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ECSE 512 - Fall 2014
Digital Signal Processing
[3 credits, cross-listed with ECSE 412]

Senate on January 29, 2003 approved a resolution on academic integrity, which
requires that the following reminder to students be printed on every course outline:


General Information:


Prof. Benot Champagne
Office: McConnell Engineering, Room 756
Tel: (514) 398-5701
Office Hours:
o Monday & Wednesday: 1h30pm to 3h00pm
o Otherwise by appointment


Monday and Wednesday: 11h30pm to 1h00pm
Location: ENGTR 2120
Lectures will start on Monday, September 8, 2014
NOTE: According to the McGill Calendar, Thursday Dec. 4 follows a Monday
schedule, and therefore there will be a lecture on that day.


Friday: 2h30pm to 4h30pm
Room ENGTR 2100
Tutorials will start on Friday, September 12, 2014

Teaching Assistants:

Name Office Email Responsibility
Ms. Tianze Su MC751 Tutoring
Mr. Vidhyasagar
(Sagar) Mani
MC751 Grading

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Course Description:
ECSE 304: Signals and Systems II, or
ECSE 306: Fundamentals of Signals and Systems
Digital signal processing (DSP) technologies are prevalent in a wide variety of
applications in electrical and computer engineering, including: consumer
electronics, web-based multi-media processing, advanced wireline and
wireless digital communications, sonar and radar processing, remote sensing
and biomedical engineering, to name a few.
The main objective of the course is to equip the students with the
fundamental principles, methods and algorithms that are commonly employed
by practicing engineers and scientists in the analysis, development and design
of modern DSP systems for such applications.
The emphasis will bear on the processing of one-dimensional signals,
although certain multi-dimensional generalizations may be discussed.
List of Topics:
Introduction (1 hour)
Definition of digital signal processing (DSP), overview of a DSP system, the
discrete-time signal processing (DTSP) paradigm.
Part I: Basic concepts (~9 hour)
Discrete-time characterization of signals and systems: linear time-invariant
(LTI) systems, convolution, finite (FIR) and infinite (IIR) impulse responses,
difference equations.
Discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT): definition, types of convergence,
properties, frequency analysis of LTI systems, ideal frequency selective filters,
phase and group delays, random signals.
Z-transform (ZT): definition, properties, rational forms, unilateral ZT and
difference equations, z-domain analysis of LTI systems, pole-zero
characterization, inverse system, all-pass and minimum-phase
decomposition, linear phase property.
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT): definition, properties, relationship between
DFT, DFS and DTFT, circular versus linear convolution, discrete cosine
transform (DCT).
Part II: Design and implementation issues for DSP systems (~16 hours)

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Digital processing of analog signals: uniform sampling, sampling theorem,
reconstruction formula, basic A/D and D/A functions, digital filtering of analog
Filter structures: signal flow graph representation, basic structures for FIR
and IIR systems (direct forms, parallel, cascade, etc.), transposition theorem,
lattice filter structures.
Filter design techniques: numerical approximation problem, transformation
techniques for the design of IIR filters, FIR filter design by windowing and
frequency sampling, introduction to computer optimization techniques, Parks-
McClellan algorithm.
Finite-precision effects: review of binary arithmetic, effects of coefficient
quantization on frequency response, round-off noise in digital filtering, SQNR
computation, limit cycles.
Practical computation of the DFT: fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms,
radix-2 algorithms based on decimation-in-time and decimation-in-frequency,
generalization to mixed radix, FFT-based linear convolution (overlap-add and
overlap-save methods).
Introduction to programmable digital signal processors (PDSP): motivation,
basic characterization and structural features, benchmarking of PDSP.
Part III: Advanced topics and applications (~12 hours)
Frequency analysis of signals: DFT-based analysis, trade-off between
temporal and frequency resolution, effects of windowing and spectral
sampling, time-dependent Fourier analysis (spectrograms).
Multirate systems: sampling rate conversion, fundamental identities,
polyphase decomposition, introduction to subband filtering, oversampling in
A/D and D/A conversion.
Adaptive filtering (if time permits): motivation, reference signal, cost
function, recursive optimization, the LMS algorithm, selected applications.

