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Family Code

Articles 151-200 minus adoption provisions

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Art. 151. No _____ between members of the same family shall _____ unless it should appear
from the _____ _____ or _____ that _____ _____ toward a _____ have been made, but that the
same have _____. If it is shown that no such _____ were in fact made, the same _____ must be
These _____ shall not _____ to cases which may not be the _____ of _____ under the Civil
Code. (222a)
Chapter 2. The Family Home
Art. 152. The _____ _____, _____ _____ by the husband and the wife or by an _____ _____ of a
family, is the _____ _____ where they and their family _____, and the _____ on which it is
_____. (223a)
Art. 153. The family _____ is deemed _____ on a _____ and _____ from the _____ it is _____
as a family _____. From the _____ of its _____ and so long as any of its _____ actually _____
therein, the family _____ _____ to be such and is _____ from _____, _____ _____ or _____
except as hereinafter _____ and to the _____ of the _____ _____ by _____. (223a)
Art. 154. The _____ of a family home are:
(1) The husband and wife, or an _____ person who is the _____ of a family; and
(2) Their _____, ascendants, _____, brothers and _____, whether the _____ be legitimate or
illegitimate, who are _____ in the family home and who _____ upon the _____ of the family for
_____ _____. (226a)
Art. 155. The family home shall be exempt from _____, _____ _____ or _____ except:
(1) For _____ of _____;
(2) For _____ _____ prior to the _____ of the family home;
(3) For _____ _____ by _____ on the _____ before or after such _____; and

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(4) For _____ due to _____, _____, _____, _____, _____ and others who have _____ _____ or
_____ _____ for the _____ of the _____. (243a)
Art. 156. The family home must be _____ of the _____ of the absolute community or the
conjugal partnership, or of the _____ properties of either spouse with the latter's _____. It may
also be _____ by an _____ _____ of a family on his or her own _____.
Nevertheless, _____ that is the _____ of a _____ _____ on _____ where _____ is _____ by the
_____ only to _____ _____ of the _____ _____ may be _____ as a family _____. (227a, 228a)
Art. 157. The _____ _____ of the family home shall not _____, at the _____ of its _____, the
_____ of _____ _____ _____ pesos in _____ areas, and _____ _____ _____ pesos in _____
areas, or such _____ as may hereafter be _____ by _____.
In any _____, if the _____ of the _____ _____ after the _____ of this _____, the _____ most
_____ for the _____ of a family home shall be the _____ of _____.
For _____ of this _____, _____ areas are deemed to _____ _____ _____ and _____ whose
_____ _____ at least _____ that _____ _____ for _____ cities. All others are deemed to be
_____ areas. (231a)
Art. 158. The family home may be _____, _____, _____, _____ or _____ by the owner or
owners thereof with the _____ _____ of the person _____ the same, the latter's _____, and a
_____ of the _____ of _____ _____. In case of _____, the _____ shall _____. (235a)
Art. 159. The family home shall _____ despite the _____ of one or both _____ or of the _____
head of the family for a period of _____ _____ or for as long as there is a _____ _____, and the
_____ cannot _____ the same unless the _____ _____ _____ _____ therefor. This _____ shall
_____ _____ of whoever _____ the _____ or _____ the family home. (238a)
Art. 160. When a _____ whose _____ is not among those mentioned in Article _____ _____ a
_____ in his _____, and he has _____ _____ to _____ that the family _____ is actually _____
more than the _____ _____ _____ in Article _____, he may _____ to the _____ which _____ the

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_____ for an _____ _____ the _____ of the _____ under _____. The _____ shall so _____ if it
_____ that the _____ _____ of the family _____ _____ the _____ _____ _____ by _____ as of
the _____ of its _____. If the _____ _____ value exceeds the _____ allowed in Article _____
and _____ from _____ _____ _____ _____ by the person or persons _____ the family home, by
the owner or owners of the _____, or by any of the _____, the same _____ and _____ shall
At the _____ _____, no _____ _____ the _____ _____ for a family home shall be _____. The
_____ shall be _____ first to the _____ mentioned in Article _____, and then to the _____ under
the _____ and the _____. The _____, if any, shall be _____ to the _____ _____. (247a, 248a)
Art. 161. For _____ of _____ of the _____ of a family home as provided for in this Chapter, a
_____ may _____, or be the _____ of, only _____ family home. (n)
Art. 162. The provisions in this Chapter shall also govern _____ _____ _____ insofar as said
provisions are _____. (n)
Chapter 1. Legitimate Children
Art. 163. The _____ of _____ may be by _____ or by _____. _____ _____ may be legitimate or
illegitimate. (n)
Art. 164. Children _____ or _____ during the _____ of the _____ are _____.
Children _____ as a _____ of _____ _____ of the _____ with the _____ of the _____ or that of a
_____ or both are likewise _____ children of the husband and his wife, provided, that both of
them _____ or _____ such insemination in a _____ _____ _____ and _____ by them before the
_____ of the child. The _____ shall be _____ in the civil registry together with the _____ _____
of the child. (55a, 258a)

