
that you can use to create a truly
rustic garden are wrought iron
wind vanes, old wheelbarrows,
ceramic pots, old metal bowls,
bird houses, planters and bird
After getting your accessories,
establish a focal point and then
allocate these accessories around
the available space.
To establish the right focal
point, place items near gates,
doors, walls or patio edges . For
example, you can place ower
planters on window sills and
basket planters on the edges
of the patio.
Work with your
The available space
determines how you
According to Ms Mugure, it
is advisable to draw a rough sketch
and place all the items you wish to
include ion it. If your sketch looks
cluttered, your garden could end
up looking the same, she warns.
If you have lots of space, you
can have many items but if it you
do not, then small additions will
do the trick.
Carefully choose the kind
of owers you want.
Dont bring in just any
owers, cautions Ms Mugure,
adding,Wild flowers and
ornamental grasses are good
choices since they are beautiful
and easy to maintain. Vinca plants
will also ook great if you position
them close to the front. But they
need moist and well-drained
soil. You might also go for edible
plants, which could be creepers
like strawberries and passion
fruits, or fruit trees.
Should you decide to include
vegetables, place them at a
designated corner or in terra
cotta containers, Ms Mugure
You can also add some scent,
with rosemary bushes, mint,
parsley, oleander or frangipani.
And this is where birdhouses
and feeders come in handy.
Have some birdhouses and
feeders to attract birds such as
sparrows, whose chirping will
add to the natural sound in your
In addition, you can hang wind
Accents such as pergolas and
trellises can do a lot for a dull
garden, notes Ms Mugure.
Fountains and ponds
A small fountain or
pond in your garden can
be the major focal point
or part of the entire dcor. Ms.
Mugure observes that if you have
a fountain in your garden, can
make it warmer and more inviting
by making it an ornamental
If you have a pond, you can
greater use of it by growing
some water plants in it if you
can, she says.
Bringing in furniture
When it comes to
furniture schemes,
synthetic materials
are unacceptable. Keep your
furniture and dcor as natural
as possible. For instance, you
can use reclaimed items to create
new, refurbished pieces.
Select only items that come
with that natural, unfinished
touch in order to create extra
focal points, advises Ms
Ms Mugure says that indoor
accessories such as mirrors can
be strategically placed to create
interesting reections and give
your garden depth. And for
comfort, add a wrought iron porch
swing. If you cannot get one, a
wooden swing will do just ne.
Keep it clean
It is important to note
that nature also needs care.
Consequently, maintain
your garden by ensuring that it
has a clean edge to its roughness.
For instance, you could regularly
refurbish your furniture, but if they
become too old, creaky and no
longer usable, you can replace
However, keep it within
the natural. Dont bring in
too many modern and visible
refurbishments in the name of
change, says Ms Mugure.
All you need is a
careful mixture
of the natural and
articial to transform
that boring space
into a pretty patch
Give your
home garden
a rustic look
Dont bring in just any
ower. Wild owers
and ornamental
grasses are good
choices since they are
beautiful and easy to
Teresia Mugure, home
dcor expert
DN exteriors
THE PRIDEINN GROUP of hotels will open a 280-room
hotel at the Coast in February next year, followed by another
in Kisumu and other prime tourism regions.
We are investing Sh2.5 billion in Shanzu and are condent
the hotel will do well, said Anthony Ngunga, the CEO of
PrideInn Hotels and Conferencing. Mr Ngunga revealed that
the expansion would be funded using the groups internal
cash reserves.
All 280 rooms will be modern, and will face the beach. The
hotel will have two presidential suites and 26 ordinary suites,
and will also have rooms specically designed for people with
In line with the groups standards, it hotel will have a
modern spa, and oer a variety of massages, as well as
reexology and other health and beauty treatments
It will also have a conference centre.
The Shanzu hotel will be the groups seventh in the country
and the fourth at the Coast, and comes three years after the
PrideInn ventured into the hotel business.
Meanwhile, work on the Kisumu hotel, which is worth about
Sh300 million, will begin in December. It will be located in a
prime area of the town and will have 60 rooms.
The hotel chains Managing Director, Mr Hasnain Noorani,
said they take pride in their ability to oer exceptional
The chain currently has six branches in Nairobi and
Mombasa. Its main hotel in Nairobi is in the plush Westlands,
20km from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and 15 km
from Wilson Airport. It is also seven kilometres from the
railway station and ve kilometres from major bus stations.
The main branch in Mombasa is conveniently located on
Haile Selassie avenue in the centre of the town, providing easy
access to Fort Jesus, Old Town and other tourist attractions,
shopping malls and a number of institutions.
The hotel chain is also planning to further expand its reach
in Nairobi, with branches in Upperhill, Lavington, Parklands
and near the airport.
It has also earmarked several counties in its long-term
expansion plans, which will give priority to Eldoret, Machakos
and Nakuru. Thereafter, the group plans to widen to its reach
in East Africa.
According to chains Marketing and Brand Manager, Ms
Makandi Laiboni, they began operations in Kenya in 2012 and
have recorded 10 per cent growth.
We currently have about 300 employees but expect the
number to rise to 800 by 2015, she said.
The chains main selling points include prime locations
that are ideal for both business and leisure, huge conference
capacity, and exibility that enables them to meet clients
The group is also targeting the countrys growing middle
class, which appreciates value at aordable prices.
PrideInn Group
to open 280-bed
hotel in Shanzu
September 11, 2014
hey say that a thing of
beauty is a joy forever,
emphasis being on forever.
Quite often we treat many
things as ugly just because we feel
they are of a long-gone era, or
because they show signs of age
or a bit of roughness around the
edges, like an old cupboard that is
chipped and antique looking.
While it might not look
contemporary, such a piece can,
with a bit of creativity, earn a
stylish place in your home. Here
are a few ways to add some old
charm to your home.
In glass
Old glass mason jars are
timeless and, ooh, so versatile.
Often bought in sets, they can
be hard to put on display if some
jars are missing.
However, there is an easy way to
put these jars to good use. Simply
collect them all in one place like
on your bedside table or your
bathroom shelf and ll their base
with some potpourri.
This little trick will give the jars
a pop of colour and some visual
You can go a step further and
remove the lids of the jars and use
them as vases for fresh owers. To
make the jars look even more chic,
tie a bit of string around the owers
before you put them inside.
In the woods
Nothing looks more chic
than a wooden mirror frame
made from tree bark; the
texture of the bark makes even the
smallest of mirrors look interesting.
A great way to incorporate this
look into your home is to spray-
paint the frames on two long
mirrors and then place them
side by side horizontally above
your dining room table.
This will not only double
the amount of light around your
dining space, but will also make
the space look larger. Still on the
subject of frames, you can use an
old window frame for some black-
and-white pictures and display
them along your corridors.
On mute
When injecting old charm
into a space, one of the tried
and tested ways of doing
this easily is to use muted colours
such as light greys, soft creams
and whites on walls, furniture and
even window treatments. In your
bedroom, you could stick to simple
white linen and paint your walls a
light grey.
To add some visual interest,
you can use throws and pillows
in dierent hues of cream but of
dierent textures such as faux wool,
lace and even modern-day sequins
or synthetic sude.
The bottom line is to keep it
light as the rest of the shabby
and distressed pieces should be
the focal point and not the rest of
the room.
Yet another trick is to
use pieces that are rusty,
weather beaten and worn.
Note that this does not mean
damaged items, but rather, pieces
that look old. If you are unable to
get items that look like this, you
can get them distressed by your
This can be done using various
ways such as painting a piece of
furniture like a table and deliberately
chipping it before it dries so that it
looks almost unnished.
Stark contrast
One way to really make
an old charm space look
contemporary is to pair some
of the things in the room with pieces
of a dierent styles. For instance,
you could use a distressed white
dining table alongside an ornate
glass chandelier fixture for an
unexpected but romantic touch.
A simple and cost-
eective way to make old
charm functional in your
room is to use some of your
everyday pieces in old ways.