Course Material:
Web Support:
The course web page on McGill Universitys myCourses (WebCT Vista) will be
used to post course related information (e.g. course outline, weekly schedule,
lecture slides, problem sets, exam solutions, etc.). Make sure you consult it
Main textbook:
Lecture material and problems sets will be taken from the following required
textbook: A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal
Processing, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, N.J., 2010.

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Class Notes:

A set of class notes developed in the past years by Professors Champagne
and Labeau can be used as a complement the main textbook.
The notes will be made available in PDF format on the course Web page.
Matlab Primer:
A quick introduction to Matlab will be given during the first tutorial. The
corresponding slides will be posted on the course Web page.
For those who want to know more:
o There are several free Matlab tutorials available on the Web; simply
search for Matlab tutorials or Matlab primer. A few examples of such
tutorials are given below under Some Interesting Links.
o Several textbooks are also available for learning Matlab, such as the
one by R. Pratap under Supplementary Texts below.
Old Exams:

A limited subset of midterms and final exams previously given in 512 will be
posted on the course Web page.
These should be consulted by the students prior to examinations.

Supplementary Texts:

M. H. Hayes, Digital Signal Processing, Schaums Outlines, 1999.
A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer, Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall,
R. Pratap, Getting Started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction for Scientists
and Engineers, Oxford University Press, 2006.
S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A computer-based Approach with
Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2006
J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles,
Algorithms, and Applications, 4th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2007.
Some useful links:
Nice stuff on signals and systems:
Matlab tutorials:
IEEE Signal Processing Society:

Homework and Evaluation:
Problem sets:

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There will be six (6) problem sets (i.e. about one every two weeks), to be
posted on the course Web page along with due dates and other relevant info.
These may include more advanced problems that require the use of numerical
computing (i.e. Matalb) and/or the study of selected research papers.
A standard cover page format will be provided on the Web (Assignments
without cover page WILL NOT be marked).
An assignment box has been reserved for the course.
For each problem set and depending on time available to the grader, only
selected problems may be marked.
Solutions will be posted on the Web once the due date is past.
The best 5 out of 6 problem sets will be counted towards the final mark.
Midterm examinations:
There will be 1 midterm examination, 1h20min in duration, and held during
normal class time:
- Midterm #1: Monday, October 27, 2014
This will be of the CLOSED BOOK type: only the faculty standard calculator
will be allowed (NO crib sheet).
A list of the material covered by the midterm will be posted on the Web.
Term Project:
Working alone or in team of two, students will be required to complete a term
project on a selected DSP topic.
Realization of the project will involve the following elements:
o Reading of specialized papers on a selected DTSP algorithm;
o Development of Matlab code for its implementation;
o Testing and evaluation of the algorithm;
o Preparation of a technical report.
Details about the project, including choice of topic, important dates, report
format, etc., will be posted on the Web at a later time.
Final examination:
There will be a final examination, 3 hours in duration (date and time to be
announced by the Faculty).
This will be of the CLOSED BOOK type: only the faculty standard calculator
will be allowed (NO crib sheet).
The final examination will cover all the material included in the class notes
and/or seen in class during the term.
Marking scheme:
Problem sets 15%
Term project 15%
Midterm examination 20%
Final examination 50%

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Marking Policy (Assignments and Midterms):
No assignment will be accepted after the assignments have been collected
from the assignment box.
Any requests for re-evaluation of an assignment must be made within one
week of its return by contacting the instructor.
Marked assignments not picked up within two weeks may be discarded.
There will not be make-up examinations for students who miss a
Students who miss such a midterm due to illness should notify the
instructor within a week of the examination and provide him with an
adequate medical certificate stating the date and nature of the illness.
Under presentation of a proper certificate, the mark for the missed
examination will be computed from that obtained at the final examination.
Students who miss a midterm for unjustified reasons (e.g.: no medical
certificate, going to the exam at the wrong time or on the wrong day, etc.)
will automatically get a mark of zero.
Any request for reevaluation of a Midterm must be made within a week of its
return by contacting the instructor.
Marked Midterms that have not been picked up after two weeks of their
return may be discarded.

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