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ES is not a difficult examination provided you approach it the right way.

Now whats the right way?

Any single method cant be called the right way. Each one of us can have our uniue right ways. !
am sharing my own right way" try to find your own.
! started with analy#ing previous years papers. $irst observation% that ! made was that !ES papers
are very repetitive. &ou will find only few surprise s and very rarely any shoc's in any particular
year. Second thing ! observed was that you should cover almost entire syllabus for ob(ective papers
while selective reading can be done for sub(ective papers.
After that ! analysed previous years cut off and toppers mar's. ! found out )
*. &ou need to score a little more than what an average guy can score.
+. ,S paper wor's as game changer many times.
-. .ont worry if you find conventional papers too tough" even /oppers struggle to score in
conventional papers.
Now ! outlined topic wise strategy 0
*. E1/ 0 clear your concepts to a fair degree with a good boo' li'e 2ayt or Sadi'u. Solve previous
years papers. .ont leave this sub(ect" youll be losing easy mar's. 3uestions are usually damn easy
and predictable.
+. Networ' /heory 0 4ead theory from a standard boo' li'e .e 5arlo 6in and 74A5/!5E
74A5/!5E 74A5/!5E8 Solve previous years papers many times.
-. 1aterial Science) /his again is a high mar's fetching sub(ect which is highly ignored. 4ead
indul'ar 9only relevant portions:. See previous years papers. ;se ,oogle to learn about the
materials. !nternet 9particularly <i'ipedia: is highly useful for this sub(ect.
=. 1easurements and !nstrumentation) /his one is particularly tric'y if you dont have the right
material and if you dont approach the right way. ;nfortunately theres only one boo' available in
the mar'et 0 A. >. Shawney. Now you dare not read the entire boo'. So% start with uestions.
Analyse them. See% what is being as'ed. And 4ead that only. /he diagrams in the boo' wont give
you much idea. So use internet to get a -. view of the instruments.
?. 5ontrol Systems 0 2ighly mar's fetching and very very important. Start by reading a good boo'
li'e Norman S Nise" then solve as many problems as you can find from any material. /ry to
understand the fine points by spending a little time on /2!N>!N, about stability% bandwidth and
@. Electrical 1achines 0 Electrical people have a strange and uniue relationship with Electrical
machines and power systems. /hey dont understand it completely. !n fact they may not be able to
answer very simple uestions li'e what does a transformer loo' li'e" but they still feel that they
'now a lot about electrical machines. $or machines% ! suggest to unlearn a few ha#y concepts and
read them again with cool mind and in analytical way 0 li'e when you read A.c shunt motors have
almost constant speedB then as' yourself a uestion) 5onstant speed with respect to which
C. 7ower Systems 0 4ead 5. 6. <adhwa thoroughly. Solve previous years papers. And try to lin'
theoretical concepts with observations around you. 6i'e when you read about surge arrestor 0 try to
recall where you saw such a thing.
$or power system protection% refer D. E. ,upta.
F. Analog Electronics 0 !f you have time and !N/E4ES/ in electronics% pic' Sedra Smith and read
thoroughly. &oull really en(oy. !f not simply s'ip the sub(ect.
G. .igital Electronics 0 1orris mano and previous years papers. 4ead only what is reuired and try
to have a broad view about topics li'e 5ounters etc. .ont worry too 'uch about fine details. Dust
the guiding idea. /here is an excellent eboo' 9incomplete: available on the website 0
*H. 1icroprocessor) $or programming part refer E. 4am and for interfacing
part refer ,aon'ar. !nstall a FHF? simulator in your computer% run all the programs and experiment
with new ideas. &oull surely en(oy. $or linux% ! had an excellent simulator with showed all the
states% program status word% memory locations etc. Ine can find such a simulator in windows also.
**. 7ower Electronics 0 /ry to analyse the circuits yourself. .iscuss with friends why all the
components are used n all. /here exists an insightful shortcut to remember all the formulae of
choppers etc. /ry to discover that.
*+. 5ommunications 0 /ry to learn the main points of any concept from an ece guy. /hey can tell
you about all types modulations and concepts of digital communications. !ts really very very easy.
6eaving them means losing very easy mar's.
$or conventional papers 0
*. 7ractice thoroughly problems in Networ' /heory% 5ontrol Systems and E1/ from standard
textboo's and coaching materials.
+. 1a'e proper notes of 1aterial Science% 1easurements% 7ower Systems and 1achines. 4evise
thoroughly every wee'.
-. 7ractice problems and derivations in 7.S.% machines and 7ower Electronics.