For instance, you can bring your
old metal trunks from the store to
your guestroom, decorate them
with a couple of glass domes and
voil, you l have a great surface for
your guests to use as a table.
Another simple trick is to cover
some of your old books with vintage
prints and some ribbon and put
the books on display, say on your
bedside table.
Last but not least, you can spray-
paint a few old biscuit and sweet
tins in some pastel colours and
use them as containers for your
Add a little old charm to your home
A great
way to
this look is
to spray-
paint the
fames on
two long
and then
them side
by side
tally above
To add some visual
interest, you can use
throws and pillows
in dierent hues of
cream but of dierent
textures such as faux
wool, lace or synthetic
sude .
Muted colours are a
good choice for the
DN furniture
dont want my bed painted
that colour because it is
the colour used to paint
cons, a near-hysterical
client remarked while opposing the
dark brown hue a carpenter at a
furniture workshop in Kisumu town
The answer above and conversations
with 12 other carpenters in Kisumu
show how fussy the residents of this
town are when it comes to buying
furniture, and especially beds.
Benjamin Ochieng of Mwema Super
Furniture on Carwash Street says
that his clients mostly buy furniture
when they are preparing to move out
of their parents home to establish
their own.
No one wants to set up his home
with an old bed, Ochieng, who has
been in the furniture business in
Kisumu for more than a decade, told
At his shop, a simple queen-size
bed, which measures 5ft by 6.8ft,
costs Sh35,000. However, the price
that can go higher if the client wants
it embellished. In some carpentry
shops, a similar bed can cost up to
Ochieng says that Luos reputed love
for the ner things in life is evident is
evident in their fastidiousness when
buying beds.
Most people here love a big
bed, with unique details such as a
conspicuous headboard, Ochieng
said, adding that some even come with
specic details, including the kind of
joints and nish they want, such as the
use of a high-end nishing wax called
Tupac. Some clients want their beds
sprayed rather than painted.
Do orders for other furniture they
make receive this kind of attention
to detail?
Not necessarily, says Ochieng.
While many residents will not mind
having seats that are commonplace,
they will strive to make sure their bed
is unique.
A drive through the towns streets
gives a glimpse into just how many
furniture workshops it has, many of
which are roadside outts.
Notably, the number of carpenters is
inversely proportional to the number
of adverts inviting the public to a sale
or showroom.
Robins Onyango, the assistant
manager at Dona Furniture Place on
the Kisumu-Mumias highway, dares
anyone to show him more than ve
showrooms in the entire town. But he
is quick to add that the dearth of those
showrooms does not mean that people
are not willing to spend outrageous
amounts of money on a bed.
Very few people want beds that
look like someone elses they bring
pictures downloaded from the Internet
but even with those, they make some
adjustments, he said.
Ornate beds
Onyango confirms Kisumu
residents love of ornate beds, saying
in Kisumu most people want a chest
of drawers by the bed.
When we visited their workshop,
Ochieng said that in August, they
had received orders for 32 beds, which
were awaiting collection.
Another carpenter from Kibuye
called Marcus said that his clients
do not buy beds from supermarkets,
except for their children.
However, if they see a design they
like at a supermarket, they copy the
copy the design and bring it to him,
with specic alterations.
When they bring those pictures,
they go into detail about the kind of
joinery they want, such as dowel or
the traditional mortise and tennon,
he said.
Notably, hotels are beginning to use
beds guided by these preferences.
Some people are
particularly fussy about
this particular piece
of item, preferring to
have it tailor made and
will not buy one from a
supermarket, except for
their children
Where beds
are more than
just a piece
of furniture
The cost in thousands of shillings of a
simpl, queen-size bed measuring ve
feet by 6.8 feet
A bed with a conspicious headboard
and a drawer on the side in a Kisumu
Furniture shop owner Benjamin
Ochieng displaying some of the
ornate headboards loved by
Kisumu people.
September 11, 2014
DN decorating
with glass buildings is purely
aesthetic, noting they are
more expensive to put up
than buildings with concrete
A glass is like a mirror
because it can reect everything
around it and no matter how
much embellish concrete, glass
will always win but like beauty, it
comes at extra nancial cost to
the developer, he notes.
No matter the height of the
building, its support comes from
iron and concrete columns that
run from the foundation to the
top depending on its weight
so if you have glass faades,
your columns must be stronger,
which means more money will
be spent on this aspect.
But beneath all that glitter lie
high environmental cost as such
buildings are said to consume
more electricity. Indeed, experts
have suggested that developers
end the trend.
Data from the United Nations
Environmental Programme
(Unep) indicate that such
buildings account for up to a third
of greenhouse gas emissions as
they consume a lot of energy for
air conditioning.
The Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change estimates
that emissions from such
buildings will rise to 11.1 billion
tonnes by 2020.
John Maritim, an architect,
says beauty aside, glass buildings
are have become popular thanks
to Kenyans belief that anything
that comes from the West is
good, adding that they are
inappropriate for the Kenyan
climate, which is sunny most
of the year.
In the West, developers
prefer glass faades from a
technical standpoint because
they receive sunshine for only
ve months a year, and glass
allows light in and then converts
it to energy, thereby warming
up the building. This leads to a
reduction in the need for electric
heating, he says.
he imposing concrete
structures that rise above
the Nairobi skyline once
gave it the nickname
concrete jungle. In the last
decade, however, a sudden anity
for buildings with aesthetic appeal
among developers and tenants alike
has seen proliferation of high-rise
buildings with all-glass faades.
And the rush seems unstoppable,
if a drive around these areas is
anything to go by.
In Westlands alone, there are
more than a dozen of these all-
glass exterior buildings serving as
oce blocks or commercial-cum-
residential buildings, with more
under construction. Built over the
last 10 years, they have replaced
traditional landmarks in the area
like the Sarit Centre, Unga House
and The Mall.
Just next to the Westlands
roundabout on Waiyaki way is
Delta Towers, a sophisticated
combination of two identical
18-storey concrete-and-glass
Along the same road, next to Aga
Khan High School are the imposing
West End Towers, providing a mix of
retail and oce space on the lower
oor and residential apartments on
the 16 top oors.
A stones throw away is the
Sh 3.1 billion Le Mac, still under
construction. The design of the
22-storey curved, all-glass exterior
building with a ve-star rooftop
restaurant and swimming pool
set for completion in 2015 was
inspired by projects in Dubai. It
promises to oer a new quality
of accommodation to the city,
according to its developers, Mark
And on the junction of Ring Road
Parklands and Lower Kabete Road
is the 9 West, an 11-oor purely
commercial structure of glass that
was opened recently.
It appears that, like four-wheel
drive vehicle, translucent buildings
are fast gaining ground as symbols
of prestige as aesthetic appeal
becomes one of the factors that
motivate tenants to take up space
in a building.
Industry experts say the country
is ocially in an era of expressionist
architecture like the one witnessed
in several European countries
between 1900 and 1950, driven
by the industrialisation and high
economic growth rates in those
This period was characterised by
the adoption of novel materials,
formal innovation, and unusual
massing, sometimes inspired
by natural biomorphic forms,
sometimes by the new technical
possibilities oered by the mass
production of brick, steel and
especially glass, leading to the mass
construction of skyscrapers.
Engineer Charles Maina, a
construction consultant at Engtech
Consultants, says the demand
for glass buildings is a result of
Because of competition, the
address of a company matters a
lot since rst impressions make
or break a business deal and for
this reason, companies want to be
identied with beautiful buildings,
he says.
It is just like a beautiful woman; if
she looks good on the outside, then
everything about her is presumed to
be good . Apart from this, companies
in transparent buildings are also
presumed to have a transparent
culture, which makes them better
to deal with, he adds.
