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Project Proposal: The

Shinnecock Bay
Restoration Program
PREPARED FOR: Mr. ohn Doe! Mayor" Shinnecock Bay
PREPARED B#: Mr. Di$ayjyoti Man%al
Date: &'(&)(*&+,
-lient .ame: Mr. ohn Doe
Title: Mayor! Shinnecock Bay
M/nicipality o0 Shinnecock Bay
,'*+ First Street
Anyto1n! ,'*+2
Date 03/09/2014
Dear Mr. Doe!
Enclose% please 3n% The Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program
s/$mitte% 0or yo/r re4ie1. 5 $elie4e this project 1ill $e 4ery $ene3cial
0or the resi%ents as 1ell as the to/rists an% 4isitors 1ho come to 4isit
6ran% Bay reg/larly. This is $ase% /pon the cost($ene3t analysis
a%%e% in this proposal. All portions o0 the project 1ill $e complete%
an% %eli4ere% in accor%ance to the timeta$le presente% on page 77 o0
the proposal.
Please re4ie1 the enclose% Project Proposal care0/lly. 50 yo/ 3n%
e4erything in accor%ance to yo/! the m/nicipality an% the resi%ents8
re9/irements please sign an% %ate this letter $elo1. 50 yo/ 0eel that
certain aspects o0 the proposal are in con:ict to the interest o0 the
common p/$lic o4erall please in0orm /s at the earliest so that a ne1
proposal can $e constr/cte% an% sent yo/r 1ay as 9/ickly as possi$le.
Sincerely yo/rs!
Di$yajyoti Man%al
Date: &'(&)(*&+,
E;ec/ti4e S/mmary
The Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program 1as create% in *&+* in response to
%eteriorating con%itions Shinnecock Bay. Stony Brook <ni4ersity=s School o0 Marine an%
Atmospheric Sciences >SoMAS? an% its 5nstit/te 0or Ocean -onser4ation Science >5O-S?
0o/n%e% the program to restore the $ay to its 0ormer health. O/r goal is to /se science!
comm/nity in4ol4ement! an% partnerships in this process.
O/r scientists ha4e %oc/mente% %eclining 1ater 9/ality an% occ/rrences o0 @harm0/l algal
$loomsA s/ch as $ro1n an% r/st ti%es in Shinnecock Bay. At the same time! there are less
an% less shell3sh to 3lter the $ay. Similar to eBorts $y The .at/re -onser4ancy in 6reat
So/th Bay! 1e are trying to j/mp"start shell3sh repro%/ction $y installing har% clam
Cspa1ner sanct/ariesC! 1hich pro4i%e clams in high eno/gh %ensities 1here they can $egin
to repro%/ce eBecti4ely on their o1n. 5n a%%ition! 1e are e;pan%ing /pon e;isting eelgrass
$e%s to enhance this essential 3sh ha$itat in areas 1here it has $een lost. De are also
e;perimenting 1ith oyster an% sea1ee% restoration techni9/es. Altogether! 1e hope o/r
eBorts 1ill $egin to impro4e 1ater 9/ality an% $ring $ack a thri4ing ecosystem to
Shinnecock Bay.
-omm/nity in4ol4ement is a cornerstone o0 o/r program. De $elie4e that s/pport an%
in4ol4ement 0rom citiEens an% ci4ic gro/ps is 0/n%amental to o/r s/ccess. Many in%i4i%/als
are keenly a1are o0 en4ironmental pro$lems! an% are eager to learn more an% make a
%iBerence. T1o main goals o0 the ShiRP program are to +? %isseminate in0ormation! incl/%ing
1hat 1e8re 3n%ing thro/gh o/r scienti3c monitoring an% e;perimentsF an% *? in4ol4e people
in restoration 3rst"han%! thro/gh eelgrass restoration an% comm/nity oyster gar%ening.
The Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program >ShiRP? aims to re%/ce the occ/rrence o0 harm0/l
algal $looms an% increase shell3sh pop/lations in Shinnecock Bay.
The ShiRP program is initially %esigne% aro/n% a 34e year timeline. The program 1ill $e
implemente% in phases that $/il% on the res/lts o0 the pre4io/s phase! making the
restoration an integrati4e an% a%apti4e process o4er time.
<ltimately! the goal is to restore the n/trient $alance an% enrich the %i4ersity o0 plants an%
animals li4ing in the $ay. By per0orming a $aseline s/r4ey o0 the c/rrent state o0 the
$ay! an% then 1orking to replenish shell3sh an% eelgrass $e%s! the ShiRP team hopes to
ret/rn Shinnecock Bay to a thri4ing est/arine en4ironment.
5n response to the %eteriorating sit/ation in Shinnecock Bay! the School o0 Marine an%
Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook <ni4ersity seeks to restore this ecosystem to health.
By con%/cting a scienti3c restoration program an% engaging 1ith local stakehol%ers! o/r
long"term goal is to t/rn this @$ro1n ti%e $ayA $ack into an est/ary o0 thri4ing 1il%li0e!
pro%/cti4e 3sheries! l/sh sea grass mea%o1s an% clear 1ater.
