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SUN in your 2 nd House

If benefic:
(1) The native will be self-deendent! s"illed in handiwor" and would rove hi#hly helful to
arents! $aternal uncles! sisters! dau#hters and in-laws%
(2) The Sun in the 2nd will beco$e $ore ausicious if the &oon is laced in the 'th house%
(() )etu in the *th house will $a"e the native very truthful%
(+) ,ahu in the -th house $a"es the native a renowned artist or ainter%
(.) )etu in the -th house $a"es hi$ a #reat technician%
(') &ars in the -th house $a"es hi$ fashionable%
(/) The #enerous nature of the native would ut an end to #rowin# ene$ies%
If $alefic:
(1) The Sun will affect very adversely the thin#s and relatives associated with the lanets ini$ical
to the Sun i%e%! wife! wealth! widows! cows! taste! $other etc% 0isutes re#ardin# wealth and
roerty and wife will soil the native%
(2) Never accet donations if the &oon is laced in the *th house and the Sun in the 2nd house is
not ausicious1 otherwise the native will be destroyed alto#ether%
(() The Sun in the 2nd house! &ars in the 1st and &oon in the 12th house $a"e the native2s
condition critical and athetic in every $anner%
(+) &ars in the *th house $a"es the native e3tre$ely #reedy if the Sun in the 2nd house is
,e$edial &easures :
(1) 0onate coconut! $ustard oil and al$onds to reli#ious laces of worshi%
(2) &ana#e to avoid disutes involvin# wealth! roerty and ladies%
(() 4void accetin# donations! secially rice! silver and $il"%
&55N in your ' th House
This house is affected by the &ercury and )etu% The &oon in this house will be affected by the
lanets laced in the 2nd! *th! 12th and +th houses% The native will receive education with obstacles
and will have to stru##le a lot for reain# the benefits of his educational achieve$ents%
If the &oon is laced in the 'th! 2nd! +th! *th and 12th houses it is ausicious% The native would
enliven a dyin# erson by uttin# a few dros of water in his $outh%
6ut if the &oon is $alefic in the 'th house and &ercury is laced in the 2nd or 12th house! the
native will have suicidal tendencies% Si$ilarly! if the &oon is $alefic and the Sun is laced in the
12th house! then the native or his wife or both will have severe eye defects and troubles%
(1) Serve $il" to your father with your own hands%
(2) Never ta"e $il" durin# ni#ht% 6ut inta"e of $il" durin# day ti$e and use of even curd and
cheese durin# ni#ht is er$issible%
(() 0o not offer $il" as donation% It can be #iven only at reli#ious laces of worshi%
(+) 0i##in# of wells for ublic will destroy the issues! but di##in# of wells in a hosital or within
the re$ises of cre$ation #round will not be har$ful%
&4,S in your 17 th House
This is the best osition of &ars in a horoscoe! the lace of his e3altation% If the native is born in a
oor fa$ily! his fa$ily will beco$e rich and affluent after his birth% If he is born in a rich fa$ily! his
fa$ily will #row richer and richer after his birth% If the native is the eldest brother he will #ain a
$ore distinct reco#nition and reutation in society% He will be bold! coura#eous! healthy and
co$etent enou#h to set traditions! nor$s and rules in society%
However! if $alefic lanets ,ahu! )etu and Saturn or 8enus and &oon are laced in the 2nd house!
the aforesaid beneficial effects are reduced% 9urther if a friendly lanet is laced in the (rd house! it
will also affect the results of &ars in the 17th house adversely% If Saturn is laced in the (rd house!
