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17-Year Old from Buenos Aires...

Lewd Singer Performs at Francis Soccer Match, Sings

John Lennons Anti-Religious Imagine

We should have expected this, but it was still shocking to see: On September 1, 2014, Francis
brilliant idea of a Soccer Match for Peace with the worlds soccer all-stars of different religions was
realized in Romes Olympic Stadium. We reported on this naturalist silliness in this prior blog post.
But not enough. Of course this much-anticipated event had to also feature profane music and
dancing, and who was chosen for this occasion? Martina Stoessel (a.k.a. Tini Stoessel or Violetta
Castillo, the character she plays in a Disney soap opera), whose shockingly lewd performance in
front of children and a worldwide audience brought a new low to the Vaticans spurning of good
morals and Christian modesty.
Lets take a closer look at what happened here. The following images, partially censored by us, were
taken from Radio Cristiandad (all photos can be clicked for larger view).
The first picture shows Stoessel performing in the stadium in a scandalous dress that would have
gotten a woman arrested in the past. We have censored the image somewhat:

This unbelievably immodest dress is obviously meant to focus everyones eyes on
you know where yet not a single objection from the Vatican, which could have
prevented this scandal.

Here are two more photos: The first one is a wider shot, showing Stoessel dancing seductively in
front of adoring children and pre-teens. The second image is a close-up of what shes wearing on
her her belly: the secular peace symbol, which became prominent in the 1960s and is often
associated with the hippie movement.

More screenshots from the performance.

Next, a closer look at the children surrounding Stoessel and the other female dancers who
performed with her. Look at their faces: They are thrilled to be seeing their idol perform, to be near
the woman they admire so much. And what does she show them? How to dress and move your
body in a sexually provocative way! How to seduce men! How to sway your body in a way that gives
men dirty thoughts!

The innocent souls of these sweet girls are being polluted by Tini Stoessel.

Whether intended or not, Stoessel is grooming these little ones to be whores. Children want
to imitate and be like the icons they admire! It makes your heart break and your blood boil! What did
our Lord say? And whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me; it were
better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and he were cast into the sea (Mk
But what about Francis? Before the game and the performance, the Pope received Stoessel
warmly. As long as you support interreligious peace efforts and your local soup kitchen, Francis
doesnt care if you perform an impure dance half-naked in front of children who look up to you as a
model to be imitated.

Dont worry about the millstone, Tini. Itll be fine.

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