Murugan Kota Karpaya

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Address : No.12 Jalan Sg Pelubung 32/118 Taman Sri Kemuning Sek 32

4040 S!a! Alam
"obile No : 012 1#322$
14 %ear e&'erien(e in )!e ele()ri(i)% *orks and main)aina(e+ 'assion ,or
(on)inuous learning and 'ersonal gro*)!+ 'ro-en abili)% )o *ork+ sense o,
res'onsibili)% and .%nami( )eam 'la%er
Professional Experience
1. UM Managed Soluions! "#ampus Taylor$
#%argemen Jan 2014 Present
/!e(k 'um'+ 'um' se*erage+ 'um' s(ra''er me(!anism+ sludge 'um'+ aera)or 'um'+
as'ira)ing 'um'+ air blo*er 'um'+ balan(ing 'um'.
/!e(k (ondi)ion 'anel+ 0ol) me)er Amme)er.
1andle all or assigned ele()ri(al e2ui'men)3s and ins)alla)ions belo* s'e(i,ied -ol)age
limi)s )o ensure )!ese are o'erable
4'era)e+ re'air+ main)ain+ )roubles!oo) all ele()ri(al e2ui'men)3s belo* s'e(i,ied -ol)age
limi)s and ensure all in sa,e manner
5e'or) an% 'o)en)ial 'roblems in e2ui'men)s )o su'erior and )ake a()ion remedial a()ion.
Per,orm an% o)!er 6ob ,un()ion )!a) ma% assigned b% su'erior
2. A( )*%+an )nda% ,aer Se+erage
#%argemen Sep 2013 Dec 2013
/!e(k 'um'+ 'um' se*erage+ 'um' s(ra''er me(!anism+ sludge 'um'+ aera)or 'um'+
as'ira)ing 'um'+ air blo*er 'um'+ balan(ing 'um'.
/!e(k (ondi)ion 'anel+ 0ol) me)er Amme)er.
3. -en. and #arlon Sdn -%d
Super/isor cum -uilding #%arge man April 2010 Aug 2013
1andle all or assigned ele()ri(al e2ui'men)3s and ins)alla)ions belo* s'e(i,ied -ol)age
limi)s )o ensure )!ese are o'erable
4'era)e+ re'air+ main)ain+ )roubles!oo) all ele()ri(al e2ui'men)3s belo* s'e(i,ied -ol)age
limi)s and ensure all in sa,e manner
5e'or) an% 'o)en)ial 'roblems in e2ui'men)s )o su'erior and )ake a()ion remedial a()ion.
Per,orm an% o)!er 6ob ,un()ion )!a) ma% assigned b% su'erior
70 5oom main)enan(e
S!or) (ir(ui) and (!e(k )roubles!oo) ,rom 'o*er 'oin) and (!e(k )!e (able s!or)
/!e(k genera)or se) )*i(e in a mon)! 8)es) run+ *a)er le-el+ engine oil+ ba))er% *a)er
Mainenance' 0omesic +aer1 Pump se+erage1 S+imming pool1 #ooling o+er "air!
condiioning$1 pressure &ooser "le/el 23 a&o/e$1 Asro -ooser1 4ire Sysem1
Smo*e 0eecion1 c%ec* +e riser pump 5oc*y pump1 Sand &y pump1 0uy pump

4. Sun+ay Pyramid
Elecrical Tec%nician Oct 2001 April 2010
To (!e(k and (!ange lig!)s and ,i&ing ne* lig!)s
/!e(k s!or) (ir(ui) lig!)ing+ 'o*er 'oin) 'lug
9s(ala)or main)enan(e
S)andb% ,or emergen(% or an% (om'lain)s ,rom )!e )enan(ies
:n (!arge o, (om'ila)ion o, all main)enan(e ser-i(e re2ues) as assigned
Al*a%s )r% )o *ork *i)!in e&'ense limi)s es)ablis!ed
5es'onsibili)% ,or an% emergen(% main)enan(e ser-i(e as s(!eduled
3. Sanco Elecrical and Engineering Sdn -%d
Tec%nician Oct 1999 - Sep 2001
1ouse *iring single '!ase and )!ree '!ase and *iring
;i&ed single '!ase and )!ree '!ase .< <o&
9nsure )!e a((oun)s are *orked and ,ollo*ed=u' )!oroug!l% and )imel%.
/abling 8Po*er Su''l% /able>
)nsiue Tec%nology Midas
0iploma in Tec%nician Elecrical (e/el' Second 3667
"ala% ? 9&(ellen)+ 9nglis! = A-erage and Tamil = 9&(ellen)
Addiional info
Possess 4*n Trans'or) : @es
A-ailabili)% : 1 mon)! no)i(e 'eriod
(as dra+n salary : "@5 3000A$00
Expeced salary : "@5 3000 ? 3#00 Nego)iable
5. References
"r.Kumaran = 010 434814$ ? 8 "anager ? A7 :k!*an :nda! Ba)er Se*erage>
"r.Pugal = 012 0C082? 8"anager = <enD and /arl)on Sdn <!d>

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