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Integrated Service Management and Energy

Efficiency System Through Cloud Computing


Laura Davlea,Bogdan Teodorescu
Quartz Matrix Ltd Iasi

Abstract: The paper presents an integrated
system for energy management provided
through cloud computing.. The system includes
also a network of autonomous addressable,
distributed modules,for metering the energy
consumption and a module for energy
consumption prediction
1 Overview
The system presented in this paper consists
of an integrated system for energy
management based on a cloud platform. The
integrated service management and energy
efficiency software applications also
includes a network of autonomous
addressable, distributed modules ,for
metering energy consumption and for
providing visual energy budget status to
field clients. Developing an effective energy
management and cloud services platform
has the following advantages :
- quick and easy access to the full version of
the system, the guarantee of the updated
- running the application on a performance
hardware ;
- superior technologies for back-up and virus
protection that provides data integrity and
-role based access control for information

Bogdan teodorescu
Quartz Matrix Ltd Iasi

-high availability of the platform and rapid
disaster recovery;
- worldwide access with Internet browser;
-quick system scalability without disruption
of activity;
-cloud Platform provides increased
flexibility, ease of management and lower
operating costs for IT systems to
-The system provides a dynamic , real-time
image of energy consumption, consolidating
a database that allows highlighting
opportunities for intervention for energy
efficiency and at the same time determine
the consumption pattern and precise
forecasting consumption which has a
positive effect on the acquisition cost of
- Keeping tracking of the energy budget, in
real time, combined with automatic alarm
mechanism avoids penalties for non-
compliancy with planned consumption and
rapid detection of consumer issues with the
possibility of rapid intervention;
Our solution covers the functions of :
physical parameters reading, consolidating
databases evolutionary history of consumer
consumption and technical parameters, data
processing and generating real-time alarms
and controls, providing reports (technical,
commercial and managerial ) and data
visualization, real-time calculation of energy
intensities and operational costs,
determining consumer forecasts.
The software is delivered as a service from
a cloud computing platform. The on-site part
of the system is based on monitoring and
management hardware modules that ensure
recording of actual consumption to keep it
within the limits of predicted and budgeted
energy for consumption centers .

2. Architecture system
The hierarchical system is on two levels :
Field Level (on-site equipment). This
level covers acquisition and initial
processing unit data, display capabilities of
real-time information.
er cloud
computing with implementation of hardware
and software structure optimized for
processing large volumes of data from
multiple field devices located geographically
extensive .
Between the two levels the link is
represented by data communication system
for wide area. The system is IP address type,
cable connection or wireless (cellular
Functional block structure is shown in
Figure 1.

For field devices ,the selected platform is
based on ARM processor family , produced
by Texas Instruments, packet on a small
board with memory and communication
interfaces. Using Embedded Linux platform
allows re-use of communication library
interface and archival data, such as Open
Source.Not least, small size, fully static
operation, no moving parts, provide higher
availability and reliability.
Data network WAN (Wide Area Network )
provides connection between field devices,
distributed over a large geographical area,
and the server application.WAN network
must provide secure access to resources,
unique addressing devices, flow data
sufficiently to transfer information from the
field on the server ( more than 115200
bauds), better availability of 99.9 %
annually .

Field device
Central Unit
LCD, keypad,
Led Panel
FTP Server
Storage Date
Cloud Structure HW/SW
Ethernet or
Field autonomous unit with
measurement and control
hardware and software
24VCC or 240V CA
Data storage, primary
analyzes information,
real-time alerts, local
interfaces and parameter
information, data
communications, access
Consolidare date teren, rapoarteistorice consolidate, avertizari de sistem,
prelucrarestatistica date, generaretendintesiprevizionate, securizare date siacces
Fig 1 Functional block structure
The system use field module equipped with
communication capability (USB to serial
ports - RS232 or RS485 - GPRS modem and
local network Ethernet port UTP). Access to
measuring and sensor is on a local bus
RS485 cable, the network Zigbee frequency
type hopping radio(long distance ) or radio
network such as Bluetooth LE sensors at
short distance(<20 m). Several data channels
can be connected to the integrated module
(embedded ) via a USB hub . For signaling
and local control, field module uses a block
of digital I / O and a serial port
RS232/RS485 to an external device, an
alphanumeric display. Connection to remote
application server can be done via GPRS
modem connected to USB port. The modem
connects to the server via public or private
network (VPN ). The WAN connection may
also be done via the Ethernet port through a
router(wired or wireless service GPRS (
3G/4G ) ) .

