Lesson Main Stop Valve & Servomotor, Governing Valves and Servomotor

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At the end of the leon the T!"#nee $#ll %e "%le to de&ont!"te "n 'nde!t"nd#n( of
M"#n Sto) V"l*e & Se!*o&oto!, Go*e!n#n( *"l*e "nd Se!*o&oto!+
The main stop valve, of single-beat type equipped with a pilot valve, is operated by
the servomotor.
The valve chest (1) and cover (2) are designed to assure adequately the safety of
operation under eposure to high pressure, high temperature steam. The steam
strainer (!) contained in the valve consists of a filter proper having numerous holes
in it and a fine mesh screen and is screwed to the cover (2). The arrangement
prevents the ingress of foreign mattes and thus protects the valve dis", valve seat,
and turbine blades from damage.
The valve spindle is supported by the bush (#), and seam lea"ing through clearance
between the spindle and bush (a very slight clearance is provided between the two
to prevent the stic"ing) is led to the gland steam condenser. $t is to be mentioned,
however, that no such steam lea"age ta"es place when the valve remains fully
opened since the spindle is designed to press tightly against the internal surface of
the bush (1%) during that time.
The pilot valve (&) contained in the main stop valve constitutes a part of the valve
spindle, and the main stop valve beings to open after the pilot valve has fully
opened. The valve seat (') is inserted into the valve chamber (1) and secured by
welding to the valve chamber.
The valve seat and valve dis" are overlaid with satellite at their contact surfaces,
this being the case with both main stop valve and pilot valve.
The bore and lift of the pilot valve (&) are so designed as to permit the turbine
generator unit to run at no-load and constant speed. (s the pilot valve (&) opens
gradually and the turbine approaches its rated speed, the governor goes into wor"
and closes the governor valve to no load position (the governor valve remains fully
opened when the turbine rotates at low speeds and the governor does not function).
)onsequently, steam pressure between the main stop valve outlet and governor
valve inlet rises and the main stop valve upper and lower steam pressure differential
decreases so that the main stop valve can open or close very freely to permit the
main stop valve dis" to lift to the maimum.
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 1
The servomotor piston operation is controlled by the hydraulically actuated relay
plunger (29) contained in the cylinder (1:).
;hen opening the valve, the relay plunger (29) lets high pressure oil into the oil
chamber located at the lower end of the servomotor piston (1!).
;hen closing the valve, oil is discharged to the drainpipe and the valve dis" is
pushed down by dint of the spring (1<).
+rincipal components of the servomotor include the servomotor piston (1!), relay
piston (11) which has four ports in the valve spindle, relay plunger (29), relay bush
(19), cam (2#), follow-up lever (22), and follow-up lever bearing (2!).
The small hole cut in the relay plunger (29) connects the high-pressure oil inlet and
upper chamber of the relay plunger.
The center hole etending the full length of the relay plunger connects the upper
chamber of the relay plunger and drainpipe through the four ports in the relay piston
4igh-pressure oil passing thorough the orifice is led to the upper chamber of the
relay plunger through a small hole. The pressure in the upper chamber is
maintained by means of the four ports in the relay piston in such a manner that the
pressure and tension of the spring (2:) will be in balance.
The upper chamber of the relay plunger (29) in constantly filled with oil and, to "eep
the relay plunger is balance, oil "eeps escaping to the drainpipe through the four
ports in the relay piston (11).
;hen the relay piston moves upwards, therefore, a greater amount of oil escapes
through the ports and, therefore, the oil pressure in the relay plunger upper
chamber decreases and the really plunger moves upwards. )onversely when the
relay piston moves downwards, the quantity of oil discharged tot he drain pipe
through the ports decreases and, therefore, the oil pressure in the relay plunger
upper chamber builds up and the relay plunger moves downwards.
The change in oil pressure in the relay plunger upper chamber, combined with the
tension of the spring located at the lower part of the relay plunger, causes the relay
plunger in response to every movement of the relay piston (11).
$n other words, the relay plunger (29) and relay piston (11) operate together as if
they were one unit.
;or"ing oil from the main stop valve controller to control the operation of the main
stop valve is led to the oil chamber located at the upper end of the relay piston (11)
and thus eerts the pressure to push the relay piston downwards. This downward
pressure is in balance with the tension of the spring (%<). ,ven a slight change in
oil pressure, therefore, would place the relay piston out of balance and cause the
relay piston to move until the oil pressure and tension of the spring are again in
balance. (s the relay piston moves, so does the relay plunger.
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, 2 T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
;hen the plunger moves downwards in response to the increase in pressure of
main stop valve control oil, high pressure oil flows into the oil chamber located at the
lower end of the servo motor piston (1!) to open the main stop valve by pushing up
the servomotor piston. (t this point, the follow up lever (22) in the port close
direction by dint of the cam (2#) fitted to the piston rod (1'), so that the relay bush
(19) will be pushed downwards and the piston will be stopped at the same time that
the relay plunger stops its motion.
$n this manner, the relay piston, relay plunger, servomotor piston (1!), relay bush
(19), and main stop valve dis" all move to respective positions corresponding to
different control oil pressures.
$n case of the decline in control oil pressure, the relay piston (11) is moved upwards
by dint of the tensile spring (%<). The relay plunger (29) also moved upwards by the
dint of the compressive spring (2:) and due to the decline in oil pressure in the relay
plunger upper chamber.
;hereupon wor"ing oil in the oil chamber located at the lower end of the
servomotor piston (1!) is permitted to drain out, and the servomotor piston moves
downwards. The relay bush is moved by dint of the follow up lever, and the
servomotor piston stops at a correct position.
