06-ctc Board MTTG Minutes June-18-2014

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Crestwood Terrace Condominium Owners Association - Board Meeting Minutes

06-CTC Board Mttg Minutes June-18-2014
Board Member Attendees
Pres. Ed Wilson; #16 Vice Pres. Mike Kelly; #46 Treas. open Sec. Karen Blair; #36 Jeff Tingley; #15

Association Member (Owner) Attendees
Beth Gessford; #2 Sharon Regalia; #15 Roger Bahr; #43

Monthly Board Meeting Dates thru Oct, 2014
Wed, Jul-16-2014
6:30pm; unit-15
Tues, Aug-19-2014
6:30pm; unit-15
Tues, Sept-23-2014
6:30pm; unit-15
Tues, Oct-21-2014
6:30pm; unit-15

Association President Ed Wilson called the meeting to order: Tues, June-18-2014 at 6:30 pm.
Open Forum New Business from Owners:
1. Beth G. (unit-2); asked Board to consider having 2
floor windows washed as its too dangerous for owners to do so
themselves; Board acknowledged exterior maintenance is an Association responsibility, however building envelope
maintenance takes priority; no budget to wash windows at this time. Board did that OK Beth and other owners could
engage an Association approved contractor (e.g., Frank Farrington) to wash 2
floor windows at their expense.
2. Sharon R. (unit-15); attended for informational purposes only.
3. Helen Moore (unit-17); June-6
, Helen phoned RPM to report Landscapers are not doing their job; Board encourages
Helen to join the Landscape Committee or attend a Board Meeting to voice her landscape maintenance concerns.
4. Roger (unit-43); attended to alert owners of raccoon activity on property, suggested owners close garage doors at night.
Executive Board Meeting:
Review/Approve Prior Board Meeting Minutes:
May-13-2014 Board Meeting minutes were read and reviewed. Mike Kelly made the motion to accept the minutes;
motion seconded by J eff Tingley and carried unanimously.
1. June-2014 Financial Summary; for the period May-1-31-2014.
(e.g. dues)
% Funded
$9.295.22 $3,163.96 $6,452.66 $52.463.53 $412,330.00 12.7%
a. Income: Typical dues payments + $1,105.68 owner reimbursement of roof replacement charges (e.g., patio covers).
b. Expenses: Typical expenses; e.g., RPM $550.00, Landscape Maintenance $850.94, CAU Insurance $1,177.00.
Owner Dues Credits:
Total Outstanding
Dues Credits
Total Monthly Dues
Credits (Policy Cap)
Total Monthly Dues
Credits (Actual)
See July-2014 $500 See July-2014 See July-2014
Delinquent Dues Detail; reminder owner charges 60 days past due assessed a late payment fee of $50.00.
Unit-21: $5,328.30; short sale in process
Unit-28: $ 1,122.52; attorney engaged; collections actions initiated June-12-2014.
Unit-29: $ 1.84.00
Karen Blair made the motion to acknowledge the May-2014 Financial Reports from RPM have been reviewed and
deemed accurate; motion seconded by J eff Tingley and carried unanimously.
2. Annual Financial Audit; A request for proposal (RFP) was issued to 8 northwest Accounting companies; 4 declined to
bid, and 4 responded. Of the 4 respondents, the 3 member Financial Audit Sub-Committee, and 9 member Finance
Committee recommended selection of Schwindt & Co. to audit the Associations books for the year 2013.
After a brief discussion, Ed Wilson made the motion to engage Schwindt & Co. to audit the Associations books for
the year 2013 and set a not to exceed budget of $5,000; motion seconded by Karen Blair and carried unanimously.
3. Association Financial Accounts - housekeeping; After a brief discussion of the benefit to consolidate the Association
Money Market Accounts with Sterling Bank (x7326) and Umpqua Bank (x0643) Ed Wilson made the motion to
consolidate both aforementioned Association Money Market accounts and for Mistie Andrew and Ken Opp with
Real Property Management (RPM) and Association Officers Ed Wilson (Association President), Mike Kelly
(Association Vice-President), and Karen Blair (Association Secretary) be on the signature card of the resulting
consolidated account to include online access; motion seconded by Mike Kelly and carried unanimously.
Old Business:
Building Maintenance:
Crestwood Terrace Condominium Owners Association - Board Meeting Minutes
06-CTC Board Mttg Minutes June-18-2014
1. Roof Replacement Association Priority - Complete!
On a budget of $252,200, roof replacement is complete; total charges $201,760. Its seldom Homeowner Association
efforts of this scale are accomplished without considerable cost overruns. Thanks to all who participated
suppliers, contractors, and owners alike!
2. Fireplace vents - maintenance; details on how to maintain vents pending; low priority.
3. Crawl-Space Water Issues Association Priority:
a. Phase II crawl-space water mitigation; Spending to date is about $32,382, on a budget of $42,800; on plan.
