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SEPTEMBER 14, 2014

Welcome! We are glad youre here! We invite you to

seek out the folks wearing the Ask Me badge.
Through them you will find information about the
ministries of alem !eights "hurch and how to
become involved. #lease fill out a $isitor "ard and dro%
it in one of the offering bo&es as you leave or scan this code to go
directly to our website and fill out a visitor card. We have an e&cellent
nursery and %rograms for children newborn through high school. Any
of the ushers will be ha%%y to direct you to the %ro%er classroom. 'f
you feel more comfortable having your infant with you during the
service( the last row in the Auditorium will be reserved for %arents with
small children. There is a %rivate room for nursing mothers across the
hall from the Auditorium with a rocking chair( changing table and
%ortable crib. )or your convenience( it also includes a monitor to
enable you to still hear and view the service.
Our Purpose...
To reach %eo%le with the love of *esus "hrist( %rovide a safe and
su%%ortive environment( %roclaim the standards of +ods truth(
du%licate the "hristian life in others( and celebrate the ma,esty
and works of -ur +reat +od.
New to Salem Heights?
Sunday Worship
Part #$%

&'ord( Preser)e This Passion*+

# ,hroni-les $./#01$$

Presented by
Pastor Justin Greene

O LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, our fathers, preserve this
forever in the intentions of the heart of Your people, and direct their heart to
You 1 Chronicles 29:18
Do you want to make a difference in
the lives of a critical generation !e a
C l u " # o c k $ a l t l e a d e r o n
Tuesday evenings% &ur goal is to
"ring u' our children to know and love God(s )ord while
em'owering 'arents to "e the s'iritual leaders God has called them
to "e% *f you love kids and want to make an eternal difference+ sign
u' today in the foyer,
In2o 3 News
Important Upcoming Events
mall +rou%s .egin /)or Most +rou%s0( This Week
Mens 1isci%leshi% .egins Today and e%tember 23( 24( 25
+irls 6ight -ut "ountry )air 7vent( e%tember 28
The "ross 9oads : The "areers +rou% ;ick -ff( e%tember 25
<ords u%%er and .a%tisms( e%tember =2( 3>?? %.m.
Womens 1isci%leshi% .egins( e%tember =@ : =A
Please -oin us as we meet in small
grou's+ study the !i"le+ and get to
know the .ord on a dee'er level%
Registration table open today in the foyer!
Tech Ministry Need
&ur /ech team is in need of an *P0D 2 1or newer2% *f you have an
*P0D that can "e donated+ 'lease contact 0J 0cker 3 45674887
Womens Retreat 2014
#egister today, Come visit us at our )omen9s
#etreat ta"le in the foyer for more information% /he
first 45 women to register receive a free coffee
mug% Don9t delay,
Lords Supper and Baptisms
Please note todays insert about our upcoming baptism class. If you would
like to be baptized at our September 21 Lords Supper, fill out te
information and drop it in one of our offering bo!es. "ere will be a
baptism class prior to Lords Supper on September 1# at $pm.
:ey+ all you young adult singles in your 259s
and 659s, Join us for our weekly Careers
grou'% )e will "e kicking off our study for
the year $e'tem"er 18 at ;P<% Call the
church office at 456748875856 for more details on location%
,alendar o2 E)ents
4>?? a.m. Mens 1isci%leshi%
5>28 a.m. #rayer B 9oom =?8
C>?? : 22>?? a.m. Worshi% ervices
C>?? a.m. The "ross 9oad unday chool
3>?? %.m. mall +rou%s .egin
3>?? %.m. "AD7 -%eration 'ntegration

4>?? %.m. The Most 7&cellent Way
4>?8 %.m. "ountry )air +irls 6ight -ut 7vent
3>A8 %.m. "lub 9ockalt
4>?? %.m. Mid !igh "AD7
4>?? %.m. mall +rou%s
4>?? %.m. Mens 1isci%leshi%
2=>?? %.m. Mens 1isci%leshi%
3>A8 %.m. Worshi% Team 9ehearsal
4>?? %.m. !igh chool "AD7
3>?? a.m. Mens 1isci%leshi%
3>A8 %.m. The "ross 9oads "ollege +rou%
4>?? %.m. The "areers +rou%
C>@? a.m. Moms and Tots #lay +rou%
The Cross Road College Group
SunDay Mornings ThursDay Evenings
9:00AM, Room 201 Beginning September 18
6:45PM - 8:30PM, Chpe!

/here will "e a mandatory training for all NEW
volunteers wanting to serve at =oster Parents9 >ight
&ut% Please mark your calendars and 'lan to -oin us
$e'tem"er 22 at ?:55 '%m% in room 255% *f you are not
a"le to attend this training+ contact $hawn !arnes at 456765278?1;%
4i)ing 5pdate
The ministry of alem !eights "hurch is funded entirely by the
generous giving of +ods %eo%le. Eou will notice that we do not
%ass the offering %lateF however( there are offering bo&es in the
back of the auditorium. We have done this so no one gives out
of com%ulsion. We believe from the Word of +od that the %irit
of +od will lead %eo%le towards giving back to +od of their first
fruits. ...+od loves a cheerful giver /= "or. C>40 and we know
!e blesses those who take !is Word seriously in every regard.
Thank you for %rayerfully su%%orting alem !eights financially as
we desire to reach the lost and disci%le the aints.

