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Knowing God-(The Person and Being of God) [July 17, 2014]

I. God's Personality
Personality is characterized by possessing knowledge,
feeling and will power. [God is a Person. He is not an
influence or unseen force or power like electricity-
Alban Douglas] But the Lord is the true God, He is the
living God (Jeremiah 10:10) turned to God from
idols to serve the living and true God (1 Thessalonians
1:9) "The Lord knows the thoughts of man..." (Psalms
the Battle between God and Idols [Old Testament]
II. God's Nature
God is a Spirit. A spirit has neither flesh, bones nor
blood. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must
worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24) Now to
the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God (1
Timothy 1:17) Look at my hands and my feet. It is I
myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh
and bones, as you see I have. (Luke 24:39)
III. God's Unity
The Lord our God is one God in contrast to the plurality
of pagan gods. This is what the LORD saysIsraels
King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first
and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.
(Isaiah 44:6) And there is no God apart from me, a
righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me.
(Isaiah 45:21)
IV. God's Natural Attributes
An Attribute is a quality, property or unique
characteristic of something. [We reason that to be
God, He must possess distinctive qualities.]
1. He is ETERNAL. He must have neither beginning
nor ending. Before the mountains were born or
you brought forth the earth and the world, from
everlasting to everlasting you are God. (Psalm
90:2) {(Psalm 102:24,27)(Isaiah 57:15) }
2. He is UNCHANGEABLE. God is Constant. For I am
the Lord, I change not. (Malachi 3:6) {(1 Samuel
15:29)(James 1:17)}
3. He is OMNIPOTENT. God is All Powerful. Man
makes things out of existing materials; God creates
out of non-existing materials. [Gods Creation
(Genesis 1)] I know that you can do all things; no
plan of yours can be thwarted. (Job 42:2) Behold
I am the Lord, The God of all flesh: is there
anything too hard for Me?

4. He is OMNIPRESENT. God is everywhere. Where
can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from
your presence?...even there your hand will guide
me, your right hand will hold me fast. (Psalm
139:7-10) Am I only a God nearby, and not a God
far away?...Do not I fill heaven and earth? -
declares the LORD (Jeremiah 23:23,24)
5. He is OMNICIENT. God is All-Knowing, Nothing is
Hidden. for the LORD searches every heart and
understands every motive behind the thoughts
(1Chronicles 28:9) The LORD knows the thoughts
of man (Psalm 94:11) and His understanding
no one can fathom.
V. God's Moral Attributes [GOD is]
a. Holy. 1Peter 1:16; Isaiah 6:3; Exodus15:11;
1Samuel 2:2
b. Righteous. Ezra 9:15; Jeremiah 12:1; Psalm
c. Merciful. Deuteronomy 4:31; Psalm 86:15
d. Love. 1John 4:8; 3:16; John 3:16; 16:27
e. Faithful. 1Corinthians 1:9; 2Timothy 2:13;
Deuteronomy 7:9; 32:4
f. Gracious. Exodus 34:6; Psalm 116:7
g. Jealous. Joshua 24:19; Nahum 1:2
h. Great. 2Chronicles 2:5; Psalm 86:10
i. Light. Isaiah 60:19; 1John 1:5
j. Perfect. Matthew 5:48
k. True. Jeremiah 10:10
l. Consuming Fire. Hebrews 12:29
[Knowing Gods Person and Being: (Time for Reflection)]
1. Why we wouldnt consider God personally?
2. Why we choose the Idols?
3. Why we choose to hide from God and not to be
transparent and sincere?
4. Why we worry too much?
5. Have you felt that closeness with God?

Conclusion: [Gods being and attributes is revealed...]
a) To show authority
b) To build up relationship
c) To deepen faith

[Jesus Christ is the revelation of God. (John 14:7-11)]

Love Him. Worship Him. Serve Him. Obey Him. Fear Him.

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