Pro!ect #oa$s and O!ecti"es
O$jecti4es o0 the ShiRP project
O!ecti"e 1% Enhance nat/ral 3ltration capacity o0 the ecosystem 1ith $i4al4e shell3sh.
De 1ill restock m/ltiple species o0 shell3sh >clams! oysters? in the Shinnecock Bay est/ary
/sing a 4ariety o0 metho%s >e.g.! 1il% plantings! cage% plantings! sat/ration spa1ning?. Once
s/Gcient n/m$ers ha4e $een esta$lishe%! 3ltration $y these shell3sh 1ill impro4e 1ater
9/ality an% clarity in Shinnecock Bay.
O!ecti"e 2% E;pan% remaining eelgrass $e%s.
De 1ill enco/rage 0/rther gro1th o0 e;isting eelgrass $e%s. 5n a%%ition to planting shoots o0
eelgrass! 1e 1ill 0oc/s on releasing see%s an% genotyping eelgrass to ens/re that speci3c
strains o0 eelgrass are properly matche% 1ith pre4ailing con%itions in Shinnecock Bay. The
e;pansion o0 eelgrass $e%s 1ill $e 0acilitate% $y s/ccess0/lly meeting O$jecti4e + a$o4e.
O!ecti"e 3% Enhance nat/ral n/trient remo4al an% %isco/rage harm0/l algae thro/gh the
%eployment o0 macro algae.
De 1ill stock! remo4e! an% restock stan%s o0 sea1ee%s. These a9/atic plants ha4e $een
sho1n to a$sor$ large amo/nts o0 n/trients. By remo4ing n/trients! these plants can inhi$it
harm0/l algal $looms! incl/%ing re% ti%e an% $ro1n ti%e. De 1ill %eploy sea1ee%s in regions
o0 high n/trient loa%s an% s/$se9/ently har4est them! there$y minimiEing the impacts o0
n/trient loa%ing on Shinnecock Bay.
O!ecti"e 4% E4al/ate eGcacy o0 o/r restoration eBorts thro/gh ro$/st monitoring.
A cornerstone o0 any restoration eBort is a ro$/st monitoring plan. ShiRP 1ill /tiliEe m/ltiple
approaches to care0/lly assess the nat/ral $enthic >$ottom o0 the $ay? an% pelagic >1ater
a$o4e the $ottom? con%itions o0 Shinnecock Bay! as 1ell as the stat/s o0 key restoration
regions s/ch as oyster ree0s an% har% clam spa1ner sanct/aries. S/r4eys o0 1ater 9/ality!
$enthic animals! an% 3sh pop/lations 1ill $e compile% 4ia tra%itional $oat"$ase%
meas/rements! as 1ell as in0ormation 0rom $/oys an% pro$es 1ith %ata logging an% 1ireless
transmission. Fish an% macro"in4erte$rates 1ill $e s/r4eye% thro/gho/t the restoration
program /sing tra1ls an%(or long lines.
O!ecti"e &% -omm/nicate the goals an% progress o0 ShiRP 1ith stakehol%ers an% the
De 1ill comm/nicate 1ith key gro/ps an% in4ol4e them in the restoration program $y
meeting 1ith local m/nicipal oGcials an% en4ironmental gro/ps! %e4eloping in0ormational
4i%eos! an% maintaining a 1e$site an% other social me%ia o/tlets. De 1ill also %e4elop a
ca%re o0 citiEen"scientists 1ho 1ill participate in restoration an% o/treach acti4ities.
The Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program is the 3rst an% only eBort to comprehensi4ely look
at the $ay8s con%itions an% /se restoration as a tool to stem the $ay8s %ecline. He% $y Stony
Brook <ni4ersity scientists 1ith %eca%es o0 e;perience! the program is a com$ination o0
research! monitoring! restoration! an% comm/nication. Scientists an% st/%ents 1ithin the
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program are 1orking to $etter /n%erstan% the %ynamics o0 the
$ay en4ironment! impro4e 1ater 9/ality! restore shell3sh an% eelgrass pop/lations! an%
/ltimately enrich the %i4ersity o0 plants an% animals li4ing in the $ay.
(riteria )or 'ro!ect success
*"a$uation o) key hea$th indicators )or Shinnecock Bay% De plan to meas/re an%
e4al/ate 1ater temperat/re! n/trient le4els! 1ater clarity! algal %ensities an% $looms!
%issol4e% o;ygen an% the stat/s o0 key nat/ral comm/nities s/ch as sea grasses! shell3sh!
horseshoe cra$s! 3shes an% marine mammals. De 1ill assess the a$/n%ance! tren%s o4er
time! %istri$/tion an% mo4ements 0or %iBerent li0e stages o0 $oth resi%ent an% non"resi%ent
De'$oyment and maintenance o) scienti+c instrumentation that monitors ay
conditions and tracks the mo"ements o) marine ,i$d$i)e: Data collecte% 1ill $e
transmitte% to researchers an% 1ill enhance o/r /n%erstan%ing o0 0actors that ha4e le% to
%egra%ation o0 the $ay an% ho1 these 0actors in:/ence ha$itat /se $y 1il%li0e. This in t/rn
1ill s/ggest 1ays to restore the ecosystem.
