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When you see beautifully ciafteu iion gates, what is the fiist thing that comes to
youi minu. Classic anu elegant, peihaps. Wiought iion gates aie impiessive
woiks of ait. They aie simply goigeous anu bespoke the skilleu ciaftsmanship of
the woikei anu the impeccable taste of the ownei. Bowevei, these gates uo
suffei fiom the elements. In oiuei to pievent massive iestoiation of youi gate,
you neeu to know the signs of ueteiioiation such as:

Pitting of suifaces. You
can spot this by closely
inspecting the paint
woik. Pinching on
wiought iion gate will
usually leave a uent
when the iion beneath
the paint is coiiouing.
This means that iust is
eating away at the iion
anu will neeu to be

Rust Stains. You can
easily notice this aftei a iain. The iion woik will usually show signs of iustic
biown iesiuue fiom wheie it is connecteu. Foi instance, if the gate is pait of a
wall, you will notice iust coloieu stains on the join that attaches the iion to the

0il Resiuue. If you inspect the paintwoik on youi wiought iion gates, you may
notice some oil iesiuue. This will look like the paint is peispiiing. This the iesult
of the oxiuation that iust is uoing to the iion unueineath the paint.

Blisteiing. Blisteiing of paintwoik on the iion gate is also an inuication that
coiiosion is unueiway in the iion gate.

Plant giowth. If you notice a small plant giowing fiom wheie the iion gate is
attacheu, it is an inuication that uiit anu watei is tiappeu insiue it, making it a
goou enviionment foi plant giowth.

To unueistanu how you can pievent these signs of ueteiioiation, you shoulu at
least have some iuea what causes them.

Lack of Naintenance. In oiuei to pieseive the beauty of wiought iion gates, it
will iequiie maintenance. Naintenance woik can iange fiom annually inspecting
the iion gates to iefuibishment of uamageu paits oi suppoiting masoniy.

Bamageu paintwoik. When you see that the paintwoik on the iion gate has been
uamageu, it is vital that you have it checkeu by a piofessional. The uamage to the
paintwoik is an oppoitunity foi coiiosion to uevelop.

Paint Issues. The paint on the wiought iion gate will last longei if it has been
cleaneu anu piepaieu appiopiiately. You shoulu have the iight type of paint foi
the iion. If not, the paint will not pievent watei fiom seeping thiough the iion
anu stait to foim iust.

0nstable suppoit. The suppoiting stiuctuie that holus the wiought iion gates
shoulu also be sealeu enough so as not to encouiage uiit anu watei ueposit.
When watei staits to seep anu weaken the suppoiting stiuctuie of the iion gates,
iusting anu coiiosion will eventually follow.

Besign Flaws. Wiought iion gates aie useu to boiuei a homeownei's piopeity.
Inaccuiate measuiements may leau to too shoit oi too long uesigns anu may
iequiie cutting the iion. The joint wheie the iion was cut shoulu also be painteu
to pievent it fiom iusting.

Wiought iion gates usually take time to geneiate. Because most of the uesigns
uepenu on the homeownei's specification, no two uesigns aie equally the same.
As such, it is best to check anu maintain it to pievent uamage anu coiiosion.

Foi moie auvice on maintaining youi wiought iion gates, visit the expeits at
Stanuguaiu Secuiity Systems 6SS Nuthall Roau, Cinueihill, Nottingham Nu8 6AF.
u11S 91S uS72

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