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instigate - provoke
2. Torment - Unbearable physical pain ------------ moov a se ahaa tak
3. Imbroglio - a very embarrassing misunderstanding; confusing and
intricate interpersonal or --- confusia gae
4. emanate-Give out (breath or an odour) -------- dhuaan chodna
5. cadastre-A public register showing the details of ownership and value of
land; made for the purpose of taxation ------------- muneemji ki kitaab
6. caveats- A statement that limits or restricts some claim ------------ rokh
7. formidable-Extremely impressive in strength or excellence -------------- sh
8. impetus - force drift
9. feign - pretend
10. lynched - killed
11. flout- treat with contemptuous disregard.-------------- bezati karna
12. dubious- Fraught with uncertainty or doubt ------------- doubt karna
13. impingement- a collision or an impact on something -------------- kisi chiz
ka waaar hone
14. contentious-
15. knack - A special way of doing something ------------ kuch karne ka
anokha tarika
16. exalted- elevated honoured --------------- izzat dene padvi dena
17. vaunt- Extravagant self-praise ----------------------- badi maami vli hurqat
18. appalled -Struck with fear, dread, or consternation --------------
19. impassioned - Characterized by intense emotion -----pychologicalll
20. ardent ----------------------pychologicalll ganpat
21. cacoethes - mania, irrational but irresistible motive for a deed or belief
or action ------ pychologicalll
22. Voracious - Excessively greedy and grasping -------- dalidree sasur
23. edacious - bhukkaad
24. esurient - bahut bhukhaaaa
25. rapacious - bhukkha bhedious
26. Incarcerated - jail mein band kar dena
27. Eclectic - Selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
28. Meddling - interfering --------- tang adana
29. obsolescence
30. disgorgement- The reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach
through the mouth
31. promulgated -formally made public --------- publicaly batadena
32. propitious-Presenting favourable circumstances; likely to result in or
show signs of success
33. fervour-Feelings of great warmth and intensity
34. insolent-Marked by casual disrespect
35. bodacious
36. brassy
37. impudent
38. barefaced
39. carcasses-The dead body of an animal especially one slaughtered and
dressed for food
40. altercation- noisy quarrel
41. collude-Act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or
illegal purpose
42. innocuous -Not injurious to physical or mental health; Not causing
disapproval; Lacking intent or capacity to injure
43. imbecile-idiot
44. vacuous-empty
45. bouts
46. Lurking - wait for attack
47. gleaned-reaped
48. crevice-A long narrow depression in a surface
49. trepidation -A feeling of alarm or dread
50. fray-noisy fight
51. liaison-link , intamacy
52. treading-
53. extrication-untangaling
54. littoral-shore area
55. incensed- angered
56. garrulous- talkative
57. amelioration-The act of relieving ills and changing for the better
58. plummeting-dropping shraply
59. accentuation
60. commensurate-equally large
61. ingenious-
62. ingenuous-Lacking in sophistication or worldliness
63. peered -looking
64. grotesque-Distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and
65. tatter- rag small
66. requisitioned
67. id est- in other wrds
68. blight-A state or condition being blighted
69. brusque-crude
70. bandy- toss around
71. vilification-Slanderous defamation;A rude expression intended to offend
or hurt
72. monograph-
73. internecine-internal
74. disparate-different
75. hindsight-understanding of event after it has happened
76. ludicrous-Broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce
77. ignoramuses-
78. Platonic-free from physical desire/ related to platos philosophy
79. connivance-Agreement on a secret plot
80. cronyism-Favouritism shown to friends and associates (as by appointing
them to positions without regard for their qualifications)
81. glee-Malicious satisfaction
82. extant -surviving
83. perverse-Deviating from what is considered moral, right, proper or good
84. biddable -Willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without
85. ravaged-Having been robbed and destroyed by force and violence
86. abatement-An interruption in the intensity or amount of something
87. hiatus
88. reprieve
89. reminiscent-Serving to bring to mind
90. stymieing-Hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of
91. obfuscate- to make unclear
92. spurred-Incite or stimulate; Give heart or courage to
93. deleterious -damaging
94. besotted
95. deplore
96. affable-friendly
97. excerpt-extract
98. primordial-Having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original
stage or state
99. scuttling -To move about or proceed hurriedly; Deliberately sink a ship
or boat

1. precarious-Affording no ease or reassurance
2. insouciance-The cheerful feeling you have when nothing is troubling you
3. platitudes-A trite or obvious remark
4. banalities
5. wont-habit
6. apathy-lack of enthusiasm
7. Rapporteur - A recorder appointed by a committee to prepare reports of
the meetings
8. Ubiquitous-omnipresent
9. extradition(n)-The surrender of an accused or convicted person by one
state or country to another (usually under the provisions of a statute or
10. venality-Prostitution of talents, offices or services for reward
11. odium- State of disgrace resulting from detestable behaviour;Hate
coupled with disgust
12. sever
13. decry
14. non-est
15. lynched- Kill without legal sanction
16. acolyte -follower
17. liaison-A channel for communication between groups
18. plebiscite
19. masquerading
20. cetacean
21. eschew
22. insular-Relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island;
