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Read the other example of spoof text!

Green, Pink and Yellow

Can you name the colors in English? Yes, you are right. They are blue, red, yellow,
green, white, brown, purple, black and so on. I hae a !unny story about the colours.
"o you want to know it? ok let me tell you.
#ne day, an English teacher talked about colours to his students. $!ter he had
been e%plaining, he asked his students, &'ho can make a sentence using the word,
Green, Pink and Yellow?(
)ames, the smartest student in the class *uickly raised his hand and answered,
&'hen the yellow morning +un comes, I see a beauti!ul girl wearing a pink clothe
walking through the green grass(.
&E%cellent. )ames, you are a ery good student( the teacher said.
&,e, me +ir(. )ohny, the la-y student in the class said while raising his hand. $nd
then he said, &I heard telephone ringing green, green, then I pink up the receier
and I said, &Yellow, who is speaking there?
The 'rong Coordinate
.y -ul!ah so!iaturrohmah %i ipa /0 12
#ne day there was a hero called &+uparman(. 3e was walking on the street but
suddenly he heard a oice & +o he went to where the oice was and
he tried to !ind it.
$!ter that he decided to !ly and crush the eil action in the earth. 3e said, &#
yeah, this is my time to show5 &woooosh(. 3e !lew in the sky, looked at the earth to
!ind someone who needed his help. .ut suddenly, he got an accident &)E"67(
4.wow4wow4wow4 #uch. 3is head hit something. #h no actually he hit the body o!
an airplane which !lew on the sky. 3is head was in8ured and then he said, &#h no,
sorry, Tomorrow I will be back to help you4 wait me5( 4ha..???
Ticket !or 69#
.y a-milul laily %i ipa /0 :;
#ne day there was an alien who !lew with his 69# on the sky. +uddenly he saw
the earth !rom the top o! sky and he taught to take o!! his 69# on there. +o he
looked !or a place to land. 3e went around and around on same places in the earth
because it is so strange to him. $!ter that he put his 69# at a yard. 3e went to
take a walk to some places but there was an incident. 3e !elt surprised because
there was a man who gae him a ticket !or parking. 3e !elt so di--y because he
didn<t know that there was a parking ticket !or his 69#. ..???
$n 6nlucky Prisoner
#ne day there was a prisoner that escaped !rom a 8ail when it was hard rain. 3e
broke and damaged its wall. $!ter that he ran away to the main road.
3e walked away to the road slowly because it was rain. "ue to hard rain, it made
!lood. The water olume increased and increased until it reached 1 meters. 3e ran
!ast. .ut he could not do because it was as tall as his chest and neck. It was so
hard !or him to walk. ,oreoer, he saw a car in !ront o! him. It was about !ie
meters. It was in the middle o! the road. To make him sa!e, he walked to that car
and reached its top. 3e didn<t know whose car it was. 3e sat on the roo! o! car. 3e
waited and waited until it was normal again. 3e still sat on it the he slept because
o! so tired.
'hen he opened his eyes, he was so surprised and didn<t beliee it. 3e was sat and
slept on the roo! o! police<s car. It means that he would back to 8ail again. 'hat a
poor and unlucky prisoner.
This e%ample o! spoo! te%t is written by 9i*ih ,artiloa
,r. Gembils
#ne day, an old man, ,r. Gembil was walking around his town. #n the way he !elt so
tired because the weather was so hot.
'hen he was walking he saw and read a notice board beside the street. &3ere is
arti!icial rain place(. 3e was ery happy about it then he walked in hurry to that
place. 3e was not patient but when he walked !or !i!teen meters, he saw and !elt
rainwater. 3e thought that it was rain. .ut he was so surprised because he then
knew that it was not rain anymore. The rain was splashing water that !rom
>egislator candidate<s mouth when he spoke !or campaign.
This e%ample o! spoo! te%t is written by +iti ,aimunah
Private Conversation
>ast week I went to the theatre. I had a ery good seat. The play was ery
interesting.I did not en8oy it. $ young man and a young woman were sitting behind
me. They were talking ery loudly.I got ery angry. I could not hear the actors. I
turned around. I looked at the man and the young woman angrily. They did not pay
any attention.In the end, I could not bear it. I turned around again. &I could not
hear a word( I said angrily.&It<s none o! your business( the young man said rudely.
&This is a priate conersation(
That Phone is Off
+oon a!ter he le!t college, "ae !ound one o! his uncles who was ery rich and had
no children o! his own died and le!t him a lot o! money, so he decided to set up his
own real estate agency.