b. Remaining tasks include:
Correct unit 17 moisture barrier; pending.
Unit-36; repair root intrusion in front roof rain drain; pending.
Reduce irrigation behind and between units; in process.
c. Phase III crawl-space water mitigation; design and planning pending completion of phase II.
4. Kitchen vent issue (unit-38); area near kitchen vent cold in winter; pending; low priority fall 2014.
5. Garage door damage (unit-4); dented garage door; Board follow-up with owner to make repairs pending; low priority.
6. Bi-Annual Dryer Vent Cleaning; Sarkinen Plumbing selected to perform task. Task to be scheduled for mid-July.
Owner charge will be $34.10. Details to follow in July.
7. Wash siding (Assoc.) / patio-deck covers (owners); - spring-summer 2014; pending.
8. Wash concrete drives/sidewalks & stain/water-proof wood porches/decks (owners); summer 2014; pending.
9. Attic inspections; complete.
Grounds Maintenance:
1. Stormwater Facility; follow-up with City regarding plantings to mitigate blackberries; tabled until further notice.
2. Fence Maintenance:
a. Perimeter fence, fence post behind unit 9 and behind units 17-18 needs reinforcement; pending.
b. Perimeter fence, fence post behind duplex 45-46 needs replacement; complete.
c. East Perimeter Fence mitigate stream bank erosion; pending.
3. Lawn Maintenance:
a. Weeds in grass; corrective action by Sierra NW completed.
b. Weeds in hard surface areas; Sierra NW contacted, task completed.
4. Replacement of Arborvitae/Rhododendrons/Escalonia in front of units/garages;
a. Unit-15&16 replace Arborvitae/Escalonia; complete.
b. Unit-36 replace Arborvitae; complete.
c. Replace Photinia in front of units 30 & 31 with Pieris Japonica and Heather; completed.
General Admin:
1. House Rules; updates to House Rules issued; complete.
2. RPM Property Management; review of revised management agreement; pending; low priority.
3. Emergency Maintenance Contact List; in progress; pending, low priority.
4. Unit-46 (unit-46 is correct; unit-45 referenced in error in the May-13-2014 minutes) Architectural Change Request;
Apr-30-2014, owner submitted request to replace Arborvitae & 2 other plants in the front porch planting bed with
Assoc. approved plantings; Approved by Board May-07-2014; $50.00 dues credit.
New Business:
Building Maintenance:
1. Unit-24; Leaking outdoor water faucet, rear NW corner; repair complete.
2. Unit-24; Water intrusion through siding below NW 1
floor windows; repairs in progress.
3. Unit-20; Reimburse owner for April-2010 repair of broken water pipe to outside water faucet; in process.
4. Unit-19 Electrical Power Fault; in response to light-bulbs burning out, Clark Public Utilities was contacted to inspect
electrical power to the unit; 1 power connection was tightened. Owner will monitor if situation improves; complete.
Grounds Maintenance:
1. Street Maintenance; bid to repair street (earlier drainage work), in front of duplexes 25-26, 27-28, &29-30, tar cracks and
seal coat entrance and intersections accepted; work to begin end of June.
2. Lawn Irrigation; System started up Wed, June-18
a. Start-up included repair or replacement of several broken lateral lines and faulty zone control valves, and adjustment
of all sprinkler heads for good coverage.
b. Irrigation schedule is 3 nights/wk., 2 cycles of 10 minutes.
General Admin:
Crestwood Terrace Condominium Owners Association - Board Meeting Minutes
06-CTC Board Mttg Minutes June-18-2014
1. Unit-2 Architectural Change Request; June-16-2014, owner submitted request to replace Arborvitae & other plants in the
front porch planting bed and in front of garage with Assoc. approved plantings; Approved by Board June-17-2014.
2. Unit-25 Architectural Change Request; June-16-2014, owner submitted request to replace Arborvitae & other plants in
the front porch planting bed with Assoc. approved plantings; Approved by Board June-17-2014
3. Unit-33 Architectural Change Request; June-16-2014, owner submitted request to replace Arborvitae & other plants in
the front porch planting bed and in front of garage with Assoc. approved plantings; Approved by Board June-17-2014
4. Unit-46 Architectural Change Request; May-23-2014, owner submitted request to replace Arborvitae & other plants in
the front porch planting bed and in front of garage with Assoc. approved plantings; Approved by Board June-17-2014

Reminders to Owners:
1. Owners are encouraged to participate on the various Association committees to do so contact a Board member!
Respectfully submitted, Karen Blair, Association Secretary.

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