Suggestive of the isolated life of an island
23. modicum-moderate
24. slanderous-(used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to
discredit or malign
25. moratorium(n)-A legally authorized postponement before some
obligation must be discharged
26. corroborate(v)-Establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
27. quaint(n)-old time like
28. forfeited(
29. coveted (adj)-greatly desired
30. swarm(n)-collective noun fr insectde
31. doles-A share of money, food or clothing that has been charitably
given;Money received from the state
32. reparation-bhgataan after war
33. Emeritus-retired
34. apotheosis
35. condone - excuse
36. Opprobrium -harsh criticism or censure.
37. proletariat - labours
38. Commoditization
39. epistemology -The philosophical theory of knowledge
40. Evangelist- one who preaches Christian gospel
41. drudgery- gadha majdoori
42. horrendous
43. Voyeurism- seeing the girls in their pvt act (chuck berry)
44. scuffle, fray
45. dereliction
46. raison d'tre
47. moot(adjv)-
48. regaled
49. scathe- damage
50. plaintiffs
51. tort
52. Professedly
53. quid pro quo
54. rankled
55. Coup d'tat(N)-A sudden and decisive change of government illegally or
by force
56. indentured(ADJ.)(V)-bandhua majdoor
57. rejoinder(N)-A quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or
critical one);(law) a pleading made by a defendant in response to the
plaintiff's replication
58. au fait-Being up to particular standard or level especially in being up to
date in knowledge
59. fait accompli(n)- an irreversible accomplishment; accomplished fact
60. fiat(n)-(law) a legally binding command or decision entered on the court
record (as if issued by a court or judge)
61. modus operandi(n) -An unvarying or habitual method or procedure
62. impregnable(ADJ.)-Immune to attack; incapable of being tampered
with;Capable of conceiving;Incapable of being overcome, challenged or
63. yesteryear(N)-The time that has elapsed
64. CARCASE(N)-The dead body of an animal especially one slaughtered and
dressed for food
66. chicanery(N)- DHOKE BAJI SE JEETNA
70. Vantage(N)-Place or situation affording some advantage (especially a
comprehensive view or commanding perspective);The quality of having
a superior or more favourable position
71. niche(N)-A position particularly well suited to the person who occupies
it; A small concavity; (ecology) the status of an organism within its
environment and community (affecting its survival as a species)
72. congregation(N)-A group of people who adhere to a common faith and
habitually attend a given church; An assemblage of people, animals or
things collected together
73. dispora
74. Reconnaissance- act of scouting and exploring
75. extradited - deported, apne desh vpas bejna
76. plenum
77. bleak
78. crass-(of persons) so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and
79. condescend-Behave in a patronizing and condescending manner
80. anthropocentric-human centric
81. myriad-10000 , countless
82. hindsight(n)-Understanding the nature of an event after it has happened
83. abstain - stay away frm alcohol and cigerrette
84. exhortation-A communication intended to urge or persuade the
recipients to take some action;The act of exhorting; an earnest attempt
at persuasion
85. acumen-Shrewdness shown by keen insight
86. whammy(n)-curse
87. sycophant(n)-A person who tries to please someone in order to gain a
personal advantage
88. remission(n)-An abatement in intensity or degree (as in the
manifestations of a disease);A payment of money sent to a person in
another place;(law) the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law
case to another court)
89. blitz(n)-(military) a swift and violent military offensive with intensive
aerial bombardment
90. pittance(n)-An inadequate payment
91. suprema lex-supreme law
92. ardent(adj.)-characterized by emotion; Characterized by strong
enthusiasm; Glowing or shining like fire
93. wreath(garland)-Flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of
foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes
94. bedlam(n)-A state of extreme confusion and disorder
95. acrimonious(adv.)-Marked by strong resentment or cynicism
96. elusive(adj.)-difficult to describe
97. detritus(n)-The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken

1. hurl(v)-Throw forcefully
2. De jure(latin)-concerning law
3. nuance(n)-A subtle difference in meaning, opinion or attitude
4. impeccable(adj.)-Without fault or error
5. eerie(n)-Suggestive of the supernatural; mysterious; spooky
6. predicament-A situation from which extrication is difficult especially an
unpleasant or trying one