"ae !ound a nice o!!ice. 3e bought some new !urniture and moed in. he had only
been there !or e !ew hours when he heard someone coming toward the door o! his
&It must be my !irst customer( "ae thought. 3e *uickly picked up the telephone
and pretended to be ery busy answering an important call !rom someone in @ew
York who wanted to buy a big and e%pensie house in the country.
The man knocked at the door while this was going on. 3e came in and waited
politely !or "ae to !inish his conersation on the phone. Then the man said to
"aeA &I am !rom the telephone company and I was sent here to connect your
Penguin in the Park
#nce a man was walking in a park when he across a penguin. 3e took it to a
policeman and saidA B'hat should I do?B The policeman repliedA BTake it to the
The ne%t day, the policeman saw the man in the same park. The man was still
carrying the penguin. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man
and askedA B'hy are you still carrying the penguin? "idnCt you take it to the -oo?B
The man repliedA BI certainly did. $nd it was a great idea because the penguin
really en8oyed it. +o, today I am taking it to the moieB.
Weight Loss Program tor!
$ man wanted to get the best and most de!ectie weight loss program so he called
a company and ordered a D=day, E: lb. weight loss program.
The ne%t day, there<s a knocked on the door and there stand be!ore him a
oluptuous, athletic, E2 year old babe. +he dressed in nothing but a pair o! @ike
running shoes. +he introduced hersel! as a representatie o! the weight loss
company. $ sign was around her neck. The sign read, &I! you can catch me, you can
hae me.( +o without a second thought, he took o!! a!ter her. 3oweer, a !ew
miles later hu!!ing and pu!!ing, he !inally gae up. The ne%t !our days, the same
girl showed up !or and the same thing happened. #n the !i!th day, he weighed
himsel! and was delighted to !ind he had lost E: lbs. as promised.
3e !elt satis!ied and called the company and ordered the D=day01: pound
program.The ne%t day, there was a knock at the door and there stand the most
stunning and beauti!ul woman he had eer seen in his li!e. +he was wearing nothing
but Feebok running shoes. The sign around her neck that read, &I! you catch me
you can hae me.( 'ell, he was out the door a!ter her like a shot. This girl was in
e%cellent shape and he did his best, but no such luck. +o !or the ne%t !our days,
the same routine happened with him gradually getting in better and better shape.
,uch to his delight on the !i!th day when he weighed himsel!, he discoered that
he had lost another 1: lbs. as promised. $gain he !elt satis!ied with that program.
Then he decided to go !or broke and called the company to order the G=day0D:
pound program. &$re you sure?( asks the representatie on the phone. &This is our
most rigorous program.( 3e repliedA($bsolutely,I haen<t !elt this good in years.(
+o the ne%t day there was a knock at the door. 'hen he opened it he !inds a huge
muscular guy standing there wearing nothing but pink running shoes. The sign
around his neck that read,(I! I catch you, you are mine555(
E%ample o! spoo! te%tH
"# The $oss and The Trainee
$ ,an 8oined a big ,ulti @ational Company as a trainee. #n his !irst day he
dialed the pantry and shouted into the phone, BGet me a co!!ee *uickly5B The oice
!rom the other side responded, BYou !ool youCe dialed the wrong e%tension5 "o you
know who youCre talking to, dumbo?B @oB, replied the trainee.
BItCs the ,anaging "irector o! the company, you !ool5B The man shouted back,
B$nd do you know who Y#6 are talking to, you !ool?B B@oB, replied the ,anaging
"irector. BThats Good5B, replied the trainee and put down the phone5
1. What time is it%
$ tramp lie down and sleep in the park. 3e had been sleeping !or about D minutes
when a couple walked by. The man stopped, woke the tramp up , and asked him,
BE%cuse me.
"o you know what the time is?B The tramp replied, BICm sorry = I donCt hae a
watch, so I donCt know the time.B
The man apologi-ed !or waking the tramp and the couple walked away.
The tramp lay down again, and a!ter a !ew minutes went back to sleep. )ust then, a
woman, who was out walking her dog, shook the trampCs shoulder until he woke up
The woman said, BICm sorry to trouble you, but ICm a!raid ICe lost my watch = do
you happen to know the time?B The tramp was a little annoyed at being woken up
again, but he politely told the woman that he didnCt hae a watch and didnCt know
the time.
$!ter the woman had gone, the tramp had an idea.