Consequently, more and more
companies prefer to be located in
such buildings. For instance, West
End Towers two most prominent
tenants are oil giant Tullow Oil and
the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Maina says that this love aair
The past
10 years
the con-
of shiny
oce as
well as
that now
most of
If its not glassy, then its not classy
The amount in billions of tonnes
that greenhouse gas emissions by
buildings built mostly of glass will
reach by 2020, according to experts
Buildings with large glass exteriors are not appropriate for our
climate because they make air-conditioning necessary.
September 11, 2014
S e a r c h , s e a , s e a r , s c a r e , s p e a r , s h a r e , s p e r m ,
s p a r , s p e a k , s p a r e , s a k e , s c r e a m , s c a m , s c a r ,
s a c k , s h a p e , s h a r p , s c r a p , s a m e , s a p , s h a m ,
s h a m e , s c r a m , s c h e m a , s a c h e m , s c a r p ,
s c r a p e ,
I dont know, I answered. I heard the undertow is quite
strong and its over our heads out there.
Yeah, but were good swimmers, Mato said. Lets give
it a try.
I followed because I didnt want to admit I really wasnt
a strong swimmer. We reached the bigger waves without a
problem. But as the rst wave crested, I struggled in vain to
catch it. The undertow swirled at my legs and began suck-
ing me out. I kicked and swam as hard as I could, but I was
being pulled out to sea.
Mato! I cried out, beginning to panic. The undertow is
too strong for me. I cant swim back to shore!
1 . 2 0 0 1
2 . T h e O l d M a n a n d
T h e S e a
3 . K a b a k a
4 . E i g h t ( 8 )
5 . D o d o m a
6 . N i n e ( 9 ) w e e k s
7 . Q a n d A
8 . P a p a r a z z o
9 . T w e n t y ( 2 0 )
1 0 . S i s t i n e
1. Year Fadhili William
2. Novel that earned
Ernest Hemingway
the Pulitzer Prize?
3. In the Buganda
kingdom, the king
was known as
4. How many white
pawns are there in a
chess game?
5. Where is Tanzanias
Parliament located?
6. Dogs gestation
7. Vikas Swarup novel
the movie Slumdog
Millionaire lm is
based on
8. The plural for
9. In the Bible,
Joseph was sold by
his brothers for how
many silver coins?
10. Which chapels
ceiling was painted
by Michelangelo?
How many words can you make from the letters in the box below? The rules
are simple:
1. Each word must start with the highlighted letter.
2. Each letter must appear only once.
3. No plurals
4. No verbs ending in s
5. No words with hyphens or apostrophes
) + (
' $ ,
" % *
+50-;"7 6-421
%' *550 &$ ,16; 2550#
&( -40 -.591 ):/133148
#5 &.104 (.1302 )-/.60
Score: 15 or more - very good
What dog can jump higher than a
Anydog, buildings cant jump
What do bunnies like to play?
Why did the oreo go to the dentist?
Because he lost his lling
What is the dierence between a train
and a teacher?
The teacher says spit out your gum
and the train says chew chew chew!
What kind of trick can a bunny do on
a BMX bike?
A bunny hop
The Black Market Dealer
September 11, 2014
ern times is having to make
many decisions, from buy-
ing an appropriate mobile
phone to choosing a good
investment. The fact is that
there can never be one op-
tion which suits everyones
requirement when it comes
to investing. People have dif-
ferent personal and nancial
circumstances and goals in
life. As a result of this, the re-
turn we want for our invest-
ments and the risks we are
prepared to take vary from
one person to another. This
means the types of invest-
ments suitable to our needs
will also vary greatly.
The rst step to successful
investing is to understand
how much risk you are
prepared to take and how
you are comitted to invest
to achieve your goals. This
will help you determine
which type of investment
will be in line with your
personal nancial plan. It is
very crucial for you to rst
understand where you stand
nancially vis-a-vis the mile-
stones ahead of you and then
start looking for appropriate
Investment objective
Another factor to consider
is your objective for invest-
ing. It is recommended to
match your investment with
your goals; short-term goals
require short-term invest-
ments which should carry a
low level of risk while long-
term goals call for long-term
investments, preferably with
a level of risk that is not too
high. As a general rule, all
investments involve some
degree of risk. It is therefore
important for you to under-
stand the inherent relation-
ship between your tolerance
for risk and the reward from
your investment. The fact
that you are in full-time em-
ployment means your partic-
ipation in active investments
such as a business is limited;
try and go for investments
that will not require your
full-time attention for better
chances of success.
Understanding your nan-
cial personality and aligning
it to your goals and balanc-
ing your ability to take risks
with your desire for reward
will be the foundation for a
successful investing journey.
In the meantime, continue
to save more as you take
time to weigh investment
options that are compatible
with your risk tolerance and
personal goals.
cash point
THANK YOU for following this
column. Many readers have asked me to
guide them on how to write a business
plan. Here are the key components you
need to have in your business plan as a
startup or a running business.
First, do not take this as template but
just a guide to help you think through
your planning. A good business plan
requires objective analysis and critical
thinking. We can sometimes be excited
about a business idea but when you
analyse, you realise that it may not be
all such a great thing to invest your
money and time after all. This could be
because of tough competition or lack
of funds to grow the idea into a money
When you have a good business plan,
you have a blueprint to keep referring
to establish if you are still on track. If
you need people to put money into
your business, having a plan will help
you establish where you will need to
inject it rst as well as where you have
least resources.
Some funders may ask your business
plan to see if you have thought through
the key elements. Make sure you have
a summary of the entire business plan
that is easy to scan. That is what to
share with others but for your own
sake, open up each summary items
into what it will entail to achieve the
goals dened. In the summary, include
your products and services, the market,
justication of the business, potential
competition, growth potential and
capital requirements.
The key components to include
are products and/or services, market
opportunities, sales and marketing to
penetrate the market, competition,
operations, management and nancial
plans. For products and services,
be sure of your actual products or
services that you hope to present to
the customer whether they are in the
market or under development. What
makes your product dierent, its
competitive advantages and possible
challenges as well as pricing that will
make prot.
How do you know your product or
service? Who will buy? Look critically at
the market opportunities by analysing
and evaluating customer demographics,
purchasing habits, buying cycles and
how they adopt new products in the
Spending capacity
Remember to look at the actual size
of your target market, population,
purchasing power and spending
capacity. Why should this market use
their money on your products? Is it a
need or just a choice to have it? Are
you going to be low price seller or a
value-add provider who sells at a higher
price? Will you grow the market over
time and if so, how will you do this?
Now that you have your product
or service, know your market
opportunities. How will you get this
product to the market and have
money hitting your cash box or bank
account? This is why you need a sales
and marketing plan. Customers must
know your great product. This the
biggest job of every SME owner. You
need a budget for sales and marketing,
monitor and determine whether your
sales and marketing strategies are
working successfully or not, sales and
marketing representatives and products
promotion events, public relations,
marketing materials and ways to record
all the potential customers.
Other components in your business
plan such as competition analysis,
business operations and management
must not be forgotten. From how many
sta you will need to have ecient
operations to salary structure.
Lastly, you need to have a good
number of stories to tell yourself and
others who may need to join you in the
business. Have a good nancial plan,
this is the bottom line and the primary
reason we start businesses. We want to
put products in the market and make
prots as customers choose us and our
products. Include in this your projected
or existing incomes, cash ows and
break even analysis.
Note that challenges will come as
opportunities are pursued. Remember
to identify existing or likely pitfalls or
roadblocks. Best wishes as you execute
your business plan.
The author is the CEO/founder
of Openworld Ltd Email:
The key elements you must include in a winning business plan
Inject your cash
in areas you can
tolerate the risk
Rose Ngari,
Write to:
Weigh your investment
options vis-a-vis your risk
Rose Ngari
I WORK in a parastatal earning a net salary of about Sh40,000. I am single and
in my late 20s, so far, I have a Sh100,000 savings. Im also in a chama where we
contribute Sh5,000 per month although we havent invested in anything tangible
yet. Im also saving in a sacco where I remit Sh1,500 per month since January. I
have thought about investing in M-Pesa, a matatu and even shares but after dis-
cussion with my friends, I have felt discouraged in all those ventures. Where do I
invest my Sh100,000 for good returns? Thank you in advance as I await your wise
counsel. John K
is published every week by the Nation Media Group
Limited. It is distributed free with every Thursdays
Daily Nation. Nation Media Group Limited, 2011.