$n case of rapid servomotor closure, provision is made to permit oil to flow from the
servomotor piston lower oil chamber to the upper oil chamber as well through the
internal passage which runs through the relay plunger and relay bush, in order to
assure the quic" flow of oil to the other than the drain pipe which might prove
inadequate. The arrangement therefor assures and adequate passage area for oil
to drain out even in the event of rapid servomotor closure.
*ince the motions of the servomotor piston (1!) and piston rod (1') are transmitted
to the main stop valve via the connecting piece (1&) and valve spindle (9), the main
stop valve opens when the servomotor piston moves upwards and closes when the
servomotor piston moves downwards.
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, %
Ite& No+ N"&e
1 =alve )hest
2 )over
% 5ower 4alf
& +ilot =alve
' =alve seat
# 7ush
! *trainer
9 =alve *tem
1< *pring
11 0elay +iston
1% 7ush
1& )onnecting +iece
1' +iston rod
1# 7ush
1! +iston
1: )ylinder
19 0elay 7ush
2< *upport +late
21 5ower cover
22 -ollow up 5ever
2% 1ut
2& )over
2' *upport 7olt
2# )am
2! 7earing
2: *pring
29 0elay +lunger
%< *pring.
.#(+ ,/-3-,+ M"#n Sto) V"l*e "nd Se!*o&oto!+
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, & T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
The governing valve is mounted on the turbine casing. There are si valves of the
inner bar type, which serve to control the steam admitted into the turbine.
The steam inlet ends of the valve chest are connected tot he main stop valve outlet
and with two steam pipes. The outlet ends of the valve chest are connected to the
steam chest of the turbine casing.
The valves are of the single seated efficient diffuser type arranged side in the valve
The valve seats (&#) are welded into the valve chest.
The contact surfaces of the valve (&') and seat (&#) and seat (&#) are bra>ed with
hard metal.
Two valve stems (1) are guided by bushings (2) with a clearance of about <.12 mm.
The inner bar (&) is suspended to the bottom of the valve stems.
The valves (&') are fitted to the inner bar by the two nuts (#), (!) and these nuts are
welded tot he valve (&').
The operating lever (9) ends are connected through ball bearing (%:) and pins (2&)
to rods (21) as fulcrums, and the middle of the operating lever 9) are connected
through pins (1#) and crosshead (1') to valve stems (1).
The other end of the operating lever (9) is connected through the ball bearing (%:),
pin (2&) and the rod (22) to the servomotor, so that upward motion of the servomotor
piston moves valves terms (1) upward by the operating lever (9) and downward
motion of the servomotor piston moves valve stems (1) downward in accordance
with the load variation.
Thus, the governing valves control the steam to the turbine. The bushing (2) are
provided with connections for steam lea"age, which are led to 1o. 2 etraction
steam of the turbine and the gland steam condenser.
The point at which each valve beings to open is determined by the clearance of the
nut (!) and seat (') open.
)ompressive springs (&<) (&1) which act downward on the spring seats overcome
the steam thrust and provide a positive force to close the valve suddenly. *pring
force is ad?usted by the belt 1<.
The servomotor, -ig. 1&-%-1, consists of the servomotor piston (11) controlled by a
pressure responsive relay plunger (:) contained in the servomotor cylinder (!:).
The relay admits high pressure oil to the chamber beneath the servomotor piston
(11) to open the valves, and releases it to drain to permit the closing springs
mounted on the top of the governing valve, to close it.
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, '
The principal parts of the servomotor are the servomotor piston (11), the relay piston
9 with four ports machine din the stem, the relay plunger :, the relay bushing !, the
cam 2', the follow-up lever !2 and follow-up lever roller !%.
( small drilled hole in the relay plunger (1:) connects the high pressure oil inlet to
the chamber above the relay plunger. The central hole through the entire length of
the relay plunger connects the chamber above the relay plunger to drain by way of
the four ports in the stem of the relay piston (9).
The orificed high pressure oil is supplied by the small drilled hole to the chamber
above the relay plunger :. The ports in the relay piston stem maintain the pressure
in this chamber so that the force of the spring (2:) and the force due to the oil
pressure are balanced. *ince there is a continuous flow of oil through the small
drilled hole tot he chamber above the relay plunger (:), thee will also be a
continuous flow through the ports in the stem of the relay piston 9 to drain in order
to maintain a balanced relay plunger. Therefore, it is evident that upward movement
of the relay piston increases the flow through the ports to drain, thereby decreasing
the pressure above the relay plunger until it also moves upward. )onversely,
downward movement of the relay piston decreases the flow through the ports to
drain, thereby increasing the pressure above the relay plunger until it also moves
downward. These pressure changes above the relay plunger, together with the
spring force below it, cause the relay plunger : to follow all movements of the relay
piston 9 within a few thousands of an inch substantially as though they were
connected to each other.
The governing valve control oil pressure from the control bloc" is admitted to the
chamber above the relay piston 9 and eerts a force tending to move the relay
piston 9 downward. This force is opposed by the tension of spring (2:) which tends
to draw the relay piston upward. Therefore, any change in control pressure
unbalances the forces on the relay piston and causes the relay piston to move until
the spring force again balances the control pressure force. This movement of the
relay piston in turn produces a corresponding movement of the relay plunger :.
