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Boots & Coots Acquisition of

Old School Services, LLC

Questions and Answers:
General and Employment
August 8, 2012


What are the main drivers of the acquisition?
The combination of Old School Services, LLC (OSS) and the Boots & Coots product service line will fill a
gap in Halliburtons offerings and give all of us the opportunity to take a winning formula and expand it
globally. Boots & Coots services will provide the global footprint and depth, while OSSs Thru-Tubing Tools
(TTT) business will provide the equipment, skilled personnel and business knowledge to accomplish a
unified business objective to be the premier TTT company worldwide. We will do this by providing the
industry with the best tools, combined with highly skilled personnel and the best tools technology in the

Who will be leading OSS?
OSSs current management team will continue to lead this organization, which will report up through Kelly
Hebert to Mike Marshall, Boots & Coots global operations manager for Coiled Tubing.

How will OSS be integrated into Halliburton?
OSS will be part of Halliburtons Boots & Coots product service line within the Coiled Tubing group, and will
continue to operate as normal as we begin the integration process.

Over the next month, the management teams of both companies will develop a detailed integration and
marketing plan. But, for now, business will continue as usual and we will remain focused on the execution
of our current strategic plan. Both companies are committed to ensuring that, through this transition period,
our customers see the same level of service quality they have always received from us. We count on your
help in this respect.

Will this acquisition have any impact on my job?
As noted above, the objective of the acquisition is to grow the TTT business globally. It is expected that
most employees will continue in similar roles, but there may be some adjustments due to the normal course
of integration. There may also be new opportunities for some employees as a result of the acquisition.

Customers are asking me what this deal means for them. What should I say?
This is great news for our customers. Halliburton is a global company with more than 70,000 employees
and a reach into approximately 80 countries worldwide. Please assure our customers that this merger will
provide OSS clients with:

o The same great service and skilled employees from OSS
o The engineering capabilities and innovation of Boots & Coots
o The extensive network of resources that Halliburton offers.

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Will we need to order new business cards, coveralls, signs and equipment decals?
Although none of these will need to change immediately, there will be new graphics to identify OSS sites
and equipment as part of Boots & Coots. The new branding guidelines will be communicated to you in the
next month. In addition, there will be interim processes to follow to order items that you need before the
integration is complete.

Will OSS offices move?
There are no plans to move any location at the moment. As the business grows, there may be opportunity
for consolidation of some field locations into nearby Halliburton sites. Those plans will be communicated to
you as they are finalized.

Will my email address change?
Your OSS email account will continue to be your primary account for now. You will be issued another email
account with a address (Sample: Within the next two months,
your OSS email account will be merged with your new account.

How will I get information from Halliburton?
You will continue to receive various updates and announcements regarding the transaction through your
OSS email account and face-to-face communications such as town hall meetings or webcasts.

What kind of orientation will I receive and when?
Orientation will be an ongoing process beginning in the next several weeks. You will be invited to
workshops, webcasts and other activities to learn about Halliburtons mission, vision, values, benefits,
country-specific policies and practices, and other information. As activities are scheduled, information will
be sent to your supervisor or posted at your facility.

How do OSS employees benefit from being part of Halliburton?
Halliburton offers a full suite of products and services for the global upstream oil and gas industry.
This opens up many opportunities for personal and professional development and career advancement.

When will I be notified of any changes in my reporting lines or responsibilities?
You will remain in your same job, reporting to your current manager. If there are any organizational
changes, the Boots & Coots leadership will communicate them to affected employees in advance.

Does Halliburton have corporate credit card and gas card programs? If so, when will the transition
from the OSS programs to the Halliburton programs occur?
Yes, Halliburton has corporate credit card and gas card programs available for eligible employees.
More information regarding these programs and eligibility will be distributed at the appropriate time,
but, for now, please continue using the process that OSS has in place.

Who do I contact if I have questions?
Kelly Hebert, from Boots & Coots, has been named the primary integration lead. You can also send an
email to the Halliburton Integration team at

Health and Group Benefits
What impact will this transaction have on our payroll and benefits?
Current OSS payroll and benefits will remain unchanged in the near term. You will remain covered under
the OSS health and group benefits until you go live and are being paid on Halliburtons payroll system.