All rights reserved. Unsolicited manuscripts, artwork,
transparencies are submitted at the senders risk. While every care will be taken
on receipt of such material, the Nation Media Group Limited cannot accept re-
sponsibility for accidental loss or damage. Email money@ke.nationmedia.com
GROUP MANAGING EDITOR: Mutuma Mathiu | EDITOR | Wachira Kangaru
SUB-EDITOR | James Wambua | PHOTOS EDITOR: Joan Pereruan | STAFF WRITERS: Immaculate Karambu, Charles Wokabi |
CONTRIBUTORS: Isaac Ngaru, Lilian Ochieng, Patrick Wameyo, Joshua Masinde | PRODUCTION EDITOR : Peter Wangai | REVISE
SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Anthony Sitti, Gennevive Awino | GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Dennis Makori, Alice Othieno, Ken Kusimba, Benjamin
Situma, Joy Abisagi, Oscar Anaswa, Linus Ombette, Lisa Mugunda
Hello Rose, I am 27 years old and in self employ-
ment. Already, I have invested in a portfolio of
stocks in Nairobi Securities Exchange. My question
is, how do I diversify my portfolio to earn the most
from my investment given that I have Sh1 million
savings? Eddy
Thursday September 11, 2014 DAILY NATION
2 money
Dear Ms Kawira,
My name is Davies Okombo and I sin-
cerely thank you for your prompt assist-
ance to Kenyans of all walks of life.
I hold a Visa card issued by Chase
Bank in pertnership with Airtel Money.
On Friday, August 8, this year, I at-
tempted to withdraw Sh3,000 from a
Barclays ATM at United Mall in Kisumu.
Unfortunately, the transaction did not
go through.
I further tried to withdraw the same
amount at Co-op Bank ATM but it was
also declined.
However to my utter surprise, a total
of Sh6,000 was deducted from my Airtel
I have raised the complaint at both
Chase Bank customer care and Airtel
customer care desks but until today the
money has not been reversed to my ac-
Kindly follow up on my behalf as my
calls do not seem to draw prompt action.
Thank you in advance.
Hello Davies,
Thank you for contacting us and
appreciating our work.
It is unfortunate that you have
had to suffer this much in the
hands of your prefered bank and
telco company.
We have been in communication
with Chase Bank on the problem
you lodged with us.
In its response, the financial
institution noted that it has since
solved your problem.
We hope that you are now able
to access your funds and that your
Visa card is in proper working con-
dition. Feel free to get in touch with
us if you need further assistance.
Dear Yvonne,
First and foremost, thank you for great
work and trying to help the helpless.
I hereby wish to bring to your attention
my predicament through custody and
Having secured all necessary docu-
mentation for the transfer of shares,
I handed over the same to my stock
broker, in this case Standard Investment
The bank then handed the docu-
ments to custody and registrars who are
mandated to proceed with the transfer.
To my utter dismay, I found out that this
organisation is answerable to know one.
Since February this year, I have been
to its offices time and again but the
answer has always been an old and tired
response, your documents are being
worked on.
Their main excuse being either the
system is down or the person who is
working on the documents is unavail-
Please, Yvonne, help me get to the
bottom of this problem. I believe that
someone should be held accountable.
I am sure that many more people are
suering in silence, since every time you
will nd the place is choking with cus-
tomers waiting to be served. My name
is Hassan Noor.
Hello Noor,
Thank you for contacting us with
this query. It is unfortunate that you
have had to suer this much as you
try to transfer your assets.
Just as you had requested us, we
got in touch with Standard Invest-
ment Bank and lodge your problem
with it.
The bank in its response in-
formed us that indeed it takes time
for an estate to be transferred.
According to the nancial insti-
tution, this transfer can take a long
time and can also be rejected by
multiple entities in the process.
In as much as the bank regrets
your delay, it has however noted
that all it can do for now is ask if
the transfer is done.
This is because the stockbroker
does not have any role to play in an
estate transfer except to deliver the
The nancier also noted that the
stockbroker is the face of the proc-
ess and as such, appears to be the
inecient entity.
In addition, the bank also noted
that it takes this role very seriously
and always relays the correct infor-
mation to the customer as to the
status of the transfer, be it good
or bad.
Kindly comply with the bank and
help them sort out your issue.
We hope that this information
has been helpful. We urge you to
keep us posted on this matter and
let us know if you need further as-
capital letters
Looking for answers?
Send your queries and daytime tel-
ephone numbers to Yvonne Kawira:
Chase Bank has nally reversed
erroneous withdrawal of Sh6,000
From left: Visa Card head emerging
products and innovation Dougie
Henderson, former Airtel Kenya boss
Shivan Bhargava and Chase Bank
deputy chief executive Paul Njaga
launching a partnership between the
three rms on February 20, 2014. The
card allows Airtel Money subscribers
to withdraw cash from Visa branded
AS COMPANIES migrate toward a world
of bring-your-own-device policies, some are
developing strategies to help address these
risks. But as a rule, using a work computer for
personal reasons or doing work on a personal
computer can signicantly change the threat
level that an employer has to protect against.
To help their organisation protect systems
and data, employees need to implement some
smart web browsing habits. Smart web brows-
ing means engaging in the following activities:
1. Updated your browser
Next to a computers operating system, the
most critical software to keep up-to-date is
the web browser and any plug-ins it uses (like
Adobe Flash or Java). These types of inte-
grated applications allow code from Internet
websites to run locally on your computer and,
as a result, are among the most commonly ex-
ploited by malicious code.
2. Disable unused plug-ins
For the same reason, if doing a lot of random
surng is done, consider keeping plug-ins and
scripting disabled except when on a known,
trusted site. This can help prevent drive-by
malware that runs through JavaScript or
through plug-ins like ash and infects a compu-
ter after a visit to a site.
3. Beware of downloads
Malware can be hidden, not just in applica-
tions or installation software, but in what ap-
pear to be image and video les also. To limit
the likelihood of downloading content that con-
tains malware, only download from reputable
sites. With sites that are not a household name,
take the time to do a little research and see if
other people have had issues.
Additionally, be sure that antivirus software
is set up to automatically scan downloads. Or
scan downloads manually, even when receiv-
ing them from name-brand sites, as it is not
unheard of for infected les to make their way
onto otherwise legitimate web sites. This is es-
pecially true for le-sharing sites where the site
owner cannot control every piece of content a
user may place there.
4. Be wary of unscrupulous sites
Those running sites already breaking the law
by illegally distributing copyrighted materials,
like pirated music, movies or software, probably
have no qualms about including malicious con-
tent in their downloads or stealing information.
5. Heed alerts
Many popular web browsers today have built-
in functionality that provides an alert when vis-
iting a website that is known to be dangerous.
And if the browser doesnt give a notice, the
antivirus software may provide that function.
Heed the alerts!
Part of the fun of searching the Internet has
always been discovering whats out there. But
just like when visiting a new city, avoid some
places after dark. And never wander into others
at any time. Be alert.
Five practises
to help ward
off hackers
Yvonne Kawira
DAILY NATION Thursday September 11, 2014
money 3
With a giant market value of
Sh4.55 billion from 92 million shares,
Mumias Sugar was docked among the
most promising rms in Kenya. The
miller had a bright future, perhaps the
reason why many investors took their
savings, borrowed heavily, fought and
rued to buy a stake.
But neither the pioneer 20,000
shareholders, nor the current 1.53 bil-
lion share-owners could have imagined
how deep MV Mumias was going to
In two-and-a-half years, thousands
of investors have watched helplessly
as Mumias collapses to the sea bed
following collisions with nancial and
managerial icebergs in the industry.