;hen the relay plunger moves downward in response to an increase in governing
valve control oil pressure, high pressure oil will flow through the ports to the
chamber beneath the servomotor piston (11) causing the piston to move upward to
open the governing valve. The cam 2', mounted on the piston rod 12 then permits
the follow up lever !2 to move the relay bushing in a downward direction to close
the ports and stop the piston motion, as soon as they relay plunger stops moving.
Thus, the governing valve control oil pressure there will be a corresponding position
of the relay piston, the relay plunger, the servomotor piston 11, the relay bushing !
and the governing valve stem.
$n case of a decrease in control oil pressure, the relay piston 9 will move upward
due to the spring 2:. The relay plunger : will also move upward due to the
compression spring %< and the drop in oil pressure in the chamber above the relay
plunger :. This opens the passage for the operating oil beneath the servomotor
piston 11 to go to drain, thus allowing the servomotor piston to move downward until
the relay bushing has been repositioned by the follow-up lever to control the
servomotor piston in a new position. $n order not to overload the drain when the
servomotor is closed rapidly, an internal passage not shown, permits the oil from
beneath the servomotor piston to discharge through the relay plunger and bushing
to an area above the servomotor piston as well as through the drain.
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, # T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
Thus, the operating oil removed from under the operating piston has sufficient drain
area even for rapid closing.
3ovements of the servomotor operating piston 11 and piston rod 12, -ig. 1&-%-1,
are transmitted through the connecting rod and the operating lever to the valve stem
so that downward movement of the servomotor operating piston closes the
governing valve and upward movement opens it.
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, !
Ite& No+ N"&e
1 *ervomotor )ylinder )over
2 2as"et
% *ervomotor )ylinder *pacer
& 2as"et
' *ervomotor 0elay +iston 4ousing
# *ervomotor 0elay +lunger *pring *eat (/pper)
! *ervomotor 0elay 7ush
: *ervomotor 0elay +lunger
9 *ervomotor 0elay +iston
1< *ervomotor 0elay +iston 4ousing
11 *ervomotor +iston
12 *ervomotor +iston 0od
1% *ervomotor +iston ,ye 0od
1& *ervomotor +iston 0od 1ut
1' *ervomotor +iston wear 0ing
1# +in
1! *ervomotor +iston 0od 7ushing (lower)
1: *ervomotor +iston 7ushing (/pper)
19 *ervomotor piston rod oil seal ring retainer
2< *ervomotor 0elay +lunger *pring *eat (5ower)
21 *ervomotor 0elay +iston 7olt
22 *ervomotor 0elay +iston *pring *upport 7olt
2% *ervomotor 0elay +iston *pring 1ut (5ower)
2& *ervomotor +iston 0od .il *eal 0ing (dapter (3ale)
2' *ervomotor 0elay -ollow-up )am
2# -ollow up )am 7olt 5oc" +in
2! *ervomotor +iston *top
2: *ervomotor 0elay +iston *pring
29 *ervomotor 0elay +iston *pring 1ut
%< *ervomotor 0elay +lunger *pring
%1 *ervomotor +iston 0ings
%2 *ervomotor +iston 0od oil seal 0ings
%% *ervomotor +iston 0od .ilite bushing
%& *ervomotor +iston ;ear 0ing 7olt
%' *ervomotor +iston *top 7olt
%# *tud 7olt
%! +iston rod 7ushing *et *crew
%: -ollow-up )am 7olt
%9 7olt
&< *ervomotor +iston 0od oil seal ring retainer bolt
&2 *ervomotor 0elay follow-up lever brac"et bolt
&% +iston *pring *upport 7rac"et 7olt
&& *ervomotor 0elay 4ousing 7olt
&' *ervomotor *pacer 7olt
&# *ervomotor )over 7olt
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, : T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
Ite& No+ N"&e
&! 1ut
&: 1ut
&9 5oc" 1ut
'< -ollow-up 5ever 7rac"et bolt washer
'1 *et screw
'2 Taper +in
'% +arallel +in
'& +arallel +in
'' +arallel +in
'# *crewed Taper pin
'! 0elay housing lower chamber air release orifice
'9 +lug
#< ,ye bolt
#1 *et screw
#2 )over
#% 2as"et
#& +lug
#' 2as"et
## +iston rod ?oint pin
#! *plit pin
#: ;asher
#9 .-0ing
!< .-0ing
!2 *ervomotor 0elay follow-up lever
!% *ervomotor relay follow-up roller
!& *ervomotor relay follow up lever brac"et
!' )over
!# *ervomotor relay piston spring support
!! 5oad (nticipator
!: *ervomotor )ylinder
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 9
.#(+ ,/-3-0+ Go*e!n#n( V"l*e+
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, 1< T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
.#(+ ,/-3-3+ Go*e!n#n( V"l*e Se!*o&oto!+
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 11
The throttle valve controller is mounted on the console bloc" and its purpose is to
provide a control oil pressure which will position the throttle valve servomotors. The
throttle valve controller must be capable of setting the throttle valve control oil
pressure at any desired level between 1.& and %.# "g@cmA. -ollowing an auto-stop
trip, it must maintain a throttle valve control oil pressure which is less than that
required to open the throttle valve until after the controller has first been run to the
minimum pressure stop. The controller can be operated either manually by means
of a hand "nob 2% or remotely by means of the motor &#.
.il is admitted to the throttle valve control line through an orifice in the multiple
orifice chec" valve, and then enters the controller through passage ( in the body.