7. extrication-The act of releasing from a snarled or tangled condition
8. TRANSGRESSOR-offender
9. EGREGIOUS-atrocious
10. PREDILECTION-A predisposition in favour of something
11. CALUMNY-A false accusation of an offence or a malicious
misrepresentation of someone's words or actions
12. eulogy-A formal expression of praise for someone who has died recently
13. imbroglio-An intricate and confusing interpersonal or political
situation;A very embarrassing misunderstanding
14. emphatically-(advb)-Without question and beyond doubt
15. coveted -most desired
16. naivet-Lack of sophistication or worldliness
17. acrimony-A rough and bitter manner(disagreeableness)
18. paltry(n)-FALTU
19. Incumbent-Currently holding an office
20. picketing- dharna
21. seething- In constant agitation; extreme anger
22. elicit(v)-Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses);Deduce (a
principle) or construe (a meaning);(logic) derive by reason
23. ramify-branch
24. secede-Withdraw from an organization or communion
25. upheaval -A state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or
social conditions generally),protest
26. penury(n)-garibi
27. indigence(n)-garibi
28. acquitted(adjv.)(v)-Declared not guilty of a specific offence or crime;
legally blameless
29. gargantuan(adjv.)-gaint
30. panacea-Hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the
alchemists;(Greek mythology) the goddess of healing; daughter of
Aesculapius and sister of Hygeia
31. noxious-harmful to physical or mental health
32. corpus(n)-Capital as contrasted with the income derived from it;A
collection of writings
33. infringement
34. facade(n)-samne ke portion..building ka..ya ,kuch chupa ne ke liye naqad
35. spurious
36. ostensibly
37. reverence
38. indictment(N)-A formal document written for a prosecuting attorney
charging a person with some offence;An accusation of wrongdoing
39. blithely
40. quorum-A gathering of the minimal number of members of an
organization to conduct business
41. repatriation-act of returnig to own country
42. indemnify(v)-Secure against future loss, damage, or liability; give
security for;Make amends for; pay compensation for
43. escrow
44. brethren(n)-(plural) the lay members of a male religious order
45. impervious(adj)-Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected
46. thistle(n)-(type of wed)Any of numerous plants of the family Compositae
and especially of the genera Carduus and Cirsium and Onopordum
having prickly-edged leaves
47. emphatically(adv.)-Without question and beyond doubt
48. emphatic(adj.)-spoken with emphasis
49. exact(verb)-Claim as due or just;Take as an undesirable consequence of
some event or state of affairs
50. imprimatur(n)-Formal and explicit approval
51. Abject (adjv.)-Of the most contemptible kind; Most unfortunate or
miserable; Showing utter resignation or hopelessness; Showing
humiliation or submissiveness
52. disdain(n)(v)-Look down on with disdain ;Refuse with contempt
53. repatriate(v)(n)-Send someone back to his homeland against his will, as
of refugees; A person who has returned to the country of origin or
whose citizenship has been restored
54. scamp(n)(v)-One who is playfully mischievous;(music) perform hastily
and carelessly
55. Scamp (adjv.)- One who is playfully mischievous
56. veracity(n)-Unwillingness to tell lies; truthfulness; veraciousness
57. Erudite (adjv.)-Having or showing profound knowledge;
58. Insatiable (adjv.)-Impossible to satisfy;
59. reel(v)-Walk as if unable to control one's movements; Revolve quickly
and repeatedly around one's own axis; Wind onto or off a reel
60. savant(n)-someone who has been admitted to membership in a
scholarly field; learned
61. modicum(n)-A small, moderate or token amount
62. conjugal(adjv)-Of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between
a wife and husband
63. be gild-Decorate with, or as if with, gold leaf or liquid gold
64. beguiled (adjv.)-Filled with wonder and delight;(v)Influence by slyness
65. obstinate (adjv.)-Tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious
unwillingness to yield; Stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing.(v)Persist
stubbornly.(n) obstinance.(n) obstinancy
66. BROACH(N)(ADV.)- LADIES PIN, Bring up a topic for discussion
67. ABDICATE (V)-Give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or
duties and obligations.
68. EMBROILED-(ADV.) Deeply involved especially in something
complicated.(VRB.) Force into some kind of situation, condition, or
course of action
69. APPREHENSIVE- In fear or dread of possible evil or harm, Quick to
70. CONNOTE-Express or state indirectly, Involve as a necessary condition of
consequence; as in logic.