3e opened the bag that contained all his possessions and got out a pen, a piece o!
paper and some string. #n the paper, he wrote down, CI do not hae a watch. I do
not know the timeC.
3e then hung the paper round his neck and eentually dropped o!! again.
$!ter about ED minutes, a policeman who was walking through the park noticed the
tramp asleep on the bench, and the sign around his neck.
3e woke the tramp up and said, BI read your sign. I thought youCd like to know that
itCs 1H/: p.m.B
&# The Perfe't (us)and%
+eeral men are in the locker room o! a gol! club. $ cell phone on a bench rings and
a man engages the hands=!ree speaker !unction and begins to talk. Eeryone else in
the room stops to listen.
,$@H B3elloB
'#,$@H B3oney, itCs me. $re you at the club?B
,$@H BYesB
'#,$@H BICm at the mall now and !ound this beauti!ul leather coat. ItCs
only IE,:::. Is it #7 i! I buy it?B
,$@H B+ure, go ahead i! you like it that much.B
'#,$@H BI also stopped by the ,ercedes dealership and saw the new 1::G
models. I saw one I really liked.B
,$@H B3ow much?B
'#,$@H BI;:,:::.B
,$@H B#7, but !or that price I want it with all the options.B
'#,$@H BGreat5 #h, and one more thing. The house we wanted last year is back
on the market. TheyCre asking I2D:,:::.B
,$@H B'ell, then go ahead and gie them an o!!er, but 8ust o!!er I2::,:::.B
'#,$@H B#7. ICll see you later5 I loe you5B
,$@H, I loe you, too.B
The man hangs up. The other men in the locker room are looking at him in
astonishment. Then he smiles and asksH B$nyone know whose phone is???555B
*# That Phone is Off
+oon a!ter he le!t college, "ae !ound one o! his uncles who was ery rich and had
no children o! his own died and le!t him a lot o! money, so he decided to set up his
own real estate agency.
"ae !ound a nice o!!ice. 3e bought some new !urniture and moed in. he had only
been there !or e !ew hours when he heard someone coming toward the door o! his
&It must be my !irst customer( "ae thought. 3e *uickly picked up the
telephoneand pretended to be ery busy answering an important call !rom someone
in @ew York who wanted to buy a big and e%pensie house in the country.
The man knocked at the door while this was going on. 3e came in and waited
politely !or "ae to !inish his conersation on the phone. Then the man said to
"aeA &I am !rom the telephone company and I was sent here to connect your
+# Loving ,one! Too ,u'h
There was a man who liked money ery much. 3e worked all o! his li!e and wanted
to sae all o! his money !or his own !uture. 3e was a real miser when it came to his
money. 3e loed money more than 8ust about anything.
Een, 8ust be!ore he died, he said to his wi!eA B@ow listen, when I die, I want you
to take all my money and place it in the casket with me. I wanna take my money to
the a!terli!e.B +o he asked his wi!e to promise him with all her heart that when he
died, she would put all the money in the casket with him.
'ell, one day, he really died. Then he was stretched out in the casket. The wi!e
was sitting there in black clothes ne%t to her closest !riend. 'hen they !inished
the ceremony, 8ust be!ore the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wi!e
said B'ait 8ust a minute5B
+he had a bo% in her hands. +he came oer with the bo% and placed it in the
casket. $!ter that the undertakers locked the casket down and rolled it away. @ot
long a!ter that, her !riend said, BI hope you were not cra-y enough to put all that
money in the casket.B
The wi!e turned to her !riend and repliedA BYes, because I hae promised.B Then
she continuedA BI canCt lie. I promised him that I was going to put that money in
that casket with him.B 9eeling shocked, her !riend saidA BYou mean that you hae
put eery cent o! his money in the casket with him?B Then the wi!e answeredA
B+urely I did. I got it all together, put all the money into my account and I 8ust
wrote him a check.B
The Corre't enten'e
#ne day, there was a student. 3is name was )immy. 3e was studying in the
classroom. The teacher asked students to write but )immy did not do it.
The teacher approached )immy. 3e wanted to know why )immy did not write any
word on his book. +o the teacher askedH &)immy, why aren<t you writing?(
+imply )immy repliedH &I don<t has a pencil.( Fesponding to )immyCs answer, the
teacher saidH &)immy, that<s not a correct sentence. Then he continued e%plaining.