.il is also admitted to the controller from the auto-stop line through passage 7 and
through the orifice '&. ;ith the controller in the tripped position, the controller will
be as shown in -ig. 1&-%-%, ecept that the valve shat %1 will be approimately 1 BC
above the position shown in *ection (-(. ;hen the autostop is latched, oil will flow
into the controller as previously noted, through the center of cup valve & and thence
to drain with a minimum pressure being maintained at port (. to reset the controller,
turn the handwheel in a countercloc"wise direction and the shaft %1 it will impede
the oil flow through the valve and the pressure will gradually rise until the valve &
moves up against the shaft %1 at seat DEC. (t this pressure the piston &1 will move
upward and as the stem holds cup valve & in a given position, oil will flow around
the periphery of cup valve at seat DFC and through the holes in piston &1 to drain.
(s the piston moves upward, the cup valve port opening is increased and the piston
will move only far enough to balance the pressure under the piston against the load
of the spring :.
0otating the handwheel in a cloc"wise direction will allow the shaft %1 to move
upward and the cup valve will follow because of the pressure unbalance. This
upward movement restricts the flow of oil through the cup valve and increases the
oil pressure beneath the piston &1 which moves upward and away from the cup
valve &. (s the piston moves upward it compresses the spring : which increases
the downward force on the piston. Therefore, in order to move the piston upward,
the pressure under the piston must increase.
$f the auto-stop is tripped, all oil supply to the controller is dumped to drain. The
spring-loaded piston &1 forces the oil in the controller initially out through orifice '&
until the end of cup valve & clears the spring seat &<. (t this point the remaining oil
is dumped to drain through the center hole in the cup valve at seat DEC. ;hen the
auto-stop is re-latched, it will establish flow to the controller but pressure cannot be
built up until the handwheel is first rotated in the countercloc"wise direction and the
shaft is returned to the throttle valve closed position. The spring ! is used only to
counterbalance the forces on the cup valve & and to reduce the loading on the
threads of the shaft %1.
;hen the throttle valve is being tested, the oil flow through passage D(C is
interrupted when the tested solenoid dumps oil pressure to the throttle valve
servomotor. The chec" valve in the line between the servomotor and the controller
isolates the controller and the auto-stop control oil supplied through orifice item '&
maintains the pressure in the controller. There will, however, be a disturbance in the
throttle valve controller oil pressure caused by momentary bac" flow through the
chec" valve as the flow reverses and the valve seats.
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, 12 T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
This disturbance may be enough to trip the controller if the cup valve & has not
entered the guide portion of the spring seat &<. Therefore, the throttle valve should
not be tested with the solenoid test valve unless the throttle valve controller is in the
wide open (ma. pressure) position.
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 1%
Ite& No+ N"&e
1 7ody
2 . 0ings
& =alve
' *pring *eat 0etaining ring
# $nner spring seat
! $nner spring
: .uter spring
9 /pper spring seat retaining screw
1< 2as"et
11 Gey
12 +lug
1% (d?usting 1ut *et screw
1& )lutch spring
1' ;orm wheel
1# )ollar retaining screw
1! *top pin
1: )ap screw
19 Throttle controller stem
2< 4and "nob retaining screw
21 1ame plate retaining screw
22 1ame plate
2% 4and"nob
2& *top screw
2' 5oc"nut
2# *haft 1ut
2! *top +in
2: *top +late
29 *tem retaining screw
%< )ollar
%1 Throttle )ontroller *haft
%2 *haft *leeve
%% Thrust ;asher
%& ;orm wheel clutch plate
%' *leeve "ey
%# )lutch spring ad?usting 1ut
%! )ylinder cover
%: )ap 7olt
&< *pring seat
&1 Throttle control valve piston
&2 )ylinder
&% )ylinder retaining screw
&& 6owel
&' 3otor retaining screws
&# 3otor
&! ;orm retaining set screw
&: ,tension *haft bushing (inner)
&9 +lug
'< 3otor shaft etension
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, 1& T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
Ite& No+ N"&e
'1 ;orm
'2 ,tension *haft bushing (outer)
'& .rifice
'' +lug
'# *pring *eat 5ocating pin
.#(+ ,/-3-3+ Th!ottle V"l*e Cont!olle!+
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 1'
.#(+ ,/-3-/+ Th!ottle V"l*e Cont!olle!+
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, 1# T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
1. ;ith reference to the diagram 1&-%-#, disassemble the throttle valve
2. )lean and inspect all the parts.
%. (rrange with ,3* for the overhaul of the controller motor.
&. 5ap the cup valve.
'. 0eplace the gas"et.
#. 0epair or replace any parts if necessary.
!. 0e-assemble the throttle valve controller.
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 1!
.#(+ ,/-3-3+ Th!ottle V"l*e Cont!olle!+
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, 1: T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
1. *pring seat (lower)
2. )up valve
%. +iston
&. *pring seat (upper)
'. Gey
#. *haft
!. *et screw
:. ;orm wheel clutch plate
9. ;orm wheel
1<. 0etaining screw
11. *top pin
12. *top plate
1%. *et screw
1&. *haft
1'. 4and wheel retaining screw
1#. 4and wheel
1!. *top screw
1:. 5oc" nut
19. *top pin
2<. 0etaining screw
21. )ollar
22. *haft sleeve
2%. Gey
2&. )lutch spring
2'. )lutch spring ad?usting nut
2#. )ylinder cover
2!. 2as"et
2:. )ylinder
29. $nner spring
%<. .uter *pring
%1. *pring seat retaining screw
%2. *et screw
%%. )onsole
%&. 3otor
%'. 3otor shaft bushing
%#. ,tension shaft bushing (outer)
%!. ;orm
%:. ;orm retaining set screw
%9. ,tension shaft bushing (inner)
&<. 3otor shaft etension
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 19
1. ;ith reference to the diagram -igs. 1&-%-!, 1&-%-: 8 1&-%-9, disassemble
the throttle valve.
