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EM Theory
Electric and magnetic fields. Gausss Law and Amperes Law. Fields in dielectrics, conductors and
magnetic materials. Mawells e!uations. Time "arying fields. #lane$%a"e propagating in dielectric
and conducting media. Transmission lines.
+and Theory, 'onductors, *emi$conductors and )nsulators. *uper$conducti"ity. )nsulators for
electrical and electronic applications. Magnetic materials. Ferro and ferri magnetism. 'eramics,
#roperties and applications. ,all effect and its applications. *pecial semi conductors.
-. ELE'T()'AL ')('.)T*
'ircuits elements. /irchoffs Laws. Mesh and nodal analysis. 0etwor1 Theorems and applications.
0atural response and forced response. Transient response and steady state response for ar2itrary
inputs. #roperties of networ1s in terms of poles and 3eros. Transfer function. (esonant circuits.
Threephase circuits. Two$port networ1s. Elements of two$element networ1 synthesis.
4. MEA*.(EME0T* A05 )0*T(.ME0TAT)60
.nits and *tandards. Error analysis, measurement of current, 7oltage, power, #ower$factor and
energy. )ndicating instruments. Measurement of resistance, inductance, 'apacitance and fre!uency.
+ridge measurements. Electronic measuring instruments. 5igital 7oltmeter and fre!uency counter.
Transducers and their applications to the measurement of non$electrical !uantities li1e temperature,
pressure, flow$rate displacement, acceleration, noise le"el etc. 5ata ac!uisition systems. A85 and
58A con"erters.
9. '60T(6L *:*TEM*
Mathematical modeling of physical systems. +loc1 diagrams and signal flow graphs and their
reduction. Time domain and fre!uency domain analysis of linear dynamical system. Errors for
different type of inputs and sta2ility criteria for feed2ac1 systems. *ta2ility analysis using (outh$
,urwit3 array, 0y!uist plot and +ode plot. (oot locus and 0icols chart and the estimation of gain
and phase margin. +asic concepts of compensator design. *tate "aria2le matri and its use in
system modelling and design. *ampled data system and performance of such a system with the
samples in the error channel. *ta2ility of *ampled data system. Elements of non$linear control
analysis. 'ontrol system components, electromechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic components.
#aper ))
1. ELE'T(')AL MA',)0E* A05 #6%E( T(A0*F6(ME(*
Magnetic 'ircuits $ Analysis and 5esign of #ower transformers. 'onstruction and testing.
E!ui"alent circuits. Losses and efficiency. (egulation. Auto$transformer, -$phase transformer.
#arallel operation.
+asic concepts in rotating machines. EMF, tor!ue, +asic machine types. 'onstruction and
operation, lea1age losses and efficiency.
+.'. Machines. 'onstruction, Ecitation methods. 'ircuit models. Armature reaction and
commutation. 'haracteristics and performance analysis. Generators and motors. *tarting and speed
control. Testing, Losses and efficiency.
*ynchronous Machines. 'onstruction. 'ircuit model. 6perating characteristics and performance
analysis. *ynchronous reactance. Efficiency. 7oltage regulation. *alient$pole machine, #arallel
operation. ,unting. *hort circuit transients.
)nduction Machines. 'onstruction. #rinciple of operation. (otating fields. 'haracteristics and
performance analysis. 5etermination of circuit model. 'ircle diagram. *tarting and speed control.
Fractional /% motors. *ingle$phase synchronous and induction motors.
&. #6%E( *:*TEM*
Types of #ower *tations, ,ydro, Thermal and 0uclear *tations. #umped storage plants. Economics
and operating factors.
#ower transmission lines. Modeling and performance characteristics. 7oltage control. Load flow
studies. 6ptimal power system operation. Load fre!uency control. *ymmetrical short circuit
analysis. ;+us formulation. *ymmetrical 'omponents. #er .nit representation. Fault analysis.
Transient and steady$state sta2ility of power systems. E!ual area criterion.
#ower system Transients. #ower system #rotection 'ircuit 2rea1ers. (elays. ,75' transmission.
-. A0AL6G A05 5)G)TAL ELE'T(60)'* A05 ')('.)T*
*emiconductor de"ice physics, #0 <unctions and transistors, circuit models and parameters, FET,
;ener, tunnel, *chott1y, photo diodes and their applications, rectifier circuits, "oltage regulators and
multipliers, switching 2eha"ior of diodes and transistors.
*mall signal amplifiers, 2iasing circuits, fre!uency response and impro"ement, multistage
amplifiers and feed$2ac1 amplifiers, 5.'. amplifiers, 6scillators. Large signal amplifiers, coupling
methods, push pull amplifiers, operational amplifiers, wa"e shaping circuits. Multi"i2rators and
flip$flops and their applications. 5igital logic gate families, uni"ersal gates$com2ination circuits for
arithmetic and logic operational, se!uential logic circuits. 'ounters, registers, (AM and (6Ms.
4. M)'(6#(6'E**6(*
Microprocessor architecture$)nstruction set and simple assem2ly language programming.
)nterfacing for memory and )86. Applications of Micro$processors in power system.
9. '6MM.0)'AT)60 *:*TEM*
Types of modulation= AM, FM and #M. 5emodulators. 0oise and 2andwidth considerations. 5igital
communication systems. #ulse code modulation and demodulation. Elements of sound and "ision
2roadcasting. 'arrier communication. Fre!uency di"ision and time di"ision multipleing,
Telemetry system in power engineering.
>. #6%E( ELE'T(60)'*
#ower *emiconductor de"ices. Thyristor. #ower transistor, GT6s and M6*FET*. 'haracteristics
and operation. A' to 5' 'on"erters= 1$phase and -$phase 5' to 5' 'on"erters= A' regulators.
Thyristor controlled reactors= switched capacitor networ1s.
)n"erters= single$phase and -$phase. #ulse width modulation. *inusoidal modulation with uniform
sampling. *witched mode power supplies.

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