Unclassified Documents in 2000 Mind Control, Suppression of Free Will, Disturbing

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The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology

Capable of Some Electronic Mind Control Effects

Eleanor W., P.Eng.
April 4, !!!
http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#'ncom.htm ..or.. http"##$$$.bestnet.org#(ra%en&#'ncom.htm
To help the reader appreciate the importance of this matter...
-We need a program of psychos'rgery and political control of o'r society. The p'rpose is
physical control of the mind. E%eryone $ho de%iates from the gi%en norm can be s'rgically
-The indi%id'al may thin) that the most important reality is his o$n e.istence, b't this is only
his personal point of %ie$. This lac)s historical perspecti%e.
-Man does not ha%e the right to de%elop his o$n mind. This )ind of liberal orientation has
great appeal. We m'st electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals $ill be
controlled by electrical stim'lation of the brain.-
/r. 0ose /elgado 1M,U2T+A e.perimenter $ho demonstrated a radio3 controlled b'll on
C44 in &5678
/irector of 4e'ropsychiatry, 9ale Uni%ersity Medical School
Congressional +ecord 4o. :, ;ol. &&6, <ebr'ary 4, &5=4
Mon)eys in restraint, $ires coming o't of top of s)'ll, left image -normal-, right
image $ith electric c'rrent being fed into the mon)ey>s brain 3 note p'pil si?es and
clenched teeth@ These images portray /r. /elgado>s r'thless disregard for life, pain,
and s'ffering@
This doc'ment is organi?ed so that a narrati%e article appears at the top,
follo$ed by appendices.
I. LIMITATIONS....................................................... E
II. INTRODUCTION...................................................... E
III. MIND CONTROL EFFECTS.............................................. 4
IV. MAJOR TECHNOLOGY CLASSES.......................................... 5
V. PULSED MICROWAVE.................................................. &
VI. ULTRASOUND AND VOICE-FM........................................... &7
VII. THROUGH-WALL RADAR................................................ &5
VIII. THOUGHT READING................................................... &
IX. IMPLANTS ......................................................... E
X. CONCLUSION........................................................ 7
XI. APPENDICES........................................................ =
PM1.....THE LIDA MACHINE................................................ 6
PM2.....DR. ALLAN FREY'S PAPER.......................................... E
PM3.....NASA ARTICLE.................................................... 4E
PM".....#IOLOGICAL AMPLIFICATION $OF EM SIGNALS%........................ 46
PM:...../+. /B4 +. 0USTESE4>S +EPB+T" &5=4 ;BDCE TB S,U22
SUCCESS....... 7
PM&.....U.S. GOVT DOCUMENT RE' RUSSIAN MIND CONTROL..................... 74
PM(.....OA! RIDGE LA#S AND OTHER #ULLETINS...............................76
US1.....SILENT SOUND) #RITISH ITV & NEXUS MAGA*INE...................... :4
TWR1....THE LADS DEVICE................................................ &!!
TWR2....THE RADAR FLASHLIGHT........................................... &!
TWR3....MILLIVISION THRU-CLOTHINGWALL RADAR........................... &!E
TR3.....THOUGHT READING #Y RADIO SIGNAL................................ &&4
TR4.....ELECTRONICS SEES WHAT A CAT SEES............................... &&=
IMP1....PROMOTION OF HUMAN IMPLANTATION #Y NIH......................... &E
PS......POSTSCRIPT..................................................... &E:
PRINT FROM /0123240 1250/ for 'nbro)en sections and images
The a'thor ac)no$ledges that this article falls short of a rigoro's
academic paper. This is e.plained by the fact that all in%ol'ntary
ne'ro3electromagnetic e.perimentees are )ept in a sort of -barely
ali%e- condition, $ith significant health problems, and either 'nable
to $or) or H'st barely able to hold a Hob $ith limited earning
<'rthermore, since the perpetrators constantly $or) to pre%ent the
p'blic from )no$ing anything abo't electronic mind control, e%idence
is obtainable $ith great diffic'lty, and often the only e%idence is
of lo$er I'ality than $o'ld be accepted for a scientific treatise.
Dn short, e%erything in this article represents a str'ggle against
immense odds. We as) readers to 'nderstand this and hope that those
$ho are not 'nder electronic attac) and s'r%eillance $ill try thro'gh
independent channels to find better I'ality proof.
Up to Contents
Electronic mind control technology had it>s start in the &57!s, as an
obsc're branch of the CDA>s M,U2T+A proHect gro'p. 0'st as organi?ed
crime is not stopped by hearings and co'rt cases, neither did this
originally obsc're branch of M,U2T+A acti%ity, $hen the instit'tional#
dr'g#child ab'se phases $ere e.posed by the U.S. Senate>s Ch'rch3
Dno'ye hearings in the late &5=!s. 4o criminal proceedings follo$ed,
and only t$o ci%il la$ s'its 1Brli)o$ and Conacci8 ha%e s'cceeded.
This assembly of 'nclassified and commercial literat're is to sho$
in%estigators and concerned citi?ens that in spite of the tightest
possible information blac)o't imposed in the early &5=!s, eno'gh of
the classified mind control technology has lea)ed o't to sho$ that
significant classified accomplishments are o%er$helmingly li)ely,
and in need of disclos're, here at the end of the !th cent'ry.
Dt is hoped that go%ernment and media, $ho ha%e shied a$ay from this
topic for decades, preferring the $arm f'??y feelings that -this can>t
be tr'e-, $ill read abo't the 'nclassified and commercial de%ices and
'nderstand the implications of contin'ed t'rning the other $ay.
Up to Contents
Since go%ernment3bac)ed electronic mind control is classified at the
highest le%els in all technologically capapble go%ernments, the
description of effects is ta)en from the personal e.periences of o%er
E!! )no$n in%ol'ntary e.perimentees. The e.perimentees $itho't
e.ception report that once the -testing- begins, the classified e.per3
iment specification apparently reI'ires that the -testing- be contin'ed
for life. Many are yo'ng seniors, some in their =!s and 6!s.
Some ha%e children and the children are often s'bHected to the same
-testing- as their parent1s8.
The effects pattern"
This article is abo't 'nclassified#commercial technologies $hich can
prod'ce some of the effects of the classified eI'ipment, not testimonials,
b't this m'ch has become clear o%er time"
3 All -testing- consists of 'niI'e, caref'lly engineered3'npro%able
e%ents to prod'ce psychological stress in the %ictim. There are
no e%ents $hich do not fit that apparent p'rpose.
3 Dn e%ery series of stress e%ent type, B4E introd'ctory e%ent of
%ery high energy#effect is staged. The ob%io's p'rpose is to be
certain the %ictim ,4BWS this is e.ternal harassment, and not H'st
-bad l'c)-. <rom that time for$ard, the e.perimenters appear to
apply -Pa%lo%ian training- so that they can get the %ictim to -H'mp-
1or react in some $ay8 to the same effect at a tiny fraction of the
initial -introd'ctory- e%ent.
3 This type of testing started d'ring the Cold War, and sho$s e%ery
characteristic of being for military and intelligence psychological
$arfare p'rposes.
3 This type of testing all points to CB4T+B2 of the test s'bHect.
Endlessly repeated $ords generated inescapably $ithin the s)'ll
are H'st one hypnosis3li)e e.perience.
3 Gi%en that CB4T+B2 is the li)ely 'ltimate p'rpose, D4;B2U4TA+9
test s'bHects become a necessity. Th's, the phenomenon of people
apparently being chosen at random for this -$or)-.
3 Gi%en a reI'irement for D4;B2U4TA+9 test s'bHects, the B429 gro'p
$ith the necessary f'nds and legal po$ers is GB;E+4ME4T. Pri%ate
contractors are no do'bt the main perpetrators to )eep the -$or)-
$ell co%ered, b't $itho't secret complicity of GB;E+4ME4T, this
e.pensi%e, e.tensi%e, and illegal atrocity simply co'ld not happen.
The effect types categori?ed"
Jere is a list of most of the common effects. Dt is not e.ha'sti%e,
b't is intended to sho$ the reader ho$ the perpetrators> pallette
of stress effects is bro)en do$n. Dndent le%els are 'sed to sho$
categories and s'b3categories"
&. Dn%asi%e At3a3/istance Cody Effects 1incl'ding mind8
a. Sleep depri%ation and fatig'e
i. Silent b't instantaneo's application of -electronic
caffeine- signal, forces a$a)e and )eeps a$a)e
ii. 2o'd noise from neighbo'rs, 's'ally synchroni?ed
to attempts to fall asleep
iii.Precision3to3the3second -allo$ed sleep- and -forced
a$a)ening-K far too precise and repeated to be nat'ral
i%. /aytime -fatig'e attac)s-, can force the %ictim to sleep
and#or $ea)en the m'scles to the point of collapse
b. A'dible ;oice to S)'ll 1;S8
i. /eli%ered by apparent at a distance radio signal
ii. Made to appear as emanating from thin air
iii.;oices or so'nd effects only the %ictim can hear
c. Dna'dible ;oice to S)'ll 1Silent So'nd8
i. /eli%ered by apparent at a distance radio signalK
manifested by s'dden 'rges to do something#go some$here
yo' $o'ld not other$ise $ant toK silent 1'ltrasonic8
hypnosis pres'med
ii. Programming hypnotic -triggers- 3 i.e. specific phrases
or other c'es $hich ca'se specific in%ol'ntary actions
d. ;iolent m'scle triggering 1flailing of limbs8
i. 2eg or arm Her)s to %iolently force a$a)e and )eep a$a)e
ii. Whole body Her)s, as if body had been hit by large Holt
of electricity
iii.;iolent sha)ing of bodyK seemingly as if on a %ibrating
s'rface b't $here s'rface is in reality not %ibrating
e. Precision manip'lation of body parts 1slo$, specific p'rpose8
i. Manip'lation of hands, forced to synchroni?e $ith closed3eyes
b't <U229 AWA,E %ision of pre%io's dayK %ery po$erf'l and
coerci%e, not a dream
ii. Slo$ bending almost 5! degrees CAC,WA+/S of one toe at a
time or one finger at a time
iii./irect at3a3distance control of breathing and %ocal cordsK
incl'ding in%ol'ntary speech
i%. Spot blan)ing of memory, long and short term
f. +eading said3silently3to3self tho'ghts
i. Engineered s)its $here yo'r tho'ghts are spo)en to yo'
by strangers on street or e%ents reI'iring )no$ledge of
$hat yo' $ere thin)ing
ii. +eal time reading s'b%ocali?ed $ords, as $hile the %ictim
reads a boo), and C+BA/CASTD4G those $ords to nearby people
$ho form an ama?ed a'dience aro'nd the %ictim
g. /irect application of pain to body parts
i. Jot3needles3deep3in3flesh sensation
ii. Electric shoc)s 1no $ires $hatsoe%er applied8
iii.Po$erf'l and 'nI'enchable itching, often applied precisely
$hen %ictim attempts to do something to e.pose this -$or)-
i%. -Artificial fe%er-, s'dden, no illness present
%. S'dden racing heartbeat, rela.ed sit'ation
h. S'r%eillance and trac)ing
i. Thr' $all radar and rapping 'nder yo'r feet as yo' mo%e
abo't yo'r apartment, on ceiling of apartment belo$
ii. Thr' $all radar 'sed to monitor starting and stopping
of yo'r 'rination 3 $ater belo$ t'rned on and off
in sync $ith yo'r 'rine stream
iii.2o'd, ra'co's artificial bird calls e%ery$here the
%ictim goes, e%en into the $ilderness
. Dn%asi%e Physical Effects at a /istance, non3body
a. Stoppage of po$er to appliances 1temporary, brea)er B48
b. Manip'lation of appliance settings
c. Temporary fail'res that -fi. themsel%es-
d. <linging of obHects, incl'ding non3metallic
e. Precision manip'lation of s$itches and controls
f. <orced, ob%io'sly premat're fail're of appliance or
E. E.ternal Stress3Generating -S)its-
a. Participation of strangers, neighbo'rs, and in some cases
close friends and family members in harassment
i. +'deness for no ca'se
ii. Tradesmen al$ays ha%e -problems-, bloc) yo'r car, etc.
iii.P'rchases delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate
i%. Un's'ally lo'd m'sic, noise, far beyond normal
b. Crea)3ins#sabotage at home
i. Shredding of clothing
ii. /estr'ction of f'rnit're
iii.Petty theft
i%. Engineered fail'res of 'tilities
c. Sabotage at $or)
i. +epetiti%e damage to f'rnit're
ii. /eletion#corr'ption of comp'ter files
iii.Planting %ir'ses $hich co'ld not ha%e come from
yo'r comp'ter 'sage pattern
i%. /eli%ered goods delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate
%. Spreading of r'mors, sabotage to yo'r $or)ing rep'tation
%i. /irect sabotage and theft of completed $or)K tradesmen
often in%ol%ed and sho$ing ob%io's pleas're
Dll'stration of the bodily effects
Up to Contents
These technology classes are for the U4classified and commercial eI'ipment
$hich can em'late the -real- classified mind control eI'ipment. Effect
section , -Dn%asi%e Physical Effects at3a3/istance-, clearly establishes
the e.istence of remote precision manip'lation of obHects $hich is far
beyond the capabilities of 'nclassified and commercial eI'ipment at the
time of $riting.
+EMBTE PJ9SDCA2 MA4DPU2ATDB4 is not co%ered in this article, b't the
sho'ld )no$ that both 4ASA and DEEE ha%e noted s'ccesses in creating %ery
small antigra%ity effects 1$hich are not d'e to simple magnetism.8
3 p'lsed micro$a%e 1i.e. li)e radar signals8
3 'ltraso'nd and %oice3<M 1transmitted thro'gh the air8
While transmission of speech, dating from the early &5=!s,
$as the first 'se of p'lsed micro$a%e, ne'ro3effecti%e
signals can no$ ca'se many other ner%e gro'ps to become
remotely act'ated. At time of $riting, that technology
appears to be classified.
A LPa%lo%ianM hypnotic trigger is a phrase or any other
sensory c'e $hich the %ictim is programmed to in%ol'ntarily
act on in a certain $ay. The 7!s3=!s M,U2T+A s'r%i%ors can
still be triggered from programming done decades ago. A name
-manch'rian candidate-, from a no%el by 0ohn Mar)s, is 'sed
to describe a person $ho carries Pa%lo%ian triggers.
Bne of the main goals of the instit'tional#dr'g#child
ab'se phases of the CDA M,U2T+A atrocities 1&57!>s thro'gh
&5=!>s8 $as to implant triggers 'sing a -t$ilight
state- 1half3conscio's8 medication and tape recorded
hypnosis. The 'ltimate goal $as to ha%e the acting o't
of Pa%lo%ian triggers erased from the %ictim>s memory.
Using one of the t$o transmission methods abo%e, these
triggers are no$ planted 'sing either of the abo%e t$o
transmission methods, b't $ith the $ords mo%ed 'p H'st
abo%e 1or near the top of8 the a'dible freI'ency range.
The res'lt is that hypnotic triggers are planted $itho't
the s'bHect being a$are. This technology $as 'sed in
the G'lf War and has a name" -Silent So'nd-
So3called -millimeter $a%e- scanning. This method 'ses the
%ery top end of the micro$a%e radio signal spectr'm H'st
belo$ infra3red. To %ie$ small obHects or people clearly,
the highest freI'ency that $ill penetrate non3cond'cti%e or
poorly3 cond'cti%e $alls is 'sed. Millimeter $a%e scanning
radar can be 'sed in t$o modes"
3 passi%e 1no signal radiated, 'ses bac)gro'nd
radiation already in the area to be scanned,
totally U4detectable8
3 acti%e 1lo$ po$er millimeter $a%e -flashlight-
attached to the scanner H'st as a con%entional
light mo'nted on a camcorder8, or, the 'se of
archaeological gro'nd penetrating radar
Tho'ght reading can be classed as a -thro'gh $all
s'r%eillance- technology. Tho'ght reading, in the
'nclassified#commercial realm, can be bro)en do$n as
3 thr'3s)'ll micro$a%e reading
3 magnetic s)'ll3pro.imity reading
The re%erse of biofeedbac). Those lo$ freI'ency electrical
brain rhythms $hich are characteristics of %ario's moods
and states of sleep can not only be read o't 'sing
biofeedbac) eI'ipment or EEG machines, b't 'sing radio,
so'nd, contact electrodes, or flashing lights, the moods
and sleep states can be generated or at least enco'raged
'sing brain entrainment de%ices.
Crain entrainment signals cannot carry %oice, $hich is a
m'ch higher freI'ency range. Crain entrainment can,
ho$e%er, be 'sed to -set 'p- a target to ma)e him#her more
s'sceptible to hypnosis.
These maHor technology classes can prod'ce some of the obser%ed mind
control effects, <+BM JD/D4G A4/ U4/ETECTAC29, $ith the e.ception of
remote physical manip'lation.
DMP2A4TATDB4 is sometimes 'sed to assist the abo%e technologies
b't $ith c'rrent de%ices, implants are no longer reI'ired.
/iagram sho$ing the o%erall method, based entirely on 'nclassified
&5=4 technology, of ho$ SD2E4T hypnosis may be transmitted to a
target $itho't the target>s being a$are. This techniI'e is probably
the most insidio's, beca'se it allo$s months and years of programming
and Pa%lo%ian trigger3setting, $hile the target cannot resist.
Up to Contents
P'lsed micro$a%e %oice3to3s)'ll 1or other3so'nd3to3s)'ll8 transmission
$as disco%ered d'ring World War DD by radar technicians $ho fo'nd they
co'ld hear the b'?? of the train of p'lses being transmitted by radar
eI'ipment they $ere $or)ing on. This phenomenon has been st'died
e.tensi%ely by /r. Allan <rey, $hose $or) has been p'blished in a n'mber
of reference boo)s.
What /r. <rey fo'nd $as that single p'lses of micro$a%e co'ld be heard
by some people as -pops- or -clic)s-, $hile a train of 'niform p'lses
co'ld be heard as a b'??, $itho't benefit of any type of recei%er.
/r. <rey also fo'nd that a $ide range of freI'encies, as lo$ as &7 MJ?
1$ell belo$ micro$a%e8 $or)ed for some combination of p'lse po$er and
p'lse $idth. /etailed 'nclassified st'dies mapped o't those freI'encies
and p'lse characteristics $hich are optim'm for generation of -micro$a%e
;ery significantly, $hen disc'ssing electronic mind control, is the
fact that the PEA, PU2SE PBWE+ reI'ired is modest 3 something li)e
!.E $atts per sI'are centimeter of s)'ll s'rface, and this po$er le%el
is only applied for a %ery small percentage of each p'lse>s cycle time.
!.E $atts#sI cm is abo't $hat yo' get 'nder a 7! $att heat lamp at
a distance of one meter. Dt is not a lot of po$er.
When yo' ta)e into acco'nt that the p'lse train is B<< 1no signal8 for
most of each cycle, the a%erage po$er is so lo$ as to be nearly
<reI'encies that act as %oice3to3s)'ll carriers are not single freI3
'encies, as, for e.ample T; or cell phone channels are. Each sensiti%e
freI'ency is act'ally a range or -band- of freI'encies. A technology
'sed to red'ce both interference and detection is called -spread
spectr'm-. Spread spectr'm signals ha%e the carrier freI'ency -hop-
aro'nd $ithin a specified band.
Unless a recei%er -)no$s- the hop sched'le in ad%ance, there is %irt'ally
no chance of recei%ing or detecting a coherent readable signal. Spectr'm
analy?ers, 'sed for detection, are recei%ers $ith a screen. A spread
spectr'm signal recei%ed on a spectr'm analy?er appears as H'st more
-static- or noise.
My organi?ation $as delighted to find the act'al method of the first
s'ccessf'l U4classified %oice to s)'ll e.periment in &5=4, by /r.
0oseph C. Sharp, then at the Walter +eed Army Dnstit'te of +esearch.
/r. Sharp>s basic method is sho$n in Appendi. PM:, belo$. A <rey3
type a'dible p'lse $as transmitted e%ery time the %oice $a%eform
passed do$n thro'gh the ?ero a.is, a techniI'e easily d'plicated by
ham radio operators $ho b'ild their o$n eI'ipment.
A pattern seems to be repeated $here research $hich co'ld be 'sed for
mind control starts $or)ing, the U4classified researchers lose f'nding,
and in some cases their notes ha%e been confiscated, and no f'rther
information on that research trac) is heard in the 'nclassified press.
P'lsed micro$a%e %oice3to3s)'ll research is one s'ch trac).
Dll'stration sho$ing the principle behind p'lsed micro$a%e %oice3to3s)'ll
Appended articles"
PM1 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#lida.htm, photo and description of
the ,orean War 2D/A machine, a radio freI'ency C+AD4 E4T+AD4ME4T
de%ice de%eloped by So%iet +'ssia and 'sed in the ,orean War on
allied prisoners of $ar. C+AD4 E4T+AD4ME4T DS D4C2U/E/ D4 TJE
PM2 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#frey.htm, J'man A'ditory System +esponse
To Mod'lated Electromagnetic Energy, Allan J. <rey, General Electric
Ad%anced Electronics Center, Cornell Uni%ersity, Dthaca, 4e$ 9or)
PM3 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#%s3nasa.htm, 4ASA technical report
abstract stating that speech3to3s)'ll is feasible
PM4 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#%s3)ohn.htm, /B/#EPA small b'siness
initiati%e 1SCD+8 proHect to st'dy the U4classified 'se of %oice3to3
s)'ll technology for military 'ses. 1The recipient, Science and Engin3
eering Associates, Alb'I'erI'e 4M, $o'ld not pro%ide me details on the
PM" http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#bioamp.htm, E.cerpts, Proceedings of
0oint Symposi'm on Dnteractions of Electromagnetic Wa%es $ith
Ciological Systems, nd General Assembly of the Dnternational
Union of +adio Science, A'g 7 3 Sep , &56=, Tel A%i%, Dsrael
ease $ith $hich ne'ro3electromagnetic signals can trigger effects
PM6 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#%s'cces.htm, E.cerpt, /r. /on +.
0'stesen, ne'ropsychological researcher, describes /r. 0oseph C.
Sharp>s s'ccessf'l transmission of WB+/S %ia a p'lse3rate3
mod'lated micro$a%e transmitter of the <rey type.
PM& http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#r'ss.htm, <BDA article circ'lated among
U.S. agencies describing the +'ssian T; program -Man and 2a$-,
$hich gi%es a glimpse into the +'ssian mind control efforts.
1/r. Dgor Smirno%, a maHor player, $as 'sed as a cons'ltant to
the <CD at the Waco Cranch /a%idian standoff.8
Up to Contents
;D. U2T+ASBU4/ A4/ ;BDCE3<M
Ultraso'nd is %ibration of the air, a liI'id, or a solid, abo%e the
'pper limit of h'man hearing $hich is ro'ghly &7,!!! J? in ad'lts.
;oice3<M 'ses a tone at or near that 'pper limit, and the spea)er>s
%oice ;A+DES the freI'ency slightly. Either a -tinnit's3li)e so'nd-
or nothing is heard by the target.
Ultraso'nd#%oice3<M can be transmitted in these $ays"
3 directly thro'gh the air 'sing -air type transd'cers-
3 directly to the brain 'sing a mod'lated micro$a%e p'lse train
3 thro'gh the air by piggybac)ing an 'ltraso'nd message on top
of commercial radio or tele%ision
The 'se of commercial radio or tele%ision reI'ires that the inp't signal
at the transmitter be relati%ely po$erf'l, since radio and T; recei%ers
are not designed to pass on 'ltraso'nd messages. Jo$e%er, the a%erage
radio and T; recei%er does not simply stop 'ltraso'nd, rather, the ability
to pass 'ltraso'nd messages -rolls off-, i.e. degrades, as the freI'ency
is increased.
Today>s radios and T;s can carry eno'gh 'ltraso'nd messaging to be -heard-
by the h'man brain 1tho'gh not the ear8 to be effecti%e in con%eying
hypnosis. This $as pro%en by the U.S. military forces in the G'lf War.
Ultraso'nd>s 1and %oice3<M>s8 main ad%antage in mind control $or) is that
it can carry ;E+CA2 hypnosis, more potent than simple biorhythm entrain3
The brain CA4 -hear- and 'nderstand this -ina'dible %oice-, $hile the ear
cannot. Bnce yo' can con%ey hypnotic s'ggestion $hich cannot be
conscio'sly heard, yo' ha%e eliminated a maHor barrier to the s'bHect>s
acceptance of the $ords being transmitted.
Dn pre%io's decades, -s'bliminal ad%ertising- 'sing %oice and images
at normal freI'encies $ere -time sliced- into an apparently normal
radio or T; broadcast. This apparently did not $or) $ell, and no$
%oice3<M -s'bliminal learning tapes- commercially a%ailable ha%e
s'perseded the time slice method.
Dll'stration sho$ing the operation of -silent so'nd- $ith the h'man
hearing system, 'sing near3'ltraso'nd, <+ENUE4C9 MB/U2ATE/ %oice
Bne method for proHecting either a'dible %oice or %oice3<M o%er
long distances, %irt'ally 'ndectable if line of sight, is the -aco'stic
heterodyne- or -JyperSonic So'nd- system, patented by American Technologies
Corporation, San /iego CA, 7441'888.249/:.9;<
Dll'stration sho$ing the principle of an 'ltraso'nd proHection system
capable of tr'e %entriloI'ism at a distance, by American Technologies
Corporation 1licensor8, A)ai 0apan 1licensee8
Appended articles"
US1 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#silso'n.htm, DT; Silent So'nd report
$ith comments by 0'dy Wall, Editor, +esonance, ne$sletter of ME4SA>s
bioelectromagnetic special interest gro'p
US2 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#commsolo.htm, an article by 0'dy Wall
o'tlining instances of U4classified, openly3admitted3to, electronic
mind control operations by go%ernment agencies.
US3 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#armypar$.htm, an SCD+ 1small b'siness
initiati%e contract8 $hich clearly sho$s intent to 'se 'ltraso'nd as
an anti3personnel $eapon, incl'ding one3man portability and $ith po$er
to )ill
US4 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#ssn?.htm, a commercial 4e$ Oealand company,
Altered States 2td., sells tapes $hich perform -s'ggestions- 1i.e.
hypnosis b't not called s'ch8 'sing the 2o$ery patent %oice3<M
method, to hypnoti?e $itho't the s'bHect being a$are. This is a )ey
feat're of ne'ro3electromagnetic in%ol'ntary e.periments.
US" http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#aco'spot.htm, a page originally from the
MDT Media 2ab>s aco'stic engineer, 0oseph Pompeii. /escribes a similar
techniI'e 'nder commercial and military de%elopment 1American Techno3
logies Corp., San /iego8 'nder the trade name -Jypersonic So'nd-.
Sho$s that so'nd can be foc'ssed to the e.tent of targetting H'st one
person in a cro$d, aco'stically, 'sing 'ltraso'nd.
Up to Contents
When -millimeter $a%e- micro$a%e signals are recei%ed, the $a%es are so
small that they can display a t$o3dimensional o'tline of an obHect. 2o$er
freI'ency radar can only sho$ a -blip- $hich indicates an obHect>s presence
or motion, b't not it>s o'tline.
A millimeter $a%e dish acts as a camera lens to foc's incoming millimeter
$a%e signals on to a plate $ith a t$o3dimensional array of elements
sensiti%e to millimeter $a%e freI'encies, in e.actly the same $ay a camera
foc'sses light on to a piece of film. Each of the sensiti%e elements
is scanned in a definite order, H'st as $ith a T; camera and screen, and
a pict're sho$ing the o'tline of an obHect is formed.
Df no signal is sent o't by the scanner, it is called -passi%e- millimeter
$a%e radar. Df the s'bHect is ill'minated by a separate so'rce of
millimeter $a%e signals, it is an -acti%e- scanner. Since passi%e systems
can penetrate clothing and non3cond'cti%e $alls U4/ETECTAC29, it is ob%io's
that $ith H'st a small millimeter $a%e -flashlight-, non3cond'cti%e $alls
can be scanned thro'gh and still %ery little detectable signal is present.
Millimeter $a%e thro'gh3clothing, thro'gh3l'ggage is c'rrently in 'se
at airports.
Dn addition to mind control e.perimental obser%ation, millimeter $a%e
scanners are ideal for stal)ers and %oye'rs, since the s'bHect is
portrayed in the n'de.
Millimeter $a%e scanners can be p'rchased from Milli%ision Corp.,
4orthampton MA, info at http"##$$$.milli%ision.com
Appended articles"
TWR1 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#lads.htm, 2A/S, 2ife Assessment /etector
System, a prod'ct of ;SE Corporation, can scan thro'gh more than
a h'ndred feet of non3cond'cti%e or poorly3cond'cti%e material to
detect a beating h'man heart
TWR2 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#niHPp44.htm, Prototype %ersion of the
-radar flashlight-, $hich is a more portable %ersion of the 2A/S
system abo%e. Can also be 'sed to ill'minate a s'bHect for 'se
$ith a Milli%ision thr'3clothing#thr'3noncond'cti%e $all scanner
TWR3 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#millitec.htm, Bctober &557 bl'rb from
Pop'lar Mechanics, $ith photos sho$ing hidden g'ns 'sed for demo
p'rposes 1Millitech sold the rights to Milli%ision8
TWR4 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#ptscradr.htm, March te.t ta)en from
Patriot Scientific Corporation>s $eb site, their gro'nd3penetrating
radar section. Patriot>s GP+ o%ercomes the limitation of the
Milli%ision passi%e radar, i.e. inability to penetrate partially
cond'cti%e $alls.
Up to Contents
-Tho'ght reading- appears to be one of the EASDE+ components of electronic
mind control, gi%en that commercial and 'nclassified tho'ght reading de%ices
are a%ailable and being acti%ely de%eloped. Tho'ght reading is an enhanced
%ersion of comp'ter speech recognition, $ith EEG $a%es being s'bstit'ted
for so'nd $a%es.
The easiest -tho'ght- reading is act'ally remote pic)ing 'p of the electro3
magnetic acti%ity of the speech3control m'scles.
When $e -say $ords to o'rsel%es, silently-, or, read a boo), $e can act'ally
<EE2 the slight sensations of those $ords in o'r %ocal m'scles 3 all that is
absent is the passage of air. Coordinated speech signals are relati%ely
strong and relati%ely consistent.
The other )ind of -tho'ght reading-, i.e. -MD4D4G- someone>s brain for
information from a distance is SPECU2ATD;E. We targetted indi%id'als ha%e
no $ay to %erify that is happening, ho$e%er, $e do )no$ that $e are -fed-
hypnotic signals to force consistent -ne'tral- content 1b't of different
character than prior to becoming test s'bHects,8 /+EAMS.
These forced, ne'tral content 1-bland- content8 dreams occ'r e%ery single
night and may represent the e.perimenters> efforts to ha%e o'r e.periences
portray themsel%es in s'ch dreams, in effect, MD4D4G o'r e.periences.
Again, this is SPECU2ATDB4, b't it seems %ery logical.
Appendi. T+4, referenced belo$, confirms the ability of c'rrent 'nclassified
technology to act'ally see $hat a li%ing animal sees, electronically. Dt is
therefore e.tremely li)ely that these forced dreams can be displayed on the
e.perimenters> screens in an adHacent apartment or adHacent ho'se, 1$hich are
made ob%io's to the in%ol'ntary e.perimentee.8
<inally, among the E!! )no$n ne'ro3electromagnetic e.perimentees, $e often
ha%e strangers either tell 's $hat $e are thin)ing, say they can pic) 'p
o'r broadcast tho'ghts, or tell 's abo't e%ents inside o'r homes at times
$hen they co'ld not ha%e seen from the o'tside. CUGS are not 'sed, and
they ha%e been searched for.
Appended articles"
TR1 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#thot'ncl.htm, Commercially a%ailable
tho'ght3reading de%ices, both implant3style and non3implant
TR2 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#ratrobot.htm, Dmplanted rats can control
de%ices $ith their tho'ghts
TR3 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#ebrain.htm, from the 0'ly &5=E iss'e of
Pop'lar Electronics, a system to read EEG signals 1the st'ff of $hich
tho'ght reading is made8 at a distance by passing a radio signal thro'gh
the h'man head and analy?ing the passed3thro'gh signal.
TR4 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#elec%isn.htm, an article describing
electronically reading a cat>s brain $a%es and constr'cting a real3time
image on screen from the EEG traces
TR" http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#mPs$itch.htm, the te.t from a site describing
a mind3controlled -s$itch-, $hich can not only t'rn appliances on or off,
b't also adH'st controls li)e %ol'me.
Up to Contents
Electronic implants are act'ally one of the older forms of electronic mind
control technology. Dmplants can either recei%e instr'ctions %ia radio
signals, passing them to the brain, or, can be interrogated %ia e.ternal
radio signals to read brain acti%ity at a distance.
Many of the abo't E!! )no$n in%ol'ntary ne'ro3electromagnetic e.perimentees
do not ha%e implants, b't ha%e an aggressi%e and thoro'gh regimen of mind
control effects any$ay. DMP2A4TS A+E STD22 SDG4D<DCA4T, tho'gh, for these
&. Their 'se, since World War DD and contin'ing to the present day,
associated $ith M,U2T+A atrocities, is a crystal clear indication
that a MBTD;E PBB2 of 'nethical researchers has e.isted thro'gh
the late &5=!s. The same people, none Hailed, are still $or)ing,
by and large. The reader can see that the e.istence of the same
moti%e pool is o%er$helmingly li)ely, gi%en that no social changes
ha%e occ'rred $hich $o'ld pre%ent that.
. The fact that to date 1a't'mn &5558 no %ictim $ho has had implants
remo%ed has e%er been able to get c'stody of the remo%ed implant
sho$s that research programmes 'sing implants are still I'ite acti%e
and ob%io'sly I'ite important to someone.
See 7441'888.<;30472=9;=>?03;3/./@<1A0=04.9;<MCF,
the Mind Control <or'm for details on in%ol'ntary e.perimentees>
implantation and remo%al e.periences.
E. The 'se of implants sho$s that, in the field of in%ol'ntary h'man
e.perimentation, not e%ery perpetrator gro'p has access to the
most sophisticated 1implant3less8 technology. Since implants for
beneficial p'rposes are acti%ely being promoted by 4DJ, it is
ob%io's they $ill not disappear any time soon.
Appended articles"
IMP1 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#centne'r.htm, an article sho$ing that
h'man implantation is being done and e%en enco'raged by the U.S.
4DJ 14ational Dnstit'tes of Jealth8. While this p'blic information
is for the p'blic good, it is a small step to mo%e from p'blicly
)no$n and ;B2U4TA+9 implantation to CB4CEA2E/ implantation for
D4%ol'ntary and criminal p'rposes.
IMP2 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#italydoc.htm, a testimonial by an
Dtalian psychiatrist $ho has been assisting in%ol'ntary e.perimenteesK
this doctor began by assisting LSatanic or otherM rit'al ab'se %ictims.
Apparently in%ol'ntary brain implantation is ali%e and $ell in Dtaly,
$hy not else$hereR
IMP3 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#telectro.htm, a proHect abstract by
A<, a$arded to perform 'nclassified research and de%elopment of h'man
implants $hich can read both physio3 and PS9CJB3 parameters.
IMP4 http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#stimoc%r.htm, an e.cerpt describing
h'man implantation for p'rposes of t$o3$ay comm'nication $ith the brain
by $ay of implants and <M ;J< radio. Clo$s a$ay any do'bts that h'man
implantation has not been done, and e%en more, that the U.S. military
are in%ol%ed.
IMP" http"##$$$.ra%en&.net#sattrac).htm, describes an 'nclassified
h'man implant satellite trac)ing system, ostensibly for bene%olent 'se.
14o method for a%oiding 'nethical 'ses is described.8 Applied /igital
Sol'tions, Dnc., Palm Ceach, <lorida.
Up to Contents
Concl'sionR While the doc'mentary e%idence in this report does not e.actly
-pro%e- $e are being targetted by intelligence#defence contractors 'sing
classified electronic $eapons, it certainly eliminates the arg'ment that
s'ch de%ices are impossible, don>t e.ist, or that go%ernment has -no
interest- in them, or that the -$ere tried years ago b't didn>t $or)-.
Add in the e.periences of %ictims of the T's)egee 'ntreated syphilis e.per3
iments, the feeding of radioacti%e food to 'ninformed U.S. citi?ens, and
the atrocities perpetrated 'nder the instit'tional#dr'g#child ab'se phases
of the CDA>s M,U2T+A programmes, and yo' ha%e more than eno'gh gro'nds to
petition for an independent, open in%estigation.
4o do'bt there $ere citi?ens of ancient Pompeii $ho arg'ed that ;es'%i's
co'ld not possibly er'pt in their lifetimes.
<aced $ith all the e%idence, no honest go%ernment can afford to ta)e the
ris) that electronic mind control acti%ity may be happening, controlled
from their o$n -bac) rooms-.
Eleanor White
Df any do'bts as to the importance of this iss'e remain,
please see belo$ $hat the U.S. 4SA 14ational Sec'rity Agency8
says $o'ld be the res'lt of releasing information on electronic
mind control"
Up to Contents
MA9 CE D4/EPE4/E4T29 ;E+D<DE/ <+BM +E<E+E4CES
Up to Contents
Associated Press 1E.act date not sho$n on copy b't tests too) place
&56#6E8 2oma 2inda 1;eterans Jospital research 'nit8
San Cernardino Co'nty
A So%iet de%ice that bombards brains $ith lo$3freI'ency
LEleanor White>s note" More li)ely radio freI'ency carrier
$hich is mod'lated or p'lsed at brain3entrainment ratesM
radio $a%es may be a replacement for tranI'ili?ers and their
'n$anted side effects, says a researcher, b't it>s 'se on
h'mans poses ethical and political I'estions.
The machine, )no$n as the 2D/A, is on loan to the 0erry 2.
Pettis Memorial ;eterans Jospital thro'gh a medical e.change
program bet$een the So%iet Union and the United States.
Jospital researchers ha%e fo'nd in changes beha%io'r in
-Dt loo)s as tho'gh instead of ta)ing a %ali'm $hen yo' $ant
to rela. yo'rself it $o'ld be possible to achie%e a similar
res'lt, probably in a safer $ay, by the 'se of a radio field
that $ill rela. yo'- said /r. +oss Adey, chief of research
at the hospital.
LMissing one line on the photocopyM ... man'al sho$s it
being 'sed on a h'man in a clinical setting, Adey said.
The man'al says it is a -distant p'lse treating apparat's-
for psychological problems, incl'ding sleeplessness, hyper3
tension and ne'rotic dist'rbances.
The de%ice has not been appro%ed for 'se $ith h'mans in this
co'ntry, altho'gh the +'ssians ha%e done so since at least
&5:!, Adey Said.
2o$ freI'ency radio $a%es sim'late the brain>s o$n electromagnetic
c'rrent and prod'ce a trance3li)e state.
Adey said he p't a cat in a bo. and t'rned on the 2D/A.
-Within a matter of t$o or three min'tes it is sitting there
%ery I'ietly ... it stays almost as tho'gh it $ere transfi.ed-
he said.
Tho hospital>s e.periment $ith the machine has been 'nder$ay
for three months and sho'ld be completed $ithin a year,
Adey said.
Eleanor White>s comments 1/r. Cyrd>s statement follo$s8"
&. Jea%y -fatig'e attac)s- are a %ery common e.perience among
in%ol'ntary ne'ro3electromagnetic e.perimentees. The 2D/A de%ice
co'ld, right o't of the bo., be 'sed as a fatig'e attac) $eapon,
<+BM JD/D4G, thr' non3 or semi3cond'cti%e $alls.
. Df the 2D/A machine is t'ned for tranI'ili?ing effect, then
it might also be t'ned for -force a$a)e- and other effects too. This
de%ice is a psychotronic $eapon, AS DS. A T; doc'mentary stated
the +'ssian medical establishment considers this &57!s de%ice
obsolete. 1Wonder $hat has ta)en it>s placeR8
Celo$ is a statement from /r. Eldon Cyrd, U.S. psychotronic
researcher $ho f'nded /r. Adey>s $or) $ith the 2D/A machine"
-The 2D/A machine $as made in the &57!>s by the So%iets. The CDA
p'rchased one thro'gh a Canadian front for /r. +oss Adey, b't
didn>t gi%e him any f'nds to e%al'ate it.
-D pro%ided those f'nds from my proHect in &56&, and he determined
that the 2D/A $o'ld p't rabbits into a st'por at a distance and
ma)e cats go into +EM.
-The So%iets incl'ded a pict're $ith the de%ice that sho$ed an
entire a'ditori'm f'll of people asleep $ith the 2D/A on the
podi'm. The 2D/A p't o't an electric field, a magnetic field,
light, heat, and so'nd 1of co'rse light and heat are
electromagnetic $a%es, b't at a m'ch higher freI'ency than the lo$
freI'encies of the electric and magnetic fields mentioned abo%e8.
-The p'rported p'rpose of the 2D/A $as for medical treatmentsK
ho$e%er, the 4orth ,oreans 'sed it as a brain $ashing de%ice
d'ring the ,orean War. The big I'estion is" $hat did they do
$ith the technologyR Dt co'ld ha%e been impro%ed and#or made
smaller. Dt is 'nli)ely that they abandoned something that
-/irect comm'nication $ith +oss Adey" While he $as testing the
2D/A 4, an electrician $as $al)ing by and as)ed him $here he got
the -4orth ,orean brain $ashing machine-. +oss told him that is
$as a +'ssian medical de%ice.
-The g'y said he had been brain3$ashed by a de%ice li)e that $hen
he $as in a PBW camp. They placed the %ertical plates alongside
his head and read I'estions and ans$ers to him. Je said he felt
li)e he $as in a dream. 2ater $hen the +ed Cross came and as)ed
I'estions, he responded $ith $hat had been read to him $hile 'nder
the infl'ence of the de%ice. Je said he seemed to ha%e no control
o%er the ans$ers.
-The 2D/A is PATE4TE/ D4 TJE US. WhyR They are not sold in the
US33the only one D )no$ that e.ists is the one that $as at 2oma
2inda Medical Center $here Adey 'sed to $or). Eldon-
Dn%ol'ntary ne'ro3e.perimentation acti%ist Cheryl Welsh, /a%is CA,
sent in this clipping from an article by /r. +oss Adey b't $itho't
complete bibliographic references"
-So%iet in%estigators ha%e also de%eloped a therape'tic de%ice
'tili?ing lo$ freI'ency sI'are $a%e mod'lation of a radiofreI'ency
field. This instr'ment )no$n as the 2ida $as de%eloped by 2.
+abiche% and his colleag'es in So%iet Armenia, and is designed for
-the treatment of ne'ropsychic and somatic disorders, s'ch as
ne'roses, psychoses, insomnia, hypertension, stammering, bronchia
asthma, and asthenic and reacti%e dist'rbances-.
Dt is co%ered by U.S. Patent * E,==E,!45. Dn addition to the
p'lsed +< field, the de%ice also deli%ers p'lsed light, p'lsed
so'nd, and p'lsed heat. Each stim'l's train can be independently
adH'sted in intensity and freI'ency.
The radiofreI'ency field has a nominal carrier freI'ency of 4! MJ?
and a ma.im'm o'tp't of appro.imately 4! Watts. The E3 field is
applied to the patient on the sides of the nec) thro'gh t$o disc
electrodes appro.imately &! cm in diameter. The electrodes are
located at a distance of 34 cm from the s)in.
LEleanor White>s comment" The fact that /r. +oss Adey mentioned
an -a'dience- being p't to sleep by the 2D/A s'ggests that the
-E3field- electrodes may not play an essential role. The radio
signal appears to be the primary ca'se of the sleep#trance effect.M
Bptimal repetition freI'encies are said to lie in the range from 4!
to 6! p'lses per min'te. P'lse d'ration is typically !. sec. Dn
an 6 year trial period, the instr'ment $as tested on =4! patients,
incl'ding ad'lts and children. Posti%i%e therape'tic effects $ere
claimed in more...-
Up to Contents
J'man A'ditory System +esponse To Mod'lated Electromagnetic Energy
A22A4 J. <+E9
General Electric Ad%anced Electronics Center Cornell Uni%ersity Dthaca, 4e$ 9or)
T+A4SC+DPTDB4, Co'rtesy of Mind4et Archi%es, Mi)e Coyle
posted at http"##$$$.morethanconI'erors.simplenet.com#MC<#
<rey, Allan J., J'man A'ditory system response to mod'lated
electromagnetic energy. 0. Appl. Physiol. &=148" :653:5. &5:.
1F8 Asteris)s indicate 'nreadable characters in the original copy.
4BTE" Dn &5:, freI'encies $ere e.pressed as )iloC9C2ES,
megaC9C2ES, etc., $ith abbre%iations being )c, mc
33The intent of this paper is to bring a ne$ phenomena to the
attention of physiologists. Using e.tremely lo$ a%erage po$er
densities of electromagnetic energy, the perception of so'nds $as
ind'ced in normal and deaf h'mans. The effect $as ind'ced se%eral
h'ndred feet from the antenna the instant the transmitter $as t'rned
on, and is a f'nction of carrier freI'ency and mod'lation. Attempts
$ere made to match the so'nds ind'ced by electromagnetic energy and
aco'stic energy.
The closest match occ'rred $hen the aco'stic amplifier $as dri%en by
the rf transmitter>s mod'lator. Pea) po$er density is a critical
factor and, $ith aco'stic noise of appro.imately 6! db, a pea) po$er
density of appro.imately =7 m$ # rf is needed to ind'ce the
perception at carrier freI'encies &7 mc and &,E&! mc. The a%erage
po$er density can be at rf as lo$ as 4!! P'P$#cm. The e%idence for
the %ario's positi%e sites of the electromagnetic energy sensor are
disc'ssed and locations peripheral to the cochlea are r'led o't.
+ecei%ed for p'blication 5 September &5:&.
A significant amo'nt of research has been cond'cted $ith the effects
of radio3freI'ency 1rf8 energy on organisms 1electro3 magnetic energy
bet$een & )c and FF Gc8. Typically, this $or) has been concerned $ith
determining damage res'lting from body temperat're increase. The
a%erage po$er densities 'sed ha%e been on the order of !.&3t $#cm
'sed o%er many min'tes to se%eral ho'rs.
Dn contrast, 'sing a%erage po$er densities meas'red in micro$atts per
sI'are centimeter, $e ha%e fo'nd that FFFFr effects $hich are
transient, can be ind'ced $ith rf energy. <'rther, these effects
occ'r the instant the transmitter is t'rned on. With appropriate
mod'lation, the perception of different so'nds can be ind'ced in
physically deaf, as $ell as normal, in h'man s'bHects at a distance
of inches 'p to tho'sands of feet from the transmitter. With
some$hat different transmission parameters, yo' can ind'ce the
perception of se%ere b'ffeting of the head, $itho't s'ch apparent
%estib'lar symptoms as di??iness or na'sea. Changing transmitter
parameters do$n, one can ind'ce a -pins3and3needles- sensation.
E.perimental $or) $ith these phenomena may yield information on
a'ditory system f'nctioning and, more generally, in the ner%o's
system f'nction. <or e.ample, this energy co'ld possibly be 'sed as
a tool to e.plore ner%o's system coding, possibly 'sing 4eider and
4eff>s proced'res 1&8, and for stim'lating the ner%o's system $itho't
the damage ca'sed by electrodes.
Since most of o'r data ha%e been obtained of the -rf so'nd- and only
the %is'al system has pre%io'sly been sho$n to respond to
electromagnetic energy, this paper $ill be concerned only $ith the
a'ditory effects data. As a f'rther restriction, only data from
h'man s'bHects $ill be reported, since only this data can be
disc'ssed meaningf'lly at the present time. The long series of
st'dies $e performed to ascertain that $e $ere dealing $ith a
biological significant phenomena 1rather than broadcasts from so'rces
s'ch as loose fillings in the teeth8 are s'mmari?ed in another paper
18, $hich also reports on the meas'ring instr'ments 'sed in this
The intent of this paper is to bring this ne$ phenomenon to the
attention of physiologists. The data reported are intended to
s'ggest n'mero's lines of e.perimentation and indicate necessary
e.perimental controls.
Since $e are dealing $ith a significant phenomenon, $e decided to
e.plore the effects of a $ide range of transmitter parameters to
b'ild 'p the body of )no$ledge $hich $o'ld allo$ 's to generate
hypotheses and determine $hat e.perimental controls $o'ld be
necessary. Th's, the n'mbers gi%en are conser%ati%eK they sho'ld not
be considered precise, since the transmitters $ere ne%er located in
ideal laboratory en%ironments. Within the limits of o'r
meas'rements, the orientation of the s'bHect in the rf field $as of
little conseI'ence.
Most of the transmitters 'sed to date in the e.perimentation ha%e
been p'lse mod'lated $ith no information placed on the signal. The
rf so'nd has been described as being a b'??, clic)ing, hiss, or
)noc)ing, depending on se%eral transmitter parameters, i.e., p'lse
$idth and p'lse3repetition rate 1P+<8. The apparent so'rce of these
so'nds is locali?ed by the s'bHects as being $ithin, or immediately
behind the head. The so'nd al$ays seems to come from $ithin or
immediately behind the head no matter ho$ the s'bHects t$ists or
rotates in the rf field.
B'r early e.perimentation, preformed 'sing transmitters $ith %ery
short sI'are p'lses and high p'lse3repetition rates, seemed to
indicate that $e $ere dealing $ith harmonics of the P+<. Jo$e%er,
o'r later $or) has indicated that this is not the caseK rather, the
rf so'nd appears to be incidental mod'lation en%elope on each p'lse,
as sho$n in <ig &.
Some diffic'lty $as e.perienced $hen the s'bHects tried to match the
rf so'nd to ordinary a'dio. They reported that it $as not possible
to satisfactorily match the rf so'nd to a sine $a%e or to $hite
noise. An a'dio amplifier $as connected to a %ariable bypass filter
and p'lsed by the transmitter p'lsing mechanism. The s'bHects, $hen
allo$ed to control the filter, reported a fairly satisfactory match.
The s'bHects $ere fairly $ell satisfied $ith all freI'encies belo$
73)c a'dio $ere eliminated and the high3 freI'ency a'dio $as e.tended
as m'ch as possible. There $as, ho$e%er, al$ays a demand for more
high3freI'ency components. Since o'r t$eeter has a rather good
high3freI'ency response, it is possible that $e ha%e sho$n an
analog'e of %is'al phenomenon in $hich people see farther into the
'ltra%iolet range $hen the lenses is eliminated from the eye. Dn
other $ords, this may be a demonstration that the mechanical
transmission system of the ossicles cannot respond to as high a
freI'ency as the rest of the a'ditory system. Since the rf bypasses
the ossicle system and the a'dio gi%en the s'bHect for matching does
not, this may e.plain the dissatisfaction of o'r s'bHects in the
<DG. &. Bscilloscope representation of transmitter o'tp't o%er
time 1p'lse3mod'lated8.