1o you own a mart#honeG can the coded icon below to view
o%%ortunities to serve the body of alem !eights "hurch. Eou
can also visit our website at www.salemheightschurch.org for
more detailed information. .elow are some areas in which you
can immediately become involved>
T-TA< +'$'6+ H=8(@@5
August Weekly 6eed Actual +iving 9eceived
Week 2 H=3(48? H=8(@@5
Week = H=3(48? H
Week @ H=3(48? H
Week A H=3(48? H
)iscal Eear to 1ate JKB BH@5(?AA
"urrent .alance H?
/uesday evening Clu" #ock$alt grou's are in great need
of volunteers, *f this is an area that you would like to
serve+ 'lease contact #uss .i""y at 456748875856%
Do you en-oy serving others "y 're'aring a meal *f you
are not on the church 'rayer list and would like to let us
know that you are availa"le for the <ealtrain <inistry+
'lease call the church office% )e will add your name to our list and check
your availa"ility as needs arise for meals%
How ,an I Ser)e?
Sa)em Heig*ts !*+rc*
,-. Ma/rona Ave0 S0
Sa)em1 OR 2-,$#

5a67 .$,3.443.,,4

O55ice Ho+rs7
Mon/a8 3 T*+rs/a8
4 a0m0 3 & p0m0

4 a0m0 3 , p0m0

S+n/a8 Wors*ip Services7
2 9 %% a0m0

Message !Ds are avai)a")e in
t*e Registration Area 5or :&0
;)ease visit t*e /es< in t*e
so+t*=est corner to or/er
an/ pic<3+p 8o+r !Ds0
Yo+ can a)so c*ec< t*e
=e"site 5or o+r po/cast0

?+stin reene
Senior Pastor/Elder
!ar) !*ica
Pastor of Family Life/Elder
Matt Mac!o))in
Pastor of Mens/College/Elder

Lay Elders
!*+c< Moore
Te/ Ferr8

dministration and Sta22
#lease see our Mission .oards in the foyer for
current active missionaries.
Ron roves

R+ss Li""8
1irector of Ministries

Scott H+nter
)acilities Manager

A? Ac<er
Music Ministry

Tim Sa55ee)s
1irector of tudent
?ason 'ro=ne))
!igh chool Ministries

E/ Reister
"ommunity "onnection

Ric< Smit*
"ommunity "are

?a8 D+55+s
Mens .iblical

La+ra !*ica
Womens .iblical
?+)ie 'ernar/
Womens Ministry

ina Weigan/
-ffice taff

!*rista Ka*i)i
-ffice taff

!onnie Li""8
-ffice taff

?enn E))iott
-ffice taff
The Divine Tapestry
PART 126

Lord, Preserve This Passion!

1 Chronicles 29:10-22

Presented by
Pastor Justin Greene
September 14, 2014

Steve Lawson writes, Ascending the throne at age
four, Louis XIV ruled as king of France for seventy-two
years, the longest reign in modern European history.
Consumed with his own power, he called himself the
Great Monarch and declared, I am the State! But in
1715, King Louis XIV abdicated his throne to death.

His funeral was nothing short of spectacular. The
great cathedral was packed with mourners paying final
tribute to their king, who lay in a solid gold coffin. To
dramatize the deceased rulers greatness, a solitary
candle burned above his coffin. Thousands waited in
hushed silence as they peered at the exquisite casket
that held the mortal remains of their monarch.

At the appointed time the funeral service began, and
Bishop Massillon, who preside ever this official act of
state, stood to address the mourners, including the
assembled clergy of France. When the bishop rose,
he did something that stunned the nation.

Bending down from the pulpit, he snuffed out the lone
candle representing Louis XIVs greatness. The
people gasped. Then, in the darkness, came just four
words from behind the open Bible:

Only God is great!

It is our nature, as humans, to give our wealth, energy,
and honor to that which is earthbound. Though we
may intend to live for heaven, our hearts seem welded

In 1 Chronicles, King David witnesses an amazing
moment where the Lords people gladly gave their
goods and glory to God. Davids response? Lord,
preserve this passion!


Ancient rabbis taught this book was written by Ezra

Focuses on the Davidic line

Could be outlined:

Gods chosen People (1 Chronicles 1-9)

Gods chosen King (1 Chronicles 10-29)

Gods chosen Son (2 Chronicles 1-9)

Gods chosen Dynasty (2 Chronicles 10-36)

1 Chronicles has a theme as its undercurrent ... God
Keeps His Promises!

David was in awe of Israels generous acts of worship:
Their worship was born from a magnificent
view of God.

