Oneliner Dialogues

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Rush(2013) :
These are the best words I have ever heard anyone saying for his rival:
Nii !auda : "eo#le always thin of us as rivals but he was a$ong the very few I lied and even
fewer that I res#e%ted. &e re$ains the only #erson I envied.
2. 'lood (ia$ond(200)) :
*o$eti$es I wonder... will +od ever forgive us for what we,ve done to ea%h other- Then I loo
around and reali.e...+od left this #la%e a long ti$e ago...
/ill *$ith to his son in #ursuit of ha##yness:
0(on,t ever let so$eone tell you1 you %an,t do so$ething. Not even $e. 2ou got a drea$1 you got to
#rote%t it. "eo#le %an3t do so$ething the$selves1 they want to tell you you %an3t do it. 2ou want
so$ething1 go get it. "eriod.
It goes to the 4oer1 no doubt about it.
1. 5Introdu%e a little anar%hy1 u#set the established order1 and everything be%o$es %haos1 I3$ an
agent of %haos1 and you now the thing about %haos- It3s fair.6
This s%ene fro$ 0*%ent 7f 8 /o$an0 .
*%ent 7f 8 /o$an: 8l "a%ino *#ee%h
Tras: 9r. *i$s1 you are a %over:u# artist and you are a liar.

*lade: 'ut not a snit%h.

Tras: ;<%use $e-

*lade: No1 I don,t thin I will.

Tras: 9r. *lade.

*lade: This is su%h a %ro% of shit.

Tras: "lease wat%h your language1 9r. *lade. 2ou are in the 'aird *%hool not a barra%s. 9r. *i$s1
I will give you one final o##ortunity to s#ea u#.

*lade: 9r. *i$s doesn,t want it. &e doesn,t need to labeled: 0*till worthy of being a ,'aird 9an.,0
/hat the hell is that- /hat is your $otto here- 0'oys1 infor$ on your %lass$ates1 save your hide0
:: anything short of that we,re gonna burn you at the stae- /ell1 gentle$en1 when the shit hits the
fan so$e guys run and so$e guys stay. &ere,s =harlie fa%ing the fire> and there,s +eorge hidin, in
big (addy,s #o%et. 8nd what are you doin,- 2ou,re gonna reward +eorge and destroy =harlie.

Tras: 8re you finished1 9r. *lade-

*lade: No1 I,$ ?ust gettin, war$ed u#. I don,t now who went to this #la%e1 /illia$ &oward Taft1
/illia$ 4ennings 'ryan1 /illia$ Tell :: whoever. Their s#irit is dead :: if they ever had one :: it,s
gone. 2ou,re building a rat shi# here. 8 vessel for sea goin, snit%hes. 8nd if you thin your #re#aring
these $innows for $anhood you better thin again. 'e%ause I say you are illing the very s#irit this
institution #ro%lai$s it instills@ /hat a sha$. /hat ind of a show are you guys #uttin, on here
today. I $ean1 the only %lass in this a%t is sittin, ne<t to $e. 8nd I,$ here to tell ya this boy,s soul is
inta%t. It,s non:negotiable. 2ou now how I now- *o$eone here :: and I,$ not gonna say who ::
offered to buy it. 7nly =harlie here wasn,t sellin,.

Tras: *ir1 you are out of order@

*lade: 7utta order- I,ll show you outta order@ 2ou don,t now what outta order is1 9r. Tras@ I,d
show you but I,$ too old> I,$ too tired> I,$ too fu%in, blind. If I were the $an I was five years ago
I,d tae a A!89;:T&R7/;R to this #la%e@ 7utta order. /ho the hell you thin you,re talin, to-
I,ve been around1 you now- There was a ti$e I %ould see. 8nd I have seen boys lie these1 younger
than these1 their ar$s torn out1 their legs ri##ed off. 'ut there isn,t nothin, lie the sight of an
a$#utated s#irit> there is no #rostheti% for that. 2ou thin you,re $erely sendin, this s#lendid foot:
soldier ba% ho$e to 7regon with his tail between his legs1 but I say you are e<e%utin, his *7B!@@
8nd why-@ 'e%ause he,s not a 'aird $an@ 'aird $en1 ya hurt this boy1 you,re going to be 'aird
'u$s1 the lot of ya. 8nd &arry1 4i$$y1 Trent1 wherever you are out there1 AB=C 27B1 too@

9r. Tras: *tand down1 9r. *lade@

*lade: I,$ not finished@ 8s I %a$e in here1 I heard those words1 0%radle of leadershi#.0 /ell1 when
the bow breas1 the %radle will fall. 8nd it has fallen here> it has fallen. 9aers of $en> %reators of
leaders> be %areful what ind of leaders you,re #rodu%in, here. I don,t now if =harlie,s silen%e here
today is right or wrong.