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Art. 165. Children conceived and born _____ a _____ marriage are _____, unless otherwise
provided in this Code. (n)
Art. 166. _____ of a child may be _____ only on the following _____:
(1) That it was _____ _____ for the husband to have _____ _____ with his wife within the first
_____ days of the _____ days which _____ _____ the _____ of the child because of:
(a) the _____ _____ of the husband to have sexual intercourse with his wife;
(b) the _____ that the husband and wife were _____ _____ in such a way that sexual intercourse
was not _____; or
(c) _____ _____ of the husband, which _____ _____ sexual intercourse;
(2) That it is _____ that for _____ or other _____ _____, the _____ could not have been that of
the _____, except in the _____ _____ in the _____ paragraph of Article _____; or
(3) That in _____ of _____ _____ through artificial insemination, the _____ _____ or _____ of
either _____ was _____ through _____, _____, _____, _____, or _____ _____. (255a)
Art. 167. The _____ shall be considered _____ although the _____ may have _____ against its
_____ or may have been _____ as an _____. (256a)
Art. 168. If the _____ is _____ and the _____ _____ another marriage within _____ _____ days
after such _____ of the _____ marriage, these _____ shall govern in the _____ of _____ to the
(1) A _____ _____ before _____ _____ _____ days after the _____ of the _____ marriage is
_____ to have been _____ during the _____ marriage, provided it be _____ within _____ _____
days after the _____ of the _____ marriage;
(2) A child born after one hundred eighty days following the _____ of the _____ marriage is
_____ to have been conceived during such _____, even though it be _____ within the three
hundred days after the termination of the former marriage. (259a)

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Art. 169. The legitimacy or illegitimacy of a _____ _____ _____ three hundred days following
the _____ of the marriage shall be _____ by whoever _____ such legitimacy or illegitimacy.
Art. 170. The _____ to _____ the _____ of the child shall be _____ within _____ _____ from the
_____ of the _____ or its _____ in the civil _____, if the _____ or, in a _____ _____, any of his
_____, should _____ in the city or municipality where the _____ took place or was _____.
If the _____ or, in his _____, all of his _____ do not _____ at the _____ of _____ as _____ in
the _____ _____ or where it was _____, the _____ shall be _____ _____ if they should _____ in
the _____; and _____ years if _____. If the _____ of the child has been _____ from or was
_____ to the _____ or his _____, the _____ shall be _____ from the _____ or _____ of the
_____ of the child or of the _____ of _____ of said _____, whichever is _____. (263a)
Art. 171. The _____ of the _____ may _____ the _____ of the child within the _____ _____ in
the preceding article only in the following cases:
(1) If the _____ should _____ before the _____ of the _____ _____ for bringing his action;
(2) If he should _____ after the _____ of the _____ without having _____ therefrom; or
(3) If the _____ was _____ after the _____ of the _____. (262a)
Chapter 2. Proof of Filiation
Art. 172. The _____ of _____ children is _____ by any of the following:
(1) The _____ of _____ _____ in the civil _____ or a _____ _____; or
(2) An _____ of _____ _____ in a _____ _____ or a _____ _____ _____ and _____ by the
_____ _____.
In the _____ of the foregoing _____, the _____ _____ shall be proved by:
(1) The _____ and _____ _____ of the _____ of a _____ child; or

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(2) Any other _____ allowed by the Rules of _____ and _____ _____. (265a, 266a, 267a)
Art. 173. The _____ to _____ _____ may be _____ by the _____ during his or her _____ and
shall be _____ to the _____ should the _____ _____ during _____ or in a _____ of _____. In
these _____, the _____ shall have a period of _____ _____ within which to _____ the _____.
The _____ already _____ by the _____ shall _____ not withstanding the _____ of either
or both parties.
Art. 174. Legitimate children shall have the right:
(1) To _____ the _____ of the father and the mother, in _____ with the _____ of the Civil Code
on _____;
(2) To _____ _____ from their _____, their _____, and in proper cases, their brothers and sisters,
in _____ with the provisions of this Code on _____; and
(3) To be _____ to the _____ and other _____ _____ _____ to them by the Civil Code. (264a)
Chapter 3. Illegitimate Children
Art. 175. _____ children may _____ their _____ _____ in the same _____ and on the same
_____ as _____ children.
The _____ must be _____ within the same _____ specified in Article _____, except when the
_____ is based on the _____ paragraph of Article _____, in which case the _____ may be _____
during the _____ of the _____ _____. (289a)
Art. 176. _____ children shall use the _____ and shall be under the _____ _____ of their _____,
and shall be _____ to _____ in conformity with this Code. However, illegitimate children may
use the _____ of their _____ if their _____ has been _____ _____ by their _____ through the
_____ of _____ appearing in the civil register, or when an _____ in a public document or private
handwritten instrument is made by the ______. Provided, the _____ has the _____ to _____ an