"."."." "."."."
333 333333333333333 33333333333
B4 B<< B4 B<<

<DG. . A'diogram of deaf s'bHect 1otosclerosis8 $ho had a -normal-
rf so'nd threshold.

!S3333S3333S3333S33S33S33S33S33S33S33S33S A A +DGJT CB4E
S3333S3333C3333A33S33S33S33S33S33S33S33S C A 2E<T CB4E
2BSS1db8 !S3333S3333S3333C33C33AC3C33C33C33AC3S33S C A 2E<T AD+
S3333S3333S3333S33S33S33S33S33S33S33S33S / A +DGJT AD+
S S / S / S S / S S S S
&7 7! 7!! &!!! !!! 4!!! 6!!!
<+ENUE4C9 1cps8

TAC2E &. Transmitter parameters

Trans3 <reI'ency, Wa%e3 P'lse Width, P'lses Sec. /'ty Cy.
mitter mc length, cm P'Psec

A &,E&! .5 : 44 .!!&7
C ,56 &!.4 & 4!! .!!!4
C 47 =!.: &7 = .!!E6
/ 47 =!.: 7! = .!!=
E 47 =!.: 7!! = .!&4
< 47 =!.: &!!! = .!6
G 47 =!.: !!! = .!7:
J 6,5!! E.4 .7 4!! .!!&

<DG. E. Atten'ation of ambient so'nd $ith <lent antinoise stopples
1collated from O$isloc)i 1E8 and ;on Gier)e 148.

S3333S333S33S33S3S3S3SSS3333S333S33S3SSS A A <2E4TS
&!S3333S333S33S33S3S3S3SSS3333S333S33S3SSS C A TJEB+ETDCA2 2DMDT
<U4CTDB41db8 S3333S333S33S33S3S3S3SSS3333S333S33S3SSS EA+ P+BTECTB+S
&!! &!!! &!!!!

TAC2E . Theshold for perception of rf so'nd 1ambient noise le%el =!3
5! db8.
A%g Pea) Pea) Magnetic
Po$er Po$er Electric <ield
Trans3 <reI'ency, /'ty Cy. /ensity, /ensity <ield amp.
mitter mc m$, cm m$, cm % cm t'rns, m

A &,E&! .!!&7 !.4 := &4 4
C ,56 .!!!4 .& 7,7! :E &=
C 47 .!!E6 &.! :E &7 4
/ 47 .!!= &.5 =& &4 4
E 47 .!&4 E. 5 &E E
< 47 .!6 =.& 74 &4 4

<DG. 4. Threshold energy as a f'nction of freI'ency of electromagnetic
energy 1ambient noise le%el =!35! db8.

PEA, S333333333S3333333333333S33333333333333S
PBWE+ S333333333S3333333333333S3333333333333FS
/E4SDT9 S333333333S3333333333333S333333333333F3S
1m$#cm8 S S S F S
!! &!!! !!! E!!!
<+ENUE4C9 1mc8

<DG. 7. Micro$a%e po$er distrib'tion in a forehead model neglecting
resonance effects and considering only first reflections
1from 4ieset et al. 178, modified8.

S F F F A &!U B< D4CD/E4T
STiss'e F
S F V A !U B< D4CD/E4T
&.!S333 F PBWE+
!.7S333 F V V V F
SM'scle F V V
S<at V V F
SS)in V V V
! &!! &!!! &!!!! &!!!!!
<+ENUE4C9 1mc8

<DG. :. Area most sensiti%e to electromagnetic energy 1shaded portion8.

F F """""" F
F F """"""""" F
F B F """""""" F

At one time in o'r e.perimentation $ith deaf s'bHects there seemed to
be a clear relationship bet$een the ability to hear a'dio abo%e 7 )c
and the ability to hear rf so'nds. Df a s'bHect co'ld hear abo%e 7
)c, either by bone or air cond'ction, then he co'ld hear the rf
so'nds. <or e.ample, the threshold of the s'bHect $hose a'dio gram
appears in <ig. $as the same a%erage po$er density as o'r normal
s'bHects. +ecently, ho$e%er, $e ha%e fo'nd people $ith a notch
aro'nd 7 )c $ho do not percei%e the rf so'nds generated by at least
one of o'r transmitters.
As sho$n in Table &, $e ha%e 'sed a fairly $ide range of transmitter
parameters. We are c'rrently e.perimenting $ith transmitters that
radiate energy at freI'encies belo$ 47 mc, and are 'sing different
types of mod'lation, e.g., p'lse3repetition rates as lo$ as E and
Dn the e.perimentation reported in this section, the ordinary noise
le%el $as =!35! db 1meas'red $ith a General +adio Co. model &77&3C
so'nd le%el meter.8 Dn order to minimi?e the rf energy 'sed in the
e.perimentation, s'bHects $ore <lent antinoise ear stoppers $hene%er
meas'rements $ere made. The ordinary noise atten'ation of the <lents
is indicated in <ig. E. Altho'gh the rf so'nds can be heard $itho't
the 'se of <lents, e%entho'gh they ha%e an ambient noise e%el of 5!
db, it appears that the ambient noise to some e.tent -mas)ed- the rf
Table gi%es the thresholds for the perception of the so'nds. Dt
sho$s fairly clearly that the critical factor in the perception of
the rf so'nd is the pea) po$er density, rather than the a%erage po$er
density. The relati%ely high %al'e for transmitter C $as e.pected
and $ill be disc'ssed belo$. Transmitter G has been omitted from the
table since the !3m$#cm reading for it can be considered only
appro.imate. The field3strength3meas'ring instr'ments 'sed in that
e.periment did not read high eno'gh to gi%e an acc'rate reading. The
energy from transmitter J $as not percei%ed, e%en $hen the pea) po$er
density $as as high as 7 $#cm.
When the threshold energy is plotted as a f'nction of the rf energy
1<ig. 48, a c'r%e is obtained $hich is s'ggesti%e of the c'r%e of
penetration of rf energy into the head. <ig're 7 sho$s the
calc'lated penetration, by freI'ency of rf energy, into the head. B'r
data indicate that the calc'lated penetration c'r%e may $ell be
acc'rate at the higher freI'encies b't the penetration at the lo$er
freI'encies may be greater than that calc'lated on this model.
As pre%io'sly noted, the thresholds $ere obtained in a high ambient
noise en%ironment. This is an 'n's'al sit'ation as compared to
obtaining thresholds of reg'lar a'dio so'nd. Bne recent
e.perimentation leads 's to belie%e that, if the ambient noise le%el
$ere not so high, these threshold fields strengths $o'ld be m'ch
lo$er. Since one p'rpose of this paper is to s'ggest e.periments, it
might be appropriate to theories as to $hat the rf so'nd threshold
might be if $e ass'med that the s'bHect is in an anechoic chamber.
Dt is also ass'med that there is no transd'cer noise.
Gi%en" As a threshold for the rf so'nd, a pea) po$er density of =7
m$#cm determined in an ambient noise en%ironment of 6! db. Earpl'gs
atten'ate the ambient noise E! db.
Df" & m$#cm is set eI'al to o db, then =7 m$#cm is eI'al to 4 db.
Then" We can red'ce the rf energy 7! db to 3: db as $e red'ce the
noise le%el energy from 7! db to o db. We fo'nd that 3: db rf
energy is appro.imately E P'P$#cm.
Th's" Df an anechoic room, rf so'nd co'ld theoretically be ind'ced
by a pea) po$er density of E P'P$#cm meas'red in free space. Since
only &!U of this energy is li)ely to penetrate the s)'ll, the h'man
a'ditory system and a table radio may be one order of magnit'de apart
in sensiti%ity to rf energy.
Up to Contents
Bne possibility that seems to ha%e been r'led o't in o'r
e.perimentation is that of a capacitor3type effect $ith the tympanic
membrane and o%al $indo$ acting as plates of a capacitor. Dt $o'ld
seem possible that these membranes, acting as plates of a capacitor,
co'ld be set in motion by rf energy. There are, ho$e%er, three
points of e%idence against this possibility. <irst, $hen one rotates
a capacitor in an rf field, a rather mar)ed change occ'rs in the
capacitor as a f'nction of its orientation in the field. When o'r
s'bHects rotate or change the positions of their heads in the field,
the lo'dness of the rf so'nd does not change appreciably. Second,
the distance bet$een these membranes is rather small, compared $ith
the $a%elengths 'sed. As a third point, $e fo'nd that one of o'r
s'bHects $ho has otosclerosis heard the rf so'nd.
Another possible location for the detecting mechanism is in the
cochlea. We ha%e e.plored this possibility $ith ner%e3deaf people,
b't the res'lts are inconcl'si%e d'e to factors s'ch as tinnit's. We
are c'rrently e.ploring this possibility $ith animal preparations.
The third li)ely place for the detection mechanism is the brain. C'rr
and Ma'ro 1:8 presented e%idence that indicates that there is an
electrostatic field abo't ne'rons. Morro$ and Sepiel 1=8 presented
e%idence that indicates the e.istence of a magnetic field abo't
ne'rons. Cec)er 1personal comm'nication8 has done some $or)
indicating that there is longit'dinal flo$ of charged carriers in
ne'rons. Th's, it is reasonable to s'spect that possibly the
electromagnetic field co'ld interact $ith ne'ron fields. As yet,
e%idence of this possibility is inconcl'si%e. The strongest point
against it is that $e ha%e not fo'nd %is'al effects altho'gh $e ha%e
searched for them. Bn the other hand, $e ha%e obtained other
nona'ditory effects and ha%e fo'nd that the sensiti%e area for
detecting rf so'nds is a region o%er the temporal lobe of the brain.
Bne can shield, $ith a 3in. piece of fly screen, a portion of the
stippled area sho$n in <ig. : and completely c't off the rf so'nd.
Another possibility sho'ld also be considered. There is no good
reason to ass'me that there is only one detector site. Bn the
contrary, the $or) of 0ones et al. 168, in $hich they placed
electrodes in the ear and electrically stim'lated the s'bHect, is
s'fficiently rele%ant to s'ggest the possibility of more than one
detector site. Also, se%eral sensations ha%e been elicited $ith
properly mod'lated electromagnetic energy. Dt is do'btf'l that all
of these can be attrib'ted to one detector.
As mentioned earlier, the p'rpose of this paper is to foc's the
attention of physiologists on an 'n's'al area and stim'late
additional $or) on $hich interpretations can be based.
Dnterpretations ha%e been deliberately omitted from this paper since
additional data are needed before a clear pict're can emerge. Dt is
hoped that the additional e.ploration $ill also res'lt in an increase
in o'r )no$ledge of ner%o's system f'nctions.
4eider, P.C. and W./. 4eff. Science &EE" &!&!, &5:&.
<rey, A.J. Aero Space Med. E" &&4!, &5:&.
O$isloc)i, 0. 4oise Control 4"4, &576.
;on Gier)e, J. 4oise Control "E=, &57:.
4ifset, +., Pinneo +. Ca's 0. <leming, W +. McAfee. Ann. +ept. USA<
+ome Air /e%elopment Command, T+3:&3:7, &5:&.
C'rr, J., W 0. Seipel, 0. Wash Acad. Sci. &" 477, &545.
Morro$, +., W 0. Seipel. 0. Wash. Acad. Sci. E!" &, &5:5.
0ones, +.C., S.S. Ste%ens, W M.J. 2a'rie. 0. Aco'st. Sci. Am. &"
6&, &54!.
Up to Contents
TDT2E" Effects of lo$ po$er micro$a%es on the local cerebral blood flo$ of
conscio's rats
Briginal $eb lin), folded for readability
Eleanor White>s inserted note"
See the DTA2DC te.t belo$. This abstract has implications
<A+ beyond -rats-
/oc'ment D/" &56&!!!4!5 4 16&4&=!8 <ile Series" 4ASA Technical +eports
+eport 4'mber" A/3A!5!4:
Sales Agency W Price" CASD Jardcopy or Microfiche
Bscar, ,. 0. 1Army Mobility EI'ipment Command8
P'blished" 0'n !&, &56!
Corporate So'rce"
Army Mobility EI'ipment Command 1<ort Cel%oir, ;A, United States8
Pages" &!
Contract 4'mber" 4one
4ASA S'bHect Category" 2D<E SCDE4CES 1GE4E+A28
A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to
remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by
e.posing them to lo$ po$er, p'lsed micro$a%es. When people are
ill'minated $ith properly mod'lated lo$ po$er micro$a%es the
sensation is reported as a b'??ing, clic)ing, or hissing $hich seems
to originate 1regardless of the person>s position in the field8
$ithin or H'st behind the head. The phenomena occ'rs at a%erage po$er
densities as lo$ as micro$atts per sI'are centimeter $ith carrier
freI'encies from !.4 to E.! GJ?. By proper choice of pulse
characteristics, intelligible speech may be created. Cefore this
techniI'e may be e.tended and 'sed for military applications, an
'nderstanding of the basic principles m'st be de%eloped. S'ch an
'nderstanding is not only reI'ired to optimi?e the 'se of the concept
for camo'flage, decoy and deception operations b't is reI'ired to
properly assess safety factors of s'ch micro$a%e e.pos're.
MaHor S'bHect Terms"
Minor S'bHect Terms"
2ang'age 4ote" English
4ASA Access Jelp /es)
E3mail" helpVsti.nasa.go%
Phone" E!&3:&3!E5!
<AQ" E!&3:&3!&E4
Eleanor White>s comments" D ha%e recei%ed this report in it>s
entirety and D find that the article itself is abo't the title"
Cerebral blood flo$ in rats. We in%ol'ntary e.perimentees are
e.tremely l'c)y that the a'thors mentioned the s'ccess of micro$a%e
%oice to s)'ll transmission in this official doc'ment.
Celo$ D ha%e e.tracted some of the references to the f'll doc'ment
$hich appear to be more promising and specific. This s'b3list is
g'ess$or) since the references omit article titles, b't any articles
by <rey or 0'stesen are potentially 'sef'l.
&. <rey, A.J., Messenger, +. and Eichert, E.,
4ational Technical Dnformation Ser%ice,
/oc. 4o. A/=4=:64 1&5=8
7. 0'stesen, /.+., DEEE Spectr'm &:, :=3:6 1&5=58
=. <rey, A.J., <eld, S.+., W <rey, C. Annals of
4.9. Academy of Science, 4=, 4EE34E5 1&5=78
&6. <rey, A.J., W Messenger, +., Science &6&,
E7:3E76 1&5=E8
7. <rey, A.J., W <eld, S.+., 0o'rnal of Comp.
Physiology and Psychology, 65, &6E3&66
=. ,ing, 4.W., 0'stesen, /.+., W Clar)e, +.2.,
Science &=, E5634!& 1&5==8
Up to Contents
Comm'nicating ;ia the Micro$a%e A'ditory Effect
Web address"
A$arding Agency" /epartment of /efense
SCD+ Contract 4'mber" <4&:43573C35!!=
Title" Comm'nicating ;ia the Micro$a%e A'ditory Effect
Principal Dn%estigator" Mr. Crian ,ohn
Company 4ame"
Science W Engineering Assoc, Dnc.
:&!! Upto$n Cl%d 4E
Alb'I'erI'e, 4M 6=&&!
Telephone 4'mber" 7!736643E!!
C'siness +epresentati%e"
ProHect Period"
ProHect Amo'nt" X=E5,557
+esearch Category" Monitoring#Analytical
An inno%ati%e and re%ol'tionary technology is described that offers a
means of lo$3probability3of3intercept +adio freI'ency 1+<8
comm'nications. The feasibility of the concept has been
established 'sing both a lo$ intensity laboratory system and a
high po$er +< transmitter. 4'mero's military applications e.ist in
areas of search and resc'e, sec'rity and special operations.
S'pplemental ,ey$ords" small b'siness, SCD+,
See also" http"##$$$.seabase.com
2ast Updated" 4o%ember &=, &55=
C+DA4 ,BJ4>S P+B0ECT, EA+2DE+ STU/9"
Program" SCD+
Agency" A< <ield
Bffice" A2
TBPDC 4'mber" A<5E3!:
Control 4'mber" 5EA2 3&67
Contract 4'mber" <4&:435E3C35!&E
Phase" &
A$arded Dn" 5E
A$ard Amo'nt" XE=,6!:
A$ard Start /ate" &= MA9 5E
A$ard Completion /ate" &= /EC 5E
Proposal Title" Comm'nicating ;ia the Micro$a%e A'ditory Effect
Principal Dn%estigator 4ame"Crian ,ohn
Principal Dn%estigator Phone"7!736643E!!
SEA Pla?a
:&!! Upto$n Cl%d 4E
Alb'I'erI'e, 4M 6=&&!
Woman B$ned" 4
Minority B$ned" 4
4'mber of Employees" 57
Dn this research program, $e plan to in%estigate a re%ol'tionary ne$
form of comm'nication based on the micro$a%e a'ditory effect. This
proposed comm'nication idea satisfies the reI'irements for an
inno%ati%e, nat'ral interface reI'iring no learning or training for
efficient operation and effecti%e comm'nications. The p'rpose of the
program proposed here is to e.tend the res'lts of a recent
feasibility st'dy, performed for the Armstrong 2aboratory#BE/+. The
study found that voice communications, via the microwave auditory
effect, are highly feasible. Dn Phase D of this SCD+, $e propose to
in%estigate the range of potential applications for this radically
different form of %oice comm'nication and recommend hard$are and
systems concepts s'itable for laboratory and brassboard
demonstrations to be b'ilt 'nder Phase DD.
Up to Contents
Electromagnetic Dnteraction With Ciological Systems
edited by /r. 0ames C. 2in, Uni%ersity of Dllinois
&565 Plen'm Press, 4e$ 9or)
Proceedings of the 0oint Symposi'm on Dnteractions of
Electromagnetic Wa%es $ith Ciological Systems, held as part
of the T$enty3Second General Assembly of the Dnternational
Union of +adio Science, A'g 7 3 Sept , &56=, in Tel A%i%,
DSC4 !3E!:34E&!53
NP6..4:4E44 &565
:&.!&4463dc&5 663E657=
Eleanor White>s comments on this posting"
This boo) foc'sses on 4B43ioni?ing radiation, and contains
detailed te.ts abo't 4B43TJE+MA2 effects. Dn other $ords,
-right 'p o'r alley-.
The main 'se of this boo) is to sho$ that it is easy for
electromagnetic signals to ca'se radio freI'ency hearing and other
effects at 2BW po$er le%els. This in t'rn can be 'sed to e.plain $hy
/ETECTDB4 is so %ery diffic'lt.
D don>t 'nderstand the biological Hargon, ho$e%er, a fe$ of the more
plain3lang'age paragraphs STU44D4G29 %erify that $ith caref'l choice
of signal freI'ency and mod'lation, not only can the body>s cells
detect the mod'lation en%elope of an incoming radio signal 1i.e.
f'nction as a -cell'lar crystal set-8 b't e%en AMP2D<9 these
caref'lly formed signals. 1Amplification of other effects, s'ch as
proneness to disease, is also co%ered in the boo).8
-/etection-, in terms of radio signal reception, means that some
portion of the recie%er -rectifies-, that is, t'rns the AC of the
incoming signal into %arying /C. Df this con%ersion is not done,
%oice to s)'ll $o'ldn>t $or).
The boo) to'ches also on $ays in $hich cells comm'nicate, and
sho$s that electromagnetic fields of relati%ely $ea) po$er le%els
can affect intercell'lar comm'nication, $hich is, as D 'nderstand
the s'bHect, $hat the brain is -all abo't-.
Cio3amplification is apparently $hy radio signals of %ery lo$ a%erage
po$er 1-MDC+B$atts- per 4ASA8 can still prod'ce a'dio effects,
and no do'bt plays a part in diffic'lties in detection.
When t$o more characteristics of %oice to s)'ll are factored in"
&. The carrier signal can be -hopped- contin'o'sly $ithin the
bioeffecti%e band$idth, )no$n as -spread spectr'm- transmission,
. The %oice mod'lation most effecti%e for 'ndetectable hypnosis
is e%idently a %oice shifted H'st abo%e normal hearing, b't still
a'dible to the brain,
...yo' ha%e a recipe for incredibly diffic'lt signals to detect.
This boo) is a mainstream p'blication, %ery $ell s'ited to 'se
in o'r p'blicity and pers'asion campaigns, and o'r dealings $ith
a'thorities $ho claim radio signals don>t affect li%ing tiss'e
e.cept to heat it.
<inally, many than)s to Clanche Cha%o'stie for pro%iding me
photocopies of this boo) 3 a saintly $or)@
Page &&!"
At that time L&57EM e.citatory mechanisms in ner%er fibers
and ner%e cells $ere gro'ped 'nder a common r'bric of ionic
eI'ilibri'm mechanisms. There $as little interest in the
possibility that f'nctional organi?ation of mebranes of cell
bodies might in%ol%e threshhold sensiti%ities to both
oscillating EM fields and to molec'lar stim'li at energy
levels substantially lower than predicted by Jodg)in3
J'.ley models, and substantially below typical threshholds
in nerve fibers.
M'ch recent research cited belo$ has sho$n that imposed weak
lo$ freI'ency fields (and radiofrequency fields amplitude-
modulated at E! frequencies" that are many orders of
magnitude weaker in the pericellular fluid #fluid between
ad$acent cells% than the membrane potential gradient #voltage
across the membrane% can modulate actions of hormone, anti-
body neurotransmitter and cancer-promoter molecules at their
cell surface receptor sites.
!rom their electrical characteristics, these sensitivities
appear to involve nonequilibrium and highly cooperative
processes that mediate a ma$or amplification of initial
weak triggers associated with binding of these molecules at
their specific cell surface receptor sites.
(&dey, '()*, '()+, '(),- &dey and awrence, '().- awrence
and &dey, '()/".
0age '//1
2ooperative 3odification of 2alcium Binding by 4! !ields
at 2ell 5urfaces with &mplification of 6nitial 5ignals
6nitial stimuli associated with weak perpindicular E3 fields
and with binding of stimulating molecules at their membrane
receptor sites elicit a 76879 2::0E4&T6;E modification of
2a<< binding to glycoproteins along the membrane surface.
&s noted above, a longitudinal spread is consistent with
the direction of e=tracellular current flow associated with
physiological activity and imposed E3 fields. This cooper-
ative modification of surface 2a<< binding is an
&306!96>8 5T&8E, with evidence from concurent initial molecular
binding events by imposed 4! fields that there is a far greater
increase in 2a<< efflu= than is accounted for in the events of
receptor-ligand binding (Bawin and &dey, '(,+- Bawin et al,
'(,?- iu-iu and &dey, '()/".
0age '/.1
En@ymes are protein molecules that function as catalysts,
initiating and enhancing chemical reactions that would not
otherwise occur at tissue temperatures. This ability resides
in the pattern of electrical charges on the molecular surface.
6n the fashion of more familiar chemical catalysts, such as
the hydrocarbon o=idation systems which function only at very
high temperatures in automotive e=haust systems, a catalyst
emerges unchanged from these reactions and is thus able to
participate indefinitely in a specific reaction.
&ctivation of these en@ymes and the reactions in which they
participate involve energies millions of times greater than
in the cell surface cell surface triggering events initiated
by the E3 fields, emphasi@ing the 3E3B4&>E &306!62&T6:>
inherent in this trans-membrane signaling sequence.
0age '*'1
5timulus &mplification in 2ooperative 5ystems
6t is therefore clear that :B5E4;EA E3 field interactions
with cells and tissues based on oscillating E! tissue gradients
between 'B E-, and 'B E-' volts per centimeter would involve
cooperativity 3&>9 :4AE45 :! 3&8>6TCAE 84E&TE4 than envisaged in
the e=amples $ust cited.
6n part this discrepancy appears to relate to far greater
sensitivities to low-frequency E3 fields #ED1 E!, that is, the
EentrainmentE frequencies% and to 4! fields with low-frequency
amplitude-modulation #ED1 this includes radar hearing signals%
than to imposed step functions or A2 gradients #ED1 common
with contact electrodes, not of interest in mind control at a
distance% used in many electrochemical e=periments and models
to test levels of cooperativity in biological systems.
(Blank, '(,/"
#ED1 6n plain language, both entrainment (E!" fields and
pulsating radar-like (4!" fields are a hell of a lot more
influential on cells than some e=perimental work using A2
and electrode methods.%
0age (?1
#ED1 This section is not part of the demonstration that E3
signals can be biologically amplified, as above. 6tFs main
interest is that a magnetophosphene EgunE was under consider-
ation by the C.5. >ational 6nstitute of Gustice in '((*, along
with a EfeverE gun and a EconvulsionE gun, both using micro-
wave technology. &s of '(((, nothing has been heard from >6G
on this development, however, page (? here suggests that such
a microwave weapon is feasible.%
&n effect of time-varying magnetic fields on humans was first
described by dF&rsonval (')(+" #ED1 &nyone doubt there has
been some progress since ')(+H% is the induction of a flicker-
ing illumination within the visual field field known as
magnetophosphenes. This phenomenon occurs as an immediate
response to stimulation by either pulsed or sinusoidal magnetic
fields with frequencies less than 'BB 7@, and the effect is
completely reversible with no apparent influence on visual
acuity. The ma=imum visual sensitivity to sinusoidal magnetic
fields has been found at a frequency of /B 7@ in human sub$ects
with normal vision.
#ED1 4adio signals are a combination of electric and magnetic
fields. To radiate a /B 7@ signal would require such huge
antennas that it is impractical to do so. 6Fd recommend that
if someone has the facilities and skills, 6Fd try some ;7! (or
microwave" pulsing at /B 7@ on an 4! carrier at, say, the /-meter
('..-'.) 37@" ham band with a duty cycle, say, of /BI pulse-:>
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J 03+ - ;:62E T: 5KC, '(,. 5C22E55
3icrowaves and Behavior
Ar. Aon 4. Gustesen
aboratories of E=perimental >europsychology
;eterans &dministration 7ospital
Kansas 2ity, 3issouri
as published in
&merican 0sychologist
Gournal of the &merican 0sychological &ssociation
;olume *B, 3arch '(,?, >umber *
................ EleanorFs comments .........................
This &95 T: 4E5T &>9 A:CBT5 T7&T ;:62E T: 5KC
TE27>::89 A:E5 >:T EJ65T :4 65 E6> T7E !CTC4EEL
This article describes in precise terms how Ar. Goseph 2.
5harp and staff transmitted the D:4A5 for the digits ' to 'B
using a modulated version of an &llan !rey type pulsed
microwave transmitter. & detailed description of !rey
transmitters can be viewed at1
&ppendi= 03/
The relevant te=t is below.
0age *(+1
The demonstration of sonic transduction of microwave energy
by materials lacking in water E55E>5 the likelihood that a
thermohydraulic principle is operating in human perception
of the energy. >onetheless, some form of thermoacoustic
transduction probably underlies perception. 6f so, it is
clear that simple heating is >:T a sufficient basis for the
!rey effect- the requirement for pulsing of radiations
appears to implicate a thermodynamic principle.
!rey and 3essenger ('(,*" and 8uy, 2hou, in, and 2hristen-
sen ('(,?" confirmed that a microwave pulse with a slow rise
time is 6>effective in producing an auditory response- only
if the rise time is 57:4T, resulting in effect in a square
wave with respect to the leading edge of the envelope of
radiated radio-frequency energy, does the auditory response
#EleanorFs comment1 This is why we donFt EhearE ordinary
radio and T; signals.%
Thus the rate of change (the first derivative" of the
waveform of the pulse is a 246T62& factor in perception.
8iven a thermodynamic interpretation, it would follow that
information can be encoded in the energy and EcommunicatedE
to the ElistenerE.
2ommunication has in fact been demonstrated. &. 8uy (>ote
'", a skilled telegrapher, arranged for his father, a retired
railroad telegrapher, to operate a key, each closure and
opening of which resulted in a pulse of microwave energy.
By directing the radiations at his own head, comple= mess-
ages via the 2ontinental 3orse 2ode were readily received
by 8uy.
5harp and 8rove (note /" found that appropriate modu-
lation of microwave energy can result in EwirelessE and
EreceiverlessE communication of 50EE27. The recorded by
voice on tape each of the single-syllable words for digits
between ' and 'B. The electrical sine-wave analogs of each
word were then processed so that each time a sine wave
crossed ME4: 4E!E4E>2E 6> T7E >E8&T6;E A64E2T6:>, a brief
pulse of microwave energy was triggered.
#EleanorFs comment1 This is, in effect a form of what is
called pulse-4&TE modulation.%
By radiating themselves with these Evoice modulatedE
microwaves, 5harp and 8rove were 4E&A69 able to hear,
identify, and distinguish among the ( words. #TypoH%
The sounds heard were not unlike those emitted by persons
with artificial laryn=es.
2ommunication of more comple= words and of sentences was
not attempted because the averaged densities of energy
required to transmit longer messages would approach the
current 'B milliwatts per square centimeter limit of safe
The capability of communicating directly with a human being
by Ereceiverless radioE has obvious potentialities both
within and without the clinic. But the hotly debated and
unresolved question of how much microwave radiation a human
being can safely be e=posed to will probably forestall
applications within the near future.
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J 03, - C.5. 8:;T A:2C3E>T 4E1 4C556&> 36>A 2:>T4:
& Darning to the Dorld from 4ussian 0sychotronic 4esearchers
Cnclassified !:6& document, courtesy 2heryl Delsh, which is a bulletin
circulated among C.5. government agencies reviewing an :ctober +, '((?
4ussian T; news segment titled E3an and awE on the topic of mind
control technology. The images below complement another video produced
by 8erman MA! T; and shown on Aecember //, '((). The '(() videoFs
transcribed sound track, in English is posted at1
7ere are the images of the !:6& document1
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J 03) - :&K 46A8E &B5 &>A :T7E4 BCET6>5
T7E !::D6>8 5ET :! &4T62E5 7687687T5 :&K 46A8E >&T6:>&
4E5E&427 6>T: 4&A6: !4EOCE>29 DE&0:>5. 6 7&;E 07:>EA T7E3
&>A T7E
'((* >ED5 4EE&5E BE:D 65 8E>C6>E. E.D.
Aate sent1 !ri, 'B 3ay '((+ ',1?/1?? -B,BB (0AT"
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The views and opinions e=pressed below are not necessarily the
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0ermission is given to reproduce and redistribute, for
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copy remain intact and unedited.
Editor1 3ike 2oyle
&ssistant Editor1 4ick awler
4esearch1 Aarrell Bross
07956::862& 4E50:>5E5 &0062&BE T: AE;E:03E>T :!
E55-T7&>-ET7& DE&0:>5
:ak 4idge >ational aboratory
0hysiological 4esponses &pplicable to Aevelopment of
ess-Than-ethal Deapons
5ponsored by >ational 6nstitute of Gustice
:ak 4idge >ational aboratory
ess-than-lethal weapons have a variety of applications in law
enforcement, including rescuing hostages, stopping fleeing
felons, and quelling prison disturbances. The >ational 6nstitute
of Gustice is sponsoring a broad program to develop new
techniques for Efriendly forceE as an alternative to the use of
deadly force. &s part of this program, :ak 4idge >ational
aboratory (:4>" is e=amining approaches based on known
physiological responses to certain types of stimuli. These
EweaponsE would temporarily incapacitate an individual or a
group with no lasting physiological damage. These concepts are
based on :4>Fs e=perience and e=pertise in biological-based
systems and biophysical responses, particularly in evaluating
the physical responses of humans to a variety of chemical,
physical and radiological agents. :4> also has e=tensive
e=perience and e=pertise in risk analysis and in risk assessment
and modeling.
The :4> less than-lethal weapons pro$ect sponsored by the
>ational 6nstitute of Gustice began in 5eptember '((*. The
following tasks are being performed1
Q ocate and compile data from tests, accidents, medical
literature, etc. on biological and biophysical responses
to energetic stimuli (such as electromagnetic fields".
Q &naly@e the information and identify promising candidate
mechanisms for further development for a friendly force
Q Evaluate the applicability of the proposed approaches to
several realistic scenarios (such as hostage rescue or riot
:4> has already e=amined several possible concepts for
less-than-lethal weapons based on known physiological responses
to energetic stimuli, including a thermal gun, a sei@ure gun,
and a magnetophosphene gun. & thermal gun would have the
operational effect of heating the body to 'B? to 'B,!, thereby
incapacitating any threat, based on the fact that even a slight
fever can affect the ability of a person to perform even simple
tasks. This approach is built on four decades of research
relating radio frequency e=posure to body heating. & sei@ure gun
would use electromagnetic energy to induce epileptic-like
sei@ures in persons within the range of a particular
electromagnetic field. The magnetophosphene gun is designed
around a biophysical mechanism which evokes a visual response
and is thought to be centered in the retina, known as
magnetophosphenes. This effect is e=perienced when a person
receives a blow to the head and sees EstarsE. This same effect
can be produced with electromagnetic energy. Dhile there are a
number of technical challenges to be overcome in building
devices of these types, less-than-lethal weapons based on
physiological responses to energetic stimuli would provide a
safe and effective means of dealing with a number of law
enforcement situations where use of deadly force is not
!or further information contact1
4ay Aowns, >ational 6nstitute of Gustice (/B/" +'+-*?B( 5usan
5herrow, :ak 4idge 5pecial 0ro$ects :ffice (+'?" ?,+-)B/.
:ak 4idge >ational aboratory is a C.5. Aepartment of Energy
aboratory 3anaged by 3artin 3arietta Energy 5ystems, 6nc.
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5ubmission of articles for publication within the 3ind>et
Gournal on the sub$ects of mind control, directed-energy
weapons, non-lethal weapons, ritual abuse, C!: abductions,
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will be accepted with the authorFs statement of permission
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The 3ind>et mailing list is owned and maintained by 3ike 2oyle,
, ;E462:33 N 3ind>et, 0:B */*'. :akland, 2&
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The 3ind>et Gournal is published by ;E462:33 N 3ind>et inR/B
cooperation with the !reedom :f Thought !oundation, 0:B *?B,/,
Tucson, &M )?,.B-?B,/ C5&.
os &ngeles 7erald E=aminer, 5ection &, >ovember //, '(,+
3ind-&ltering 3icrowaves1 5oviets 5tudying 6nvisible 4ay
& newly declassified C.5. Aefense 6ntelligence &gency report
says e=tensive 5oviet research into microwaves might lead to
methods of causing disoriented human behavior, nerve disorders,
and even heart attacks.
& copy of the study was provided by the agency to the &ssociated
0ress in response to a request under the !reedom of 6nformation
5ounds and possibly even words which appear to be originating
intercranially (within the head" can be induced by signal
modulation at very low average power densities, the study said.
:ne physiological effect which has been demonstrated is heart
sei@ure, the report said.
6t said this has been accomplished e=perimentally in frogs
by synchroni@ing the pulses of a microwave signal with the
animalFs heartbeat and beaming the radiation at the chest
3icrowave >ews, Ganuary-!ebruary '(),
5i= hundred scientists and engineers with security clearances
spend the first week of Aecember at Kirtland &ir !orce Base in
>ew 3e=ico e=amining the potential of high-power microwaves to
@ap enemy electronics...
... 3any branches of the Aepartment of Aefense were represented,
including the &ir !orce, the &rmy and the >avy, together with
A&40&, A6&, and A>&. The awrence ivermore abs were also
well represented, as were most of the big defense contractors -
8eneral Aynamics, 0hysics 6nternational and T4D each have a
high-power microwave testing facility.
6n addition to these sources, susceptibility and hardening,
there was one on biological effects1 Ar. Aavid Erwin and
3a$or 4obert Aowns represented the &ir !orce and 7oward Bassen
and Ar. Gohn AF&ndrea described the &rmy and >avy programs,
respectively. Ar. !rank Barnes of the Cniversity of 2olorado
in Boulder presented a poster paper on his and Ar. 7oward
DachtelFs research on the effects of pulsed microwaves.
2huck de 2aro, a former correspondent for the 2able >ews >etwork,
considers the possibility that the C.5. is falling behind the
C.5.5.4. in microwave weapons in EThe Map 8apE, to be published
in the 3arch issue of EThe &tlanticE (see also 3D> >ovember-
Aecember '()+".
3icrowave >ews, Ganuary-!ebruary '((+
4! DE&0:>5 - Aisabling 0eople and Electronics
The military continues to e=plore development of 4! weapons
for the conflicts of the future. !or instance, the E!irst
Airected Energy Darfare (AED" 2onferenceE, held last year
at the 3itre 2orp. in 3cean ;&, featured Ar. Aavid Erwin
of the &rmstrong ab at Brooks &!B, 5an &ntonio, TJ, on
EAirected Energy Darfare 4! EffectsE, and A.r Gose 0ina of
the 26& on E8round 2ombat &pplications of 4!E. :ther topics
included E0ersonnel ;ulnerabilityE and Airected Energy
Darfare Biological EffectsE.
The Gune meeting was organi@ed by the &ssociation of :ld
2rows, whose members are specialists in electronic warfare.
2onference participants had to have security clearances of
E5ecretE or higher, as has been the case at similar meetings
in the past (5ee 3D>, G-! ), and >-A (*".
0ublic discussions of 4!N3D weapons have focussed on dis-
rupting technology. But a recent &rticle in the &irpower
Gournal revealed Efor the first time that the military is
developing high-powered microwave weapons for use against
human beingsE, reports 0eter 2assidy in the Ganuary '((+
E0rogressiveE (see p. '.".
4!N3D and E3!-based weapons are also being studied for
civilian law enforcement. :ak 4idge >ational aboratory
(:4>" in :ak 4idge T> will soon complete a literature
review for the >ational 6nsitute of Gustice on the
feasibility of Ethermal gunsE which could heat the body to
'B? to 'B, degrees ! and incapacitate the target- Esei@ure
gunsE which would use E3 energy to induce epileptic-like
sei@ures- and Emagnetophosphene gunsE which would cause
the target to Esee starsE.
The instituteFs 4ay Aowns in Dashington cautioned that the
report may not be made public. :4>Fs Ar. 2lay Easterly
has said that some effects not associated with heating
could be useful in developing nonlethal weapons.
(5ee 3D>, >-A (*."
3icrowave >ews, 5eptember-:ctober '((+, page '(
5top That 2ar or DeFll Map 9ou
TheyFre the se=iest gadgets in this yearFs action movies1
E30 weapons, which use electromagnetic pulses to @ap
electronics. They have starring roles in 8oldeneye, the
latest Games Bond movie, as well as in Broken &rrow, Escape
!rom &, and Eraser. &nd soon they may be coming to a
police car near you.
aw Enforcement >ews (5eptember *B" reports that the C.5.
&rmy and the >ational 6nstitute of Gustice are running a
S?BB,BBB field test to see if E30 guns can force a car to
stop by disabling its electrical systems. The plan is to
use E30 to do away with high speed chases (another 7ollywood
staple". This is another e=ample of the growing interest in
using nonlethal weapons developed by the military.
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J C5' - 56E>T 5:C>A
Eleanor DhiteFs comments1
This article shows clearly the militaryFs intent to use
every possible thought-influencing technology. This technology
is largely classified but there are leaks, like this article.
De involuntary test sub$ects can tell you from first hand
e=perience that far more invasive devices now e=ist.
This article represents one of the two parallel EtracksE on
which thought-influencing technology is being used and
further developed1
- 4adio frequency signals, based on the DD 66
phenomenon called Eradar hearingE
- Cltrasound signals, which can be transmitted
through the air or piggybacked on to radioNT;
;olume ?, 6ssue +
:ctoberN>ovember '(()
S/?N+ issuesN ' year
'(() >e=us >ew Times
EJ2E40T1 3ore in maga@ine.
3ilitary Cse of 3ind 2ontrol Deapons
Gudy Dall '(()
059-:05 DE&0:>49 C5EA 6> T7E 0E456&> 8C! D&4
!or years, rumours have persisted that the Cnited 5tates Aepartment
of Aefense has been engaged in research and development of
ultra-sophisticated mind- altering technology. 2onfirmation of this
came to me recently in the form of two 6T; >ews Bureau td (ondon"
wire service bulletins.#'%
The 3arch /*, '((' newsbrief, E7igh-Tech 0sychological Darfare
&rrives in the 3iddle EastE, describes a C5 0sychological
:perations (0sy:ps" tactic directed against 6raqi troops in Kuwait
during :peration Aesert 5torm. The manoeuvre consisted of a system
in which subliminal mind-altering technology was carried on
standard radiofrequency broadcasts. The 3arch /+, '((' newsbrief
states that among the standard military planning groups in the
centre of C5 war planning operations at 4iyadh was Ean unbelievable
and highly classified 0sy:ps program utilising Fsilent soundF
The opportunity to use this method occurred when 5addam 7usseinFs
military command-and-control system was destroyed. The 6raqi troops
were then forced to use commercial !3 radio stations to carry
encoded commands, which were broadcast on the 'BB 37@ frequency.
The C5 0sy:ps team set up its own portable !3 transmitter,
utilising the same frequency, in the deserted city of &l Khaf$i.
This C5 transmitter overpowered the local 6raqi station. &long with
patriotic and religious music, 0sy:ps transmitted Evague, confusing
and contradictory military orders and informationE.
5ubliminally, a much more powerful technology was at work1 a
sophisticated electronic system to FspeakF directly to the mind of
the listener, to alter and entrain his brainwaves, to manipulate
his brainFs electroencephalograph ic (EE8" patterns and
artificially implant negative emotional states-feelings of fear,
an=iety, despair and hopelessness. This subliminal system doesnFt
$ust tell a person to feel an emotion, it makes them feel it- it
implants that emotion in their minds.#/%
6 noticed that the 6T; wire service was from outside the Cnited
5tates. 4eaders of 4esonance may recall that in the
Electromagnetic Deapons Timeline in issue no. /(, reference is made
to the documentary video, Daco1 The Big ie 2ontinues, which
contained video footage of three E3 weapons. This segment of the
film was from the British Broadcasting 2orporation (BB2". 6
wondered if there was any significance to this.
&t the library 6 pulled up back issues of my local newspaper for
the same time-period of the 8ulf Dar to see what the &merican wire
services had said, if anything, about the use of this special
0sy:ps weapon. There was nothing said about it directly, but three
news articles seemed related. 6n a news release from &ssociated
0ress during the same timeframe of the 8ulf Dar truce, 6 read1
EThe &merican pilot who shot down the second 6raqi warplane in .)
hours said !riday that continued 6raqi flights suggested that C5
warnings were not filtering down to 6raqi pilotsT 7e said he hopes
5addam gets the message now. F6tFs really too bad that these
people have to die for their unwillingness to heed our warnings...
Dhat 6 really think is, they donFt communicate down to the people,F
he said. F6f they have a communications problem, 6 suggest they fi=
That may have been coincidence but two earlier news articles, dated
3arch ', '((', apparently have a common origin with the 6T; news
bulletin. The first article#.% tells us that appro=imately 'BB
members of the C5 'B'st &irborne Aivision, fluent in &rabic, talked
the enemy into surrendering. These soldiers rode in the &pache
helicopter gunships that were involved in the longest
helicopter-borne assault in history. They told the 6raqi troops
that they would be slaughtered if they didnFt give up.
EThey got the point,E one soldier is quoted as saying.
This all sounds very unremarkable, e=cept when you read the
editorFs note1 EThe following dispatch was sub$ect to C5 military
censorship.E >ow why would they want to censor such a mundane
tactic, e=cept out of embarrassment that the C5 &rmy fighting
forces had fallen to the level of a cheer-leading squadH
... in which case they would have ni=ed the thing entirely.
But upon re-reading the article, we may pick out certain key
phrases (emphasised in italics"1
E7e #the soldier interviewed% was one of do@ens of &rabic speakers
that played a key role in the allied ground attack against 6raq,
and part of an attempt by the C5 &rmy to use finesse, intelligence
work and tactics to complement brute strength.E
6f we fill in the missing blanks with such descriptions as Ethe
megaphone was used to direct psychoacoustic frequencies that
engaged the neural networks of the enemyFs brain, causing him to
think any thought and feel any emotion that the &mericans chose to
lay on himE, then it starts to make sense. &nd it would no longer
seem so surprising that one soldier could talk .?B enemy soldiers
into surrendering. The possibilities are there, and, as the ne=t
article#?% documents, that is e=actly what happened. 6raqi troops
gave up en masse.
De quote1 EThey were surrendering in droves, almost too fast for us
to keep up with...E- E...two 6raqi ma$ors, both brigade commanders,
who gave up their entire units...E- and E...one of them gave up to
an 40; #remotely piloted vehicle". 7ereFs this guy with his hands
up, turning in a circle to give himself up to a model airplane with
a camera in it.E
6rrationalH >ot if there was also a voice being beamed into his
head from that little flying toy, saying, E8ive up, give upLE
:therwise, how do we account for the editorFs note at the beginning
of the article1 EThe following is based on pool dispatches that
were sub$ect to military censorship.E Dithout that note, we could
smugly think that the 6raqi soldiers were cowards or cra@y, but why
censor that ideaH
36>A 2:>T4: D6T7 56E>T 5:C>A5
The mind-altering mechanism is based on a subliminal carrier
technology1 the 5ilent 5ound 5pread 5pectrum (5555", sometimes
called E5-quadE or E5quadE. 6t was developed by Ar :liver owery of
>orcross, 8eorgia, and is described in C5 0atent U?,'?(,,B*,
E5ilent 5ubliminal 0resentation 5ystemE, dated :ctober /,, '((/.
The abstract for the patent reads1
E& silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the
very low or very high audio-frequency range or in the ad$acent
ultrasonic frequency spectrum are amplitude- or frequency-modulated
with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or
vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the
use of loudspeakers, earphones, or pie@oelectric transducers. The
modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may
be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or
optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the
&ccording to literature by 5ilent 5ounds, 6nc., it is now possible,
using supercomputers, to analyse human emotional EE8 patterns and
replicate them, then store these Eemotion signature clustersE on
another computer and, at will, Esilently induce and change the
emotional state in a human beingE.
5ilent 5ounds, 6nc. states that it is interested only in positive
emotions, but the military is not so limited. That this is a C5
Aepartment of Aefense pro$ect is obvious.
Edward Tilton, 0resident of 5ilent 5ounds, 6nc., says this about
5-quad in a letter dated Aecember '*, '((+1
E&ll schematics, however, have been classified by the C5 8overnment
and we are not allowed to reveal the e=act details... ... we make
tapes and 2As for the 8erman 8overnment, even the former 5oviet
Cnion countriesL &ll with the permission of the C5 5tate
Aepartment, of course... The system was used throughout :peration
Aesert 5torm (6raq" quite successfully.E
The graphic illustration, E6nduced &lpha to Theta Biofeedback
2luster 3ovementE, which accompanies the literature, is labelled
U&B ''+-*(.-(? C>2&556!6EAE and is an output from Ethe worldFs
most versatile and most sensitive electroencephalograph (EE8"
machineE. 6t has a gain capability of /BB,BBB, as compared to other
EE8 machines in use which have gain capability of appro=imately
?B,BBB. 6t is software-driven by the Efastest of computersE using a
noisenulling technology similar to that used by nuclear submarines
for detecting small ob$ects underwater at e=treme range.#+%
The purpose of all this high technology is to plot and display a
moving cluster of periodic brainwave signals. The illustration
shows an EE8 display from a single individual, taken of left and
right hemispheres simultaneously. 6le readout from the two sides
of the brain appear to be quite different, but in fact are the same
(discounting normal leftright brain variations".
2:>6>8 T7E E3:T6:>5
By using these computer-enhanced EE8s, scientists can identify and
isolate the brainFs low-amplitude Eemotion signature clustersE,
synthesise them and store them on another computer. 6n other words,
by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur
when a sub$ect e=periences a particular emotion, scientists have
been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now
duplicate it. EThese clusters are then placed on the 5ilent
5ound#T3% carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the
occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human beingLE
Cp to 2ontents
595TE3 AE6;E49 &>A &0062&T6:>5
There is a lot more involved here than a simple subliminal sound
system. There are numerous patented technologies which can be
piggybacked individually or collectively onto a carrier frequency
to elicit all kinds of effects.
There appear to be two methods of delivery with the system. :ne is
direct microwave induction into the brain of the sub$ect, limited
to short-range operations. The other, as described above, utilises
ordinary radio and television carrier frequencies.
!ar from necessarily being used as a weapon against a person, the
system does have limitless positive applications. 7owever, the fact
that the sounds are subliminal makes them virtually undetectable
and possibly dangerous to the general public.