.#(+ ,/-3-5+ Th!ottle V"l*e Enl"!(ed Se6t#on B-B+
2. )lean and inspect all the parts paying special attention to stic"ing on the
stem ecessive clearance of bushings, wear of plugs, and scored seats.
%. )hec" clearance between stem, bushings, inner and outer valve plug.
&. (rrange with $3* to overhaul and ad?ust the throttle valve limit switches.
'. 0eplace gas"ets.
#. (rrange for a dye penetration test of the disc, seat, stem, valve body
welding, valve bonnet studs and strainers.
!. )hec" the stem for straightness.
:. )hec" the stellite seating faces for crac"s.
9. 0epair or replace any parts if required.
1<. 0e-assemble the throttle valve.
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, 2< T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
.#(+ ,/-3-7+ Th!ottle V"l*e+
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 21
.#(+ ,/-3-8+ Th!ottle V"l*e+
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, 22 T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
1. .peration lever connecting lin" pin
2. .peration lever connecting lin" (pairs)
%. 7olt
&. *pherical washer (male and female)
'. )onnecting lin"
#. 7ushing
!. +in
:. 1ut
9. *pacer
1<. *tud
11. )onnecting bushing
12. )onnecting pin
1%. -ulcrum lin"
1&. *pring seat (upper)
1'. -ulcrum pin
1#. -ulcrum bushing
1!. *ervomotor support and spring housing
1:. )ompression spring (inner)
19. )ompression spring
2<. )ompression spring (outer)
21. *pring seat (lower)
22. *pring guide
2%. ,tension nut
2&. *pherical washers (male and female)
2'. ,tension nut
2#. *pherical washers (male and female)
2!. =alve bonnet
2:. *tud
29. *tud
%<. +in
%1. =alve stem bushing
%2. =alve stem bushing
%%. *pring seat guide
%&. =alve stem
%'. 2uide bushing
%#. =alve (3ain)
%!. =alve bushing
%:. =alve ring
%9. )ompression spring
&<. *pring seat shims
&1. *pring seat
&2. =alve stem end
&%. +ilot valve
&&. +ilot valve nut
&'. =alve seat
&#. 0etaining screw
&!. 2as"et
&:. 0etaining screw
&9. 7ushing
'<. +in
'1. *pacer
'2. 5in"
'%. *pherical bearing
'&. 1ut
''. ;asher special
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 2%
'#. 7olt special
'!. *witch bo
':. *witch support brac"et
'9. +in
#<. 1ut
1. ;ith reference tot he -ig. 1&-%-H1<, disassemble the throttle valve
2. )lean and inspect all the parts paying special attention to the piston,
cylinder, relay, piston rings and cup valves.
%. )hec" for deposits, corrosion and wear of internal parts.
&. 0eplace the gas"ets and gland pac"ing.
'. 0epair or replace any parts if necessary.
#. 0e-assemble the throttle valve *ervomotor.
!. -ill out the (ppropriate 3aintenance 3anagement *ystem 0eport form. This
form may be obtained from the 3aintenance +lanning 2roup.
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, 2& T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
.#(+ ,/-3-,-+ Th!ottle V"l*e Se!*o&oto!+
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 2'
1. *ervomotor relay plunger spring seat (lower)
2. *ervomotor relay plunger spring
%. *ervomotor relay plunger spring seat (upper)
&. *ervomotor relay bushing
'. *ervomotor relay plunger
#. *eal ring
!. 2as"et
:. *ervomotor cover
9. 5oc" nut
11. *ervomotor relay piston spring
12. *ervomotor relay piston spring nut
1%. 2as"et
1&. *ervomotor relay piston spring nut gas"et
1'. *pring support bolt
1#. *ervomotor relay support
1!. *ervomotor relay housing cover
1:. *ervomotor piston rod end
19. 7ushing
2<. +ac"ing ring retainer
21. +ac"ing rings
22. 3ale adapter
2%. *ervomotor piston rod bushing (upper)
2&. *ervomotor relay piston
2'. *ervomotor relay piston bolt
2#. *ervomotor relay piston
2!. *ervomotor relay piston housing
2:. 2as"et
29. *pacer
%<. 2as"et
%1. *ervomotor piston rod bushing (lower)
%2. 2am
%%. *ervomotor piston rod
%&. *ervomotor cylinder
%'. *ervomotor piston stop
%#. *ervomotor piston
%!. *ervomotor piston ring
%:. *ervomotor piston wear ring
%9. *et screw
&<. *ervomotor piston nut
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, 2# T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
1. ,nsure that the *caffolding is already erected and all insulation are already
2. (rrange $3* to remove the limit switch before dismantling and to fi bac"
after re-installation and ad?ust the switch during stro"ing
%. ;ith reference to 6rawing 1&-%-11, remove the drain plug from throttle valve
servomotor cylinder bottom to drain the residual oil inside the cylinder to an
oil pan. *pillage should be avoided.
&. 6isconnect the control oil inlet, wor"ing oil inlet and drain out piping of
'. /nscrew the indicator plate and remove the cover of relay piston.
#. 6e-couple the spindles and separate the connecting pieces.
!. /nfasten the servomotor unit from lower cover using chain bloc", ta"e out
the indicator plate and guide bolt.
:. *hift the servomotor bloc" to the wor"ing bay.