For instance, last week, Mumias
suspended 27 middle-level managers,
announcing that Sh1.1 billion has been
lost in mysterious deals. It has already
sacked its managing director Peter
Kebati and commercial director Paul
Murgor over illegal imports of sugar.
According to investment and nan-
cial analyst and Rich Management
CEO Aly Khan Satchu, Mumias is a
blot on our capital markets. We have
seen a bifurcation over the last few
years where some companies such as
Safaricom, EABL and KCB have held
themselves to a world class standard
while others have ducked below the
good governance bar. Mumias is the
most egregious example, he noted.
Mumias presents a very bitter lesson
on how unabated mismanagement can
destroy shareholder wealth, Mr Satchu
The magnitude of the decline came
to the fore recently when long-term,
single largest shareholder, Baloobhai
Patel, exited the rms top 10 share-
holders list selling his 17 million
shares at a loss. At the time of exit,
his shares were worth Sh42.5 million.
At the current price of Sh2 per share,
his wealth would have contracted by
over Sh6 million. Not long ago, his
portfolio could have fetched Sh255
million at Sh15 and Sh1 billion at Sh60
per share.
At the moment, according to Geng-
his Capital, the National Treasury is
the biggest shareholder in Mumias
with 20 per cent stake, followed by
Standard Chartered nominee account
KE17984 with 2.31 per cent, KCB with
1.72 per cent, Jubilee Insurance with
1.46 per cent, Abdul Karim Popat with
0.94 per cent, Suresh Varsani with
0.60 per cent, Pradeep Patani with
0.59 per cent, Yana Trading Limited
with 0.56 per cent, Ramila Mavji and
Harji Mavji Kerai with 0.49 per cent,
CFC Stanbic Nominees Account
R57601 with 0.45 per cent and Others
with 70.89 per cent.
Local individuals own 868,440,132
shares, local institutions (552,223,439
shares) and foreign investors
109,336,429 shares. Painfully, local
investors have seen their wealth shrink
to Sh1.9 billion from Sh13 billion less
than ve years ago when the share
traded at Sh15 apiece.
Anne Wanjau belongs to this band.
Recently, she bought 277,200 shares
at Sh3.23 each. With the stock trad-
ing at Sh2.20 currently, she has lost
considerably. If I sell now, Ill lose
Sh300,000. If I continue to hold, I
may lose more, she says, betraying
a bout of regret. Sailing in the same
boat is Peterson Odhiambo. A month
ago, Mr Odhiambo bought 38,400
Mumias shares at Sh2.6 each with
hope that the counter would rally to
Sh3 or Sh4. I invested Sh100,000,
but today, my investment has lost
Sh24,000, he says.
97 per cent loss
From September 12, 2006, Mu-
mias stock has contracted to Sh2 per
share from an all-time high of Sh60
per share, handing investors 97 per
cent loss. On Friday last week, the
market capitalisation of Mumias fell
to Sh3.44 billion from Sh3.52 billion
recorded previously.
As Money found out, stock analysts
fear that Mumias may be suspended
from trading at the NSE if the poor
run persists.
Every penny investors pump in
the stock is a speculative investment
due to the risk of suspension and a
How Mumias stock has seen investors lose billions
Ghengis Capital research analyst Silha Rasugu
Mumias is a blot on our capital markets.
Weve seen a bifurcation over the last
few years where some companies such
as Safaricom, EABL and KCB have held
themselves to a world class standard
while others have ducked below the
good governance bar. Mumias is the most
egregious example.
Financial analyst Aly Khan Satchu MARKETS
From September 12,
2006, sugar millers
stock has contracted
to Sh2 per share from
an all-time high of
Sh60 apiece, handing
investors 97 per cent
loss and now suspension
from trading at NSE
looms large
^ 2001: The government sells its
shares to the public through an
initial public oering contracting
its stake in Mumias to 38.04 per
^ 2006: Mumias shares rally to a
high of Sh55 per share.
^ 2007: Mumias issues a bonus of
two shares for one held increasing
its shares to 1.53 million.
^ 2011: The economy slows
down due to high ination, costly
fuel and sky-high interest rates.
Mumias takes a hit and fails to
^ 2012: Mumias starts posting
^ 2012 2014: Mumias loses Sh7.7
billion to cane poachers.
2013: NSE starts a bearish trend
seeing Mumias begin decline from
Sh13 per share. Management woes
grip the sugar producer.
^ 2013: Company managers are
caught up in illegal importation of
cheap sugar from Sudan.
^ 2013 September: Mumias posts
a Sh1.67 billion loss for the full-
year ending June 2013.
^ 2014 January: Company reports
Sh73 million half year loss.
^ 2014 March: Members of the
parliamentary committee on
Agriculture make an impromptu
visit to a Mumias depot in
Mombasa and nd over 10,000
bags of illegally imported sugar
weighing well over seven tonnes.
^ 2014 April: The company board
suspends the managing director
Peter Kebati and commercial
director Paul Murgor.
^ 2014 June: Mumias is dropped
from the NSE 20-Share Index
following continuous poor run.
^ 2014 June: Managing director
Peter Kebati and commercial
director Paul Murgor are sacked
after an audit report by KPMG
implicates them in illegal sugar
^ 2014 July: Mumias stock drops
to an all-time low of Sh2 per
^ 2014 September: Mumias
announces suspension of 27
middle level managers.
^ 2014 September: Mumias
announces disappearance of Sh1.1
billion in shy transactions.
Kinuthia Mburu
Sugar millers
bumpy ride
An investor on the NSE trading
oor on April 7, this year when
Mumias Sugar was trading at
Sh3.30 per share.
DAILY NATION Thursday September 11, 2014 4 money
HowMumias stock has seeninvestors lose billions
Law student who is
making tidy sum in
depreciating fundamental value, a
research analyst at Genghis Capital
Silha Rasugu said. According to Eric
Munywoki, a research analyst at Old
Mutual Securities, if a company be-
gins to trade below its per value, the
Capital Markets Authority may begin
to consider the possibility of suspen-
sion, he says.
The suspension of CMC from the
NSE in September 2011 was due to
fraud, lack of disclosure of nancial
statements and conict of interest
amongst board members. Mumias
may end up following the same route
if no remedy is availed, Mr Satchu
Mr John Mbugua, a research ana-
lyst at Investax Capital illustrates us-
ing Uchumi Supermarket. In early
2000s, Uchumi started experiencing
nancial and operational diculties
that were caused by a sub-optimal
expansion strategy, poor internal con-
trol systems and mismanagement, he
says. Consequently, on May 31, 2006,
the board of directors resolved that
Uchumi stops business. On June 2,
2006, Debenture Holders placed it
under receivership and the Capital
Markets Authority suspended it
fromthe bourse.
The government being the big-
gest shareholder hasnt made
things any better due to its reluc-
tance to intervene in Mumias. This
suggests that the government could
opt to exit and have the company
privatised, Mr Munywoki notes. Mr
Rasugu concurs, adding that such a
plan could bring down production
costs through factory modernisa-
tion, eciency and uninterrupted
Littered by liabilities
However, losses and ongoing poor
share run could see the miller lose its
value. No private investor would be
willing to buy a company littered by
liabilities. Instead, they could bargain
for assets only, Mr Munywoki notes.
Strikingly, some securities rms
advised their customers to walk
away from Mumias. For
instance, in August 2013,
Sterling Capital asked share-
holders to exit Mumias then
trading at Sh4.32 per share. This fol-
lowed a prot warning issued by the
company. By then, the share price had
fallen from a high of Sh5.05 traded a
month earlier. We singled out cane
poaching, import competition, new
entrants in the market and insucient
raw materials as some of the risk fac-
tors that would drive the company -
nancials and share price downwards,
research analyst at Sterling Capital
Moses Waireri told Money.
The company is yet to issue a prot
warning despite the inevitability of
suering loss this year. This failure
represents an internal dysfunction
and even collapse, says Mr Satchu.
Worse, adds Mr Mbugua, there is a
possibility that the stock may go lower
than Sh2 if Mumias announces a big
loss in its full-year results.
