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This is about Adi ciganlija certainly did

not know! Here's how Belgrade has

really got their 'sea' (PHOTO)
At the mention of Ada Ciganlija most first thought of swimming. "Belgrade Sea"
celebrates its 55th birthday today, although the history of this place is much older.
Ada ciganlija the fluvial island on the Sava river in Belgrade, which is converted by the
artificial peninsula. Also, it is the name of the neighboring Sava lake created by damming the
rivers Sava and the beach on the lake. Because of the proximity to downtown, beautiful
beaches and multiple forms of entertainment, beg from the heat over here look over 1,
flight of Belgrade during working days and up to !, on weekends"
#owever, the story of this place is much older ...
$he name %ciganlija% probably comes from the &eltic word %single% and %lia%, which means
%island% and %underwater land.% 'ame was conjured variability Sava level ( at low it was
%Sing,% the high %)ia%. Ada %Singalija% over time turned into Ada &iganlija.
*nce upon a time, Ada is represented distant periphery which got its importance only in time
of war.
( *ne of the earliest records of the war in Ada ciganlija encourages the 1+,,th clash $urkish
and Austrian Army -which are determined in part were deployed in Ada. was seriously
wounded /rince 0ugene of Savoy, which thirty years later to lead the Austrian army in the
liberation crusade against the $urks. Again, of course, via Belgrade ( says 'eda $odorovic,
hroni1arka Belgrade events in his book %/ovrtak 2*3A4A in Belgrade.%
Another interesting record dates from the 15,,th year when the main camp of the Austrian
army, which held the city under siege, was placed precisely on Adi. At its ranks against the
$urks fought and Serbian special units, %frajkori%, whose members were the 2aragjorgje and
After the liberation of Belgrade from the $urks, 2aragjorgje Adu gave the commander of the
town of Belgrade, 6laden 6ilovanovic, and /rince 6ilos *brenovic was later, in 1,71., $he
island named for the state and national good and so was and continues to this day.
8ue beauty, Branislav 'u9i: Adu is called %;ater flower% and founded the eponymous
satirical newspaper. Since then, through the decades, Ada is magically attracted artists and
adventurers, who are captivated, it stayed on, either as creators and enthusiasts.
<irst 0uropean =owing &hampionship, 1>!7 . was held precisely at this point, and Ada were
built bleachers for 7,? people"
#owever, on 6ay 7?, back in the 1>?>th year, Ada began to take shape as we know it. $his is
why this day is celebrated as the day of Ada &iganlija.
=ight, %'ovi Beograd% side of the Sava )ake, was once ( ordinary meadow. rearrangement of
the right sleeve, 1>+5th year, Ada becomes a peninsula, surrounded by an embankment that
bordered on one Sava and Sava lake with other.

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