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Chap. III.

2080. A cornice Irncht nfa'ii/ form
being given, to make another similar one, or one that
ihall have the same proportions in all its parts. Let
^ in
.^BCDEF (Jig.
723.) be the given bracket. Draw
lines from the angular points CDE, and let Ab be the
projection of the required bracket. The lines AC, AD,
AE, being drawn, draw be parallel to the edge BC, cut-
ting AC in c;
draw cd parallel to CD, cutting AD
in d. Draw de parallel to DE, cutting AE in e, and
parallel to EF, cutting AF in
Then AbcJef
is the bracket required.
2081. To form an angle bracket to support the plastering
a moidded'cornice. Let
724. X be the plan of the
bracket. Draw the straight line AE equal to the pro-
jection ab of the bracket on the plan X, and Act per-
penf.'icular to AE, to which make it equal. Join Ea,
and on AE describe the given form AFGHIKLE of the
bracket which stands
perpendicular to the line of con-
course of tlie wall and the ceiling. From the angular
points FGIIIKL,
draw the lines F, Gb, \c, lie, Kd,
Ld, cutting AE in the points BCD, and aE in the points
a, b, c, d. Draw af,
bg, ci, dit,
perpendicular to wE. Make
af. hg. cJi, ci, dh, dl, each
respectively equal to AF, BG,
CII, CI, DL, DK. 3 om
gh, hi, ik, kl, IE. Then
af/liiME is the angle bracket
2082. An angle bracket
for a cove
725.) may be
described in exactly the same
2083. When cove brackets
have different projections, the
method of describing the angle one is shown in
726. Let
AB, BC be the wall lines. Draw any line GD perpen-
dicular to AB and II F perpendicular to BC. Rlake GD
efjual to the projection of the bracket from the wall repre-
sented by the line AB, and make II F equal to the pro-
jection of the bracket from the wail represented by BC.
Then, as one of the brackets must be given, we shall sup-
pose the bracket GAD descrii)cd upon GD. Draw DE
parallel to AB, and FE parallel to BC, and join BE. In
the curve A D take any number of points
S, and draw QP,
SR cutting GD in P, II and BE \n
r. From the points
r draw the lines
rs parallel to BC, cutting HF in
the points;), r. Draw pij, rs perpendicular to BE. Make
rs also
rs respectively equal to PQ, RS, &c. Ba
and HC ecjual to GA, then through the points aqs, &c.
draw a curve which forms the bracket for the angle. Also
through the points C,
s draw another curve, am^ this
will form the cove bracket.
2084. The angle bracket of a cornice or cove m.'iy be
formed by the method shown in X and Y
whether the angle of the room or apartment be acute or
obtuse, external or internal. Let ABC be the angle.
Bisect it by the line BE. Draw GF perpendicular to
BC, and make GF equal to the projection of the bracket,
GC equal to its height, and FC the curve of the given
bracket or rib. In the curve FC, take any number of
points PQ, and parallel to BC draw the lines Vr, Qs, cut-
ting BE in the points r, s, and GF in the points R, S.
Draw rp, sq perpendicular to BE, and make the ordinates
rp, sq respectively equal to RP, SQ. and through all tlie
draw a curve, which will be tlie bracket as
2085. When the angle is a right angle, it way be drawn
as atfg. 728., which is an ornamental bracket for the string
of a stnir, and traced in the same manner as tliat on a right-
angled triangle.
Fig. 726.
Fig 77

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