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action before the _____ _____ to _____ _____ during his _____. The _____ of each _____ child
shall _____ of _____ of the _____ of a _____ child. (287a)
Chapter 4. Legitimated Children
Art. 177. Children conceived and born _____ of _____ of _____ who, at the time of _____ of the
former, were not _____ by any _____ to _____ each other, or were so _____ only because either
or both of them were below eighteen years of age, may be _____. (As amended by R.A., No.
9858, December 20, 2009)
Art. 178. _____ shall take place by a _____ _____ marriage between _____. The _____ of a
_____ marriage shall not _____ the _____. (270a)
Art. 179. _____ children shall _____ the same _____ as _____ children. (272a)
Art. 180. The _____ of _____ shall _____ to the _____ of the child's _____. (273a)
Art. 181. The _____ of _____ who _____ before the _____ of the marriage shall _____ their
_____. (274)
Art. 182. _____ may be _____ only by those who are _____ in their _____, within _____ years
from the _____ their _____ of _____ _____. (275a)
Art. 194. _____ _____ everything _____ for _____, _____, _____, _____ _____, _____ and
_____, in keeping with the _____ _____ of the _____.

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The _____ of the person _____ to be _____ referred to in the preceding paragraph shall _____
his _____ or _____ for some _____, _____ or _____, even beyond the _____ of _____. _____
shall _____ _____ in going to and from _____, or to and from _____ of _____. (290a)
Art. 195. Subject to the provisions of the succeeding articles, the following are _____ to _____
each other to the _____ _____ set forth in the preceding article:
(1) The _____;
(2) _____ ascendants and descendants;
(3) _____ and their _____ children and the legitimate and illegitimate children of the latter;
(4) _____ and their _____ children and the legitimate and illegitimate children of the latter; and
(5) _____ brothers and sisters, whether of full or half-blood (291a)
Art. 196. Brothers and sisters not _____ _____, whether of the full or half-blood, are likewise
_____ to _____ each other to the _____ _____ set forth in Article _____, except only when the
_____ for _____ of the brother or sister, being of _____, is _____ to a _____ _____ to the _____
_____ or _____. (291a)
Art. 197. For the _____ of _____ ascendants; descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate;
and brothers and sisters, whether legitimately or illegitimately related, only the _____ property
of the person _____ to _____ _____ shall be _____ _____ that in case the _____ has no _____
property, the absolute community or the conjugal partnership, if _____ _____, shall _____ the
_____, which shall be _____from the _____ of the _____ _____ upon the _____ of the absolute
community or of the conjugal partnership. (n)
Art. 198. During the _____ for _____ separation or for _____ of marriage, and for _____ of
_____ of marriage, the _____ and their _____ shall be _____ from the _____ of the absolute
community or the conjugal partnership. After _____ _____ _____ the _____, the _____ of _____
_____ between the _____ _____. However, in case of legal _____, the _____ may _____ that the
_____ _____ shall _____ _____ to the _____ one, _____ the _____ of such _____. (292a)

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Art. 199. Whenever two or more persons are _____ to give _____, the _____ shall _____ upon
the following persons in the _____ herein provided:
(1) The _____;
(2) The _____ in the _____ _____;
(3) The _____ in the _____ _____; and
(4) The brothers and sisters. (294a)
Art. 200. When the _____ to _____ _____ falls upon two or more persons, the _____ of the same
shall be _____ between them in _____ to the _____ of each.
However, in case of _____ _____ and by _____ _____, the _____ may _____ only one of them
to _____ the _____ _____, without _____ to his _____ to _____ from the other _____ the _____
_____ from them.
When two or more _____ at the same _____ _____ _____ from one and the same person _____
_____ to _____ it, should the latter not have _____ _____ to _____ all _____, the _____ _____
in the preceding article shall be _____, unless the _____ _____ should be the _____ and a _____
subject to _____ _____, in which case the _____ shall be _____. (295a)

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