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There is much you can do as a parent to

assist your children with their learning:

Ensure your child is in school every
day and on time every minute of
learning really does count!
Hear your child read every night
discuss what they have read, and
the meaning of new words. Enjoy
this time together! It does not
have to e long even ten minutes
will e enough! The children!s
reading records will e chec"ed
wee"ly so please rememer to sign
#ractice spelling common words,
and rehearsing times tales.
Encourage your child to complete
their $earning %ournal chat aout
their ideas. Help them research.
&hat with your child aout what
they have een learning in school
and encourage them to use the
Internet to 'nd out more aout the
topics they have covered in class.
Tell us aout achievements at
home every step of your child!s
development is important! (ny
awards given to your child in out)
of)school activities can e rought
into school and will e presented to
them in our whole school assemly
on *riday afternoons.
Miss Syddall
Miss Davies
Mrs Yates
How can you enrich
your childs
Congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim
placerat facer minim veni am ut wisi enim ad
minimeniam, quis erat nostr uexe
rci tation ullamcorper nostru exerci tation ullam
corper et iusto odio dig nissim qui blandit praesent
lupta. Tummer delenit
augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Con
erattis sectetuer adip iscing elit, sed erat diam
nonummy nibh magna erat.
St Columbas
Primary School
Year 6
Autumn Term 1
If you have any +uestions
or concerns this year, or
simply want to chec" on
your child!s progress,
please feel free to come
into school to spea" to us.
,e are availale every
afternoon, straight after
-iss .yddall
-iss /avies
-rs (rcher

This half)term the children will e learning more
aout electricity. They will e learning how to
create circuits and will investigate what happens
when the numer of uls and atteries are
changed in a circuit. They will also e taught
how to draw circuits using symols. ,e will also
e developing our s"ills in planning and carrying
out fair tests and throughout the unit will e
carrying out a variety of practical activities.
(ll children will e given a science vocaulary
oo"let and will e tested on the unit!s "ey
words throughout the half)term.

This half)term the children will e learning more
aout electricity. They will e learning how to
create circuits and will investigate what happens
when the numer of uls and atteries are
changed in a circuit. They will also e taught
how to draw circuits using symols. ,e will also
e developing our s"ills in planning and carrying
out fair tests and throughout the unit will e
carrying out a variety of practical activities.
(ll children will e given a science vocaulary
oo"let and will e tested on the unit!s "ey
words throughout the half)term.
What will Year 6
be learning this
Physical Education
Physical Education
In our non)'ction wor", the children will e reading
and writing a range of di0erent recounts including
diaries, iographies and autoiographies, many of
which will e lin"ed to our history wor" on ,orld
,ar Two.
1ur class reader will e 2oodnight -r Tom and the
children will e writing various types of 'ction and
poetry ased on this story and the topic of war.
The children will e developing their reading
comprehension s"ills through two wee"ly reading
sessions and will e loo"ing at how authors use
vocaulary to create a certain feeling or emotion in
the reader.
Each wee" the children will have a session focusing
on grammar and punctuation and they will e given
spellings to learn each wee", which will e tested
every *riday.
In our non)'ction wor", the children will e reading
and writing a range of di0erent recounts including
diaries, iographies and autoiographies, many of
which will e lin"ed to our history wor" on ,orld
,ar Two.
1ur class reader will e 2oodnight -r Tom and the
children will e writing various types of 'ction and
poetry ased on this story and the topic of war.
The children will e developing their reading
comprehension s"ills through two wee"ly reading
sessions and will e loo"ing at how authors use
vocaulary to create a certain feeling or emotion in
the reader.
Each wee" the children will have a session focusing
on grammar and punctuation and they will e given
spellings to learn each wee", which will e tested
every *riday.
This half)
term the children will have a wee"ly singing lesson
from a specialist -usic teacher, where they will e
taught new songs and will focus on improving the
+uality and tone of their singing voices. They will
also join in with -usic activities in class, focusing on
pitch, rhythm and pulse.
This half)
term the children will have a wee"ly singing lesson
from a specialist -usic teacher, where they will e
taught new songs and will focus on improving the
+uality and tone of their singing voices. They will
also join in with -usic activities in class, focusing on
pitch, rhythm and pulse.
Information Technology
/uring this half)term the children will more aout
communicating information securely through
an introduction to cryptography 3the science of
"eeping communicationand information secret4.
They will investigate early methods of
communicating over distances, learn aout two
early ciphers, and consider what ma"es a
secure password.
Information Technology
/uring this half)term the children will more aout
communicating information securely through
an introduction to cryptography 3the science of
"eeping communicationand information secret4.
They will investigate early methods of
communicating over distances, learn aout two
early ciphers, and consider what ma"es a
secure password.
The children will e wor"ing on numer this half)
term, learning how to partition and order whole
numers and decimals. They will also e taught
aout negative numers and will learn how to order
and 'nd the di0erence etween them. ,e will also
e developing +uic"er written methods to use for
addition, sutraction, multiplication and division.
Throughout the half)term we will e developing our
mental maths s"ills and will have a wee"ly times
tales test.
This half)term, the children will e learning
aout ,orld ,ar Two. (s well as learning
aout some of the main causes and events of
,orld ,ar Two, the children will also
investigate how the ,ar changed the lives of
people living in 5ritain at that time. 5y the end
of the 6nit the pupils will have found out aout
air raid shelters, evacuation, gas mas"s and
lac"outs and the Home *ront.
1ur class reader te7t, 2oodnight -r Tom, lin"s
directly to this 6nit and will give the children
an insight into what life was li"e for evacuees
during the ,ar.
The unit will also contain some (rt and /esign
Technology lin"s, with the children creating
their own war images and ma"ing their own
models of air raid shelters and rag rugs.
This half)term the children will e developing their
s"ills in competitive all games, including netall
and as"etall. They will develop their
understanding of the rules of the game and wor" on
oth their attac"ing and defending play.
Religious Education
The children will e learning aout the 8ingdom of
2od in this half)term!s unit of wor". They will e
reading parales and re9ecting on the thought that
the 8ingdom of 2od is for everyone. The children will
also e learning more aout the miracles performed
y %esus and thin"ing why he performed them and
what message we can ta"e from these miracles.
Religious Education
The children will e learning aout the 8ingdom of
2od in this half)term!s unit of wor". They will e
reading parales and re9ecting on the thought that
the 8ingdom of 2od is for everyone. The children will
also e learning more aout the miracles performed
y %esus and thin"ing why he performed them and
what message we can ta"e from these miracles.

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