Investors buying the stock or
seeking to exit using averaging down
strategy are doing so purely on per-
sonal speculations. Their manoeuvres
will inevitably have to face o with
the depreciating value of the counter,
cautions Mr Rasugu.
The rms reduced protability has
been due to heavy blows from cut-
throat competition and contracting
market share. Within four years, 11
sugar millers, ve of which are pri-
vate, have joined the market. But in
March, Mumias got a reprieve after
Comesa extended safeguards against
cheap imports fromthe bloc by a year.
However, from March 2015, Mumias
could be up for sti competition as
the safeguards end.
What happens to investors money
if the stock is suspended from the
bourse? The money will be tied up
in the stock until such a time that it
can trade again, says Mr Mbugua. As
ordinary shareholders, the liability of
the company lies only to their share-
holding. There is little that Capital
Markets Authority will do when or-
dinary shareholders lodge complaints
with it.
Research analyst at Sterling Capital,
Mr Moses Waireri
Be very assertive when lodging complaints with your insurer
Page 8
DAILY NATION Thursday September 11, 2014 money 5
HowMumias stock has seeninvestors lose billions
Law student who is
making tidy sum in
depreciating fundamental value, a
research analyst at Genghis Capital
Silha Rasugu said. According to Eric
Munywoki, a research analyst at Old
Mutual Securities, if a company be-
gins to trade below its per value, the
Capital Markets Authority may begin
to consider the possibility of suspen-
sion, he says.
The suspension of CMC from the
NSE in September 2011 was due to
fraud, lack of disclosure of nancial
statements and conict of interest
amongst board members. Mumias
may end up following the same route
if no remedy is availed, Mr Satchu
Mr John Mbugua, a research ana-
lyst at Investax Capital illustrates us-
ing Uchumi Supermarket. In early
2000s, Uchumi started experiencing
nancial and operational diculties
that were caused by a sub-optimal
expansion strategy, poor internal con-
trol systems and mismanagement, he
says. Consequently, on May 31, 2006,
the board of directors resolved that
Uchumi stops business. On June 2,
2006, Debenture Holders placed it
under receivership and the Capital
Markets Authority suspended it
from the bourse.
The government being the big-
gest shareholder hasnt made
things any better due to its reluc-
tance to intervene in Mumias. This
suggests that the government could
opt to exit and have the company
privatised, Mr Munywoki notes. Mr
Rasugu concurs, adding that such a
plan could bring down production
costs through factory modernisa-
tion, eciency and uninterrupted
Littered by liabilities
However, losses and ongoing poor
share run could see the miller lose its
value. No private investor would be
willing to buy a company littered by
liabilities. Instead, they could bargain
for assets only, Mr Munywoki notes.
Strikingly, some securities rms
advised their customers to walk
away from Mumias. For
instance, in August 2013,
Sterling Capital asked share-
holders to exit Mumias then
trading at Sh4.32 per share. This fol-
lowed a prot warning issued by the
company. By then, the share price had
fallen from a high of Sh5.05 traded a
month earlier. We singled out cane
poaching, import competition, new
entrants in the market and insucient
raw materials as some of the risk fac-
tors that would drive the company -
nancials and share price downwards,
research analyst at Sterling Capital
Moses Waireri told Money.
The company is yet to issue a prot
warning despite the inevitability of
suering loss this year. This failure
represents an internal dysfunction
and even collapse, says Mr Satchu.
Worse, adds Mr Mbugua, there is a
possibility that the stock may go lower
than Sh2 if Mumias announces a big
loss in its full-year results.
Investors buying the stock or
seeking to exit using averaging down
strategy are doing so purely on per-
sonal speculations. Their manoeuvres
will inevitably have to face o with
the depreciating value of the counter,
cautions Mr Rasugu.
The rms reduced protability has
been due to heavy blows from cut-
throat competition and contracting
market share. Within four years, 11
sugar millers, ve of which are pri-
vate, have joined the market. But in
March, Mumias got a reprieve after
Comesa extended safeguards against
cheap imports from the bloc by a year.
However, from March 2015, Mumias
could be up for sti competition as
the safeguards end.
What happens to investors money
if the stock is suspended from the
bourse? The money will be tied up
in the stock until such a time that it
can trade again, says Mr Mbugua. As
ordinary shareholders, the liability of
the company lies only to their share-
holding. There is little that Capital
Markets Authority will do when or-
dinary shareholders lodge complaints
with it.
Research analyst at Sterling Capital,
Mr Moses Waireri
Be very assertive when lodging complaints with your insurer
Page 8
DAILY NATION Thursday September 11, 2014 money 5
rst person
An adult? Dont blame parents for your nancial woes
I AM HUMBLED by the overwhelm-
ing feedback on last weeks article. Many
thanks to the young people who chose
honesty to conrm that they too fear
some of their behaviours with money
have brought home nancial stress,
even though they have pretended
to be doing well. Allow me to con-
gratulate those who have taken a
hard look at their spending trends
early enough. One switch o in
the mindset is enough to bring
back wealth, when taken early
enough. Perhaps, I should also
take an early opportunity to em-
phasise that anybody above the age
of 19 years, has no recourse to blame
parents or parenting for their present
and possible nancial woes in fu-
ture. Once the mantle has been
handed over, the responsibility to correct
previous, current and subsisting issues lies
on the holder of authority.
Many parents hand over decision mak-
ing to their children once they join college,
albeit without an operating manual for han-
dling money. One of the presumed respon-
sibilities handed over is the ability to seek
guidance from them or indeed anyone else
whenever you feel inadequate or incompe-
tent especially on critical decisions.
Face consequences
Just before I left her home for the city in
September 1990, my mother reminded me
to use my mind and to make decisions that
I can happily face the consequences. Today,
I thank her.
I am reminded every time I think of men-
toring young people to refer to the book of
Proverbs (12:15) the ways of a fool seem
right to him, but a wise man listens to ad-
vice. King Solomon asked parents to teach
children in their ways and they shall not
depart from it when they grow old free
from parental control. These lessons must
include how the family earns money, for
example, by drafting them into family busi-
ness and investments at very early ages.
Even the church and mosques capture chil-
dren at very young ages with the message
of spirituality.
Dishonest money dwindles away, but he
who gathers money little by little, makes
it grow. Underlying this reality is the les-
sons and values the investor acquires while
growing their money.
Patrick Wameyo is a nancial literacy
educator and coach. coach@nancialacad

Roselyn Ayiemba picks
her nutrition guide book from
her handbag as she welcomes
visitors to her business stand
in a village trade fair in Ebut-
salwa, Vihiga County.
Welcome and feel free to
taste all these cakes and crisps
made from pumpkin, banana,
cassava, amaranth and soya
beans, she tells visitors from
the ministry of Agriculture.
Ms Ayiemba, a member of
Matunda development group
says high demand for nutri-
tious foods and ready mar-
ket has motivated the team
formed two years ago to make
the products daily and supply
them to markets in Vihiga,
Kisumu, Busia and Kakamega
The 30-member team also
makes banana biscuits, paw-
paw jam, banana wine, fruit
juices, pumpkin flour and
porridge, sweet potato and
cassava ours which they sell
locally. The products attract
between Sh150 and Sh500
A birthday cake made from
banana or pumpkin retails at
Sh1,000. Amaranth and cas-
sava cakes fetch Sh500.
Ms Ayiemba says that the
cakes are on high demand at
local institutions as well as
A glass of wine made from
ripe bananas retails at between
Sh100 and Sh350 per litre.
To make a banana cake, one
needs to peel o unripe ba-
nanas and then chop them into
pieces. The pieces are washed
and sun-dried for about three
to ve days after which they
are ground into our.
The banana our is mixed
with wheat our. Thereafter, a
mixture of sugar, eggs, marga-
rine and milk is added into the
dough. Ms Ayiemba then adds
baking powder and a pinch of
salt then bakes it for one hour
under moderate heat.