9. 5oose and ta"e out the lin" together with tension spring and relay piston,
ad?usting bolt and loc"nut, tension spring nut, tension spring, and spring
supporting frame.
1<. 0emove the relay piston cover bolts, then "eep out the relay piston cover,
relay piston and relay piston body.
11. /nscrew and remove the follow up brac"et.
12. Ta"e out the relay plunger, relay bush and compression spring.
1%. 5oose all screws for loc"ing ring of piston plates.
1&. -i the special tool (piston ring presser) to the cylinder and compress the
piston ring.
1'. 0emove the loc" plate segments and then slowly release the compression
1#. Ta"e out the special tool and remove the spring collar, spring with piston and
piston rod.
1!. )hec" the clearances of the connecting pieces.
1:. =erify the clearances of piston rod and bush and if the clearance ecess the
limit, replace with a new one.
19. $nspect the clearance of cam.
2<. )hec" the condition of piston rings and cylinder bore surface.
21. $nspect also the follow up brac"et and bearing condition.
22. )hec" the relay piston with housing, cylinder and relay bush including the
relay bush and relay plunger.
Refe! to t"%le of 6le"!"n6e "tt"6hed "nd 6h"n(e the $o!n o't o! d"&"(e
2%. )lean and blow air to the orifice leading to upper part of relay plunger
through the small inlet port.
2&. )lean and blow air through the drain pipe leading to the four ports of the
relay piston.
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 2!
2'. ;hen all parts are ready and completed, proceed to re-assemble in the
reverse sequence of disassembly. (d?ustments to be done during simulation
period only.
2#. (fter re-assembly, cover the servomotor with polyethylene and "eep ready
for installation.
2!. )lean up the wor"ing area.
1. +ilot valve to be ad?usted about start to open.
2. Throttle valve range setting from start to open to full open.
%. The surface of the relay bushing should be set at ' mm below the DEC
face by the follow up ad?ustment.
&. ;hen the servomotor piston is at the lowest position, the main stop
valve is fully closed.
'. To ad?ust the throttle valve, start to open at particular pressure say,
1.&< 7(0, then operate the support bolt.
#. The range ad?ustments that is difference between control oil pressure
when valve begins to open and valve full open.
.ollo$ "ll o#l )!e'!e ett#n( #nt!'6t#on+
0elay housing cover bushing $.6. I 0elay piston upper port ..6. <.1# I 1.< mm
0elay housing cylinder $.6. I 0elay piston ..6. <.1< I <.1: mm
0elay housing lower bushing $.6. I 0elay piston lower part <.1' I <.2<' mm
.il pilot valve top bore $.6. I 0elay piston bottom part ..6. <.1< I <.1&% mm
0elay piston bottom chamber $.6. I .il pilot valve top part ..6. <.1< I <.1: mm
0elay bush (feed bac" sleeve) $.6. I 0elay plunger (oil pilot valve)
<.<: I <.1' mm
0elay bush I 7oth end of port relay plunger <.<< I <.1< mm
-eed bac" sleeve housing $.6. I -eed bac" sleeve ..6. <.<<' I <.1<' mm
*ervomotor cylinder guide bush $.6. I +iston rod ..6. <.<<: I <.1' mm
+iston ring gap
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, 2: T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
1. =alve )hest
2. )over
%. 5ower 4alf
&. +ilot =alve
'. =alve *eat
#. 7ush
!. *trainer
9. =alve *tem
1<. *pring
11. 0elay +iston
1%. 7ush
1&. )onnecting +iece
1'. +iston rod
1#. 7ush
1!. +iston
1:. )ylinder
19. 0elay 7ush
2<. *upport +late
21. 5ower )over
22. -ollow up 5ever
2%. 1ut
2&. )over
2'. *upport 7olt
2#. )am
2!. 7earing
2:. *pring
29. 0elay +lunger
%<. *pring
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, 29
.#(+ ,/-3-,,+ Th!ottle V"l*e "nd Se!*o&oto!+
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, %< T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
1. ;ith reference to the -ig. 1&-%-12, disassemble the governing valves.
2. 0emove all deposits from the stem and plug.
%. +erform contact chec" of the seat and disc.
&. )hec" the pilot valve freeness.
'. (rrange 6ye +enetration test for the disc and seats.
#. 0epair or replace any parts if necessary.
!. 0e-assemble the governing valves.
.#(+ ,/-3-,0+ Go*e!n#n( V"l*e+
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, %1
.#(+ ,/-3-,3+ Go*e!n#n( V"l*e Enl"!(ed Se6t#on A-A+
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, %2 T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
1. =alve
2. +in
%. =alve nut
&. *top screw
'. *oc"et head screw
#. 1ut
!. *pring seat
:. *upport
9. 1ut
1<. *ervo motor lin"
11. *ervo motor lin" pin
12. *pring
1%. *pring support
1&. *pring support pin
1'. .perating lever
1#. 0etainer
1!. 5oc" nut
1:. .perating lever stop bar
19. *upport rod
2<. 1ut
21. 0etaining screw
22. )onnecting lin" pin (upper)
2%. .perating lever connecting lin"
2&. )onnecting lin" pin (lower)
2'. *upport brac"et
2#. *et screw
2!. =alve stem bushing
2:. ;asher (female)
29. ;asher (male)
%<. 1ut
%1. *tud
%2. =alve stem
%%. 5oad spring support
%&. =alve bonnet
%'. 2uide bushing
%#. +in
%!. +in
%:. )ross head pin
%9. )ross head
&<. 5oading spring
&1. 5oading spring
&2. 1ut
&%. *tud
&&. 5oading spring seat (lower)
&'. 5oading spring seat (upper)
&#. (d?usting bolt
&!. *team chest body
&:. -leible support
&9. 0igid support
'<. *upport plate
'1. *hims
'2. *hims
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, %%
1. ;ith reference to the -ig. 1&-%-1&, disassemble the governing valves.