*nhancement o) natura$ +$tration ca'acity o) the ecosystem ,ith she$$+sh% One
part o0 restoration in4ol4es restocking m/ltiple species o0 shell3sh >clams! oysters! scallops?
in this est/ary /sing a 4ariety o0 metho%s""1il% plantings! cage% plantings! sat/ration
spa1ning! etc. Filtration $y these shell3sh 1ill help impro4e 1ater 9/ality an% clarity in
Shinnecock Bay.
*nhancement o) natura$ nutrient remo"a$ o) the ecosystem ,ith sea,eeds%
Another part o0 restoration in4ol4es stocking! remo4ing an% restocking stan%s o0 sea1ee%s.
These a9/atic plants ha4e $een sho1n to a$sor$ large amo/nts o0 n/trients. By remo4ing
n/trients! these plants can ha4e an inhi$itory eBect on harm0/l algae! incl/%ing re% ti%e an%
$ro1n ti%e. De 1ill seek to %eploy sea1ee%s in regions o0 high n/trient loa%s an% to
s/$se9/ently har4est them to minimiEe the impacts o0 n/trient loa%ing on Shinnecock Bay.
*-'anding remaining ee$grass eds% Another approach o0 o/r restoration eBort 1ill
in4ol4e enco/raging 0/rther gro1th o0 e;isting eelgrass $e%s. 5n a%%ition to planting shoots
o0 eelgrass! 1e 1ill 0oc/s on releasing see%s an% genotyping eelgrass to ens/re that speci3c
strains o0 eelgrass are properly matche% 1ith the pre4ailing con%itions in Shinnecock Bay.
*"a$uation o) e.cacy o) our restoration e/orts% Ongoing research an% monitoring 1ill
sho1 scientists ho1 the ecosystem respon%s to restoration eBorts an%! o4er time! 1ill
in%icate 1hich inter4entions are the most eBecti4e. Scientists 1ill monitor pop/lation tren%s
an% mo4ements o0 se4eral species o0 3sh! marine mammals an% sea$ir%s %/ring the co/rse
o0 restoration. This 1ill enhance o/r capacity to plan 0/rther eBorts an% pre%ict likely res/lts.
0orking ,ith stakeho$ders% -omm/nicate 1ith key gro/ps an% in4ol4e them in the
restoration program. This 1ill incl/%e meeting 1ith local m/nicipal oGcials an%
en4ironmental gro/ps! an% %e4eloping a 1e$site to %isplay program in0ormation in real time.
Pro!ect P$an
The restoration program is in its $eginning stage $/t %ra1s /pon years o0 e;perience 0rom
an e;ceptional team o0 in4estigators 1ho ha4e 1orke% in Shinnecock Bay 0or nearly t1o
%eca%es. De are con3%ent that 1e can achie4e meas/rea$le res/lts $ase% on prior research
an% s/ccesses. Restoration eBorts 1ill $e e;ec/te% $y the 0ac/lty! staB an% st/%ents o0
Stony Brook <ni4ersity8s School o0 Marine an% Atmospheric Sciences $ase% at $oth the
Stony Brook an% So/thampton camp/ses.
Phase One
P$anning1 Pi$ot Pro!ects and 2nitia$ Design 3Summer 2010 through 4a$$ 20115: Once
0/n%ing is in place! the project 1ill commence 1ith a program to %esign an% mo%el the
approaches $est s/ite% 0or restoration 1ithin the %i4erse en4ironments across Shinnecock
Bay. The pilot phase o0 the program 1ill commence 1ith 0o/r major eBorts.
+? Esta$lish ann/al 1ater 9/ality monitoring an% $iological s/r4eys o0 3sh! shell3sh an%
*? Esta$lish remote %ata logging 1ith 1ater 9/ality pro$es across Shinnecock Bay linke% to a
1e$site 0or p/$lic 4ie1ing. This %ata logging component compliments an% s/pports o/r
$iological s/r4ey 1ork.
'? E;perimental %eployment o0 m/ltiple $i4al4e! eelgrass! an% sea1ee% species across
4arying locations o0 Shinnecock Bay. By monitoring their gro1th an% s/r4i4al across the 0/ll
gro1ing season >spring thro/gh 0all?! %ecisions can $e ma%e regar%ing the p/rpose0/l
%eployment o0 these organisms %/ring phase t1o 0or ecosystem restoration.
,? Track the mo4ements o0 key 3sh species in relation to 1ater 9/ality an% eelgrass! so that
1e may pre%ict the eBect o0 restoration eBorts on 3sh %istri$/tion an% a$/n%ance in the $ay.