Most often, the team uses
sand as a substitute for oven.
We are in the process of
buying at least ve ovens and
other modern equipment to
make our work easier, Ms
Frida Anyona, a team mem-
ber, says.
Despite lack of modern
value addition equipment, the
team has been able to make
nutritious meals thanks to
training from Kenya horticul-
tural competitiveness project,
Farm Concern International
and ministry of Agriculture.
New markets
Besides providing market
links, Farm Concern Inter-
national also scouts for new
markets for the farmers.
We train farmers on market
orientation, products quality,
quantity, value addition and a
consistent supply of the pro-
duce, says Spencer Mabonga,
a monitoring and evaluation
specialist with Farm Concern.
Mr Mabonga says they also
provide training on several
modules on nutritional com-
ponent and best agronomical
practices, group cohesion and
leadership, nancial manage-
ment, table banking and how
farmers can get loans.
Lincoln Onzere, Emuhaya
sub-county agriculture ocer
from the ministry of Agricul-
ture says they provide exten-
sion services to farmers with
an aim of improving crop and
livestock production.
Besides value addition, the
group also practices o sea-
son vegetable farming under
drip irrigation. They grow
amaranth popularly known
as mchicha or livogoi in local
dialect, spider weed or dek,
black night shade also known
as osuga or lisusa, mitoo, jute
mallow or mtere, cowpeas and
spinach. We make an annual
turnover of Sh950,000 from
the sale of both vegetables and
value added products, says
Peres Ochieng, the groups
Banana wine, cassava cakes
give women sweet success
in Vihiga,
Busia and
source of
for group
in making
Ms Frida Anyona
A member of Matunda devel-
opment group, Ms Roselyn
Ayiemba. The 30-member
team specialises in making nu-
tritional foods such as cassava
cake (right).
NSE: Last week, NSE 20-Share
Index closed at 5,160.32 points a
20.93-point jump from 5,139.39 points
recorded in the previous week.
NSE IPO: As anticipated, the NSE
IPO was oversubscribed by 663
per cent. With the shares going at
Sh9.50 each, investors sought over
500 million shares worth Sh4.8
billion against 66 million shares on
oer. Consequently, every inves-
tor will rst get a minimum of 500
shares, plus additional shares on a
pro rata basis in multiples of 100.
The IPO refunds were processed
and wired to buyers bank accounts
by Friday last week. According to
Silha Rasugu, a research analyst at
Genghis Capital, those who got the
refunds should rst look at buying
other counters. Previous experi-
ences have shown that supply after
an IPO doesnt come cheap. Those
who bought will only exit at a pre-
mium, he says.
Uchumi: On Monday, Uchumi
announced a Sh384 million prot
after tax for the full year ended
June. This was a 7.5 per cent rise
from Sh357.01 million prot after
tax recorded in 2013. The rm of-
fered Sh0.30 dividend per share.
Ironically, Uchumi closed a branch
in Uganda last week, and has in-
dicated that it will be closing or
relocating others.
Last Friday, the company closed the
day at Sh11.90 with a high of Sh11.95
per share a 3.93 per cent improve-
ment from Sh11.45 traded on Thurs-
day. On Monday, the counter opened
at Sh12.10.
In the past one year, Uchumi has
traded at a high of Sh23 and a low of
Sh11. The drop was attributed to ap-
proval of a rights issue in December
last year which was postponed to
September. According to John Mbu-
gua, a research analyst at Investax
Capital, the rights issue is a spoiler to
the improved returns. While the prof-
its are a positive, investors should wait
until the cash call is announced, he
says. Further, according to Mr Rasugu,
only long-term investors should con-
sider buying this stock.
Centum: Last week, this column
noted how Centum Investments
has been appreciating. And after
signing a lucrative Sh174 billion
contract to build a coal power
plant, the share rallied to Sh55.50
on Friday and hit Sh61 per share
on Monday. The coal plant will be
the single largest energy centre in
Kenya. According to Investax Capi-
tal boss Ndindi Nyoro, the stock is
no longer viable for a buy. It has
surged a lot, and investors may
want to hesitate before jumping
in, he says.
Check your
IPO refunds,
do not buy
Uchumi yet
Thursday September 11, 2014 DAILY NATION
6 money
Danson Muchemi, 31, runs
an enterprise that has arguably
reached its peak.
His business, JamboPay, began
in 2009 at a cyber caf with one
computer servicing all his busi-
ness deals. It has now grown into
an enterprise employing over 100
people. And just recently, Jambo-
Pay began rolling out cashless
parking system in Nairobi City
Mr Muchemi was cut to run
his own business from the time
he graduated Kenyatta University
with a bachelor of science degree
in telecommunications and IT.
I worked briey for a Turkish
rm; I was focused on gaining
my own experience that could
propel me into a successful entre-
preneur with a perfect network,
noted Mr Muchemi. Five years
on, he is the managing director
of JamboPay.
In 2009, determined to be-
come his own boss, Mr Muchemi
walked into a cyber, leased a
computer which he paid monthly
rent of Sh4,500.
I was only armed with a vi-
sion, mission, company objec-
tive, and a clear strategy for
development of the project. To
gain strength, I joined hands with
former graduates, Mr Muchemi
during told Money at his oce in
View Park Towers, Utalii Lane, in
It took him long to stabilise his
business, he was mainly acting
as a payment service provider to
various customers in Nairobi; he
helped organisations to accept
payment and collect revenue
through online platforms.
As soon as I managed to
come up with Sh85,000, from
the venture, I used it as startup
capital to expand it, he said.
His journey towards achiev-
ing excellence was quite tough
because he was operating during
an era when computerisation of
services was slowly being ap-
preciated by startups. It took him
about six months to get a licence
from Central Bank of Kenya (to
operate a payment service) and
Communication Authority of
Kenya CAK (to get a telcoms
For six months, I was hardly
surviving, but I steered on, I
was getting no returns at all
and it was quite tough to make
ends meet but I kept on seek-
ing partnerships, marketing my
services and doing all that could
strengthen me, Mr Muchemi
The business has now grown,
it is connected to all banks in
Kenya and has five members
of board chaired by Mr Hans
JamboPay has so far signed
projects worth over Sh3 billion
this year, and the company has
won the Google innovation
award 2013/2014 among other
Besides automating revenue
collection in Nairobi County,
JamboPay runs services for
hospitals in the capital; it has
already diversified into other
East African countries and the
Netherlands. It has Tanzania and
Senegal on its radar too.
As for Nairobi County cashless
parking service, which started
on a pilot phase last month,
JamboPay has trained employees
at the city on how to operate the
service. Mr Muchemi said that
the companys mandate now is to
conduct back end management
of the systems trac, upgrade,
and maintenance.
JamboPay services targets
about 13,000 motorists in Nairobi
daily who are set to use cashless
parking system. The system is
expected to cut revenue losses by
30 per cent as the county expects
a net earning of Sh5 billion from
parking fees this year. It was
launched following complaints by
motorists that their vehicles were
being clumped despite prompt
payment for packing.
Revenue collection
Mr Muchemi told Money that
the rm beat 65 other contest-
ants who had applied for the
countys cashless revenue col-
Our strategy is to be in 14 Af-
rican countries within a period of
four years, we will achieve this,
he concluded.
Meet man behind cashless parking system
founded in
2009 and
has grown
to employ
at the
Mr Danson Muchemi, JamboPay boss
DAILY NATION Thursday September 11, 2014
money 7
At 22, Nickly Kipkorir, has
a range of responsibilities far
more than many of his age mates
can imagine. When he is not at-
tending lectures, the law student
is training farmers in Nakuru,
learning better ways of growing
watermelon in Thika or attend-
ing to his stevia farm in Bomet
The third-year-student at
Mount Kenya University, Nairobi
campus, knows too well that his
course is demanding and he al-
ways has a pile of books to read.
However, he always feels in-
debted to his passion for agricul-
ture which started in childhood.