6n more conventional use, the 5ilent 5ounds 5ubliminal 5ystem might
utilise voice commands, e.g., as an ad$unct to security systems.
Beneath the musical broadcast that you hear in stores and shopping
malls may be a hidden message which e=horts against shoplifting.
&nd while voice commands alone are powerful, when the subliminal
presentation system carries cloned emotional signatures, the result
is overwhelming.
!ree-market uses for this technology are the common self-help
tapes- positive affirmation, rela=ation and meditation tapes- as
well as methods to increase learning capabilities.
6n a medical conte=t, these systems can be used to great advantage
to treat psychiatric and psychosomatic problems. &s a system for
remediating the profoundly deaf, it is unequalled. (0romises,
promises. This is the most common positive use touted for this
technology over the past *B years. But the deaf are still deaf, and
the military now has a weapon to use on unsuspecting people with
perfectly normal hearing."
:!!626& AE>6&5
6n fact, the C5 8overnment has denied or refused to comment on
mindaltering weapons for years. :nly last year, C5 >ews V Dorld
4eport ran an article titled EDonder DeaponsE, basically a review of
the new so-called Fnon-lethalF or Fless-than -lethalF weapons.F >ot
one word about 5-quad, although the technology had been used si=
years earlierL
E=cerpts from the article read1
E5ays 2harles Bernard, a former >avy weapons-research director1 F6
have yet to see one of these ray-gun things that actually worksTE-
A&40& (Aefense &dvanced 4esearch 0ro$ects &gency" has come to us
every few years to see if there are ways to incapacitate the
central nervous system remotely,F Ar !. Terry 7ambrecht, head of
the >eural 0rostheses 0rogram at >67, told C5 >ews, Fbut nothing
has ever come of it,F he said. FThat is too science-fiction and
6t may sound Escience fiction and far-fetchedE but it is not.
7owever, that is $ust what the powers-that-be want you to believe,
so as to leave them alone in their relentless pursuit of...whatH
The idea behind non-lethal weapons is to incapacitate the enemy
without actually killing them, or, in the case of riot control or
hostage situations, to disable the participants without permanent
in$ury, preferably without their knowing it. The electromagnetic
mind-altering technologies would all fall into this class of
weapons, but since they are all officially non-e=istent, who is to
decide when and where they will be usedH
&nd why should selected companies in the entertainment industry
reportedly be allowed access to this technology when the very fact
of its e=istence is denied to the general publicH
&s recently as last month #!ebruary%, this stonewall approach of
total denial or silence on the sub$ect still held fast, even toward
committees of the C5 2ongressL
- The Goint Economics 2ommittee, chaired by Gim 5a=ton (4->G",
convened on !ebruary /?, '(() for the E7earing on 4adio !requency
Deapons and 0roliferation1 0otential 6mpact on the EconomyE.
6nvited testimony included statements by several authorities from
the military1
- Ar &lan Kehs, of the C5 &rmy aboratories, discussed the overall
4! threat.
- 3r Games :FBryon, Aeputy Airector of :perational Testing and
Airector of live fire testing for the :ffice of 5ecretary of
Aefense at the 0entagon, discussed the role of ive !ire Testing
and how it plays a role in testing military equipment with 4!
- 3r Aavid 5chriner, 0rincipal Engineer of Airected Energy 5tudies
with Electronic Darfare &ssociates and recently retired as an
engineer with a naval weapons testing facility, talked about the
difficulty in building an 4! weapon and about the terrorist threat.
- Ar 6ra 3erritt, 2hief of 2oncepts 6dentification and &pplications
&nalysis Aivision, &dvanced Technology Airectorate, 3issile Aefense
and 5pace Technology 2enter, 7untsville, &labama, discussed the
proliferation of 4! weapons primarily from the former 5oviet Cnion.
&lthough these statements gave information of technical interest,
they are perhaps more important for the information they did not
give1 information on the e=istence of radiofrequency weapons that
directly affect the human brain and nervous system.
K8B 05927:T4:>625
This technology did not spring up overnight. 6t has a long history
of development and denials of development-by the C5 8overnment and
probably half of the other governments of the world as well.
De know that the former 5oviet Cnion was actively engaged in this
type of research. 6n a previous article we reported that during the
'(,Bs the 5oviet K8B developed a 0sychotronic 6nfluence 5ystem
(065" that was used to turn soldiers into programmable Fhuman
weaponsF. The system employed a combination of highfrequency
radiowaves and hypnosis. The 065 pro$ect was begun in response to a
similar training scheme launched in the C5 by 0resident 2arter,
according to 9uri 3alin, former security adviser to C554 0resident
6n my Electromagnetic Deapons Timeline#(% 6 covered a period of +B
years of interest and development in E3 weaponsWinformation
gathered from the many articles and news clippings sent in by
readers of 4esonance. 6n my article on synthetic telepathy#'B% 6
traced the development of the Fvoice in your headF technology
dating back to '(+', all my references coming from the open
scientific literature.
0:DE4 :! T7E 366T&49-6>AC5T46& 2:30EJ
Gan Diesemann has written an apt description of the situation which
now e=ists in the Cnited 5tates, about the Fforces that beF and how
the situation came about1
EAuring the 2old Dar the Cnited 5tates not only engaged in a
relatively open nuclear arms race with the 5oviet Cnion, but also
engaged in a secret race developing unconventional weapons. &s the
intelligence agencies (which prior to the 5econd Dorld Dar had
merely played a supporting role within the government" continued to
increase their power, so did the funds spent on developing
techniques designed to outsmart each other.
E&nd as the C5 intelligence community began to grow, a secret
culture sprang about which enabled the intelligence players to
implement the various developed techniques to cleverly circumvent
the democratic processes and institutions...
Eike many other democracies, the C5 8overnment is made up of two
basic parts the elected constituency, i.e., the various governors,
$udges, congressmen and the 0resident- and the unelected
bureaucracies, as represented by the numerous federal agencies.
E6n a well-balanced and correctly functioning democracy, the
elected part of the government is in charge of its unelected
bureaucratic part, giving the people a real voice in the agenda set
by their government.
EDhile a significant part of the C5 8overnment no doubt follows
this democratic principle, a considerable portion of the C5
8overnment operates in complete secrecy and follows its own
unaccountable agenda which, unacknowledged, very often is quite
different from the public agenda. E#''%
Gan goes on to quote one of the Cnited 5tatesF most popular war
heroes1 Awight A. Eisenhower, who served as 5upreme 2ommander of
&llied !orces during Dorld Dar 66 and was later elected *.th
0resident of the Cnited 5tates. 6n his farewell address to the
nation in '(+', 0resident Eisenhower said1
E...we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry
of vast proportions. &dded to this, three and a half million men
and women are directly engaged in the defence establishment. De
annually spend on military security more than the net income of all
Cnited 5tates corporations.
EThis con$unction of an immense military establishment and a large
arms industry is new in the &merican e=perience. The total
influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every
city, every state house, every office of the federal government. De
recognise the imperative need for this development. 9et we must not
fail to comprehend its grave implications. :ur toil, resources and
livelihood are all involved- so is the very structure of our
E6n the councils of government, we must guard against the
acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought,
by the military -industrial comple=. The potential for the
disastrous rise of misplaced power e=ists and will persist. De must
never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or
our democratic processes.E
6>TE4>&T6:>& 2:>2E4>5 :;E4 >ED DE&0:>5
The Cnited >ations was established in '(.? with the aim of Esaving
succeeding generations from the scourge of warE. 6n '(,? the
8eneral &ssembly considered a draft first proposed by .the 5oviet
Cnion1 E0rohibition of the Aevelopment and 3anufacture of >ew Types
of Deapons of 3ass Aestruction and >ew 5ystems of 5uch DeaponsE.
6n '(,( the 5oviet Cnion added a list of some types of potential
weapons of mass destruction1
'" 4adiological weapons (using radioactive materials" which could
produce harmful effects similar to those of a nuclear e=plosion-
/" 0article beam weapons, based on charged or neutral particles, to
affect biological targets-
*" 6nfrasonic acoustic radiation weapons-
." Electromagnetic weapons operating at certain radio-frequency
radiations which could have in$urious effects on human organs.#'/%
6n response, the C5 and other Destern nations stalled. They gave a
long, convoluted reason, but the result was the same.
6n an article entitled E>on-ethal Deapons 3ay ;iolate
TreatiesE,#'*% the author notes that the 2ertain 2onventional
Deapons 2onvention#'.% covers many of the non-conventional
weaponsWEthose that utili@e infrasound or electromagnetic energy
(including lasers, microwave or radiofrequency radiation, or
visible light pulsed at brainwave frequency" for their effectsE.
7arlan 8irard, 3anaging Airector of the 6nternational 2ommittee
&gainst :ffensive 3icrowave Deapons, told me he believes the
strategy behind the governmentFs recent push for less-than-lethal
weapons is a subterfuge. The ones that are now getting all the
publicity are put up for scrutiny to get the publicFs approval. The
electromagnetic mind-altering technologies are not mentioned, but
would be brought in later under the umbrella of less-than- lethal
These weapons were recently transferred from the Aepartment of
Aefense over to the Aepartment of Gustice. DhyH Because there are
several international treaties that specifically limit or e=clude
weapons of this nature from being used in international warfare.
6n other words, weapons that are barred from use against our
countryFs worst enemies (notwithstanding the fact that the C5 did
use this weapon against 6raqi troopsL" can now be used against our
own citi@ens by the local police departments against such groups as
peaceful protestors of C5 nuclear policies.
T:D&4A5 8:B& 36>A 2:>T4:
The secrecy involved in the development of the electromagnetic
mind-altering technology reflects the tremendous power that is
inherent in it. To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology
can control the minds of men-all men.
There is evidence that the C5 8overnment has plans to e=tend the
range of this technology to envelop all peoples, all countries.
This can be accomplished, is being accomplished, by utilising the
nearly completed 7&&40 pro$ect#'?,'+% for overseas areas and the
8DE> network now in place in the C5. The C5 8overnment denies all
Ar 3ichael 0ersinger is a 0rofessor of 0sychology and >euroscience
at aurentian Cniversity, :ntario, 2anada. 9ou have met him before
in the pages of 4esonance where we reported on his findings that
strong electromagnetic fields can affect a personFs brain.
ETemporal lobe stimulation,E he said, Ecan evoke the feeling of a
presence, disorientation, and perceptual irregularities. 6t can
activate images stored in the sub$ectFs memory, including
nightmares and monsters that are normally suppressed.E#',%
Ar 0ersinger wrote an article a few years ago, titled E:n the
0ossibility of Airectly &ccessing Every 7uman Brain by
Electromagnetic 6nduction of !undamental &lgorithmsE.#')% The
abstract reads1
E2ontemporary neuroscience suggests the e=istence of fundamental
algorithms by which all sensory transduction is translated into an
intrinsic, brain-specific code. Airect stimulation of these codes
within the human temporal or limbic cortices by applied
electromagnetic patterns may require energy levels which are within
the range of both geomagnetic activity and contemporary
communication networks. & process which is coupled to the narrow
band of brain temperature could allow all normal human brains to
be. affected by a subharmonic whose frequency range at about 'B 7@
would only vary by B. ' 7@.E
7e concludes the article with this1
EDithin the last two decades a potential has emerged which was
improbable, but which is now marginally feasible. This potential is
the technical capability to influence directly the ma$or portion of
the appro=imately si= billion brains of the human species, without
mediation through classical sensory modalities, by generating
neural information within a physical medium within which all
members of the species are immersed.
EThe historical emergence of such possibilities, which have ranged
from gunpowder to atomic fission, have resulted in ma$or changes in
the social evolution that occurred inordinately quickly after the
implementation. 4eduction of the risk of the inappropriate
application of these technologies requires the continued and open
discussion of their realistic feasibility and implications within
the scientific and public domain.E
6t doesnFt get any plainer than that. &nd we do not have open
discussion because the C5 8overnment has totally denied the
e=istence of this technology.
6 would like to give special thanks to1 Gan Diesemann for sending
the 5ilent 5ounds#T3% statement and patents which were the keystone
of this article- 3ike 2oyle, whose computer search turned up many
more related patents- 7arlan 8irard, who has provided numerous
official government documents- and to the many who have provided
newsclippings and articles, moral and financial support to
4esonance, without which weFd have ceased publication long ago.
&bout the &uthor1
Gudy Dall is Editor and 0ublisher of 4esonance, the >ewsletter of the
3E>5& Bioelectromagnetics 5pecial 6nterest 8roup. pp.''--'*,'?-'+
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J C5/ ... CT4&5:>62 36>A 2:>T4: 2:33:>, C>2&556!6EA
&E46& 36>A 2:>T4:
The Threat to 2ivil iberties
by Gudy Dall, EditorN0ublisher 4E5:>&>2E
>ewsletter of the 3E>5& Bioelectromagnetics 5pecial 6nterest 8roup
>EJC5 3aga@ine, :ctober->ovember '(((
;ol. +, >o. +
Gudy Dall can be contacted by mail at1
Gudy Dall, EditorN0ublisher
+). 2ounty 4oad ?*?
5umterville !
C5& **?)?
Eleanor DhiteFs comments1 This hard hitting article by Gudy Dall, who
is >:T a mind control victim and in fact avoids victim testimonials in favour
of only factual ob$ective material, contains some 0:DE4!C items not widely
known among involuntary mind control e=perimentees.
The most important facet of this article is that Gudy Dall presents evidence
unknown to most of the public 6> 506TE :! 6T5 BE6>8 C>-2&556!6EA, and in
the public domain for the past two decades.
The main technology used is a mi= of ultrasonic voice or brain entrainment,
mi=ed with microwave voice-to-skull or ordinary radio and T; signals,
described in detail in &ppendi= C5'1
C5'.....56E>T 5:C>A, B46T657 6T; V >EJC5 3&8&M6>E
The microwave voice-to-skull technology is described in the '(,. article
from &merican 0sychologist maga@ine, &ppendi= 03+1
03+.....A4. A:> 4. GC5TE5E>F5 4E0:4T1 '(,. ;:62E T: 5KC 5C22E55
C5&! 2:33&>A: 5::1 &E46& 36>A 2:>T4: B4:&A2&5T5
The Cnited 5tates &ir !orce uses aerial mind-control broadcasts against
civilian population as well as enemy troops. 5ome of these actions against
civilians are done with the intent of influencing public opinion and the
outcome of elections.
6n a previous article, we e=amined mind-control technology, especially that
utili@ing 5ilent 5ound #T3%, in which radio-frequency broadcasts carry
subliminal patterns that entrain the listenerFs brainwaves into a pre-
selected emotional state. &ccording to 6T; wire service reports, this
technology was used during :peration Aesert 5torm in '((', as part of the
C5 0sychological :perations (0sy:ps" directed against 6raqi troops. #',/%
To the Aesert 5torm offensive we can now add several other incidents.
&le= 7orvat, editor of The 0robe, calls to our attention the '(()
video, E=otic Deapons of 3ass 2ontrol, produced by Bob !letcher.
EThe e=cerpt played on !letcherFs video is from T2 (The earning 2hannel"
and clearly states that 2ommando 5olo was used in 7aiti for what was called
:peration Cphold Aemocracy. &s the general populace was violently
opposed to &ristide and most in favor of his ouster, it took nearly a year
of this clandestine counter-programming to get them to change their minds.
6nstead of butchering a population physically, we can no manipulate them
mentally, virtually enslaving their thoughts with a criss-cross pattern
of flights by an E2-'*B (which is $ust a 2-'*B heavily laden with electron-
ic hardware." #*%
De were not at war with the citi@ens of 7aiti, yet the C.5. 8overnment
directed military weapons against this friendly, or at least neutral,
civilian population. The C.5. 8overnment sanction the EriggingE of the
7aitian election by mental control of the people, programming them to cast
their votes for the &mericansF favored candidate. &nd they had the nerve
to call it E:peration Cphold AemocracyE. 5ome sense of humorL
5talin would have loved it. 7itler would have loved it. Dhy is the C.5.
8overnment doing thisH Dho is behind this flagrant violation of civil
libertiesH 6s it the C.5. 2entral 6ntelligence &gency (26&" which has a
long history of interfering in foreign government politicsH :r has this
become standard military procedureH
The rationale is always the same1 Eto make the world safe for democracyE.
9et what is democracy if not freedomH !reedom to think your own thoughts-
freedom to e=press your own opinions- freedome to vote for the candidate
of your own choice.
!letcherFs video also mentions that the same technology was used against
the Bosnia population for a week to influence their election. #.% This
was probably done during :peration Goint 8uard in '((?. #?%
The questions arise1 6f they have used mind-control broadcasts against
foreign civilian populations to influence elections, will they use them
against &merican citi@ens -- or have they alreadyH Dhat other countries
may be the recipients of this innovative technologyH
Gust what is this E2-'*BE 2ommando 5oloH The Cnited 5tates &ir !orce has
helpfully published a fact sheet that describes the ockheed built air-
craft. #+% This '((? bulletin states that the Eunit flyaway costE is more
than C5 S'BB million each, and that there are eight in the inventory. 6ts
primary function is E0sychological operations broadcastsE. The crew
consists of four officers (pilot, copilot, navigator, control chiefNED:"
and seven enlisted members (flight engineer, loadmaster, five mission
&ccording to the fact sheet1
E&ir !orce 3ission1 2ommando 5olo conducts psychological operations and
civil affairs broadcast missions in the standard &3, !3, 7!, T; and
military communications bands. 3issions are flown at ma=imum altitudes
possible to ensure optimum propagation patterns. The E2-'*B flies during
either day or night scenarios with equal success, and is air refuealable.
& typical mission consists of a single ship orbit which is offset from the
desired target audience. The targets may be either military or civilian
E5econdary missions include command and control communications counter-
measures (2*23" and limited intelligence gathering.
E&ir !orce !eatures1 7ighly speciali@ed modifications have been made to
the latest version of the E2-'*B. 6ncluded in these modifications are
enhanced navigation systems, self-protection equipment, and the capability
of broadcasting color television on a multitude of world-wide standards
throughout the T; ;7!NC7! ranges.
E&ir !orce Background1 &ir >ational 8uard E2-'*B aircraft flown by the
'(*rd 5pecial :perations 8roup were deployed to both 5audi &rabia and
Turkey in support of Aesert 5torm. Their missions included broadcasts of
F;oice of the 8ulfF and other programs intended to convince 6raqi soldiers
to surrender.
EThe E2-'*B was originally modified using the mission electronic equipment
from the E2-'/', known at the time as the 2oronet 5olo. 5oon after the
'(*rd 5:8 received its E2-'*Bs, the unit participated in the rescue of C5
citi@ens in :peration Crgent !ury, acting as an airborne radio station
informing those people on 8ranada of the C5 military action.
E;olant 5olo, as the mission is now known, was instrumental in the success
of coordinated psychological operations in :peration Gust 2ause, again
broadcasting continuously throughout the initial phases of the operation.E
:peration Gust 2auseH this is another propaganda name, applied to
the C.5. invasion of 0anama to take out that countryFs leader, 8eneral
>oreiga, the 26&Fs erstwhile partner in drug smuggling. &pparently the
8eneral had made someone mad -- how else to account for the massive in-
vasion of this tiny tourist countryH To wit1 E& superpower whipped the
poop out of 'B percent of the police force of a Third Dorld nation. 9ou
are supposed to be able to do that. 6t was done well, and 6 credit those
who did it. But it is important that we draw the right lessons from itE
according to an anonymous C5 3arine. #,%
:ur 2ommander-in-2hief had another point of view1 E...the roll call of
glory, the roster of great &merican campaigns -- 9orktown, 8ettysburg,
>ormandy, and now 0anama.E
--0resident 8eorge Bush, 3arch '((B #)%
366T&49 059:05 &8&6>5T 26;66&>5
6n a phone call to the C5&! 5pecial :perations 2ommand 0ublic &ffairs
:ffice, 6 questioned the legitimacy of using these subliminal broadcasts
against civilian populations. #(%
#Gudy DallFs article on S@A0=4 S;?=: for details.%
6 was told that it was all perfectly legal, having been approved by the
C.5. 2ongress (L". 6t may be okay by 2ongress, but 6 sincerely doubt that
it would be approved by the recipient populations.
That conversation also elicited more information concerning the 2ommando
5olo units. !or instance, the &ir >ational 8uard
of the individual states in the C.5. can also operate
2ommando 5olo aircraft, should the 8overnor of a state
request assistance. That means the 0sy:ps mind-control
technology can be directed against
C.5. citi@ens.
The 2ommando 5olo aircraft have participated in the following missions--
possibly more, as the early missions of ;olant 5olo ' were not known to
this spokesperson1
- :peration Crgent !ury (8renada, :ct->ov '()*, Gan-Gun '()?"
- :peration Gust 2ause (0anama, late Aecember '()("
- :peration Aesert 5hield (Kuwait, 6raq, from &ugust '((B"
- :peration Aesert 5torm (5audi &rabia, Turkey, 6raq, '(('"
- :peration Cphold Aemocracy (7aiti, '((.-'((?"
- :peration Goint 8uard (0art of a C> oepration in
Bosnia-7er@egovina, '((?"
- :peration Aesert Thunder (part of a C> operation in 6raq"
- :peration Aesert !o= (6raq, / to * days in Aecember '(()"
:ther countries are known to have a similar aircraft, but the 04 officer
declined to identify them, suggesting that 6 check out GaneFs Aefence
Deekly for such information. >ot having access to that particular
publication, 6 searched through my copy of GaneFs 4adar and Electronic
Darfare 5ystems '((*B(.. #'B% The 2ommando 5olo unit was not listed,
but a browse through the book was informative as to the numerous types of
electronic offence and defence systems available. These include sta-
tionary and mobile land units (many housed in large trucks", shipboard and
airborne models as well as well as space-based technology. 6f the military
is spending C5 S'BB million per airborne unit (times eight, weFre talking
C5 S)BB million here", 6 think it is safe to assume that they have tried
out mind control equipment with less e=pensive, roving land units (trucks",
but use the airplanes to cover wider areas and hard-to-reach locations of
the world.
&nd 6 might add, we can asume that they have tried out the efficacy of this
mind-control technology. Even the C5 military would not waste S)BB million
on something unless it has been proven to work, and work effectively, even
under the adverse situation of military combat. This is an important
The initial research into mind control in the C5& was conducted udner the
auspices of the 26&. The flagrant abuse of human rights in e=perimenting
on unsuspecting persons was based on the supposition that the veracity of
e=periments would be compromised if a sub$ect knew that he was participating
in an e=periment. 6n the case of mind-control technology, tehis supposition
might very well be true. But that does not $ustify its use -- or so said
the >uremburg 2ode, the tenets of which were used as a legal basis to pro-
secute >a@i scientists for war crimes. 7owever the C5 seems to have
e=cused its own military and scientific community from adhering to that
2ode. #''%
3&>60C&T6>8 36>A &>A B:A9 B9 5&TE6TE
The ne=t logical step in mind control would be to incorporate this tech-
nology into satellite communications. 5ince other countries are known
to have similar capabilities, there could occur a sitution in which
electronic mind control warfare is waged against a civilian population,
receiving conflicting mental manipulation from both sides. Dhat would be
the mental state of individuals so targettedH Dould it cause a rise in
mental aberrations and schi@ophreniaH &nd what are the limits of mind
manipulationsH 2an people be forced to commit suicideH 2an physical
ailments or psychosomatic illnesses be inducedH
& 3arch '((B report from Bosnia-7er@egovina in the former 9ugoslavia sug-
gests the latter may have already happened. The report concerns /,((B
ethnic &lbanians who were admitted to hospital with complaints of lung and
skin problems for which doctors could find no physical cause. #'/%
6t is not a far step from manipulating a personFs emotional state to influ-
encing bodily functions. 6ndeed, much of the literature on documenting
microwave effects on biological systems deals with precisely this phenom-
enon. 6n fact, studies of the physical effects of microwave e=posure
(including radio frequencies" generally preceeded studies of mental effects.
& meeting sponsored by Aefense V !oreign &ffairs and the 6nternational
5trategic 5tudies &ssociation was held in Dashington A2 in '()*. 7igh-level
officials from many countries met for this conference. They discussed
psychological strategies related to government and policymaking. & summary
of the agenda reads1 EThe group will be discussing the essence of future
policymaking, for it msut be increasingly clear to all that the most effec-
tive tool of government and strategy is the mind... 6f itFs any consolation
to the weapons-oriented among defense policymakers, the new technologies of
communications -- satellites, television, radio, and mind-control
beams -- are FsystemsF which are more tangible than the more
philosophically based psychological strategies and operations.
#Eleanor DhiteFs comment1 &nyone know where to get a copyH%
EBut we should make no mistake- it will be the Fpsychologically basedF
systems which determine the worldFs fate in coming years1 the condition of
the minds of populations and leaders. &nd we should not ignore the fact
that the C554 #this was in '()*% is working on electronic systems to
FbeamF messages directly into the brain. Dhat good, then, are conventional
systems if these types of weapons are not counteredH &nd, on a more basic
level, what good is a weapon system if public opinion or political con-
straints prohibit its deploymentHE #'*%
6t is obvious that they found the answer to that last question. 6f the
public does not know about a weapon system, it cannot prohibit its deploy-
ment. This is the situtation that applies to mind-control technology.
36>A 2:>T4: &8&6>5T F0:TE>T6&F E>E36E5
The C5 military is aware that certain actions or procedures may not be
acceptable to the &merican public. 3et@ and Kievit e=press these concerns
in their paper, EThe 4evolution in 3ilitary &ffairs and 5hort 2onflict Dar.E
#'.% EThe use of new technology may also run counter to basic &merican
values. 6nformation age -- and in particular, information warfare --
technologies cause concerns about privacy... &merican values also make the
use of directed-energy weapons ... morally difficult, perhaps unacceptable.
The advantage of directed-energy weapons over conventional ones is
E&gainst whom is such deniability aimedH ... deniability
must be aimed at the &merican people.E
ater they state1 EDe must decide whether innovative military capabilities
are, in fact, acceptable and desirable. That can only happen through open
debate. The military must be a vital participant, but not the sole one.E
But there has been no open debate.
:n Guly /', '((., the C5 Aepartment of Aefense proposed that non-lethal
weapons be used not only against declared enemies, but against anyone
engaged in activities that the A:A opposed. That could include almost any-
body and anything. >ote that the mind-control technology is classified
under non-lethal weapons. #'?%
& '(() news item states that C5 &ir !orce 8eneral Gohn Gumper Epredicts
that the military will have the tools to make potential enemies see, hear,
and believe things that do not e=istE and that EThe same idea was con-
tained in a '?-volume study by the C5&! 5cientific &dvisory Board, issued
in '((+, on how to maintain C5 air and space superiority on the battle-
fields of the /'st centuryE. #'+,',%
6t seems that, in miltary parlance, a EpredictionE means1 EAonFt be
surprised when you find out weFve already got this, but itFs classified
and we canFt admit to it $ust yet.E
>otice that 8eneral Gumper predicts that mind control technology will be
used against potential enemies. The military and government
agencies may apply this term to any group or individual they perceive as
a threat to their own interests. 0otential enemies may be counter-culture
individuals, those of opposing political viewpoints, economic or financial
competitors, biological undesirables, etc. 6t is part of the military
agenda to identify potential threats so as to be prepared to meet them.
E=perience has shown that the C5 8overnment (the 26& and !B6, for e=ample"
has moved against these people or groups, slandering, harassing, even
killing them, without adequate cause or legal sanction.
& weapon that can be used in secret lends itself to abuse by unethical
individuals in positions of power. The military and secret services have
shown themselves often to be lacking in ethical constraints. &fter all,
the $ob of the military is war- it is killing people- and so,
$ust how this is accomplished may be considered irrelevant. esser evils,
like mind control, pale by comparison.
:f course, it can be argued that it is far more humane to brainwash a
person via mind control technology than it is to torture or kill them.
:thers vehemently deny this. TheyFd rather be dead than a mental slave to
Big BrotherL That is what revolutions are about. &nd if 6 recall
correctly, that is the idea behind the C5 Bill of 4ights.
EC4:0E&> 0&46&3E>T D&4>5 :! A&>8E45
&wareness of the e=istence of mind-control technology, and hence its
dangers and possibility for misuse, seems to be more prevalent than in
Europe than in other areas. The European 0arliament recently passed a
E4esolution on environment, security, and foreign policyE. #')% This
document includes these articles1
E/*. 2alls on the European Cnion to seek to have the new Fnon-lethalF
weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also covered
and regulated by international conventions...
E/,. 2alls for an international convention introducing a global ban on
all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form
of manipulation of human beings.E
The Cnited 5tates will ignore these resolutions, of course, as it has
other E0 requests- for e=ample, as mentioned in the same document1
E/.. 2onsiders 7&&40 (7igh !requency &ctive &uroral 4esearch 0ro$ect" by
virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern
and calls for itFs legal, ecological and ethical implcations to be e=am-
ined by an international independent body before any further research and
testing- regrets the repeated refusal of the Cnited 5tates &dministration
to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any
subsequent meeting to be held by its competent committee into the environ-
mental and public risks connected with the 7&&40 programme currently being
funded in &laska...E
:ne of 7&&40Fs potential uses is a communications system. The military
officially acknowledges two communications-related applications1 ('" to
replace the e=isting E=tremely ow !requency (E!" submarine communica-
tions system now operating in 3ichigan and Disconsin- (/" to provide a way
to wipe out communications over an e=tremely large area, while keeping the
miltaryFs own communications system working. #'(%
&s we have seen, the mind-control subliminal messages are carried on radio-
frequency broadcasts.
#Gudy DallFs article on S@A0=4 S;?=: for details.%
The 7&&40 facility could be used to broadcast global mind-control messages,
or such messages could simply be inserted into e=isting systems.
Ar. 6gor 5mirnov, of the 6nstitute of 0sycho-correction in 3oscow, says in
regard to this technology1 E6t is easily conceviable that some 4ussian
F5atanF, or letFs say 6ranian #or any other F5atanF%, as long as he owns the
appropriate means and finances, can in$ect himself #intrude% into every con-
ceivable computer network, into every conceivable radio or television broad-
cast, with relative technological ease, even without disconnecting cables.
9ou can intercept the #radio% waves in the aether and then #subliminally%
modulate every conceivable suggestion into it. 6f this transpires over a
long enough time period, it accumulates in the heads of people. &nd even-
tually they can be artificially manipulated with other additional measure-
ments, to do that which this perpetrator wants #them to do%. This is why
#such technology% is rightfully feared.E #/B%
& D:4AD6AE 36>A 2:>T4: 36556:>
To return to the C5&! !act 5heet, it concludes1 E6n '((B the E2-'*B $oined
the newly formed &ir !orce 5pecial :perations 2ommand and has since been
designated 2ommando 5olo, with no change in mission. This one of a kind
aircraft is consistently improving its capabilities.
The ne=t few years should see continued enhancements to the E2-'*B and its
worldwide mission.E
&bout the &uthor1
Gudy Dall is the Editor of 4E5:>&>2E, the newsletter of the
Bioelectromagnetics 5pecial 6nterest 8roup of &merican 3E>5& td.
;iewpoints e=pressed here are her own personal views.
'. Dall, Gudy, E3ilitary Cse of 3ind 2ontrol DeaponsE, >EJC5,
?NB+, :ct->ov '(()
/. E0sychological operationsE are defined as1
E0lanned operations to convery selected information and
indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions,
motives, ob$ective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior
of foreign governments, organi@ations, groups and individuals.
The purpose of psychological operations is to induce or
re-inforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the
originatorFs ob$ectives. &lso called 0sy:ps.E !rom
EGoint Aoctrine for 6nformation :perationsE, Goint pub-
lication *-'*, ( :ctober '((). Thanks to 7arlan 8irard
of the 6nternational 2ommittee on :ffensive 3icrowave
Deapons (0: Bo= ?),BB, 0hiladelphia 0& '('B/-),BB, C5&"
for the e=cerpt.
*. 7orvat, &le=, E2ommando 5oloE, The 0robe, vol. .,
>o. ', Dinter '(()N((, p...- available from 0: Bo= (B?,
5t. 0eters, 3: +**,+, C5&.
.. !letcher, Bob, E=otic Deapons of 3ass 2ontrol-
video available from The 0robe (see above" or
8lobal 6nsights, &+,? !airview Ar. U/.+, 2arson 2ity >;,
)(,B' C5&, tel '-)BB-,/(-.'*'.
?. &n item of interest is that the C5 had a new type of
aerial reconnaissance plane positioned over the former
9ugoslavia from Guly '., '((?, about si= months before
the C5 officially intervened. The 'B-million-dollar
unmanned saucer-shaped spy craft is nicknamed EAark 5tarE.
6nformation from 2-2om (2lassified 2ommunications
*('/", Aec '((?- Erich &. &ggen, Gr., (editor", citing
2E 2hronicles nos. ' and / and 4aising &wareness
+. !act 5heet, dated 3arch '((?. The address on the publication
is &! 5pecial :perations 2ommand 0ublic &ffairs :ffice,
'BB Bartley 5treet, 7urlburt !ield, ! */?..-?/,*, C5&.
They no longer supply printed copies, but you can access
the document at 7441'888.7?3AB?34.2C.<@A
,. 3orrison Taw, Gennifer, E:peration Gust 2ause1 essons !or
:perations :ther Than DarE, 4and 2orp., '((+, p. vii-
quoting from E5ome Ouestions Dhether the C5 6s 4eady
for 62E, >avy >ews and Cndersea Technology,
&ugust /,, '((B, p.,.
). 3orrison Taw, Gennifer, ibid,. p.'.
(. Telephone conversation of !ebruary /+, '(((, with
&! 5pecial :perations 2ommand 0ublic &ffairs :ffice-
voice ()?B" )).-??'?, email 12137;:0D7>2C/;9.2C;9.2C.<@A
'B. Blake, Bernard (ed." GaneFs 4adar and Electronic
Darfare 5ystems '((*-(., GaneFs 6nformation 8roup
6nc., '*.B Braddock 0lace, 5uite *BB, &le=andria ;&
//*'.-'+?', C5&- also GaneFs 6nformation 8roup,
5entinel 7ouse, '+* Brighton 4oad, 2ouldson, 5urrey
24? />7, CK.
''. (a" EC5 >ullifies >uremburg awE, Earth 6sland Gournal,
Dinter '((+-(,. (b" 7ightower, Gim, ECnregulated E=periments
on 7umansE, >ew Times, Gune '(-/?, '((,- cites
5tolberg, 5heryl 8ay, ECnchecked 4esearch 0eople 4aises
2oncern on 3edical EthicsE, >ew 9ork Times, 3ay
'., '((,. (c" 5ee EBan on 3edical E=periments Dithout
2onsent is 4ela=edE, >ew 9ork Times, >ovember ?,
'((+, p.'- copy available for ?B cents from Aavid 0ark
Brooks, *.?+ ',th 5t., 5an !rancisco 2& (.''B. (d" &lso
see 5enator Gohn 8lennFs bill 5-'(*, E7uman 5ub$ects
4esearch 0rotection &ct of '((,E, 2ongressional 4ecord,
C5 5enate, Ganuary //, '((,. (e" E6n '((., a congress-
ional subcommittee found up to ?BB,BBB &mericans between
'(.B and '(,. were endangered by secred defense-related
tests including radiation e=periments, mustard gas, 5A
and biological agents.E 5ee 0itch Deekly, &pril
',-/*, '((,.
'/. 5chaefer, 0aul, EE=perimentation and DarfareE, article
citing The Kansas 2ity 5tar, between 3arch /?
and *', '((B.
'*. 5ummary, The 0erth 2orporation, Aefense V !oreign
&ffairs, >ovember '()*.
'.. 3et@, 5teven, and Games Kievit, EThe 4evolution in
3ilitary &ffairs and 2onflict 5hort of DarE, C5 &rmy
Dar 2ollege, 2arlisle Barracks, 0& ',B'*-?B?B, C5&,
pp. '?-'+ and /(. #5ee also Krawc@yk, 8lenn, EBig
BrotherFs 4ecipe for F4evolution in 3ilitary &ffairsFE,
>EJC5 /N/+, Gune-Guly '((?.%
'?. 5chaefer, 0aul, E0syops1 6nvisible DarfareE, Muni
3ountain 2iti@en (precise date unknown, late '(()N
early '(((", p.?.
'+. E3icrowave DeaponsE, 3icrowave >ews, 3archN&pril
'(()- ouis 5lesin (editor", citing &viation Deek,
3arch (, '(().
',. 5ame article as above, citing 3icrowave >ews,
GanuaryN!ebruary '((,.
'). EEnvironment, 5ecurity, and !oreign &ffairsE, 4esolution
&.BBB?N((, 3inutes of /)NB'N(( - 0rovisional Edition,
European 0arliament. !or copy, thanks to 8rattan 7ealy,
&dvisor on Energy V 4esearch, 8reen 8roup in the European
0arliament, E: /2*?, 4ue Diert@ 5traat, B-'B., Bru=elles,
Belgium, email 5702AED0?3;123A.0?.@=4
'(. !or more info on 7&&40, see Begich, >ick and Geanne
3anning, &ngels AonFt 0lay This 7&&40, Earthpulse
0ress, 0: Bo= /B'*(*, &nchorage &K ((?/B, C5&, Tel. ((B,"
/B. !rom a 8erman documentary, E8eheimes 4ussland1 3oskau -
Aie Mombies dr roten MarenE (E5ecret 4ussia1 3oscow -
The Mombies of the 4ed 2@arsE" aired on 8erman T; network
MA! on Aecember //, '((). 5cript translation by Gan
Deisemann. The full te=t is to be published in
4esonance, >o. *?.
/'. 4eed, 2hris, ockheed 2-'*B 7ercules and 6ts ;ariants,
5chiffer 0ublishing td, &tglen, 0&, '(((.
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J C5* ... C.5. &439 CT4&5:C>A DE&0:> 04:GE2T
T:062 >C3BE41 &(,-BB*
59>ET625 2orporation 7441'888./E=04@9/.9;<
2:40:4&TE :!!626&1
8eorge A. 7ughes Gr.
0rametric Aifference Daves for ow !requency &coustic 0ropagation
0rior research indicates that an array of ultrasonic sources operated
with an offset in frequency will produce infrasonic or very low
frequency energy. This energy is useful because it is omni-directional,
and it propagates well with little absorption. Dith sufficient energy,
the resulting infrasonic waves can be disabling or lethal. 5ynetics
proposes an approach toward developing infrasonic waves that can
ultimately be incorporated into future man-portable small arms weapon
systems. This approach utili@es moderni@ed pneumatic technology which
produces an e=tremely high-powered ultrasonic source. The resulting
frequency generated is precisely controlled such that the desired high
power infrasound frequency can be generated at the target by beating two
focused ultrasonic sources.
The potential post applications of the parametric difference wave
generator include non-lethal crowd control, non-lethal self defense
units for police and personal use, and soot and crustacean removal
devices for commercial industries.
6>!4&5:C>A 8E>E4&T6:> CT4&5:>62 TC>6>8
&2:C5T62 DE&0:> CT4&5:>62 7687 0:DE4
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J C5. ... 56E>T 790>:565, ;:62E-!3 2:33E426& 3ET7:A
&ltered 5tates td commercial site clearly demonstrates the
very thin line between Esubliminal learningE using E;oice !3E,
and Esilent hypnosisE as e=perienced by involuntary
The reader is invited to scan the sample phrases from these
so-called Elearning tapesE. Dhether itFs ElearningE or
EhypnosisE is left for the reader to decide.
6mage shows how voice is transformed to an inaudible signal.
0h1 <+.-(-)'?-?B(? or <+.-(-)'?-?B?(
!a=1 <+.-(-)'?-?B+,
Email1 alteredPihug.co.n@
0ostal address1
0.:.Bo= +)-*.., >ewton,
&uckland, >ew Mealand.
5treet address1
+& Destern 5prings 4d,
3orningside, &uckland,
>ew Mealand.
The original commerical link from which the te=t below was
copied on 3arch //, /BBB is1
56E>T 5CB636>&5
:nly your mind can hear. 9our ears hear nothing but your mind
hears and accepts the powerful suggestions.
9ou can safely play these tapes anywhere - in a car, while
watching T; or listening to your favorite music, while working
or even as silent sleep programming.
Darning1 Everyone within listening range of the tape will be
programmed by the suggestions. To assure yourself that strong
suggestions are recorded on the tape, take it to any 4adio
5hack store, play it on their stereo and read the output with
a 4adio 5hack 5ound evel 3eter (6tem **-/B?B"
7ow To Cse The Tapes1 6ncrease the volume until it is $ust
below any tape noise. 6f your stereo deck has treble and bass
controls, you can boost the subliminal output by increasing
the treble and decreasing the bass. The player then emits a
strong but inaudible frequency - modulated +B - (B decibel
signal that is received and demodulated by the human ear.
Technical 6nformation The 5uggestions are delivered on a
carrier frequency of '.,)BB cps, via a low-distortion sinewave
signal. This frequency is slightly above the audible hearing
range but the frequency-modulated (!3" signal is still
strongly impinging upon the diaphragm of the ear. The listener
can e=pect his subconscious mind to accept the suggestions
with repeated listening.
#ED1 >ote the similarity to owery patent, US ")1"F)&G3%
7ow To Cse The Tapes1 6ncrease the volume until it is $ust
below any tape noise. 6f your stereo deck has treble and bass
controls, you can boost the subliminal output by increasing
the treble and decreasing the bass. The player then emits a
5T4:>8 BCT 6>&CA6BE frequency-modulated +B to (B decibel
signal that is received and demodulated by the human ear.
The 5ilent 5ubliminals is a new brain N mind technology
developed by an aerospace engineer. This new technique has
been licensed to ;alley of the 5un &udio N
;ideo for this incredible new tape series. 0atent pending.
>ote1 Because the frequency is beyond normal recording range,
the tape cannot be duplicated1
E=amples of 5uggestions1
- EEvery day you become thinner and thinnerE
- E9ou now lose weight and full fill your goalsE
- E9ou attain your weight goals and the body you desireE
- E9ou have the power and ability to attain the perfect weight
and body you desireE
- E9ou have the self-discipline to lose all the weight you
- E9ou live a healthy lifestyle and eat a proper dietE
- E9ou now quit smoking because it serves youE
- E9ou lose all desire to smokeE
- E9ou accept that you now quit smokingE
- E9ou are a non-smokerE
- EOuit smoking. Ouit smoking. Ouit smokingE
- E9ou have the willpower to do anything you want to doE
- E9ou have great self- discipline and you use it to quit
- E2igarettes disgust youE
- E9ou are very sure of yourselfE
- E9ou accept that you have great inner courageE
- E9ou are self-reliant and self-confidentE
- E9ou are full of independence and determinationE
- E9ou have great inner courageE
- EEvery day in every way, you become more and more
- E9ou feel good about yourselfE
- E9ou pro$ect a very positive self-imageE
- E9ou are rela=ed and at easeE
- E9ou detach from worldly pressures and e=perience an inner
- E>egativity flows through you without affecting youE
- E9ou accept other people as they areE
- E9ou peacefully accept the things you cannot change, and
change the things you canE
- E9ou are at peace with yourself, the world and everyone in
- E9our mind is like calm water
- E9ou direct your time and energy to manifest your desiresE
- E9ou have the self-discipline to accomplish your personal
and professional goalsE
- EEvery day, you increase your self-disciplineE
- E9ou do what you need to do and stop doing what doesnFt
- E9ou freely choose to do what you need to doE
- E9ou are assertive and feel good about yourself
- E9ou now focus your energy upon attaining successE
- E9ou know e=actly what you want and you go for itE
- E9ou can accomplish whatever you set out to doE
- EBe ultra-successful. Be ultra-successful and become
- EEvery day in every way, you become more successfulE
- E9our creative thinking opens the door to monetary
- E9ou easily achieve and maintain a penile erectionE
- E9our body performs perfectly during se= without thinking
about itE
- E& hard, firm erection is your natural response to se=ual
stimulation E
- E9ou can make love for a long before you e$aculateE
- EEvery day you feel better about your se=ual prowess and
your ability to achieve and maintain a hard, firm erection
Cp to 2ontents
C5?.....E&2:C5T62 50:T687TE 2&> T&48ET :>E 0E45:> 6> 24:DA
T765 65 T7E TEJT 0:4T6:> :>9 :! T7E :4686>& DEB 0&8E
0:5TEA B9 !. G:5E07 0:30E66, 36T 3EA6& &B. The image
below, posted by Eleanor Dhite, describes nearly identical
techology being commerically developed by &merican
Technologies 2orp., 5an Aiego 2&, (as of 3arch //, /BBB"1
The :4686>& 6>K !:4 T765 0&8E (&s of 3arch //, /BBB"1
3achine istening 8roup Aigital ife 2onsortium
& beam of light can be controlled in many ways - it can be
aimed at one person in a crowd, spread to fill a room, or
pro$ected to create rich, distant imagery.
De can now do these very same things with sound.