<pon completion o0 these major o$jecti4es! 1e 1ill ha4e the %ata to ans1er the 0ollo1ing
critical 9/estions regar%ing the restoration o0 Shinnecock Bay:
Dhat are the %ensities o0 shell3sh! eelgrass! an% sea1ee%s across the $ayI
Dhat parts o0 the $ay are at greatest risk %/e to poor 1ater 9/ality >e.g. $ro1n ti%e! re%
ti%e! t/r$i%ity?I
Dhere %o %iBerent species o0 shell3sh! eelgrass! an% sea1ee%s gro1 most rapi%lyI
Dhere %o %iBerent species o0 shell3sh an% sea1ee%s remo4e algae an% n/trients!
respecti4ely! at the greatest rates in the $ayI
Dhich 3sh species are most pre4alent in 1hich parts o0 the $ayI
Jo1 %o these 3sh pop/lations relate to 1ater 9/ality an% n/rsery ha$itat in %iBerent parts o0
the $ayI
Dhich types o0 3shing gear are $est s/ite% to contin/e monitoring o0 3sh pop/lationsI
Jo1 %oes physical circ/lation o0 the $ay compare to the $iological t/rno4er o0 the $ay 4ia
shell3sh 3ltration an% sea1ee% pro%/ctionI
Dhat impro4ements in 1ater 9/ality are nee%e% to e;pan% eelgrass an% shell3sh
pop/lations across the $ayI
Dhat species o0 shell3sh an% sea1ee%s sho/l% $e targete% 0or restoration in 1hich parts o0
the $ay to impro4e o4erall 1ater 9/alityI
The ans1ers to these 9/estions 1ill pro4i%e the %ata re9/ire% to mo4e 0or1ar% 1ith the
restoration o0 Shinnecock Bay. 5nitial assessments 1ill also in0orm an% shape s/$se9/ent
pilot projects an% 1ill 0/rther %e3ne the comprehensi4e ecosystem le4el project to $e
la/nche% %/ring the s/mmer o0 *&+*. A0ter the pilot projects are la/nche%! 1e 1ill $egin
mo%eling $ase% on initial %ata collecte% 0rom these st/%ies. The mo%eling 1ill help /s
%etermine 1hich species to target 0or restoration in speci3c areas at certain times o0 the
year. Dith mo%eling res/lts in han%! 1e 1ill then %e4elop the %etails o0 a long term
monitoring an% restoration program %esign 0or the $ay.
Phase T,o 320125% Restoration e/orts initiated
E;ec/ting ecosystem restoration o0 Shinnecock Bay an% esta$lishing the SJiRP long term
monitoring program: The SJiRP8s ann/al 1ater 9/ality monitoring an% $iological s/r4eys o0
3sh! shell3sh an% eelgrass 1ill $e re3ne% an% 3naliEe% 0or phase t1o. Base% on in0ormation
o$taine% in phase one! the 0re9/ency! spatial e;tent! an% list o0 parameters an% species
monitore% 1ill $e re3ne% to complement o/r phase t1o ecosystem restoration eBorts. O/r
eBorts 1ill speci3cally in4ol4e:
16 *nhancing natura$ +$tration ca'acity o) the ecosystem ,ith she$$+sh% M/ltiple
species o0 shell3sh >clams! oysters! scallops! m/ssels? 1ill $e restocke% in this est/ary /sing
a 4ariety o0 metho%s""1il% plantings! cage% plantings! sat/ration spa1ning! etc. Areas an%
species chosen 0or shell3sh stocking 1ill $e %etermine% $y the res/lts o0 o/r phase one
monitoring an% pilot st/%ies. Filtration $y these shell3sh 1ill help impro4e 1ater 9/ality an%
clarity in Shinnecock Bay. Moreo4er! spa1ning o0 these in%i4i%/als 1ill enhance 1il% stocks
o0 shell3sh in the est/ary an% 0/rther promote ecosystem 3ltration $y shell3sh.
26 *nhancing the natura$ nutrient remo"a$ o) the ecosystem ,ith sea,eeds%
Another part o0 restoration in4ol4es stocking! remo4ing! an% restocking stan%s o0 sea1ee%s.
These a9/atic plants a$sor$ large amo/nts o0 n/trients. By remo4ing n/trients! these plants
can ha4e an inhi$itory eBect on harm0/l algae! incl/%ing re% ti%e an% $ro1n ti%e. De 1ill
seek to %eploy sea1ee%s in regions o0 high n/trient loa%s an% to s/$se9/ently har4est them
to minimiEe the impacts o0 n/trient loa%ing on Shinnecock Bay. Jar4este% sea1ee%s can
e4en $e /se% as 0ertiliEer. The precise regions an% species chosen 0or sea1ee% stocking 1ill
$e %etermine% $y the res/lts o0 o/r phase one monitoring an% pilot st/%ies.
36 *-'and remaining ee$grass eds% Another approach o0 o/r restoration eBort 1ill
in4ol4e enco/raging 0/rther gro1th o0 e;isting eelgrass $e%s. 5n a%%ition to planting shoots
o0 eelgrass! 1e 1ill 0oc/s on releasing see%s an% genotyping eelgrass to ens/re that speci3c
strains o0 eelgrass are properly matche% 1ith the pre4ailing 1ater 9/ality con%itions in
Shinnecock Bay. The precise approach /tiliEe% an% the regions o0 the $ay in 1hich 1e make
these eBorts 1ill $e %etermine% $y o/r phase one monitoring an% pilot st/%ies.
