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Book by George Furth

Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Two Acts, Book Musical, Rated PG
The 1996 TCG Version representing an ama!gam o" the 199# Broad$ay %e&i&a! and 1996 'onmar
(arehouse Version
Sondheim's game-changing musical is a sophisticated and honest look at moden, adult
From musica! theatre)s most reno$ned composer Company is !arge!y regarded as a trai!b!a*er o"
the dark+comedy modern+musica! genre and the $inner o" , Tony -$ards inc!uding Best Musica!
Best Score Best Lyrics and Best Book.
+ See more at/ http/00$$$.mtisho$s.com0sho$1detai!.asp2sho$id34444546sthash.p76u8L61.dpu"
Company Chaactes
C!ick on a character)s name "or a "u!! description. 9-&ai!ab!e "or Stage-gent :ro members.;
"ame Gende #ocal Pat Age Range Role Type
%obert ma!e baritone 54 < =# !ead
-pri! "ema!e me**o ># < 5# supporting
?arry ma!e baritone 54 < =# supporting
Susan "ema!e me**o ># < 5# supporting
@athy "ema!e me**o 54 < =4 supporting
Marta "ema!e me**o ># < 5# supporting
:eter ma!e baritone ># < 5# supporting
Aenny "ema!e soprano 54 < =# supporting
'a&id ma!e tenor 54 < =# supporting
-my "ema!e a!to ># < =4 supporting
:au! ma!e tenor ># < =4 supporting
Larry ma!e tenor =4 < 64 supporting
Sarah "ema!e a!to 54 < =# supporting
Aoanne "ema!e a!to 5# < ## supporting
%ead more/ http/00$$$.stageagent.com0Sho$s0Vie$06B,6iC**5CDB>CA"n
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A list o$ chaacte desciptions $ollows%
%obert Ma!e Baritone 54 < =4. - midd!e c!ass man $ith a s!eek bache!or pad caught bet$een
!i&ing the sing!e !i"e and $atching his married "riends !i&e out their di""erent happi!y+e&er+a"tersF
and sometimes not.
-pri! Fema!e Me**o >1 < 54. Gne o" %obertHs gir!"riends an air!ine hostess naI&e and dit*y.
?arry Ma!e Baritone 54 < =#. SarahHs husband strugg!ing not to be J$hippedH recent recipient o"
a '(K.
Susan Fema!e Me**o ># < 5#. - s$eet Southern Be!!e and adoring $i"e o" :eter.
@athy Fema!e Me**o 54 < =4. Gne o" %obertHs recent gir!"riends $ho is getting married and
Marta Fema!e Me**o ># < 5#. Gne o" %obertHs gir!"riends in touch $ith the common man
passionate about her be!ie"s.
:eter Ma!e Baritone ># < 5#. Kdea! K&y League+type married to Susan.
Aenny Fema!e Soprano 54 < =#. Midd!e+c!ass run+o"+the+mi!! $i"e o" 'a&id.
'a&id Ma!e Tenor 54 < =#. Midd!e+c!ass attempting+to+be+modern husband o" Aenny.
-my Fema!e -!to ># < =4. Frantic anCious bride+to+be o" :au! $ho o&erana!y*es e&erything.
:au! Ma!e Tenor ># < =4. Ca!m coo! !o&ing groom+to+be o" -my $ho !o&es her more than !i"e.
Larry Ma!e Tenor =# < 6#. Some$hat ob!i&ious enLoying+!i"e+in+the+moment husband o" Aoanne.
Sarah Fema!e -!to 54 < =4. @no$+it+a!! dieting $i"e o" ?arry $ho has taken up karate.
Aoanne Fema!e -!to =# < 6#. Sharp+tongued rea!ist $ho kno$s $hat she $ants and o"ten $ants a
drinkF or ten.

ACT &"'
Scene (% The curtain rises re&ea!ing %obert a!one onstage. ?e is in his apartment !istening to his
ans$ering machine as it p!ays back &arious birthday greetings "rom some o" his "riends. -"ter the
"unny sardonic odd messages are "inished %obert records a message o" his o$n announcing that it
is his 5#th birthday. S!o$!y "i&e coup!es + Aoanne and LarryM Susan and :eterM -my and :au!M Sarah
and ?arryM and Aenny and 'a&id + gather in %obert)s apartment to gi&e him a surprise birthday party.
