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Lesson Plan Template for Critical Assignment 1

Teacher: Vanessa M Adams Subject: Math

Grade Level: 6th
Lesson Topic: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Time
Required: 1 Week
Sunshine State Standards, Benchmarks, & Access Points
BIG IDEA 1 - Develop an understanding of and fluency with multiplication and
division of fractions and decimals.

MA.6.A.1.1 Explain and justify procedures for multiplying and dividing fractions and
Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Date Adopted or Revised: 09/07

MA.6.A.1.In.a: Express and represent fractions, including halves, fourths, thirds, and
eighths, using number names and numerals.
Represent fractions as parts of sets and parts of a whole.

MA.6.A.1.Su.a: Express, represent, and use fractions, including halves, fourths, and
thirds, as parts of a whole and as parts of a set, using number names.

Instructional Analysis - Prior Knowledge

Declarative Knowledge - Students should already know that…

1. Fractions cannot be added or subtracted unless they have a common
2. The least common denominator or LCD is found by finding the least common
factor of the two denominators.
3. All answers must be simplified.

Students should already know how to…

1. Students must be able to locate and understand numerators and denominators of
2. Students must know how to simplify fractions.
3. Students must know how to add and subtract fractions by way of finding the least
common denominator (LCD).

Prior knowledge will be assessed by have a class review with oral questions.
Students we be asked to explain and perform procedures concerning the addition
and subtraction of fractions on the board within class view for review/learning

Instructional Analysis – Declarative Knowledge

In this lesson, students will learn that….

1. Students must use their comprehension of numerators, denominators and

fraction simplification in order to understand multiplication and division with
2. Students must use their whole number multiplication skills in order to properly
problem solve.
3. Students must use their understanding of whole number division in order to
understand fraction division.

Instructional Analysis – Procedural Knowledge

In this lesson, students will learn how to….

1. Students will learn how to multiply fractions.

2. Students will learn how to find the reciprocal for the division of fractions.
3. Students will learn how to divide fractions.

Interdisciplinary connections:
In India fractions were written very much like we do now, with one number the
numerator being above the denominator, but without a line or slant. It was the
Arabs who added the line (sometimes drawn horizontally, sometimes on a slant)
which we now use to separate the numerator and denominator.

Common Misunderstandings or Misconceptions:

1. Students usually try to set the denominators equal to one another like in
addition and subtraction of fractions, finding the least common denominator
or LCD.
2. Students usually have trouble understanding how division with fractions turns
into multiplication with fractions.
Your plan to address these:
1. I will make sure that the students understand the numerator and
denominator never change with the exception of reciprocals BEFORE we start
the section.
2. I will make sure students understand the purpose of the reciprocal and why a
fraction division problem becomes a fraction multiplication problem BEFORE
the question occurs.

Learning Objectives:

Knowledge - Students will be able to identify the reciprocal of a fraction with 80%
accuracy given examples on a worksheet.

Comprehension - Students will know how to explain procedures for multiplying and
dividing fractions with 80% accuracy given a one question quiz.

Application - Students will be able to apply reciprocals to division problems with

80% accuracy given examples on a class PowerPoint.

Analysis - Students will be able to compare and contrast multiplication and division
problems involving fractions with 80% accuracy given an in class worksheet.

Synthesis - Students will be able to explain the use of reciprocals with 80% accuracy
given class notes.

Evaluation - Students will be able to conclude an equation based on a simplified

fraction once multiplication or division of fractions has been performed with 80%
accuracy given an in class worksheet.

Learner Analysis:

1. Age Range & Gender – Ages 11 to 13; 40% male, 60% female
2. Race – 40% Caucasian, 20% African American, 20% Middle Eastern, 10%
Hispanic, 10% Asian
3. Socio-economic background – 35% upper middle class, 40% lower middle
class, 25% at federal poverty level
4. Learning Style Preferences – kinesthetic, visual, auditory
5. Disabilities & Exceptionalities - none
6. Motivation - In class review games with extra credit
7. Cognitive Skills (concrete, abstract, etc.) - Moderate

Assessment Plan


1. Students will be asked questions related to the PowerPoint.

2. Student will do practice problems throughout the lesson.
3. Students will be asked to explain how a problem is solved.


1. Students will work together on group projects.

2. Students will have class work that will be graded.
3. Students will have quizzes and exams.

Instructional Strategies:

How will you introduce the lesson? I will start out by reviewing the previous lesson
with sample problems. Then I will use the PowerPoint to introduce the new lesson.

How will you teach concepts during the lesson? Concepts will be taught with hands-

on learning and cooperative learning involving a WebQuest. Another concept will be
the Direct Instruction which consists of step-by-step instruction. I also plan on using
Drill and Practice methods so students can learn at their own pace. Finally, I plan on
using Independent Study this will give the student self-reliance.

How will you conclude the lesson? Students will be given class work to complete in
class independently or in groups. Students will also be assigned homework in
connection to the lesson. Students will also be asked to subscribe to a blog for at
home support.

Classroom & Technology Management Strategies: First I will provide students

with clear guidelines on school policies and procedures in working with technology
in the classroom and out of the classroom, meaning the blog. Adding deadlines is
important also because it allows for student accountability, this applies to the
WebQuest and the time allotted per student. Every school has an Acceptable User
Policy signed by both students and their parents on what constitutes proper
behavior when using technology. In addition I will establish norms for student
behavior when using equipment to complete an assignment and how they will be

Learning Activities:

During the introduction of the lesson, students will: Students will be taking notes
and involved in discussion.

During the lesson, students will: Students will do practice problems along with the
teacher. Students will also be doing a WebQuest to further their interpersonal skills
and mastery of multiplying and dividing fractions.

At the conclusion of the lesson, students will: Students will be assigned class work.
Students may also be given a quiz.

Materials & Resources:

-College-ruled notebook paper

Technology tools (Software and hardware):

-Graphic Organizers

URL’s you will use:



Teacher NETS addressed: Technology Operations and Concepts; Planning and

Designing Learning Environments and Experiences; Teaching, Learning, and the
Curriculum; Assessment and Evaluation; Productivity and Professional Practice;
Social, Ethnical, Legal, and Human Issues were all addressed in the lesson plan
some better than others. I feel I did well on sections I-IV. I feel that I may have
lacked on sections V-VI of the Teacher NETS. I believe I need more technology

Student NETS addressed: Creativity and Innovation; Communication and

Collaboration; Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving,
and Decision Making; Digital Citizenship were all addressed in the lesson plan. I feel
I did well on sections I-V. I feel that I lacked on section VI because did not instruct
the student on how to access and use some of the technology.

Strengths: My main strength for Teacher NETS I believe was Assessment and
Evaluation. I felt that I listed a variety of assessment techniques.

Weaknesses: My main weakness for the Student NETS is Technology Operations and
Concepts. I feel the student will also need to be taught how to use these
applications, meaning the blog and WebQuest.

Possible Solutions or Action Plan for Improvements: Instructions for use in

technology and more ongoing technology based learning for the students.

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