BlockbyBlock - Ann Arbor DDA - FeeProposal - 340 Hours

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Proposed One Year Fee Schedule

Position Year 1 Cost Year 2 Cost

Service Cost $ 337,300.60 $ 341,457.96
Proft/Management Fee $ !,670.55 $ 9,03.93
Total $ 365,97115 $ 37!,"#1#9
$%&&%T'() )*P+%$%T'O$, "#e on$% t#ing a&ecting t#e
increase in 'rogram cost is t#e average e('ecte) increase in
*ages +or sta& an) an estimate) 10, increase in o-r
#ea$t#care 'remi-m.
.e )o *ant to note t#at *e 're+er to )eve$o' a ne*
o'erating /-)get an) associate) rate strc-t-re eac# %ear +or
o-r c-stomers as *e are t#en a/$e to tr-e -' an) c#arge
act-a$ e('enses /asee on costs t#at *i$$ /e 0no*n going into
t#e secon) %ear. 1n most cases #aving #istorica$ 'ers'ective
*or0s to t#e /eneft o+ o-r c-stomers.
%nn %r-or ..%
Y)%& 1
/ee0l1 2ours %3-assadors Tea3 +eader Operatin4 )5penses 6)$)F'TS 77!89
Sa+et% 2m/assa)ors 40.00 Pa1 &ate $ 1!!! $ 125! $ 2!"3 Cor'orate "rave$ $ 3,436.00 3. 1ns-rance $ ,1!3.9!
"eam 4ea)er 5S-'ervisor6 60.00 F1C2 $ 0.77 $ 0.96 $ 1.56 2)ministration $ !,77.00 7. 1ns-rance $ 974.61
8'erations Manager 40.00 .C $ 0.56 $ 0.70 $ 1.14 9:-i'ment $ 13,16.40 3o$i)a%s $ ;
.ee0$% "ota$ 340.00 <nem'$o%ment ; State $ 0.!6 $ 1.07 $ 1.75 Ca'ita$ 9:-i' ; 9=<1P 4i+e 1ns-rance $ 65.0
2nn-a$ 17,6!0.00 <nem'$o%ment ; Fe)era$ $ 0.06 $ 0.0! $ 0.1 >i) / Per+ormance >on) $ ; >;7a% Pa% $ !49.!0
)3plo1ees 7FT)s9 #5! Subtotal $ 12.24 $ 15.30 $ 25.01 ?ecr-itment $ 300.00 @acations $ 4,4!.9!
Weekly Hours 240.00 60.00 40.00 9m'$o%ment >ac0gro-n) $ 1,050.60 "ota$ $ !,5.57
T%*)S : '$S;&%$C)
Weeks 52.00 52.00 52.00 "raining $ ; 6ene<ts $ 161
F1C2 7.65, Annual Amount (Labor) $ 152,!0.16 $ 4,43.!0 $ 52,02!.50 >$oc0#ea) 2nn-a$ Meeting $ 1,!00.00 %nticipated 8 65!!8
.C 5.60, 4ia/i$it% $ 0.6 $ 0.3 $ 0.5 <ni+orms $ !,59.09
4ia/i$it% .55, >enefts $ 1.61 $ 1.61 $ 1.61 8vertime $ 1,104.73
<nem'$o%ment ; State !.57, 8ver#ea) $ .!! $ .!! $ .!! 2*ar)s A ?ecognition $ 1,00.00
<nem'$o%ment ; Fe)era$ 0.60, Proft $ 1.6 $ 1.6 $ 1.6 8Bce / Storage ?enta$ $ ;
Total 2"978 Par0ing $ 960.00
6ill &ate $ 1#61 $ 217" $ 3165 9$ectric / Cas $ ;
.ee0$% 3o-rs 40.00 60.00 40.00 "e$e'#one / 1nternet $ ;
2nn-a$ 3o-rs 1,4!0.00 3,10.00 ,0!0.00 .ater $ ;
%nnual 6illin4 $ 232,3!9"1 $ 67,#25!1 $ 65,#3672 7-m'ster / "ras# $ ;
TOT%+ $ 365,97115 8Bce S-''$ies $ !00.00