8ach $oman is carrying a $rapped gi"t. %obert ackno$!edges his "riends and the $omen
beginning $ith Sarah each gi&e %obert his gi"t. Sarah apo!ogetica!!y suggests %obert shou!d return
his unopened gi"t i" his doesn)t !ike it. -my and :au! present their gi"t $hich -my announces is a
ridicu!ous!y eCpensi&e s$eater. Aoanne baits Aenny "!irts $ith 'a&id Aenny)s husband and ignores
her o$n husband Larry. -my enters $ith a !ighted birthday cake. 8&eryone sings a monotone
chorus o" ?appy BirthdayN te!!ing %obert to make a $ish be"ore he b!o$s out the cand!es. ?e
c!oses his eyes $ishes and b!o$s but on!y ha!" the cand!es go out. The $omen rush to b!o$ out the
remaining cand!es. %obert eCp!ains he didn)t $ish "or anything. The guests pick up the "urniture and
go to their o$n apartment spaces. Music begins/ it is a "igure that sounds !ike a busy signa!. The
coup!es and %obert)s gir!"riends Marta @athy and -pri! a!! ca!! him each emp!oying a &ariant on
the name %obert 9NBobby BabyN;. %obert sings about his re!ationships $ith a!! o" his married
"riends 9NCompanyN;. The song ends $ith the ringing o" mu!tip!e te!ephones and doorbe!!s and city
sounds as $e hear a montage o" the characters eCperiencing typica! moments in their days.
Scene )% %obert has Lust "inished dinner $ith Sarah and ?arry at their apartment. -s ?arry a
reco&ering a!coho!ic gets up to make %obert a drink he mentions he)s been on the $agon "or a year
and a ha!". Sarah says it has on!y been a year. They argue !ight!y about this. Sarah o""ers %obert a
bro$nie mentioning she)s on a diet. %obert $atches ?arry sneak a sni"" and then a s$a!!o$ o"
%obert)s drink $hi!e Sarah eats a bro$nie as she pretends to "a!! behind the couch. ?arry and Sarah
continue their semi+Locose bickering. ?arry asks Sarah to sho$ %obert some o" the karate she)s
been !earning $hich she re"uses to do unti! %obert "!irtatious!y asks her to do it "or him. Sarah and
?arry begin to spar. First Sarah thro$s ?arry to the "!oor then ?arry does the same to Sarah. She
again thro$s ?arry to the "!oor and pins him do$n. Sarah ?arry and %obert "ree*e as Aoanne
appears and sings a song about marriage and re!ationships 9NThe Litt!e Things Oou 'o TogetherN;.
?arry and Sarah continue to spar "ree*ing again as Aoanne sings. %obert is caught in the midd!e o"
the "ight as he tries to make himse!" another drink. -"ter they a!! "a!! to the "!oor they "ree*e as the
rest o" the coup!es sing a!ong $ith Aoanne. The song ends Sarah and ?arry ca!! the "ight a dra$ and
%obert !ea&es as NBobby BabyN is heard again. Sarah sneaks another bro$nie as ?arry stea!s a drink
out o" %obert)s g!ass. %obert no$ on the other side o" the stage !ooks up at ?arry and asks i" he)s
e&er sorry he got married. ?arry $ith 'a&id and Larry 9$ho ha&e Loined ?arry; share their
ambi&a!ence about marriage 9NSorry+Grate"u!N;. -"ter the song %obert takes an e!e&ator to a terrace
o&er!ooking the city.
Scene *% %obert is on the terrace o" :eter and Susan)s apartment. %obert suggests he)d $ant to be
the "irst to kno$ i" the seeming!y happi!y+married coup!e breaks up. Susan and :eter respond by
te!!ing him they are getting a di&orce. NBobby BabyN is heard again as a stunned and pu**!ed %obert
takes the e!e&ator up to 'a&id and Aenny)s apartment.