71. UNFETTERING - release from restraint or inhibition.
72. pandemonium - confusion
73. CONSORTIUM - A group of individuals or companies formed to transact
some specific business or to promote a common interest,(law) a
person's right to all the normal relationships with their spouse
74. IMPLEAD-To sue in court in response to an earlier pleading
75. REMIT-Send (money) in payment, Hold back to a later time, Release
from (claims, debts, or taxes),Refer (a matter or legal case) to another
committee or authority or court for decision, Forgive
76. VIDE-1. (used to direct a reader to a specified place in a text, another
book, etc) refer to, see (often in the phrases vide ante (see before), vide
infra (see below), vide post (see after), vide supra (see above), vide ut
supra (see as above), etc). Abbreviation: v or Abbreviation vid
77. INFIRMITY-weakness
78. PRUDENT-Careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment
79. HOLIER-THAN-THOU-Excessively or hypocritically pious, self righteous.
80. SKIRMISHES-small fights
81. PETROGLYPS-stone paintings
82. ALIBI-excuse
83. DRUDGERY-Hard monotonous routine work
84. EFFICACY-Capacity or power to produce a desired effect
85. ABETMENT-The verbal act of urging on
86. CONTINGENCY-eventfulness
87. EXCHEQUER-The funds of a government, institution or individual
89. Perpetrates- Perform an act, usually with a negative connotation.
90. Clemency- Good weather with comfortable temperatures; Leniency and
compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged
with administering justice.
91. beset-Annoy continually or chronically; Decorate or cover lavishly (as
with gems)
92. moratorium-A legally authorized postponement before some obligation
must be discharged;
93. insular-Relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island;
Suggestive of the isolated life of an island; Narrowly restricted in outlook
or scope
94. stark-
95. Alas-By bad luck
96. Reprieve-A (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort; An interruption
in the intensity or amount of something
97. Clemency-Good weather with comfortable temperatures; Leniency and
compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged
with administering justice.
98. moratorium-A legally authorized postponement before some obligation
must be discharged;

1. ontology-(computing) a rigorous and exhaustive organization of some
knowledge domain that is usually hierarchical and contains all the
relevant entities and their relations;The metaphysical study of the
nature of being and existence
2. tepid-Moderately warm
3. intriguing-provocative
4. Plebiscite-A vote by the electorate determining public opinion on a
question of national importance
5. Vindicated-Freed from any question of guilt.
6. parochial-Relating to or supported by or located in a parish;Relating to
or supported by or located in a parish
7. misogyny -hatred fr women
8. BOTCHED-Spoiled through incompetence or clumsiness
9. PARRY-Impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball);Avoid or try to
avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)
10. SUBVERTED-corrupted
12. infringing-go against
13. celibacy- bal bramchari
14. contemplate-Look at thoughtfully; observe deep in thought; Consider as
a possibility
15. implicit-Implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of
something;"there was implicit criticism in his voice"; "anger was implicit
in the argument"; "the oak is implicit in the acorn"; "an implicit
agreement not to raise the subject";Being without doubt or reserve
16. facade-front part; just d face
17. blasphemy-Blasphemous language (expressing disrespect for God or for
something sacred)
18. precedent-An example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a
later time
19. behemoth-giant
20. ruckus-noisy voice
21. squandered -wasted; not used to advantage
22. populism-The political doctrine that supports the rights and powers of
the common people in their struggle with the privileged elite
23. demagogue-A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular
passions and prejudices
24. paucity-An insufficient quantity or number
25. stalemate-A situation in which no progress can be made or no
advancement is possible
26. salvo-An outburst resembling the discharge of firearms or the release of
27. Contemptible-Deserving of contempt(Lack of respect accompanied by a
feeling of intense dislike) or scorn
28. pusillanimity-Contemptible fearfulness
29. defer-hold back
30. curator -conservator of art
31. austere-ver plain;sada jivan uch vichar
32. coffer-An ornamental sunken panel in a ceiling or dome;A chest
especially for storing valuables
33. hamlet-A community of people smaller than a village
34. pedagogue(purist)-person who focuses on delivering education.