Money caught up with him
while on travel to his home
in Kaptebengwet, in Konoin,
Bomet County to check on the
progress of his farm where he
rears Kuroiler chicken, rabbits
and grows stevia.
I liked farming from a ten-
der age and it compelled me
to choose agriculture, my best
subject in high school, he told
After Form Four, Mr Kipkorir
kept animals and grew vegetables
on his fathers farm. His parents,
Mr and Mrs Vaizun Koskei have
been very supportive in his enter-
prise. They have let him use two
acres of the family land and they
oer labour when necessary.
From his sale of vegetables, he
bought four rabbits which begun
to breed but he would often sell
them due to high demand leaving
only 13. Each attracts Sh3,000.
He then ventured into poultry.
Kuroiler chicken are relatively
cheap to maintain as they are dis-
ease resistant, can survive on free
range and can feed on household
waste other than on commercial
feeds, he said.
Good for eggs and meat
Kuroiler breed is good for both
eggs and meat. It also has a high
demand in Kenya. He hopes to
increase his stock from 50 to
2,000 before he starts selling.
Mr Kipkorir grows stevia in 50-
metre seed bed of which a metre
takes up to 1,000 seedlings while
each seedling sales at between
Sh5 and Sh20. Both companies
and individuals buy the crop from
his home.
Watermelon is my latest ven-
ture. I have hired a 10-acre farm
in Thika which is taking most of
my evenings nowadays. It pays
o well as each acre yields up to
Sh500,000, he said.
Through his business, he has
employed two people to run his
farm. His mother manages it.
From his early breakthrough,
the youth grew popular as farm-
ers from far and wide sought
new farming skills from him, a
service which he oered for free,
a charity that gave birth to his
company. I realised that there
was information gap in the sector
and that most farmers toiled for
meagre returns because of igno-
rance. In 2012, I registered Great
Farm company to help me oer
consultancy, he said.
He uses a blog and social media
platforms to reach out to farmers.
Through the platforms, farmers
send me questions and invite me
to their farms. I oer consultancy
for free but I charge for construc-
tion of greenhouses and tting of
irrigation pumps.
I also link them with vet-
erinary doctors whenever there is
need, he said.
Ms Lydia Lotodo has beneted
from Great Farm. Ms Lotodo ap-
proached the company seeking
tips on what she could plant to
earn better on her small shamba.
They advised me to take up
passion fruits and it has worked
for me. They showed me how to
plant it using climbers. I now earn
thousands of shillings, enough to
pay fees for my children and cater
for other family needs, she said.
Great Farm now has various
divisions: media liaisons, events
organisation and creative agri-
cultural arm. The divisions work
towards the same goal of maxim-
ising farm output, he said.
Innovative ways
One of the innovative ways that
the company has helped farmers
is growing world class vegetables
on banana trunks. For spinach
and kales, holes are drilled using
a knife on horizontally placed
banana trunks, such that there
is 25-centimetre spacing between
plants and three rows per stem.
Loam soil and manure is added
and a seedling is planted in each
Banana stalks are always
thrown away yet they can be
used as good organic materials
for crops. They retain water and
provide ample growth for plants.
They also take little space, he
And he has handy tips for poul-
try farmers. Over 80 per cent of
farmers in Africa lose their chicks
to predators. But it would take
them (predators) time to attack
prey which is of unusual colour
such as pink, green or red as op-
posed to white, black and brown
as it is usual of chicks, he said.
The minds of predators are
prescribed to specic colours for
their prey. Once coloured dier-
ently, it takes them time to come
to terms and tune their minds to
what that target animal truly is.
This increases chances of sur-
vival for chicks, he said.
To colour chicks, he uses dyes
and the colour fades as the chicks
develop feathers. The method is
recommended for farmers who
practise free range farming.
Knowledge from research
Great Farms media arm dis-
seminates information on the
company as well as gathers
knowledge from research while
event organisation department
sets up expos.
In the last show that we held
in Bomet for instance, one ex-
hibitor would part with between
Sh30,000 and Sh50,000 while
up to up to 20 participants graced
the event. I also get sponsors for
the exhibition. Such are the av-
enues that earn me money to run
the company, cater for the much
travels I make and do research,
he said.
Recently, the entrepreneur
toured Uganda on a benchmark-
ing mission.
I had heard an impressive
poultry keeping story and how
Melinda Gates Foundation is im-
parting the skill on women and
youth groups. I wanted to know
how dierent they do it and the
trip was worthwhile, he said.
Nickly Kipkorir, 22, is making
millions from rearing Kuroiler
chicken, rabbits as well as
growing watermelons and stevia
Great Farm owner and founder,
Mr Nickly Kipkorir, 22.
Law student
makes tidy sum
in agri-business
I had education covers for my two
young daughters with a reputable
insurance company through an agent
who later didnt respond to my calls/
messages. I had to attend to the insur-
ance on my own. But I did not get the
advice I needed from the customer
service counters. When I asked for tax
relief certicates, I was provided with
incorrect gures and had to pay the
taxman the dierence.
Early this year, I met an agent from
another company who advised me
to close the accounts with the insurer
and open at his company, which I did.
He provided me with surrender forms
for the rst company. The next time
he called me was to tell me that I had
been written a cheque that was ridic-
ulously low. After consulting the com-
pany, they admitted they had wrongly
calculated the surrender amount and
promised to correct the error. I do not
want to lose the amount of money I
am losing and would like to reinstate
the insurance. I have unsuccessfully
tried to contact a senior person to
help and I have not even collected
the corrected cheque. Can you please
advise me on what to do?
- Lydia M., Nairobi..
Sorry, Lydia, about the lousy experi-
ence with your insurance advisers
and, somehow surprisingly, at the
hands of the rst insurance company.
I am perplexed that the insurer could
mishandle you in the manner you say.
I have a few comments to make
arising from your suering. Firstly,
concerning your request to your rst
insurer to provide you with an agent
in place of the one who sold you the
cover, this may probably not be fea-
sible. The reason here is that agents
are remunerated by commission and
chances are that the agent who got
your business may still be receiving
renewal commission that the company
might not transfer to another agent.
So, any other agent being asked to
look after orphaned policies may not
be keen to take on the role unless there
is potential for further sales. Life insur-
ance companies have set up their own
system to service such policies directly
from their oces. It is just unfortunate
that the quality of customer service
from your insurer is wanting at least,
in your case.
Secondly, on your claim that you
could not get to senior sta in this
company, Ill say that you possibly
didnt push hard enough. You would
have to write and send reminders,
phone and sit in the concerned of-
cials oce. Were you assertive
enough? Remember, it is the squeaky
wheel that gets the grease, so if you
are unhappy, squeak away.
I suggest, therefore, that you seek
to meet personally with the decision
makers to discuss your issue including
the possibility of reviving the insurance.
Before you enter the lions den, pre-
pare so that you present your case in a
clear, concise and unemotional manner.
Avoid unnecessary emotion, dont rant
and rave and act like a maniac even
though the insurer has made you feel
like one. But, of course, tell the execu-
tives of the pain and suering their
mistakes have caused you. Be courte-
ously assertive.
Thirdly, regarding your new agent
who advised you to close the accounts
with the rst insurer, I say he was un-
ethical, unprofessional and self-serving.
To tell a person to cancel their current
insurance so as to take up one he is
selling is a violation of the code of con-
duct of professional selling and, more
so, when the cancellation involves an
endowment-type policy that results in
a substantial loss to the policyholder.
Just drop this agent and his proposi-
tion, and concentrate on reviving your
covers with the rst insurer unless
you decide on keeping the current one,
too, if your nances allow.
For questions on any aspect of
insurance, write to: isaac@ngaruasso
Be assertive enough when lodging complaints with your insurer
Returns in shillings Nickly Kipkorir
is making per acre from is 10-acre
watermelon farm in Thika. He also
rears chicken, grows stevia and of-
fers consultancy services.
Thursday September 11, 2014 DAILY NATION
8 money

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