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We, the students of veterinary medicine of the Philippines, recognize the vital role of 7
veterinary profession to the society, to the nation and to the world, aim for the development and 8
advancement of technology, knowledge and application in veterinary medicine and in animal 9
health and science, believe in our responsibility to uphold and promote veterinary education as a 10
course, seek to protect the welfare and interest of veterinary students and our immediate 11
community, aspire to unify our diversified cultures and instill leadership among veterinary 12
students, unite ourselves and promulgate this constitution and bylaws hereunder. 13
Article I 15
Name of Organization and Annual Convention 16
Section 1. The organization shall be called National Congress of Veterinary Medicine 18
Students. 19
Section 2. The National Congress of Veterinary Medicine Students shall convene annually 20
every February before or during the Veterinary Medicine Week, as stated in the Malacaang 21
Palace Proclamation No. 1964. 22
Article II 23
General Provision 24
Section 1. National Congress of Veterinary Medicine Students or NCVMS or congress or 26
organization shall refer to the uniting organization of veterinary students nationwide. 27
With consultations from Ms. Marikris de Guzman of UP NCPAG Student Council 29
Approved on February 15, 2014 at the Lecture Room 3, CVM-IAS Communal Building, UP Los Baos during the 30
NCVMS Annual Convention and Scientific Conference 31
Presiding Officer/National Director: Mr. Royd Joseph Mosaso of UPLB 32
Secretary: Mr. Maarten Czar Mojares of CavSu 33
Delegates present: 34
`Ms. Jessica Gay Ortiz of UP Los Baos; Ms. Wena Mae Abarillo of Aklan State University; Ms Janica Mapalo, Ms. 35
Janet Fanasan, Ms. Arlyn Chokowen and Ms. Aijeleth Jovellanos of Benguet State University, Mr. Kim Casey 36
Solitario and Mr. Redel Salazar of Cavite State University; Ms. Wilnij Batislaon, Ms. Jondy Arevalo, Ms. Carolyn 37
Hachac and Ms. Jaspher Sevillino of Capiz State University; Ms. Regine Paciente of Central Mindanao University; 38
Ms. Krizzia Kate Vicmudo of Central Luzon State University, Mr. Mark John Beltran of Nueva Vizcaya State 39
University; Mr. Jeffrey Descallar of Dela Salle Araneta University; Mr. Charles Ong and Mr. Rey Perez of Visay as 40
State University; Mr. Lester Canillas of University of Eastern Philippine; Ms. Lourli Jessica Lumapat of South 41
Western University; Mr. Freniemer Dacaya of Univesity of Southern Mindanao 42
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Section 2. Annual Convention shall refer to the annual gathering of veterinary students every 43
February to conduct lectures on the field of veterinary medicine as well as hold the 44
election of the officers of NCVMS for the next academic year. 45
Section 3. General Assembly shall refer to the gathering of all member schools to discuss 46
matters concerning the NCVMS. 47
Section 4. Member school shall refer to the veterinary school which applied for membership 48
and is a bona fide member of the congress for one academic year. 49
Section 5. Member students shall refer to 3rd year to 6th year registered veterinary students 51
whose names are submitted by their respective student government or student council 52
upon application of membership. 53
Section 6. National Executive Council or NEC shall refer to the highest governing and 54
decision-making body of the congress. 55
Section 7. Representative shall refer to an individual internally elected by their respective 56
school to become an officer or part of National Executive Council. 57
Section 8. Region shall refer to the three main islands of the Philippines namely Luzon, 58
Visayas and Mindanao. 59
Section 9. Body shall refer to all the member students who are present during the convention. 60
Section 10. Host School shall refer to a member school which is chosen to host the convention. 61
Article III 63
Colour, Official Seal and Theme Song 64
Section 1. The NCVMS shall have an official colour, logo and theme song. 66
Section 2. The Colour that shall represent the NCVMS shall be gray which represents the course 67
Veterinary Medicine. 68
Section 3. The Seal of the NCVMS shall be the icon below: 69
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a. The four squares shall represent the four thrusts that are veterinarians oath. 86
These are representative for: Animal Health, Animal Compassion, Public Health 87
Concern and Medical Knowledge; 88
b. The blue, like water, which highlight the colour of the squares, shall represent 89
the life that runs through the essence of a veterinarians call; 90
c. The caduceus logo on the foreground of a Philippine map shall represent the 91
scope of a veterinarians responsibility in this country; 92
d. The colour red shall refer to veterinarians passion; and 93
e. The colour green shall be the veterinarians role in the conservation of 94
environmental diversity. 95
Section 4. The Theme Song of the congress shall be Beterinaryo, Propesyong may Puso which 96
was originally written and sung by the Central Mindanao University- College of 97
Veterinary Medicine (CMU-CVM) Chorale during the 8
t h
NCVMS annual convention. 98
The theme song should be played in the convention. Other renditions are allowed, 99