46 2m'$ement our $ong term monitoring e/ort )or Shinnecock Bay% To 9/anti0y the
s/ccess o0 o/r ecosystem restoration eBorts an% to acco/nt 0or long term tren%s an% inter"
ann/al 4aria$ility! it 1ill $e cr/cial that monitoring o0 Shinnecock Bay $e re3ne% an%
contin/e% thro/gho/t the restoration eBort. Base% on o/r 3n%ings %/ring phase one
monitoring an% pilot st/%ies an% the speci3c restoration eBorts /n%ertaken! the precise
0re9/ency! spatial e;tent! an% list o0 parameters an% species monitore% 1ill $e esta$lishe%.
This monitoring 1ill incl/%e remote 1ater 9/ality monitoring.
&6 7ndergraduate education 'rogram% D/ring phase t1o 1e 1ill 1ork 1ith SoMAS
0ac/lty 1ho are teaching /n%ergra%/ate marine science co/rses to integrate their st/%ents
into o/r monitoring acti4ities. 5n some cases! these co/rses 1ill incl/%e at least one 0/ll"%ay
3el% trip! in 1hich the class 1ill join research an% restoration acti4ities %escri$e% in points
one thro/gh 0o/r a$o4e. The st/%ents 1ill $e traine% to /se o/r sampling e9/ipment! learn
a$o/t the local ecosystem an% the $iology o0 its :ora an% 0a/na. They 1ill also $e e;pose%
to c/tting e%ge restoration an% research metho%s. De 1ill also in4ol4e many o0 these
st/%ents more %eeply $y incl/%ing them as 4ol/nteers to reg/larly assist o/r scientists in the
3el%. As the program progresses! 1e en4ision that the $ay 1ill $ecome o/r largest an% most
engaging classroom at SoMAS. De 1ill keep o/r st/%ents in0orme% as the restoration
$lossoms! so as to instill in them a sense o0 achie4ement an% pro4i%e an especially
meaning0/l lesson o0 ho1 they can /se their scienti3c training to $ene3t society.
86 Pu$ic outreach 'rogram% Phase t1o 1ill also incl/%e a ro$/st p/$lic o/treach
component. P/$lic meetings an% seminars 1ill $e hel% in0orming the p/$lic an% stakehol%er
gro/ps regar%ing the stat/s an% progress o0 o/r restoration eBorts. Opport/nities 1ill $e
ma%e 0or citiEens an% school gro/ps to $e in4ol4e% in o/r restoration eBorts.
As o/r restoration eBorts procee% an% are e4al/ate%! practices /n%ertaken 1ill $e re3ne% to
ma;imiEe the eGcacy o0 o/r programs. Approaches 1hich yiel% i%eal res/lts 1ill $e
e;pan%e%. Approaches 1hich are less eBecti4e 1ill $e altere% an% re3ne%. Similarly! o/r
monitoring program may $e re3ne% to $est e4al/ate emerging temporal an% spatial tren%s
in 1ater 9/ality or species a$/n%ances. Ongoing research an% monitoring 1ill sho1
scientists ho1 the ecosystem respon%s to restoration eBorts an%! o4er time! 1ill in%icate
1hich inter4entions are the most eBecti4e. Scientists 1ill contin/e to monitor pop/lation
tren%s an% mo4ements o0 se4eral key species. This 1ill enhance o/r capacity to plan 0/rther
eBorts an% pre%ict likely res/lts.
Sche%/le: Phase One
Date Task and De$i"era$es
March!*&+& Jire project manager as early as possi$le to $egin meetings 1ith
local stakehol%ers! en4ironmental organiEations an% go4ernment
planning agencies. The project manager 1ill also $egin 0orming
coalitions 1ith a%4ocacy gro/ps! apply 0or permits! help prepare
pilot st/%ies! an% coor%inate the 1ork o0 gra%/ate an%
/n%ergra%/ate st/%ents /n%er the %irection o0 the principal
May +! *&+& Ha/nch $ay"1i%e assessments! sampling! monitoring program.
May +! *&++ Ha/nch pilot st/%ies.
Thro/gh .o4em$er!
Assess progress o0 monitoring an% pilot st/%ies.
By en% o0 s/mmer!
>Septem$er *&++?
AnalyEe gro1th an% 3ltration rates! 1ater 9/ality >$ro1n ti%e! re%
ti%e! t/r$i%ity! 65S maps o0 $athymetry >1ater %epth?! graphical an%
statistical analyses an% mo%els.
Septem$er *&++ K
May *&+*
FinaliEe Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program an% Hong term
monitoring eBort!
*&+*"*&+' Esta$lish 1e$site 0or the program that collects %ata 0rom scientists
an% citiEens an% %isplays real"time restoration progress. 5n 0ollo1ing
years! e;pan% an% a%apt the 1e$site to meet program nee%s.
Sche%/le: Phase T1o
Date Task and De$i"era$es
Spring *&+*. Jost la/nch o0 Shinnecock Bay Ecosystem Restoration to /n4eil o/r
plans to the p/$lic. 5n s/$se9/ent years! an ann/al e4ent to /p%ate
the p/$lic on o/r progress 1ill also $e hoste%.
Spring *&+* Ha/nch long term Shinnecock Bay monitoring program.