Ce$$ P#ones $ ,1!.00
%nnual Cost Per FT) $ "3,!55"3 Misc S-''$ies $ 1,00.00
@e#ic$e $ ;
9:-i'ment 4ease $ ;
@e#ic$e 1ns-rance $ ;
F-e$ ; @e#ic$e $ ;
Cate4or1 Cost 8
F-e$ ; 9:-i'ment $ ;
4a/or $ 5,55.46 69.0, 9:-i'ment Maintenance $ 1,050.09
>enefts $ !,5.57 7.!, @e#ic$e Maintenance $ ;
4ia/i$it% 1ns-rance $ 5,60.65 1.4, SM2?" S%stem $ ;
$ 4,615.33 1.3, 1P87 "o-c#es $ 1,4!!.00
"raining $ 1,!00.00 0.5, Postage $ 1,00.00
<ni+orms $ !,59.09 .3, Misce$$aneo-s $ 3,000.00
8'erations Center $ ; 0.0, "ota$ $ 50,964.9
8'erations Center ?e$ate) $ ; 0.0, O=erhead $ 2##
9:-i'ment $ 14,650.40 4.0,
$ 1,050.09 0.3,
Ce$$ P#ones $ ,1!.00 0.6,
Capital )>uip3ent
Danitoria$ A 8Bce S-''$ies $ ,000.00 0.5,
'te3 ?uantit1 ;nit Cost )5tended %3orti@ed
Misce$$aneo-s $ 3,000.00 0.!, "*o .a% ?a)ios 9.00 $ 4!0.00 $ 4,30.00 $ 1,64.4!
$ 13,40!.00 3.7, ?e'eater +or "*o .a% ?a)i 1.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 6,300.00 $ ,369.03
Proft 5!.5, o+ a$$ e('enses6 $ !,670.55 7.!, C-ar) "o-r S%stem 1.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 1,7!.5
9(tra Pi'es +or C-ar) "o-r 5.00 $ 313.00 $ 1,565.00 $ 5!!.50
TOT%+ $ 365,97115 1!!!8 >i0es 3.00 $ 736.00 $ ,0!.00 $ !30.9
$ 41,655.74 Seg*a%s .00 $ 6,640.00 $ 13,!0.00 $ 4,993.76
Com'-ter 1.00 $ ,30.00 $ ,30.00 $ !3!.56
8Bce F-rnit-re/Fi(t-res 1.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 639.6
TOT%+ $ 35,!!3!! $ 13,162"!
6;.B)T S;AA%&Y

4a/or ?e$ate) (background checks, recruiting, awards, etc.)
9:-i'ment ?e$ate)
2)ministrative S-''ort (mgmt, travel, postage, etc.)
%nn %r-or ..%
Y)%& 1
/ee0l1 2ours %3-assadors Tea3 +eader Operatin4 )5penses 6)$)F'TS 77!89
Sa+et% 2m/assa)ors 40.00 Pa1 &ate $ 1!"! $ 1!9! $ 21!5 Cor'orate "rave$ $ 3,436.00 3. 1ns-rance $ 4,40.3!
"eam 4ea)er 5S-'ervisor6 60.00 F1C2 $ 0.!0 $ 0.!3 $ 1.61 2)ministration $ !,77.00 7. 1ns-rance $ 1,07.07
8'erations Manager 40.00 .C $ 0.5! $ 0.61 $ 1.1! 9:-i'ment $ 13,16.40 3o$i)a%s $ ;
.ee0$% "ota$ 340.00 <nem'$o%ment ; State $ 0.!9 $ 0.93 $ 1.!0 Ca'ita$ 9:-i' ; 9=<1P 4i+e 1ns-rance $ 65.0
2nn-a$ 17,6!0.00 <nem'$o%ment ; Fe)era$ $ 0.06 $ 0.07 $ 0.13 >i) / Per+ormance >on) $ ; >;7a% Pa% $ !!3.79
)3plo1ees 7FT)s9 #5! Subtotal $ 12.3 $ 13.34 $ 25.6 ?ecr-itment $ 300.00 @acations $ 4,41!.94
Weekly Hours 240.00 60.00 40.00 9m'$o%ment >ac0gro-n) $ 1,050.60 "ota$ $ 31,04.3!