provided that the original arrangements and lyrics are being followed. 100
Article IV 102
Organizational Objectives 103
The organization shall adhere to the following objectives: 105
a. To gather and organize the veterinary students in the country; 106
b. To provide a venue to communicate and unite in honour of the veterinary profession; 107
c. To acquire and share new ideas, knowledge and technology related to veterinary 108
medicine and animal health among fellow veterinary students; 109
d. To create a National Executive Council of veterinary students who shall oversee the 110
implementation and conduct of the congress; 111
e. To train and develop veterinary students in the practice of the veterinary profession; 112
f. To create discourses on various issues and concerns affecting the veterinary discipline 113
and profession; 114
g. To unify our diversified cultures and unite the students of veterinary medicine across 115
the archipelago; 116
h. To be an agent on promoting veterinary students welfare; and 117
j. To recognize the importance of the other veterinary organizations nationwide. 118
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Article V 123
Membership 124
Section 1. The application of membership to the NCVMS is filed by student council or student 126
government annually as determined by NEC. 127
Section 2. Membership fee is 1,000 pesos per school and is different from other fees and dues 128
like registration fee. 129
Section 3. To become a member school, the student government or student council shall submit 130
the list of 3rd year to 6th year REGISTERED veterinary students in their school, together 131
with the application form, letter of intent, constitution and by-laws and the list of their 132
school officers to the National Executive Council. They shall automatically become 133
members of NCVMS for one academic year. The list of registered veterinary students to 134
be submitted shall have an approval or counter signature of the schools College 135
Secretary, Dean or President. The submission should be annual. 136
Section 4. The school who failed to pay the membership fee and submit the requirements cannot 137
participate in the annual convention. 138
Section 5. The National Executive Council shall release a receipt, a list of qualified and approved 139
members and the certificate of membership for the school. 140
Section 6. Termination of membership applies to any student who shifts to another program, 141
transfers to other institution and/or drops out of school. 142
Article VI 144
Rights and Privileges 145
The following shall be the rights and duties of the members: 147
I. Rights and Privileges of the Member Schools 149
Section 1. All member schools are entitled to one voting power in all the decisions to be made in 151
the congress. 152
Section 2. All member schools are given one slot for a representative who can become an officer 153
and represent their school in the National Executive Council. 154
Section 3. All member schools may use the name of NCVMS in their local activities. 155
II. Rights and Privileges of the Member Students 157
Section 1. All member students have the right to express their opinions and views regarding 159
activities and issues surrounding the congress. 160
Section 2. All member students are entitled to participate in the planning activity to be 161
undertaken by the National Executive Council. 162
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Section 3. All members have the right to petition the proper authorities through the organization 163
for redress of grievance, present views and opinions conducive to broad, sound and 164
healthy thinking of vital issues concerning the welfare of the students. 165
Section 4. Every member has the right to be informed of the rules and regulations governing him. 166
Section 5. No member shall be subjected to exploitation, involuntary servitude or cruel and 167
unusual punishment. 168
Section 6. Every member shall have free access on records, reports and other documents of the 169
organization. 170
Article VII 172
Duties and Responsibilities of all Member Schools and Students 174
The following shall be the duties and responsibilities of the members: 176
a. To uphold the constitution and abide by its laws and matters decided upon by 178
the organization. 179
b. To pay the membership fee and other necessary dues. 180
c. To support, join and help in the projects and activities of NCVMS. 181
d. To participate and encourage fellow students to attend in the annual 182
convention. 183
e. To uphold ethics in the practice of the profession. 184
Article VIII 186
National Executive Council 187
Section 1. The National Executive Council shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 189
a. Shall coordinate with the different sectors for worthy projects and activities; 190
b. Shall link all the member schools and inform all the veterinary students 191
nationwide of the projects and activities of the congress; 192
c. Shall receive and distribute any amendments of this constitution; 193
d. Shall see to it that the constitution is being followed; 194
e. Shall serve as the elections committee during the election of the new set of 195
officers; 196
f. Shall be transparent with all of finances of the organization; 197
g. Shall be democratic in all decisions; and 198
h. Shall initiate the implementation of all the decisions. 199
