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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemore
Friday, September 12, 2014 713-526-3399

Statement by Devon Anderson

HOUSTON Devon Anderson, Harris County District Attorney, released the
following statement in response to the comments today from political opponent Kim

Ms. Ogg, once again, follows her predictable pattern of behavior: shoot first, think
later. She, yet again, demonstrates little knowledge of the District Attorneys offices
basic operations and procedures.

The investigation into Ruben Carrizal was sent to the Galveston County District
Attorneys Office. We recused ourselves out of an abundance of caution. The
Galveston DAs Office presented the findings to a Harris County Grand Jury where
the Grand Jury took no action against Carrizal. The investigator was allowed to
resign by my office because his actions demonstrated poor judgment, rather than
any violation of the law.

Regarding Ms. Oggs claim about notifying the Sheriffs Office, she is again ill-
informed. The Harris County Sheriffs Office was involved in the investigation into
Deputy Ruben Carrizal from the very beginning.
Finally, where the matter of Brady notifications are concerned, notifications about
Ruben Carrizals actions were sent to all prosecutors and defendants immediately,
as required by HCDAO procedures.
The HCDAO policy is to immediately send Brady notifications, upon the resolution
of the investigation to all prosecutors on a case-by-case basis. This is a practice that
is followed by most counties in the State of Texas. Had Ms. Ogg looked into this
matter more thoroughly before jumping to her own conclusions, she would
understand this is a common practice by most prosecutors offices.
Ms. Oggs desire for political publicity again comes at the expense of the truth and
highlights her lack of fitness for a position of public trust.


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