T%*)S : '$S;&%$C) Weeks 52.00 52.00 52.00 "raining $ ; 6ene<ts $ 176
F1C2 7.65, Annual Amount (Labor) $ 15!,!"1.3 $ 41,632.5" $ 53,5!".36 >$oc0#ea) 2nn-a$ Meeting $ 1,!00.00 %nticipated 8 65!!8
.C 5.60, 4ia/i$it% $ 0.7 $ 0.! $ 0.54 <ni+orms $ !,59.09
4ia/i$it% .55, >enefts $ 1.76 $ 1.76 $ 1.76 8vertime $ 1,14!.9
<nem'$o%ment ; State !.57, 8ver#ea) $ .!9 $ .!9 $ .!9 2*ar)s A ?ecognition $ 1,00.00
<nem'$o%ment ; Fe)era$ 0.60, Proft $ 1.64 $ 1.64 $ 1.64 8Bce / Storage ?enta$ $ ;
Total 2"978 Par0ing $ 960.00
6ill &ate $ 192# $ 199! $ 325# 9$ectric / Cas $ ;
.ee0$% 3o-rs 40.00 60.00 40.00 "e$e'#one / 1nternet $ ;
2nn-a$ 3o-rs 1,4!0.00 3,10.00 ,0!0.00 .ater $ ;
%nnual 6illin4 $ 2"!,6!72" $ 62,1!13" $ 67,77331 7-m'ster / "ras# $ ;
TOT%+ $ 37!,"#1#9 8Bce S-''$ies $ !00.00
Ce$$ P#ones $ ,1!.00
%nnual Cost Per FT) $ "3,5#61! Misc S-''$ies $ 1,00.00
@e#ic$e $ ;
9:-i'ment 4ease $ ;
@e#ic$e 1ns-rance $ ;
F-e$ ; @e#ic$e $ ;
Cate4or1 Cost 8 F-e$ ; 9:-i'ment $ ;
4a/or $ 54,113.3 6!.6, 9:-i'ment Maintenance $ 1,050.09
>enefts $ 31,04.3! !.4, @e#ic$e Maintenance $ ;
4ia/i$it% 1ns-rance $ 5,93.16 1.4, SM2?" S%stem $ ;
$ 4,659.5 1.3, 1P87 "o-c#es $ 1,4!!.00
"raining $ 1,!00.00 0.5, Postage $ 1,00.00
<ni+orms $ !,59.09 ., Misce$$aneo-s $ 3,000.00
8'erations Center $ ; 0.0, "ota$ $ 51,009.11
8'erations Center ?e$ate) $ ; 0.0, O=erhead $ 2#9
9:-i'ment $ 14,650.40 4.0,
$ 1,050.09 0.3,
Capital )>uip3ent
Ce$$ P#ones $ ,1!.00 0.6,
'te3 ?uantit1 ;nit Cost )5tended %3orti@ed
Danitoria$ A 8Bce S-''$ies $ ,000.00 0.5, "*o .a% ?a)ios 9.00 $ 4!0.00 $ 4,30.00 $ 1,64.4!