Section 2. The NCVMS shall have National Executive Council which will be composed of the 200
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National Director, Vice Presidents Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, Secretary General, 201
Secretary for Budget and Finance, Secretary for Audit and Inventory, Public Information 202
Officers and Representatives of the member schools. The position of Immediate Past 203
Director shall be automatically given to the previous National Director who completed 204
his term. The NEC and the Immediate Past Director shall hold the positions for one year 205
(1). 206
Section 3. The National Director shall have the following duties: 207
a. Shall be the head of National Executive Council; 208
b. Shall represent the organization in his official capacity as the National Director as 209
the need arises; 210
c. Sign all resolutions, communications and papers of the council; 211
d. Shall initiate the implementation of all the decisions; 212
e. Shall preside the convention and meetings, unless he appoints someone else; 213
f. Shall preside and facilitate the regular election of the congress. The National 214
Director will automatically be the head of the Committee on Elections; and 215
g. Shall have the power to appoint the Secretary General, as well as Secretary for 216
budget and finance from the host school. 217
Section 4. The Vice Presidents Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, shall have the following duties and 218
responsibilities: 219
a. They shall assist the National Director in all matters where their assistance is 220
required; 221
b. In the absence of National Director, any of the three can represent NCVMS or 222
preside the meeting, provided that the NEC will elect whom among the three or in 223
any case, the National Director will appoint who will represent him during his 224
absence; 225
c. They shall coordinate all the activities and projects of the congress in their 226
respective region; and 227
d. They shall perform such other duties as the National Executive Council or the 228
National Director may assign on them from time to time. 229
Section 5. The Secretary General shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 230
a. Shall keep the minutes of the proceedings of National Executive Council and the 231
meeting of NCVMS; 232
b. Shall receive and file all papers and correspondence of the organization 233
and shall certify all acts of the same; 234
c. Shall update the Directory of Veterinary Schools in the Philippines annually; 235
d. Shall keep the roster of the member students in each school annually; and 236
e. Shall perform such other duties as the National Executive Council or the National 237
Director may assign on him from time to time. 238
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Section 6. The Secretary for Budget and Finance 239
a. Shall be the custodian of all NCVMS funds; 240
b. Shall keep the book of accounts which shall be subject to audit semi annually by 241
the Secretary for Audit and Inventory; 242
c. Shall have the authority to transact deposits and withdrawals upon the supervision 243
of the National Director; 244
d. Shall prepare financial statement or report at the end of the activity verified by the 245
Secretary for Audit and Inventory, attested by the National Director; and 246
e. Shall perform such other duties as the National Executive Council or the National 247
Director may assign on him from time to time. 248
Section 7. Secretary for Audit and Inventory 249
a. Shall examine and audit the expenditures of the organization; 250
b. Shall countersign requisitions and disbursements by the Secretary for Budget and 251
Finance or any other authorized officer; 252
c. Shall check the validity of any collection being made before the final approval of 253
the National Executive Council; 254
d. Shall certify the legality of the expenses incurred by the organization; and 255
e. Shall perform such other duties as the National Executive Council or the National 256
Director may assign on him from time to time. 257
Section 8. The Public Information Officer or P.I.O shall have the following duties and 258
responsibilities: 259
a. Shall be responsible for the publicity of the congress; 260
b. Shall be responsible for information dissemination by all means; 261
c. Shall perform such other duties as the National Executive Council or the National 262
Director may assign to him from time to time. 263
Section 9. Representatives of the Schools shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 264
a. Each representative shall coordinate all the activities and projects of the congress in 265
their respective school; 266
b. Shall act as the voice of the school they are representing; and 267
c. Shall perform such other duties as the National Executive Council or the National 268
Director may assign to them from time to time. 269
Section 10. The Immediate Past Director would be considered as a non-voting member of 270
National Executive Council. He may or may not be a student during his term as 271
Immediate Past Director but he can still join the meetings of NEC and in the deliberations 272
during the convention. He shall have the following responsibilities: 273
a. Shall serve as an adviser to the NEC; and 274
