11 Characteristic Dimension in Theory of Everything Linkedin TP

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9/12/2014 11 Characteristic Dimension in Theory Of Everything | LinkedIn

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Valentin Constantin Furnica, Piotr Gasior and 1 other like this
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11 Characteristic Dimension in Theory Of Everything
i K Klhh
Scientist at National Informatics Center
11 Characteristic Dimension in Theory of Everything linkedin.com
Always baffled by the events of this physical world , Since my childhood
, I was searching correlations in the events , as I certainly believe that
there is some relation & I certainly believe that everything in this world is
connected. Finding...
Like Reply privatelyFlag as inappropriate 8 days ago
Berndt Barkholz
Top Contributor
"...in the science, should only exist formal logic..."
That's what I am missing in "official" science Daniel... I still cant figure out why you guys try to
build the roof before the cellar, that is far from formal logic !!
Anyway... without passion and emotions... nothing is "rolling down the road" and if you want to
catch a salmon, don't fish in the puddle... :o)
Like Reply privatelyFlag as inappropriate 8 days ago
Daniel Eduardo Caminoa Lizarralde
Asesor en Harriague + Asociados
@Berndt, If you read any of this "http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/apr.v4n2p190" you can come to
understand my thinking. Even in my Web "http://danielcaminoa.com.ar/download" (everything is
free) you can see more. Cheers
Like Reply privatelyFlag as inappropriate 8 days ago
George Rajna
Theoretical Physics Researcher
The self maintained electric potential of the accelerating charges equivalent
with the General Relativity space-time curvature, and since it is true on the
quantum level also, gives the base of the Quantum
Piotr Gasior
Construction Professional
Maybe today physics need less competition and more cooperation.
9/12/2014 11 Characteristic Dimension in Theory Of Everything | LinkedIn
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Like (3) Reply privatelyFlag as inappropriate 8 days ago Giovanni F., Berndt B. and 1 other like
Like Reply privatelyFlag as inappropriate 8 days ago
Berndt Barkholz
Top Contributor
Exactly Piotr !
Like (1) Reply privatelyFlag as inappropriate 7 days ago
Valentin Constantin Furnica
electric/electromagnetic seismic precursors at Institute of Geodynamics
@Salit, "Everything" could be: space+time+energy+information. Supposing the time does not
exist (artifact) and the information=electromagnetism (EM) than, there is only energy in space
(gradient of energy, maybe EM).
So, return to Kirchhoff and Boltzmann !
Piotr G. likes this
Delete 7 days ago
i K Klhh
Scientist at National Informatics Center
.. General Relativity space-time curvature.. Does not describe emission & absorption of Energy ..
EM has some relevance in Biology (..evolution ) .. but How EM describes concepts of Sociology
and Consciousness !!
Correlating data from all streams, using a "Bottom Up" approach of study , is a Huge task &
would require much efforts
These "11 Characteristic dimension" are designed using a "Top Down" Model .. This method
would take much less time than any other method.
Like Reply privatelyFlag as inappropriate 7 days ago
Daniel Eduardo Caminoa Lizarralde
Asesor en Harriague + Asociados
@Piotr and @Berndt, I think quite the opposite, it's great to exchange ideas (even though they
are outlandish), it makes you awaken the mind and sometimes find true thoughts.
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