Planning GPS Data Collection: Software Is Provided On The TEC7133 CD-ROM. You Can Also Download This

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Planning GPS Data Collection

Trimble has made available free and easy to use GPS planning software. The
Trimble Planning software allows you to identify the best and worst time periods
for GPS data collection at any location. This information is applicable to all GPS
devices, not just Trimble units. The installation files for the Trimble Planning
software is provided on the TEC7133 CD-!". You can also download this
software from a link at the following !"#

%n this e&ercise you will use the Trimble Planning software to plan GPS data
collection at '(T( for )ctober *, *++*.
Step ,- "oad pdated .lmanac /ile
1. /irst we need to download the latest almanac file from Trimble. /or this
e&ercise we will utili0e an almanac provided by Trimble on the web. )pen
%nternet 1&plorer and navigate to the following !"#
')T1# %f you have a Trimble GPS, you should use one of your current
SS/ files instead of going to the web.
2. (lick on C#rrent Ephemeris Data. 1nsure that Save to Disk is checked and
click !$. 'avigate to the d:\tec7133\almanac folder and change the name of
the file to 10_2_02.ssf. (lick Save.
')T1# (hanging the name is optional. 2owever, this is good file
management. .lmanac files become outdated and are generally good for
only about 3+ days. Therefore, by using the current date as the file name,
you now know when you downloaded the almanac from Trimble.
3. )pen the Trimble Planning software 4StartProgramsTrimble
#. 6e need to clear the e&isting almanac file. /rom the %lmanac menu, choose
Clear. Select &es when asked if you really want to clear the almanac file.
$. /rom the %lmanac menu, choose 'mport and click SS(.
%. 'avigate the d:\tec7133\almanac folder and select ,+7*7+*.ssf. (lick !pen.
(lick !$ to dismiss the Planning dialog that reports the number of imported
7. You now need to save this almanac into the Trimble Total (ontrol format.
/rom the %lmanac menu, choose Save. 'ame the file 10_2_02.alm and
store in same folder as above 4d:\tec7133\almanac&.
8. 'ow you can load this new almanac into Trimble Planning. /rom the
%lmanac menu, choose )oad. Specify the almanac file you just saved in the
previous step.
Step * 8 .ssign GPS 9ata (ollection Parameters
,. /rom the (ile menu, choose Station. The Station 'ditor dialog appears.
*. (lick the Cit* tab. 'ow select (artinsb)rg* +, from the list of cities and click
3. Since you will only be collecting GPS data today from :am to ;pm, ensure the
following parameters are entered into the Time section of the dialog.
Start 9ate# ,+$*$*++*
Start Time# +:#++
9uration# :
%nterval# ,+
The Station 'ditor dialog should match the e&ample below.

;. (lick !$ when finished.
<. Since we will not be using a GPS device that can utili0e the Glonass satellite
system, uncheck the bo& ne&t to Glonass.

Step 3 8 1&amine !esults
,. /rom the Graphs menu, choose +#mber of Satellites.
2ow many satellites will be visible at ,#++ pm 4,3#++5=7777777777

*. /rom the Graphs menu, select D!P and choose D!P , Position.
.t what time is P9)P generally the lowest=77777777777
6hat is the appro&imate P9)P value at >#++ am 4+>#++5 =77777777
3. /rom the )ists menu, select D!P -al#es.
6hat is the e&act P9)P value at >#++ am 4+>#++5=77777777
;. %f you wanted to keep P9)P less than 3, which time of day would you avoid=
<. /rom the Graphs menu, select S.* Plot.
6hy should you avoid facing north when collecting GPS data=
Challenge E/ercise
'ow that you are familiar with using Trimble Planning software, identify P9)P
conditions near your home or duty station.
se the following parameters#
"ocation# (ity nearest your home or office

Start 9ate# ,+$3,$*++*
Start Time# +:#++
9uration# :
%nterval# ,+
6hen is P9)P the lowest=777777777777777P9)P value77777777
6hen is P9)P the highest=77777777777777P9)P value77777777
2ow many satellites are visible at ,* noon=77777777777
You need to collect a nest site near the edge of a steep cliff face and
therefore satellite visibility will be blocked for a portion of the sky. The area to
be blocked is the entire S1 4>+ to ,:+ a0imuth5 sky from an elevation of ?+
degrees down to the hori0on. se the )bstruction 1ditor to determine the
best time of day to get a positional fi&. %f necessary, read online to
determine how to do this.
6hen is your best window of opportunity to collect this nest location at your
station= 777777777777777777777777777

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