the native will #ain hu#e wealth and lar#e roerties in the later art of his life alon# with a "in#ly
osition% &ars in the 17th house but no lanet in the .th house rovides all round roserity and
(1) 0o not sell ancestral roerty and #old of the house%
(2) )ee a et deer in your house%
(() :hile boilin# $il"! lease ensure that it should not overflow and fall on the fire%
(+) 5ffer hel to one-eyed and childless ersons%
&;,<U,= in your 1 st House
&ercury in 1st house $a"es the native "ind! hu$orous and dilo$atic with ad$inistrative s"ill%
Such a native #enerally lives lon# and beco$es selfish and $ischievous by nature havin# secial
attraction for non-ve#etarian dishes and drin"s% He receives favour fro$ the #overn$ent and his
dau#hters have royal and lu3urious lives% The relatives reresented by the house in which sun is
laced #ain wealth and riches within a little ti$e and he hi$self will be havin# $any sources of
inco$e% If Sun is laced alon# with &ercury in the 1st house or if the &ercury is asected by Sun
the wife of native will co$e fro$ a rich and noble fa$ily and will be #ood natured% Such a native
will be affected by the evil effects of &ars but Sun will never #ive bad effects%
,ahu and )etu will have evil effects! which su##ests that the in laws and the offsrin# of the native
will be adverse% If &ercury is in the 1st house! the native will be adet in the art of influencin#
others and he will live li"e a "in#% &alefic &ercury in the 1st house alon# with &oon in the /th
house destroy the native because of into3ication%
(1) )ee away fro$ the thin#s of #reen colour and sisters in law%
(2) 4void consu$tion of $eet! e##s and li>uor%
(() business that re>uires your sittin# at one lace would be $ore beneficial than the one that
re>uires runnin# around%
?U@IT;, in your 12 th House
The 12th house would rovide the co$bined influences of ?uiter and ,ahu! who are ini$ical to
each other% If the native observes #ood conduct! wishes #ood for all and observes reli#ious ractices
he will beco$e hay and enAoy a co$fortable slee at ni#ht% He would beco$e wealthy and
owerful% 4bstainin# fro$ evil acts of Saturn will $a"e the business of $achinery! $otor! truc"s
and cars hi#hly beneficial to hi$%
(1) 4void furnishin# false evidence in any $atter%
(2) ,ender services to sadhus! ial #urus and ial tree%
(() @lace water and Saunf on the head side of your bed durin# ni#hts%
8;NUS in your 2 nd House
0oin# bad or evil towards others would rove har$ful to the native% &oney! wealth and roerty
would continue to #row uto si3ty years% Sher$u"hi house (wider at the front than the rear ortion)
would rove disastrous for the native% 6usiness or trade associated with #old and Aewellery will be
e3tre$ely har$ful% 6usiness associated with earthen #oods! a#riculture and ani$al will rove
hi#hly beneficial% 8enus in 2nd second house in a fe$ale horoscoe renders the native barren or
infertile and in a $ale 2s horoscoe $a"es the wife incaable of roducin# a son%
(1) 9or #ettin# a son! inta"e of thin#s associated with &ars li"e honey! Saunf or deshi )hand will be
hi#hly effective%
(2) 9eed two "#s of otatoes coloured by yellow tur$eric to cows%
(() 5ffer two "#s% cow2s #hee in a te$le%
(+) 4void adultery%
S4TU,N in your . th House
This house belon#s to Sun! which is ini$ical to Saturn% The native will be roud% He should not
construct a house till +* years! otherwise his son will suffer% He should live in the house bou#ht or
constructed by his son% He should "ee articles of ?uiter and &ars in his ancestral house for
welfare of his children% If the native has hairy body! he will be dishonest%
(1) 0istributin# salty thin#s while celebratin# son2s birthday%
(2) 5fferin# al$onds in the te$le and brin#in# and "eein# half of it in the house%
,4HU in your ' th House
This house is influenced by &ercury or )etu% Here ,ahu is e3alted and #ives very #ood results% The
native will be free of all botherations or troubles% The native will send $oney on clothes% The
native will be intelli#ent and victorious% :hen ,ahu is $alefic he will har$ his brothers or friends%
:hen &ercury or &ars is in 12th house ,ahu #ives bad result% The native suffers fro$ various
ail$ents or loss of wealth% SneeBin# while #oin# to wor" would #ive bad results%
(1) )ee a blac" do#%
(2) )ee a lead nail in your oc"et%
(() Never har$ ones brothersCsisters%
);TU in your 12 th House
Here )etu is considered to be e3alted% The native is wealthy! achieves a bi# osition and sends on
#ood wor"s% If ,ahu is in 'th house! alon# with &ercury! then the effect is even better% 5ne has all
the benefits and lu3uries of life% If )etu in 12th house is $alefic then one buys land fro$ an
issueless erson and the native beco$es issueless hi$self% If one "ills do#s )etu #ives $alefic
results% If 2nd house has &oon! 8enus or &ars! )etu #ives $alefic results%
(1) :orshi Dord Eanesha%
(2) 0o not have a loose character%
(() )ee a do#%
(+) Saunf and "hand under the illow for #ood ni#ht2s slee%

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