35. dissemination-The opening of a subject to widespread discussion and
debate;The property of being diffused or dispersed
36. repatriation-act of returning to country
37. respite-A (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort
38. Piqued-offended
39. vociferous(blatant,clamant,clamorous,strident)-Conspicuously and
offensively loud; given to vehement outcry
40. Conspicuously-In a manner tending to attract attention
41. vehement- Marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions;
inclined to react violently; fervid
42. derided-Treat or speak of with contempt
43. whimsical-Determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by
necessity or reason
44. capricious-Changeable
45. clasp-Hold firmly and tightly; buckle
46. strife-Lack of agreement or harmony; Bitter conflict; heated often
violent dissension
47. abut-Lie adjacent to another or share a boundary
48. encumbered-Loaded to excess or impeded by a heavy load
49. moraine-Accumulated earth and stones deposited by a glacier
50. impetus-A force that moves something along; The act of applying force
51. giddy-Having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling; Lacking
seriousness; given to frivolity
52. affront-A deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of
deliberate disrespect
53. helter-skelter-Lacking a visible order or organization; haphazardly
54. silhouette-An outline of a solid object (as cast by its shadow);Project on
a background, such as a screen, like a silhouette
55. stymie-(n)A thwarting and distressing situation;(v)Hinder or prevent the
progress or accomplishment of
56. remission-(n)An abatement in intensity or degree (as in the
manifestations of a disease);(law) the act of remitting (especially the
referral of a law case to another court);A payment of money sent to a
person in another place; The act of absolving or remitting; formal
redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance
57. stasis- inactivity
58. maverick(n)(Aj)-Independent in behaviour or thought
59. exalted-Of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style
60. occult-Hidden and difficult to see
61. vistas- view
62. Prefecture- office of prefect
63. erudite-learned
64. rudimentry- Being or involving basic facts or principles;Being in the
earliest stages of development;(biology) not fully developed in mature
65. hinterland-A remote and undeveloped area
66. imminent-close in time; approaching
67. quip-A witty saying;Witty remark;Make jokes or quips
68. epigrams
69. sallies
70. congeniality -Compatibility between persons
71. invoke
72. austere-Very plain, appearing grim and minimally functional;Practising
great self-denial
73. ascetic
74. spartan
75. stark
76. consummate-Complete a marriage by having sexual intercourse
77. arduous-Taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance
78. travesity
79. premonition-
80. begot
81. engender
82. procreate
83. naive
84. knave- rogue
85. deter- Try to prevent; show opposition to;Turn away from by persuasion
86. atone- repent
87. insinuate-suggest;Introduce or insert (oneself) in a subtle manner
88. adumbrate
89. sardonic-Disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking;
90. derisive
91. horde-A vast multitude; A nomadic community
92. palid- pale
93. exacerbate- make worse;aggravate
94. felicity- happiness
95. exhilarated-Made joyful
96. beatified
97. inebriated-Stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially
alcohol); drunk
98. reprehensible-Bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure
99. deplorable-Bad; unfortunate;Of very poor quality or condition

1. rebuke-Censure severely or angrily;An act or expression of criticism and
2. chide-Censure severely or angrily
3. lambaste- Beat with a cane;Censure severely or angrily
4. berate(v)-Censure severely or angrily
5. hew- cut down or shape with an axe
6. hue-
7. quintessential-example
8. reneged
9. palpable-Capable of being perceived; especially capable of being
handled, touched or felt
10. scourge-A whip used to inflict punishment (often used for pedantic
humour);Something causing misery or death;A person who inspires fear
or dread;Punish severely; excoriate
11. nemesis-Something causing misery or death;(Greek mythology) the
goddess of divine retribution and vengeance
12. munificence-Liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous
of spirit
13. conscientious
14. relinquish
15. Immaculate
16. candour-Ability to make judgments free from discrimination or
17. repose-
18. grandeur
19. upbraided
20. predilection
21. Incorrigible is an adjective, which is used to refer to someone who can't
be corrected or reformed.
22. Inveterate
23. Banal- clich
24. Trite
25. Hackneyed
26. sinecure-A benefice to which no spiritual or pastoral duties are attached
27. An office that involves minimal duties
28. amenable- willing to comply
29. borking-Defeat a candidate for public office by a concerted attack on
their character, background, philosophy, etc.
30. guzzle - drink greedily or as if with thirst
31. repose- freedom from activity
32. mausoleum- burial chamber
33. ataraxis- no mental stress
34. contrite-Feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offences
35. plaque
36. perjury-Criminal offence of making false statements under oath
37. incarceration-undertrial
38. indigent-poor
39. tepid-warm; lacking enthu
40. inundated-flooded
41. forfeiture-sacrifice
42. travesty-nautanki
43. djeuner-midday meal
44. pooh-poohed-rejected
45. debilitating-weakening
46. overt-open
47. confounded-perplexxed
48. countenance-allow
49. clemency-mercy;Good weather with comfortable
temperatures;Leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a
person or agency charged with administering justice

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