I,$ not a ?udge or ?ury. 'ut I %an tell you this: he won,t sell anybody out to buy his future@@ 8nd
that1 $y friends1 is %alled integrity@ That,s %alled %ourage@ Now that,s the stuff leaders should be
$ade of. Now I have %o$e to the %rossroads in $y life. I always new what the right #ath was.
/ithout e<%e#tion1 I new. 'ut I never too it. 2ou now why- It was too da$n hard. Now here,s
=harlie. &e,s %o$e to the %rossroads. &e has %hosen a #ath. It,s the right #ath. It,s a #ath $ade of
#rin%i#le :: that leads to %hara%ter. !et hi$ %ontinue on his ?ourney.

2ou hold this boy,s future in your hands1 %o$$ittee. It,s a valuable future. 'elieve $e. (on,t
destroy it@ "rote%t it. ;$bra%e it. It,s gonna $ae ya #roud one day :: I #ro$ise.
The +odfather (1DE2)
0I,$ going to $ae hi$ an offer he %an,t refuse.0
: Fito =orleone
The +odfather "art II (1DEG)
0Cee# your friends %lose1 but your ene$ies %loser0
: 9i%hael =orleone
The *hawshan Rede$#tion (1DDG)
+et busy living1 or get busy dying.
: 8ndy (ufresne H ;llis 'oyd 0Red0 Redding
0Re$e$ber Red1 ho#e is a good thing1 $aybe the best of things1 and no good thing ever dies.0
: 8ndy (ufresne
Aorrest +u$# (1DDG)
09y $o$$a always said life was lie a bo< of %ho%olates. 2ou never now what you,re gonna get.0
: Aorrest +u$#
The Bsual *us#e%ts (1DDI)
0The greatest tri% the devil ever #ulled was %onvin%ing the world he did not e<ist. 8nd lie that...
he is gone.0
: Roger Ferbal Cint
The "ursuit of &a##yness (200))
02ou got a drea$J 2ou gotta #rote%t it. "eo#le %an3t do so$ethin3 the$selves1 they wanna tell you
you %an3t do it. If you want so$ethin31 go get it. "eriod.0
: =hristo#her +ardner
The (ar Cnight (200K)
0...*o we,ll hunt hi$ be%ause he %an tae it. 'e%ause he,s not our hero. &e,s a silent guardian1 a
wat%hful #rote%tor. 8 dar night.0
: 4a$es +ordon
02ou either die a hero1 or you live long enough to see yourself be%o$e the villain.0
: &arvey (ent
FoilL@ In view1 a hu$ble vaudevillian veteran %ast vi%ariously as both vi%ti$ and villain by the
vi%issitudes of Aate. This visage1 no $ere veneer of vanity1 is a vestige of the vo< #o#uli1 now
va%ant1 vanished. &owever1 this valorous visitation of a bygone ve<ation stands vivified and has
vowed to vanMuish these venal and virulent ver$in van:guarding vi%e and vou%hsafing the
violently vi%ious and vora%ious violation of volition@ The only verdi%t is vengean%e> a vendetta
held as a votive1 not in vain1 for the value and vera%ity of su%h shall one day vindi%ate the vigilant
and the virtuous. Ferily1 this vi%hyssoise of verbiage veers $ost verbose1 so let $e si$#ly add that
it,s $y very good honor to $eet you and you $ay %all $e F
I,d lie to share a revelation that I,ve had during $y ti$e here. It %a$e to $e when I tried to
%lassify your s#e%ies and I reali.ed that you,re not a%tually $a$$als. ;very $a$$al on this #lanet
instin%tively develo#s a natural eMuilibriu$ with the surrounding environ$ent but you hu$ans do
not. 2ou $ove to an area and you $ulti#ly and $ulti#ly until every natural resour%e is %onsu$ed
and the only way you %an survive is to s#read to another area. There is another organis$ on this
#lanet that follows the sa$e #attern. (o you now what it is- 8 virus. &u$an beings are a disease1
a %an%er of this #lanet.

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