Spring *&+* -ommence initial stocking o0 shell3sh! sea1ee%s! an% eelgrass. 5n
s/$se9/ent years! a%j/st stocking o0 shell3sh! sea1ee%s an%
eelgrass %/ring the spring.
S/mmer *&+* Monitor progress o0 stocking eBorts. 5n 0ollo1ing s/mmers! contin/e
to monitor progress
Fall *&+* Assess year one gro1th an% s/r4i4al o0 stocke% shell3sh! sea1ee%s!
an% eelgrass. 5n s/$se9/ent years! assess gro1th an% s/r4i4al each
P9:S* O;* B7D#*T
4u$$ annua$ udget% <49=1>90. S/pports all e;periments %etaile% in Attachment A! SoMAS
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program Pilot St/%ies.
This incl/%es all program acti4ities s/ch as 3sheries assessment! 0/n%ing 0or 0o/r gra%/ate
st/%ents an% 0o/r /n%ergra%/ates! all pilot st/%ies! an% comprehensi4e monitoring o0 the
1ater 9/ality an% $enthic ecology o0 Shinnecock Bay.
This monitoring 1ill $e con%/cte% 4ia ro$/st s/r4eys an% remote 1ater 9/ality
pro$es 1hich transmit %ata to the SJiRP 1e$site. This $/%get also incl/%es a small
percentage o0 salary 0or principal in4estigators an% 0/n%s 0or other SoMAS 0ac/lty
(ategory :mount
E9/ipment >see
attachment B?
Tra4el >see
attachment B?
Materials an%
S/pplies >see
attachment B?
6ra%/ate St/%ents
>0o/r! 0/ll time?
St/%ents >0o/r!
Program coor%inator M)!+2&
Principal 5n4estigators +&N!2&&
<ni4ersity grant
Tota$ (osts <49=1>90
:''endi- :
One o0 the major goals o0 the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program is to enhance the nat/ral
3ltration an% n/trient remo4al capacity o0 the $ay /sing shell3sh an% sea1ee%s! 1hile also
1orking to e;pan% eelgrass $e%s. These actions sho/l% also help enhance pop/lations o0
other types o0 a9/atic 1il%li0e! incl/%ing 3sh! an% marine mammals. Jo1e4er! scientists
nee% to assess the s/ita$ility o0 4ario/s ha$itats 1ithin Shinnecock Bay 0or shell3sh!
eelgrasses! an% sea1ee%s $e0ore an eBecti4e restoration plan can $e implemente%.
Researchers also nee% to gather $aseline in0ormation on the c/rrent e;tent o0 these nat/ral
pop/lations! as 1ell as other species that 1ill likely $ene3t 0rom their restoration. EBecti4e
restoration plans can $e %e4elope% $ase% on this essential in0ormation.
Monitoring an% mapping the c/rrent e;tent o0 est/arine reso/rces in Shinnecock Bay.
De 1ill con%/ct s/r4eys to rapi%ly an% acc/rately estimate shell3sh! sea1ee%! an% eelgrass
a$/n%ances in Shinnecock Bay. By s/r4eying in regions 1hich progress 0rom 1ell":/she% to
poorly :/she%! 1e can esta$lish pop/lation %ensities relati4e to ocean e;change. S/r4eys
1ill $e ma%e /sing one s9/are meter sampling gri% points! an% 1ill consist o0 appro;imately
+2& sites thro/gho/t Shinnecock Bay. De 1ill o$tain shell3sh co/nts 1ithin each transect 4ia
raking. The siEe o0 the shell3sh 1ill also $e esta$lishe% to help /s %e4elop estimates o0
pop/lation str/ct/re. S/r4eys o0 seagrass an% sea1ee% comm/nities 1ill $e con%/cte% /sing
a mo%i3e% 9/alitati4e scoring techni9/e. To interpret o$ser4e% gra%ients in shell3sh an%
eelgrass %ensities along transects! 1e 1ill generate a ro$/st ancillary %ata set to
characteriEe the 1ater an% se%iment con%itions along transects. At each site! changes in
temperat/re! salinity! an% %issol4e% o;ygen 1ith %epth 1ill $e meas/re%. Hight
meas/rements 1ill also help /s assess the s/ita$ility o0 each site 0or gro1ing seagrasses
an%(or sea1ee%s. Se%iment gra$ samples 1ill $e o$taine% to characteriEe se%iment
Dater 9/ality an% phytoplankton pop/lations in Shinnecock Bay 4ary seasonally an% 1ill
in:/ence shell3sh an% eelgrass gro1th. <sing stan%ar% techni9/es! 1e 1ill monitor
phytoplankton species a$/n%ance an% composition along transects that match o/r se%iment
s/r4ey >as %escri$e% a$o4e? thro/gh one seasonal gro1th cycle >March thro/gh .o4em$er?.
Special emphasis 1ill $e place% on monitoring $ro1n an% re% ti%e species 1hich may $e
harm0/l to shell3sh! eelgrass! an%(or h/mans. To help 0acilitate 1ater 9/ality monitoring! 1e
1ill %eploy 1ater 9/ality pro$es 1ithin selecte% regions o0 Shinnecock Bay. Once o/r 3el%
s/r4eys ha4e $een complete%! point %ata generate% on 1ater 9/ality! phytoplankton
comm/nity str/ct/re! se%iment characteristics! %ensities o0 seagrasses! shell3sh an% 1il%li0e
pop/lations >see $elo1? 1ill $e /se% to pro%/ce contin/o/s maps o0 these parameters
across Shinnecock Bay /sing geographic in0ormation systems >65S?.