2. )lean and inspection all the parts paying special attention to the piston,
cylinder, relay and piston rings.
%. )hec" for deposits, corrosion and wear of internal parts.
&. )hec" the relay piston and bush for scoring. +olish them to a mirror finish.
'. )hec" the cam (item no. %1) in -ig. 1J&-%-1& and roller for wear. 0eplace the
cam if necessary.
#. 0eplace the gas"ets.
!. 0epair or replace any parts if necessary.
:. 0e-assemble the governing valves *ervo motors.
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, %& T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
.#(+ ,/-3-,/+ Go*e!n#n( V"l*e Se!*o &oto!, Enl"!(ed Se6t#on D-D+
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, %'
1. *pring seat (lower)
2. *ervo motor relay plunger spring
%. *ervo motor relay bushing
&. *pring seat (upper)
'. *ervo motor relay plunger
#. *eal ring
!. *ervo motor relay piston housing
:. *ervo motor relay piston
9. *ervo motor relay cover
1<. *ervo motor relay piston bolt
11. +in
12. *ervo motor relay piston spring retaining nut
1%. *ervo motor relay piston spring
1&. 2as"et
1'. *ervo motor relay piston spring nut
1#. 5oc" nut
1!. *pring support bolt
1:. *ervo motor relay support
19. *ervo motor relay housing cover
2<. *ervo motor piston rod end
21. *ervo motor
22. +ac"ing ring retainer
2%. +ac"ing rings
2&. 3ale adapter
2'. *ervo motor piston rod bushing (upper)
2#. *ervo motor cover
2!. 2as"et
2:. *pacer
29. 2as"et
%<. *ervo motor piston rod bushing (lower)
%1. )am
%2. *ervo motor piston rod
%%. *ervo motor cylinder
%&. *crew
%'. *ervo motor piston
%#. *ervo motor piston rings
%!. *ervo motor piston wear rings
%:. ;ear ring screw
%9. *et screw
&<. *ervo motor piston nut
&1. 1ut
&2. -ollow up lever pin
&%. -ollow up lever
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, %# T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
1. ,nsure that the +T; has been issued.
2. =erify if the (uiliary .il pump has been stopped.
%. (rrange scaffolding section to erect scaffolding around the governor chest.
&. (rrange $3* to disconnect and remove all instrumentation connection and
'. 6isconnect the lin"age between governor lifting arm and servomotor.
#. 5oosen and remove base bolts.
!. (rrange 0igging section to coordinate in removal of servomotor from the
system and place in safe area.
:. )hec" the piston rod eyeKs ciliate bushing, if found any damage, repair or
replace as needed.
9. /nscrew the set screw then ta"e out the piston eye rod.
1<. 5oosen and remove servo motor piston rod, oil seal and retainer ring.
11. 6iscard oil seal rings including male oil seal ring adapter.
12. 0emove the piston cover.
1%. 5oose the servo motor cover bolts and ta"e out the cover.
1&. /nscrew the bolts and drive the servo motor piston upper bushing. $nspect
and replace if required.
1'. 5oose the loc" nut of spring retainer and ta"e the reference height for the
nut from bolt head, then unscrew the bolt until the spring tension will
1#. 1ote down the position of the relay piston nut in the spring.
1!. 0emove the lin"age for the relay piston to lower the spring nut and ta"e out
the spring tension with support frame by means of spring nut.
1:. 0emove all bolts and ta"e out the relay piston cover, relay piston and relay
piston bushing.
19. /nscrew the base bolts for relay follow up fulcrum and ta"e out the unit.
$nspect also the roller movement.
2<. Ta"e out the relay plunger, relay bush, relay plungerKs upper spring seat,
spring and lower spring seat.
21. 4old the piston rod, loose and ta"e out the servomotor cylinder spacer
followed by piston with rod.
22. 0emove and chec" the condition of servomotor piston rod lower bushing,
change if necessary.
2%. )hec" the fitting of the relay follow-up cam including the piston stopper.
2&. )hec" the contact surface of the cylinder, piston ring and piston wearing
ring. 0eplace or repair if required.
2'. 7low air on the relay plungerKs 4+ oil admission hole straight to upper face,
relay piston ports, 4+ oil passages from relay plunger to servo piston and
clean perfectly with cleaning solvent.
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, %!
2#. 0enew the servo motor piston rod oil seal rings.
2!. 3easure the clearance of servomotor piston rod upper bushing, if the
clearance is more than 1.' times, replace the bushing.
2:. )hec" the free movement of servo motor relay follow up roller and its follow
up ever.
29. =erify the tightness of follow up cam bolt.
%<. )hec" the upper and lower piston rings for both aial and radial clearances,
in case the clearance eceeded, replace the rings. 0efer to clearances
sheet enclosed.
%1. .bserve the status of servomotor piston wearing ring.
%2. =erify the tightness of servomotor piston stopper and bolts.
%%. $nspect the servomotor cylinder inner surface for scoring or any damage, if
so proceed to repair.
%&. (rrange T 8 $ to inspect all springs and other relevant parts.
%'. .bserve wear or scoring over the surfaces of servomotor relay piston
housing inner surface, piston, plunger, bush and other moving parts. $f any
deformation observed, replace the parts.