To my friends in the CK1
Thanks to those who have contacted me regarding the BB2 piece-
6Fm happy it was so well received. 6 recently had a very
polite British visitor, who seemed to en$oy the demonstration
a great deal... click the photo to see who it was.

The &udio 5potlightT3, invented and developed at the 36T 3edia
ab, is a device which uses subtle nonlinear properties of the
air to create an e=tremely narrow 5ound BeamT3. This beam of
sound behaves $ust like a beam of light - FshiningF it at a
specific listener allows only that person to hear it, and
pro$ecting it against a surface creates an acoustic FimageF at
the point of reflection. 6t is the first device that provides
total control over both the location and distribution of high
quality sound, something impossible to achieve with
traditional loudspeakers.
The circular transducer is very thin, and can be constructed
in a variety of si@es and configurations as needed. & typical
&udio 5potlight transducer has an active area of appro=imately
' foot diameter, and, depending on si@e and frequency content,
pro$ects an appro=imately three-degree wide beam of sound
audible to well over 'BB meters. 7armonic distortion has been
reduced to close to that of a traditional loudspeaker, sound
level is quite appreciable (on the order of )B-(BdB&" at
several meters, and frequency response, depending on si@e,
e=tends down to a few hundred 7ert@, and upwards beyond the
range of hearing. 2ontinued research is being conducted on all
facets of the technology.
Dhile still under development, we are testing applications of
the device in collaboration with several of our 3edia ab
5ponsors in preparation for eventual commercial release.
0ut sound wherever you want it.T3
!. Goseph 0ompei pompeiPmedia.mit.edu
The &udio 5potlight can be used in two ma$or ways1 &s
directed audio, sound is directed at a specific listener or
area, to provide a private or area specific listening space.
&s pro$ected audio, sound is pro$ected against a distant
ob$ect, creating an audio image. This audio image is
literally a pro$ected loudspeaker - sound appears to come
directly from the pro$ection, $ust like light.
The &udio 5potlight consists of a thin, circular transducer
array and a specially designed signal processor and amplifier.
The transducer is about half an inch thick, nonmagnetic, and
lightweight. The signal processor and amplifier are
integrated into a unit about the same si@e as a traditional
audio amplifier, and has similar power requirements.
Because it is impossible to generate e=tremely narrow beams of
audible sound without e=tremely large loudspeaker arrays, we
instead generate the sound indirectly, using the nonlinearity
of the air to convert a narrow beam of ultrasound into a
highly directive, audible beam of sound.
The device transmits a narrow beam of ultrasound (blue",
which, due to the inherent nonlinearity of the air itself,
distorts (changes shape" very slightly as it travels. This
distortion creates, along with new ultrasonic frequencies,
audible artifacts (green" which can be mathematically
predicted, and therefore controlled. By constructing the
proper ultrasonic beam, this nonlinearity can be used to
create, within the beam itself, an audible sound beam
containing any sound desired. This is presently done in
real-time using low cost circuitry, a specially designed
amplifier, and transducers developed at 36T specifically for
this pro$ect.
The directivity, or narrowness, of an acoustic wave generated
by a circular transducer is proportional to the ratio of the
diameter of the transducer to the wavelength of the sound. 5o
a transducer much larger than the wavelength of the sound
creates a very narrow beam.
&udible sound contains wavelengths reaching lengths of several
feet, so a reasonably si@ed loudspeaker will always produce a
very wide, non-directional source at lower frequencies. The
&udio 5potlight, in contrast, outputs short, millimeter si@ed
ultrasonic waves, which form a very narrow beam even in a
small transducer, which in turn generates audible sound. The
nature of the nonlinear transformation also essentially
eliminates sidelobes in the resulting beam, and maintains
relatively uniform directivity across the entire audible
frequency range.
The figure to the right compares the directivity of the &udio
5potlight (yellow" to that of an ordinary loudspeaker
(purple".at .BB 7@. >ote that the directivity of the &udio
5potlight is only three degrees, compared to the essentially
omnidirectional directivity of the loudspeaker.
6n order to obtain such narrow directivity from a traditional
loudspeaker system, one would need a loudspeaker array fifty
meters acrossL
& loudspeaker is like a light bulb, but the &udio 5potlight is
like a laser.
The use of nonlinear interaction of high frequency sound to
generate directive low frequency sound sources has been a well
researched sub$ect in the field of underwater acoustics since
the early '(+BFs. :ften misattributed to so-called ETartini
TonesE, the effect is more accurately described as a
parametric array, a term introduced by Destervelt #'%. 6n the
past several decades, many underwater sonar researchers have
used the effect to both generate directive low frequency sonar
beams, detect underwater sound (parametric receiving array",
and e=tend the bandwidth of underwater transducers.
The first published demonstration of an airborne parametric
array was in '(,? by Bennett and Blackstock #/%. 4ather than
using inaudible ultrasound, they instead used very intense,
high frequency audible sound to produce simple difference
tones. Dhile their goal was not a practical audio reproduction
device, they nonetheless effectively demonstrated that the
parametric array would work in air in addition to underwater.
6n the early '()BFs, several Gapanese companies, such as
>ippon 2olumbia, 4icoh, and 3atsushita, attempted to develop
the parametric array for the reproduction of broadband audible
sound. They typically deployed large arrays containing
hundreds of pie@oelectric transducers, such as the one to the
right #*%, to transmit simple &3 modulated audible signals.
Dhile successful in reproducing sound, tremendous problems
with cost, robustness, and e=tremely poor sound quality (up to
?BI total harmonic distortion" caused them to abandon the
technology as unfeasible.
3ore recently in mid '((+, an &merican company produced their
own version of this device and proclaimed it Fa revolutionF in
audio. 6n fact, this device, contrary to their claims and
unbeknownst to the popular press, was very similar to those
described in audio $ournals a decade earlier (shown to the
left", and of course suffered from the very same problems of
poor sound quality and lack of robustness that plagued the
earlier researchers #.%. 5ince then, there has been no
published evidence of progress towards a practical device.
5ince his days as a part-time musician and young acoustics
engineer at Bose in the early '((BFs, 3r. 0ompei recogni@ed
that a key ingredient missing from audio reproduction was the
ability to reliably spatiali@e sound. Dhile in a natural
environment, sound occurs all around us, giving us a
tremendously strong impression of our environment, the
reproduction of sound over loudspeakers, at best, provides a
very vague and limited spatial impression. 5imilarly, what
was missing from music, he decided, was the ability to
choreograph musical instruments in space, $ust as you would
Dhile pursuing as a 3asterFs student techniques related to F*A
&udioF technologies, he reali@ed that this method would simply
not work in an uncontrolled acoustic environment - if the
listener moved out of the small Fsweet spotF, the illusion
would vanish, and there were no practical remedies to this
problem, so long as traditional loudspeakers were used. The
solution, then, was to not rely on psychoacoustic illusions,
but instead to create sound independently of the loudspeaker.
:ne of several ideas he had at the time was the use of
interacting ultrasound beams to produce audible sound.
&fter briefly researching the idea, he discovered the numerous
papers describing the underwater parametric array and the
earlier attempts of its application as an audible sound
source. !rom these papers, he saw that there were two key
concepts which were overlooked in the previous attempts,
mitigating their success1
Earlier attempts used simple &3 modulation to generate the
ultrasound signal, which does create audible byproducts, but
also substantial distortion. The nonlinear transformation
from ultrasound to audible sound is much more comple= than &3
demodulation. Therefore, in order to reduce distortion, this
specific transformation needed to be mathematically modeled,
inverted, and then applied as a preprocessing algorithm. The
lowest-order preprocessing method, used in the earliest 36T
prototypes, was derived from a simple model #?% proposed in

Transducer Aesign
The transducers used in previous attempts were common
pie@oelectric transducers used for ultrasonic ranging. These
transducers are highly resonant, and do not have sufficient
bandwidth to reliably reproduce the preprocessed ultrasonic
signal. Thus, even with a preprocessing algorithm,
substantial distortion would continue to result until we
developed transducers capable of reliably reproducting the
broadband preprocessed signal.
&s a side pro$ect during his 3asterFs work, he continued his
development of these ideas, studying nonlinear wave
interactions and ultrasonic transducer design, eventually
deciding to pursue the area as the focus of a doctoral
dissertation. :f all the universities that he applied to, he
decided that the free-wheeling nature of the 36T 3edia ab was
the ideal environment for developing the idea.
The first full si@e prototype was demonstrated in &pril '(()
to our 3edia ab 5ponsors, and performed beyond all
e=pectations. The first demonstration was a Gohn 2oltrane
solo, whose sa=ophone was heard loud and clear, pro$ected like
a spotlight all around a movie theater, and flying right over
the audience. 0ower consumption was nominal (Z*BD",
construction was straightforward, and distortion had been
reduced by several orders of magnitude compared to all earlier
& paper #+% describing the results of the first prototype, as
well as a live demonstration, were presented at the 'B?th
2onvention of the &udio Engineering 5ociety in 5eptember,
'((), and received a standing ovation. Dhile the parametric
array itself is not patentable, 36T has applied for patents on
key aspects of the technology which make it a practical

This directivity plot of a prototype clearly illustrates the
e=treme narrowness of the beam. (0ublished in #+%". Auring
the summer of '((), we compared distortion of prior devices
with our prototype. >ote that distortion has been reduced
nearly to that of a traditional loudspeaker. (0ublished in
5ince then, development has been remarkably productive, with
engineering and mathematical advances resulting in more sound
output, better sound quality, and reliable performance.
EEverything you do with light, you can now do with sound.ET3
#'% Destervelt, 0. G., G. &coust. 5oc. &merica, v*? ?*?-?*,
#/% Bennett, 3. B., and Blackstock, A. T., G. &coust. 5oc.
&merica, v?,, ?+/-?+) ('(,?"
#*% 9oneyama, 3., et al., G. &coust. 5oc. &merica, v,*,
'?*/-'?*+ ('()*"
#.% Blackstock, A. T., G. &coust. 5oc. &merica, v'B/ *'B+(&"
('((," link
#?% Berktay, 7. :., G. 5ound ;ib., v/, .*?-.+' ('(+?"
#+% 0ompei, !. G., G. &udio Eng. 5oc., v.,, ,/+-,*' ('((("
(originally in 0roc. 'B?th &E5 2onv., 0reprint .)?* ('(()" "
&bout the 6nventor1
Beginning his career in acoustics at '+ while in high school,
starting as the first high school co-op and becoming the
youngest engineer at Bose 2orporation, !rank Goseph 0ompei
continued working part-time and summers for Bose while earning
a degree in Electrical Engineering with an Electronic &rts
3inor from 4ensselaer 0olytechnic 6nstitute. 4ecogni@ing the
importance and underutili@ation of spatiali@ed sound, he
decided to pursue research in psychoacoustics and application
of auditory locali@ation at >orthwestern Cniversity, earning a
3asterFs degree. &cutely aware of the limitations of
traditional loudspeakers, he had the idea of using ultrasound
as an acoustic pro$ector, and is now developing such a device
at the 36T 3edia ab, continuing his education in pursuit of a
3r. 0ompei is honored to have been chosen as a British Telecom
fellow for his second year in a row.
!or 3ore 6nformation1
& technical paper #+% describing the basic device (along with
a live demo" was presented at the &udio Engineering 5ocietyFs
'B?th 2onvention (5eptember, '(()". 0lease contact them
directly with preprint requests. The same paper was $ust
published in the 5eptember '((( issue of the Gournal of the
&udio Engineering 5ociety.
E:fficialE pressNpublic inquiries1 2ontact our 2ommunications
and 5ponsor 4elations team.
:r, you can email me.
&ll content (c" '((( !. Goseph 0ompei, 36T 3edia ab, e=cept
where noted. BVD photo of early parametric array (c" '()*
&coustical 5ociety of &merica. 4eproduction, archiving,
andNor redistribution of any part of this document prohibited
without written permission from 3r. 0ompei or the 36T 3edia
ab. 0atents 0ending.
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J TD4' - T7E &A5 AE;62E
Tuesday, 5eptember B(, '((, 'B1/B1B( &3
;5E 2:40. 6!E &55E53E>T AE2TE2T:4 595TE3 (&A5"
0atent 0ending
The ife &ssessment Aetector 5ystem (&A5", a microwave Aoppler
movement measuring device, can detect human body surface motion,
including heartbeat and respiration, at ranges up to '*? feet
(.'.'? meters". The primary function of the &A5 is to provide a
reliable method by which medical and emergency personnel can
locate personnel buried in building collapses or in$ured on the
military battlefield.
&A5 can detect such signs of life as movement, heartbeat, or
QQ >:TE1 The referenced image of the &A5 device is no longer
available at the http1NNwww.vsecorp.com web site. Dhat it showed
was mainly a small dish antenna mounted on the top of a tripod.
(&ugust (, '(()"
:riginally designed to detect heartbeat and respiration of military
personnel wearing chemical-biological warfare protective
overgarments, the &A5 has been restructured, greatly increasing its
operational range and providing a means for eliminating
Enuisance alarmsE which could mimic human life signs, such
as fans, wind drafts, or swaying trees. This is accomplished through
neural network technology, which EtrainsE the system to
recogni@e human motion and heartbeatNrespiration functions. 6f these
functions are not detected, the reasonable assumption is that there
are no survivors. :perating under such an assumption, the rescue team
can now proceed without fear of further loss of life- i.e., rescue
and medical personnel and equipment can be deployed more effectively
and efficiently.
The &A5 consists of a sensor module, a neural network module, and
a controlNmonitor module. The sensor module is an =-band ('B 87@"
microwave transceiver with a nominal output power of '? milliwatts,
operating in the continuous wave (2D" mode. The neural network module
device can store many comple= patterns such as visual waveforms and
speech templates, and can easily compare input patterns to
previously EtrainedE or stored patterns.
The controlNmonitor module provides the &A5F instrument controls,
such as on-off switches, circuit breakers, and battery condition, as
well as motion, heartbeat waveform, pulse strength, and pulse rate
&A5 provides life assessment capabilities for people who are1
- Trapped in building rubble-
- Battlefield casualties in a chemicalNbiological warfare environment-
- ;ictims of airline, train, or automobile crashes-
- Trapped in an avalanche or mud slide-
- Trapped on a mountain ledge-
- Trapped under a collapsed tent structure- or
- 7ostages being held in a nonmetallic room.
!or more information about the &A5, send E-mail to1
@=C;DH/09;31.9;< ('(() info"
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J TD4/ - T7E 4&A&4 !&57687T
0ro$ect Title1 4adar !lashlight
0ro$ect Aescription1
The >ational 6nstitute of Gustice (>6G", through the Goint
(Gustice-Aefense" 0rogram 5teering 8roup (G058", is sponsoring
8eorgia Tech 4esearch 6nstitute (8T46" in developing an ine=pensive,
handheld, low-power radar that will enable law officers to detect
individuals through interior building walls. 6t works by sensing the
motion of an individualFs chest when they breath.
5tatus 4eport1
8T46 is currently designing and refining the first prototype unit. &
laboratory test area has been constructed consisting of a section of
home siding and drywall, a wooden front door, and a section of brick
and mortar. The laboratory model shown here, was able to detect
individuals through each of these materials. 6t also demonstrated
the ability to detect an individual through the laboratoryFs cinder
block walls. 8T46 is working to combine the two parts of this device
into a single unit. >6G plans on demonstrating the 4adar !lashlight
with law enforcement agencies through its >ational aw Enforcement
and 2orrections Technology 2enter (>E2T2" (5outheast 4egional
2enter" before the end of '(((.
Ar. 0ete >acci
0ro$ect 3anager
Tel1 (,B*" *?'-))/'
E-mail1 1=299@D:2312.<@A
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J TD4* - 366;656:> 4&A&4
2urrent 3illivision information at1 7441'888.<@AA@H@/@;=.9;<
031 TE27 C0A&TE1 !risking !rom &far1 :2T (? 0opular 3echanics maga@ine
3illimeter-wave camera picks up both metallic and plastic concealed
AEE4!6EA, 3&-Between microwave and infrared lies the millimeter wave
band. This little-heralded portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
turns out to be perfect for Eremote frisking.E 3illitech 2orp. has
designed a camera to accomplish $ust that.
#366TE27 7&5 5:A T7E 4687T5 T: 366;656:>, >:4T7&30T:>
The idea calls for measuring the time delay and intensity of
millimeter wave energy that radiates naturally. &t millimeter
wavelengths, people are good emitters, while metals are very poor.
Aielectric ob$ects, such as plastics, ceramics and powdered drugs,
are somewhere in between. 2lothing and building materials, such as
wallboard, are virtually transparent.
Cp to 2ontents
TD4......84:C>A #QQ:4 7:3EN&0T D&QQ% 0E>ET4&T6>8 4&A&4
T765 65 TEJT EJ2E40TEA !4:3 84:C>A-0E>ET4&T6>8 4&A&4
0&T46:T 526E>T6!62 2:40:4&T6:>. T7E 0C40:5E :! 6>2:40:4&T6>8
TEJT 65 T7&T 84:C>A-0E>ET4&T6>8 4&A&4 595TE35 :;E42:3E T7E
2:>AC2T6;E-D& B&446E4 T: 0&556;E 3663ETE4 D&;E T74C-
D& 4&A&4.
The original link for this te=t (as of 3arch //, /BBB" is1
0atriot 5cientific 2orporation
0atriot 5cientific 2orporation has developed radar
technologies with a wide range of possible applications.
This description below will highlight possibilities for use in1
- 8round 0enetrating 4adar (804"
- 2ommunications
- 5urveillance
- :rdnance Aetection
- 5tealth 4adar
The Aemonstration 5ystem1
...is a diagram of the demonstration system. & pulse generator
is used to drive the transmit antenna. The pulse is a positive
spike going up to 'BB; then falling back to ground in one and
a half nanoseconds corresponding to a pulse transmit frequency
of ,?B 37@.
The return signal is read by the receive antenna. &t this
point some simple analog processing is done and the signal is
digiti@ed at a resolution of + 87@, and sent to a 02.
The 02 correlates the data into a conventional waveform, does
some processing, then transmits the data over an ethernet
cable to a 0entium workstation (not shown".
The 0entium workstation is used to apply different digital
filters, combine waveforms, and display the results. This
system can be used to demonstrate detection of small targets
buried in sand, people behind walls, and other targets.
0atriot has used its antenna system to demonstrate detection
of ob$ects as small as a coke can buried in sand, through a
wall. Even small targets disturb the wavefront of the pulse,
producing reflections and modifing the field in measurable
0atriot will be testing this technology for suitability for
mine detection. De will be acquiring sample casings and
running further tests.
&dvantages of 0atriotFs 6mpulse 4adar 5ystem
The key to 0atriotFs 4adar system is its ability to transmit
and receive pulses barely longer then single cycles at the
transmit frequency. The first waveform shown here is a pulse
generated by an earlier 0atriot Aesign, based on Eoff the
shelfE antenna technology. The waveform on the bottom was
produced and received by 0atriotFs current Aesign.
The current 0atriot antenna system produces a pulse at the
desired frequency with little leading or trailing noise. The
0atriot antenna system provides many advantages over
pulse-based systems.
0atriot originally developed the impulse radar system to allow
time domain processing in 0atriotFs 804 systems. Because the
impulse is e=tremely short (* nanoseconds", the time to return
can be used to gauge the distance traveled by the pulse.
!urthermore, the transmit and receive antennaFs are very
directional, eliminating much of the multipath components of
the return signal.
The short pulse combined with the directional transmit and
receive to provide us with a number of important advantages1
- ;ery low average power during transmission
- ow interference from other transmitters
- Transmission invisible to conventional receivers
- 7igh bandwidth digital data transmission possible
- Aifficult detection by other impulse receivers
6nterference with other sources and receivers is further
reduced by using directional antennas. The antenna design
shown is highly directional.
Dhen penetrating the ground, we wish to eliminate as much of
the multipath signal as possible. The directional antennas
reduce the multipath signals detected to those that are
relatively inline with the wave path, and eliminate much of
the multipath signal that returns at odd angles.
6mpulse radar uses low power inherently because the
transmissions occur in pulses separated by periods of no
transmission. The power of the pulses is offset by the dead
time between the pulses. The average output of the current
system is about *BB 3624:watts. T7E :D &;E4&8E 0:DE4 :! &>
630C5E 595TE3 E!!E2T6;E9 76AE5 T7E T4&>536556:>5 !4:3
2:>;E>T6:>& 4E2E6;E45.
6nterference can be further reduced in an impulse system by
using random interval spacing. &s long as the transmit and
receive antennas are in sync, the period between pulses can be
varied to prevent aliasing with other continuous- or
pulse-transmission systems that might be operating in the same
locale. !urthermore, if an impulse system is being used to
transmit data, varying the intervals between pulses prevents
other impulse systems from locking onto the signal. 0atriot
5cientificFs current 804 system does not use random interval
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J T4' - 2:33E426& T7:C87T 4E&A6>8 AE;62E5
http1NNwww.mindmouse.comN The 2yberlink 3ind 3ouse1
7ands-!ree, Brain-Dave 2ontrol for your 2omputer
The 2yberlink 3ind 3ouse
Dhat is itH
The 2yberlink 3ind 3ouse is a revolutionary hands-free
computer controller which allows you to move and click a
mouse cursor, play video games, create music, and control
e=ternal devices, all without using your hands.
7ow does it workH
& headband with three sensors detects electrical signals on
the forehead resulting from subtle facial muscle, eye, and
brain activity. This headband connects to an interface bo=
which amplifies and digiti@es the forehead signals and sends
them to your computer. The 2yberlink software decodes the
forehead signals into ten Brain!ingers for continuous cursor
control. 6t also decodes eye motion and facial gestures into
mouse button clicks, keystrokes, and cursor resolution
control. Dith a little practice, most or all of these
commands can be mastered to operate virtually all computer
6 can do what...H
By learning to change the energy levels of your Brain!ingers,
you will be able to do $ust about anything on a computer,
e=cept turn it onL The 2yberlink 3ind 3ouse supports
hands-free mouse, keyboard and $oystick cursor control,
switch closure, video game control, and music and art
...and it works with my softwareH
The 2yberlink 3ind 3ouse features a Dindows (? 3ouse Ariver
for hands-free control of third party software like games,
business software, 6nternet browsers, and a range of
assistive technologies, such as the J-'B 7ome 2ontroller and
special needs word- processing and communication software,
including Di;ik/, Dords 0lus, and 2licker 0lus.
Dhat kind of computer does it takeH
The 2yberlink 3ind 3ouse has the following 02 requirements1
0entium 0rocessor
'+ 3B 4&3
/B 3B Aisk 5pace
;8& or better Aisplay
Dindows (?
Dhat comes with the 3ind 3ouseH
The 2yberlink 3ind 3ouse consists of the following
2yberlink 6nterface Cnit
2yberlink 7eadbandN5ensor 7arness with * 5ensors
2yber Trainer 5oftware
Dindows (? E3ouseE Ariver
Cser manual
7ow much is itH
The 2yberlink 3ind 3ouse is priced at S'.(?.BB (C5S" plus
shipping. !ree upgrades are included for one year.
The Times, 5ept /, '((+ p'. ('"
Title1the power of thought (innovations for paraplegics"
&uthor1 an$ana ahu$a
0eter 8annicott, *+ yr old CK paraplegic who cannot speak ,
as a result of a motorcycle accident in '()/ , might be able
to activate his computer and other devices by thinking if
neurosurgery is successful. ondon universityFs Emeritus
0rofessor of 0hysiology, giles Brindley, ad the 4adcliffeFs
7ospital Fs chief neurosurgeon, 0eter Teddy, have conceived a
way whereby signals produced by electrodes over the brain
should be able to operate a computer.
6mplants 2an >ow &llow 7umans To 2ontrol 2omputers
By >igel 7awkes
5cience Editor
The Times (ondon"
&> &3E462&> scientist has entered the world of science
fiction by implanting electrodes in the brains of disabled
people so that they can control a computer by the power of
The implants have enabled two paralysed people to move the
cursor on the screen simply by thinking about moving part of
their body. They were able to convey messages such as E6Fm
thirstyE or Eplease turn off the lightE by pointing the
cursor at different icons.
The hope is that eventually patients will be able to
communicate comple= ideas $ust by thinking about them. E6f
you can run a computer, you can talk to the world,E Ar 4ay
Bakay of Emory Cniversity in &tlanta, whose team developed
the implants, said.
& number of laboratories around the world are working on
brain implants, but the only devices licensed for use so far
are bionic ears for the profoundly deaf and chips which can
control the tremor caused by 0arkinsonFs disease.
The Emory implants go much further. They consist of two
hollow glass cones, each the si@e of a ballpoint pen tip,
placed into the brainFs motor corte=, which controls body
movements. The cones are covered in chemicals that encourage
nerve growth, e=tracted from the patientFs knees. :nce
installed, nerve cells grow into the cones and attach
themselves to tiny electrodes inside.
The location of each cone is determined by monitoring the
patientFs brain using scanners and identifying the most
active regions. :nce the cones are in place and surrounded by
nerve cells, the patient is asked to think about moving some
part of the body, and signals from the electrodes are picked
up by a small transmitter-receiver, amplified, and used to
control a computer. Aepending upon which nerves grow into the
cones, each patient may have to think about moving a
different part of the body to achieve the same effect.
They are trained by listening to a bu@@er which becomes
faster and louder when they are thinking along the right
lines. Ar Bakay says that controlling the cursor soon
becomes second nature.
The first two patients, >ew 5cientist reports, were a woman
with motor neuron disease, who was given the implants ')
months ago and has since died, and a ?,-year-old man
paralysed by a stroke.
They were taught very simple commands, with one cone being
used to move the cursor up and down and the other from left
to right. 6f they could give more comple= commands, disabled
people could use them to make the computer speak for them. Ar
Bakay warns that this could still be years off. But he has
secured funding from the C5 >ational 6nstitutes of 7ealth to
continue the research with three more patients.
The British Telecom laboratories near 6pswich have also done
research into implantable chips, including a possible memory
chip which would take data from the eye and store it for a
computer. EThere is a raft of wonderful benefits to bringing
chips and circuits inside human beings,E said Ar 0eter
2ochrane, head of research.
2ommunicating with Fthought powerF
EBionic brain implants allowing a computer to be operated
by the power of thought, have been developed by &merican
scientists,E reports BB2 >ews. 4ead all about it here1
The BB2 report states that Ethe #brain% implant becomes
naturally FwiredF into the patientFs brain as neurones grow
into the cones and attach themselves to the electrodes
mounted inside,E and that E&n !3 transmitter under the scalp
transmits the signal without wires, and...no batteries,E to
operate the cursor on a computer... hard to believeL
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J T4/ - 4&T5 2:>T4: AE;62E5 D6T7 T7:C87T
#Eleanor Dhite comments1 This article shows clearly that the reading
of minds is almost accomplished in the C>classified world. 5ince
2&556!6EA technology is always a decade or two ahead of the
unclassified world, imagine what e=ists now in the black areas of
defense contractors and government labsL%
4ats 2ontrol 4obot by Thought &lone
By 3aggie !o=
D&576>8T:> (Gune /*" - 6t sounds like something out of science
fiction -- a rat with a small electrode sticking out of its head
decides it wants a drink and, without touching anything at all,
gets a robotic arm to bring it some water.
5till, a team of neurobiologists say their rats can control a
machine with brainpower alone, and they think their technology may
someday help paraly@ed people.
FFThe people in the lab started calling the e=periment the
Fthinking about drinking e=periment,F Gohn 2hapin of 7ahnemann
3edical 2ollege in 0hiladelphia, who led the research, said in a
telephone interview. FFBut we donFt know whether rats think.FF
Dhatever the rats are doing, they are controlling the robotic arm
without touching anything, said 2hapin, who worked with colleagues
at Auke Cniversity in >orth 2arolina.
4eporting in the Guly issue of the $ournal >ature >euroscience,
they said they implanted tiny electrodes, no thicker than a hair,
into the brains of si= rats.
FF6t doesnFt hurt the animal,FF 2hapin said. FF&ll there is is a
little plug coming out of the animalFs head. 7e runs around the
cage and everything.FF
The electrode is recording the activity of neurons -- on average .+
-- which 2hapin found was important to making the e=periment work.
Earlier studies that recorded the activity of $ust one or a few
brain cells did not work.
FFDe trained the rat initially to put his paw on a lever and to
press the lever down. Dhen the lever got pressed down there was a
robot arm that moved over to a water dropper and then brought the
water back to the animalFs mouth,FF 2hapin said.
The rats had to carefully control the lever -- if they only pushed
the lever halfway, it would only bring the arm halfway to them.
2hapinFs team then recorded the brain activity associated with the
movement of pressing the lever.
FFDe have an electronic device that converted those patterns of
activity in the brain of the animal into a single electronic signal
that could move the robot arm,FF 2hapin said.
5oon they disconnected the lever from the robot arm and hooked it
up to the converting device alone.
They found, as other researchers have, that the brain activity
controlling the movement came before the actual movement.
FFDhen control of the robot arm was switched to the brain, the
robot arm went over and brought water to the animalFs mouth before
the animal even started to move,FF 2hapin said.
FF&fter a couple of days, the animals began to recogni@e that and
they stopped actually pressing the lever.FF
2hapin said if the technique can be proven safe and reliable in
animals such as monkeys, which have bigger and more comple= brains
than rats, it might eventually be tested in people with severe
FF6f this really becomes a workable thing, 6 think there are a lot
of people that could use it,FF he said.
6t is important to record the signals from many neurons and not
$ust a few, 2hapin said. :f the si= rats tested, he added, $ust
four could get the arm to work. FFTwo rats would do it a few times
and then they would stop,FF he said.
FFThe reason was we were not recording enough neurons in those
animals. The robot arm would $erk around a lot and it wasnFt
smooth. Dhen the animal tried to get his mouth around it, it would
kind of bop him on the nose. They didnFt like it.FF
!or comple= movements, such as those made by an artificial limb,
even more neurons will be required, he said.
FF6n principle, it should be possible to tap this information and
control a prosthetic limb,FF Ar. Eberhard !et@ of the Cniversity of
Dashington in 5eattle wrote in a commentary on the findings.
4ECTE45 ''1B' B+-/*-((
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J T4* - T7:C87T 4E&A6>8 B9 4&A6: 568>&
E2T4:>625 V B4&6> 2:>T4:
E=cerpted !rom
0opular Electronics 3aga@ine
Guly '(,*, ;ol. ., >umber '
by . 8eorge awrence
2omments by Eleanor Dhite1 This article is e=cerpted mainly to
provide e=perimenters and researchers with leads toward much better
quality evidence that electronic mind control works. This article is
>:T rigorously enough referenced that it will stand as evidence by
:nly those paragraphs which are of high relevancy have been
transcribed- the article is long and since it is not a courtroom-
ready document, 6 wonFt be adding to this transcription.
6tems in square brackets # % are comments inserted by me to clarify
the original te=t.
#pg +?%
6t is time that we closely e=amined brain control now that scientists
are actively seeking to unravel the mysteries that shroud that miniature
bioelectric giant known as the human brain. Elements of brain control
can already be found in anti-collision radar technology involving birds.
6t has also been substantiated that pumping energy in the gigahert@
range of frequencies through human heads, sub$ects can suddenly EhearE
without using their ears.
5ee &llan !reyFs paper
#pg ++%
6t was during these #!rey% studies that a profoundly important discovery
was made1 Aeaf sub$ects often had the ability to hear radio frequency
sound. The clinical criterion was that, if a given person could hear audio
above ? k7@ #higher range of a piano% by bone or air conduction, then radio
frequency sound could be heard as well.
This and related work has resulted in the manufacture of radio frequency
#LL% type hearing aids for the deaf, one of which is made by 65TE>6>8 6>2.,
+ 8arden 5treet, &rlington, 3ass., and is known as the >europhone 3odel
80!-'. #>ot !lanaganFs >europhone% 6t operates at 'BB k7@ #about five
times the normal ma=imum hearing frequency% and employs crystal control.
#pg +,%
These observations tie in with the fact that some individuals can detect
radio programs through fillings in their teeth. This phenomenon was
technically verified by interposing shields between respective
people who e=hibited this effect and the modulated radio frequency sources.
#E3odulationE means EchangesE made to an otherwise steady signal.%
Dhen the lower half of the head was covered, including the ma=illary
dental area, the radio frequency sound was perceived. The sound ceased
on covering the top half of the head. Dhile the mechanism responsible
for this phenomenon is only imperfectly understood, it can be assumed to be
the result of A64E2T cortical stimulation.
#6n other words, even when the sound seems to be coming from the teeth, it
is actually being directly received and interpreted in the brain, not the
#pg +)%
Brain-Dave Aetection. 5ome .B-odd years ago, university professor
!. 2a@@amalli started publishing papers on the sub$ect of brain-wave
detection #using radio signals% and implied that he had detected radiations
from the mind. #5ee image above.%
&s shown in !ig. ., he placed his sub$ects in a shielded room (or !araday
cage", emanated ;7! radio waves through their heads, and claimed to have
recorded Ebeat frequenciesE obtained with an untuned receiver consisting
of a galena crystal or diode tube #same thing for practical purposes%,
a fi=ed capacitor, an antenna, and a sensitive light beam galvanometer.
#& EgalvanometerE is a voltmeter- light beam types show up in physics
labs and are one of the most sensitive types of voltmeter.%
The trouble is that 2a@@amalli never mentioned transmitter power in his
somewhat unprofessional papers #thatFs why we canFt use this e=periment
directly as standalone evidence%. 7is oscillograms meant to show variations
of the EbeatE when his sub$ects were emotionally aroused or engaged in
creative tasks when they were in the !araday cage. #EBeatE as used by
2a@@amalli refers to EE8-frequency, i.e. E!, traces.%
ater he told an astounded world that his sub$ects would hallucinate when
under the influence of his Eoscillatori telegraficaE, itFs frequency being
around *BB 37@ at the time. #&viation radios are in this range.%
Tom Gaski, a noted science writer and engineer duplicated some of
2a@@amalliFs work with a modern low-power oscillator that was swept from
*BB 37@ to +BB 37@. #2ell phones start at over (BB 37@.%
7is sub$ects could not see the dial. They were told to sound off as soon
as they felt something unusual. &t a certain frequency range - varying
between *)B 37@ adn ?BB 37@ - the sub$ects repeatedly indicated points
with e=act accuracy in as many as '. out of '? trials. &t these
EindividualE ...
#pg +(%
...frequencies, the same sub$ects announced having e=perienced pulsing
sensations in the brain, ringing in the ears, and an odd desire to bite
the e=perimenters. #6Fd like to do that anyway - preferably using a hungry
The oscillatorFs output power was only a few milliwatts, while the
oscillator itself was located several feet away from the sub$ects.
#&ny e=perimenters out there want to try thisH 3illiwatts are quite
safe for short term e=permiments. KidsF walkie talkies are ?B to 'BB
milliwatts, for e=ample.%
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J T4. - EE2T4:>625 5EE5 D7&T & 2&T 5EE5
EyeFs ;isions Electronically 4ead &nd Aisplayed
Eleanor DhiteFs comments1 :ver decades of e=perience and among
around *BB involuntary neuro-electromagnetic e=perimentees, there have
been instances where two types of thought reading were evidently
performed by the e=perimenters1
- Electronic reading of thoughts Esaid to oneFs selfE
- Electronic viewing through the eyes of the e=perimentee
This article is about picking up recogni@able images from a living
brain (a catFs" and displaying those images on a screen. Keeping in
mind that classified pro$ects can be /B or more years ahead of
unclassified work (e.g. the 54-,' aircraft", the claims of the
involuntary e=perimentees become much closer to believable in light
of the unclassified work described below.
(QQ >:TE1 Dhile pondering the technology here, the reader should also
reflect on the apparent ease with which these e=perimenters can cut up
a catFs skull, restrain it, in obvious discomfort and e=treme unwilling-
ness, to obtain this data. De *BB victims would like to point this out
to show the world that this same callous attitude is what enables
similar covert e=perimenters to torture us around the clock and complete-
ly shatter our lives."
D64EA 3&8&M6>E
6ssue ,.'B 5ubscribe to Dired.
& 2atFs Eye 3arvel
by eander Kahney
*1BB a.m. ,.:ct.((.0AT
6n a dramatic demonstration of mind reading, neuroscientists have
created videos of what a cat sees by using electrodes implanted in
the animalFs brain. 8arrett 5tanley of 7arvard, and !ei i and
9ang Aan of the Cniversity of 2alifornia, Berkeley, were able to
reconstruct in startling detail scenes flashed before a catFs eyes.
4ead ongoing 3ed-Tech coverage
The reconstructed scenes clearly demonstrate the scientistFs
ability to decode the language of the catFs visual system.
The researchers attached electrodes to ',, cells in an anestheti@ed
catFs thalamus, a region of the brain falling about half-way in the
visual processing pathway.
7aving recorded patterns of firing as various scenes were flashed
before the catFs eyes, the team was able to reconstruct very
closely what the animal saw, which varied from peopleFs faces to
scenes of a dark forest.
The research was applauded by other neuroscientists.
EThe demonstration that you can reconstruct a movie from the
multiple cells in the thalamus is an important step in our
understanding of how signals are represented in the activity of
populations of cells,E said !red 4ieke, an assistant professor of
physiology and biophysics at the Cniversity of Dashington.
5tanley, an assistant professor of biomedical engineering, said the
research provides clues about how prosthetics may one day be wired
into the mammalian nervous system. By understanding the language of
the brain, scientists will be able to create devices that talk to
it, he said.
ETrying to understand how the brain codes information leads to the
possibility of replacing parts of the nervous system with an
artificial device,E he said.
5tanley predicted that in the ne=t couple of decades, as more and
more of the neural code is decoded, brain interfaces may start to
But he cautioned it may take a lot longer. 7e noted that the team
also recorded the activity of cells higher up in the catFs visual
pathway -- in the visual corte= -- but the results were not as
startling because of the greater comple=ity of the cells.
E5o little is understood about thoughts, perceptions, dreams, itFs
impossible to predict how much progress weFll make in understanding
them,E he said.
7owever, Ken 3iller, as associate professor at the Cniversity of
2alifornia, 5an !rancisco, said researchers around the world are
using similar techniques to decode higher brain functions.
EThese methods could be applied to further up the visual pathway,E
he said. E6t will become more difficult ... but itFs a promising
The e=periments were reported in the 5eptember (( issue of the Gournal
of >euroscience.
BTD--the images they saw are posted
9ou can see the images here1
Cp to 2ontents
T4?.....36>A 5D6T27 - T76>K &006&>2E5 :>, :!!, :4 &AGC5T
:riginal link (3arch /BBB"1
The 3ind 5witch refers to the technology that has been
developed which allows a person to turn on and off an
electrical appliance, such as a desk lamp or T; in /-* seconds
using EE8 signals, without training. 0roportional control,
such as turning up or down the volume of a radio is also
possible with the technology. This research is being carried
at the Cniversity of Technology, 5ydney (CT5".
B&2K84:C>A - 8eneral
Early in '((. while studying the response of the brain to
environmental factors 0rofessor &shley 2raig and 3r 0aul
3c6saac of the Aepartment of 7ealth 5ciences at CT5, noticed
an effect which appears to be common among all persons. That
effect is an increase in a particular brain signal when a
person closes hisNher eyes for more than one second. The
important question that &shley and 0aul then asked was could
this effect be used to do something usefulH, ie - could the
control of the brain signal be used, in turn, to control
something elseH
&t this stage &shley contacted 0rofessor Tony 3oon, the Aean
of 5cience at CT5, to find out if anyone could help answer the
technical questions and design a system that might e=ploit the
apparent change in the signal level when a person closes
hisNher eyes. 0rofessor 3oon introduced &shley to &ssoc 0rof
es Kirkup who is a associate professor in the department of
&pplied 0hysics at CT5, who has e=perience in developing
electronics and instrumentation.
6t was thought he could offer important input to the pro$ect.
7e was initially sceptical that signals as small as those that
are present on the scalp, (where electrodes are placed to pick
up brain activity" could be detected reliably and analysed
sufficiently quickly to allow activation of an e=ternal
device, such as a lamp or T;. The data that had been gathered
on signal levels with eyes open and eyes closed showed that a
significant increase occurred in the )-'*7@ part of the Fbrain
spectrumF commonly referred to as the FalphaF region.
es built a detection, discrimination and analysis system
based on &shley and 0aulFs data and, much to his surprise at
least, the first person (ucy" connected to the system showed
the capability of operating a switch which could control an
electrical appliance.
B&2K84:C>A - Technical
5erious work done on brain signals began with Berger in '(/(
#Berger '(+,%. 5ince that time the acquisition and analysis of
brain signals, referred to as Electroencephalography (EE8" has
advanced to such a state that EE8 is regularly used to assist
in the diagnosis of schi@ophrenia, epilepsy and brain tumours.
#8eddes and Baker, '()(%. EE8 has also been used in
biofeedback studies in which sub$ects may learn to modify
their EE8 signals in response to visual representation of
their EE8 signals.
This control usually take weeks or months to learn and is not
highly reliable. The system we have developed does >:T rely on
any learned skill by an individual. 6t simply requires a
person to close hisNher eyes for more than ' second to effect
sufficient change in the signals levels to allow for the
reliable operation of a switch. 6t turns out that it has been
known for many years that increase in signal level occur upon
eye closure, but this is the first e=ample (to our knowledge"
of the recognition of its potential and the e=ploitation of
the effect.
The system used to detect the change in signals consists of
amplifiers, filters and other signal processing elements (full
AET&65 &4E 5T6 2&556!6EA at the momentL". &s there are
other sources which can generate signals which can interfere
with brain signals (and hence cause intermittent switching on
and off of appliances" we have developed a noise suppression
system which eliminates the effect of those noise sources.
This feature is very important as we are currently developing
the technology for disabled persons (we have a three year
grant from the 3otor &ccident &uthority of >ew 5outh Dales,
3&&" and reliability is a ma$or issue. The funding from 3&&
has allowed us to appoint 3r &ndrew 5earle who has become a
key figure in the technical developments regarding the 3ind
6n addition 3r 0ere@ 3oses is developing new noise suppression
techniques to be applied in this work.
Berger, 7. '(+,. :n the electroencephalogram of man (trans. by
0. 8loor".EE8 2lin. >europhysiol., 5uppl. /)1'-*?B
8eddes, . &. and Baker, . E. '()(. 0rinciples of applied
biomedical instrumentation *rd ed. (Diley, >ew 9ork"1
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J 630' - 04:3:T6:> :! 7C3&> 630&>T&T6:> B9 >67
T765 TEJT D&5 2:06EA !4:3 T7E :4686>& >67N2>2T DEB 56TE &T
2enter for >eural 2ommunication Technology :rgani@ation
The >67 >244 requires that its 2enters have several basic components1
internal research pro$ects, collaborative research pro$ects, and
service to e=ternal investigators in the form of distribution and
training. The organi@ation of the 2enter for >eural 2ommunication
Technology (2>2T" will be described here with links to more details
on individual pro$ects.

The underlying goal for all of the work conducted by the 2>2T is to
make multichannel recording and stimulation devices available to
researchers which will enable them to more efficiently communicate
with the brain. 3icromachined electrodes offer the potential to
e=tend small ensemble studies to tissue volume studies consisting of
do@ens if not hundreds of cells.
6nternal 4esearch 0ro$ects
There are three internal research pro$ects under the 2enter which are
designed to enhance the capability of the base technology1
0ro$ect ', E=tensions of 3icromachined 3icroelectrode Technology1
E=tend the basic structure of the device to include fluid
carrying channels for delivery of fluids to tissue volume,
andNor to lesion at recordingNstimulation site locations.
0ro$ect /, Biological >eural >etworks1
Aevelop techniques for data acquisition from and analysis of
neural circuits in the volume surrounding arrays of recording
devices. The direction which has been proposed for this pro$ect
over the ne=t grant period will be to study the relationships
between the physical characteristics of the devices and the
architecture of the neural tissue to rationali@e the process of
design and e=perimentally e=plore and model the deterioration of
chronic implants over time to improve their behavior. & recent
poster presentation on data collected from the cochlear nucleus
can be seen #on the original site.%
0ro$ect *, 3orphological ;isuali@ation and &ssessment1
E=plore the envelope of tissue surrounding stimulation,
recording andNor chemical delivery probes for histological
evidence of deterioration of probe performance which has been
observed electrophysiologically in vivo.
2ollaborative 4esearch 0ro$ects
6n addition to internal pro$ects, there are multiple collaborative
research pro$ects with investigators outside the 2enter.
2ollaborators contribute significantly toward improving and e=panding
the use of the technology in areas including optimi@ation of device
designs, evaluation of chronic connectors, interconnects and cranial
chambers, improvement of implantation methods, development of
protocols for chronic electrode site maintenance, testing of advanced
devices, and e=ploration of new application areas.
7ere are links to webpages of some of our collaborators (more to come....."1
8yorgy Bu@saki, 3.A., 0h.A., 4utgers Cniversity, >eural network
activity in the hippocampal formation
5teven 7ighstein, 3.A. 0h.A., Dashington Cniversity, Effects of
microgravity upon the labyrinth
Aavid 3artin, 0h.A., Cniversity of 3ichigan, 3icrostructure and
processing of bioactive protein polymers
Gohn 3iddlebrooks, 0h.A., Cniversity of 3ichigan, 2ortical
representation of auditory space
5ervice to investigators outside of the 2>2T is provided in the forms
of distribution of probes, and training in their use.
Aistribution has been a key component of the 2>2T since its
inception. 6n fact, it provided the main motivation for applying for
the first >67 >244 grant in '((.. To receive probes, we require that
investigators fill out an application. Aetails of the variety of
devices which we offer to the research public are outlined in a
catalog. 5tandard devices are provided packaged appropriate for acute
use. 0rior to receiving additional batches of probes, we require the
submission of a feedback form so that we may track progress and use
the data to better understand and improve the technology.

The 2>2T offers several training opportunities to provide education
and e=perience in the design, handling and application of
multichannel probes.
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J 630/ - 6T&6&> A:2T:4 4E0:4T5 7C3&> 630&>T&T6:>
Guly '((( 5tatement by an 6talian Aoctor 4egarding Cnusual 7uman 6mplants
This physician has requested anonymity but is well-known to the
involuntary human e=perimentation community and can be contacted
through some of us. Eleanor Dhite
.................. statement by 6talian physician .........................
E& physician of my acquaintance has repeatedly discovered metal ob$ects
implanted into a number of residents - normal people, workers - of small
towns in the >orth-Destern surroundings of Turin, towards the valley
ending in the !rench frontier.
EThese devices, to the best of my knowledge, are not for any therapeutic
purpose. Knowing that people have been used for involuntary electronic
implantation e=periments, these patients may have also been implanted in
this way. !urther investigation would be needed to learn the truth
about these metallic implants.E
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J 630* - 630&>T T4&>536T5 07956:- &>A 05927:-
0&4&3ETE45 B9 4&A6:
Cnclassified 4ead-by-4adio 6mplant Aevelopment 0ro$ect
Eleanor DhiteFs comments on this posting1 This posting describes
unclassified wireless telemetry of bodily functions, used for benign
and beneficial purposes. This is about monitoring B9 4&A6:.
The reason it is of interest to involuntary neuro-electromagnetic
e=perimentees (military and intelligence" is that development programmes
like this one show that both the D6 and the 3E&>5 to track someoneFs
bodily functions by radio EJ65T, and e=ist 4687T >:D.
0eople seeking to discredit us will say that such technology could not
possibly be in use now, or in some cases, even e=ist. Keeping in mind
the typical /B-year spread between classified and unclassified technology,
as demonstrated by the 54-,' reconnaissance aircraft, it is clear that
classified military and intelligence programmes have highly advanced
methods of tracking a targetFs body functions.
04:84&3- 5B64 (5mall Business 6nitiative 4esearch"
&8E>29- &!
!6EA :!!62E- &
T:062 >C3BE4- &!(*-B/*
2:>T4: >C3BE4- (*&-//+
2:>T4&2T >C3BE4- !.'+/.-(*-2-/BB?
&D&4AEA 6>- (*
&D&4A 5T54T A&TE- ''3&9(*
07&5E '
&D&4A 2:30ET6:> A&TE- ''AE2(*
04:0:5& T6TE- TEE2T4:AE 595TE35 !:4 C>:B5T4C56;E
B6:0:TE>T6& 4E2:4A6>8
046>260& 6>;E5T68&T:4 >&3E- 4627&4A . 7:45T, 0hA
046>260& 6>;E5T68&T:4 07:>E- *B'-?(+-.('?
!643- 3&>-3&AE 595TE35 2:40
.B/B &4G&9 2642E
E62:TT 26T9, 3A /'B./
D:3&> :D>EA- >
36>:46T9 :D>EA- >
>C3BE4 :! E30:9EE5- +
KE9D:4A5- B6:TEE3ET49 EE2T4:07956::89 5E>5:45
&B5T4&2T- Biopotential recordings of human psycho-
physiological parameters are hampered in many field settings,
and some laboratory and clinic settings, by the sensor
#Eleanor DhiteFs comment1 Take 50E26& >:TE of that
word E05927:-E... that has great significance for neuro-
electromagnetic e=perimenteesL%
2onventional electrodes which tether the sub$ect to the
signal amplification and recording equipment, are cumbersome
to apply, often interfere with normal movements, are easily
dislodged, and induce electrical noise due to the movement of
the electrode wires carrying low level signals.
This pro$ect seeks to design essentially wireless electrode
recording systems that use radio frequency telemetry to
transmit the biopotential signal from the recording site to a
body-worn transceiver and then to a remotely located
#Eleanor DhiteFs comment1 That means, radio signals
T74:C87 T7E !E57 to an e=ternally worn transceiver. The
only difference between this C>classified pro$ect and the
involuntary neuro-electromagnetic e=perimentees is distance,
which can be overcome with time.%
The present subcontractor has developed transceiver and
receiver technology that will be reviewed and customi@ed as
needed for the present application. The focus here will be on
developimg a generic design for the sensor subsystem
(EtelectrodesE" to include the transducer interface with the
skin, miniaturi@ed amplifier and filter circuitry, an optimal
connection between the transducers providing differential
inputs to the amplifier, a longlasting but compact battery,
and transmitter.
0hase 6 will consist of a design specification, development
of a bench-top engineering prototype, design trade-off
studies using the prototype, and the delineation of a detail
#'% ife 5ciences &dvanced BioTelemetry 5ystem (5-&BT5"
Engineering 5pecification, Ganuary '', '((?.
#/% E3onitoring the 3ysteries of the !etusE, >&5&-&mes
4esearch 2enter, ;ideotape '((+.
#*-'B% Aeleted as irrelvant to showing implants are being
actively designed and used. Eleanor Dhite.
#''% G.D. 7ines, 2. G. 5omps, et al., E&dvanced Biotelemetry
5ystems for 5pace ife 5ciences1 p7 TelemetryE, 0rocs. '*th
&nnual 6nternational 5ymposium on Biotelemetry, Dilliamsburg,
;irginia, 3arch /+-*', '((?, p. *,. /B
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J 630. ... A4 AE8&A:F5 E5T63:2E6;E4EN7C3&> 630&>T
QQ T765 65 & BE>E!626& EJ0E463E>T, 7:DE;E4, Q>: 3:A6!62&T6:>5Q
&4E >E2E55&49
T: &009 T765 TE27>::89 !:4 24636>& 0C40:5E5 &>A
Electronic 2ontrol of 3ind and Behavior
edited by 5chwit@gebel and 5chwit@gebel
published 7olt, 4inehart and Dinston 6nc.
#Each chapter is by a different author%
2hapter '?
page ').
6ntracerebral 4adio 5timulation and 4ecording in 2ompletely !ree 0atients
Ar. Gose 3. 4. Aelgado
#ED1 &n 3KCT4& perpetrator, yet unpunished. 6ntracerebral R in the brain%
Aiagnosis and treatment of focal brain dysfunction associated with behav-
ioral abnormalities are comple= tasks which require more effective
e=ploratory techniques. 6ntracerebral electrodes, electrocorticographical
studies, and subsequent discrete neurosurgery have given the epileptologist
and stereota=ic surgeon new possibilities for clinical investigation which
as yet have been applied to only a small percentage of the patients suffer-
ing from neurological disorders including temporal-lobe epilepsy and related
episodic behavior problems.
6n these therapeutic studies, recordings and stimulation of any chosen
cerebral structure can be performed over a period of days or weeks, and
neuronal sites identified as triggers for abnormal electrical patterns as-
sociated with behavioral disturbances can be destroyed by electrolysis or
Cnfortunately in some patients episodic behavior disorders may be more dis-
abling than their epileptic sei@ures, and focal lesions may improve one
syndrome without modifying the other. !urthermore, recording and stimula-
tion are usually performed under conditions which qualify their usefulness,
because the patientsF mobility is limited by connecting leads, and the
behavior is likewise altered by the stressful and artificial environment
of the recording room.
#6nset% 4eprinted from The Gournal of >ervous and 3ental
Aisease, copyright #copy unredable% by the Dilliams and
Dilkins 2ompany, ;ol. '.,, >o. .. 4eproduced by permission.
' 4esearch and instrumental development fro the construction
of the stimoceiver was supported by the Cnited 5tates &ir
!orce, +?,'st &eromedical 4esearch aboratory ! /(+BB-+,-2-
BB?). &dditional support for our research was provided by
the Cnited 5tates 0ublic 7ealth 5ervice, 3-/BB., and the
:ffice of >aval 4esearch, +B( (.)".
The circuit for EE8 recording is a modified version of the
unit described by 3eehan ('(+?", and his help in providing
us with the information and one of his units is gratefully
acknowledged. The help of 3r. 0er 7a...#unreadable%
developing telestimulation is also gratefully acknowledged.
Auring the last few years, methodology has been developed to stimulate
and record the electrical activity of the brain in completely unrestrained
monkeys and chimpan@ees (Aelgado, '(+,- Aelgado and 3ir, in press". This
procedure should be of considerable clinical interest because it permits
e=ploration of the brain for unlimited periods without disturbing their
rest or normal spontaneous activities. #ED1 Ar. Aelgado, you are all heartL%
This paper reports instrumentation used and clinical application in four
patients with psychomotor epilepsy in whom electrodes had been implanted in
the temporal lobes. To our knowledge, this is the first use of intercereb-
ral radio stimulation and recording in man.
page ')?
6mplantation of electrodes
Electrodes were constructed and stereota=ically implanted according to
methods previously described (3ark V Ervin, '(+(". The electrode assemblies
which were connected to a 3c0herson skull plug, consisted of a plastic
stylet, './ mm in diameter, with '? stainless steel H mm wide contacts at
* mm intervals, plus one thermistor and three other contacts at the tip.
Csing a 3c0herson Type / stereota=ic machine (3ark V Ervin, '(+(", electrode
assemblies were implanted HHHlaterally into the anterior medical amygdala
of each patient.
4adio 5timulation
This system consists of two instruments1 ('" the 4! transmitter that
measures *B cm = /? cm = '? cm and includes the circuitry for controlling
repetition rate, duration, and amplitude (intensity" of the stimulating
pulse. The repetition rate may be varied in steps between 'B and HH 7@
and the duration between B.' and '.? millisec. 5ingle pulses may also
be generated.
6ntensity control is accomplished by varying the frequency of the three
subcarrier oscillators that operate in the 'BB to HBB k7@ frequency range.
& 'BB 37@ oscillator is turned on and off by the pulse train from the
subcarrier oscillators. The duration of this pulse is determined by the
pulse-duration switch. These bursts of 'BB 37@ 4! energy are received
by (/" the receiver-stimulator which is carried HH the sub$ect, measures
*., cm = *.B cm = '.. cm, and weighs /B grams.
The solid-state circuitry is encapsulated in epo=y resin which provides
it with very good mechanical strength and makes it waterproof. 5pace for
the H volt mercury battery is included in the si@e mentioned above.
&fter 4! detection, the resulting subcarrier frequency is demodulated into
an amplitude. This amplitude controls the current intensity of the
stimulation pulse by means of a constant current transistor in the output
circuit of the receiver. This method makes the pulse intensity independent
of biological impedance changes over a wide range. Cnder average stimu-
lation conditions, the battery life is appro=imately one week.
:perating range is up to 'BB feet.
#ED1 This is prototype equipment, unclassified, and operating sometime in
the '(,Bs. 6magine classified equipment at the end of the /Bth centuryL%
Three channels of stimulation are available. The pulse intensity of each
channel can be controlled individually from the transmitter. The pulse
duration and repetition rate are the same for all three channels.
Encephalographic (EE8" Telemetry
& miniature !3-!3 amplfier-transmitter combination and telemetry receiver
are used for this purpose. ('" The transmitting circuitry, carried by
the sub$ect, consists of an EE8 amplifier with a gain of 'BB, input imped-
ance of / megohms, frequency response from / to /BB 7@, and a voltage-
controlled oscillator (;2:" for each channel. The ;2: operates in one of
the frequency bands assigned for subcarrier oscillators by the 6468 stan-
6n these studies, a three-channel system was used which operated on 6468
channels (Aelgado V 7amlin, '(+/- Aelgado V 3ir, in press- !onberg and
Aelgado, '(+'". The outputs of all three subcarrier oscillators were
summed and connected to the single 4! transmitter module.
The miniaturi@ed 4! transmitter operates at /'+ 37@ and itFs range is
?B to /BB feet, depending on the environment. The si@e of the three chan-
nel unit, including the battery, is ..? cm = ..? cm = '.? cm and it weighs
?B grams.
The signals from the depth electrodes are received by the amplifier. The
output signal of the amplifier controls the frequency of the subcarrier
oscillator, and the oscillator output in turn controls the frequency of
the transmitter.
(/" &fter amplification of the received signal from the transmitter has
been demodulated, the composit subcarrier signals are connected to the
inputs of the three discriminators, which then separate and demodulate
their respective subcarriers to obtain the telemetered analog information.
6n the instrumentation used in this instance, a 'BB microvolt signal at the
input of EE8 amplifier resulted in a '-volt output from the corresponding
discriminator in the receiver.
The analog output signals from the receiver were connected to the inputs of
an EE8 recorder and a magnetic tape recorder.. & microphone was also
mounted in the room with the sub$ects and conversation was also recorded
along with the EE8 on magnetic tape.
#ED1 5o much for the idea that human implantation and 366T&49
therein is only a myth.%
Cp to 2ontents
&00E>A6J 630? ... C>2&556!6EA 5&TE6TE T4&2K6>8 7C3&>
630&>T 595TE3
DorldFs !irst 5atellite-Tracked 7uman 6mplant Aevice
&pplied Aigital 5olutions, 6nc.
Eleanor DhiteFs comments1 This article clearly shows both availability
of technology, (the classified world has certainly had this for some time",
and intent to produce satellite-based human tracking implants.
0&3 BE&27, !:46A& - &pplied Aigital 5olutions, 6nc. today announced
that it has acquired the patent rights to a miniature digital
transceiver - which it has named EAigital &ngelE -- that can be used
for a variety of purposes, such as providing a tamper-proof means of
identification for enhanced e-business security, locating lost or
missing individuals, tracking the location of valuable property and
monitoring the medical conditions of at-risk patients.