De e;pect that restore% 1ater 9/ality an% eelgrass co4er 1ill increase ha$itat an% enhance
pop/lations o0 3sh in the $ay. For that reason! 1e 1ill map the %istri$/tion an% monitor the
a$/n%ance o0 these animals $e0ore! %/ring an% a0ter the restoration. The pilot st/%y 1ill
incl/%e stan%ar% tra1l an% longline s/r4eys o0 3sh pop/lations in m/ltiple sites thro/gho/t
the $ay.
These eBorts 1ill esta$lish 9/antitati4e meas/res o0 a$/n%ance 0or these animals! 1hich can
$e tracke% o4er time. De 1ill also $e a$le to map their %istri$/tion in relation to 1ater
9/ality an% eelgrass co4er >see a$o4e?! 1hich 1ill allo1 /s to %etermine i0 these animals are
likely to mo4e into restore% parts o0 the $ay. As the project /n0ol%s! 1e 1ill contin/e to
monitor their %istri$/tion an% mo4ement. Hastly! se4eral 3sh species 1ill $e 3tte% 1ith
/ltrasonic transmitters that 1ill allo1 /s to remotely track their mo4ements in the $ay. This
1ill pro4i%e 3ner"scale in0ormation on their %istri$/tion an% ha$itat re9/irements! 1hich 1ill
0/rther enhance o/r a$ility to restore the $ay so that these species can :o/rish. To this en%!
1e 1ill esta$lish a net1ork o0 remote aco/stic tracking recei4ers in the $ay that 1ill monitor
the mo4ements o0 tagge% 3sh thro/gho/t the year.
E;amining the gro1th! 3ltration! an% n/trient remo4al o0 shell3sh an% sea1ee%s in
Shinnecock Bay
De 1ill con%/ct e;periments to pro4i%e the $ackgro/n% in0ormation re9/ire% to constr/ct
s/ccess0/l restoration plans. Since o/r restoration goals incl/%e enhancing the nat/ral
3ltration an% n/trient remo4al capacity o0 the $ay! 1hile 1orking to e;pan% eelgrass $e%s!
1e 1ill 3el% %eploy j/4enile an% a%/lt har% clams! $ay scallops! an% oysters! as 1ell as
eelgrass! an% macroalgae >sea1ee%s? at m/ltiple locations along east"1est an% north"so/th
gra%ients in Shinnecock Bay. /4enile shell3sh 1ill $e O +&mm in siEe an% 1ill $e o$taine%
0rom the East Jampton Shell3sh Jatchery 1hile a%/lt shell3sh 1ill come 0rom local
har4esters. All shell3sh 1ill $e place% in 4essels hel% in e;perimental! oB"$ottom cages.
Shoots o0 eelgrass in enclose% Pplanters8 1ill $e sec/re% to the top o0 each shell3sh rack an%
the macroalgae <l4a lact/ca 1ill also $e %eploye% in separate cages. At each location 1e 1ill
meas/re the gro1th o0 the eelgrass an% <l4a an% consi%er ho1 this gro1th is aBecte% $y
1ater 9/ality.
All plants an% animals 1ill $e %eploye% in spring an% 1ill remain thro/gh the 0all. E4ery t1o
1eeks! researchers 1ill track changes in lengths to %etermine the gro1th rate o0 j/4enile
shell3sh! eelgrass! an% macroalgae. The rate at 1hich a%/lt shell3sh are 3ltering the 1ater
1ithin each site 1ill also $e %etermine% /sing la$oratory"$ase% 1ater 3ltration e;periments.
Meas/ring the 3ltration o0 phytoplankton as 1ell as car$on! nitrogen! an% phosphor/s 1ill
help /s %etermine the rate at 1hich these elements are $eing remo4e% 0rom Shinnecock
Bay. Seagrass pro%/cti4ity 1ill $e assesse% /sing a mo%i3e% lea0 marking techni9/e.
Macroalgae gro1th! $ase% on changes in area an% 1eight an% meas/rements o0 car$on!
nitrogen! an% phosphor/s! 1ill assess the rate at 1hich these elements are $eing remo4e%
0rom the $ay.
By the end o) these e-'eriments1 ,e ,i$$ kno,%
+? Dhich species o0 shell3sh gro1 most rapi%ly in 1hich parts o0 the $ay *? Dhich species o0
shell3sh 3lter most 9/ickly in 1hich parts o0 the $ay '? Dhich parts o0 the $ay are most
s/ita$le 0or eelgrass gro1th ,? 5n 1hich parts o0 the $ay macroalgae(sea1ee%s remo4e
n/trients most eBecti4ely 2? The $aseline a$/n%ance! %istri$/tion an%! in some cases!
mo4ements o0 3sh! that 1e e;pect 1ill $ene3t 0rom o/r restoration eBorts
:''endi- B
Tra"e$% Fish s/r4eys 1ill re9/ire /sing the largest research 4essels at Stony Brook
So/thampton8s marine station. The /sage 0ees 0or these $oats are L+!&&& per %ayQ1e
anticipate nee%ing '& %ays o0 4essel time. Benthic an% pelagic sampling 1ill /tiliEe small
$oats! 1hich cost L*2& %aily. A%%itional costs 1ill incl/%e 4an /se to tra4el to sites aro/n%
Shinnecock Bay an% 0or st/%ents to present their res/lts at scienti3c con0erences.