Misce$$aneo-s $ 3,000.00 0.!, ?e'eater +or "*o .a% ?a)i 1.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 6,300.00 $ ,369.03
$ 13,40!.00 3.6, C-ar) "o-r S%stem 1.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 1,7!.5
Proft 5!.5, o+ a$$ e('enses6 $ 9,03.93 7.!, 9(tra Pi'es +or C-ar) "o-r 5.00 $ 313.00 $ 1,565.00 $ 5!!.50
>i0es 3.00 $ 736.00 $ ,0!.00 $ !30.9
TOT%+ $ 37!,"#1#9 1!!!8 Seg*a%s .00 $ 6,640.00 $ 13,!0.00 $ 4,993.76
Com'-ter 1.00 $ ,30.00 $ ,30.00 $ !3!.56
8Bce F-rnit-re/Fi(t-res 1.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 639.6
TOT%+ $ 35,!!3!! $ 13,162"!
6;.B)T S;AA%&Y

4a/or ?e$ate) (background checks, recruiting, awards, etc.)
9:-i'ment ?e$ate)
2)ministrative S-''ort (mgmt, travel, postage, etc.)
6ill &ate Calculation, Year 1
%3-assador Super=isor Aana4er TOT%+
.ee0$% 3o-r 40.00 60.00 40.00 340.00
2nn-a$ 3o-r 1,4!0.00 3,10.00 ,0!0.00 17,6!0.00
%nnual Cos $ 232,3!9"1 $ 67,#25!1 $ 65,#3672 CCC
6ill &ate Calculation, Year 2
%3-assador Super=isor Aana4er TOT%+
.ee0$% 3o-r 40.00 60.00 40.00 340.00
2nn-a$ 3o-r 1,4!0.00 3,10.00 ,0!0.00 17,6!0.00
%nnual Cos $ 2"!,6!72" $ 62,1!13" $ 67,77331 CCC
Done %, Aain Street and Eerr1toFn
Position 2ours %ssi4n3ent Sun Aon Tues /ed Thurs Fri Sat Total
10am ; 6'm Seg*a% ! ! ! ! ! ! "#
11am ; 7'm .a$0ing/>i0e ! ! ! ! ! ! "#
!am ; 6'm >i0e Patro$ 6 6 6 6 6 3!
Manager 4 4 4 4 4 2!
0 1! 6 1! 6 1"6
Done 6, State Street and South ;ni=ersit1 %reas
Position 2ours %ssi4n3ent Sun Aon Tues /ed Thurs Fri Sat Total
11am ; 7'm Seg*a% ! ! ! ! ! ! "#
1'm ; 9'm .a$0ing/>i0e ! ! ! ! ! ! "#
!am ; 6'm >i0e Patro$ 6 6 6 6 6 3!
Manager 4 4 4 4 4 2!
0 1! 1! 6 6 1"6
Floater 7Floats 6etFeen %ll Co33ercial %reas9
Position 2ours %ssi4n3ent Sun Aon Tues /ed Thurs Fri Sat Total
10am ; 6'm.a$0ing/>i0e Patro$ ! ! ! ! ! ! "#
! ! ! ! ! ! "#
Go- Classi<cation ! H9! .a1s %Iter 9! .a1s %Iter 1 1ear
Sa+et% 2m/assa)ors $ 9.50 $ 10.00 $ 10.50
"eam 4ea)er $ 1.00 $ 1.50 $ 13.00
$ 40,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 43,775.00 8'erations Manager (salaried)
6ene<t T1pe Year 1 Year 2
3ea$t# 1ns-rance $ ,1!3.9! $ 4,40.3!