%#. )lean all parts and polish connecting flange surfaces.
Ste) = 05 to = 35 ho'ld %e 6"!!#ed o't $#th 6oo!d#n"t#on of T&I+
%!. ;hen all parts area ready and completed, proceed to re-assemble in the
reverse sequence of disassembly.
%:. 0eplace .-rings on number one pedestal cover while installing servo motor.
%9. *ee that relay bush is set to ' mm below the surface DEC when the
servomotor piston is ! mm from its bottom stop.
&<. $f necessary, ad?ust by follow-up lever fulcrum brac"et hori>ontally. 0emove
the relay piston that obstruct the fulcrum lever during ad?ustment.
&1. -i bac" the unit to the system with the coordination from 0igging *ection.
&2. ;hile auiliary oil pump is in service reset the turbine and ad?ust the setting.
&%. *tart to open the control oil pressure at 1.: 7(0, then loose the servomotor
relay piston spring support bolt if the piston start to open above 1.: 7(0 . $f
the piston start to open below 1.: 7(0, ad?ust the servomotor relay piston
spring support bolt by tightening.
&&. (d?ust the pressure range at 1.: 7(0 by the relay piston spring nut with the
in the relay piston spring to start opening and the governor valve is in full
open position at %.2 7(0.
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
5,**.1 % +(2, %: T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5
,+ B9 looen#n( the !el"9 )#ton )!#n( n't, the (o*e!no! *"l*e $#ll
%e f'll o)en "%o*e 3+0 B"!+
0+ B9 t#(hten#n( the !el"9 )#ton )!#n( n't, the (o*e!no! *"l*e $#ll
%e f'll o)en %elo$ 3+0 BAR+
Refe! to 'n#t 6o&&##on#n( !e)o!t>6ont!ol o#l )!e'!e #nt!'6t#on fo!
th# *"l*e+
&'. (rrange $3* to reconnect and install all instrumentation connection and
monitors in the unit.
&#. )lean up the oil spillage in the area and other foreign materials.
&!. -ill up the appropriate 3aintenance 3anagement *ystem 0eport -orm. This
form may be obtained from the 3aintenance +lanning 2roup.
*ervo 3otor 1ec" 7ush $.6. I *ervo 3otor +iston 0oad ..6. <.<# I <.1%# mm
*ervo 3otor )ylinder $.6. I +iston 4ead Top ,nd ..6. <.#9 I <.:9 mm
*ervo 3otor )ylinder $.6. I +iston 4ead bottom ,nd ;ear 0ing ..6. <.1' I <.%' mm
*ervo )ylinder 0eset 7ase 7ore $.6. I +iston 4ead 0etaining 1ut
<.<9 I <.19 mm
0elay 4ousing )over bush $.6. I 0elay +iston /pper +art ..6. <.1# I <.2< mm
0elay 4ousing )ylinder $.6. I 0elay piston ..6. <.1< I <.1: mm
0elay 4ousing 5ower bushing I 0elay piston lower part ..6. <.12' I 2<' mm
0elay 4ousing 5ower chamber $.6. I 0elay plunger top part ..6. <.1< I <.1: mm
0elay plunger top bore $.6. I 0elay piston bottom part ..6. <.<!' I <.1'' mm
0elay bush $.6. I 0elay plunger ..6. <.<: I <.1' mm
0elay bush (feed bac" sleeve) I 0elay plunger at both ends of port. <.<< I <.1< mm
0elay 7ush housing I 0elay 7ush <.<' I <.1<'
*ervo $mmediate bushing I +iston 0od <.<# I <.1%# mm
)ylinder +iston 0ing 2ap
*+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0* 3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1&
T/07$1, 5/7, 8 ).1T0.5 .$5 5,**.1 % +(2, %9
1. )ylinder )over
2. 2as"et
%. )ylinder *pacer
&. 2as"et
'. 0elay piston 4ousing
#. 0elay plunger spring seat (upper)
!. 0elay bush
:. 0elay plunger
9. 0elay piston
1<. 0elay piston housing
11. +iston
12. +iston rod
1%. +iston ,ye 0od
1&. +iston 0od 1ut
1'. +iston ;ear 0ing
1!. +iston 0od 7ushing (5ower)
1:. +iston 7ushing (/pper)
19. +iston 0od .il seal ring retainer
2<. 0elay plunger spring *eat (lower)
21. 0elay piston bolt
22. 0elay piston spring support bolt
2%. 0elay piston spring 1ut (5ower)
2&. +iston rod oil seal ring male adapter
2'. 0elay follow up cam
2#. -ollow up cam bolt loc" pin
2!. +iston stop
2:. 0elay piston spring
29. 0elay piston spring nut
%<. 0elay plunger spring
%1. +iston 0ings
%2. +iston 0od oil seal rings
%%. +iston rod oilite bushing
%&. +iston wear ring bolt
%'. +iston stop bolt
%!. +iston rod bushing set screw
%:. -ollow up cam bolt
%9. 7olt
&<. +iston rod oil seal ring retainer bolt
&&. 0elay 4ousing bolt
&'. )over bolt
&: 1ut
&9 5oc" 1ut
'< *et *crew
'1 Taper +in
'9 +lug
#< ,ye bolt
#1 *et screw
#& +lug
#' 2as"et
## +iston 0od Loint +in
3,)4(1$)(5 3($1T,1(1), 3.6/5, 1& *+,)$-$) )./0*, -.0 ,12$1,,0*
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