Scene +% 'a&id Aenny and %obert sit in the p!ayroom o" Aenny and 'a&id)s apartment. Though they
are smoking mariLuana Aenny insists it is not ha&ing any e""ect on her. They a!! start gigg!ing as
they get high. (hen an unseen neighbor ye!!s at the trio to keep Duiet Aenny uncharacteristica!!y
s$ears back. This brings ho$!s o" !aughter "rom both 'a&id and %obert. (hen %obert suggests he
shou!d ha&e married Aenny Aenny asks him $hen he is going to get married. %obert says he intends
to + he Lust has not picked a time. Gr a mate. Kn "act he says he)s not a&oiding marriage at a!!. Kt is
a&oiding him. ?e mentions three o" his current gir!"riends Marta @athy and -pri! as they a!!
appear and sing about their "rustrations $ith %obert 9NOou Cou!d 'ri&e - :erson Cra*yN; in an
-ndre$s Sisters+sty!e trio. (hen %obert asks i" Aenny $ants another Loint 'a&id te!!s her she
doesn)t $ant one. Aenny goes to make e&eryone a snack as 'a&id te!!s %obert that Aenny is NsDuare...
dumb...N %obert starts to !ea&e but is stopped by a!! the coup!es singing NBobby Baby.N The $omen
!ea&e and the men te!! %obert o" the $omen to $hom they cou!d introduce him 9N?a&e K Got - Gir!
For OouN; + $omen more appropriate to dating than marrying. -"ter a!! they ask N(haddaya
$anna get married "or2N (hen the men !ea&e %obert sings about "inding a $oman $ho combines
the best Dua!ities o" a!! the married $omen he kno$s 9NSomeone Ks (aitingN;. -s each $i"e is
mentioned she appears $ith her husband.
Scene ,% Marta sits on a park bench. She sings about ho$ Pe$ Oork is a city o" strangers 9N-nother
?undred :eop!eN;. %obert and -pri! an air!ine ste$ardess appear and sit on the bench. -pri!
eCp!ains she mo&ed "rom Shaker ?eights thinking she $as mo&ing to %adio City a city c!ose to
Pe$ Oork. Marta continues singing N-nother ?undred :eop!eN $hen -pri! !ea&es. @athy enters and
sits neCt to %obert. She te!!s him she is going to mo&e to Vermont to get married because %obert
ne&er asked her to marry him. Marta "inishes N-nother ?undred :eop!eN $hen @athy eCits and then
she re!ates to %obert her o$n pecu!iar!y eccentric &ie$ o" !i"e in Pe$ Oork.
Scene -% Kt is the morning o" :au! and -my)s $edding day. -my in a $hite $edding dress is
po!ishing a pair o" men)s shoes as a $oman in a $hite choir robe sings about ho$ b!essed a $edding
day is. (hen :au! sees -my po!ishing his shoes he sings about ho$ today is her specia! day. -my
"rantica!!y sings about ho$ she)s not getting married 9NGetting Married TodayN;. -my the $oman
and a choir continue the song as %obert the best man enters !ooking "or :au!)s cu"" !inks. The song
ends $ith :au! rea""irming his positi&e &ie$ -my her negati&e &ie$ and an emotion!ess chorus
gi&ing their b!essing to both &ie$s. Kt starts to rain. -"ter the song -my is "iCing break"ast "or :au!
and %obert. She $orks herse!" into tears and te!!s :au! she can)t marry him. :au! is &ery &isib!y
upset by this and he !ea&es. %obert sudden!y asks -my to marry him. -s NBobby BabyN is heard
again -my turns do$n %obert)s reDuest. She rea!i*es $hat a good thing she has in :au! so she goes
o"" to "ind and marry him. %obert a!one onstage sudden!y "ee!s the need to be be connected $ith
someone. But he is not yet ready "or a "u!! commitment 9NMarry Me - Litt!eN;. The !ights come up
in %obert)s apartment $here a!! the guests are gatheredM %obert stares at -my as she enters $ith the
birthday cake.