6n the agreement signed last week, &A5 acquired the right to develop
this unique product itself for all of its applications or to sublicense
the development of specific applications to other entities. & special
technology group has been formed within &A5 to supervise the
development of the device.

The implantable transceiver sends and receives data and can be
continuously tracked by 805 (8lobal 0ositioning 5atellite" technology.
The transceiverFs power supply and actuation system are unlike anything
ever created. Dhen implanted within a body, the device is powered
electromechanically through the movement of muscles, and it can be
activated either by the EwearerE or by the monitoring facility. & novel
sensation feedback feature will even allow the wearer to control the
device to some degree. The EsmartE device is also small enough to be
hidden inconspicuously on or within valuable personal belongings and
priceless works of art.

2ommenting on Aigital &ngelFs many potential applications, 4ichard G.
5ullivan, 2hairman and 2E: of &pplied Aigital 5olutions, 6nc. (&A5",
said1 EDe believe its potential for improving individual and e-business
security and enhancing the quality of life for millions of people is
virtually limitless. &lthough weFre in the early developmental phase,
we e=pect to come forward with applications in many different areas,
from medical monitoring to law enforcement. 7owever, in keeping with
our core strengths in the e-business to business arena, we plan to
focus our initial development efforts on the growing field of
e-commerce security and user 6A verification.E

5ullivan added that the multi-purpose technology would enable &A5 to
tap into a vast global market, through licensing and other commercial
arrangements, with an estimated total value in e=cess of S'BB billion.
EThe e-business to business security market alone could reach as high
as S'B to S'/ billion in the near future,E 5ullivan added.

&A5 is actively seeking $oint venture partners to help develop and
market the unique technology. The company e=pects to create a working
prototype by the end of ne=t year.

&pplied Aigital 5olutions, 6nc. is an e-business to business solutions
provider offering 6nternet, telecom, &> and software services to a
wide variety of businesses throughout >orth &merica. !or more
information, visit the 2ompanyFs web site at1

Cp to 2ontents
&dvances in neuroscience Fmay threaten human rightsF
>ature 3aga@ine - Ganuary //, '(()
0aris. >euroscience is being increasingly recogni@ed as posing a
potential threat to human rights, $ust as another area of biology --
research in human genomics -- may lead to an e=cessive focus on
genetic determinism and raises the spectre of genetic discrimination.
This was one of the conclusions to emerge from the annual public
meeting of the !rench national bioethics committee held last week in
0aris on the theme of F5cience and 4acismF.
Gean-0ierre 2hangeu=, the chairman of the committee and a
neuroscientist at the 6nstitut 0asteur in 0aris, told the meeting
that understanding the working of the human brain is likely to become
one of the most ambitious and rich disciplines of the future.
EBut neuroscience also poses potential risksE, he said, arguing that
advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy
immense. &lthough the equipment needed is still highly speciali@ed,
it will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance,
he predicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of
personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing. These are
far from being science-fiction concerns, said 2hangeu=, and
constitute Ea serious risk to societyE.
Aenis e Bihan, a researcher at the !rench &tomic Energy 2ommission,
told the meeting that the use of imaging techniques has reached the
stage where Ewe can almost read peopleFs thoughtsE.
The national bioethics committee is taking such threats so seriously
that it is launching a study to consider the issues and recommend
possible precautions. The study will also cover more immediate issues
such as the legal question of whether criminals are responsible for
their actions- 2hangeu= predicts an increase in defence arguments
based on irresponsibility due to a genetic predisposition to certain
types of behaviour.
6n closing the meeting, 2laude &llegre, the minister for national
education, research and technology, hinted at the creation of a
revamped parliamentary office of technology assessment, arguing that
the national bioethics committeeFs approach in the life sciences
needed to be applied to other areas of science.
Aeclan Butler
>ature- 3acmillan 0ublishers td. '(()
4egistered >o. ,)?(() England.
Cp to 2ontents
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Mind Control Patents
US Patents On Subi!ina Suggestion " #ind Cont$o

%ote - T&ese a$e 'ust a po$tion o( t&e patents a)aiabe on
t&e net *&i+& dea *it& !ind +ont$o, !enta and
e!otiona in(uen+ing, pe$+eption enginee$ing and b$ain
(un+tioning pe$(o$!ed $e!ote- and.o$ di$e+t- t&$oug&
t&e ee+t$oni+ !edia and ot&e$ )enues and !et&ods o(
appi+ation/ 0eep in !ind t&ese a$e patents (ied in t&e
pubi+ do!ain/ Un1no*n and ba+1 ops te+&noog-
+$eated *it&in t&e !iita$- indust$ia +o!pex ob)ious-
$e!ain &idden/ Cea$-, t&e abiit- to +ont$o t&e !enta
p$o+esses, attitudes, (ea$s and pe$+eptions o( !ass
A!e$i+a is +ea$- (a$ !o$e ad)an+ed t&an t&e a)e$age
A!e$i+an unde$stands///o$ *oud i1e to beie)e/ -J2

%e$)ous S-ste! #anipuation b- E# 3ieds ($o!

Loos, Hend$i+us

Abst$a+t4 P&-sioogi+a e((e+ts &a)e been obse$)ed in a
&u!an sub'e+t in $esponse to sti!uation o( t&e s1in *it&
*ea1 ee+t$o!agneti+ (ieds t&at a$e pused *it& +e$tain
($e5uen+ies nea$ 1.6 H7 o$ 6/8 H7, su+& as to ex+ite a
senso$- $esonan+e/ #an- +o!pute$ !onito$s and T9
tubes, *&en dispa-ing pused i!ages, e!it pused
ee+t$o!agneti+ (ieds o( su((i+ient a!pitudes to +ause
su+& ex+itation/ It is t&e$e(o$e possibe to !anipuate t&e
ne$)ous s-ste! o( a sub'e+t b- pusing i!ages dispa-ed
on a nea$b- +o!pute$ !onito$ o$ T9 set/ 3o$ t&e atte$, t&e
i!age pusing !a- be e!bedded in t&e p$og$a! !ate$ia,
o$ it !a- be o)e$aid b- !oduating a )ideo st$ea!, eit&e$
as an 23 signa o$ as a )ideo signa/ T&e i!age dispa-ed
on a +o!pute$ !onito$ !a- be pused e((e+ti)e- b- a
si!pe +o!pute$ p$og$a!/ 3o$ +e$tain !onito$s, pused
ee+t$o!agneti+ (ieds +apabe o( ex+iting senso$-
$esonan+es in nea$b- sub'e+ts !a- be gene$ated e)en as
t&e dispa-ed i!ages a$e pused *it& subi!ina intensit-/
USP : 6,8;;,617 <=e+e!be$ >, 6??6@

#et&od and =e)i+e (o$ P$odu+ing a =esi$ed B$ain State
0at7, B$u+e

Abst$a+t A A !et&od and de)i+e (o$ t&e p$odu+tion o( a
desi$ed b$ain state in an indi)idua +ontain !eans (o$
!onito$ing and ana-7ing t&e b$ain state *&ie a set o( one
o$ !o$e !agnets p$odu+e (ieds t&at ate$ t&is state/ A
+o!putationa s-ste! ate$s )a$ious pa$a!ete$s o( t&e
!agneti+ (ieds in o$de$ to +ose t&e gap bet*een t&e
a+tua and desi$ed b$ain state/ T&is (eedba+1 p$o+ess
ope$ates +ontinuous- unti t&e gap is !ini!i7ed and.o$
$e!o)ed/ USP : 6,8;7,B>1 <%o)e!be$ 66, 6??6@

Signa In'e+tion Couping into t&e Hu!an 9o+a T$a+t

Tosa-a, Ca$o

Abst$a+t A A !eans and !et&od a$e p$o)ided (o$
en&an+ing o$ $epa+ing t&e natu$a ex+itation o( t&e &u!an
)o+a t$a+t b- a$ti(i+ia ex+itation !eans, *&e$ein t&e
a$ti(i+ia- +$eated a+ousti+s p$esent additiona spe+t$a,
te!po$a, o$ p&ase data use(u (o$ <1@ en&an+ing t&e
!a+&ine $e+ognition $obustness o( audibe spee+& o$ <6@
enabing !o$e $obust !a+&ine-$e+ognition o( $eati)e-
inaudibe !out&ed o$ *&ispe$ed spee+&/ T&e a$ti(i+ia
ex+itation <a@ !a- be a$$anged to be audibe o$ inaudibe,
<b@ !a- be designed to be non-inte$(e$ing *it& anot&e$
use$Cs si!ia$ !eans, <+@ !a- be used in one o$ bot& o( a
)o+a +ontent-en&an+e!ent !ode o$ a +o!pi!enta$-
)o+a t$a+t-p$obing !ode, and.o$ <d@ !a- be used (o$ t&e
$e+ognition o( audibe o$ inaudibe +ontinuous spee+& o$
isoated spo1en +o!!ands/ USP : 6,8>?,88> <August 6,

#et&od and Appa$atus (o$ T$eating Audito$-

0a$e, #anue

Abst$a+t A Sti!uating one o$ !o$e )estibuo+o+&ea$
ne$)es o$ +o+&ea o$ +o+&ea$ $egions *i t$eat, p$e)ent
and +ont$o audito$- &au+inations/ USP : 6,866,D1D <Ju-
>?, 6??6@

Po$tabe and Hand-Hed =e)i+e (o$ #a1ing Hu!an-
Audibe Sounds///

Ee$osa, Fiia!

Abst$a+t A A po$tabe and &and-&ed de)i+e (o$ !a1ing
&u!an- audibe sounds $esponsi)e to t&e dete+ting o(
ut$asoni+ sounds/ T&e de)i+e in+udes a &and-&ed
&ousing and +i$+uit$- t&at is +ontained in t&e &ousing/ T&e
+i$+uit$- in+udes a !i+$op&one t&at $e+ei)es t&e
ut$asoni+ sound, a (i$st o* )otage audio po*e$ a!pi(ie$
t&at st$engt&ens t&e signa ($o! t&e !i+$op&one, a se+ond
o* )otage audio po*e$ a!pi(ie$ t&at (u$t&e$ st$engt&ens
t&e signa ($o! t&e (i$st o* )otage audio po*e$
a!pi(ie$, a 7-stage $ippe +a$$- bina$- +ounte$ t&at o*e$s
t&e ($e5uen+- o( t&e signa ($o! t&e se+ond o* )otage
audio po*e$ a!pi(ie$ so as to be &u!an- audibe, a t&i$d
o* )otage audio po*e$ a!pi(ie$ t&at st$engt&ens t&e
signa ($o! t&e 7-stage $ippe +a$$- bina$- +ounte$, and a
spea1e$ t&at gene$ates a &u!an- audibe sound ($o! t&e
t&i$d o* )otage audio po*e$ a!pi(ie$/ USP : 6,6D6,6;;
<Septe!be$ 1;, 6??1@

#et&od and Appa$atus (o$ Ana-7ing %eu$oogi+a
2esponse to E!otion-Indu+ing Sti!ui

Patton, 2i+&a$d

Abst$a+t A A !et&od o( dete$!ining t&e extent o( t&e
e!otiona $esponse o( a test sub'e+t to sti!uui &a)ing a
ti!e-)a$-ing )isua +ontent, (o$ exa!pe, an ad)e$tising
p$esentation/ T&e test sub'e+t is positioned to obse$)e t&e
p$esentation (o$ a gi)en du$ation, and a pat& o(
+o!!uni+ation is estabis&ed bet*een t&e sub'e+t and a
b$ain *a)e dete+to$.ana-7e$/ T&e intensit- +o!ponent o(
ea+& o( at east t*o di((e$ent b$ain *a)e ($e5uen+ies is
!easu$ed du$ing t&e exposu$e, and ea+& ($e5uen+- is
asso+iated *it& a pa$ti+ua$ e!otion/ F&ie t&e sub'e+t
)ie*s t&e p$esentation, pe$iodi+ )a$iations in t&e intensit-
+o!ponent o( t&e b$ain *a)es o( ea+& o( t&e pa$ti+ua$
($e5uen+ies see+ted is !easu$ed/ T&e +&ange $ates in t&e
intensit- at $egua$ pe$iods du$ing t&e du$ation a$e aso
!easu$ed/ T&e intensit- +&ange $ates a$e t&en used to
+onst$u+t a g$ap& o( pu$a +oo$dinate points, and t&ese
+oo$dinate points g$ap&i+a- estabis& t&e +o!posite
e!otiona $ea+tion o( t&e sub'e+t as t&e p$esentation
+ontinues/ USP : 6,6B;,?66 <Ju- 1?,6??1@

Be&a)io$ #odi(i+ation

2ose, Jo&n

Abst$a+t A Be&a)io$ !odi(i+ation o( a &u!an sub'e+t ta1es
pa+e unde$ &-pnosis, *&en t&e sub'e+t is in a $eaxed
state/ A !a+&ine pa-s ba+1 a )ideo o$ audio $e+o$ding,
du$ing *&i+& t&e sub'e+t is inst$u+ted to a+ti)ate a de)i+e
to +$eate a pe$+eptibe sti!uation *&i+& is in1ed, t&$oug&
t&e &-pnosis, *it& a )isuai7ation o( en&an+ed o$
i!p$o)ed pe$(o$!an+e/ A(te$ t&e &-pnosis, t&e use$ +an
$ea+ti)ate t&e de)i+e at *i, *&ene)e$ t&e i!p$o)ed
pe$(o$!an+e, su+& as an i!p$o)ed spo$ting pe$(o$!an+e,
is desi$ed/ T&is *i again +$eate t&e pe$+eptibe
sti!uation and t&us indu+e t&e $e5ui$ed )isuai7ation/
USP : 6,6>D,7?B <#a- 6D,6??1@

Int$a-O$a Ee+t$oni+ T$a+1ing =e)i+e

Een, Je(($e-

Abst$a+t A An i!p$o)ed steat&-, non-su$gi+a,
bio+o!patabe ee+t$oni+ t$a+1ing de)i+e is p$o)ided in
*&i+& a &ousing is pa+ed int$ao$a-/ T&e &ousing
+ontains !i+$o+i$+uit$-/ T&e !i+$o+i$+uit$- +o!p$ises a
$e+ei)e$, a passi)e !ode to a+ti)e !ode a+ti)ato$, a signa
de+ode$ (o$ dete$!ining positiona (ix, a t$ans!itte$, an
antenna, and a po*e$ supp-/ Optiona-, an a!pi(ie$ !a-
be utii7ed to boost signa st$engt&/ T&e po*e$ supp-
ene$gi7es t&e $e+ei)e$/ Upon $e+ei)ing a +oded a+ti)ating
signa, t&e positiona (ix signa de+ode$ is ene$gi7ed,
dete$!ining a positiona (ix/ T&e t$ans!itte$ subse5uent-
t$ans!its t&$oug& t&e antenna a position o+ating signa to
be $e+ei)ed b- a $e!ote o+ato$/ In anot&e$ e!bodi!ent o(
t&e p$esent in)ention, t&e !i+$o+i$+uit$- +o!p$ises a
$e+ei)e$, a passi)e !ode to a+ti)e !ode a+ti)ato$, a
t$ans!itte$, an antenna and a po*e$ supp-/ Optiona-, an
a!pi(ie$ !a- be utii7ed to boost signa st$engt&/ T&e
po*e$ supp- ene$gi7es t&e $e+ei)e$/ Upon $e+ei)ing a
+oded a+ti)ating signa, t&e t$ans!itte$ is ene$gi7ed/ T&e
t$ans!itte$ subse5uent- t$ans!its t&$oug& t&e antenna a
&o!ing signa to be $e+ei)ed b- a $e!ote o+ato$/ USP :
6,167,>?8 <=e+e!be$ 66, 6???@

Puse 9a$iabiit- in Ee+t$i+ 3ied #anipuation o(
%e$)ous S-ste!s

Loos, Hend$i+us

Abst$a+t A Appa$atus and !et&od (o$ !anipuating t&e
ne$)ous s-ste! o( a sub'e+t b- app-ing to t&e s1in a
pusing exte$na ee+t$i+ (ied *&i+&, at&oug& too *ea1 to
+ause +assi+a ne$)e sti!uation, !oduates t&e no$!a
spontaneous spi1ing patte$ns o( +e$tain 1inds o( a((e$ent
ne$)es/ 3o$ +e$tain puse ($e5uen+ies t&e ee+t$i+ (ied
sti!uation +an ex+ite in t&e ne$)ous s-ste! $esonan+es
*it& obse$)abe p&-sioogi+a +onse5uen+es/ Puse
)a$iabiit- is int$odu+ed (o$ t&e pu$pose o( t&*a$ting
&abituation o( t&e ne$)ous s-ste! to t&e $epetiti)e
sti!uation, o$ to ae)iate t&e need (o$ p$e+ise tuning to a
$esonan+e ($e5uen+-, o$ to +ont$o pat&oogi+a os+iato$-
neu$a a+ti)ities su+& as t$e!o$s o$ sei7u$es/ Puse
gene$ato$s *it& sto+&asti+ and dete$!inisti+ puse
)a$iabiit- a$e dis+osed, and t&e output o( an e((e+ti)e
gene$ato$ o( t&e atte$ t-pe is +&a$a+te$i7ed/ USP :
6,1>B,D88 <O+tobe$ 68, 6???@

#et&od o( Indu+ing Ha$!onious States o( Being

Bo*!an, Ee$a$d =/, et a/

Abst$a+t4 A !et&od o( indu+ing &a$!onious states o( being
using )ib$ationa sti!ui, p$e(e$ab- sound, +o!p$ised o( a
!utitude o( ($e5uen+ies exp$essing a spe+i(i+ patte$n o(
$eations&ip/ T*o base signas a$e !oduated b- a set o(
$atios to gene$ate a pu$ait- o( &a$!oni+s/ T&e &a$!oni+s
a$e +o!bined to (o$! a G($a+taG a$$ange!ent/ USP :
6,166,>66 <Septe!be$ 1D, 6???@

Subi!ina #essage P$ote+tion

Jande, #agnus

Abst$a+t A T&e p$esent in)ention $eates to a !et&od and
to a s-ste! (o$ dete+ting a (i$st +ontext +&ange bet*een
t*o ($a!es/ F&en a se+ond +ontext +&ange bet*een a
(u$t&e$ t*o ($a!es o++u$s *it&in a p$edete$!ined ti!e
inte$)a, t&e ($a!es a++o!!odated *it&in t&e t*o +ontext
+&anges a$e de(ined as a subi!ina !essage/ An aa$! is
sent to an obse$)e$ upon dete+tion o( a subi!ina
!essage/ USP : 6,?D1,DD8 <Ju- 1;, 6???@

Pusati)e #anipuation o( %e$)ous S-ste!s

Loos, Hend$i+us

Abst$a+t A #et&od and appa$atus (o$ !anipuating t&e
ne$)ous s-ste! b- i!pa$ting subi!ina pusati)e +ooing
to t&e sub'e+tCs s1in at a ($e5uen+- t&at is suitabe (o$ t&e
ex+itation o( a senso$- $esonan+e/ At p$esent, t*o !a'o$
senso$- $esonan+es a$e 1no*n, *it& ($e5uen+ies nea$ 1.6
H7 and 6/8 H7/ T&e 1.6 H7 senso$- $esonan+e +auses
$eaxation, seepiness, ptosis o( t&e e-eids, a toni+ s!ie, a
G1notG in t&e sto!a+&, o$ sexua ex+ite!ent, depending on
t&e p$e+ise ($e5uen+- used/ T&e 6/8 H7 $esonan+e +auses
t&e so*ing o( +e$tain +o$ti+a a+ti)ities, and is
+&a$a+te$i7ed b- a a$ge in+$ease o( t&e ti!e needed to
sient- +ount ba+1*a$d ($o! 1?? to 6?, *it& t&e e-es
+osed/ T&e in)ention +an be used b- t&e gene$a pubi+
(o$ indu+ing $eaxation, seep, o$ sexua ex+ite!ent, and
+ini+a- (o$ t&e +ont$o and pe$&aps a t$eat!ent o(
t$e!o$s, sei7u$es, and autono!i+ s-ste! diso$de$s su+& as
pani+ atta+1s/ E!bodi!ents s&o*n a$e a pused (an to
i!pa$t subi!ina +ooing puses to t&e sub'e+tCs s1in, and
a sient de)i+e *&i+& indu+es pe$iodi+a- )a$-ing (o*
past t&e sub'e+tCs s1in, t&e (o* being indu+ed b- pusati)e
$ising *a$! ai$ pu!es t&at a$e +aused b- a t&in $esisti)e
*i$e *&i+& is pe$iodi+a- &eated b- ee+t$i+ +u$$ent
puses/ USP : 6,?;1,788 <June 67, 6???@

Ee+t$i+ 3$inge 3ied Eene$ato$ (o$ #anipuating %e$)ous

Loos, Hend$i+us

Abst$a+t A Appa$atus and !et&od (o$ !anipuating t&e
ne$)ous s-ste! o( a sub'e+t t&$oug& a((e$ent ne$)es,
!oduated b- exte$na- appied *ea1 (u+tuating ee+t$i+
(ieds, tuned to +e$tain ($e5uen+ies su+& as to ex+ite a
$esonan+e in neu$a +i$+uits/ =epending on t&e ($e5uen+-
+&osen, ex+itation o( su+& $esonan+es +auses in a &u!an
sub'e+t $eaxation, seepiness, sexua ex+ite!ent, o$ t&e
so*ing o( +e$tain +o$ti+a p$o+esses/ T&e ee+t$i+ (ied
used (o$ sti!uation o( t&e sub'e+t is indu+ed b- a pai$ o(
(ied ee+t$odes +&a$ged to opposite poa$it- and pa+ed
su+& t&at t&e sub'e+t is enti$e- outside t&e spa+e bet*een
t&e (ied ee+t$odes/ Su+& +on(igu$ation ao*s (o$ )e$-
+o!pa+t de)i+es *&e$e t&e (ied ee+t$odes and a batte$--
po*e$ed )otage gene$ato$ a$e +ontained in a s!a +asing,
su+& as a po*de$ box/ T&e sti!uation b- t&e *ea1
exte$na ee+t$i+ (ied $eies on ($e5uen+- !oduation o(
spontaneous spi1ing patte$ns o( a((e$ent ne$)es/ T&e
!et&od and appa$atus +an be used b- t&e gene$a pubi+ as
an aid to $eaxation, seep, o$ a$ousa, and +ini+a- (o$ t&e
+ont$o and pe$&aps t&e t$eat!ent o( t$e!o$s and sei7u$es,
and diso$de$s o( t&e autono!i+ ne$)ous s-ste!, su+& as
pani+ atta+1s/ USP : 6,?B6,>>6 <Ap$i 1;, 6???@

Appa$atus and #et&od o( B$oad+asting Audibe Sound
Using Ut$asoni+ Sound as a Ca$$ie$

Lo*$e-, Austin, III

Abst$a+t A An ut$asoni+ sound sou$+e b$oad+asts an
ut$asoni+ signa *&i+& is a!pitude and.o$ ($e5uen+-
!oduated *it& an in(o$!ation input signa o$iginating
($o! an in(o$!ation input sou$+e/ I( t&e signas a$e
a!pitude !oduated, a s5ua$e $oot (un+tion o( t&e
in(o$!ation input signa is p$odu+ed p$io$ to !oduation/
T&e !oduated signa, *&i+& !a- be a!pi(ied, is t&en
b$oad+ast )ia a p$o'e+to$ unit, *&e$eupon an indi)idua o$
g$oup o( indi)iduas o+ated in t&e b$oad+ast $egion dete+t
t&e audibe sound/ USP : 6,?>D,6;; <#a$+& 61, 6???@

T&e$apeuti+ Be&a)io$ #odi(i+ation P$og$a!, Co!pian+e
#onito$ing and 3eedba+1 S-ste!

=ougas, Pete$, et a/

Abst$a+t A A t&e$apeuti+ be&a)io$ !odi(i+ation p$og$a!,
+o!pian+e !onito$ing and (eedba+1 s-ste! in+udes a
se$)e$-based $eationa database and one o$ !o$e
!i+$op$o+esso$s ee+t$oni+a- +ouped to t&e se$)e$/ T&e
s-ste! enabes de)eop!ent o( a t&e$apeuti+ be&a)io$
!odi(i+ation p$og$a! &a)ing a se$ies o( !iestones (o$ an
indi)idua to a+&ie)e i(est-e +&anges ne+essa$- to
!aintain &is o$ &e$ &eat& o$ $e+o)e$ ($o! ai!ents o$
!edi+a p$o+edu$es/ T&e p$og$a! !a- be !odi(ied b- a
p&-si+ian o$ t$ained +ase ad)iso$ p$io$ to i!pe!entation/
T&e s-ste! !onito$s t&e indi)iduaCs +o!pian+e *it& t&e
p$og$a! b- p$o!pting t&e indi)idua to ente$ &eat&-
$eated data, +o$$eating t&e indi)iduaCs ente$ed data *it&
t&e !iestones in t&e be&a)io$ !odi(i+ation p$og$a! and
gene$ating +o!pian+e data indi+ati)e o( t&e indi)iduaCs
p$og$ess to*a$d a+&ie)e!ent o( t&e p$og$a! !iestones/
T&e s-ste! aso in+udes an integ$ated s-ste! o( g$ap&i+a
s-ste! inte$(a+es (o$ !oti)ating t&e indi)idua to +o!p-
*it& t&e p$og$a!/ T&$oug& t&e inte$(a+es, t&e indi)idua
+an a++ess t&e database to $e)ie* t&e +o!pian+e data and
obtain &eat& in(o$!ation ($o! a $e!ote sou$+e su+& as
see+ted sites on t&e Inte$net/ T&e s-ste! aso p$o)ides an
ee+t$oni+ +aenda$ integ$ated *it& t&e be&a)io$
!odi(i+ation p$og$a! (o$ signaing t&e indi)idua to ta1e
a+tion pu$suant to t&e be&a)io$ !odi(i+ation p$og$a! in
*&i+& t&e +aenda$ a++esses t&e $eationa database and
integ$ates $e5ui$e!ents o( t&e p$og$a! *it& t&e
indi)iduaCs dai- s+&edue, and an ee+t$oni+ 'ou$na (o$
enabing t&e indi)idua to ente$ pe$sona &eat&-$eated
in(o$!ation into t&e s-ste! on a $egua$ basis/ In addition,
t&e s-ste! in+udes an ee+t$oni+ !eeting $oo! (o$ in1ing
t&e indi)idua to a pu$ait- o( ot&e$ indi)iduas &a)ing
$eated be&a)io$ !odi(i+ation p$og$a!s (o$ (a+iitating
g$oup pee$ suppo$t sessions (o$ +o!pian+e *it& t&e
p$og$a!/ T&e s-ste! enabes !oti)ationa !edia
p$esentations to be !ade to t&e indi)iduas in t&e
ee+t$oni+ !eeting $oo! as pa$t o( t&e g$oup suppo$t
session to (a+iitate inte$a+ti)e g$oup dis+ussion about t&e
p$esentations/ T&e enti$e s-ste! is designed a$ound a
+o!!unit- o( suppo$t !oti( in+uding a g$ap&i+a
ee+t$oni+ na)igato$ ope$abe b- t&e indi)idua to +ont$o
t&e !i+$op$o+esso$ (o$ a++essing di((e$ent pa$ts o( t&e
s-ste!/ USP : 6,?17,>?6 <Janua$- 6B, 6???@

Subi!ina A+ousti+ #anipuation o( %e$)ous S-ste!s

Loos, Hend$i+us

Abst$a+t A In &u!an sub'e+ts, senso$- $esonan+es +an be
ex+ited b- subi!ina at!osp&e$i+ a+ousti+ puses t&at a$e
tuned to t&e $esonan+e ($e5uen+-/ T&e 1.6 H7 senso$-
$esonan+e a((e+ts t&e autono!i+ ne$)ous s-ste! and !a-
+ause $eaxation, d$o*siness, o$ sexua ex+ite!ent,
depending on t&e p$e+ise a+ousti+ ($e5uen+- nea$ 1.6 H7
used/ T&e e((e+ts o( t&e 6/B H7 $esonan+e in+ude so*ing
o( +e$tain +o$ti+a p$o+esses, seepiness, and
diso$ientation/ 3o$ t&ese e((e+ts to o++u$, t&e a+ousti+
intensit- !ust ie in a +e$tain deep- subi!ina $ange/
Suitabe appa$atus +onsists o( a po$tabe batte$--po*e$ed
sou$+e o( *ea1 subaudio a+ousti+ $adiation/ T&e !et&od
and appa$atus +an be used b- t&e gene$a pubi+ as an aid
to $eaxation, seep, o$ sexua a$ousa, and +ini+a- (o$
t&e +ont$o and pe$&aps t$eat!ent o( inso!nia, t$e!o$s,
epiepti+ sei7u$es, and anxiet- diso$de$s/ T&e$e is (u$t&e$
appi+ation as a nonet&a *eapon t&at +an be used in a*
en(o$+e!ent stando(( situations, (o$ +ausing d$o*siness
and diso$ientation in ta$geted sub'e+ts/ It is t&en p$e(e$abe
to use )enting a+ousti+ !onopoes in t&e (o$! o( a de)i+e
t&at in&aes and ex&aes ai$ *it& subaudio ($e5uen+-/ USP
: 6,?11,DD1 <Janua$- 8, 6???@

Co!!uni+ation S-ste! " #et&od In+uding B$ain Fa)e

#a$di$ossian, A$is

Abst$a+t4 A s-ste! and !et&od (o$ enabing &u!an beings
to +o!!uni+ate b- *a- o( t&ei$ !onito$ed b$ain a+ti)it-/
T&e b$ain a+ti)it- o( an indi)idua is !onito$ed and
t$ans!itted to a $e!ote o+ation <e/g/ b- sateite@/ At t&e
$e!ote o+ation, t&e !onito$ed b$ain a+ti)it- is +o!pa$ed
*it& p$e-$e+o$ded no$!ai7ed b$ain a+ti)it- +u$)es,
*a)e(o$!s, o$ patte$ns to dete$!ine i( a !at+& o$
substantia !at+& is (ound/ I( su+& a !at+& is (ound, t&en
t&e +o!pute$ at t&e $e!ote o+ation dete$!ines t&at t&e
indi)idua *as atte!pting to +o!!uni+ate t&e *o$d,
p&$ase, o$ t&oug&t +o$$esponding to t&e !at+&ed sto$ed
no$!ai7ed signa/ USP : 6,??6,1;; <=e+e!be$ 61, 1DDD@

Spee+& Signa P$o+essing (o$ =ete$!ining Ps-+&oogi+a
o$ P&-sioogi+a C&a$a+te$isti+s///

Bogdas&e)s1-, 2ostisa), et a/ Abst$a+t A A spee+&-based
s-ste! (o$ assessing t&e ps-+&oogi+a, p&-sioogi+a, o$
ot&e$ +&a$a+te$isti+s o( a test sub'e+t is des+$ibed/ T&e
s-ste! in+udes a 1no*edge base t&at sto$es one o$ !o$e
spee+& !odes, *&e$e ea+& spee+& !ode +o$$esponds to a
+&a$a+te$isti+ o( a g$oup o( $e(e$en+e sub'e+ts/ Signa
p$o+essing +i$+uit$-, *&i+& !a- be i!pe!ented in
&a$d*a$e, so(t*a$e and.o$ (i$!*a$e, +o!pa$es t&e test
spee+& pa$a!ete$s o( a test sub'e+t *it& t&e spee+&
!odes/ In one e!bodi!ent, ea+& spee+& !ode is
$ep$esented b- a statisti+a ti!e-o$de$ed se$ies o(
($e5uen+- $ep$esentations o( t&e spee+& o( t&e $e(e$en+e
sub'e+ts/ T&e spee+& !ode is independent o( a p$io$i
1no*edge o( st-e pa$a!ete$s asso+iated *it& t&e )oi+e o$
spee+&/ T&e s-ste! in+udes spee+& pa$a!ete$i7ation
+i$+uit$- (o$ gene$ating t&e test pa$a!ete$s in $esponse to
t&e test sub'e+tCs spee+&/ T&is +i$+uit$- in+udes spee+&
a+5uisition +i$+uit$-, *&i+& !a- be o+ated $e!ote- ($o!
t&e 1no*edge base/ T&e s-ste! (u$t&e$ in+udes output
+i$+uit$- (o$ outputting at east one indi+ato$ o( a
+&a$a+te$isti+ in $esponse to t&e +o!pa$ison pe$(o$!ed b-
t&e signa p$o+essing +i$+uit$-/ T&e +&a$a+te$isti+ !a- be
ti!e-)a$-ing, in *&i+& +ase t&e output +i$+uit$- outputs
t&e +&a$a+te$isti+ in a ti!e-)a$-ing !anne$/ T&e output
+i$+uit$- aso !a- output a $an1ing o( ea+& output
+&a$a+te$isti+/ In one e!bodi!ent, one o$ !o$e
+&a$a+te$isti+s !a- indi+ate t&e deg$ee o( sin+e$it- o( t&e
test sub'e+t, *&e$e t&e deg$ee o( sin+e$it- !a- )a$- *it&
ti!e/ T&e s-ste! !a- aso be e!po-ed to dete$!ine t&e
e((e+ti)eness o( t$eat!ent (o$ a ps-+&oogi+a o$
p&-sioogi+a diso$de$ b- +o!pa$ing ps-+&oogi+a o$
p&-sioogi+a +&a$a+te$isti+s, $espe+ti)e-, be(o$e and a(te$
t$eat!ent/ USP : B,DB8,6>? <Septe!be$ 61, 1DDD@

3# T&eta-Indu+ing Audibe Sound///

#asa1i, 0a7u!i, et a/

Abst$a+t A An audibe sound o( !oduated *a)e *&e$e a
)e$- o*-($e5uen+- *a)e o( about 6? &e$t7 o$ o*e$ is
supe$posed on an audio o*-($e5uen+- *a)e e((e+ti)e-
sti!uates 3! t&eta in &u!an b$ain *a)es to i!p$o)e
attention and +on+ent$ation du$ing !enta tas1s *&en
audito$i- ad!iniste$ed/ T&e audibe sound is aso
e((e+ti)e in sti!uation o( &u!an ap&a *a)e *&en t&e
)e$- o*-($e5uen+- *a)e ies *it&in t&e $ange o( about 6-
1? &e$t7/ Su+& audibe sound is a$ti(i+ia- obtainabe b-
gene$ating an ee+t$i+ signa *&i+& +ontains su+& a
!oduated *a)e, and t$ansdu+ing it into audibe sound
*a)e/ USP : B,DB8,66D <Septe!be$ 61, 1DDD@

B$ain Fa)e Indu+ing S-ste!

Hanagidai$a, #asatos&i, et a/

Abst$a+t A Senso$s a$e p$o)ided (o$ dete+ting b$ain *a)es
o( a use$, and a band-pass (ite$ is p$o)ided (o$ ext$a+ting a
pa$ti+ua$ b$ain *a)es in+uding an /ap&a/ *a)e in+uded
in a dete+ted b$ain *a)e/ T&e band-pass (ite$ +o!p$ises a
(i$st band-pass (ite$ &a)ing a na$$o* pass band, and a
se+ond band-pass (ite$ &a)ing a *ide pass band/ One o(
t&e (i$st and se+ond band-pass (ite$s is see+ted, and a
sti!uation signa is p$odu+ed in dependen+- on an /ap&a/
*a)e ext$a+ted b- a see+ted band-pass (ite$/ In
a++o$dan+e *it& t&e sti!uation signa, a sti!uation ig&t
is e!itted to t&e use$ in o$de$ to indu+e t&e use$ to $eax o$
seeping state/ USP : B,D>B,?B8 <August 1?, 1DDD@

#agneti+ Ex+itation o( Senso$- 2esonan+es

Loos, H/

Abst$a+t4T&e in)ention pe$tains to in(uen+ing t&e ne$)ous
s-ste! o( a sub'e+t b- a *ea1 exte$na- appied !agneti+
(ied *it& a ($e5uen+- nea$ 1.6 H7/ In a $ange o(
a!pitudes, su+& (ieds +an ex+ite t&e 1.6 senso$-
$esonan+e, *&i+& is t&e p&-sioogi+a e((e+t in)o)ed in
G$o+1ing t&e bab-G/ USP : B,D66,?16 <Ju- 1>, 1DDD@

Appa$atus (o$ Ee+t$i+ Sti!uation o( Audito$- %e$)es o( a
Hu!an Being

Fagne$, He$!ann

Abst$a+t A Appa$atus (o$ ee+t$i+ sti!uation and
diagnosti+s o( audito$- ne$)es o( a &u!an being, e/g/ (o$
dete$!ination o( sensation e)e <SL@, !ost +on(o$!abe
e)e <#CL@ and un+o!(o$tabe e)e <UCL@ audibiit-
+u$)es, in+udes a sti!uato$ deta+&ab- se+u$ed to a
&u!an being (o$ sending a signa into a &u!an ea$, and an
ee+t$ode pa+ed *it&in t&e &u!an ea$ and ee+t$i+a-
+onne+ted to t&e sti!uato$ b- an ee+t$i+ +ondu+to$ (o$
+ondu+ting t&e signas ($o! t&e sti!uato$ into t&e ea$/ A
+ont$o unit is ope$ati)e- +onne+ted to t&e sti!uato$ (o$
inst$u+ting t&e sti!uato$ as to +&a$a+te$isti+s o( t&e
gene$ated signas being t$ans!itted to t&e ea$/ USP :
B,;6;,1?> <3eb$ua$- D, 1DDD@

#et&od and Appa$atus (o$ Cont$oing an Ani!a

Bo-d, 2anda

Abst$a+t A An appa$atus (o$ +ont$oing an ani!a *&e$ein
t&e ani!a $e+ei)es a +ont$o sti!uus o( t&e $eease o( a
substan+e &a)ing an ad)e$se e((e+t upon t&e ani!a as a
+o$$e+ti)e !easu$e/ T&e appa$atus in+udes a t$ans!itte$
(o$ p$odu+ing a t$ans!itted (ied, and a $eeasabe +oa$
(o$ atta+&ing to t&e ne+1 o( t&e ani!a/ T&e +oa$ in+udes
a $e+ei)e$ (o$ $e+ei)ing t&e t$ans!itted (ied and (o$
p$odu+ing a $e+ei)ed signa, a +ont$o +i$+uit (o$
dete$!ining *&en t&e $e+ei)ed signa indi+ates t&at t&e
ani!a $e5ui$es a +o$$e+ti)e !easu$e and (o$ p$odu+ing a
+ont$o signa, a +ontaine$ (o$ +ontaining t&e substan+e
&a)ing an ad)e$se e((e+t upon t&e ani!a, and a
!e+&anis! (o$ $eeasing t&e substan+e ($o! t&e +ontaine$
into t&e p$esen+e o( t&e ani!a upon t&e p$odu+tion o( t&e
+ont$o signa b- t&e +ont$o +i$+uit/ In use, t&e t$ans!itte$
is set to p$odu+e t&e t$ans!itted (ied and t&e +oa$ is
atta+&ed to t&e ne+1 o( t&e ani!a/ As t&e ani!a !o)es
about, t&e $e+ei)e$ in t&e +oa$ $e+ei)es t&e t$ans!itted
(ied and p$odu+es a $e+ei)ed signa/ T&e +ont$o +i$+uit
dete$!ines *&en t&e $e+ei)ed signa indi+ates t&at t&e
ani!a $e5ui$es a +o$$e+ti)e !easu$e/ A +ont$o signa is
p$odu+ed b- t&e +ont$o +i$+uit *&en t&e dete$!ination is
!ade t&at t&e ani!a $e5ui$es a +o$$e+ti)e !easu$e/ Upon
t&e p$odu+tion o( t&e +ont$o signa, t&e substan+e &a)ing
an ad)e$se e((e+t upon t&e ani!a is $eeased ($o! t&e
+ontaine$ and into t&e p$esen+e o( t&e ani!a/ USP :
B,7;8,168 <Ju- 61, 1DD;@

Sup$ai!ina #et&od o( Edu+ation///

=CAitaia, Josep& A/, et a/ Abst$a+t4 A !et&od o(
be&a)io$ !odi(i+ation in)o)es &a)ing a patient )ie*
sup$ai!ina )ideo !essages supe$i!posed upon an
unde$-ing )ideo p$esentation/ T&e )ideo !essages
in+o$po$ate !essages *&e$ein at east so!e o( t&e
!essages in1 a desi$ed !odi(ied be&a)io$ to positi)e
(eeings o( t&e patient/ A sup$ai!ina !essage gene$ato$
and supe$i!pose$ ite$ati)e- see+ts indi)idua !essages
(o$ dispa- ($o! t&e se5uen+e o( !essages, de+o!p$essing
t&e !essages as $e5ui$ed, and pa+es t&e see+ted !essages
in a bu((e$ !e!o$- o( a )ideo gene$ation de)i+e/ A
p$o+esso$ o( t&e sup$ai!ina !essage gene$ato$ and
supe$i!pose$ t&en (ades t&e see+ted !essage ($o! an
in)isibe e)e to a )isibe e)e on t&e )ideo dispa-, and
t&en (ades t&e see+ted !essage ($o! t&e )isibe e)e ba+1
to t&e in)isibe e)e/ USP : B,68D,?61 <Ju- 1B, 1DD7@

=e)i+e and #et&od (o$ Esti!ating a #enta =e+ision

S!-t&, C&$istop&e$

Abst$a+t A A de)i+e and !et&od (o$ esti!ating a !enta
de+ision to see+t a )isua +ue ($o! t&e )ie*e$Cs e-e
(ixation and +o$$esponding singe e)ent e)o1ed +e$eb$a
potentia/ T&e de)i+e +o!p$ises an e-et$a+1e$, an
ee+t$oni+ biosigna p$o+esso$ and a digita +o!pute$/ T&e
e-et$a+1e$ dete$!ines t&e instantaneous )ie*ing di$e+tion
($o! o+uo!et$i+ !easu$e!ents and a &ead position and
o$ientation senso$/ T&e ee+t$oni+ p$o+esso$ +ontinua-
esti!ates t&e +e$eb$a ee+t$oen+ep&aog$a!i+ potentia
($o! s+ap su$(a+e !easu$e!ents (oo*ing +o$$e+tions (o$
ee+t$oo+uog$a!i+, ee+t$o!-og$a!i+ and
ee+t$o+a$diog$a!i+ a$ti(a+ts/ T&e digita +o!pute$
ana-7es t&e )ie*ing di$e+tion data (o$ a (ixation and t&en
ext$a+ts t&e +o$$esponding singe e)ent e)o1ed +e$eb$a
potentia/ T&e (ixation p$ope$ties, su+& as du$ation, sta$t
and end pupi si7es, end state <sa++ade o$ bin1@ and ga7e
(ixation +ount, and t&e pa$a!et$i+ $ep$esentation o( t&e
e)o1ed potentia a$e a inputs to an a$ti(i+ia neu$a
net*o$1 (o$ outputting an esti!ate o( t&e see+tion inte$est
in t&e ga7e point o( $ega$d/ T&e a$ti(i+ia neu$a net*o$1 is
t$ained o((-ine p$io$ to appi+ation to $ep$esent t&e !enta
de+isions o( t&e )ie*e$/ T&e de)i+e +an be used to +ont$o
+o!pute$i7ed !a+&ine$- ($o! a )ideo dispa- b- o+ua$
ga7e point o( $ega$d aone, b- dete$!ining *&i+& )isua
+ue t&e )ie*e$ is oo1ing at and t&en using t&e esti!ation
o( t&e tas1-$eated see+tion as a see+to$ s*it+&/ USP :
B,688,>6> <Ju- 1, 1DD7@

Appa$atus (o$ Supe$i!posing 9isua Subi!ina
Inst$u+tions on a 9ideo Signa

#ead, Tabe$t

Abst$a+t4 A subi!ina )ideo inst$u+tiona de)i+e
+o!p$ises +i$+uit$- (o$ $e+ei)ing an unde$-ing )ideo
signa and p$esenting t&is signa to &o$i7onta and )e$ti+a
s-n+&$oni7ation dete+tion +i$+uits, +i$+uit$- (o$ gene$ating
a subi!ina )ideo !essage s-n+&$oni7ed to t&e
unde$-ing )ideo signa, and +i$+uit$- (o$ adding t&e
subi!ina )ideo !essage to t&e unde$-ing )ideo signa to
+$eate a +o!bination )ideo signa/ USP : B,B;6,D67
<=e+e!be$ 68, 1DD6@

#et&od " 2e+o$ding (o$ P$odu+ing Sounds and #essages
to A+&ie)e Ap&a " T&eta B$ain*a)e States///

=a)is, #a$1 E/

Abst$a+t4 A !et&od and $e+o$ding (o$ t&e use in a+&ie)ing
ap&a and t&eta b$ain*a)e states and e((e+ting positi)e
e!otiona states in &u!ans, is p$o)ided *&i+& in+udes a
!ediu! &a)ing a !usi+a +o!position t&e$eon *it& an
initia te!po de+$easing to a (ina te!po and )e$ba
p&$ases $e+o$ded in s-n+&$on- *it& t&e de+$easing te!po/
USP : B,B66,BD7 <O+tobe$ ;, 1DD6@

#et&od " Appa$atus (o$ 2edu+ing P&-sioogi+a St$ess

9an =i+1, 2obe$t C/

Abst$a+t4 P&-sioogi+a st$ess in a &u!an sub'e+t is t$eated
b- gene$ating a *ea1 ee+t$o!agneti+ (ied about a 5ua$t7
+$-sta/ T&e +$-sta is sti!uated b- app-ing ee+t$i+a
puses o( puse *idt&s bet*een ?/1 and B? !i+$ose+onds
ea+& at a puse $epetition $ate o( bet*een ?/B0 and 1?0
puses pe$ se+ond to a +ondu+to$ positioned ad'a+ent to t&e
5ua$t7 +$-sta t&e$eb- gene$ating a *ea1 ee+t$o!agneti+
(ied/ A sub'e+t is positioned *it&in t&e *ea1
ee+t$o!agneti+ (ied (o$ a pe$iod o( ti!e su((i+ient to
$edu+e st$ess/ USP : B,BB1,;7D <Septe!be$ >, 1DD6@

=$ea! State Tea+&ing #a+&ine

2a-nie, A$t&u$ =/

Abst$a+t A A de)i+e (o$ en&an+ing u+idit- in t&e d$ea!
state o( an indi)idua/ T&e de)i+e in+udes ee+t$oni+
+i$+uit$- in+o$po$ated into a &eadband (o$ t&e use$ to *ea$
*&ie seeping/ T&e +i$+uit$- in+udes a dete+to$ (o$ (itting
ad'a+ent to t&e e-e o( t&e seeping indi)idua, (o$ dete+ting
2apid E-e #o)e!ent <2E#@, *&i+& o++u$s du$ing t&e
d$ea! state/ T&e dete+to$ e!its a signa t&at is e)auated
b- additiona +i$+uit$- to dete$!ine *&et&e$ o$ not 2E#
seep is o++u$$ing/ I( 2E# seep is o++u$$ing, a signa is
gene$ated to ope$ate a $e+o$ded, *&i+& t-pi+a- pa-s
p$e$e+o$ded !essages t&$oug& t&e &eadp&ones engaging
t&e ea$ o( t&e seeping indi)idua/ USP : B,B>D,7?B <Ju-
6>, 1DD6@

Ut$asoni+ Spee+& T$ansato$ and Co!!uni+ation S-ste!

