Assignment 7, Agriculture and Industry - Chad

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Bethany Deibler

GEO 150
Spring 2007
Assignment 7, Agriculture and Industry Chad
Chads agriculture consists ainly o! cotton" sorghu" illet" peanuts" rice"
potatoes" anioc #tapioca$% cattle" sheep" goats and caels& 'he di!!erent types o! crops
depend on the location and geography o! the li(ing space& )or people *ho li(e by ri(ers"
!ishing is iportant& +lso ,a-e Chad is an iportant agricultural area because there is an
abundance o! *ater& .ater is (ery iportant because as / ention in a di!!erent
assignent" ost o! this country is desert& Subsistence !arers and !ishers coprise 05
percent o! the labor !orce& Only 2&01 o! the land is used !or !aring& O! that" only &2
percent is irrigated& +s o! 1337" only 170 tractors *ere used& / dont thin- the nuber o!
tractors is increasing greatly& +nother nuber / sa* !ro a ore recent site *as 175
Chad is one o! the *orld4s poorest countries& Drought" distance to ar-ets" and
political instability ha(e all contributed to a troubled econoy& Chad4s econoy has long
been handicapped by its landloc-ed position" high energy costs" and a history o! instability&
Only 5 percent is eployed in industry6 cotton ginning% grain illing% agricultural
processing% and anu!acturing beer" te7tiles" sugar cubes" and cigarettes& Stri-es are
coon due to lac- o! *ages&
Cotton is the ost iportant e7port" !ollo*ed by bee!" gu arabic" oil" and !ish&
E7ports6 89&012 billion !&o&b& #2005 est&$& /ports include tobacco" re!ined sugar and
!lour:*heat& /ports6 8753&1 illion !&o&b& #2005 est&$&;ost o! the other iports are either
other !ood types or non !ood products such as achinery and transportation e<uipent"
industrial goods" !oodstu!!s" te7tiles&
/n the !uture" the people hope to ha(e ore e!!icient har(esting:production
procedures in order to lo*er the prices o! the !ood& +lso there is a sort o! *ar occurring
bet*een the go(ernent and the people& 'his puts the crops and stores o! their products in
danger& 'hey hope to end the *ar and -eep their crops sa!e&
/ndustries include oil" cotton te7tiles" eatpac-ing" beer bre*ing" natron #sodiu
carbonate$" soap" cigarettes and construction aterials& Cotton processing is the largest
acti(ity& Cottonseed oil is processed at Sarh and ;oundou& Other enterprises include
se(eral odern slaughterhouses" a !lour ill cople7" a sugar re!inery" and te7tile plants&
Bethany Deibler
GEO 150
Spring 2007
'here are also rice and peanut oil ills" a bre*ery" a so!t=drin- plant" a soap !actory" and a
cigarette !actory& )actories at >4D?aena also produce bicycles and opeds" radios" and
Oil e7ploration in Chad began in the 1370s in the northern ,a-e Chad Basin and the
Doba Basin in southern Chad& 'he Chad=Caeroon oil pipeline" *ith estiated production
at 225"000 barrels per day" *as due to be copleted in 2005& 'here *ere plans in 2002 to
build a re!inery in >4D?aena" to a-e Chad sel!=su!!icient in oil products& 'he
de(elopent o! Chad4s petroleu sector is aied in part at raising electricity output" *hich
is crucial to Chadian industry& Only 21 o! households in Chad are supplied *ith electricity&
any people hope petroleu deposits *ill help alle(iate po(erty" but the corruption that
hinders other econoic gro*th *ill li-ely -eep oil pro!its in po*er!ul hands&
'he construction sector *as gro*ing in 2002" *ith in(estent in roads and schools"
aong other public *or-s pro?ects& 'here *as interest in building a ceent !actory in the
;ayo @ebbi region in 2002" and plans to produce detergent and establish assebly plants
!or agricultural e<uipent& /! electrical costs could be reduced" light industry could be
!urther de(eloped&
+s a landloc-ed country" Chad has issues *ith transporting things globally& Because
it lac-s po*er and ade<uate transportation" Chad is industrially one o! the least de(eloped
countries in +!rica& 'he de(elopent o! industry is hapered by a shortage o! po*er&
Energy is generated by using oil products iported !ro >igeria& ;ost o! these products
are e7ported to countries such as >igeria" South +!rica" Costa Aica" )rance" Bortugal"
Gerany and 'hailand&
+ lot o! this in!oration *as !ro 2002& / thin- that they *ere good ideas but / not sure
o! ho* any *ere actually accoplished& 'his country is trying to get better products and
achines but so !ar / dont thin- it has been (ery success!ul& +lthough it has potential !or a
good oil e7port" / dont thin- they should rely on it no*& )irst they need to establish a solid
Bethany Deibler
GEO 150
Spring 2007

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