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The spirit of the name Sonalika which literally means 'Sone ki Lakeerein' or Lines of Gold has not
only helped the country in becoming self sufficient in food grains but also ensured that it turns India
into an exporter of food grains through the surplus in domestic production. International Tractors
Limited, manufacturer of Sonalika arm !"uipment and Tractors under the brand name 'Sonalika'
has taken the same spirit forward not only in India but to o#er $% countries across the world and has
become a name to reckon with. Incorporated in &'(' to accomplish newer heights of success,
Sonalika Group has come a long way. Today the group is among the top three tractor manufacturers
of India and pro#ides a complete product line including tractors, multi)utility #ehicles, engines,
farm machinery attachments, diesel gen)sets, auto components and pick * carry cranes.
The group understands the re"uirements of its customers fairly well and tries coming up with
exceptional tailor)made products suiting their needs. The group's state)of)the)art production plants
spread across many acres and are strategically established in a pollution free +one in ,un-ab and
.imachal ,radesh. Sonalika group started its -ourney of success during &'$( when foundation of
small)scale unit to fabricate and assemble wheat)har#esting machines was laid. It was named as
/Sonalika 0gro Industries.1 2ith the passage of the time this small initiati#e step taken by 3ittals
in &'$( turned into great success due to the undiluted efforts of the promoters and thousands of
employees who worked unfiltered throughout.
The great success pro#ide further moti#ation ultimately resulting in setting up to new plants in the
name of International Tractors Limited for the production of tractors, the demand and re"uirement
of which was steadily growing at that time. The plant, which was set, up at 4hak)Gu-ran
5.oshiarpur6 and is spread o#er an area of approx. (7 acres and it obtained the certificate of
incorporation on 8( eb. &''(. 4ompany got IS9 '%%& certificate in 0pril &'''. 4ompany is also
running its own agriculture e"uipment making industries, which are producing thrasher, disk arrow,
wheat har#ester etc. they ha#e got collaboration with :enault 0griculture Ltd. 5rance6 in eb.&'''.
:enault 0griculture pro#ided state of art technology and latest design. Today, Sonalika has become
synonymous to prosperity, success and growth. Sonalika has responded really well to its customers'
needs in India and abroad.
About Top Executives
Mr. L.D. Mittal is the 4hairman of The Sonalika Group 4ompanies. .e is a thorough professional
with an illustrious experience of more than ;% years in a ,ublic Sector !nterprise of repute in India.
0part from this, he is the 4hairman < =irector of twenty two other companies in India. .e has been
the 4hairman of Tractor 3anufacturer's 0ssociation of India. .e has been awarded many accolades
including Pri!e o" t#e Natio$ a%ar!& '!#(ao) Ratta$ a%ar!& Er$st * You$) E$trepre$eur o"
t#e Year a%ar! etc.
Mr. A.+. Mittal is the >ice 4hairman of The Sonalika Group 4ompanies. .e is a self made
industrialist with a pro#en record of extra)ordinary inno#ation and business acumen. 0part from
this, he is >ice 4hairman < 3anaging =irector * =irector of twenty two companies in India.
Mr. Deepa, Mittalis the 3anaging =irector of International tractors Ltd. .e is an ardent
economist and is known as for a strong customer orientation in all businesses. .e is 3= of more
than 8% 4ompanies. 3r. 3ittal is acti#e in #arious 4S: acti#ities including a pro-ect on
en#ironment protection etc.
-isio$& Missio$ * Core -alues
To become the 2orld's leading tractor manufacturing company and a ma-or player in automoti#e
products and ser#ices.
To pro#ide #alue for money to the customers by producing .igh ?uality Inno#ati#e ,roducts at
competiti#e price.
To translate #ision into reality.
Core -alues
ast adaptability to change.
Inno#ati#e in fields and business.
9ffer ser#ice with a smile to customers.
,ro#ide en-oyable working en#ironments to employees.
Lo)o Ratio$ale
Re! symboli+es the strength, power, determination, and desire of company.
Yello% surrounding the Sonalika produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates
mental acti#ity, and generates the same.
.ree$ Lea" in the center symboli+es growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. @lue underlining
the logo associates with power, elegance, and formality.
Ora$)e surroundings the complete logo represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creati#ity,
encouragement, and stimulation. 0ll this permutation of persona represents the Sonalika group as an
asset in the industry
.lobal Prese$ce
The credit of Sonalika's success goes to its sheer dedication that enabled it to tra#erse beyond
national boundaries and car#e a niche for itself. Today Sonalika Group is known for its world class
"uality products not only in India but across the globe. Today, Sonalika products are making their
presence felt in more than (8 countries. The global recognition of Sonalika's growth has been
highlighted by strategic in#estment into the group by leading International @rands like Aanmar of
Bapan. Cot -ust this, the group also has its own :esearch * =e#elopment wing with world)class
facilities adhering to the highest "uality standards.
+o$ali,a tractors #ave prese$ce i$ t#e "ollo%i$) cou$tries
0lgeria =: 4ongo Lesotho :ussia Tunisia
0ngola =ubai Libya Saudi 0rabia Turkey
0rgentina !cuador 3adagascar Senegal Dganda
0rmenia !gypt 3alawi Seychelles DS0
0ustralia !thiopia 3ali Sierra Leona Aemen
@angladesh Gambia 3auritius Slo#enia Eambia
@enin Ghana 3orocco South 0frica Eimbabwe
@ra+il Guatemala 3o+ambi"ue Sri Lanka
@urkina aso Iran Camibia Sudan
@urundi Ira" Cepal Suriname
4ameroon I#ory 4oast Ciger Swa+iland
4anada Bordan Cigeria Syria
4hile Fenya ,eru Tan+ania
4roatia Fuwait ?atar Togo

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