#/ A/ A1e$!an, #/, et a/

Abst$a+t4 A *i$eess +o!!uni+ation s-ste!, undete+tabe
b- $adio-($e5uen+- !et&ods, (o$ +on)e$ting audio signas,
in+uding &u!an )oi+e, to ee+t$oni+ signas in t&e
ut$asoni+ ($e5uen+- $ange, t$ans!itting t&e ut$asoni+
signa b- *a- o( a+ousti+ p$essu$e *a)es a+$oss a +a$$ie$
!ediu!, in+uding gases, i5uids and soids, and
$e+on)e$ting t&e ut$asoni+ a+ousti+ p$essu$e *a)es ba+1
to t&e o$igina audio signa/ T&is in)ention *as !ade *it&
go)e$n!ent suppo$t unde$ Cont$a+t =E-ACOB-
;8?268??, a*a$ded b- t&e US =epa$t!ent o( Ene$g- to
#a$tin #a$ietta Ene$g- S-ste!s, In+/ USP : B,B?7,6D1
<Ap$i 16, 1DD6@

#et&od " Appa$atus (o$ 2e!ote- =ete$!ining
In(o$!ation as to Pe$sonCs E!otiona State A

Sti$b, et a/

Abst$a+t4 In a !et&od (o$ $e!ote- dete$!ining
in(o$!ation $eating to a pe$sonCs e!otiona state, an
*a)e(o$! ene$g- &a)ing a p$edete$!ined ($e5uen+- and a
p$edete$!ined intensit- is gene$ated and *i$eess-
t$ans!itted to*a$ds a $e!ote- o+ated sub'e+t/ Fa)e(o$!
ene$g- e!itted ($o! t&e sub'e+t is dete+ted and
auto!ati+a- ana-7ed to de$i)e in(o$!ation $eating to
t&e indi)iduaCs e!otiona state/ P&-sioogi+a o$ p&-si+a
pa$a!ete$s o( bood p$essu$e, puse $ate, pupi si7e,
$espi$ation $ate and pe$spi$ation e)e a$e !easu$ed and
+o!pa$ed *it& $e(e$en+e )aues to p$o)ide in(o$!ation
utii7abe in e)auating inte$)ie*eeCs $esponses o$ possib-
+$i!ina intent in se+u$it- sensiti)e a$eas/ USP :
B,B66,>;6 <June 8, 1DD6@

Appa$atus (o$ =ete$!ination o( t&e Condition o( t&e
9egetati)e Pa$t o( t&e %e$)ous S-ste!

Le$ne$, Edua$d

Abst$a+t4 Appa$atus (o$ use in t&e dete$!ination o( t&e
+ondition o( t&e )egetati)e pa$t o( t&e ne$)ous s-ste!
and.o$ o( senso$- (un+tions o( an o$ganis!, i/e/ a &u!an
being o$ ani!a/ T&e appa$atus +o!p$ises de)i+es (o$
gene$ating and supp-ing to said o$ganis! at east one
senso$- sti!uus +&osen ($o! a g$oup o( senso$- sti!ui,
su+& as )isua, sound, o(a+to$-, gustato$-, ta+tie o$ pain
sti!ui, and de)i+es (o$ !easu$ing t&e s1in potentia and
t&e e)o1ed $esponse o( t&e o$ganis! to a sti!uus/ T&e
!easu$ed data a$e p$o+essed b- p$o+essing de)i+es (o$
auto!ati+a- +ont$oing t&e supp- o( at east one
sti!uus (o$ p$o)iding a non-$&-t&!i+a se5uen+e o(
sti!ui/ P$e(e$ab-, pai$s o( sti!ui a$e suppied (o$
de)eoping a +onditioned $e(ex/ USP : B,8;?,>78
<Janua$- 6, 1DD6@

#et&od and Appa$atus (o$ 2edu+ing P&-sioogi+a St$ess

9an =i+1, 2obe$t

Abst$a+t A P&-sioogi+a st$ess in a &u!an sub'e+t is
t$eated b- gene$ating a *ea1 ee+t$o!agneti+ (ied about a
g$ounded ee+t$ode b- t&e appi+ation o( puses o( bet*een
B and B? !i+$ose+onds ea+& at a puse $ate o( bet*een
?/B0 and 1?0 puses pe$ se+ond to a po*e$ ee+t$ode, t&e
po*e$ ee+t$ode and g$ounded ee+t$ode being +ouped to
&ig& )otage puse gene$ation !eans/ A sub'e+t is
positioned *it&in t&e *ea1 ee+t$o!agneti+ (ied (o$ a
pe$iod o( ti!e su((i+ient to +ause an in+$ease in &is o$ &e$
ap&a o$ t&eta b$ain *a)e e)es/ USP : B,87D,D81
<Janua$- 6, 1DD6@

=e)i+e (o$ Indu+ing Ate$ed States o( Cons+iousness

Ha$ne$, #i+&ae

Abst$a+t A A $otating de)i+e (o$ p$odu+ing ate$ed states o(
+ons+iousness in a sub'e+t is p$o)ided/ T&e sub'e+tCs bod-
$otates about a point in t&e +ente$ o( t&e bod- suppo$t
!eans at a speed bet*een about 1? and about 6?
$e)outions pe$ !inute/ In a p$e(e$$ed e!bodi!ent t&e
di$e+tion o( $otation is pe$iodi+a- $e)e$sed/ USP :
B,>D6,7;; <3eb$ua$- 6;, 1DDB@

#et&od and =e)i+e (o$ Inte$p$eting Con+epts and
Con+eptua T&oug&t///

Hudspet&, Fiia! J/

Abst$a+t A A s-ste! (o$ a+5uisition and de+oding o( EP
and SP signas is p$o)ided *&i+& +o!p$ises a t$ansdu+e$
(o$ p$esenting sti!ui to a sub'e+t, EEE t$ansdu+e$s (o$
$e+o$ding b$ain*a)e signas ($o! t&e sub'e+t, a +o!pute$
(o$ +ont$oing and s-n+&$oni7ing sti!ui p$esented to t&e
sub'e+t and (o$ +on+u$$ent- $e+o$ding b$ain*a)e signas,
and eit&e$ inte$p$eting signas using a !ode (o$
+on+eptua pe$+eptiona and e!otiona t&oug&t to
+o$$espond EEE signas to t&oug&t o( t&e sub'e+t o$
+o!pa$ing signas to no$!ati)e EEE signas ($o! a
no$!ati)e popuation to diagnose and o+ate t&e o$igin o(
b$ain d-s(un+tiona unde$-ing pe$+eption, +on+eption,
and e!otion/ USP : B,>B6,>6; <O+tobe$ 1;, 1DD8@

#et&od " Appa$atus (o$ Indu+ing =esi$ed States o(

#on$oe, 2obe$t E/

Abst$a+t4 I!p$o)ed !et&ods and appa$atus (o$ ent$aining
&u!an b$ain patte$ns, e!po-ing ($e5uen+- (oo*ing
$esponse <332@ te+&ni5ues, (a+iitate attain!ent o( desi$ed
states o( +ons+iousness/ In one e!bodi!ent, a pu$ait- o(
ee+t$oen+ep&aog$a! <EEE@ *a)e(o$!s, +&a$a+te$isti+ o(
a gi)en state o( +ons+iousness, a$e +o!bined to -ied an
EEE *a)e(o$! to *&i+& sub'e+ts !a- be sus+eptibe !o$e
$eadi-/ In anot&e$ e!bodi!ent, seep patte$ns a$e
$ep$odu+ed based on obse$)ed b$ain patte$ns du$ing
po$tions o( a seep +-+eI ent$ain!ent p$in+ipes a$e
appied to indu+e seep/ In -et anot&e$ e!bodi!ent,
ent$ain!ent p$in+ipes a$e appied in t&e *o$1
en)i$on!ent, to indu+e and !aintain a desi$ed e)e o(
+ons+iousness/ A po$tabe de)i+e aso is des+$ibed/ USP :
B,>B6,1;1 <O+tobe$ 8, 1DD8@

#et&od " 2e+o$ding (o$ P$odu+ing Sounds and

=a)is, #a$1 E/

Abst$a+t4 A !et&od and $e+o$ding (o$ use in a+&ie)ing
Ap&a and T&eta b$ain *a)e states and e((e+ting positi)e
e!otiona states in &u!ans to en&an+e ea$ning and se(-
i!p$o)e!ent, is p$o)ided *&i+& in+udes a !ediu!
&a)ing a !usi+a +o!position $e+o$ded t&e$eon *it& an
initia te!po de+$easing to a (ina te!po and )e$ba
p&$ases, +o!p$ising bet*een app$oxi!ate- 8 and
app$oxi!ate- ; *o$ds, $e+o$ded in s-n+&$on- *it& t&e
de+$easing initia te!po/ USP : B,>>?,818 <Ju- 1D, 1DD8@

B$ain Fa)e Indu+ing Appa$atus

Hasus&i, #itsuo

Abst$a+t4 A $ando! signa gene$ato$ outputs a $ando!
noise signa to a band pass (ite$ *&i+& see+ti)e- passes
($e5uen+- +o!ponents in t&e ($e5uen+- $ange o( a desi$ed
b$ain *a)e ($o! a sub'e+t/ T&e output o( t&e band pass
(ite$ is suppied to an auto!ati+ e)e +ont$oe$/ T&e
auto!ati+ e)e +ont$oe$ sets t&e output o( band pass
(ite$ to a p$edete$!ined a!pitude/ T&en, t&e output o( t&e
auto!ati+ e)e +ont$oe$ is (ed to a sti!uating ig&t
gene$ato$, *&i+& +on)e$ts t&e output o( t&e auto!ati+ e)e
+ont$oe$ into a ig&t signa (o$ sti!uating t&e sub'e+t in
o$de$ to indu+e t&e desi$ed b$ain *a)e ($o! t&e sub'e+t/
T&e ig&t signa is t&en e!itted into t&e sub'e+tCs e-es/
USP : B,6;D,8>; <3eb$ua$- 66, 1DD8@

#et&od " S-ste! (o$ Ate$ing Cons+iousness

Ea, Ja!es

Abst$a+t4 A s-ste! (o$ ate$ing t&e states o( &u!an
+ons+iousness in)o)es t&e si!utaneous appi+ation o(
!utipe sti!ui, p$e(e$abe sounds, &a)ing di((e$ing
($e5uen+ies and *a)e (o$!s/ T&e $eations&ip bet*een t&e
($e5uen+ies o( t&e se)e$a sti!ui is ex&ibited b- t&e
e5uation g J 6/sup/n.8 /!utidot/( *&e$e4 ( J ($e5uen+- o(
one sti!uusI g J ($e5uen+- o( t&e ot&e$ sti!ui o$
sti!uusI and n J a positi)e o$ negati)e intege$ *&i+& is
di((e$ent (o$ ea+& ot&e$ sti!uus/ USP : B,68B,666
<Septe!be$ 18, 1DD>@

Pe$sona Subi!ina #essaging S-ste!

#i1e, B$u+e T/

Abst$a+t A A pe$sona subi!ina !essaging s-ste!
in+udes a *ide $ange inea$ subi!ina !oduato$ <8>@, a
digita audio $e+o$ding o$ pa- de)i+e <86@, a !i+$op&one
<B1@ to pi+1 up t&e sound at t&e ea$, and an ea$pie+e <B?@ to
dei)e$ t&e subi!ina !essage/ T&e sound e)e at t&e
use$Cs ea$ is dete+ted and !easu$ed/ A(te$ $iseti!e and
de+a- +onditioning o( t&e )a$-ing d+ +ont$o signa, t&e
*ide $ange inea$ !oduato$ <8>@ uses t&is signa to
+ont$o t&e e)e o( t&e !essage to t&e ea$pie+e <B?@/ T&e
use$ ad'usts t&e s-ste! (o$ a i!ina o( a subi!ina e)e/
T&e ps-+&oa+ousti+ p&eno!ena o( Post #as1ing is used to
in+$ease t&e integ$it- o( t&e !essage in subi!ina
!essaging s-ste!s/ USP : B,67?,;?? <=e+e!be$ 18,

Subi!ina #essage Eene$ato$

S*eet/ 2obe$t L/

Abst$a+t4 A +o!bined subi!ina and sup$ai!ina
!essage gene$ato$ (o$ use *it& a tee)ision $e+ei)e$
pe$!its +o!pete +ont$o o( subi!ina !essages and t&ei$
!anne$ o( p$esentation/ A )ideo s-n+&$oni7ation dete+to$
enabes a )ideo dispa- gene$ato$ to gene$ate a )ideo
!essage signa +o$$esponding to a $e+ei)ed ap&anu!e$i+
text !essage in s-n+&$onis! *it& a $e+ei)ed tee)ision
signa/ A )ideo !ixe$ see+ts eit&e$ t&e $e+ei)ed )ideo
signa o$ t&e )ideo !essage signa (o$ output/ T&e
!essages p$odu+ed b- t&e )ideo !essage gene$ato$ a$e
use$ see+tabe )ia a 1e-boa$d input/ A !essage !e!o$-
sto$es a pu$ait- o( ap&anu!e$i+ text !essages spe+i(ied
b- use$ +o!!ands (o$ use as subi!ina !essages/ T&is
!essage !e!o$- p$e(e$ab- in+udes a $ead on- !e!o$-
sto$ing p$edete$!ined sets o( ap&anu!e$i+ text !essages
di$e+ted to di((e$ing topi+s/ T&e sets o( p$edete$!ined
ap&anu!e$i+ text !essages p$e(e$ab- in+ude se)e$a
positi)e a((i$!ations di$e+ted to t&e e(t b$ain and an e5ua
nu!be$ o( positi)e a((i$!ations di$e+ted to t&e $ig&t b$ain
t&at a$e ate$nate- p$esented subi!ina-/ T&e e(t b$ain
!essages a$e p$esented in a inea$ text !ode, *&ie t&e
$ig&t b$ain !essages a$e p$esented in a t&$ee di!ensiona
pe$spe+ti)e !ode/ T&e use$ +an +ont$o t&e engt& and
spa+ing o( t&e subi!ina p$esentations to a++o!!odate
di((e$ing +ons+ious t&$es&ods/ Ate$nati)e e!bodi!ents
in+ude a +o!bined +abe tee)ision +on)e$te$ and
subi!ina !essage gene$ato$, a +o!bine tee)ision
$e+ei)e$ and subi!ina !essage gene$ato$ and a +o!pute$
+apabe o( p$esenting subi!ina !essages/ USP :
B,668,;68 <Ju- 6, 1DD>@

#et&od o( 2e+o$ding and 2ep$odu+ing Subi!ina Signas
t&at a$e 1;? =eg$ees Out o( P&ase

Foit&, Ba1e 3/

Abst$a+t A A subi!ina $e+o$ding in+udes bot&
subi!ina !essage and !as1 signas appied to bot&
t$a+1s o( a t*o t$a+1 $e+o$ding !ediu!/ T&e subi!ina
!essage signas a$e identi+a in +ontent, and a$e $e+o$ded
in an out-o(-p&ase $eations&ip/ T&e !as1 signas a$e
$e+o$ded in p&ase/ T&e $esuting $e+o$ding !a- be utii7ed
in t&e +on)entiona !anne$ (o$ subi!ina $e+o$dings/ B-
+o!bining t&e +o!posite signas in an in)e$ted
$eations&ip, t&e !as1 signas +an+e *&ie t&e subi!ina
!essage signas a$e additi)e, t&us ao*ing t&e p$esen+e o(
t&e subi!ina !essage signa to be +on(i$!ed on t&e
$e+o$ding/ USP : B,661,D66 <June 66, 1DD>@

Subi!ina =e)i+e &a)ing #anua Ad'ust!ent o(
Pe$+eption Le)e o( Subi!ina #essages

Ba+1us, Aan L/, et a/

Abst$a+t4 A !et&od and appa$atus (o$ p$esenting
subi!ina )isua and.o$ audio !essages *&i+& ao*s
use$ )e$i(i+ation o( !essage +ontent and p$esen+e, as *e
as p$ope$ ad'ust!ent o( !essage ob)iousness *&ie
a++ounting (o$ a!bient +onditions and use$ sensiti)ities is
dis+osed/ T&is !et&od and appa$atus aso p$esents
s-n+&$oni7ed $ein(o$+ed senso$- input o( subi!ina
!essages/ T&is is pe$(o$!ed b- si!utaneous- o)e$a-ing
i!ages $e+ei)ed ($o! a 9C2 o)e$ a pu$ait- o( tee)ision
signas/ T&is appa$atus di$e+ts o)e$a- i!ages o)e$ 23
tee)ision signas &a)ing bot& audio and )ideo
+o!ponents USP : B,61B,86; <June 1, 1DD>@

#et&od and Appa$atus (o$ Int$odu+ing Subi!ina
C&anges to Audio Sti!ui

Lau((e$, #a$t&a A/, et a/

Abst$a+t A A !et&od and appa$atus (o$ int$odu+ing g$adua
+&anges to an audio signa so t&at t&e +&anges a$e
subi!ina/ T&e +&anges +an in)o)e te!po and )ou!e,
(o$ exa!pe, and +an ta1e t&e (o$! o( a gente g$adient
&a)ing e)e$ in+$easing.de+$easing $a!p-i1e +&anges o)e$
a su((i+ient du$ation, o$ a !o$e +o!pex p$og$a!
in)o)ing se)e$a gente g$adients/ In t&e p$e(e$$ed
e!bodi!ent, an en&an+ed audio pa--ba+1 de)i+e su+& as
a po$tabe audio +assette $e+o$de$ +an be p$og$a!!ed to
subi!ina- ate$ t&e +&a$a+te$isti+s o( a standa$d p$e-
$e+o$ded tape +ontaining !usi+, (o$ exa!pe/ As a
!oti)ationa too du$ing *a1ing, 'ogging o$ ot&e$
$epetiti)e exe$+ise, t&e te!po is g$adua- in+$eased o)e$ a
pe$iod o( ti!e to en+ou$age a +o$$esponding g$adua <and
subi!ina@ in+$ease in p&-si+a exe$tion b- a use$ *&ose
$ate o( !o)e!ent is p$opo$tiona to t&e te!po o( t&e
!usi+/ T&e te!po +an be eit&e$ !anua- +&anged in
+on'un+tion *it& a subi!ina p$og$a!, o$ b- itse( in an
o)e$$ide !ode, o$ b- itse( in a )e$sion o( t&e p$esent-
in)enti)e audio pa--ba+1 de)i+e *&i+& ao*s on-
!anua te!po ate$nation/ In an ate$nate e!bodi!ent, a
spe+ia p$e-$e+o$ded tape +ontains subi!ina +&anges in
te!po, (o$ exa!pe, (o$ pa--ba+1 on a standa$d audio
+assette $e+o$de$ <*&i+& ope$ates at one speed, on-@ to
+ause t&e sa!e e((e+t as t&e p$e(e$$ed e!bodi!ent/ USP :
B,61>,B66 <#a- 6B, 1DD>@

#et&od o( Indu+ing #enta, E!otiona and P&-si+a
States o( Cons+iousness///

#on$oe, 2obe$t A/

Abst$a+t4 A !et&od &a)ing appi+abiit- in $epi+ation o(
desi$ed +ons+iousness statesI in t&e t$aining o( an
indi)idua to $epi+ate su+& a state o( +ons+iousness
*it&out (u$t&e$ audio sti!uationI and in t&e t$ans(e$$ing
o( su+& states ($o! one &u!an being to anot&e$ t&$oug&
t&e i!position o( one indi)iduaCs EEE, supe$i!posed on
desi$ed ste$eo signas, on anot&e$ indi)idua, b-
indu+e!ent o( a binau$a beat p&eno!enon/ USP :
B,1D8,??; <#a$+& 16, 1DD>@

Subi!ina I!age #oduation P$o'e+tion and =ete+tion
S-ste! and #et&od

#o&an, Fiia! L/, et a/

Abst$a+t A Feapon t$aining si!uation s-ste! in+uding a
+o!pute$ ope$ated )ideo dispa- s+ene *&e$eon is
p$o'e+ted a pu$ait- o( )isua ta$gets/ T&e +o!pute$
+ont$os t&e dispa- s+ene and t&e ta$gets, *&et&e$
stationa$- o$ !o)ing, and p$o+esses data o( a point o( ai!
senso$ appa$atus asso+iated *it& a *eapon ope$ated b- a
t$ainee/ T&e senso$ appa$atus is sensiti)e to non-)isibe o$
subi!ina !oduated a$eas &a)ing a +ont$oed +ont$ast o(
b$ig&tness bet*een t&e ta$get s+ene and t&e ta$gets/ T&e
senso$ appa$atus o+ates a spe+i(i+ subi!ina !oduated
a$ea and t&e +o!pute$ dete$!ines t&e o+ation o( a ta$get
i!age on t&e dispa- s+ene *it& $espe+t to t&e senso$
appa$atus USP : B,17B,B71 <=e+e!be$ 6D, 1DD6@

Easses *it& Subi!ina #essage

Tane(s1-, 3a-e, et a/

Abst$a+t A A pai$ o( subi!ina i!aging spe+ta+es is
p$o)ided *it& a !at+&ed pai$ o( )isua subi!ina i!ages
designed and pa+ed so as to !e$ge into one i!age due to
t&e ste$eos+opi+ e((e+t o( &u!an )ision and t&us to i!pa$t
a subi!ina !essage to t&e *ea$e$/ USP : B,17?,>;1
<=e+e!be$ ;, 1DD6@

#et&od (o$ #ixing Audio Subi!ina 2e+o$dings

Ta-o$, Edon, et a/

Abst$a+t A Audio subi!ina $e+o$dings a$e !ade in *&i+&
in addition to using a p$i!a$- +a$$ie$, su+& as !usi+, t*o
audio +&annes a$e used to dei)e$ subi!ina !essages to
t&e b$ain/ On one +&anne, a++essing t&e e(t b$ain
&e!isp&e$e, t&e !essage dei)e$ed is !eaning(u-
spo1en, (o$*a$d-!as1ed, pe$!issi)e a((i$!ations
dei)e$ed in a $ound-$obin !anne$ b- a !ae )oi+e, a
(e!ae )oi+e and a +&idCs )oi+e/ On t&e ot&e$ +&anne,
a++essing t&e $ig&t b$ain, di$e+ti)e !essages, in t&e sa!e
)oi+es, a$e $e+o$ded in ba+1*a$d-!as1ed <o$ !eta-
+ont$ast@/ T&e t&$ee )oi+es a$e $e+o$ding in $ound-$obin
(as&ion *it& (u e+&o $e)e$be$ation/ T&e audio t$a+1s a$e
!ixed using a spe+ia p$o+esso$ *&i+& +on)e$ts sound
($e5uen+ies to ee+t$i+a i!puses and t$a+1s t&e
subi!ina !essage to s-n+&$oni7e t&e subi!ina !essage
in ste$eo *it& t&e p$i!a$- +a$$ie$/ T&e p$o+esso$ !aintains
+onstant gain di((e$entia bet*een t&e p$i!a$- +a$$ie$ and
t&e subi!ina )e$biage and, *it& t&e subi!ina )e$biage
being $e+o$ded *it& $ound-$obin, (u e+&o $e)e$be$ation,
ensu$es t&at none o( a !essage is ost/ T&e p$i!a$- +a$$ie$
s&oud be +ontinuous !usi+ *it&out b$ea1s o$ g$eat
di((e$en+es in !o)e!ents/ USP : B,1BD,7?> <O+tobe$ 67,

Sient Subi!ina P$esentation S-ste!

Lo*e$-, Oi)e$

Abst$a+t4 A sient +o!!uni+ations s-ste! in *&i+&
nonau$a +a$$ie$s, in t&e )e$- o* o$ )e$- &ig& audio
($e5uen+- $ange o$ in t&e ad'a+ent ut$asoni+ ($e5uen+-
spe+t$u!, a$e a!pitude o$ ($e5uen+- !oduated *it& t&e
desi$ed inteigen+e and p$opagated a+ousti+a- o$
)ib$ationa-, (o$ indu+e!ent into t&e b$ain, t-pi+a-
t&$oug& t&e use o( oudspea1e$s, ea$p&ones o$
pie7oee+t$i+ t$ansdu+e$s/ USP : B,1B1,?;? <Septe!be$ 6D,

#et&od " Appa$atus (o$ Indu+ing " Estabis&ing a
C&anged State o( Cons+iousness

Bi+1, Caus Abst$a+t4 An ee+t$oa+ousti+ de)i+e in+udes a
sound gene$ato$ as *e as a s-ste! (o$ p$odu+ing
s-nt&eti+ &u!an spee+&, +onne+ted to a !oduation stage
(o$ supe$i!posing t&e output signas t&e$eo(/ T&e
supe$i!posed output signas a$e appied )ia an a!pi(ie$
stage to one o( a &eadp&one s-ste! o$ oudspea1e$ s-ste!/
USP : B,1>B,86; <August 8, 1DD6@

#et&od " Appa$atus o( 9a$-ing t&e B$ain State o( a
Pe$son b- #eans o( an Audio Signa

#eissne$, Jue$gen P/

Abst$a+t4 A !et&od o( )a$-ing t&e b$ain state o( a pe$son
in+udes t&e steps o( supp-ing t&e (i$st audio signa to one
ea$ o( t&e pe$son, supp-ing a se+ond audio signa to t&e
ot&e$ ea$ o( t&e pe$son, and substantia- +ontinuous-
)a$-ing t&e ($e5uen+- o( at east one o( t&e (i$st and
se+ond audio signas to )a$- t&e b$ain state o( t&e pe$son/
USP : B,1>8,8;8 <Ju- 6;, 1DD6@

Supe$i!posing #et&od " Appa$atus Use(u (o$
Subi!ina #essages

Fison, Josep&

Abst$a+t4 =ata to be dispa-ed is +o!bined *it& a
+o!posite )ideo signa/ T&e data is sto$ed in a !e!o$- in
digita (o$!/ Ea+& b-te o( t&e data is $ead out in se5uentia
(as&ion to dete$!ine4 t&e $e+u$$en+e dispa- $ate o( t&e
data a++o$ding to t&e ($a!e s-n+ puses o( t&e )ideo
signaI t&e o+ation o( t&e data *it&in t&e )ideo i!age
a++o$ding to t&e ine s-n+ puses o( t&e )ideo signaI and
t&e o+ation o( t&e data dispa- *it&in t&e )ideo i!age
a++o$ding to t&e position in(o$!ation/ S-n+&$oni7ation o(
t&e data *it& t&e )ideo i!age is de$i)ed ($o! t&e s-n+
puses o( t&e +o!posite )ideo signa/ A si!ia$ te+&ni5ue
is e!po-ed to +o!bine sound data *it& an audio signa/
=ata to be dispa-ed !a- be p$esented as a subi!ina
!essage o$ !a- pe$sist (o$ a gi)en ti!e inte$)a/ T&e data
!a- be de$i)ed ($o! a )a$iet- o( sou$+es in+uding a
p$e$e+o$ded o$ i)e )ideo signa/ T&e !essage !a- be a
$e!inde$ !essage dispa-ed upon a tee)ision s+$een to
$e!ind t&e )ie*e$ o( an appoint!ent/ T&e data !a- be
sto$ed in a )a$iet- o( di((e$ent !e!o$- de)i+es +apabe o(
&ig& speed data $et$ie)a/ T&e data !a- be gene$ated
o+a- on-ine o$ o((-ine and t$ans(e$$ed to !e!o$-
*&i+& sto$es t&e data ne+essa$- to +$eate t&e !essage/
USP : B,16;,76B <Ju- 7, 1DD6@

S-ste! (o$ I!pe!enting t&e S-n+&$oni7ed
Supe$i!position o( Subi!ina Signas

=ing*a, 2obe$t

Abst$a+t A An appa$atus and s-ste! (o$ t&e +ont$oed
dei)e$- o( a subi!ina )ideo and.o$ audio !essage on to
a sou$+e signa ($o! a )ideo tape pa-e$ o$ si!ia$/ T&e
sou$+e signa is di)ided into audio and )ideo po$tions/ A
)ideo p$o+esso$ $eads s-+&$oni7ation in(o$!ation ($o! t&e
sou$+e signa/ A +ont$oe$ t$ans!its a sto$ed subi!ina
i!age at designated ti!es to a !ixe$ a!pi(ie$ (u-
s-n+&$oni7ed *it& t&e sou$+e signa/ Con+u$$ent-, an
audio subi!ina !essage is appied to t&e sou$+e audio at
a )ou!e e)e $eguated at so!e ($a+tion to t&e sou$+e
audio/ T&e +o!bined signas a$e t$ans!itted to a !onito$
(o$ undist$a+ted )ie*ing/ USP : B,16>,;DD <June 6>, 1DD6@

#et&od " S-ste! (o$ Ate$ing Cons+iousness

Ea, Ja!es

Abst$a+t4 A s-ste! (o$ ate$ing t&e states o( &u!an
+ons+iousness in)o)es t&e si!utaneous appi+ation o(
!utipe sti!ui, p$e(e$abe sounds, &a)ing di((e$ing
($e5uen+ies and *a)e (o$!s/ T&e $eations&ip bet*een t&e
($e5uen+ies o( t&e se)e$a sti!ui is ex&ibited b- t&e
e5uation g J s/sup/n.8 /!utidot/( *&e$e4 ( J ($e5uen+- o(
one sti!uusI g J ($e5uen+- o( t&e ot&e$ sti!ui o(
sti!uusI and nJa positi)e o$ negati)e intege$ *&i+& is
di((e$ent (o$ ea+& ot&e$ sti!uus/ USP : B,?B6,8?1
<O+tobe$ 1, 1DD1@

P$odu+t =ete+to$ (o$ a Stead- 9isua E)o1ed Potentia
Sti!uato$ and P$odu+t =ete+to$

S&e$*in, Ea$-

Abst$a+t A An auto!ated )isua testing s-ste! is dis+osed
*&i+& p$esents an ate$nating stead- state )isua sti!uus
to a patient t&$oug& an opti+a s-ste! t&at !odi(ies t&e
sti!uus i!age/ As t&e i!age +&anges, t&e patient
p$odu+es e)o1ed potentias t&at +&ange/ T&e e)o1ed
potentias a$e dete+ted b- a p$odu+t dete+to$ *&i+&
p$odu+es t&e a!pitude o( t&e e)o1ed potentias/ T&e
p$odu+t dete+to$ in+udes (ite$s *&i+& isoate t&e patientCs
e)o1ed potentias, a !oduato$ *&i+& dete+ts t&e $esponse
using t&e sti!uus sou$+e ($e5uen+- and a de!oduato$
t&at dete$!ines t&e a!pitude o( t&e $esponse/ T&e p$odu+t
dete+to$ dete+ts t&e e)e o( t&e stead- state e)o1ed
potentia signas e)en in t&e p$esen+e o( substantia
ba+1g$ound noise and ext$aneous ee+t$oen+ep&aog$a&i+
signas/ T&ese dete+to$s +an be used to !onito$ t&e e)o1ed
potentia p$odu+ed b- )isua, au$a o$ so!ati+ stead- state
sti!ui/ T&e +o!ponents des+$ibed abo)e +an be used to
p$odu+e a s-ste! t&at +an dete$!ine to *&i+& o( se)e$a
di((e$ent dispa-s an obse$)e$ is pa-ing attention b-
p$o)iding i!ages t&at bin1 at di((e$ent ($e5uen+ies and
p$odu+t dete+to$s (o$ ea+& o( t&e sti!uus ($e5uen+ies/ T&e
p$odu+t dete+to$ p$odu+ing t&e &ig&est output indi+ates t&e
dispa- upon *&i+& t&e obse$)e$ is (o+used/ USP :
B,?87,DD8 <Septe!be$ 1?, 1DD1@

Supe$soni+ Bone Condu+tion Hea$ing Aid and #et&od

Len&a$dt, #a$tin, et a/

Abst$a+t A A supe$soni+ bone +ondu+tion &ea$ing aid t&at
$e+ei)es +on)entiona audio!et$i+ ($e5uen+ies and
+on)e$ts t&e! to supe$soni+ ($e5uen+ies (o$ +onne+tion to
t&e &u!an senso$- s-ste! b- )ib$ation bone +ondu+tion/
T&e &ea$ing is beie)ed to use +&annes o(
+o!!uni+ations to t&e b$ain t&at a$e not no$!a- used (o$
&ea$ing/ T&ese ate$nati)e +&annes do not dete$io$ate
signi(i+ant- *it& age as does t&e no$!a &ea$ing
+&annes/ T&e supe$soni+ bone +ondu+tion ($e5uen+ies a$e
dis+e$ned as ($e5uen+ies in t&e audio!et$i+ $ange o(
($e5uen+ies/ USP : B,?>6,;B; <August 6, 1DD1@

#et&od " Appa$atus (o$ C&anging B$ain Fa)e 3$e5uen+-

Ca$te$, Jo&n L/, et a/

Abst$a+t4 A !et&od (o$ +&anging b$ain *a)e ($e5uen+- to
a desi$ed ($e5uen+- dete$!ines a +u$$ent b$ain *a)e
($e5uen+- o( a use$, gene$ates t*o ($e5uen+ies *it& a
($e5uen+- di((e$en+e o( a !agnitude bet*een t&at o( t&e
+u$$ent a+tua b$ain *a)e ($e5uen+- and t&e desi$ed
($e5uen+- but a*a-s *it&in a p$edete$!ined $ange o( t&e
+u$$ent a+tua b$ain *a)e ($e5uen+-, and p$odu+es an
output to t&e use$ +o$$esponding to t&e t*o ($e5uen+ies/
One appa$atus to a++o!pis& t&e !et&od &as a +o!pute$
p$o+esso$, a +o!pute$ !e!o$-, EEE ee+t$odes aong *it&
an a!pi(ie$, a p$og$a!!abe ti!ing gene$ato$ $esponsi)e
to t&e +o!pute$ p$o+esso$ (o$ gene$ating t&e t*o
($e5uen+ies, audio a!pi(ie$s and a beat ($e5uen+-
gene$ato$ d$i)ing a )isua ($e5uen+- a!pi(ie$/ USP :
B,?67,6?; <June 6B,1DD1@

T&e$apeuti+ Subi!ina I!aging S-ste!

=*-e$, J$/, Josep&, et a/

Abst$a+t A A t&e$apeuti+ subi!ina i!aging s-ste!
*&e$ein a see+ted subi!ina !essage is s-n+&$oni7ed
*it& and added to an existing )ideo signa +ontaining a
sup$ai!ina !essage/ A tee)ision $e+ei)e$ o$ )ideo
$e+o$de$ +an be used to p$o)ide t&e sup$ai!ina !essage
and a )ideo p$o+essing +i$+uit )a$ies t&e intensit- o( t&at
pe$+eptibe !essage to in+o$po$ate one o$ !o$e subi!ina
i!ages/ USP : B,?17,18> <#a- 61, 1DD1@

#et&od and Appa$atus (o$ P$odu+ing Subi!ina I!ages

Ba+1us, Aan, et a/ Abst$a+t A A !et&od and appa$atus to
p$odu+e !o$e e((e+ti)e )isua subi!ina +o!!uni+ations/
E$ap&i+ and.o$ text i!ages, p$esented (o$ du$ations o( ess
t&an a )ideo ($a!e, at o$gani7ed $&-t&!i+ inte$)as, t&e
$&-t&!i+ inte$)as intended to a((e+t use$ $e+epti)it-,
!oods o$ be&a)io$/ Subi!ina g$ap&i+ i!ages &a)ing
t$ansu+ent )isua )aues o+a- dependent on ba+1g$ound
)aues in o$de$ to !aintain desi$ed e)es o( )isua
+ont$ast/ USP : 8,DB;,6>; <Septe!be$ 6B, 1DD?@

%on-Conta+t 9ita Signs #onito$

S&a$pe, Ste)en, et a/

Abst$a+t A An appa$atus (o$ !easu$ing si!utaneous
p&-sioogi+a pa$a!ete$s su+& as &ea$t $ate and $espi$ation
*it&out p&-si+a- +onne+ting ee+t$odes o$ ot&e$ senso$s
to t&e bod-/ A bea! o( ($e5uen+- !oduated +ontinuous
*a)e $adio ($e5uen+- ene$g- is di$e+ted to*a$ds t&e bod-
o( a sub'e+t/ T&e $e(e+ted signa +ontains p&ase
in(o$!ation $ep$esenting t&e !o)e!ent o( t&e su$(a+e o(
t&e bod-, ($o! *&i+& $espi$ation and &ea$tbeat
in(o$!ation +an be obtained/ T&e $e(e+ted p&ase
!oduated ene$g- is $e+ei)ed and de!oduated b- t&e
appa$atus using s-n+&$onous 5uad$atu$e dete+tion/ T&e
5uad$atu$e signas so obtained a$e t&en signa p$o+essed to
obtain t&e &ea$tbeat and $espi$ato$- in(o$!ation o(
inte$est/ USP : 8,D68,788 <#a- 1B, 1DD?@

Appa$atus (o$ Eene$ating Sound t&$oug& Lo* 3$e5uen+-
and %oise #oduation

Len7en, 2eine$

Abst$a+t A In an appa$atus (o$ gene$ating sound, t&e$e a$e
p$o)ided a pu$ait- o( +&annes (o$ gene$ating sounds/
Ea+& o( t&e +&annes in+udes a !e!o$- (o$ sto$ing
*a)e(o$! data, and at east one o( t&e +&annes in+udes a
noise gene$ato$ so t&at )a$ious 1inds o( sounds in+uding
$&-t&! sound-e((e+ts sound, e((e+ts sound-)ib$ato et+/ a$e
gene$ated/ T&e$e is (u$t&e$ p$o)ided a +ont$oe$ b- *&i+&
)oi+e sound signa is passed t&$oug& t&e +&annes so t&at
a$ti(i+ia sound, )oi+e sound et+/ a$e gene$ated/ T&e$e is
sti (u$t&e$ p$o)ided a +i$+uit (o$ ad'usting an a!pitude
e)e o( a *&oe sound *&i+& is obtained b- !ixing output
sounds o( t&e +&annes so t&at (a$ and nea$ sound is
p$odu+ed/ 3u$t&e$, ea+& o( t&e +&annes in+udes e(t and
$ig&t attenuato$s *&i+& di)ide a +&anne sound into e(t
and $ig&t +&anne sounds/ Sti (u$t&e$, t&e appa$atus
+o!p$ises a o* ($e5uen+- os+iato$ (o$ +ont$oing a
dept& o( ($e5uen+- !oduation, and a +ont$oe$ (o$
*$iting sa!ping data o( a p$edete$!ined *a)e(o$! into
se$ia add$esses o( a !e!o$-/ USP : 8,;;D,B66 <=e+e!be$
66, 1D;D@

%on-In)asi)e #et&od " Appa$atus (o$ #oduating B$ain

2aus+&e$, Ei7abet& A/

Abst$a+t4 T&is in)ention in+o$po$ates t&e dis+o)e$- o( ne*
p$in+ipes *&i+& utii7e !agneti+ and ee+t$i+ (ieds
gene$ated b- ti!e )a$-ing s5ua$e *a)e +u$$ents o( p$e+ise
$epetition, *idt&, s&ape and !agnitude to !o)e t&$oug&
+ois and +utaneous- appied +ondu+ti)e eet$odes in
o$de$ to sti!uate t&e ne$)ous s-ste! and $edu+e pain in
&u!ans/ Ti!e$ !eans, ad'ust!ent !eans, and !eans to
dei)e$ +u$$ent to t&e +ois and +ondu+ti)e eet$odes a$e
des+$ibed, as *e as a t&eo$eti+a !ode o( t&e p$o+ess/
T&e in)ention in+o$po$ates t&e +on+ept o( t*o +-+i+
expanding and +oapsing !agneti+ (ieds *&i+& gene$ate
p$e+ise *a)e (o$!s in +on'un+tion *it& ea+& ot&e$ to
+$eate a beat ($e5uen+- *&i+& in tu$n +auses t&e ion (o*
in t&e ne$)ous s-ste! o( t&e &u!an bod- to be e((i+ient-
!o)ed aong t&e ne$)e pat& *&e$e t&e o+us o( t&e pain
exists to t&e$eb- $edu+e t&e pain/ T&e *a)e (o$!s a$e
+$eated eit&e$ in one o$ !o$e +ois, one o$ !o$e pai$s o(
ee+t$odes, o$ a +o!bination o( t&e t*o/ USP : 8,;;>,?67
<%o)e!be$ 6;, 1D;D@

#et&od " Appa$atus (o$ T$ansating t&e EEE into #usi+///

0nispe, Joe, et a/

Abst$a+t4 A !et&od and appa$atus (o$ app-ing a !usi+a
(eedba+1 signa to t&e &u!an b$ain, o$ an- ot&e$ b$ain, to
indu+e +ont$oabe ps-+&oogi+a and p&-sioogi+a
$esponses/ A signa $ep$esenting t&e ongoing
ee+t$oen+ep&aog$ap&i+ <EEE@ signa o( a b$ain
p$e(e$ab- is obtained ($o! t&e ee+t$ode o+ation on t&e
s+ap 1no*n as CK o$ P> in +ini+a notation/ A signa
p$o+esso$ +on)e$ts t&e ongoing EEE into ee+t$i+a signas
*&i+& a$e +on)e$ted into !usi+ b- s-nt&esi7e$s/ T&e
!usi+ is a+ousti+a- (ed ba+1 to t&e b$ain a(te$ a ti!e
dea- +a+uated to s&i(t t&e p&ase o( t&e (eedba+1 in o$de$
to $ein(o$+e spe+i(i+ o$ desi$ed ongoing EEE a+ti)it- ($o!
t&e s+ap position o( inte$est/ T&e !usi+ is +o!p$ised o( at
east one )oi+e t&at (oo*s t&e !o!ent-b--!o!ent
+ontou$ o( t&e EEE in $ea ti!e to $ein(o$+e t&e desi$ed
EEE a+ti)it-/ T&e !usi+ d$i)es t&e b$ain into $esonan+e
*it& t&e !usi+ to p$o)ide a +osed oop o$ p&-sioogi+a
(eedba+1 e((e+t/ P$e(e$ab-, t&e !usi+a (eedba+1
+o!p$ises additiona )oi+es t&at e!bod- ps-+&oa+ousti+
p$in+ipes as *e as p$o)ide t&e +ontent and di$e+tion
no$!a- suppied b- t&e t&e$apist in +on)entiona
bio(eedba+1/ T&e in)ention +onte!pates nu!e$ous
appi+ations (o$ t&e $esuts obtained/ USP : 8,;77,?67
<O+tobe$ >1, 1D;D@

Hea$ing S-ste!

B$un1an, Fa-ne B/

Abst$a+t4 Sound is indu+ed in t&e &ead o( a pe$son b-
$adiating t&e &ead *it& !i+$o*a)es in t&e $ange o( 1??
!ega&e$t7 to 1?,??? !ega&e$t7 t&at a$e !oduated *it& a
pa$ti+ua$ *a)e(o$!/ T&e *a)e(o$! +onsists o( ($e*uen+-
!oduated bu$sts/ ea+& bu$st is !ade up o( 1? to 6?
uni(o$!- spa+ed puses g$ouped tig&t- toget&e$/ t&e bu$st
*idt& is bet*een B?? nanose+onds and 1?? !i+$ose+onds/
T&e puse *idt& is in t&e $ange o( 1? nanose+onds to 1
!i+$ose+ond/ T&e bu$sts a$e ($e5uen+- !oduated b- t&e
audio input to +$eate t&e sensation o( &ea$ing in t&e pe$son
*&ose &ead is i$$adiated/ USP : 8,;B;,616 <August 66,

Hea$ing =e)i+e

Sto+1in, P&iip L/

Abst$a+t4 A !et&od and appa$atus (o$ sti!uation o(
&ea$ing in !a!!as b- int$odu+tion o( a pu$ait- o(
!i+$o*a)es into t&e $egion o( t&e audito$- +o$tex is s&o*n
and se+$ibed/ A !i+$op&one is used to t$ans(o$! sound
signas into eet$i+a signas *&i+& a$e in tu$n ana-7ed
and p$o+essed to p$o)ide +ont$os (o$ gene$ating a
pu$ait- o( !i+$o*a)e signas at di((e$ent ($e5uen+ies/ t&e
!uti($e5uen+- !i+$o*a)es a$e t&en appied to t&e b$ain
in t&e $egion o( t&e audito$- +o$tex/ B- t&is !et&od sounds
a$e pe$+ei)ed b- t&e !a!a *&i+& a$e $ep$esentati)e o(
t&e o$igina sound $e+ei)ed b- t&e !i+$op&one/ USP :
8,;>8,7?1 <#a- >?, 1D;D@

Appa$atus (o$ Indu+ing 3$e5uen+- 2edu+tion in B$ain

#asa1i, 0a7u!i

Abst$a+t4 3$e5uen+- $edu+tion in &u!an b$ain *a)e is
indu+ibe b- ao*ing &u!an b$ain to pe$+ei)e 8-16 &e$t7
beat sound/ Su+& beat sound +an be easi- p$odu+ed *it&
an appa$atus, +o!p$ising at east one sound sou$+e
gene$ating a set o( o*-($e5uen+- signas di((e$ent ea+&
ot&e$ in ($e5uen+- b- 8-16 &e$t7/ Ee+t$oen+ep&aog$ap&i+
stud- $e)eaed t&at t&e beat sound is e((e+ti)e to $edu+e
beta-$&-t&! into ap&a-$&-t&!, as *e as to $etain ap&a-
$&-t&!/ USP : 8,;61,>66 <Ap$i 11, 1D;D@

%on-Audibe Spee+& Eene$ation #et&od " Appa$atus

#a+Leod, %o$!an

Abst$a+t4 A non-audibe spee+& gene$ation appa$atus adn
!et&od (o$ p$odu+ing non-audibe see+& signas *&i+&
in+udes an utasoni+ t$ansdu+e$ o$ )ib$ato$ (o$ p$o'e+ting
a se$ies o( gotta s&aped ut$asoni+ puses to t&e )o+a
t$a+1 o( a spea1e$/ T&e gotta puses, in t&e app$oxi!ate
($e5uen+- spe+t$u! extending ($o! 1B 1io&e$t7 to 1?B
1io&e$t7, +ontains &a$!oni+s o( app$oxi!ate- >? ti!es
t&e g$e5uen+- o( t&e a+ousti+a &a$!oni+sgene$ated b- t&e
)o+a +o$ds, but *&i+& !a- ne)e$t&eess be a!pitude
!oduated to p$odu+e non-audube spee+& b- t&e spea1e$Cs
sient- !out&ing o( *o$ds/ T&e ut$asoni+ spee+& is t&en
$e+ei)ed b- an utasoni+ t$ansdu+e$ disposed outside o( t&e
spea1e$Cs !out& and ee+t$oni+a- +o!!uni+ated to a
t$ansation de)i+e *&i+& do*n +on)e$ts t&e ut$asoni+s
signas to +o$$esponding signas in t&e audibe ($5uen+-
$ange and s-nt&esi7es t&e signas into a$ti(i+ia spee+&/
USP : 8,777,B6D <O+tobe$ 11, 1D;;@

Audito$- Subi!ina P$og$a!!ing S-ste!