Their worship was born from a proper view of
the nature and brevity of life.

Their worship was born out of a proper view of
blessing and things.


Lord ... help us to keep this passion.

Lord ... help us to make it about You.

Made in Our Image, Steven J. Lawson, Copyright 2000 by Dr. Steven J. Lawson, Multnomah
Publishers, Inc.
lf yOu Ol yOul ChllU WOulU llkC IO OC O3Il2CU lC38C COnlCIC IhC fOln OClOW 3nU
l3CC ln 3ny OffCllnQ OOx. A lC-O3Il8n Cl388 Wlll OC hClU On Thul8U3y, NOvCnOCl 14
3I 7PM. lf yOu h3vC uC8IlOn8, lC38C COnI3CI IhC ChulCh OfflCC. Th3nk yOu!

PCl8On IO OC O3Il2CU ____________________________________ PhOnC _____________________
lf 3 nlnOl, lC38C ll8I 3lCnI'8 n3nC ___________________________________________________
September 21 at 6:00 PM
September 21 at 6:00 PM
lf yOu Ol yOul ChllU WOulU llkC IO OC O3Il2CU lC38C COnlCIC IhC fOln OClOW 3nU
l3CC ln 3ny OffCllnQ OOx. A lC-O3Il8n Cl388 Wlll OC hClU On Thul8U3y, NOvCnOCl 14
3I 7PM. lf yOu h3vC uC8IlOn8, lC38C COnI3CI IhC ChulCh OfflCC. Th3nk yOu!

PCl8On IO OC O3Il2CU ____________________________________ PhOnC _____________________
lf 3 nlnOl, lC38C ll8I 3lCnI'8 n3nC ___________________________________________________

Alright, yall, grab your hat and boots, and
mosey on over to the girls night out
country fair! Were kicking the year off
with a hoot and a holler and you wont
want to miss out on all the fun!
Emily Dempster will be sharing about how we were created for an
uncommon community. You wont want to miss it! Bring your friends to
this free event and find your place with us as we look to kick off the fall!
AT 7:05

Please joi !s i "#e
a!$i"o%i!& 'o% "#e
Indoor booths & games
Live music
Country fair treats
Sweet tea
Karins crafty corral
Caleys country photo booth
And much much more
Its not too
Get Cected!
Have questis r wat t sig up
Ca the church ffice at 5035880403

To join a
Its not too
Get Cected!
Have questis r wat t sig up
Ca the church ffice at 5035880403

To join a
A iucltc-ucc| clcss !csignc! ic iccc| scmc cj i|c jcun!ciicncl irui|s in u|ic|
ctcr cclictcr s|cul! |ctc ccnji!cncc.

Tuosdays al 7IM
In Roon 2OO
Bogins Soplonbor 23
A ucc|l siu! prcti!ing ircining in |cu ic cuil! i|c cicliccl jcun!ciicn jcr
cclicjs c |cu ic ctclucic c rcspcn! ic c|cllcngcs ic ccsic C|risiicn iccc|ings.

Wodnosdays al 7IM
SaIon Hoiglls Clurcl Canpus
Bogins Soplonbor 17
Tuosday Evonings 7:OO - 8:3OIM
Localion: Ryan & Clrislina FarvoII's Hono
Loadors: }osl & Lynn Iipor, Ron & Gori AIsun
Sunday Evonings 6:OO - 8:OOIM
Localion: SaIon Hoiglls Clurcl, Roon 2OO
Loadors: Russ & Connio Libby, IauI & AslIoy Higgins, }oo &
Tara Coffoy
Tloro is sliII lino lo sign up! CaII llo clurcl offico for noro info 5O3-588-O4O3.
A iucltc-ucc| clcss !csignc! ic iccc| scmc cj i|c jcun!ciicncl irui|s in u|ic|
ctcr cclictcr s|cul! |ctc ccnji!cncc.

Tuosdays al 7IM
In Roon 2OO
Bogins Soplonbor 23
A ucc|l siu! prcti!ing ircining in |cu ic cuil! i|c cicliccl jcun!ciicn jcr
cclicjs c |cu ic ctclucic c rcspcn! ic c|cllcngcs ic ccsic C|risiicn iccc|ings.

Wodnosdays al 7IM
SaIon Hoiglls Clurcl Canpus
Bogins Soplonbor 17
Tuosday Evonings 7:OO - 8:3OIM
Localion: Ryan & Clrislina FarvoII's Hono
Loadors: }osl & Lynn Iipor, Ron & Gori AIsun
Sunday Evonings 6:OO - 8:OOIM
Localion: SaIon Hoiglls Clurcl, Roon 2OO
Loadors: Russ & Connio Libby, IauI & AslIoy Higgins, }oo &
Tara Coffoy
Tloro is sliII lino lo sign up! CaII llo clurcl offico for noro info 5O3-588-O4O3.
Register online at www.salemheightschurch.org
Register in the foyer beginning September 14th.
Register online at www.salemheightschurch.org
Register in the foyer beginning September 14th.

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