Solve 7revious years papers. 6eave difficult ones.
1a'e a strategy regarding what to read and what to leave% based on previous years trends. 6i'e you
can safely leave .5 machines and 7ower Systems 7rotections from conventional point of view 0
my conclusion.
7lease direct your ueries to 0 sourabhanandFH at gmail dot com
Sourabh Anand
4an' -% !ES +H*-
Engg Strategy
!n ;ncategori#ed on August C% +H*H at ?J-G pm
7aper 0 !
5ircuit /heoryJ !n this topic one should be fast in solving problems. Eest way to gain speed is to
practice regularly from !ES papers of both electrical and electronics. .o uestions from single !ES
paper 9there are -)@ uestions every year: within time limit.
Signals and systemsJ 2ere also speed is important. !t is better to ma'e a formula sheet and revise
it regularly. $or .$/K$$/% refer to Ippenheims boo' on .S7.
E.1. /heoryJ 4ead chapter @9till @.+G:% C and F from >... 7rasad. $or Smith chart and
impedance matching refer Dordan L Ealmain. 1a'e the list of formulas and practice all the
Analog ElectronicsJ .iode% /ransistors and Amplifiers can be done from any boo'. /opics that
are to be covered from DE ,upta areJ Iscillators% Ip Amp% <ave shaping circuits% 1ultivibrators%
<aveform ,enerators and 7ower supplies.
.igital ElectronicsJ 1ano is sufficient for the part of syllabus which it covers. $or topic left li'e
/imer 9loo' at chapter on ??? !5 /imer:% 5omparator% SL2 circuit refer to DE ,upta.
Energy 5onversionJ /ry to cover everything given in the syllabus from Ashfa 2ussain and ma'e
good command over all the numerical given in the boo'. !t covers topic from !ES point of view. .o
all the uestions as'ed in the !ES exams thoroughly.
7ower Electronics and Electric .rivesJ /opics to be covered are 5hapter +9characteristics of
diode% ED/% 1IS$E/% !,E/:% chapter =)/hyrister9complete:% chapter ? 0 /hyrister commutation
techniues 9complete:% chapter @ 07hase controlled rectifiers96eave dual converters:% chapter C)
5hoppers96eave /hyrister 5hopper circuits and multiphase choppers: % chapter F 0!nverters96eave
force)commutated thyrister inverters% current source and series inverters: and chapter *+)electric
drives9complete:. 5over all the derivations 9li'e deriving expressions for particular type of rectifier
or inverter: as well as wor'ing of circuits.
Analog 5ommunicationJ 5over chapter =9A1: and 5hapter ?9on $1 and 71: from E7 6athi.
4andom process9chapter *: can be covered from 2ay'in. And Noise9chapter =: can be covered
from Singh and Sapre. Also cover A1 AN. $1 practical modulation and demodulation circuits
from Singh and Sapre.
7aper !!
5ontrol SystemsJ Nagrath and ,opal is sufficient for all the topics. 7ractice from previous year
!ES and 5SE papers.
1icroprocessors and 1icrocomputersJ 5over chapters * toC and G% and parts of chapter F and
*H9from which uestions has been as'ed in !ES exams:% !n peripherals cover *+% *=% *?% *@ 9$ocus
more on whatever has been as'ed in !ES papers:.
1easurement and !nstrumentationJ 5over all the instruments given in the syllabus thoroughly
from the Sawhney. 2ere also guide will be !ES uestions.
7ower SystemsJ ! did this topic from Nagrath and >othari as ! already had covered the boo' in
graduation. 7ractice solved examples of both <adhwa and this boo'.
7ower System 7rotectionJ 5hapters of 7rotective relays and circuit brea'ers 9from <adhwa:
cover large part of the syllabus in much better way. $or microprocessor based relays refer to /12
.igital 5ommunicationJ $or 751% .751% .1 refer to chapter @ of 6athi. AS>% 7S> and $S>
are covered much better in 2ay'in. !nformation theory and codes can be covered from either of
them. 5hapter * and + of $orou#an are to be covered for data networ's and C layered architecture.
7aper 0 !
5ircuit /heoryJ /his topic reuires continuous practice. Ine should solve as many numericals as
you can from A. 5ha'rabarti. Even though ! couldnt do it due to paucity of time but solving !ES
papers may help.
Signals and systemsJ !n this topic% one must remember the formulas by ma'ing a formula sheet.
As 7ra'ash Sir has mentioned% for .$/K$$/% refer to Ippenheims boo' on .S7.
