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September 2014 11:11am
By: Priyanga Patrick

In recent months, the Australian government has fa
ced the large issue of asylum seekers from Sri
Lanka, and India illegally coming to the country in
large groups on small, unstable boats. The asylum s
eekers were uncontrollably arriving in Australia wit
hout permission, identity or proof of having a passp
ort. An asylum seeker is a person who has fled their
country from fear of war or prosecution.
Tony Abbot, the prime minister of Australia has stated that " any person or group without any
identity of who they are will immediately be sent back to the country they came from or to In
donesian and Papua New Guinea detention camps. It is believed that there are many negative
effects of the asylum seekers arriving here.
Some of these reasons include:
* Financial tension for the government
*Rapid growth in population
* Residential safety concerns
*Over population in detention camps.
Australia has created two government policies in place at the
The first one is that unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which ar
e offshore program such as Christmas Island. They go there until a visa is approved to be settl
ed in Australia and if they are unsuccessful they will be removed from Australia.
The second one is that Australia provides assistance schemes for asylum seekers during the ti
me period that they are waiting for their applications for protection and residence. They may
be eligible to have a temporary Medicare and welfare services, however not all applicants are
eligible for this as the government will review the financial, and mental state and the situation
before making a decision.
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.
3.2 assistance from the government
The Australian Government provides a number of assistance schemes for some asylum seekers during the period in which their a
pplications for protection are under progress. The types of assistance may include the temporary eligibility for Medicare and welf
are services such as income support and professional assistance with preparing their Protection visa. However, not every applican
t is eligible to receive these assistances as the recipients must be in financial hardship and their eligibility for receiving the assista
nces will be reviewed by the government regularly if there are any changes of their situation

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled. Some boat arrivals need to wait longer time than others for their Visa application
s outcome. If their application is not successful, then they will need to wait for their removal from Australia.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia. This process is known as the offshore program which enables people who do not me
et the UN definition for refugee to be resettled.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook
Unauthorized boat arrivals are currently held in detention centres which are offshore places, such as Christmas Island, until they a
re granted a visa or removed from Australia.

Read more: Why are asylum seekers becoming an issue in australia | Law Teacher
Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook

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