The correct way isH I don<t hae a pencilA he doesn<t hae a pencilA we don<t hae a
3earing the teacherCs e%planation, )immy askedH &'ho stole all the pencils then?(
#k, I think that short e%ample o! spoo! te%t is easy to understand. The
ocabularies used to compose the paragraphs are not so di!!icult. The sentence
pattern is simple. There are some compund or comple% sentences but they are not
so complicated to understand. 3oweer i! you still need the translation, here it is.
-alimat .ang $enar
+uatu hari, ada seorang siswa. @amanya )immy. "ia sedang bela8ar di dalam kelas.
Guru meminta para siswa untuk menulis tetapi )immy tidak melakukannya.
Guru mendekati )immy. "ia ingin tahu mengapa )immy tidak menulis sedikitpun pada
bukunya. )adi guru itu bertanyaH B)immy, mengapa kamu tidak menulis?B )immy
hanya men8awab pendekH B+aya tidak memiliki pensilB ,enanggapi 8awaban )immy
itu, guru itu berkataH B)immy, itu bukan kalimat yang benar. >alu ia melan8utkan
men8elaskan. Cara yang benar adalahH B+aya tidak punya pensil, ia tidak memiliki
pensil, kita tidak memiliki pensil B.
,endengar pen8elasan guru begitu, )immy bertanyaH B+iapa yang mencuri semua
pensil itu?B
'ell, hae you got the point? 'hy this short paragraphs are labelled as spoo!
te%t, @#T narratie, recount, or news item? >etCs make it clear. The best way
to identi!y whether the te%t is a spoo! or not is by analy-ing the structure. 'e
hae known that any spoo! te%t should be organi-ed in orientation, eents, and
twist. >etCs apply that classic theory5
Orientation: It is clear that in the !irst paragraphs, the participants are )immy
and a teacher
Events: 9rom the second paragraph, we see the !irst eent happened a!ter the
teacher see that )immy did not write, asking a *uestion. The second eent is
e%plaining about the correct sentences
Twist: The last paragraph says it clearly. $ny o! you thought be!ore that )immy
would comment like that? The way )immy reacted to the teacherCs e%planation is
really unpredictable.
ThatCs all about spoo! te%t in this post. I! you need more samples, see the
preious posts under category o! spoo! te%t.
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; cerita lucu bahasa inggris J!unny storiesK dibawah ini sebenaranya lebih condong
kalau di kategorikan sebagai contoh=contoh spoo! te%t pendek berbahasa inggris.
7elucuan dalam cerita ini lebih didasarkan pada alur cerita yang BmengecohB
pembaca sehingga men8adi BunpredictableB. .aikla kita langsung sa8a lihat ; cerita
lucu bahasa inggris yang dilengkapi dengan ter8emahan dibawah ini5
/unn! stor! "# The le'ture on the upernatural
$ pro!essor at the 6niersity o! Greece in 7alamata is giing a lecture on the
supernatural. To get a !eel !or his audience, he asksH &3ow many people here
beliee in ghosts?(B
$bout 2: students raise their hands. ('ell that<s a good start. #ut o! those o! you
who beliee in ghostsB
Cerita Lu'u "# -uliah upranatural
+eorang pro!esor pada 6niersity Yunani di 7alamata sedang memberikan ceramah
tentang supranatural. 6ntuk mendapatkan perhatian mahasiswanya, dia bertanyaH
B.erapa banyak orang di sini yang percaya hantu?B
+ekitar 2: siswa mengangkat tangan mereka. B@ah itu awal yang baik. +ilahkan
keluar kelas dari anda yang percaya hantuB
/unn! stor! 0# "11
+usie came skipping up the walk. +he opened the door and said, &,ommy5 I got a
E:: today5( The mother replied, &That<s great, dear5 'hat did you get it in?(
&Two things,( +usie said. &I got a LM in science, and a DL in mathematics.(
Cerita Lu'u 0# 2ilai "11
+usie datang melompat melompat=lompat girang. "ia membuka pintu dan berkata,
BIbu5 $ku dapat nilai E:: hari ini5 B+ang ibu men8awab,B Itu bagus, $nakku5 @ilai apa
yang kamu dapat E:: itu?B
B "ua hal, Bkata +usie. B$ku dapat nilai LM dalam ilmu pengetahuan $lam, dan DL
pada matematika. B
/unn! stor! &# 3re .ou Punish ,e%
7id H B"o you punish people !or things they don<t do?B
TeacherH B#! course, no.B
7id H BGreat5 I didn<t do my homework.B
Cerita Lu'u &# 3pakah kau akan menghukumku%
+iswaH B$pakah $nda anak menghukum orang karena hal yang tidak mereka
GuruH BTentu tidakB
7idH B.aguslah5 7arena saya TI"$7 menger8akan PF di rumah.
