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Newsletter - Autumn 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

A very warm welcome to the start of the new school year.

I would particularly like to welcome all our new Year 3 children and their families to the Junior School.

We also welcome the following teachers:- Miss Fiona McManus to our Year 3 teaching team, Miss
Randi Makayev who joins Year 4 and Miss Jo Allen who joins Year 6.

We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Miss Adele Boesinger as Assistant Head Teacher
and Mr Deray Ozgu and Mrs Catherine Holloway as Year Leaders.

Additional Teachers

We have also appointed additional teachers to work in each year group to support teaching and
learning. They also release senior staff during the week to allow them to carry out their management

We welcome Miss Caitlin Anderson, Miss Andrea Robb, Miss Kelly Aylward, Mr Jared Boenisch and
Miss Harriet Roper.

SATS 2014

We are extremely pleased with our SATS results 2014 and early release of KS2 headlines shows we
achieved above National percentages in all subjects at Level 4+ and in terms of 2 levels progress.

Reading L4+ 94% L5 45%

Writing L4+ 90% L5 31%

Maths L4+ 88% L5 54%

Twenty children attained Level 6 in maths which is a tremendous achievement and acknowledges all the
effort and dedication they put in over the year.

Floor targets L4+ attainment: These are set at 65% in 2014 for attainment at level 4+ reading,
writing and maths combined. Elmwood Junior School L4+ attainment in 2014 in reading, writing and
maths is 83%.

Overall our results reflect the hard work of all children, teachers, parents and all staff who have worked
together to ensure children achieve their full potential. I would like to extend my thanks to you all.

School Priorities 2014/15

Our main priorities this year are to continue to:-

Raise attainment in mathematics, reading and writing across the school with particular focus on
underachieving groups
Increase the percentage of high attaining pupils in writing
Ensure the quality of feedback & marking in Maths enables pupils to be clear about next steps in
their learning


Our attendance percentage continues to be above national expectations and we will continue to work
with you this year to maintain this improvement. We have introduced a range of incentives and rewards
for excellent attendance and children understand that regular attendance is important for their own
academic progress, social development and is an important life skill.

However, if your child is unable to attend through illness, please ring the school office and leave a


It is important that children not only come to school every day but also that they arrive before the
whistle goes at 8.50. We continue to monitor lateness as children arriving after the start of the school
day interrupt the learning of others.

At the end of the school day (3.10) all teachers are responsible for ensuring that children leave the
premises as quickly as possible and no child should stay in the school building or the playground.

It is the parent/carers responsibility to ensure that suitable arrangements have been made for their child
to be collected on time, or alternatively, permission given for their child to walk home on their own.
Unfortunately we do not have staff available to supervise children after the end of the school day.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Safety Issues

A reminder that the school gates are locked at 9.15am each morning and anyone wishing to come in to
reception during school hours should press the buzzer at the main gate and speak to a member of staff.
The gates are then re-opened at 3.05pm.

Outdoor facilities
All children have the opportunity to use the climbing apparatus, sports court and playgrounds during
school hours on a timetabled basis and ALWAYS with adult supervision.

SPORTS COURT OR FIELD BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL as there is no supervision provided
and unsupervised activities are a health and safety risk. The school will not take responsibility for any
accident or injury during this time.

I ask for your co-operation in this matter as the safety of all children is our main priority.Thank you for
your understanding.


Please ensure that money is available on your childs lunch account before they have a school meal. The
schools preferred method of payment is online at If you do pay at a Paypoint
shop please bring a copy of your receipt to the Office, as payment by this method can take up to 48
hours to reach your childs account. If your child has a debt of more than 1 on their account and you
have not contacted the school then he or she will be given cheese and crackers in accordance with the
schools No Debt policy.

School Photographs

The school photographer will be in school on Thursday 18
September 2014 to take individual and
family photographs. If you wish your childs photo to be taken with a sibling from the Infant School,
please come to the Junior School office at 8:30am to ensure that your infant child will not be late for

Secondary School Transfer

Just a reminder to Year 6 parents that Secondary School applications must be completed online at by 31 October 2014.

Transfer from Infant to Junior School in September 2015

Due to a change in legislation children attending the Infant School are no longer automatically offered a
place at the Junior School. If you currently have a child in Year 2 you will need to complete an online
application at Applications must be received by 15 January 2015.

Parent Consultation Meetings

Parent consultation meetings will take place in the week beginning Monday 24th November. This is an
opportunity for you to discuss your childs work and progress with the class teacher. More details will
be sent to you nearer the time.
Harvest Assembly

Our Harvest Assembly will be on Thursday 23
October at 10.00am in the school hall. All
parents/carers are invited to join us and harvest gifts will be distributed to needy groups in the local


All children receive swimming lessons during the year as part of the curriculum. The sessions are at
Thornton Heath Leisure Centre and each course lasts 6-7 weeks. Four classes have already started.

European Day of Languages

Friday, 26 September is the European day of Languages and we have arranged for all pupils to watch a
performance from the Freshwater Theatre Company. The performances will all be in Spanish as all
children are currently having weekly Spanish lessons.

Educational Visits

Teachers are already planning educational visits and visitors to the school. Those already booked are
listed below together with Dates for your Diary.

Finally, we have had an excellent start to the new term. All the children have settled down to work very
quickly and we all look forward to a very successful year.

Yours sincerely,

Ann Read
Head Teacher

Dates for your Diary

Thursday 18 September Individual school photographs. Infant siblings at 8.30am
Wednesday 15 October Year 6 x 60 pupils Imperial War Museum
Thursday 16 October Year 6 x 60 pupils Imperial War Museum
Thursday 23 October Harvest Festival 10.00am
Wednesday 12 November Year 3 x 60 pupils Horniman Museum
Thursday 13 November Year 3 x 60 pupils Horniman Museum
Monday 8 December Year 5 x 60 pupils Imperial War Museum
Wednesday 10 December Year 5 x 60 pupils Imperial War Museum
HOLIDAY DATES 2014 - 2015

Autumn Term 2014

Closed to Children Monday, 01 September Teacher Training Day

Open to children Tuesday, 02 September
Closes (last day for children) Friday, 24 October
Half Term (school closed) Monday, 27 October to Friday, 31 October
Closed to Children Monday, 03 November Teacher Training Day

School Open to Children Tuesday, 04 November
Closes (last day for children) Friday, 19 December
Spring Term 2015
Open to children Monday, 05 January
Closes (last day for children) Friday, 13 February
Half Term (school closed) Monday, 16 February to Friday, 20 February
Closed to Children Monday, 23 February Teacher Training Day
Tuesday, 24 February Teacher Training Day

Open to children Wednesday, 25 February
Closes (last day for children) Friday, 27 March
Summer Term 2015
School Open to Children Monday, 13 April
School Closed Bank Holiday Monday, 04 May May Day
Closes (last day for children) Friday, 22 May
Half Term (school closed) Monday, 25 May to Friday, 29 May (incl. Bank Hol)
Closed to Children Monday, 01 June Teacher Training Day
Open to children Tuesday, 02 June
Closes (last day for children) Friday, 17 July

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