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SIOP Lesson Plan Template Kaitlyn Bending

Date: April 7
, 2014

Grade/Class/Subject: Kindergarten

Unit/Theme: Mathematics

Lesson Topic: Spheres

State Standards:
Concepts and skills students master:
1. Shapes can be described by characteristics and position and created by composing and
Students can:
b. Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes. (CCSS: K.G)
i. Analyze and compare two and three dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations,
using formal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts and other attributes
(CCSS: K.G.4)

WIDA Standards:
Language of Mathematics

Content Objective:
Students will be able to create and model the different parts of a sphere.

Language Objective:
Students will be able to orally express their knowledge of what a sphere is by talking to peers,
and writing one sentence describing the sphere using the learned vocabulary words.

Key Vocabulary:
Sphere, sides, face, cube, features, two dimensional, three dimensional

Supplementary Materials:
Beach balls (3)
Soccer balls (3)
Frisbees (3)
Play dough
Paper plates
Chart paper

Higher Order Questions:

Time: Lesson Sequence / Activities
(Building background, links to experience, links to learning)
We will begin class by going outside to explore different objects that will be given
to them. Before we go outside I will have the students get into pairs. Once we get
outside I will hand each group a Frisbee, beach ball, or soccer ball. The students
will be allowed to play with the ball for a couple of minutes. Then I will have the
students trade objects with another group.
After a couple minutes I will tell the students to stop and hold their objects. I will
ask them to talk to their partner about the objects they are holding. Are they light?
Are they heavy? How was the soccer ball different from the beach ball and the
Frisbee? Are they all the same shape or are they different? Are the shapes two
dimensional or three dimensional?
We will go back to the classroom to discuss more about shapes. I will ask them
What shape is the beach ball? What shape is the Frisbee? What shape is the
soccer ball? Do they all have the same shape? Whats the difference between
them? Lets explore these objects more. I will record on a chart paper their
responses. The chart paper will have three categories labeled beach ball, Frisbee
and soccer ball; I will list all of the features the students discuss under each

(Language and content objectives, key vocabulary, comprehensible input,
strategies, interaction, feedback)
I will gather the class at the front of the classroom all sitting down.
As a class we will go over our language and content objectives. The way we will
do this is by reading the objectives together. Instead of using the objectives I have
written I will use I can objectives, and simplify both by using pictures and
flashcards by key words, so all of the students may understand. We will read over
the objectives a couple of times, and I will ask the students What are we learning
about today? With their hopeful response being spheres.
I will have three vocabulary words written on the whiteboard (sides, faces, and
edges). We will discuss what each of these words mean. I will explain that these
are scientific words, and they describe the features of a three dimensional shape.
I will demonstrate this with a cube on the board showing where the side, face and
vertices are. I will also use my realia object of a three dimensional cube going
over where the sides, edges, and faces are located on the cube.
Using my realia object of the sphere I will ask different students to come up and
show me the edge, face and vertices of the sphere. If the students cant show me
any of these I will ask. Does this object have edges? Remember the cubes edges
were sharp (holding up the cube). Does the sphere have different sides?
Remember the cube had 6 sides. (counting the sides of the cube) Why cant you
show me any sides or edges on a sphere? Then I will explain a sphere has only
one face and it covers the entire surface. I will then draw a sphere on a piece of
chart paper, and write sphere at the top. At the bottom I will label Edges=0
Sides=0 Faces=1 On another chart paper I will draw a cube, and label the
edges, sides and faces.
I will then have the students turn to a partner and discuss what they have just
learned about spheres. I will then have the students stop talking (I will have a can
full of questions about spheres). I will draw a question out of the can and each
partnership will have to answer the question. (Questions may be: Does a sphere
have any edges? What shape is a sphere?)

Practice and Application:
(Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application, feedback)
I will have all of the students go back to their desks.
I will tell them we are going to create our own spheres with play dough today.
When I pass out the play dough to you, create a sphere. Can there be any
corners? Can there be any flat sides?
I will go around and check each table to make sure the students understand the
After the students have created their sphere they will look at their partners
sphere, and compare. They will talk about their spheres and how they feel. As a
table we will share our spheres.
I will have a sentence frame written on the board.
My sphere is_______ (color). It has ___ edges, ____faces and ____sides.
I will demonstrate first holding up my created play dough sphere. My sphere is
blue. It has zero edges, one face, and zero sides. I will say it slowly for the
students and then we will all repeat the sentence together. In their tables they will
say this to their group members, using the sentence frame on the board.

Review and Assessment:
(Review objectives and vocabulary, variety of formative assessments/checks for
I will hand the students a worksheet. On this worksheet it requires them to trace a
sphere. This worksheet will only contain a picture of a sphere, the students will be
required to copy the word sphere from the board, and they will be asked by me to
color the face of the sphere blue.
I will ask:
Can we color any sides or edges? Why not? What can we say about our sphere?
I will have another sentence created on the board. I will explain the next part of
the worksheet telling them that we are going to describe our sphere. Here is my
description of my sphere:
My sphere has no sides or edges. My sphere is green and my sphere is big.
I will create the sentence frame:
My sphere has ____ sides and _____ edges. My sphere is _____ (color) and my
sphere is _______ (a word that describes your sphere).
The students will also be allowed to create their own sentence rather than copying
the sentence that is given to them on the board. I will go around to each student
and talk to them about their spheres. I will help guide conversations with students
who are having a difficult time using the words face, sides and edge.

I will have the students try and identify three different three dimensional shapes
that they around them. We will discuss some of these shapes for the next class.

SIOP Features

_ Adaptation of content
_ Links to background
_ Links to past learning
_ Strategies incorporated

Integration of Processes
_ Reading
_ Writing
_ Speaking
_ Listening

_ Modeling
_ Guided practice
_ Independent practice
_ Comprehensible Input

_ Hands-on
_ Meaningful
_ Linked to objectives
_ Promotes engagement

Group Options
_ Whole class
_ Small groups
_ Partners
_ Independent

_ Individual
_ Group
_ Written
_ Oral





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