/unn! stor! *# /un in Class
The teacher asked a studentH B"o you know where ,t.Eerestis?,the talllest
mountain in the world?B
The student saidH BI am sorry teacher,i don<t know where it is.B
The teacher said angrilyH BYou donCt know? +tand up on the chair5B
The student stood up on the chair in the astonishing manner and saidH BTeacher,
can I see ,t.Eerest by standing in the chair?(
Cerita Lu'u *# -elas .ang ,en!enangkan
Guru bertanya kepada siswaH B7amu tahu di mana ,t.Eerest?, Gunung tertinggi di
,urid itu mengatakanH C+aya minta maa!, saya tidak tahu di mana itu.
+ang guru berkata dengan marahH B7amu tidak tahu? .erdiri di atas kursi5B
,urid itupun berdiri di atas kursi dengan cara yang mengherankan lalu berkataH
C.isakah saya melihat ,t.Eerest dengan cara berdiri diatas kursi ini?B
/unn! stor! +# $room
$ young man hired by a supermarket reported !or his !irst day o! work. The
manager greeted him with a warm handshake and a smile, gae him a broom and
said, &Your !irst 8ob will be to sweep out the store.(
&.ut I<m a college graduate,( the young man replied indignantly.
&#h, I<m sorry. I didn<t know that,( said the manager. &3ere, gie me the broom. I<ll
show you how.(
Cerita Lu'u +# apu
+eorang pria muda yang dipeker8akan oleh sebuah supermarket dilaporkan datang
untuk hari pertamanya dalam beker8a. +eorang mana8er menyambutnya dengan
8abat tangan yang hangat dan senyum, memberinya sapu dan berkata, BTugas
pertama kamu adalah menyapu toko. B
BTapi aku seorang lulusan perguruan tinggi,B 8awab pemuda itu marah.
B#h, maa!kan saya. +aya tidak tahu itu, Bkata mana8er. B+ini, berikan saya sapunya.
+aya akan tun8ukkan kamu bagaimana caranya.B
/unn! stor! 4# (alf 5a!
#ne day there was a class o! kids at school. They were haing a hard time
concentrating on the work because it was snowing so hard outside. They were 8ust
waiting !or that blessed announcement o! the rest o! the day o!!.
+uddenly, the intercom beeped and they heard the oice o! their principalA
&$ttention, students. "ue to the weather conditions, we will only be attending
school a hal! o! the day this morning.(
$!ter all the students< cheers had stopped, the principal continuedA &$nd we will be
attending the other hal! this a!ternoon.(
Cerita Lu'u 4# etengah (ari ekolah
+uatu hari ada anak=anak di sekolah. ,ereka mendapatkan saat yang berat untuk
berkonsentrasi pada pela8aran karena sal8u turun begitu keras di luar. $nak anak itu
menunggu terdengarnya pengumuman untuk libur hari itu.
Tiba=tiba, pengeras suara berbunyi dan mereka mendengar suara dari 7epal
sekolahA BPerhatian, siswa. 7arena kondisi cuaca, kalian hanya akan
bersekolah setengah hari pagi ini.B
+etelah sorak=sorai siswa berhenti, 7epala +ekolah melan8utkanA B"an kalia akan
melan8utkan sekolah setengahnya lagi di sore hari nanti.B
/unn! tor! 6# 3meri'an (istor!
TeacherH &George 'ashington not only chopped down his !ather<s cherry tree, but
also admitted doing it. @ow do you know why his !ather didn<t punish him?(
)ohnnyH &.ecause George still had the a%e in his hand.(
Cerita Lu'u 6# e7arah 3merika
GuruH BGeorge 'ashington tidak hanya menebang pohon ceri milik ayahnya, tetapi
dia 8uga mengakui telah melakukan hal itu. +ekarang tahukah $nda 7enapa ayahnya
tidak menghukum dia? B
)ohnnyH B7arena George masih memegang kapak di tangannya.B
/unn! stor! 8# u)stituting Tea'her
$ girl was substituting as a teacher !or her !riend. +he !igured that it would be
best i! she wrote eerything on the board !or the kids, so it would be easier !or
them to understand.
"uring math class she said to the class, &#k class, it is time !or your math test. I
will write the problems !or the test on the board.( +o she did it, and they took the
>ater in science she said to the class, &I will write the *uestions to your science
assignment on the board.( +o she did and they took the test.