b. May represent the organization upon the discretion of the NEC. 275
Section 11. The NEC shall have meetings prior to the convention. 276
Section 12. The National Director shall appoint a faculty adviser 277
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Article IX 279
Using the name of NCVMS 280
Section 1. Every member school may use the name of NCVMS in their local activities as stated 282
in Article VI, I, section 3. Activities may include seminars, fora, lectures, fund raising 283
activities and the like. 284
Section 2. Member school should write a letter address to the NEC about their proposed activity 285
which includes the objectives, details and beneficiaries. 286
a. Budget proposal should be submitted in case that the member school will ask for 287
financial support from the congress. 288
b. Proper liquidation will be demanded from the member school who received financial 289
assistance or who had fund raising activity. 290
c. All of excess money should be return to the organization. 291
d. After the activity, the member school should submit a report and documentation to the 292
NEC. 293
Article X 295
Funds and Disbursement 296
Section 1. The name of the bank account shall be National Congress of Veterinary Medicine 298
Students (NCVMS); 299
Section 2. All monetary collections such as fees, collectibles and other dues of the organizations 300
shall be deposited at the bank or cooperative bank chosen by the National Executive 301
Council. The bankbook of the organization shall strictly be under the custody of the 302
Secretary of Budget and Finance unless irregularities occur then the NEC shall define 303
who shall be the custodian. 304
Section 3. Withdrawals can only be made with the signatures of the National Director and/or 305
Secretary for Budget and Finance and/or Secretary for Audit and Inventory on a 306
resolution made for that purpose. 307
Section 4. All expenses incurred by the organization should be supported by official receipts and 308
documents. Consistency between the disbursed budget and its allocation should be 309
strictly observed. 310
Section 5. The utilization of the organizations funds should be limited to the general concern 311
and official matters of the organization and should never be allocated to personal interest 312
or incentives only. 313
Section 6. There shall always be a financial report of the activity and the Secretary for Budget 314
and Finance duly certified by the Secretary for Audit and Inventory and noted by the 315
National Director after an activity is accomplished. End-of-term reports on the financial 316
status of the organization shall be published in the official publication. A monthly report 317
shall also be made accordingly. 318
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Article XI 320
The National Convention 321
Section 1. The NCVMS shall convene every February as stated in Article I, Section 2 of this 323
constitution. 324
Section 2. The length of the NCVMS convention and programs shall neither be less than three 325
days nor more than five days. 326
Section 3. The convention shall consist of lectures, fora and discussion on the field of veterinary 327
medicine. It will also include general assembly for the member schools and election of 328
new officers. 329
Section 4. During the convention, there will be a general assembly to discuss matters concerning 330
the NCVMS. 331
a. The NEC shall determine the agenda of general assembly. 332
b. The proposed amendments of the constitution will be discussed during the general 333
assembly. The discussion shall be facilitated by the National Executive Council. 334
Section 5. Member students are the only ones who can and shall participate in all the 335
proceedings, deliberations, and discussion. They should strive for consensus in every 336
decision to be made. 337
Section 6. The general assembly discourages the intervention of non-member persons in all the 338
proceedings, deliberations, and discussion, but may allow so if the situation calls for it. 339
The member students should strive for autonomy of NCVMS. 340
Article XII 343
The Next National Director and Host School 344
Section 1. Two (2) months before the convention, the National Executive Council shall send 346
letters to all member schools address to the administration and student government or 347
student council announcing the search for the next National Director and next Host 348
School. 349
Section 2. It is mandatory that all the member schools select one representative student to 350
represent their school. The representative student shall signify intent to host the next 351
convention or decline acceptance of hosting during the convention. 352
Section 3. The body shall have the final decision on who will host the next NCVMS convention. 353
There will be election to determine the next host school where member schools will be 354
given one vote each. The school which will receive majority vote shall be declared as the 355
next host school. 356
Section 4. To become the National Director or an officer of National Executive Council, he must 357
be able to meet the qualifications stated in Article XIV, Section 4. 358
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Section 5. It is the responsibility of the National Director and Host School to organize the 359
convention. 360
