Ancient Sports History Essay

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English: X-Sci
Ancient Sports History

For several weeks we have learned about the history of sports, namely in Ancient Greece
and Rome. We have learned about the various histories of these ancient civilizations and
the ways in which Athletics were integrated into their daily lives. We learned that these
sports evolved out of various forms of warfare and served various purposes in the ancient
world (religious festivals, entertainment, training for war, etc). Additionally we learned
about the different roles that men and women played in these ancient sports.

However, we now live two thousand years later in a place we call the civilized world. But
despite living nearly two thousand years later, we have not outgrown our love of violence
and aggression in sports. Ultimate Fighting, Football, Boxing, Hockey, NASCAR, Rugby, bull
fighting, etcall of these sports are the modern equivalents of ancient games. Ironically,
just as it was then, it is still violence that most modern audiences crave in sports. Yet, while
we continue to crave violent and aggressive entertainment the role of men and women are
now drastically different than they were 2000 years ago.

1. Is violence and aggression more or less acceptable in society now than it was in the Ancient
World? What about violence and aggression in sports? Explain why we do or do not still enjoy
watching violent and aggressive sports.


2. How did the role of women differ from the role of men in Ancient Sports? How is that
similar to or different from the role that women and men play in sports today?


5 paragraph essay (longer if necessary)
12 pt., times new roman font
MLA Format
Works Cited Included

INSTRUCTIONS: In a well developed essay you will be answering ONE of
the following prompts as it pertains to ancient sports history.

English: X-Sci

1. Is violence and aggression more or less acceptable in society now than it was in the Ancient
World? What about violence and aggression in sports? Explain why we do or do not still enjoy
watching violent and aggressive sports.

You will choose 2-3 modern sports in which violence and aggression are essentials aspects
of the game. You will then compare and contrast these modern sports with their ancient
equivalent in order to justify your answer to the questions above.

(i.e. compare UFC with Ancient Greek Pankration)
(i.e. compare WWE with Gladiators)
(i.e. compare Chariot Racing with NASCAR or Horse Racing)
(i.e. compare NFL with ancient warfare tacticssee hoplite phalanx.)
(i.e. compare bull fighting with Roman Animal killings)
(i.e. compare ancient boxing with modern boxing)


2. How did the role of women differ from the role of men in Ancient Sports? How is that
similar to or different from the role that women and men play in sports today?

You will choose 2-3 modern sports that had ties to Ancient times (running, wrestling,
racing, fighting, track and field, etc). You will then compare and contrast these modern
sports with their ancient equivalent in order to justify your answer to the questions above.

role of women in Ancient Olympic Games and/or other Greek Games
How has womens sports evolved (WWE, UFC, track and field, NASCAR, etc)
role of female athletes in todays society (sexism still???)
role of female gladiators in Ancient Rome

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