Then later in spelling, she said to the class, &Class, I will write the words !or your
spelling test on the board.(
Cerita >ucu ;. Guru Pengganti
+eorang perempuan men8adi guru pengganti untuk temannya. "ia menduga bahwa
akan lebih baik 8ika dia menulis semuanya pada papan untuk anak=anak, sehingga
akan lebih mudah bagi mereka untuk memahami.
+elama pela8aran matematika berkataA B#k $nak=anak, sekarang saatnya untuk tes
matematika. +aya akan menulis soalnya di papan.B"ia melakukannya, dan anak=anak
menger8akan tes matematika itu.
7emudian dalam pela8aran IP$ dia berkata di depan kelasA B+aya akan menulis
pertanyaan untuk tugas IP$ kalian di papan tulis. B)adi dia melakukan dan anak=anak
itu menger8akan tugas itu.
>alu ketika pela8aran +PE>>I@G, dia berkataA B$nak=anak, saya akan menuliskan
kata=kata untuk pengu8ian spelling kalian di papan tulis.B
3meri'an 9 Russian u)marines
German !isherman was at the sea with a small boat. $!ter some time $merican
submarine sur!aced near him.
The captain asked the !ishermanH &'hich way is $laska?(
The !isherman points his !ingerH &That way5(
&Thanks5( says the $merican, shouts &+outh=+outh=East, bearing ED2.D degrees5(
down the hatch and the submarine submerges.
Ten minutes later a +oiet submarine emerges. The Fussian captain opens the
hatch and asks the !ishermanH &'here did the $merican submarine go?(
The !isherman repliesH &+outh=+outh=East bearing ED2.D degrees5(
&'hat?(, asked Fussian captain.
&I said, they went to +outh=+outh=East bearing ED2.D degrees5(
&'hat did you mean o! that? You<d better show us the direction with your !inger,
you don<t want us to sink you5(
$u!ing 3 $room
$ woman was buying a broom in a store.
&+how me that one, please,( she says to the salesgirl.
The salesgirl brings it to her.
&@o, that<s not what I want,( says the woman.
&Perhaps this one?( suggests the salesgirl.
&@o, not that one either.(
&'hat about this one then?( The girl keeps on trying.
$!ter twenty minutes more o! this the woman saysH &Nery well, this one will do.(
&,adam,( says the harassed salesgirl, &+hall I wrap it !or you or will you !ly it
/or Rent
There was an adertisement at the newspaper H $partment !or rent, 8ust !or a
!amily without children.
$ man isited to that apartment, think !or a moment, then agree with the rules.
.ut tomorrow, he moe to the apartment with his wi!e and seen kids55 The owner
o! apartment gets angry.
&+ir, yesterday I was telling you5 This apartment was 8ust !or rent !or a !amily
without children5(
&'hat children?( answer the man. &You said this seen are children? @o55 They<re
#rientation H There was an4 without children.
Eent H $ man isited to4 a !amily without children5(
Twist H &'hat children?( answer the man. &You said this seen are children? @o55
They<re monsters5(
Costumers 3re Right
,arto had apprenticeship at repairing shop in middle semester holiday. In the
third day, ,arto !ought with the costumer. Then he called by the owner.
&,arto, your behaior was ery bad. The all o! workers at this repairing shop are
prohibited to !ight with the costumer. In this repairing shop, the costumers are
always right5(
&.ut sir4( ,arto can<t continuing his words because being cut by the owner.
&"on<t be protest5 #k, I will !orgie you. .ut ne%t time don<t be happen again. @ow
tell me, what happened with that costumer?( asked the owner o! repairing shop.
&'e !ought because the costumer said that the owner o! repairing shop was
petti!ogging and likes to corrupt4( said ,arto.
Pesti'ide :ui'e
$ month ago, Tama and his !amily sells 8uice, like tomato 8uice, orange 8uice, etc.
.ut because o! the costumers were didn<t really like the 8uices, so Tama<s !amily
closed the selling 8uice and opened !arming medicine shop like insecticide,
pesticide, compost, etc.
#ne night later, "ea met with Tama. Tama<s head was bandaged, and his eyes was
&'hat happened with you?( asked "ea.
&I hae been hit by the costumer( answered Tama.
&3it by costumer? 'hy?(
&Yeah, yesterday at the a!ternoon, I was selling !arming medicine. Then a costumer
came in and asked !or li*uid pesticide. +ubconciously, I said like when I sell the
8uice a month ago,<"o you want to pack it or drink here?<. 9inally I got hit by the

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