?ateria$s and su''$ies% This 1ill incl/%e all material re9/ire% 0or e;periments incl/%ing
e;perimental cages! e;perimental gro1"o/t $ags 0or shell3sh! e;perimental gro1"o/t $ags
0or sea1ee%s! :oating racks! :oating %e4ices! e;perimental animals! etc.
S/pplies 0or e;periments 1ill incl/%e j/4enile 3sh! scallops! oysters! clams! a9/ari/m p/mps!
$/$$lers! light"temperat/re loggers! s/pplies 0or the constr/ction o0 mini"cages 0or shell3sh!
j/4enile cages 0or 3sh! s/pplies to constr/ct seagrass planters! calipers! etc.
A%%itional s/pplies 0or cage gro1"o/t e;periments incl/%e shell3sh $ags! j/4enile scallops!
oysters! clams! light"temperat/re loggers! collection $ottles! car$oys.
The analyses >n/trients! elemental! phytoplankton? associate% 1ith this project also re9/ire
e;tensi4e s/pplies incl/%ing reagents! 3lters! 4ials! jars! test t/$es! 3lter caps/les! collection
$ottles! car$oys! t/$ing! pipettes! pipette tips! glo4es! settling cham$ers! repipettemen!
microscope $/l$s! sli%es! co4er slips! col/mns! tins! 1eigh tins! elemental analyEer
e;pen%a$le s/pplies! gra%/ate% cylin%ers! an% general la$ maintenance s/pplies.
Analyses o0 microalgae o0ten nee% to $e precise 1ith regar% to $ro1n ti%e an% re% ti%e
species an% th/s re9/ire highly sensiti4e molec/lar testing. For e;ample! 1e 1ill 9/anti0y
Ale;an%ri/m cell %ensities! a highly sensiti4e molec/lar techni9/e! 1hich re9/ires the
p/rchase o0 oligon/cleoti%e pro$es .A+ 0or the .orth American ri$otype Ale;an%ri/m
0/n%yense(catenella(tamarense 1ith ./"light R %ye conj/gate% to the 28 en%! hy$ri%iEation
$/Ber! SET! an% 3lters 0or -y'R %ye.
A%%itionally! sa;ito;in analysis 1ill $e per0orme% /sing competiti4e enEyme linke%
imm/nosor$ent assays >A$ra;isS?. Prim/lin stain 1ill $e re9/ire% 0or cyst en/meration.
Molec/lar analysis an% %etection o0 harm0/l algae 1ill also re9/ire &.* mm pore"siEe
polycar$onate an% 6F(F 3lters! D.A p/ri3cation kits! /ltracentri0/gation reagents an%
s/pplies! an% reagents 0or P-R! TRFHP! an% cloning(se9/encing.
For R.A e;traction! s/pplies re9/ire% 1ill incl/%e -TAB! PTP! $/Bers an% salts >.a-l! EDTA!
Tris?! -hloro0orm! Alcohols! D.ase. For cD.A constr/ction 1e 1ill p/rchase a S/perscript 555
RTP-R kit 0rom 5n4itrogen! 3lter tips! Rnase 0ree 1ater. Ta9Man pro$es 1ill $e re9/ire% to
9/anti0y genes. +'
A%%itional costs 1ill incl/%e general la$oratory chemicals an% glass1are an% plastic 1are
re9/ire% 0or n/trient! pigment! an% :o1 cytometric analysis. Fort/nately! m/ltiple larger
e9/ipment items re9/ire% 0or this project incl/%ing peristaltic p/mps! shell3sh cages! han%
hel% -TDs! han% hel% light meters! 4ac//m 3ltration p/mps! mani0ol%s! an elemental
analyEer! a spectrophotometer plate rea%er! microscopy imaging system! an% mesocosm
tanks ha4e pre4io/sly $een p/rchase%.
Stony Brook University Receives $3 Million For Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program
In-text: (! "#$%&
Bibliograp!:! ("#$%&. Stony Brook University Receives $3 Million For
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program. 'online( )vailable at*
eives.3.Million.For.Shinnecock.Bay.Restoration.Program.shtml ')ccessed 3 Se+. "#$%(.
In-text: ()non! "#$%&
Bibliograp!: )non! ("#$%&. 'online( )vailable at*
2"#Restoration2"#Program3)+ril2"#42"#Final.+d5 ')ccessed 3 Se+. "#$%(.
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program
In-text: (! "#$%&
Bibliograp!:! ("#$%&. Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program. 'online( )vailable at*
htt+*,,,inde6.html ')ccessed 3 Se+. "#$%(.

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