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BWQT is a multivariate software program that provides the full

capability of modern quantitative chemometrics without requiring
specialized training. The BWQT Model Builder employs a step by
step workfow approach that guides beginners and experts alike
through the process of assembling the data needed to build
and evaluate quantitative calibrations that are fully validated,
documented and ready for deployment. The workfow approach is
directly based on techniques used by expert chemometricians, and
the entire BWQT package has been developed from the ground
up to provide a completely natural, non-intrusive development
environment that frees the user to focus directly on meeting project requirements. The simplifed user interface
is structured so that it naturally leads the user though the steps of building and validating a model. A hierarchical
browser is available to indicate current model settings and check that the steps are completed to ensure that you
are ready to move on to the next step in developing a model.
The four main regions of the user interface are displayed at all times and are logically organized so that all of the
pertinent information is available across the display. The regions are:
Model Building
Model Graphical Displays
Textual Region (for the display of messages and numerical results)
Workfow Region (to show the progress of the model development process)
Each of these regions has multiple tabs that fow from left-to-right in the order that makes sense to develop a
model. The Workfow Region fows from top-to-bottom in the order of model development. If there is an error in
the development of a given model, the workfow element will light up red to show that corrective action must be
taken to build a model.
Rapid, Simultaneous Execution of Multiple Chemometric Models
Capable of Automatically Switching Between Multiple Output Models at Runtime
Fully Integrated into BWSP-21pt11 Analytical Software for Processes Monitoring and Database Logging
Of-line Development:
Automated Model Optimization
Integrated Work-fow Environment
Clean, User-oriented Approach to Model Development
Rapid, Flexible Assembly of Training, Test, and Validation Data Sets
Convenient Incorporation of Multiple Output Ranges into Model Design
Copyright 2014 B&W Tek, Inc. Doc-Rev: 280001252-A (04/23/2014)
19 Shea Way, Newark, DE 19713 Tel: (302) 368-7824 Fax: (302) 368-7830 Web:
Expert Chemometrics Made Easy

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