7enta$ 1ns-rance $ 974.61 $ 1,07.07
4i+e 1ns-rance $ 65.0 $ 65.0
>irt#)a% Pa% $ !49.!0 $ !!3.79
Pai) @acations $ 4,4!.9! $ 4,41!.94
Total $ 2#,52257 $ 31,!"23#
9m'$o%ees !.50
'te3 ?uantit1 ;nit Cost Total Cost
S#irts ; S#ort S$eeve 54 eac# 996 45. $ 1!.30 $ !7.53
S#irts ; 4ong S$eeve 54 eac# 996 45. $ 3.5 $ 1,051.37
S#orts 54 eac# 996 45. $ .40 $ 1,01.93
Pants 54 eac# 996 45. $ 7.55 $ 1,45.!1
.aist Dac0et 51 eac# 996 11.305 $ !5.00 $ 960.93
Par0a 51 eac# 996 11.305 $ 140.00 $ 1,5!.70
>ase/a$$ 3ats 54 eac# 996 45. $ 4.70 $ 1.53
3e$mets 51 eac# 996 11.305 $ 3.77 $ 6!.7
>e$ts A Misc 2ccessories 5g$oves, *ater /ott$e, frst 11.305 $ 97.00 $ 1,096.59
Total $ !,59.09
;niIor3s Total Cost
Seg*a%s $ 4,993.76
>i0es $ !30.9
Ce$$ P#ones 56 $ ,1!.00
1P87 "o-c#es $ 1,4!!.00
C-ar) "o-r S%stem $ 1,7!.5
9(tra Pi'es +or C-ar) "o-r $ 5!!.50
"*o .a% ?a)ios $ 1,64.4!
?e'eater +or "*o;*a% ?a)ios $ ,369.03
Com'-ter an) Printer $ !3!.56
8Bce F-rnit-re an) Fi(t-res $ 639.6
Total $ 16,!3.40
'te3 %ssu3ptions
4ia/i$it% 1ns-rance .55, o+ *ages 'ai) $ 5,60.65 $ 5,93.16
?ecr-itment 9stimate) /ase) on e('erience $ 300.00 $ 300.00
99 >ac0gro-n) C#ec0s $!.40 'er F"9 E 50, t-rnover $ 1,050.60 $ 1,050.60
2ntici'ate) 8" 1, o+ ann-a$ #o-rs in 8" $ 1,104.73 $ 1,14!.9
8'erations Manager 2nn-a$ 1n;service "raining 9stimate) cost 'er manager $ 1,!00.00 $ 1,!00.00
2*ar)s A ?ecognition Program $100 'er mont# $ 1,00.00 $ 1,00.00
8Bce S-''$ies $50 initia$ or)er E $50 s-/se:-ent mont#s $ !00.00 $ !00.00
Misce$$aneo-s S-''$ies CraBti *i'es an) an% s'ecia$t% s-''$ies$ 1,00.00 $ 1,00.00
Par0ing Par0ing +or Manager F $!0 'er mont#$ 960.00 $ 960.00
9:-i'ment ?e'air 3, o+ tota$ e:-i'ment cost $ 1,050.09 $ 1,050.09
Postage 9stimate) ; s#i''ing o+ s-''$ies A -ni+orms $ 1,00.00 $ 1,00.00
2)ministrative S-''ort A Cor'orate "rave$ $1,03 G F"9 $ !,77.00 $ !,77.00
Cor'orate "rave$ 3 %ear avg cost */ start -' amortiHe) $ 3,436.00 $ 3,436.00
Misce$$aneo-s 9stimate) /ase) on 'rogram siHe $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00
$ ;
TOT%+ $31,13"!7 $31,21!7#
Proposed One Year Operatin4 6ud4et
'te3 Year 1 Cost Year 2 Cost
Personne$ $ !1,075.03 $ !5,155.69
<ni+orms A 9:-i'ment $ 5,091.50 $ 5,091.50
8ver#ea) $ 31,134.07 $ 31,10.7!
TOT%+ CCC $ 3"1,"5796
I2??2"1@9 9GP42I2"18IJ 2$$ :-antities re:-ire) are /ase) on #aving 33, o+ a))itiona$ +or stoc0,
s'oi$age, or re'$acement t#ro-g# t#e %ear.
$%&&%T'() )*P+%$%T'O$, 9ac# o+ t#e a/ove 'ieces are c$assi+ei) as ca'ita$ e:-i'ment an) are
amortiHe) over a t#ree %ear 'erio) *it# t#e e(ce'tion o+ 1P87 "o-c#es 5'ai) +or in %ear 1 /-)get6.
Year 1 Total
Year 2 Total

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