3.Infrastructure virtualization of
cloud system
Cloud architecture installs the infrastructure
for client access to databases of
measurements and custom reports. The
system should provide secure access through
user authentication and grant access rights
according to the hierarchy of roles
established. Physical infrastructure elements
used are:
- Multiprocessor servers with large memory
(to support the high performance
virtualization services), redundant power
systems (to ensure high availability of
equipment and incident situations), multiple
Ethernet adapters and high performance to
ensure data traffic internally / externally.
- Storage units (Storage), NAS (Network
Attached Storage) with high speed disk
transfer, dedicated operating system
(Windows or Linux Server Storage custom
editions), dual power, high speed multiple
Ethernet adapters, implementation of a
RAID system to ensure data integrity
without penalizing transfer speed (5/50/60).
- L3 Ethernet Switch with speed on ports
greater than 1 Gbps and dual redundant
internal structure of the network
- Internet Access Router allows Internet
service provider interconnection, packet
- Integrated security equipment data
package, designed to ensure security at the
hardware level with the possibility to control
the Firewall and VPN structures.
- Support Systems:
Air conditioning and heat removal
Physical support equipment - Rack
Secure perimeter intruder alarm and access
Fire detection and extinguishing automatic
Video Surveillance
Physical infrastructure elements are
interconnected at the control software level
by the device software drivers, that need to
be adapted to the operating system,
virtualization and cloud service delivery.
To the level of core services, cloud
architecture must deliver services:
- Centralized management of virtual
- Management of real and virtual data
network and monitoring performance
indicators for network traffic.
- Control the storage and allocation of space
- Management of user accounts and
monitoring data load actually used (memory
/ processor / storage space / capacity data
- Provide authorization and authentication of
- Management of virtual image backup and
functional continuity insurance in case of an
- Schedule automatic tasks and processes.
- Scheduling and monitoring service that
runs in the background
- User interfaces for local and remote clients

4.User roles structure design for
control access to resources and
- Users are segmented in user groups
(administrator / manager / user) that
applies cloud infrastructure security
policies and access control, based on
security templates group. Rights are
allocated based on the Strategy -
bottom up that allows only what is
needed (Needed only open up down).
The strategy ensures minimum
vulnerability by blocking the default
access to data and services and
opening only explicit function of group
and user role. Effective rights are
defined at the application level based on
username / password and result from
the intersection of generic rights group
with specific application ENEF rights.
For some categories of users, rights are
further restricted on their work area
based on the name. Working procedure
adopted allows:
- Fast generation user account templates
based on tested and certified procedure
for securing data access;
- Quick audit of the system of access
rights by structuring roles;
- Monitoring users and unauthorized
access attempts;
- Transfer of rights to other applications
within the same cloud;
- Use of security mechanisms, access
control and monitoring of cloud
infrastructure (very safe) and relief of
ENEF application level security
- The cloud infrastructure users have a
unique mechanism of validation and
control / monitoring access but within
different applications can have different
roles. Validate user access control fit
into a certain group but in a group,
depending on the application access
can perform different roles for the same
- Last restricting of rights and access
areas is done at the ENEF application
level, based on template group, matrix
roles and user affiliation to a
consumption area.

- 5.Conclusion

Integrated system for energy management
provided through cloud computing has as
main advantages:
-scalability, and flexibility by using
intelligent field modules with local storage,
information processing and communication
through GPRS modem , local network
Ethernet capabilities.
-accessibility of reporting services through
- Increased efficiency, reduced
administration and lower costs.
-the possibility of a monthly fee that
includes all new versions of applications and
thus more accessible to customers.

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