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When will I receive comprehensive information regarding the Halliburton U.S. health and group
benefit programs?
A benefits packet will be mailed to you in the coming months outlining coverage details of benefits offered
under Halliburtons plans. Halliburton provides comprehensive benefit programs that include medical,
dental, vision, life, AD&D, long-term disability, flexible spending accounts, wellness, and a retirement and
savings plan.

If I move to Halliburtons medical and dental plans prior to December 31, 2012, will I receive credit
under Halliburtons medical and dental plans for the 2012 plan year deductibles I have paid under
OSSs medical and dental plans?
If you enroll in Halliburtons medical and dental plans prior to December 31, 2012, you will receive credit
for the 2012 deductibles you have paid under the OSS plan.

How will this affect my vacation/paid-time-off eligibility?
Your vacation/paid-time-off eligibility will remain unchanged through 2012. Your service date, including both
OSS and Halliburton service, if applicable, will determine your eligibility effective Jan. 1, 2013, and beyond.

What will happen to my paid-holiday entitlements with OSS?
Your current paid-holiday entitlements remain in effect through Dec. 31, 2012. On Jan. 1, 2013, you will
transition to the Halliburton holiday schedule.

Retirement and Savings

The Halliburton Retirement and Savings Plan (the Halliburton R&S Plan) is a defined contribution plan
sponsored by Halliburton Company (the Company). The Company is committed to helping you prepare
for your financial future. By sponsoring the Halliburton R&S Plan, the Company has made it easier for you
to save for retirement and other long-term financial goals. You will be eligible to participate in the
Halliburton R&S Plan when OSS employees transition to Halliburtons payroll.

When will I receive comprehensive information regarding provisions of the Halliburton R&S Plan,
enrollment in the plan, investment options and contact information?

When you become eligible for the Halliburton R&S Plan, a packet will be mailed to you that will provide
comprehensive information about the provisions of the Halliburton R&S Plan, including the Company match
and the process for enrollment upon becoming eligible to participate in the plan.

Important Notice: The above benefits information as of August 8, 2012, is based on information
reviewed to date regarding the planned acquisition and will apply to continuing eligible employees
following the closing of the acquisition. Halliburton has no present intention to do so but reserves
the right to change, suspend, amend or terminate any employee benefit plan or program and the
information set forth herein in whole or in part at any time.

System access

Will I receive a new computer?
Yes, you will receive Halliburton-issued computers after the infrastructure evaluation is completed.
During the transition, Halliburton IT staff members will work to ensure a successful transition to Halliburton
IT systems. The time it takes to receive your new computer will be based on vendor availability for your
particular model.

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Will my data on my current computer get transferred to my new one?
Yes, IT will coordinate with you on the best time to deliver your new computer and facilitate a data transfer
to the new machine.

What is my network ID and how do I get it?
Each Halliburton employee is issued a unique user account that includes a network ID known as User ID
and a SAP employee number. The network ID allows employees access to various Halliburton Web
resources and applications, while the SAP employee ID provides access to time and expense entry.

You will be issued a network ID that will be emailed to your current OSS email address in about three
weeks. If you do not receive the email, or if you have questions about your user ID or employee number,
please email the integration mailbox.


How do I access messages in my new email account?
Additional instructions for accessing the network and your email account will be sent with your new account

Cell/Smart Phones

Will I receive a new cell phone/Blackberry?
If you currently possess an OSS-issued phone, the account will be transitioned to Halliburton. If you are
using a personal phone for business purposes, you will need to obtain a Halliburton-issued phone.
Additional details on obtaining a Company-issued phone will be sent separately.


How do we procure IT equipment, software and support?
Work with your manager to order any additional required equipment or software.


What is Halliburtons policy on Anti-Corruption and International Compliance?
Halliburton is a U.S. company subject to U.S. anti-bribery laws, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
(FCPA). Halliburton's policy is to comply with the FCPA and anti-bribery laws of the countries in which we
are based or in which we do business. We do not pay bribes not to obtain new business, to retain
existing business, or to secure any improper advantage. For Halliburton, even an allegation of bribery can
be harmful. Damage to our reputation can diminish our standing in the industry, negatively affect our
shareholders' and customers' perceptions of us, and generally impair our ability to succeed. As an
employee of a subsidiary of Halliburton, you provide important services in support of our business.
However, in doing so, your actions reflect on our business reputation. You are expected to conduct all
transactions on behalf of Halliburton in a fair manner. That means acting with honesty and integrity,
observing high standards of personal and business ethics, and complying with all applicable laws and

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