Section 6. The school may run again after one academic year to give opportunity to other schools 361
to host the convention. 362
Article XIII 364
Vacancies and Replacements in the National Executive Council 365
Section 1. All the positions in the National Executive Council may be vacated due to the 367
following reasons: death, dismissal, resignation, permanent illness, or any other reasons 368
preventing him from performing the functions. 369
Section 2. In the event of a vacancy, the National Executive Council should announce it to the 370
member schools. 371
Section 3. Upon the vacancy of National Directorship the host school must elect internally an 372
Acting Director. 373
Section 4. The Acting Director shall have no same power as that of the duly elected National 374
Director. His responsibility only is to coordinate the NCVMS convention in their school. 375
Any of the Vice Presidents should take the responsibilities left by the National Director. 376
Section 5. Upon the vacancy of Vice Presidents, the Representatives of the Schools of the same 377
region will internally elect their new Vice President. 378
Section 6. Upon the vacancy of Secretary for audit and inventory, and P.I.O, the National 379
Executive Council shall elect internally from the Representatives of the Schools for the 380
vacant positions. 381
Section 7. Upon the vacancy of Representatives, the school should select a new Representative 382
and submit the name to the National Executive Council. 383
Article XIV 385
Elections 386
Section 1. Election of the new set of National Executive Council shall be held annually during 388
the NCVMS annual convention. 389
Section 2. Each member school shall have one representative which will constitute the National 390
Executive Council. 391
Section 3. The representatives among them shall internally elect the Vice President Luzon, Vice 392
President Visayas, Vice President Mindanao, Secretary for Audit and Inventory and 393
Public Information Officer. School representative elected for National Director shall 394
internally appoint a new school representative. 395
Section 4. Qualifications of Representatives/Officers: 396
a. He must be in his 3rd to 5th year veterinary medicine student. 397
b. He has shown good leadership skills and good track record. 398
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c. He can devote his time and efforts for the welfare and productivity of the organization. 399
d. He must be able to serve for one year following the elections. 400
e. He must not been found guilty of any misconduct with disciplinary notice from any act 401
involving demoralization. 402
f. He must be endorsed by the schools Student Council or Student Government. The 403
schools are given the freedom to create an internal mechanism to select their School 404
Representative. 405
g. He should be physically and mentally fit. 406
Section 5. The new NECs term shall take effect after the end of the NCVMS annual convention. 407
Section 6. Quorum shall mean 50% plus 1 of member schools present. 408
Section 7. Majority vote shall refer to 50% plus 1 of the total number of member schools that 409
are present and that are voting. 410
Section 8. Elected officers are not allowed to take any positions in other organizations outside 411
the congress. 412
Article XV 414
Amendments 415
Section 1. The constitution can be amended if there are proposals to amend from the member 417
schools. Proposals for revision or amendments of any article or section of this 418
constitution must be forwarded to the National Executive Council two (2) months before 419
the scheduled national convention. 420
Section 2. Upon receiving the proposal, the National Executive Council shall distribute and 421
endorse the amendments to all the member schools for review and comments. 422
Section 3. During the convention, the body shall discuss and deliberate on the proposed revision. 423
Section 4. The revision of any part of this constitution requires majority vote (50% +1) of all the 424
member schools present and voting. 425
Article XVI 428
Separability Clause 429
If any of the provisions of this constitution is declared invalid by any competent agency 431
of Government (provided that the NCVMS officialdom shall have made an action and decision 432
on the claim), the remainder or any provision not affected thereby shall remain valid and 433
effective. 434
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Article XV11 439
Transitory Provisions 440
Section 1. The first election of this Constitution shall be held on the month of February 2015 442
during the national convention 443
Section 2. The succeeding regular elections of NEC shall be held annually every national 444
convention as stated in Article XIV, Section 1 of this constitution. 445
Section 3. Upon ratification of this constitution and by-laws, the NEC shall move to elect the 446
Secretary of Audit and Inventory. 447
Section 4. The incumbent officers shall still hold their respective positions for the SY 2013- 448
2014 depending on the result of the ratification of this constitution and by-laws. 449
Article XVIII 451
Effectivity 452
This constitution shall commence upon its unanimous ratification by majority votes (50%+1) 454
of the member schools and shall take effect by academic year 2015-2016. 455

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