Scene (% Kt is %obert)s birthday. (ith the birthday cake in "ront o" him he b!o$s out most o" the
cand!esM the $i&es b!o$ out the ones he missed. ?e announces he didn)t $ish "or anything. NBobby
BabyN is heard as the guests !ea&e. (hen %obert is a!one he re"!ects on $hat it)s !ike to a!$ays be
Nodd man outNM the coup!es Loin him in singing 9NSide By Side By SideN;. The coup!es sing about
and ce!ebrate his use"u!ness to them 9N(hat (ou!d (e 'o (ithout Oou2N;.
Scene )% -pri! and %obert are in his apartment. -"ter some id!e ta!k they mo&e to the bedroom. -s
%obert and -pri! embrace Sarah and Aenny te!! their husbands they are $orried %obert spends too
much time a!one 9N:oor BabyN;. -pri! te!!s %obert a story about a cocoon that had once been !e"t in
her care. (hen a butter"!y emerged it had been inLured by her cat and this !ed to an upsetting
situation $ith the ma!e "riend $ho had gi&en her the cocoon. %obert in a desperate!y transparent
p!oy to continue the con&ersation te!!s -pri! a story he "ee!s re!ates to her cocoon story. ?e te!!s her
ho$ once he became disoriented and $as unab!e to !ocate the mote! $here a date $as $aiting "or
him. -s -pri! undresses she eCpresses her upset "or the !one!y gir! and "or %obert but $onders
$hat his story had to do $ith hers. The !ights go do$n as %obert takes out champagne g!asses and
baby oi! and Sarah Aenny -my Aoanne and Susan a!! sing N:oor BabyN commenting on the
inadeDuacy o" %obert)s gir!"riends. The !ights come up on an eChausted %obert and -pri! singing
about her neCt "!ight attendant assignment 9NBarce!onaN;. The song ends as -pri! uneCpected!y
accepts %obert)s suggestion to !inger $ith him rather than report "or $ork. %obert seems a bit
nonp!used at this acDuiescence. The !ights "ade.
Scene *% %obert and Marta are at :eter and Susan)s apartmentM :eter and Susan ha&e di&orced but
are sti!! !i&ing together happi!y a "act that strikes %obert as being &ery NPe$ Oork.N The $omen
depart !ea&ing :eter and %obert on the terrace. :eter brings up the subLect o" homoseCua!ity and
asks i" %obert has e&er had homoseCua! eCperiences. %obert says he has and then :eter ob!iDue!y
propositions %obert $ho !aughs it o"" and !ea&es :eter.
Scene +% %obert and Aoanne are drinking at a nightc!ub tab!e as Larry enLoys himse!" dancing.
Aoanne drunken!y and !oud!y tries to get a $aiter)s attention to order more drinks. She ye!!s at some
$omen at another tab!e to stop staring at her. - spot!ight hits her as the rest o" the nightc!ub goes
into a b!ackout. She sings a toast to the $omen $ho don)t ha&e to $ork and $ho spend !ots o" time
shopping drinking and ha&ing !unchM $omen in "act !ike herse!" 9NThe Ladies (ho LunchN;.
(hen Larry goes to pay the bi!! Aoanne propositions %obert "or seCM he turns her do$n and asks
angri!y about marriage N(hat do you get2N NBobby BabyN is heard as %obert is !e"t a!one on stage.
?e sings about the "ear o" being a!one and being unin&o!&ed suggesting "ina!!y he does $ant to
ha&e a meaning"u! re!ationship $ith someone 9NBeing -!i&eN;.
Scene ,% The scene shi"ts to %obert)s apartment and a!! the coup!es are $aiting "or %obert to arri&e
so they can ye!! NSurprise.N 9%obert obser&es this scene though the coup!es are una$are o" his
presence.; This time %obert doesn)t sho$ up to his party. They a!! decide to !ea&e but be"ore they
do they ye!! N?appy Birthday %obert.N %obert a!one on stage b!o$s out the cand!es and smi!es. +
See more at/ http/00$$$.mtisho$s.com0sho$1detai!.asp2sho$id34444546sthash.p76u8L61.dpu"

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