E.1. /heoryJ 4ead chapter @9till @.+G:% C and F from >... 7rasad. 7ractice some numerical
examples. Sometimes the boo' solves them in a long way% but you must do them in the shortest way
possible. $or Smith chart and impedance matching refer Dordan L Ealmain. 1a'e the list of
formulas and practice all the derivations.
Analog ElectronicsJ .iode% /ransistors and Amplifiers can be done from any boo'. /opics that
are to be covered from DE ,upta areJ Iscillators% Ip Amp% <ave shaping circuits% 1ultivibrators%
<aveform ,enerators and 7ower supplies. &ou will have to practice numerical from !ES papers
since DE ,upta doesnt have many numerical. Also% in this chapter practice derivations well and
ma'e sure you do not do mista'es in symbols.
.igital ElectronicsJ ! referred to 4.7. Dain for this topic. !t is a very good boo' that covers all the
concepts and also provides sufficient numerical practice. 7lease stic' to the syllabus while reading
this boo'.
Energy 5onversionJ /ry to cover everything given in the syllabus from Ashfa 2ussain and ma'e
good command over all the numerical given in the boo'. !t covers topic from !ES point of view. .o
all the uestions as'ed in the !ES exams thoroughly.
7ower Electronics and Electric .rivesJ /opics to be covered are 5hapter +9characteristics of
diode% ED/% 1IS$E/% !,E/:% chapter =)/hyrister9complete:% chapter ? 0 /hyrister commutation
techniues 9complete:% chapter @ 07hase controlled rectifiers96eave dual converters:% chapter C)
5hoppers96eave /hyrister 5hopper circuits and multiphase choppers: % chapter F 0!nverters96eave
force)commutated thyrister inverters% current source and series inverters: and chapter *+)electric
drives9complete:. 5over all the derivations 9li'e deriving expressions for particular type of rectifier
or inverter: as well as wor'ing of circuits. Note that this boo' can be difficult to read at first due to
extensive coverage of topics. Eut you must nevertheless go through it. At first% focus on the
concepts. &ou may leave the numericals at the bac' of the 5hapters since there are sufficient solved
examples in the boo'. .o not (ust read the examples% solve them yourself.
Analog 5ommunicationJ 5over chapter =9A1: and 5hapter ?9on $1 and 71: from E7 6athi.
4andom process9chapter *: can be covered from 2ay'in. And Noise9chapter =: can be covered
from Singh and Sapre. Also cover A1 AN. $1 practical modulation and demodulation circuits
from Singh and Sapre.
7aper !!
5ontrol SystemsJ Nagrath and ,opal is sufficient for all the topics. 7ractice from previous year
!ES and 5SE papers. 7lease stic' to the syllabus. /here is no need to read the entire boo'.
1icroprocessors and 1icrocomputersJ 5over chapters * toC and G% and parts of chapter F and
*H9from which uestions has been as'ed in !ES exams:% !n peripherals cover *+% *=% *?% *@ 9$ocus
more on whatever has been as'ed in !ES papers:.
1easurement and !nstrumentationJ 5over all the instruments given in the syllabus thoroughly
from the Sawhney. 2ere also guide will be !ES uestions. !n this boo'% you may s'ip the numericals
at the end of the 5hapter if you have less time because it has sufficient solved examples. $ocus on
derivations of different formulae. Also note the drawbac's of each measuring instrument. $or
oscilloscope% please do not forget to practice ma'ing schematic diagrams.
7ower SystemsJ ! did this topic from Ashfa 2ussain. !t covers the entire syllabus. &ou may have
to read a bit more on the last 5hapter. Solve all examples and uestions at the bac' of the 5hapters.
.o not forget to practice the flowcharts of optimi#ation schemes for load distribution.
7ower System 7rotectionJ 5hapters of 7rotective relays and circuit brea'ers 9from <adhwa:
cover large part of the syllabus in much better way. $or microprocessor based relays refer to /12
boo'. &ou may also refer to the /12 boo' for other parts of the syllabus too in addition to
<adhwa. .o solve the uestions at the end of the 5hapters.
.igital 5ommunicationJ $or 751% .751% .1 refer to chapter @ of 6athi. AS>% 7S> and $S>
are covered much better in 2ay'in. !nformation theory and codes can be covered from either of
them. 5hapter * and + of $orou#an are to be covered for data networ's and C layered architecture.
Easically in Electrical Engineering% practice numericals and revise your derivations well. .o not
forget to memori#e the advantages and disadvantages wherever relevant for answering theoretical
uestions. <hen you write answers always% mention which symbols stand for what and express
your answers in correct units

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