S+&ut7, 2i+&a$d #/, et a/

Abst$a+t4 An audito$- subi!ina p$og$a!!ing s-ste!
in+udes a subi!ina !essage en+ode$ t&at gene$ates
(ixed ($e5uen+- se+u$it- tones and +o!bines t&e! *it& a
subi!ina !essage signa to p$odu+e an en+oded
subi!ina !essage signa *&i+& is $e+o$ded on audio tape
o$ t&e i1e/ A +o$$esponding subi!ina de+ode$.!ixe$ is
+onne+ted as pa$t o( a use$Cs +on)entiona ste$eo s-ste!
and $e+ei)es as inputs an audio p$og$a! see+ted b- t&e
use$ and t&e en+oded subi!ina !essage/ T&e
de+ode$.!ixe$ (ite$s t&e se+u$it- tones, i( p$esent, ($o!
t&e subi!ina !essage and +o!bines t&e !essage signas
*it& see+ted o* ($e5uen+- signas asso+iated *it&
en&an+ed $eaxation and +on+ent$ation to p$odu+e a
+o!posite audito$- subi!ina signa/ T&e de+ode$.!ixe$
+o!bines t&e +o!posite subi!ina signa *it& t&e
see+ted audio p$og$a! signas to (o$! +o!posite signas
on- i( it dete+ts t&e p$esen+e o( t&e se+u$it- tones in t&e
subi!ina !essage signa/ T&e de+ode$.!ixe$ outputs t&e
+o!posite signa to t&e audio inputs o( a +on)entiona
audio a!pi(ie$ *&e$e it is a!pi(ied and b$oad+ast b-
+on)entiona audio spea1e$s/ USP : 8,7>8,?>7 <#a$+& 6D,

#essage S+$een

#+Cu$e, J/ Pat$i+1

Abst$a+t4 A t$anspa$ent s&eet is dis+osed &a)ing a
!essage t&e$eon/ T&e s&eet &as a (i$st side adapted to be
atta+&ed (a+ing a pate *&i+& is no$!a- )ie*ed b- a
)ie*e$ and a se+ond side (a+ing t&e )ie*e$/ T&e !essage
is a$$anged to be $eadab- inteigibe ($o! t&e se+ond side
but is not i!ina- )isibe to t&e )ie*e$ *&en )ie*ed
($o! a no$!a )ie*ing distan+e ($o! t&e se+ond side
unde$ no$!a )ie*ing +onditions/ T&e !essage &as a
subi!ina e((e+t upon t&e )ie*e$ *&en )ie*ed ($o! t&e
no$!a )ie*ing distan+e ($o! t&e se+ond side unde$
no$!a )ie*ing +onditions/ A )ie*e$ +an ee+ti)e-
sub'e+t &i! o$ &e$se( to subi!ina !essages *&ie
)ie*ing tee)ision at eisu$e/ USP : 8,717,>8> <Janua$- B,

#et&od o( C&anging a Pe$sonCs Be&a)io$

=ens1-, Aan B/

Abst$a+t4 A !et&od o( +onditioning a pe$sonCs un+ons+ious
!ind in o$de$ to e((e+t a desi$ed +&ange in t&e pe$sonCs
be&a)io$ *&i+& does not $e5ui$e t&e se$)i+es o( a t$ained
t&e$apist/ Instead t&e pe$son to be t$eated )ie*s a p$og$a!
o( )ideo pi+tu$es appea$ing on a s+$een/ T&e p$og$a! as
)ie*ed b- t&e pe$sonCs un+ons+ious !ind a+ts to +ondition
t&e pe$sonCs t&oug&t patte$ns in a !anne$ *&i+& ate$s t&at
pe$sonCs be&a)io$ in a positi)e *a-/ USP : 8,6DD,1B>
<O+tobe$ 1>, 1D;7@

S-ste! (o$ Assessing 9e$ba Ps-+&obioogi+a Co$$eates

S&e)$in, Ho*a$d, et a/

Abst$a+t4 A s-ste! (o$ assessing ps-+&obioogi+a
+onditions o( a sub'e+t utii7es a pu$ait- o( *o$ds *&i+&
a$e see+ted to be in (ou$ +atego$ies as +$iti+a sti!ui/ T&e
*o$ds a$e p$esented b- a ta+&istos+ope to t&e sub'e+t in
subi!ina and sup$ai!ina !odes o( ope$ation/
Subi!ina sti!uation o( t&e sub'e+t is a+&ie)ed b-
p$esenting t&e see+ted *o$ds (o$ an exposu$e pe$iod o(
app$oxi!ate- one !iise+ond/ T&e sup$ai!ina exposu$e
ti!e is app$oxi!ate- t&i$t- !iise+onds/ P$io$ to
sti!uation, t&e sub'e+t is diagnosed in a++o$dan+e *it&
+on)entiona ps-+&oana-ti+a te+&ni5ues to estabis& t&e
p$esen+e and natu$e o( a pat&oogi+a +ondition/ T&e
*o$ds a$e see+ted and +atego$i7ed in (ou$ g$oups4
peasant *o$ds, unpeasant *o$ds, *o$ds $eated to a
diagnosed +ons+ious pat&oogi+a +ondition, and *o$ds
$eated to a diagnosed un+ons+ious pat&oogi+a +ondition/
T&e b$ain *a)e $esponses *&i+& a$e e)o1ed b- t&e
sti!uation a$e +oe+ted )ia ee+t$odes and ana-7ed in
a++o$dan+e *it& a t$ansin(o$!ation te+&ni5ue *&i+& is
based on in(o$!ation signa t&eo$- (o$ estabis&ing a
p$obabiisti+ )aue *&i+& +o$$esponds to t&e in(o$!ation
+ontent o( t&e e)o1ed $esponses/ USP : 8,6D6,11;
<Septe!be$ ;, 1D;7@

9ideo Sub+ons+ious =ispa- Atta+&!ent

#oud, 2i+&a$d E/

Abst$a+t4 An appa$atus and !et&od (o$ int$odu+ing
!essages to t&e sub+ons+ious !ind is dis+osed, *&i+&
in+udes a pane positioned ad'a+ent a tee)ision s+$een,
*it& t&e pane &a)ing non-dist$a+ti)e !essages i!p$inted
t&e$eon, su+& t&at as t&e sub'e+t +ons+ious- (o+uses &is
attention on t&e )ideo s+$een, &is sub+ons+ious !ind
$e+o$ds t&e !essage ($o! t&e pane t&at is *it&in &is
pe$ip&e$a )ision/ USP : 8,616,661 <O+tobe$ 7, 1D;6@

#et&od " Appa$atus (o$ Eene$ating Subi!ina 9isua

C$a*(o$d, Ja!es 2/, et a/

Abst$a+t4 A s-ste! (o$ gene$ating a subi!ina !essage
du$ing t&e dispa- o( a no$!a tee)ision p$og$a! on a
tee)ision $e+ei)e$ utii7es a pe$sona +o!pute$ to gene$ate
an 23 +a$$ie$ !oduated *it& )ideo signas en+oding t&e
subi!ina !essage/ T&e +o!pute$ $uns unde$ t&e +ont$o
o( an appi+ation p$og$a! *&i+& sto$es t&e subi!ina
!essage and aso +ont$os t&e +o!pute$ to +ause it to
gene$ate ti!ing signas t&at a$e p$o)ided to a singe poe
doube-t&$o* s*it+&/ T&e sou$+e o( t&e no$!a tee)ision
p$og$a! and t&e )ideo output o( t&e +o!pute$ a$e
+onne+ted to t&e t*o s*it+& inputs and t&e s*it+& output is
+onne+ted to t&e tee)ision $e+ei)e$ antenna s-ste!/ T&e
ti!ing signas +ause t&e s*it+& to no$!a- dispa- t&e
+on)entiona tee)ision p$og$a! and to pe$iodi+a- s*it+&
to t&e +o!pute$ output to gene$ate t&e subi!ina !essage/
T&e )ideo output o( t&e +o!pute$ in+udes &o$i7onta and
)e$ti+a s-n+&$oni7ing signas *&i+& a$e o( substantia-
t&e sa!e ($e5uen+- as t&e s-n+&$oni7ing signas
in+o$po$ated *it&in t&e no$!a p$og$a! sou$+e but o( an
a$bit$a$- p&ase/ USP : 8,B7>,88D <#a$+& 8, 1D;6@

#et&od (o$ Sti!uating t&e 3aing Aseep and.o$
2eaxing Be&a)io$ o( a Pe$son

Fa$n1e, Egon 3/

Abst$a+t4 A !et&od and appa$atus is p$o)ided *it& *&i+&
a pe$son su((e$ing ($o! seepessness +an be !o$e easi-
$eaxed and !a- !o$e $apid- (a aseep/ In pa$ti+ua$,
sound puses a$e e!itted b- an ee+t$o-a+ousti+ t$ansdu+e$,
a++o$ding to t&e +aden+e o( *&i+&, t&e pe$son see1ing to
(a aseep is indu+ed to b$eat&e in and out o)e$ a
p$edete$!ined pe$iod o( ti!e/ B- suitab- see+ting t&e
puse se5uen+e ($e5uen+-, t&e pit+& and t&e a!pitude o(
t&e sound puses !a- be ad'usted t&e$eb- en&an+ing t&e
p$o+ess o( (aing aseep/ USP : 8,B?;,1?B <Ap$i 6, 1D;B@

S&ado* Eene$ating Appa$atus

F&itten, Een, et a/

Abst$a+t A =is+osed is an appa$atus (o$ indu+ing )a$ious
b$ain *a)e patte$ns t&$oug& )isua sti!uation/ T&e
appa$atus +o!p$ises a pai$ o( spe+ta+es o$ ot&e$ )ie*ing
appa$atus &a)ing a i5uid +$-sta dispa- e!bedded in ea+&
ens/ B- $epetiti)e- a+ti)ating and dea+ti)ating t&e i5uid
+$-stas, s&ado*s a$e gene$ated *&i+& a$e pe$+ei)ed b-
t&e sub'e+t indi)idua *ea$ing t&e )ie*ing appa$atus/
2esponding to t&e ($e5uen+- o( s&ado* gene$ation, t&e
sub'e+tCs b$ain is t&e$eb- indu+ed to gene$ate s-!pat&eti+
b$ain *a)e ($e5uen+ies/ T&e appa$atus (inds pa$ti+ua$
utiit- in t&e gene$ation o( ap&a *a)es/ Be+ause ea$ning
is en&an+ed *&en t&e b$ain is in t&e ap&a state, a+ti)ities
su+& as istening to tapes o$ e+tu$es and t&e i1e +an be
+a$$ied out *it& g$eate$ (a+iit-/ S&ado* gene$ation is
a++o!pis&ed t&$oug& t&e use o( a ti!ing !e+&anis! (o$
ea+& i5uid +$-sta dispa- and t&e ($e5uen+- (o$ ea+& is
ad'ustabe o)e$ a *ide $ange, pe$!itting s-n+&$onous o$
as-n+&$onous ti!ing/ USP : 8,>DB,6?? <Ju- 66, 1D;>@

Audito$- Subi!ina #essage S-ste! " #et&od

Lund-, 2ene 2/, et a/

Abst$a+t4 A!bient audio signas ($o! t&e +usto!e$
s&opping a$ea *it&in a sto$e a$e sensed and (ed to a signa
p$o+essing +i$+uit t&at p$odu+es a +ont$o signa *&i+&
)a$ies *it& )a$iations in t&e a!pitude o( t&e sensed audio
signas/ A +ont$o +i$+uit ad'usts t&e a!pitude o( an
audito$- subi!ina anti-s&opi(ting !essage to in+$ease
*it& in+$easing a!pitudes o( sensed audio signas and
de+$ease *it& de+$easing a!pitudes o( sensed audio
signas/ T&is a!pitude +ont$oed subi!ina !essage
!a- be !ixed *it& ba+1g$ound !usi+ and t$ans!itted to
t&e s&opping a$ea/ To $edu+e disto$tion o( t&e subi!ina
!essage, its a!pitude is +ont$oed to in+$ease at a (i$st
$ate so*e$ t&an t&e $ate o( in+$ease o( t&e a!pitude o(
a!bient audio signas ($o! t&e a$ea/ Aso, t&e a!pitude
o( t&e subi!ina !essage is +ont$oed to de+$ease at a
se+ond $ate (aste$ t&an t&e (i$st $ate *it& de+$easing
a!bient audio signa a!pitudes to !ini!i7e t&e
possibiit- o( t&e subi!ina !essage be+o!ing
sup$ai!ina upon $apid de+ines in a!bient audio signa
a!pitudes in t&e a$ea/ A !as1ing signa is p$o)ided *it&
an a!pitude *&i+& is aso +ont$oed in $esponse to t&e
a!pitude o( sensed a!bient audio signas/ T&is !as1ing
signa !a- be +o!bined *it& t&e audito$- subi!ina
!essage to p$o)ide a +o!posite signa (ed to, and
+ont$oed b-, t&e +ont$o +i$+uit/ USP : 8,>;;,D1; <June
61, 1D;>@ L
E!ai T&is A$ti+e
This Site Ser%ed by TheJostPros
Microchip Mind Control,
Dmplants And Cybernetics

A+tua 1D78 Cong$essiona Testi!on- o( =$/ Jose
=egado -

GFe need a p$og$a! o( PSHCHOSU2EE2H (o$
POLITICAL CO%T2OL o( ou$ so+iet-/ T&e pu$pose is
PHISICAL CO%T2OL O3 THE #I%=/ E)e$-one *&o
de)iates ($o! t&e gi)en no$! +an be SU2EICALLH

GT&e indi)idua !a- t&in1 t&at t&e !ost i!po$tant
$eait- is &is o*n existen+e, but t&is is on- &is pe$sona
point o( )ie*/ T&is a+1s &isto$i+a pe$spe+ti)e/

G#an does %OT HA9E THE 2IEHT to de)eop &is
o*n !ind/ T&is 1ind o( ibe$a o$ientation &as g$eat
B2AI%/ So!e da- a$!ies and gene$as *i be
+ont$oed b- ee+t$i+ sti!uation o( t&e b$ain/G

=$/ Jose #/2/ =egado =i$e+to$ o( %eu$ops-+&iat$-
Hae Uni)e$sit- #edi+a S+&oo Cong$essiona 2e+o$d,
%o/ 66, 9o/ 11; 3eb$ua$- 68, 1D78


T&e (oo*ing a$ti+e *as o$igina- pubis&ed in t&e
>6t&--ea$ edition o( t&e 3innis&-anguage 'ou$na,
SPE0ULA <>$d Mua$te$, 1DDD@/ SPE0ULA is a
pubi+ation o( %o$t&e$n 3inand !edi+a students and
do+to$s o( Ouu Uni)e$sit- OL0 <OULU%


B- 2auni-Leena Luu1anen-0ide, #= 3o$!e$ C&ie(
#edi+a O((i+e$ o( 3inand

In 1D8; %o$be$t Feine$ pubis&ed a boo1,
CHBE2%ETICS, de(ined as a neu$oogi+a
+o!!uni+ation and +ont$o t&eo$- a$ead- in use in
s!a +i$+es at t&at ti!e/ Hone'i #asuda, G3at&e$ o(
In(o$!ation So+iet-,G stated &is +on+e$n in 1D;? t&at
ou$ ibe$t- is t&$eatened O$*eian-st-e b- +-be$neti+
te+&noog- tota- un1no*n to !ost peope/ T&is
te+&noog- in1s t&e b$ains o( peope )ia i!panted
!i+$o+&ips to sateites +ont$oed b- g$ound-based

T&e (i$st b$ain i!pants *e$e su$gi+a- inse$ted in 1;78
in t&e state o( O&io, U/S/A/, and aso in Sto+1&o!,
S*eden/ B$ain ee+t$odes *e$e inse$ted into t&e s1us
o( babies in 1D86 *it&out t&e 1no*edge o( t&ei$
pa$ents/ In t&e B?Cs and 6?Cs, ee+t$i+a i!pants *e$e
inse$ted into t&e b$ains o( ani!as and &u!ans,
espe+ia- in t&e U/S/, du$ing $esea$+& into be&a)io$
!odi(i+ation, and b$ain and bod- (un+tioning/ #ind
+ont$o <#C@ !et&ods *e$e used in atte!pt to +&ange
&u!an be&a)io$ and attitudes/ In(uen+ing b$ain
(un+tions be+a!e an i!po$tant goa o( !iita$- and
inteigen+e se$)i+es/

T&i$t- -ea$s ago b$ain i!pants s&o*ed up in x$a-s t&e
si7e o( one +enti!ete$/ Subse5uent i!pants s&$un1 to
t&e si7e o( a g$ain o( $i+e/ T&e- *e$e !ade o( sii+on,
ate$ sti o( gaiu! a$senide/ Toda- t&e- a$e s!a
enoug& to be inse$ted into t&e ne+1 o$ ba+1, and aso
int$a)en-ous- in di((e$ent pa$ts o( t&e bod- du$ing
su$gi+a ope$ations, *it& o$ *it&out t&e +onsent o( t&e
sub'e+t/ It is no* a!ost i!possibe to dete+t o$ $e!o)e

It is te+&ni+a- possibe (o$ e)e$- ne*bo$n to be
in'e+ted *it& a !i+$o-+&ip, *&i+& +oud t&en (un+tion to
identi(- t&e pe$son (o$ t&e $est o( &is o$ &e$ i(e/ Su+&
pans a$e se+$et- being dis+ussed in t&e U/S/ *it&out
an- pubi+ ai$ing o( t&e p$i)a+- issues in)o)ed/ In
S*eden, P$i!e #iniste$ Oo( Pa!e ga)e pe$!ission in
1D7> to i!pant p$isone$s, and =ata Inspe+tionCs ex-
=i$e+to$ Eene$a Jan 3$eese $e)eaed t&at nu$sing-&o!e
patients *e$e i!panted in t&e !id- 1D;?Cs/ T&e
te+&noog- is $e)eaed in t&e 1D76487 S*edis& state

I!panted &u!an beings +an be (oo*ed an-*&e$e/
T&ei$ b$ain (un+tions +an t&en be $e!ote- !onito$ed
b- supe$+o!pute$s and e)en ate$ed t&$oug& t&e
+&anging o( ($e5uen+ies/ Euinea-pigs in se+$et
expe$i!ents &a)e in-+uded p$isone$s, sodie$s, !enta
patients, &andi+apped +&id$en, dea( and bind peope,
&o!osexuas, singe *o!en, t&e ede$-, s+&oo
+&id$en and an- g$oup o( peope +onside$ed G!a$ginaG
b- t&e eite expe$i!ente$s/ T&e pubis&ed expe$ien+es
o( p$isone$s in Uta& State P$ison, (o$ exa!pe, a$e
s&o+1ing to t&e +ons+ien+e/

Toda-Cs !i+$o+&ips ope$ate b- !eans o( o*-($e5uen+-
$adio *a)es t&at ta$get t&e!/ Fit& t&e &ep o( sateites,
t&e i!panted pe$son +an be t$a+1ed an-*&e$e on t&e
gobe/ Su+& a te+&ni5ue *as a!ong a nu!be$ tested in
t&e I$a5 *a$, a++o$ding to =$/ Ca$ Sande$s, *&o
in)ented t&e inte-igen+e-!anned inte$(a+e <I#I@
bioti+, *&i+& is in'e+ted into peope/ <Ea$ie$ du$ing t&e
9ietna! Fa$, sodie$s *e$e in'e+ted *it& t&e 2a!bo
+&ip, designed to in+$ease ad$enaine (o* into t&e
boodst$ea!/@ T&e U/S/ %ationa Se+u$it- Agen+-Cs
<%SA@ 6? biion bits.se+ond supe$+o!pute$s +oud no*
Gsee and &ea$G *&at sodie$s expe$ien+e in t&e
batte(ied *it& a $e!ote !onito$ing s-ste! <2#S@/

F&en a B-!i+$o!ii!ete$ !i+$o+&ip <t&e dia!ete$ o( a
st$and o( &ai$ is B? !i+$o!io!ete$s@ is pa+ed into
opti+a ne$)e o( t&e e-e, it d$a*s neu$oi!puses ($o!
t&e b$ain t&at e!bod- t&e expe$ien+es, s!es, sig&ts
and )oi+e o( t&e i!panted pe$son/ On+e t$ans(e$$ed and
sto$ed in a +o!pute$, t&ese neu$oi!puses +an be
p$o'e+ted ba+1 to t&e pe$sonCs b$ain )ia t&e !i+$o+&ip to
be $e-expe$ien+ed/ Using a 2#S, a and-based
+o!pute$ ope$ato$ +an send ee+t$o!agneti+ !essages
<en+oded as signas@ to t&e ne$)ous s-ste!, a((e+ting t&e
ta$getCs pe$(o$!an+e/ Fit& 2#S, &eat&- pe$sons +an be
indu+ed to see &au+inations and to &ea$ )oi+es in t&ei$

E)e$- t&oug&t, $ea+tion, &ea$ing and )isua obse$)ation
+auses a +e$tain neu$oogi+a potentia, spi1es, and
patte$ns in t&e b$ain and its ee+t- $o!agneti+ (ieds,
*&i+& +an no* be de+oded into t&oug&ts, pi+tu$es and
)oi+es/ Ee+t$o!agneti+ sti!uation +an t&e$e(o$e
+&ange a pe$sonCs b$ain*a)es and a((e+t !us+ua$
a+ti)it-, +ausing pain(u !us+ua$ +$a!ps expe$ien+ed
as to$tu$e/

T&e %SACs ee+t$oni+ su$)eian+e s-ste! +an
si!utaneous- (oo* and &ande !iions o( peope/
Ea+& o( us &as a uni5ue bioee+t$i+a $eson- an+e
($e5uen+- in t&e b$ain, 'ust i1e *e &a)e uni5ue
(inge$p$ints/ Fit& ee+t$o-!agneti+ ($e5uen+- <E#3@
b$ain sti!uation (u- +oded, pusating ee+t$o!agneti+
signas +an be sent to t&e b$ain, +ausing t&e desi$ed
)oi+e and )isua e((e+ts to be expe$ien+ed b- t&e ta$get/
T&is is a (o$! o( ee+t$oni+ *a$(a$e/ U/S/ ast$onauts
*e$e i!panted be(o$e t&e- *e$e sent into spa+e so t&ei$
t&oug&ts +oud be (oo*ed and a t&ei$ e!otions +oud
be $egiste$ed 68 &ou$s a da-/

T&e Fas&ington Post $epo$ted in in #a- 1DDB t&at
P$in+e Fiia! o( E$eat B$itain *as i!panted at t&e
age o( 16/ T&us, i( &e *e$e e)e$ 1idnapped, a $adio*a)e
*it& a spe+i(i+ ($e5uen+- +oud be ta$geted to &is
!i+$o+&ip/ T&e +&ips signa *oud be $outed t&$oug& a
sateite to t&e +o!pute$ s+$een o( poi+e &ead5ua$te$s,
*&e$e t&e P$in+es !o)e!ents +oud be (oo*ed/ He
+oud a+tua- be o+ated an-*&e$e on t&e gobe/

T&e !ass !edia &a)e not $epo$ted t&at an i!panted
pe$sonCs p$i)a+- )an- is&es (o$ t&e $est o( &is o$ &e$ i(e/
S.&e +an be !anipuated in !an- *a-s/ Using di((e$ent
($e5uen+ies, t&e se+$et +ont$oe$ o( t&is e5uip- !ent +an
e)en +&ange a pe$sonCs e!otiona i(e/ S.&e +an be !ade
agg$ess- i)e o$ et&a$gi+/ Sexuait- +an be a$ti(i+ia-
in(uen+ed/ T&oug&t sig-nas and sub+ons+ious t&in1ing
+an be $ead, d$ea!s a((e+ted and e)en indu+ed, a
*it&out t&e 1no*edge o$ +onsent o( t&e i!panted

A pe$(e+t +-be$-sodie$ +an t&us be +$eated/ T&is se+$et
te+&noog- &as been used b- !iita$- (o$+es in +e$tain
%ATO +ount$ies sin+e t&e 1D;?Cs *it&out +i)iian and
a+ade!i+ popuations &a)ing &ea$d an-t&ing about it/
T&us, itte in(o$!ation about su+& in)asi)e !ind-
+ont$o s-ste!s is a)aiabe in p$o(essiona and
a+ade!i+ 'ou$nas/

T&e %SACs Signas Inteigen+e +an $e!ote- !onito$
in(o$!ation ($o! &u!an b$ains b- de+oding t&e e)o1ed
potentias <>/B?HK, B !ii*att@ e!itted b- t&e b$ain/
P$isone$ expe$i!entees in bot& Eot&enbu$g, S*eden
and 9ienna, Aust$ia &a)e been (ound to &a)e N!issing
*o$dO b$ain esions/ =i!inis&ed bood +i$+uation and
a+1 o( ox-gen in t&e $ig&t te!po$a ($onta obes $esut
*&e$e b$ain i!pants a$e usua- ope$ati)e/ A 3innis&
expe$i!entee expe$ien+ed b$ain at$op&- and
inte$!ittent atta+1s o( un+ons+iousness due to a+1 o(

#ind +ont$o te+&ni5ues +an be used (o$ poiti+a
pu$poses/ T&e goa o( !ind +ont$oe$s toda- is to
indu+e t&e ta$geted pe$sons o$ g$oups to a+t against &is
o$ &e$ o*n +on)i+tions and best inte$ests/ Ko!bi(ied
indi)id-uas +an e)en be p$og$a!!ed to !u$de$ and
$e!e!be$ not&ing o( t&ei$ +$i!e a(te$*a$d/ Aa$!ing
exa!pes o( t&is p&eno!enon +an be (ound in t&e U/S/

T&is sient *a$ is being +ondu+ted against un1no*ing
+i)iians and sod-ie$s b- !iita$- and inteigen+e
agen+ies/ Sin+e 1D;? ee+t$oni+ sti!- uation o( t&e
b$ain <ESB@ &as been se+$et- used to +ont$o peope
ta$-geted *it&out t&ei$ 1no*edge o$ +onsent/ A
inte$nationa &u!an $ig&ts ag$ee!ents (o$bid
non+onsensua !anipuation o( &u!an beings e)en in
p$i-sons, not to spea1 o( +i)iian popuations/ Unde$ an
initiati)e o( U/S/ Senato$ Jo&n Eenn, dis+ussions
+o!!en+ed in Janua$- 1DD7 about t&e dan-ge$s o(
$adiating +i)iian popuations/ Ta$geting peopes b$ain
(un+tions *it& ee+t$o!agneti+ (ieds and bea!s <($o!
&ei+opte$s and ai$panes, sateites, ($o! pa$1ed *&ite
)ans, neig&bo$ing &ouses, teep&one poes, ee+t$i+a
appian+es, !obi p&ones, T9, $adio, et+/@, is pa$t o( t&e
$adiation p$obe! t&at s&oud be add$essed in
de!o+$ati+a- ee+ted go)e$n!ent bodies/

In addition to ee+t$oni+ #C, +&e!i+a !et&ods &a)e
aso been de)eoped/ #ind-ate$ing d$ugs and di((e$ent
s!eing gasses a((e+ting b$ain (un+tion negati)e- +an
be in'e+ted into ai$ du+ts o$ *ate$ pipes/ Aso, ba+te$ia
and )i$uses &a)e been tested t&is *a- in se)e$a

Toda-Cs supe$te+&noog-, +onne+ting ou$ b$ain
(un+tions )ia !i+$o+&ips <o$ e)en *it&out t&e!,
a++o$ding to t&e atest te+&noog-@ to +o!pute$s )ia
sateites in t&e U/S/ o$ Is$ae, poses t&e g$a)est t&$eat to
&u!an-it-/ T&e atest supe$+o!pute$s a$e po*e$(u
enoug& to !onito$ t&e *&oe *o$ds popuation/ F&at
*i &appen *&en peope a$e te!pted b- (ase p$e!ises
to ao* !i+$o+&ips into t&ei$ bodiesP One u$e *i be a
!i+$o-+&ip identit- +a$d/ Co!puso$- egisation &as
e)en been se+$et- p$o-posed in t&e U/S/ to +$i!inai7e
$e!o)a o( an I= i!pant/

A$e *e $ead- (o$ t&e $oboti7ation o( !an1ind and t&e
tota ei!ination o( p$i)a+-, in+uding ($eedo! o(
t&oug&tP Ho* !an- o( us *oud *ant to +ede ou$ enti$e
i(e, in+uding ou$ !ost se+$et t&oug&ts, to Big B$ot&e$P
Het t&e te+&noog- exists to +$eate a totaita$ian G%e*
Fo$d O$de$/G Co)e$t neu$oogi+a +o!!uni+ation
s-ste!s a$e in pa+e to +ounte$a+t independent t&in1ing
and to +ont$o so+ia and poiti+a a+ti)it- on be&a( o(
se(-se$)ing p$i)ate and !iita$- inte$ests/

F&en ou$ b$ain (un+tions a$e a$ead- is +onne+ted to
supe$+o!pute$s b- !eans o( $adio i!pants and
!i+$o+&ips, it *i be too ate (o$ p$otest/ T&is t&$eat +an
be de(eated on- b- edu+ating t&e pubi+, using
a)aiabe ite$atu$e on biotee!et$- and in(o$!ation
ex+&anged at inte$nationa +ong$esses/

One $eason t&is te+&noog- &as $e!ained a state se+$et
is t&e *idesp$ead p$estige o( t&e ps-+&iat$i+
b- t&e U/S/ A!e$i+an Ps-+&iat$i+ Asso+iation <APA@,
and p$inted in 1; an-guages/ Ps-+&iat$ists *o$1ing (o$
U/S/ inteigen+e agen+ies no doubt pa$ti+ipated in
*$iting and $e)ising t&is !anua/ T&is ps-+&iat$i+
GbibeG +o)e$s up t&e se+$et de)eop!ent o( #C
te+&noogies b- abeing so!e o( t&ei$ e((e+ts as
s-!pto!s o( pa$anoid s+&i7op&$enia/

9i+ti!s o( !ind +ont$o expe$i!entation a$e t&us
$outine- diagnosed, 1nee-'e$1 (as&ion, as !enta- i
b- do+to$s *&o ea$ned t&e =S# s-!pto! ist in
!edi+a s+&oo/ P&-si+ians &a)e not been s+&ooed t&at
patients !a- be teing t&e t$ut& *&en t&e- $epo$t being
ta$geted against t&ei$ *i o$ being used as guinea pigs
(o$ ee+t$oni+, +&e!i+a and ba+te$ioogi+a (o$!s o(
ps-+&oogi+a *a$(a$e/

Ti!e is $unning out (o$ +&anging t&e di$e+tion o(
!iita$- !edi+ine, and ensu$ing t&e (utu$e o( &u!an
($eedo!/ -- 2auni 0ide, #= =e+e!be$ 6, 6??? QQQ

#IC2OFA9E #I%= CO%T2OL4 #O=E2%

B- =$/ 2auni Leena 0ide, #=
Septe!be$ 6B, 1DDD

Hesingin Sano!at, t&e a$gest ne*spape$ in
S+andina)ia, *$ote in t&e Septe!be$ D, 1DDD issue t&at
S+ienti(i+ A!e$i+an !aga7ine esti!ates t&at a(te$ t&e
#ieniu! pe$&aps ALL peope *i be i!panted *it& a
G=%A !i+$o+&ipG/

Ho* !an- peope $eai7e *&at it a+tua- !eansP Tota
oss o( p$i)a+- and tota outside +ont$o o( t&e pe$sonCs
p&-si+a bod- (un+tions, !en-ta, e!otiona and
t&oug&t p$o+esses, in+uding t&e i!panted pe$sonCs
sub+ons+ious and d$ea!sR 3o$ t&e $est o( &is i(eR

It sounds i1e s+ien+e (i+tion but it is se+$et !iita$- and
inteigen+e agen+iesC !ind +ont$o te+&noog-, *&i+&
&as been expe$i!ented *it& (o$ a!ost &a( a +entu$-/
Tota- *it&out t&e 1no*edge o( t&e gene$a pubi+ and
e)en t&e gene$a a+ade!i+ popuation/

Supe$+o!pute$s in #a$-and, Is$ae and ese*&e$e *it&
a speed o( o)e$ 6? BILLIO% bits.se+ +an !onito$
!iions o( peope si!utaneous-/ In (a+t, t&e *&oe
*o$d popuation +an be tota- +ont$oed b- t&ese
se+$et b$ain-+o!pute$ inte$a+tions, &o*e)e$
unbeie)abe it sounds (o$ t&e unin(o$!ed/

Hu!an t&oug&t &as a speed o( B,??? bits.se+ and
e)e$-one unde$stands t&at ou$ b$ain +annot +o!pete
*it& supe$+o!pute$s a+ting )ia sateites, i!pants,
o+a (a+iities, s+aa$ o$ ot&e$ (o$!s o( biotee!et$-/

Ea+& b$ain &as a uni5ue set o( bioee+t$i+
$esonan+e.ent$ain!ent +&a$a+te$isti+s/ 2e!ote neu$a
!onito$ing s-ste!s *it& supe$+o!pute$s +an send
!essages t&$oug& an i!panted pe$sonCs ne$)ous s-ste!
and a((e+t t&ei$ pe$(o$!an+e in an- *a- desi$ed/ T&e-
+an o( +ou$se be t$a+1ed and identi(ied an-*&e$e/

%eu$o-ee+t$o!agneti+ in)ounta$- &u!an
expe$i!entation &as been going on *it& t&e so-+aed
G)une$abe popuationG (o$ about B? -ea$s, in t&e na!e
o( Gs+ien+eG o$ Gnationa se+u$it-G in t&e *o$st %a7i-
t-pe testing, +ont$a$- to a &u!an $ig&ts/ P&-si+a and
ps-+&oogi+a to$tu$e o( !ind +ont$o )i+ti!s toda- is
i1e t&e *o$st &o$$o$ !o)ies/ On-, uni1e t&e &o$$o$
!o)ies, it is t$ue/

It &appens toda- in t&e USA, Japan, and Eu$ope/ Fit&
(e* ex+eptions, t&e !ass !edia supp$esses a
in(o$!ation about t&e enti$e topi+/

#ind +ont$o te+&noog- in t&e USA is +assi(ied unde$
Gnon-et&aG *eapon$-/ T&e na!e is tota- !iseading
be+ause t&e te+&noog- used IS et&a, but deat& +o!es
so*- in t&e (o$! o( Gno$!aG inesses, i1e +an+e$,
eu1e!ia, &ea$t atta+1s, A7&ei!e$Cs disease *it& oss o(
s&o$t te$! !e!o$- (i$st/ %o *onde$ t&ese inesses &a)e
in+$eased a o)e$ t&e *o$d/

F&en t&e use o( ee+t$o!agneti+ (ieds, ext$a-o*
<EL3@ and ut$a-o* <UL3@ ($e5uen+ies and !i+$o*a)es
ai!ed deibe$ate- at +e$tain indi)id-uas, g$oups, and
e)en t&e gene$a popuation to +ause diseases, diso$i-
entation, +&aos and p&-si+a and e!otiona pain b$ea1s
into t&e a*a$eness o( t&e gene$a popuation, a pubi+
out+$- is ine)itabe/

NEeano$ F&ite +o!!ent4 EL3.UL3 ($e5uen+ies on
t&ei$ o*n +annot be (o+ussed and a$e p$a+ti+a-
i!possibe to t$ans!it in t&e usua !anne$ o( $adio
t$ans!issions/ EL3.UL3 +annot +a$$- )oi+e/

EL3.UL3 CA% be +a$$ied on $adio and ut$asound
+a$$ie$ signas, &o*e)e$, and a$e e((e+ti)e in t&ings i1e
setting up a ta$get to be !o$e $e+epti)e to &-pnosis,
(o$+e a ta$get to be unabe to seep, and (o$+e a ta$get to
(a aseep da-ti!e/ T&is is i1e t&e $e)e$se p$o+ess o(
$eading t&e b$ainCs natu$a EL3.UL3 ee+t$i+a a+ti)it-
using bio(eedba+1/O

F&o is be&ind a siniste$ pan to !i+$o+&ip and +ont$o
and to$tu$e t&e gene$a popuationP

NEeano$ F&iteCs +o!!ent4 2epo$ts ($o! pe$sons
ta$getted b- neu$o- ee+t$o!agneti+ expe$i!entation
s&o* t&at not e)e$-one is i!panted/ T&e (a+t t&at t&ose
(e* )i+ti!s *&o &a)e &ad i!pants $e!o)ed +annot get
+ustod- o( t&e i!pants !eans so!eone &as a 1een
inte$est in +ont$oing t&e use o( +o)e$t i!pants and
p$e)enting t&e pubi+ation o( t&is p$a+ti+e/O

T&e Patent O((i+e o( t&e U/S/A/ &as g$anted patents (o$
pu$poses o( !enta !onito$ing and !ind ate$ation/

Appa$atus and !et&od (o$ $e!ote- !onito$ing and
ate$ing b$ain*a)es, !et&ods (o$ indu+ing !enta,
e!otiona and p&-si+a states o( +ons+ious- ness, in
&u!an beings/ #et&od o( and appa$atus (o$ desi$ed
states o( +ons+iousness a$e a!ong so!e o( t&e!/

Peope *&o &a)e been i!panted, in)ounta$i- o$
t&$oug& de+eption )o- unta$i- &a)e be+o!e biogi+a
$obots and guinea pigs (o$ t&is a+ti)it- unde$ t&e guise
o( nationa se+u$it-/

T&e $ea +onse5uen+es o( !i+$o+&ip i!pantation <o$
*it& toda-Cs ad)an+ed &idden te+&noog-, using on-
!i+$o*a)e $adiation (o$ !ind +ont$o,@ a$e tota-
&idden ($o! t&e pubi+/ Ho* !an- 1no* t&e $ea
dange$s o( !i+- $o*a)es t&$oug& !obie p&onesP

Ho* !an- beie)e t&e disin(o$!ation t&at !i+$o*a)e
$adiation is not +ausing &eat& p$obe!sP T&e e+ono!i+
issues in t&e !obie p&one indust$- a$e eno$!ous/
T&e$e(o$e &eat& issues a$e deibe$ate- b$us&ed aside/

Ho*e)e$, t&e sa!e t&ing is ine)itabe in t&e (utu$e as
*it& t&e toba++o indust$-/ F&en e+ono!i+
+o!pensation (o$ &eat& da!ages be+o!es big enoug&,
as in t&e toba++o indust$-, &eat& &a7a$ds *i be
ad!itted and use$s a$e t&en $esponsibe (o$ t&ei$
toba++o-$eated inesses/

Toda-, a$ead- about B?S o( 3inns, S*edes and
%o$*egians use !obie p&ones, espe+ia- t&e -oung

#obie p&ones used in !ind +ont$o *as a b$iiant idea/
#iita$- and poi+e agen+ies +an (oo* e)e$- use$,
in(uen+e t&ei$ t&oug&ts t&$oug& !i+$o*a)es, +ause
&eat&- peope to &ea$ )oi+es in t&ei$ &eads and i(
needed bu$n t&ei$ b$ains in a se+ond b- in+$easing t&e
+u$$ent 6?,??? ti!es/

T&at p$obab- &appened to C&e+&n-an eade$ Eene$a
=uda-e) *&o died ta1ing to a !obie p&one/

Heating e((e+t o( tissues *it& t&e speed o( ig&t is a
1no*n e((e+t o( &ig& po*e$ !i+$o*a)e and
ee+t$o!agneti+ puse *eapons/

A++o$ding to %a)- studies t&e- aso +ause (atigue
states, dep$ession, inso!nia, agg$essi)eness, ong and
espe+ia- s&o$t te$! !e!o$- oss, s&o$t +atatoni+
states, +ata$a+ts, eu1e!ia, +an+e$, &ea$t atta+1s, b$ain
tu!o$s and so (o$t&/

Ate$ation o( be&a)io$ and attitudes &s been
de!onst$ated as *e/

=$/ 2oss Ade- &as (ound out t&at b- using ?/7B
!ii*atts pe$ s5ua$e +enti!ete$ intensit- o( puse
!oduated !i+$o*a)e at a ($e5uen+- o( 8B? #H7 it is
possibe to +ont$o ALL aspe+ts o( &u!an be&a)iou$R

#i+$o*a)e $adiation ex+ites t&e &-d$ogen bond in t&e
+es and +an inte$(e$e *it& !eiosis, *&i+& eads to

A ou$ e!otions, !oods, and t&oug&ts &a)e a spe+i(i+
b$ain ($e5uen+- *&i+& &as been +ataogued/ I( t&ese
$e+o$ds (a into t&e *$ong &ands, ou$ be&a)iou$ and
attitudes +an be !anipuated b- pe$sons *&ose et&i+s
and !o$as a$e not in ou$ best inte$est/

Bot& !iita$- and inteigen+e agen+ies &a)e been
in(it$ated *it& su+& pe$sons/ T&e =i$e+to$ o( t&e S*iss
Se+$et Se$)i+e &ad to $esign in Septe!be$ 1DDD be+ause
o( &is agen+-Cs in)o)e!ent in iega a$!s deas and a
pan to +$eate an O2EA%IKATIO% *it&in t&e ega
Se+$et Se$)i+e/

T&is goba- in(it$ated o$gani7ation &as Go+topus t-peG
a+ti)ities in a !a'o$ inteigen+e se$)i+es in t&e *o$d,
*o$1ing toget&e$ *it& t&e #a(ia and te$$o$ists/ It &as
$e+$uited peope ($o! a i!po$tant go)e$n!ent
institutions, state and o+a ad!inist$ations/

It o*ns Sta$ Fa$s te+&noog- *&i+& is used against
!iita$- and +i)iian popuations, +ai!ing it is Gnon-
et&aG *eapon$-/

G=o*n and outG peope, 'obess, ($eed p$isone$s, !enta
outpatients, students and o$p&ans a$e t$ained b- t&is
o$gani7ation to &a$ass, (oo*, and to$tu$e inno+ent
peope, *&o (o$ *&ate)e$ $eason &a)e been put on t&e
o$gani7ationCs &it ist/ T&e- a$e AL2EA=H in e)e$-
apa$t!ent bo+1R

NEeano$ F&ite +o!!ent4 T&is gang-i1e +oou$-+oding
is not $epo$ted in a a$eas/ =$/ 0ideCs expe$ien+e is
*it& no$t&e$n Eu$ope/O

=e+eption is t&e na!e o( t&e ga!e, so $e+$uits a$e tod
unt$ue siniste$ sto$ies o( t&ei$ )i+ti!s to 1eep t&e!
!oti)ated/ T&e- &a)e a !iita$- o$de$ and get $e*a$ded
(o$ t&ei$ e)i a+tions, *&i+& in+ude Satanis!, and
s-!bos and -eo*-o$ange-ba+1 +oo$s/ Ho*e)e$,
($es& $e+$uits !ust *ea$ pin1 - and t&e &ig&est eite
*ea$s -eo* ties *it& da$1 suits/

E)en das&es o( -eo* o$ o$ange in t&ei$ ties !a- signa
t&ei$ $e+$uit!ent as *e as -eo* s&i$ts o$ ot&e$
ob'e+ts *it& t&at +oo$ (o$ signaing/

Too !an- *o$d eade$s (it into t&is signaing/
Ho*e)e$, it is 5uite possibe t&e- a$e on- used as
($onts (o$ t&is goba o$gani7ation *it&out an-
1no*edge o( itCs +$i!ina a+ti)it- in t&e (ied against
inno+ent peope/ #ass !edia and big indust$- a$e aso

F&o a$e t&e ta$getsP Expe$i!entation *it& sodie$s and
p$isone$s !a- +ontinue, as *e as &andi+apped
+&id$en, !enta patients, &o!osexuas and singe
*o!en/ T&e- a$e sti expe$i!enta guinea pigs (o$
ee+t$oni+ and +&e!i+a *a$(a$e/ But toda- A%HO%E
+an be+o!e a ta$get, e)en t&ose *&o in)ented t&e

2esea$+&e$s *&o (ind out about t&is se+$et $adiation o(
t&e popuation be+o!e ta$gets t&e!se)es/

T&e U/S/ Senate dis+ussed t&e issue on Janua$- 66,
1DD7/ T&e U/S/ Ai$ 3o$+eCs GCo!!ando SooG ai$+$a(t
&a)e been used to send subi!ina $adio ($e5uen+-
!essages to !anipuate e)en t&e !inds o( (o$eign
nations in t&ei$ ee+tions/ Haiti and Bosnia a$e a +oupe
o( $e+ent exa!pes/

In Ju- 1DD8 t&e U/S/ =epa$t!ent o( =e(ense p$oposed
t&e use o( Gnon-et&aG *eapons against an-one engaged
in a+ti)ities t&e =o= opposes/ T&us opposing poiti+a
)ie*s, e+ono!i+ +o!petito$s, +ounte$+utu$e
indi)iduas and so (o$t& +an be bea!ed to si+1ness o$

T&e Ps-+&iat$i+ =iagnosti+ Statisti+a #anua <=S#@
(o$ !enta diso$de$s &as been a b$iiant +o)e$ up
ope$ation in 1; anguages to &ide t&e at$o+ities o(
!iita$- and inteigen+e agen+iesC a+tions to*a$ds t&ei$
ta$gets/ THE #A%UAL LISTS ALL #I%= CO%T2OL

I( a ta$get is unde$ su$)eian+e *it& !ode$n te+&noog-
)ia T9, $adio, teep&one, oudspea1e$s, ase$s,
!i+$o*a)es, poisoned *it& !ind ate$ing d$ugs )ia
ai$du+ts, gi)ing (a!iia$ s!es *&i+& +ause &eada+&e,
nausea and so (o$t&, i( &e +ai!s &is +ot&es a$e
poisoned, &is (ood o$ tap *ate$ as *e --- a !edi+a
s+&oos tea+& t&ei$ students t&at t&e pe$son is pa$anoid,
ESPECIALLH i( &e beie)es inteigen+e agen+ies a$e
be&ind it a/

%e)e$ is t&e !edi+a p$o(ession tod t&at t&ese a$e
$outine a+tions a o)e$ t&e *o$d b- inteigen+e
agen+ies against t&ei$ ta$gets/ T&us, )i+ti!s o( !ind
+ont$o a$e (ase- +onside$ed !enta- i and get no
&ep sin+e t&e- a$e not beie)ed and t&ei$ su((e$ing is
doubed b- igno$ant &eat& p$o(essionas/

T&e unet&i+a abuses o( po*e$ b- indi)iduas in +&a$ge
o( bio!edi+a tee!et$- a$e in+o!p$e&ensibe to no$!a

T&e goa o( !ind +ont$o is to p$og$a! an indi)idua to
+a$$- out an- !ission o( espionage o$ assassination
e)en against t&ei$ *i and se(- p$ese$)ation insti+t and
to +ont$o t&e absoute be&a)io$ and t&oug&t patte$ns o(
t&e indi)idua/ T&e pu$pose o( !ind +ont$o is to dis$upt
!e!o$-, dis+$edit peope t&$oug& abe$$ant be&a)io$, to
!a1e t&e! insane o$ to +o!!it sui+ide o$ !u$de$/

Ho* is it possibe t&at t&is te+&noog- is not stopped b-
poiti+a top aut&o$itiesP T&e- t&e!se)es *i aso be
ta$gets so!eda-, a (a+t t&e- &a)e not a*a-s $eai7ed/
Ho* !u+& a$e t&e- in)o)edP

T&is -ea$ t&e 1DDD Eu$opean Pa$ia!ent in G2esoution
on En)i$on!ent, Se+u$it-, and 3o$ein Poi+-G, in
pa$ag$ap&s 6>, 68, and 67 +as (o$ Gnon-et&aG
*eapons te+&noog- and de)eop!ent o( ne* a$!s
st$ategies to be +o)e$ed and $eguated b- inte$nationa

Aso, it +as (o$ an inte$nationa +on)ention int$odu+ing
a ELOBAL BA% on a de)eop!ents and depo-!ents
o( *eapons *&i+& !ig&t enabe A%H 3O2# O3

P$o'e+t HAA2P in Aas1a is a goba +on+e$n, and +as
(o$ itCs ega, e+oogi+a, and et&i+a i!pi+ations to be
exa!ined b- an inte$nationa independent bod- be(o$e
an- (u$t&e$ $esea$+& and testing/

It is possibe t&at t&e USA *i igno$e t&ose $esoutions/
T&e dange$s o( non-et&a !ind +ont$o *eapons *e$e
a$ead- $e)eaed in an expe$t !eeting o( t&e
Inte$nationa Co!!ittee o( t&e 2ed C$oss in Eene)a, in
Ju- 1DD8/

On- in+$eased pubi+ a*a$eness o( t&e !i+$o+&ip
i!pants, t&ei$ ($ig&t(u +onse5uen+es to p$i)a+- b-
in(uen+ing o( indi)iduasC t&oug&ts and a+tions, +ausing
peope to be+o!e bioogi+a $obots *it& p&-si+a and
e!otiona pain *&ene)e$ t&e supe$+o!pute$ te+&ni+ian
so *is&es, is enoug& $eason to $e(use to ta1e t&e +&ip
into -ou$ bod- (o$ *&ate)e$ $eason/

It is t&e biggest t&$eat to &u!anit- and t&e !ost siniste$
pan to ensa)e t&e &u!an $a+e (o$e)e$/

I( -ou &a)e a +&oi+e and *ant to $e!ain a no$!a
&u!an being *it& p$i)a+-, do not &a)e -ou$ +&id$en
no$ -ou$se( i!panted *it& a =%A !i+$o+&ip/
Ot&e$*ise -ou$ )ision, &ea$ing, sensing, t&oug&ts,
d$ea!s and sub+ons+ious *i be in(uen+ed b- an
outside$, *&o does not &a)e -ou$ best inte$ests in !ind/


