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Yorkshire stone set in cement. Thn depth of the drain determines the depth of the
chamber, which must be Jarger if very deep. At the bottom ot it is an open clianiiol
about 9 inches deep, so that it
glance whether the sewage is
In the end next the sewer an
at the drain between the t ap
ing, if necessary. The cap to
times be securely fixed and
can be ascertained at a
flowing properly or n(>t.
eye-hole is fixed, to get
and the st-wer, forclean-
this e^e-hole must at all
Fro. GI.'iA:.
A, Inspection chamber at the back of the house, b, Ditto, or manhole, in the front of the liouse.
C, c, c, tlie drain running from the sewer at the end H, through B, wherein is shown a syphi'U trap, with
a pipe D tlirnugli which the drain can be cleansed, if necessary. This chamber B is ventilated by a pipe
No. I. to let foul air out or fresh air in. The pipe No. II. is a ventila'ion pipe to the house drain, and also
to a soil pipe, No. III. e and p are trapped gullies or gratings in the .lards or gardens. Into A would
also he carried the draiu from the grease trap. This figure is obtained from Catherine M. Buckton'a
Oil?' Dwellings, Healthy and UnheaUhy, 8vo., Longmans, 18t<5, p. 65.
1888;??. Fig. 615/. is a plan and section of the interior of an ordinary town house,
showing the position of each sanitary apparatus, as urged by officials and by others. The
figure is from Buckton's Our
DivelU)igs,l\^S5,Tp. 62. Plcm
K, back kitchen : f, front
kitchen ; o, front yard or area
H, yard or garden ; n, step'i
down to the basement ; x, the
drain, taking the trapped
gully in garden, passing
through the inspection
chamber b, which takes
the drain from the water
closet soil pipe, and from a,
the grease trap, with its
vent pipe No. IV.! from e, the
sink in the scullery. No. II.
is the vent pipe to the
house drain, and No. III. the
vent pipe to the soil pipe.
In the front area, g, is the
inspection chamber r, through
which passes the drain x,
having s, the trap to sepa-
rate it from the sewer, and
into this chamber runs the
trapped gully
No. I. is the
Tent pipe from it. Section : a
and B are two water closets,
the plans are given at the
side ; and as a sanitary arran-
gement there should be a
lobby, lighted and ventilated,
between the water closet and
the staircase, somewhat as
shown on plan b
; y,
slop sink,
with syphon trap passing on
to the head of a pipe into
Fm. fii.'i;.
the drain. The other letters
api'ly to the above description also.

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