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Science Review Sheet

The Particle Theory

- all matter is composed of particles
- particles are in constant motion
- there are forces of attraction among particles
Flow Rate and Viscosity
- How quickly a fluid flows in a given amount of time
- If a fluid has higher viscosity, there is a lower flow rate
- Viscosity is the resistance that a fluid has to flowing and movement
- Chocolate factories, pouring syrup or ketchup out of a ottle
- !he flow rate can e an indicator of the viscosity
- Helium alloons float in air ecause their density is less than that of air
Mass, Weight, and Volume
- mass is the amount of matter in an o"ect
- weight is the measurement of the force of gravity pulling on the o"ect
- weight is measured in #ewtons
- Volume is the measure of the amount of space occupied y matter
- density is the mass of a sustance per unit of volume of that sustance
- it is calculated through this formula$ % & '(V
- when there is less space etween particles, this means the density is greater
- when a fluid is cooled, it ecomes denser ecause the particles slow down and
grow closer together
- when a fluid is heated, the opposite happens
- water ecomes less dense if it is heated and also if it is cooled
- when a gas is heated, it ecomes less dense
- the upward part of the force e)erted y fluids is called uoyancy
- if the force of uoyancy is greater than the force of gravity, then the o"ect will
float, and the reverse
- Archimedes Principle$ the crown appeared to weigh less in water than a ar of
pure gold with the same mass* greater uoyant force on the crown* the crown
displaced more water than the gold ar* the volume of the crown was greater than
the gold ar* the crown had a lower density and was not made of pure gold
- +ositive uoyancy if it rises, negative uoyancy if it sinks, neutral uoyancy if it
remains level in the fluid
- ,allast is any material carried on ships, sumarines, hot air alloons, or dirigiles
-air ships. that acts as weight and alters uoyancy
- gases are very compressile
- liquids are only very slightly compressile
- its state can e changed if enough pressure if applied
ydraulics and Pneumatic systems
- Hydraulics is the word we give to confined, pressuri/ed systems that use moving
- 0ses liquids under pressure to move things
- 1iquid used in a hydraulic system is called hydraulic fluid
- 2il from a tank is sent along a conductor to a pump where it is pushed into a
cylinder which resemles a giant syringe and the oil pushes up the piston like a
- heart
- +neumatics is the name for confined pressuri/ed systems that use moving air or
other gases such as caron dio)ide
- lunges
The !artesian Di"er
- the eyedropper had air in it
- when pressure was applied water entered and the air inside was compressed
- the water caused the eyedropper to sink
Marshmallow Ma#ia
- the marshmallow has air inside of it
- when pressure was applied to it -pushing. it shrunk and the air inside of it was
- when pressure was pulled away, it grew ecause the air was eing pulled
!ompressing water and gas
- water is almost uncompressile
- gas is easily compressed

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