2e+o!!ended $eading4 #ind Cont$oe$s, =$/ A$!en
9i+to$ian, 1DDD, U0 #ind Cont$o, Fo$d Cont$o, Ji!
0eit&, 1DD7, USA #i+$o*a)e #ind Cont$o, Ti! 2i(at,
T&e T$ut& Ca!paign, *inte$ 1DD;, U0
The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of audible clicks (or, with
speech modulation, spoken words) induced by pulsed/modulated microwave frequencies. The clicks are generated directly inside the
human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. The effect was first reported by persons working in the vicinity
of radar transponders during World War . These induced sounds are not audible to other people nearby. The microwave auditory
effect was later discovered to be inducible with shorter!wavelength portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. "uring the #old War era,
the $merican neuroscientist $llan %. &reystudied this phenomenon and was the first to publish'() information on the nature of the
microwave auditory effect.
*ulsed microwave radiation can be heard by some workers+ the irradiated personnel perceive auditory sensations of clicking or
bu,,ing. The cause is thought to be thermoelastic e-pansion of portions of auditory apparatus.'.) The auditory system response
occurs at least from .// 0%, to at least 1 2%,. n the tests, repetition rate of 3/ %, was used, with pulse width between (/45/
microseconds. The perceived loudness was found to be linked to the peak power density instead of average power density. $t
(..63 2%,, the peak power density for perception was below 7/ mW/cm..'citation needed) %owever, competing theories e-plain the
results of interferometric holography tests differently. '1)
n .//1, the 89 :avy conducted research on an 0$; system they called 0;"89$ (0ob ;-cess "eterrent 8sing 9ilent $udio) as a
way to remotely, temporarily incapacitate personnel.N8O NBO N6O The system was designed by Wave<and #orporation in .//1!.//6.
'3) The system relied on the principle of 0$;, varying the power and parameters of the microwave pulses =to raise the auditory
sensation to the >discomfort? level, deterring personnel from entering a protected perimeter or, if necessary, temporarily incapacitating
particular individuals.@'3)
Micro$a%e Mind Control Symptoms W P'blished E%idence
NEdito$Cs %ote4 T&e (oo*ing $epo$t ($o! C&e$- Fes& p$o)ides a isting o( so!e o( t&e
$epo$ted s-!pto!s o( ee+t$oni+ !i+$o*a)e !ind +ont$o te+&noogies, pubis&ed
e)iden+e o( t&ei$ existen+e, and de!onst$ated !iita$- inte$est and.o$ (unding (o$ t&ese
te+&noogies/ #an- o( t&ese ee+t$oni+ !ind +ont$o de)epo!ents *e$e pe$(e+ted at
#ontau1, Long Isand in t&e 1D6?Cs, 7?Cs, and ;?Cs in a p$i)ate- (unded ope$ation
1no*n as T&e #ontau1 P$o'e+t/ A Biee1, P$eston %i+&os, Pete$ #oon, Ste*a$t
S*e$do*, and ot&e$s &a)e *$itten and $epo$ted extensi)e- on t&e detais o( t&is p$o'e+t/
T&ese ene$gies +an be bea!ed to a$ge popuations ($o! ai$+$a(t, &ei+opte$s, sateites,
and and-based !i+$o*a)e to*e$s, *&i+& &a)e p$oi(e$ated *o$d*ide at an exposi)e $ate in
t&e past t*o -ea$s/ 3o$ !o$e ba+1g$ound in(o on !ind +ont$o, $ead ou$ int$odu+to$-
page #ind Cont$o, T&e Uti!ate Te$$o$ <&ttp4..edu+ate--ou$se(/o$g.!+.@ ///0en Ada+&iO
b- C&e$- Fes& T*es&Ud+n/da)is/+a/usV
#a$+&, 6??>
2epo$ted S-!pto!s
1/ #i+$o*a)e &ea$ing
6/ T$ans!ission o( spe+i(i+ +o!!ands into t&e sub+ons+ious
>/ 9isua distu$ban+es, )isua &au+inations
8/ In'e+t *o$ds, nu!be$s into b$ain )ia ee+t$o!agneti+ $adiation *a)es
B/ #anipuation o( e!otions
6/ 2eading t&oug&ts $e!ote-
7/ Causing pain to an- ne$)e o( t&e bod-/
;/ 2e!ote !anipuation o( &u!an be&a)io$ ($o! spa+e
D/ Ha$ass!ent, st$ess s-!pto!s su+& as &ei+opte$s (-ing o)e$&ead
1?/ Seeing, as in a +a!e$a, t&$oug& -ou$ e-es, i/e/ to see *&at -ou see exa+t-
11/ Cont$o o( seep patte$ns/
16/ Co!pute$-b$ain inte$(a+e, +ont$o and +o!!uni+ation
1>/ Co!pex +ont$o o( t&e b$ain su+& as $et$ie)ing !e!o$ies, i!panting
S-!pto!s, Pubis&ed E)iden+e, and #iita$-
1/ #i+$o*a)e &ea$ing/ T&e &ea$ing o( )oi+es in t&e &ead ($o! an outside
sou$+e, but nobod- ese +an &ea$ t&e )oi+es ex+ept t&e ta$geted indi)idua/
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A/ Ut$as+ien+e III, Spies a$e us/ 3eatu$ed =$/ Ja!es C/ Lin, P&/=//
bio!edi+a and ee+t$i+a enginee$, edu+ato$, aut&o$ o( #i+$o*a)e
Audito$- E((e+ts and Appi+ations, 1D7;/ Lin de!onst$ated
!i+$o*a)e &ea$ing, a s-!pto! o( !an- o( t&e )i+ti!s, &ea$ing
)oi+es/ Aso (eatu$ed C&e$- Fes& on t&e issue o( !ind +ont$o
B/ Inte$nationa =e(ense 2e)ie*, >-1-1DD>, Spe+ia Ope$ations
Su$)i)es Pentagon budget Const$aints, b- 2a!on Lope7/
WJASO2S, Joint Ad)an+ed Spe+ia Ope$ations 2adio
S-ste! is being de)eoped b- Ha$$is Co$po$ation/ ///is a
)e$- a!bitious, eading-edge te+&noog- p$og$a!,
///F&ies JASO2S is a nea$-te$! SO3, NSpe+ia
Ope$ations 3o$+esO en&an+e!ent, SO2=AC, NSpe+ia
Ope$ations 2esea$+& =e)eop!ent and A+5uisition
Cente$O, is aso in)estigating ong-$ange <1DD;-6?1?@ and
W(a$-(utu$eX <6?11 and be-ond@ *eapon$- and suppo$t
e5uip!ent/ NSO2=ACYs di$e+to$, A$!- Coone =ougas
J/O 2i+&a$dson said one (a$-(utu$e +o!!uni+ations s-ste!
being in)estigated is Ws-nt&eti+ teepat&-/X One da-, SO3
+o!!andos !a- be +apabe o( +o!!uni+ating t&$oug&
t&oug&t p$o+esses/X
C/ #a$go C&e$ne- 3OIA $e5uest (o$ +o!pete %ASA abst$a+t
2epo$t %u!be$4 A=-A?D?866, June 1, 1D;?/ 2esponse ($o! B$oo1s
Ai$ 3o$+e Base, Jan/6B, 6???4 T&e $e5uested in(o$!ation is (u-
denied unde$ B U/S/C/ BB6<b@<1@/// %ASA abst$a+t in pa$t stated,
WA de+o- and de+eption +on+ept p$esent- being
+onside$ed is to $e!ote- +$eate t&e pe$+eption o( noise in
t&e &eads o( pe$sonne b- exposing t&e! to o* po*e$,
pused !i+$o*a)e/ F&en peope a$e iu!inated *it&
p$ope$- !oduated o* po*e$ !i+$o*a)es t&e sensation
is $epo$ted as a bu77ing, +i+1ing, o$ &issing *&i+& see!s
to o$iginate <$ega$dess o( t&e pe$sonYs position in t&e
(ied@ *it&in o$ 'ust be&ind t&e &ead/ T&e p&eno!ena
o++u$s at a)e$age po*e$ densities as o* as !i+$o*atts
pe$ s5ua$e +enti!ete$ *it& +a$$ie$ ($e5uen+ies ($o! ?/8 to
>/? EH7/ N*it&in ($e5uen+- $ange o( 8?? #egaHe$t7
<#H7@ to > EigaHe$t7O B- p$ope$ +&oi+e o( puse
+&a$a+te$isti+s, inteigibe spee+& !a- be +$eated/ Be(o$e
t&is te+&ni5ue !a- be extended and used (o$ !iita$-
appi+ations, an unde$standing o( t&e basi+ p$in+ipes !ust
be de)eoped/ Su+& an unde$standing is not on- $e5ui$ed
to opti!i7e t&e use o( t&e +on+ept (o$ +a!ou(age, de+o-
and de+eption ope$ations but is $e5ui$ed to p$ope$- assess
sa(et- (a+to$s o( su+& !i+$o*a)e exposu$e/X
=/ #i+$o*a)e %e*s, edito$, Louis Sesin, Jan.3eb 1DD7 p 18/ U/S/
Ai$ 3o$+e Loo1s to t&e Batte(ieds o( t&e 3utu$e4 Ee+t$o!agneti+
3ieds T&at #ig&t GBogge t&e #indG
GIt *oud aso appea$ possibe to +$eate &ig& (ideit-
spee+& in t&e &u!an bod-, $aising t&e possibiit- o( +o)e$t
suggestion and ps-+&oogi+a di$e+tion/ F&en a &ig&
po*e$ !i+$o*a)e puse in t&e EH7 $ange st$i1es t&e
&u!an bod-, a )e$- s!a te!pe$atu$e pe$tu$bation
o++u$s/ T&is is asso+iated *it& a sudden expansion o( t&e
sig&t- &eated tissue/ T&is expansion is (ast enoug& to
p$odu+e an a+ousti+ *a)e/ I( a puse st$ea! is used, it
s&oud be possibe to +$eate an inte$na a+ousti+ (ied in
t&e B-1B 1H7 $ange, *&i+& is audibe/ T&us it !a- be
possibe to Wta1X to see+ted ad)e$sa$ies in a (as&ion t&at
*oud be !ost distu$bing to t&e!/G
E/ 3ede$a Ti!es, =e+/ 1>, 1D76 #i+$o*a)e Feapons Stud- b-
So)iets Cited4 T&e =e(ense Inteigen+e Agen+- &as $eeased a
$epo$t on &ea)- Co!!unist $esea$+& on !i+$o*a)es, in+uding t&ei$
use as *eapons/ #i+$o*a)es a$e used in $ada$, tee)ision and
!i+$o*a)e o)ens/ T&e- +an +ause diso$ientation and possib- &ea$t
atta+1s in &u!ans/ Anot&e$ bioogi+a e((e+t *it& possibe anti-
pe$sonne uses is C !i+$o*a)e &ea$ing/C
GSounds and possib- e)en *o$ds *&i+& appea$ to be
o$iginating int$a+$ania- <*it&in t&e &ead@ +an be indu+ed
b- signa !oduation at )e$- o* a)e$age po*e$
densities,G t&e $epo$t said/ A++o$ding to t&e stud-,
Co!!unist *o$1 in t&is a$ea G&as g$eat potentia (o$
de)eop!ent into a s-ste! (o$ diso$ienting o$ dis$upting
t&e be&a)io$ patte$ns o( !iita$- o$ dipo!ati+ pe$sonne/G
%o !ention *as !ade o( t&e sti-unexpained !i+$o*a)e
bo!ba$d!ent o( t&e A!e$i+an E!bass- in #os+o*/ T&e stud- deat
a$ge- *it& ong-te$! exposu$e o( da-s o$ *ee1s in indust$ia
situations, *&i+& usua- p$odu+e !id e((e+ts/ S&o$t exposu$e to
intense $adiation +an +ause &ea$t sei7u$e and a *ide $ange o(
p&-si+a diso$de$s/
#iita$- inte$est o$ (unding
A / Hes/ See abo)e/
6/ T$ans!ission o( spe+i(i+ +o!!ands into t&e sub+ons+ious
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A/ =e(ense %e*s, US Expo$es 2ussian #ind Cont$o
Te+&noog- b- Ba$ba$a Opa Janua$-, 11-17-1DD>, p/ 8/
XPionee$ed b- t&e go)e$n!ent-(unded =epa$t!ent o(
Ps-+&o-Co$$e+tion at t&e #os+o* #edi+a A+ade!-,
a+ousti+ ps-+&o-+o$$e+tion in)o)es t&e t$ans!ission o(
spe+i(i+ +o!!ands )ia stati+ o$ *&itenoise bands into t&e
&u!an sub+ons+ious *it&out upsetting ot&e$ intee+tua
(un+tions/ Expe$ts said abo$ato$- de!onst$ations &a)e
s&o*n en+ou$aging $esuts a(te$ exposu$e o( ess t&an one
B/ Janet #o$$is, $epo$ted in t&e boo1, T&e So$+e$e$Cs C&aenge 4
3ea$s and Hopes (o$ t&e Feapons o( t&e %ext #ienniu!, b- =a)id
S&u1!an/ London 4 Hodde$ " Stoug&ton, page 66>/ o(
de!onst$ation s&o*n on BBC tee)ision on ne*s p$og$a!
entited %e*snig&t b- =a)id S&u1!an, <tape a)aiabe on $e5uest@/
C/ U/S/ %e*s, Janua$- >-1?, 6???, Jo&n %o$seen NLo+1&eed #a$tin
neu$oenginee$ in Inteigent S-ste!s =i)isionO, 2eading -ou$ #ind
and In'e+ting S!a$t T&oug&ts b- =ougas Paste$na1/
G%o$seenCs inte$est in t&e b$ain ste!s ($o! a So)iet boo1
&e $ead in t&e !id-1D;?s, +ai!ing t&at $esea$+& on t&e
!ind *oud $e)outioni7e t&e !iita$- and so+iet- at a$ge/
NHeO +oined t&e te$! GBio(usionG to +o)e$ &is pans to
!ap and !anipuate Nt&e b$ainO eading to ad)an+es in
///nationa se+u$it-/// and ///*oud be abe to +on)e$t
t&oug&ts into +o!pute$ +o!!ands b- de+ip&e$ing t&e
b$ainCs ee+t$i+a a+ti)it-/ Bio3usion *oud $e)ea t&e
(inge$p$ints o( t&e b$ain b- using !at&e!ati+a !odes,
NS!i$no)Cs +o!pute$ p$og$a! uses !at&e!ati+a !odes
asoO/ It sound +$a7-,///T&e %ationa Ae$onauti+s and
Spa+e Ad!inist$ation, t&e =e(ense Ad)an+ed 2esea$+&
P$o'e+ts Agen+-, ///&a)e a a*a$ded///$esea$+& +ont$a+ts to
%o$seen/ %o$seen is *aiting to &ea$ i( t&e se+ond stage o(
t&ese +ont$a+ts-po$tions o( t&e! +assi(ied- +o!es
t&$oug&/ %o$seenCs t&eo$ies a$e g$ounded in +u$$ent
s+ien+e/ ///B- #2I N#agneti+ 2esonant I!agingO,
s+ientists +an te *&at t&e pe$son *as doing at t&e ti!e o(
t&e $e+o$ding///E!otions ($o! o)e to &ate +an be
$e+ogni7ed ($o! t&e b$ainCs ee+t$i+a a+ti)it-/ ///%o$seen
p$edi+ts p$o(iing b- b$ain p$int *i be in pa+e
b- 6??B/ ///%o$seen *oud i1e to d$a* upon 2ussian
b$ain-!i!i+1ing so(t*a$e and A!e$i+an b$ain -!apping
b$ea1t&$oug&s to ao* t&at +o!!uni+ation to ta1e pa+e
in a ess in)asi)e *a-/ A !odi(ied &e!et +oud $e+o$d a
piotCs b$ain*a)es/ CF&en -ou sa- $ig&t ?D? deg$ees///t&e
+o!pute$ *oud see t&at ee+t$i+a patte$n in t&e b$ain and
tu$n t&e pane ?D? deg$ees/ I( t&e piot !is&ea$d
inst$u+tions to tu$n ?D? deg$ees and *as t&in1ing G?;?
deg$ees,G t&e &e!et *oud dete+t t&e e$$o$, t&en in'e+t t&e
$ig&t nu!be$ )ia ee+t$o!agneti+ *a)es/CG
#iita$- inte$est o$ (unding
A Hes, =e(ense Ee+t$oni+s, =O=, Inte
Agen+ies Loo1 at 2ussian #ind Cont$o/// b-
#a$1 Taps+ott, Ju-, 1DD> p/ 17/
WIn a se$ies o( +osed !eetings///3BI
o((i+ias *e$e b$ie(ed on t&e de+ade-
ong $esea$+& on a +o!pute$i7ed
a+ousti+ de)i+e aeged- +apabe o(
i!panting t&oug&ts in a pe$sonYs
!ind *it&out t&at pe$son being a*a$e
o( t&e t&oug&t/X
Aso, US +o$p/ bu-s 2ussian !ind
+ont$o e5uip!ent/
>/ 9isua distu$ban+es, )isua &au+inations/
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A/ C%% T94 A de!onst$ation b- =$/ Ei7abet& 2aus+&e$ and =$/
Fiia! )an Bise, di$e+ted !agneti+ signas into t&e b$ain o(
$epo$te$ C&u+1 =eCa$o/ T&e- +$eated )isua i!ages as in a
&au+ination/ T&is p$og$a! aso (eatu$es =$/ 2obe$t O/ Be+1e$, t*o
ti!e %obe p$i7e no!inee, s+ientist and $esea$+&e$ o(
ee+t$o!agneti+ $adiation e((e+ts on t&e bod- and aut&o$ o( Bod-
Ee+t$i+, su!!a$i7ed, WT&e go)e$n!ent &as ne)e$ disp$o)ed t&e
ps-+&oogi+a e((e+ts o( ee+t$o!agneti+ $adiation/ X=$/ 2obe$t
Be+1e$ +o!!ented Wt&at t&is is a substantia step (o$*a$d in t&e
unde$standing &o* t&e )isua s-ste! *o$1sX and *oud be a
po*e$(u *eapon i( used on (ig&te$ piots *&ie t$-ing to (-/G
3o$ a BBZ +op- o( t&is tape +a C%% at 8?8-;67-6716 and as1 (o$
26B?1 :1>, 26787 :>>, 26B?1 :1B, 26B?1-:17/ It $uns about 6?
#iita$- inte$est o$ (unding
A / Hes/ See abo)e/
8/ In'e+t *o$ds, nu!be$s into b$ain )ia e!$ *a)es
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A / =e(ense %e*s, US Expo$es 2ussian #ind Cont$o Te+&noog-
b- Ba$ba$a Opa Janua$-, 11-17-1DD>, p/ 8/
WExpe$ts said abo$ato$- de!onst$ations &a)e s&o*n
en+ou$aging $esuts a(te$ exposu$e o( ess t&an one
B/ U/S/ %e*s, 1->-6???, Jo&n %o$seen, 2eading and +&anging -ou$
!ind///ibid see S-!pto! 6, se+tion C/
C/ Lobste$ #aga7ine, #ind Cont$o and t&e A!e$i+an Eo)e$n!ent
b- #a$tin Cannon, %u!be$ 6>/ J/3/ S+&apit7 *as +ondu+ting
+assi(ied *o$1 on !i+$o*a)ing t&e sub+ons+ious *it& +o!!ands
as in &-pnosis/ T&is *o$1 is +assi(ied/
#iita$- inte$est o$ (unding
A =e(ense %e*s, US Expo$es 2ussian #ind Cont$o
Te+&noog- b- Ba$ba$a Opa Janua$-, 11-17-1DD>, p/ 8/
W#o$eo)e$, de+ades o( $esea$+& and in)est!ent
o( untod !iions o( $ubes in t&e p$o+ess o(
ps-+&o-+o$$e+tion &as p$odu+ed t&e abiit- to
ate$ be&a)io$ on *iing and un*iing sub'e+ts,
t&e expe$ts add/ ///2ussian senio$ $esea$+&
s+ientist, dipo!ats, ///a$e beginning to p$o)ide
i!ited de!onst$ations (o$ t&ei$ U/S/
+ounte$pa$ts/ 3u$t&e$ e)auations o( 1e-
te+&noogies in t&e United States a$e being
panned, as a$e dis+ussions ai!ed at +$eating a
($a!e-*o$1 (o$ b$inging t&e issue unde$
biate$a o$ !utiate$a +ont$os, U/S/ and
2ussian sou$+es sa-/X
B/ #anipuation o( e!otions
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A/ Ut$as+ien+e, Feapons o( Fa$, T&e Lea$ning C&anne, 1DD7,
3eatu$ed =$/ #i+&ae Pe$singe$, Lau$entian Uni)e$sit-, Canada/ =$/
Pe$singe$ des+$ibed *eapons using Gps-+&o o$ in(uen+e
te+&noog-G and ee+t$o!agneti+ $adiation ($e5uen+ies to +ont$o
*&at peope t&in1, (o$ ps-+&oogi+a *a$(a$e pu$poses/
B/ Ut$as+ien+e, Fa$ 6?6?, Be-ond P$odu+tions, T&e Lea$ning
C&anne, 1DD;, *it& =$/ #i+&ae Pe$singe$, Lau$entian Uni)e$sit-
pe$(o$!ed a de!onst$ation o( a &e!et *it& soenoids *&i+& indu+e
!agneti+ (ieds into t&e b$ain and +ause pani+, (ea$, Eod and U3O
expe$ien+es/ He stated t&at *it& +u$$ent te+&noog- it is possibe to
use !ind +ont$o on t&e !ass popuations/
#iita$- inte$est o$ (unding
A / Hes/ See abo)e/
6/ 2eading t&oug&ts $e!ote-
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A/ %atu$e 9o >D1.66Janu$a- 1DD; Ad)an+es in %eu$os+ien+e #a-
T&$eaten Hu!an 2ig&ts b- =e+an Bute$ /
G//at t&e annua pubi+ !eeting o( t&e 3$en+& nationa
bioet&i+s +o!!ittee &ed ast *ee1 in Pa$is/// Jean-Pie$$e
C&angeux, t&e +&ai$!an o( t&e +o!!ittee and a
neu$os+ientist at t&e Institut Pasteu$ in Pa$is, tod t&e
!eeting t&at unde$standing t&e *o$1ing o( t&e &u!an
b$ain is i1e- to be+o!e one o( t&e !ost a!bitious and
$i+& dis+ipines o( t&e (utu$e/ But neu$os+ien+e aso poses
potentia $is1s, &e said, a$guing t&at ad)an+es in +e$eb$a
i!aging !a1e t&e s+ope (o$ in)asion o( p$i)a+- i!!ense/
At&oug& t&e e5uip!ent needed is sti &ig&- spe+iai7ed,
it *i be+o!e +o!!onpa+e and +apabe o( being used at
a distan+e, &e p$edi+ted/ T&at *i open t&e *a- (o$ abuses
su+& as in)asion o( pe$sona ibe$t-, +ont$o o( be&a)iou$
and b$ain*as&ing/ T&ese a$e (a$ ($o! being s+ien+e-
(i+tion +on+e$ns, said C&angeux, and +onstitute Ga se$ious
$is1 to so+iet-G/ G=enis LeBi&an, a $esea$+&e$ at t&e
3$en+& Ato!i+ Ene$g- Co!!ission, tod t&e !eeting t&at
t&e use o( i!aging te+&ni5ues &as $ea+&ed t&e stage *&e$e
G*e +an a!ost $ead peopeCs t&oug&tsG/
B/ Signa #aga7ine, O+tobe$, 6??1, a$ti+e tited =e+oding
#inds b- =$/ Jo&n =/ %o$seen, o( Lo+1&eed #a$tin stated ,
GFe a$e at t&e point *&e$e t&is database &as been
de)eoped enoug& t&at *e +an use a singe ee+t$ode o$
so!et&ing i1e an ai$po$t se+u$it- s-ste! *&e$e t&e$e is a
do!e abo)e ou$ &ead to get enoug& in(o$!ation t&at *e
+an 1no* t&e nu!be$ -ouY$e t&in1ing,G
C/ US %e*s and Fo$d 2epo$t Jan >-1?, 6???, 2eading -ou$ #ind
and In'e+ting S!a$t T&oug&ts b- =ougas Paste$na1, p/ 67 5uotes
Jo&n %o$seen,
W///%o$seenYs t&eo$ies a$e g$ounded in +u$$ent s+ien+e/X
=/ T&e Fas&ington Ti!es, August 17, 6??6, t&e a$ti+e
entited %ASA Pans to 2ead Te$$o$istYs #inds at Ai$po$t stated,
GAi$po$t se+u$it- s+$eene$s !a- soon t$- to $ead t&e !inds
o( t$a)ee$s to identi(- te$$o$ists/ O((i+ias o( t&e %ationa
Ae$onauti+s and Spa+e Ad!inist$ation N%ASAO &a)e tod
%o$t&*est Ai$ines se+u$it- spe+iaists t&at t&e agen+- is
de)eoping b$ain-!onito$ing de)i+es in +oope$ation *it&
a +o!!e$+ia (i$!, *&i+& it did not identi(-/ Spa+e
te+&noog- *oud be adapted to $e+ei)e and ana-7e
b$ain-*a)e and &ea$tbeat patte$ns, t&en (eed t&at data into
+o!pute$i7ed p$og$a!s Cto dete+t passenge$s *&o
potentia- !ig&t pose a t&$eat,C a++o$ding to b$ie(ing
do+u!ents obtained b- T&e Fas&ington Ti!es/ %ASA
*ants to use Cnonin)asi)e neu$o-ee+t$i+ senso$s,C
i!bedded in gates, to +oe+t tin- ee+t$i+ signas t&at a
b$ains and &ea$ts t$ans!it/ Co!pute$s *oud app-
statisti+a ago$it&!s to +o$$eate p&-sioogi+ patte$ns *it&
+o!pute$i7ed data on t$a)e $outines, +$i!ina ba+1g$ound
and +$edit in(o$!ation ($o! C&und$eds to t&ousands o(
data sou$+es,C %ASA do+u!ents sa-/ ///2obe$t Pa$1,
spo1es!an (o$ t&e A!e$i+an P&-si+a So+iet-
stated, CFeY$e +ose to t&e point *&e$e t&e- +an te to an
extent *&at -ouY$e t&in1ing about b- *&i+& pa$t o( t&e
b$ain is a+ti)ated, *&i+& is +ose to $eading -ou$
!ind/ ///T&e idea is pausibe, &e sa-s, but ($ig&teningC/
E/ S+ien+e =igest 7-;8 page >? 5uoting T&o!as Jensen o(
C&i+agoYs 2us&-P$esb-te$ian St/ Lu1eYs #edi+a Cente$, and =onad
G*e &a)e dis+o)e$ed t&at 'ust be(o$e a pe$son sa-s a
pa$ti+ua$ *o$d, t&e b$ain e!its *a)es pe+uia$ to t&at
*o$d aone/ ///T&ese *a)es a$e t&e sa!e ($o! pe$son to
3/ T&in1, Sept.O+t 1DD6 =$/ 2i+&a$d Ca$1 at t&e 3inde$s Uni)e$sit-
o( Sout& Aust$aia *$ote t&e (oo*ing4
GA$ti(i+ia neu$a net*o$1 +o!pute$ p$og$a!s a$e used to
in+ude t&e abiit- to ea$n and $e+ogni7e si!pe patte$ns
o( t&oug&t ($o! t&e ee+t$i+a (ieds o( t&e b$ain/G
E/ S+ien+e =igest O+t/ 1D;1 entited #a+&ines t&at $ead #inds b-
Ea$- Seden stated t&at
GIndeed, CIA spo1espeope &a)e ad!itted [(oo*ingY
E2P NT&is is t&e *a)e(o$! t&at t&e b$ain +&a$a+te$isti+a-
e!its a(te$ abso$bing an exte$na e)entO $esea$+&, pe$&aps
t&e *a- t&e agen+- (oo*ed LS= $esea$+& in t&e
1DB?s/ ///Fit& $e!ote !onito$s, su+& an inst$u!ent *oud
be a sp-Ys d$ea!/G It is nai)e to t&in1 t&at t&e CIA &as not
expoited t&is $esea$+&/
H/ %atu$e, 1-66-1DD; T&e nationa bioet&i+s +o!!ittee is ta1ing
su+& t&$eats so se$ious- t&at it is aun+&ing a stud-/ T&e tite o( t&is
a$ti+e *as Ad)an+es in %eu$os+ien+e #a- T&$eaten Hu!an 2ig&ts/
=enis Le Bi&an, a $esea$+&e$ at t&e 3$en+& Ato!i+ Ene$g-
Co!!ission, stated
G*e +an a!ost $ead peopeYs t&oug&tsG/
I/ %e* S+ientist, 16-11-1DDD 9o/ 168, %o/ 6616 page 6B b-
E$a&a!-2o*e, =u+an, des+$ibed t&e te+&noog- as a +o!pute$
p$og$a!!ed unde$ t&e notion t&at !ost peope be&a)e in
p$edi+tabe *a-s *&en *a1ing to t&ei$ +a$/ T&is be&a)io$ is
t$ans(e$$ed into a !at&e!ati+a patte$n and t&e +o!pute$ $e+ogni7es
it as su+&/
GAn-one *&o de)iates ($o! t&is set patte$n, su+& as
so!eone *&o *a1s in +i$+es o$ *&o u$1s in s&ado*s,
*i set o(( an aa$!///G
T&is is 'ust a s!a exa!pe o( &u!an be&a)io$ and &o* it is studied
s+ienti(i+a-/ %o doubt *it& t&e poiti+a *i and t&e !one- o(
nationa se+u$it- de(ense, as )i+ti!s a$e aeging, &u!an be&a)io$
&as been studied and is +ont$oed b- go)e$n!ent te+&noog-/
#iita$- inte$est o$ (unding
A/ Hes, go)e$n!ent (unded/ U/S %e*s and Fo$d 2epo$t,
Jan >-1?, 6???, Jo&n %o$seen, 2eading Hou$ #ind and
In'e+ting S!a$t T&oug&ts b- =ougas Paste$na1, p/ 67
W///It sounds +$a7-, but Un+es Sa! is istening/
t&e %ationa Ae$onauti+s and Spa+e
Ad!inist$ation, T&e =e(ense Ad)an+ed
2esea$+& P$o'e+ts Agen+-, and t&e A$!-Ys
%ationa E$ound Inteigen+e Cente$ &a)e a
a*a$ded s!a basi+ $esea$+& +ont$a+ts to
%o$seen, *&o *o$1s (o$ Lo+1&eed-#a$tinYs
Inteigent S-ste!s =i)ision/ %o$seen is *aiting
to &ea$ i( t&e se+ond stage o( t&ese +ont$a+ts
-po$tions o( t&e! +assi(ied-+o!e t&$oug&/ G
7/ Causing pain to an- ne$)e o( t&e bod-
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A / Buetin o( Ato!i+ S+ientist, Sept 1DD8, So(t1i 3aa+- b-
Ste)e A(te$good, Page 8B/ Ba$ba$a Hat+& 2osenbe$g *$ites4
W#an- o( t&e non-et&a *eapons unde$
+onside$ation utii7e in($asound o$
ee+t$o!agneti+ ene$g- <in+uding ase$s,
!i+$o*a)e o$ $adio-($e5uen+- $adiation, o$
)isibe ig&t pused at b$ain-*a)e ($e5uen+-@ (o$
t&ei$ e((e+ts/ T&ese *eapons a$e said to +ause
te!po$a$- o$ pe$!anent binding, inte$(e$en+e
*it& !enta p$o+esses, !odi(i+ation o( be&a)io$
and e!otiona $esponse, sei7u$es, se)e$e pain,
di77iness, nausea and dia$$&ea, o$ dis$uption o(
inte$na o$gan (un+tions in )a$ious ot&e$ *a-s/G
B/ #a$ine Co$ps Ti!es, #a$+& B, 6??1, p/ 1?/, T&e
Peope Kappe$ b- C/ #a$1 B$in1e-,
W///(o+uses ene$g- into a bea! o(
!i+$o!ii!ete$ *a)es designed to stop an
indi)idua in &is t$a+1s/ ///T&e ene$g-, *&i+&
(as nea$ !i+$o*a)es on t&e ee+t$o!agneti+
spe+t$u!, +auses !oistu$e in a pe$sonYs s1in to
&eat up $apid-, +$eating a bu$ning sensation///X
C/ %u!e$ous ot&e$ a$ti+es on nonet&a *eapons, see
CAH2A *ebsite4 ***/d+n/da)is/+a/us.A*es&
#iita$- Inte$est o$ (unding
A / Hes, go)e$n!ent (unding and )e$- &ea)i-
;/ 2e!ote !anipuation o( &u!an be&a)io$ ($o! spa+e
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A/ Jou$na o( #i+$o*a)e Po*e$, 16<8@ 1D77, p/ >6?/ 2adiation
Bioe((e+ts 2esea$+& b- =odge and Ease$,
WT&e in(o$!ation exposion in t&is (ied &as been 5uite
d$a!ati+ sin+e 1D6D, *&en t&e inte$nationa data base *as
esti!ated to +onsist o( ess t&an 1,??? +itations/ In
addition to !aintaining in)ento$ies o( t&e ite$atu$e, *e
&a)e unde$ta1en ($o! ti!e to ti!e to p$o)ide assess!ents
o( inte$nationa t$ends in $esea$+&, de)eop!ent, and
o++upationa &eat& and sa(et-/ In t&e p$esent pape$, *e
*i +on+ent$ate on e)ents *&i+& &a)e t$anspi$ed sin+e ou$
ast $e)ie* e((o$t in 1D7B/ #a'o$ e)ents *&i+& &a)e ta1en
pa+e du$ing t&at pe$iod in+ude4 ///<B@ Unpubis&ed
ana-ses o( !i+$o*a)e bioe((e+ts ite$atu$e *&i+& *e$e
disse!inated to Cong$ess and to ot&e$ o((i+ias a$guing
t&e +ase (o$ $e!ote +ont$o o( &u!an be&a)io$ b- $ada$I
B/ #os+o* 2abo+&a-a T$ibuna, %o)/ 66, 1DD8, 3BIS, 2e( :
##>?111>?BD8 Ps-+&ot$oni+ A$!s Potentia #ust be #onito$ed,
b- Anatoi- Pus&en1o, !e!be$ o( t&e 2ussian 3ede$ation o( Spa+e
Expo$ation S+ienti(i+ and Te+&ni+a Coun+i4
W A p$o!inent spe+iaist spea1s (o$ t&e (i$st ti!e in ou$
p$ess in 2abo+&a-a T$ibuna about ps-+&ot$opi+ *eapons,
*&i+& sta$ted to be de)eoped in t&e sixties--spa+e-based
ene$g- s-ste!s +apabe o( 1iing e)e$- i)ing t&ing on t&e
panet and d$i)ing !iions o( peope +$a7-/ /// T&e$e a$e
($e5uen+ies t&at a$e bene(i+ia to peope, but natu$a-
t&e$e a$e aso t&ose *&i+& a$e &a7a$dous/ ///T&at is, it &as
a di$e+t p&-si+a e((e+t on t&e &u!an b$ain/ /// T&e te$$ibe
dange$ o( ps-+&ot$opi+ *eapons is t&e possibiit- o( t&ei$
si!utaneous- and une5ui)o+a- a((e+ting a$ge !asses
o( peope o)e$ &uge a$eas/
C/ #os+o* A$!e-s1i- Sbo$ni1, O+t/ 1DD6, %o/ 1?/ P/ ;;-D;, 3BIS,
2ussian a$ti+e, #o$i =o+I=4 B;717?, 2ussia4 %ationa In(o$!ation
Se+u$it- b- 2ussian #a'o$ Eene$a, 9ae$i- #ens&i1o), do+to$ o(
te+&ni+a s+ien+es, and Coone Bo$is 2odiono)/,
W///T&us, t&e ne* spa+e s-ste!s a$e potentia- dange$ous
($o! t&e aspe+t o( un(oding a *ide-s+ae [in(o$!ation
*a$Y and e)en +$eating goba s-ste!s (o$ +ont$oing
peopeYs be&a)io$ in an- $egion, ///X
=/ 3BIS N3o$eign B$oad+ast In(o$!ation Se$)i+eO a$ti+e b- Aain
Eossens4 Apo+a-pse %o*P HAA2P/// $epo$t ($o! B$usses
Tee!ousti5ue, 1DD7, 3BIS #o$i=o+I= B;718?, s+ientists, *eapons
expe$ts, EU !e!be$s on U/S HAA2P P$o'e+t
WA$e t&e A!e$i+ans +u$$ent- de)eoping a )ast
*eapons s-ste! +apabe o( s+anning t&e ent$ais
o( t&e ea$t& to see1 out se+$et bases, 'a!!ing
an- (o$! o( $adio +o!!uni+ations, in(uen+ing
&u!an be&a)io$/// %e)e$t&eess, i( one is a*a$e
o( t&e (a+t t&at t&e $ea sponso$s a$e t&e %a)-,
t&e Ai$ 3o$+e, and t&e =epa$t!ent o( =e(ense,
t&en it is &a$d to beie)e t&at it is not a p$o'e+t
(o$ !iita$- pu$poses/X
#iita$- inte$est o$ (unding
A / P$obab-/ See t$a+1ing o( ai$panes, t$a+1ing b- EPS/
Sateites +apabe o( ta1ing pi+tu$es o( i+ense pates, et+/
D/ Ha$ass!ent, st$ess s-!pto!s su+& as &ei+opte$s (-ing o)e$&ead
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A /T&e So$+e$e$Cs C&aenge 4 3ea$s and Hopes (o$ t&e Feapons o(
t&e %ext #ienniu!, S&u1!an, =a)id, London 4 Hodde$ "
Stoug&ton, 1DDB, P/ 66B N2e(/ Fa+o siege in 1DD>O
WT&e best t&e- N3BIO t&e- +oud do *as to !aintain a
ba$$age o( noise *it& &ei+opte$s and oudspea1e$s to 1eep
t&e (oo*e$s a*a1e and to t$- to unde$!ine t&ei$ N0o$es&
and (oo*e$Ys\ !o$ae/X
B/ A)iation Fee1 " Spa+e Te+&noog- 1-1D-1DD; p/BB on
in(o$!ation *a$(a$e and US +apabiities/
G///te+&ni5ues as esote$i+ as [!apping t&e ps-+&oogi+a
and +ogniti)e !a1eupY o( (o$eign eade$s o$ 1e- g$oups in
o$de$ to p$edi+t $ea+tions to !anipuated in(o$!ation, ///G /
C/ A)iation Fee1 " Spa+e Te+&noog- >-D-1DD;, page 61 stated
t&at N$e(/ USA3 Een/ Jo&n Ju!pe$O
GJu!pe$ ta1ed about toos t&at +oud///!a1e potentia
ene!ies see, &ea$ and beie)e t&ings t&at donYt existG
T&e !iita$- is dis+ussing t&e depo-!ent o( *eapons to do 'ust
t&at, +$eate s-!pto!s o( !enta iness/ And -et t&is in(o$!ation is
not ta1en se$ious- b- p$o(essionas and &as not been a++epted as
$ee)ant to )i+ti!Ys aegations/
=/ Ex+e$pts ($o! CAH2A
*ebsite4 ***/d+n/da)is/+a/us.A*es& /Muotes ($o! !iita$- 'ou$nas
and go)e$n!ent do+u!ent4
1/W///to +ont$o t&e *i and pe$+eption o( ad)e$sa$ies ///b-
app-ing a $egi!e o( s&o+1 and a*e///It is about e((e+ting
6/ WA de+o- and de+eption +on+ept Nusing !i+$o*a)esO to
W+$eate inteigibe spee+& [ in t&e &ead, [$aising t&e
possibiit- o( +o)e$t suggestion and ps-+&oogi+a
>/ Wtoos t&at +oud///!a1e potentia ene!ies see, &ea$ and
beie)e t&ings t&at donYt exist/X
8/ W///+$o*d +ont$o and u$ban *a$(a$e de)i+es t&at
te!po$a$i- +oud pa$a-7e an enti$e )iage/X
#iita$- inte$est and (unding
A / Hes/ See abo)e/
1?/ Seeing, as in a +a!e$a, t&$oug& -ou$ e-es, i/e/ to see *&at -ou see exa+t-
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A/ BBC %e*s Onine O+t 11, 1DDD, Loo1ing T&$oug& CatsC E-es
3u77-, But 2e+ogni7abe, =$/ =a)id F&ite&ouse, A BBC %e*s
a$ti+e $epo$ted on t&e (i$st pi+tu$es ($o! an expe$i!ent to see
t&$oug& t&e e-es o( a +at/
&ttp4..ne*s/bb+/+o/u1.&i.engis&.s+i.te+&.ne*sid 871???.8717;6/st!
#iita$- inte$est and (easibiit-
1?/ Un1no*n/
11/ Cont$o o( seep patte$ns
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A/ C%% ne*s b$oad+ast, Spe+ia Assign!ent, %o)/-1D;B, b- C&u+1
=eCa$o, Feapons o( Fa$, Is t&e$e an 23 EapP =$/ 2oss
Ade- dis+ussed a de!onst$ation o( t&e 1DB?s 2ussian Lida !a+&ine,
*&i+& used ee+t$o!agneti+ ene$g- to put 2ussian ps-+&iat$i+
patients to seep, as a substitute (o$ t$an5uii7e$s and to t$eat neu$oti+
distu$ban+es/ =$/ Ade- stated t&at it *o$1ed on +ats and dogs and
put t&e! to seep/
B/ T&e =e(ense and 3o$eign A((ai$s =ai-, Jun 7, 1D;>, 9o/ ]II,
%u!be$ 1?8, Ps--Fa$4 So)iet =e)i+e Expe$i!ent b- =$/ Ste(an T/
Posson- $epo$ted4 W///=$/ 2oss Ade-, +&ie( o( $esea$+& at Lo!a
Linda///sta$ted testing t&e !a+&ine Nt&e LidaO///t&e de)i+e is on oan
to =$/ 2oss Ade-/ [T&e !a+&ine is te+&ni+a- des+$ibed as [a distant
puse t$eat!ent appa$atus/ It gene$ates 8? !ega&e$t7
$adio*a)es *&i+& sti!uate t&e b$ainYs ee+t$o!agneti+ a+ti)it- at
substantia- o*e$ ($e5uen+iesX
#iita$- inte$est o$ (unding
A/ Hes/ / T&e =e(ense and 3o$eign A((ai$s =ai-, Jun 7,
1D;>, 9o/ ]II, %u!be$ 1?8, Ps--Fa$4 So)iet =e)i+e
Expe$i!ent b- =$/ Ste(an T/ Posson-/
W///On Ap$i 6D, 1D;> t&is aut&o$, as a
pa$ti+ipant in a pane at t&e =e(ense [;>
+on(e$en+e sponso$ed b- =e(ense and 3o$eign
A((ai$s, $epo$ted on =$/ Ade-Ys *o$1///T&ese
$e!a$1s *e$e dei)e$ed to a pane stud-ing
ps-+&oogi+a *a$(a$e/X
16/ Co!pute$-b$ain inte$(a+e, +ont$o and +o!!uni+ation
Pubis&ed E)i+en+e
*ide BA6 Appied 2esea$+& 2-1 ITE#
%O#E%CLATU2E Co!puting S-ste!s and Co!!uni+ations
Te+&noog- PE ?6?6>?1E, P$o'e+t ST-1D T&e Aug!ented Cognition
<AugCog@ p$og$a! *i de)eop t&e !eans to !easu$e a sub'e+tYs
+ogniti)e state in $ea ti!e and !anipuate it to a++o!pis& t&e
(un+tions/ T&e goa o( t&e Aug!ented Cognition p$og$a! is to
de)eop !et&ods t&at integ$ate digita de)i+es t&at suppo$t !e!o$-,
pe$+eption, and t&in1ing, and in1 t&at suppo$t *it& t&e use$Ys
+ontext state in(o$!ation to di$e+t- i!p$o)e t&e o)e$a +ogniti)e
pe$(o$!an+e o( t&e *a$(ig&te$/ T&e Pe$+eptua P$o+essing =ispa-
p$og$a! (o+uses on expoiting neu$os+ien+e and pe$+eptua
p$o+essing te+&noogies to $edesign de)i+es t&at dei)e$ in(o$!ation
to t&e &u!an pe$+eptua s-ste!/ T&ese ne* de)i+es *i be abe to
ext$a+t $ee)ant signa ($o! ext$aneous ba+1g$ound noise, t&$oug&
pe$+eptua !odeing/ T&is p$og$a! *i de)eop te+&noogies t&at
si!pi(- $ee)ant, and ei!inate i$$ee)ant, in(o$!ation to i!p$o)e
pe$+eption, +o!p$e&ension, !e!o$-, in(e$en+e, and de+ision-
!a1ing/ Spe+i(i+a-, t&is p$og$a! *i de!onst$ate t&e
!anipuation o( pe$+eptua data aong &und$eds o( di!ensions o(
t&e &u!an pe$+eptua s-ste!, and *i $esut in t&e doubing o(
&u!an in(o$!ation p$o+essing
pe$(o$!an+e/ &ttp4..***/da$pa/!i.bod-.pd(.3H?>BudEst/pd(
#iita$- inte$est
16/ Hes/ See abo)e/
1>/ Co!pex +ont$o o( t&e b$ain su+& as $et$ie)ing !e!o$ies, i!panting
Pubis&ed E)iden+e
A/Con)e$ging Te+&noogies (o$ I!p$o)ing Hu!an Pe$(o$!an+e, A
%ationa S+ien+e 3oundation .U/S/ =epa$t!ent o( Co!!e$+e-
sponso$ed $epo$t <6??6@/ 2ee)ant ex+e$pts/ 3u text
List o( Pa$ti+ipants and Cont$ibuto$s in+uded %ASA, O((i+e o(
%a)e 2esea$+&, =A2PA, Sandia %ationa Labs, USA3 2esea$+&
Labs, 2at&eon, Lu+ent Te+&noogies, #IT andStan(o$d/
i/ Expanding Hu!an Cognition and Co!!uni+ation/ Page ;B/
W///T$u-, t&e !ind is t&e (ina ($ontie$, and un$a)eing its
!-ste$ies *i &a)e t$e!endous p$a+ti+a bene(its/
///3aiu$e to in)est in t&e ne+essa$- !utidis+ipina$-
$esea$+& *oud dea- o$ e)en p$e)ent t&ese bene(its to t&e
e+ono!-, to nationa se+u$it-, and to indi)idua *e-
being/ 2apid $e+ent p$og$ess in +ogniti)e s+ien+e and
$eated (ieds &as b$oug&t us to t&e point *&e$e *e +oud
a+&ie)e se)e$a b$ea1t&$oug&s t&at *oud be o( g$eat
)aue to !an1ind/ ///3o$ exa!pe, p$og$ess in t&e
+ogniti)e neu$os+ien+e o( t&e &u!an b$ain &as been
a+&ie)ed t&$oug& ne* $esea$+& !et&odoogies, based in
bot& bioog- and in(o$!ation s+ien+e, su+& as (un+tiona
!agneti+ $esonan+e i!agining <(#2I@ and in($a$ed
senso$s/ Ho*e)e$, *e a$e $ea+&ing t&e $esoution i!its o(
+u$$ent inst$u!entation, (o$ exa!pe be+ause o( +on+e$ns
about t&e sa(et- o( &u!an $esea$+& sub'e+ts <3ood and
=$ug Ad!inist$ation 1DD;@, so p$og$ess *i sta 5ui+1-
uness b$ea1t&$oug&s in %BIC +an gi)e us $esea$+& toos
*it& !u+& g$eate$ $esoution, sensiti)it-, and +apa+it- to
ana-7e data/X
ii/ Page ;6/ T&e Hu!an Cogno!e P$o'e+t/
WIt is ti!e to aun+& a Hu!an Cogno!e P$o'e+t,
+o!pa$abe to t&e su++ess(u Hu!an Eeno!e P$o'e+t, to
+&a$t t&e st$u+tu$e and (un+tions o( t&e &u!an !ind/ %o
p$o'e+t *oud be !o$e (unda!enta to p$og$ess
t&$oug&out s+ien+e and enginee$ing, o$ *oud $e5ui$e a
!o$e +o!pete uni(i+ation o( %BIC s+ien+es/ ///F&ie t&e
$esea$+& *oud in+ude a +o!pete !apping o( t&e
+onne+tions in t&e &u!an b$ain, it *oud be (a$ !o$e
extensi)e t&an neu$os+ien+e/ ///So!e pa$ti+ipants in t&e
&u!an +ognition and +o!!uni+ation *o$1ing g$oup *e$e
i!p$essed b- t&e ong-te$! potentia (o$ upoading
aspe+ts o( indi)idua pe$sonait- to +o!pute$s and $obots,
t&e$eb- expanding t&e s+ope o( &u!an expe$ien+e, a+tion,
and onge)it-/X
iii/ Page ;;/ State!ents and 9isions
/G Pa$ti+ipants in t&e &u!an +ognition and +o!!uni+ation
pane +ont$ibuted a nu!be$ o( state!ents, des+$ibing t&e
+u$$ent situation and suggesting st$ategies (o$ buiding
upon it, as *e as t$ans(o$!ati)e )isions o( *&at +oud be
a++o!pis&ed in ten o$ t*ent- -ea$s t&$oug& a
+on+ent$ated e((o$t/X
i)/ Page 6;7 %ationa Se+u$it-, T&e!e Su!!a$-/
/ W///In)est!ent in +on)e$gent %anote+&noog-,
Biote+&noog-, In(o$!ation te+&noog- and Cogniti)e
s+ien+e N%BICO is expe+ted to $esut in inno)ati)e
te+&noogies t&at $e)outioni7e !an- do!ains o( +on(i+t
and pea+e1eeping/ ///As (o$!e$ =e(ense Se+$eta$-
Fiia! J/ Pe$$- &as noted, t&ese a$e t&e te+&noogi+a
b$ea1t&$oug&s t&at a$e CC&anging t&e (a+e o( *a$ and &o*
*e p$epa$e (o$ *a$/C T&e$e a$e nu!e$ous spe+ia
p$og$a!s, $epo$ts and p$esentations t&at add$ess t&ese
goas/ T&e =epa$t!ent o( =e(ense &as designated
nanos+ien+e as a st$ategi+ $esea$+& a$ea in o$de$ to
a++ee$ate t&e expe+ted bene(its <#u$da- 1DDD@/
///Appi+ations o( b$ain-!a+&ine inte$(a+e/ T&e
+on)e$gen+e o( a (ou$ %BIC (ieds *i gi)e *a$(ig&te$s
t&e abiit- to +ont$o +o!pex entities b- sending +ont$o
a+tions p$io$ to t&oug&ts <+ognition@ being (u- (o$!ed/
T&e intent is to ta1e b$ain signas <nanote+&noog- (o$
aug!ented sensiti)it- and nonint$usi)e signa dete+tion@
and use t&e! in a +ont$o st$ateg- <in(o$!ation
te+&noog-@, and t&en i!pa$t ba+1 into t&e b$ain t&e
sensations o( (eedba+1 signas <biote+&noog-@/X
B/ In App$oa+&ing t&e 61st Centu$-4 Oppo$tunities (o$ %I#H
%eu$os+ien+e 2esea$+&, T&e %ationa Ad)iso$- #enta Heat&
Coun+i 2epo$t to Cong$ess on t&e =e+ade o( t&e B$ain, Jan/1D;; b-
USHHS/ Page 8D stated
GSe)e$a in)estigato$s &ad noted t&at *&en neu$ons *e$e
gi)en b$ie( but intense &ig&-($e5uen+- sti!uation t&ei$
ee+t$i+a p$ope$ties *e$e +&anged in *a-s t&at *oud (it
t&ose p$oposed (o$ !e!o$-4 T&e +&anges *e$e t$igge$ed
b- an ee+t$i+a e)ent, t&e- *e$e st$engt&ened b-
$epetition, and t&e- pe$sisted inde(inite-/ ///t&e s+ientists
(ound t&at intense &ig&-($e5uen+- puses t$igge$ an
unusua- a$ge $eease o( +a+iu! in t&e post s-napti+
#iita$- inte$est o$ (unding
18/ Hes/ See abo)e/

<T&an1 -ou to t&ose *&o sent !e !u+& o( t&is in(o$!ation4 Tessa Pugia,
Ha$an Ei$a$d, #a$go C&e$ne-, and Jo&n Einte$/@
C&e$- Fes&, #a$+&, 6??>

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