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My Life

{According to me}

Fun facts about me




Hair Color:_________

Eye color:____________

What I spend my time doing:____________________________

Favorite Foods:_______________________

Favorite T.V. Show:_____________________

Favorite Place to eat out:___________________________

One thing on my wish list:_____________________________

You can usually find me wearing:_________________


Backing Up To My Birthday

Full given name:______________________________________________________

Date:______________________ day of the week_________________________


Place of birth:__________________________________________________________




Nicknames from family:__________________________________________

I had_______siblings and was # _________________ in my family.

My Family Life Growing Up

Growing up my house had ________rooms and ________________bathrooms.

I shared a room with: ______________________________________________

Family chores I had to do included: ___________________________


For allowance I received__________________ I usually spent___________ and

saved ____________.

My childhood heroes’ were:________________________________________


Pets I had growing up were: _______________________________________


A typical dinner setting at my house included: ___________


___________________Usually did the cooking.

My favorite foods included: ______________________________________


My family spent Christmas by: __________________________________



We usually celebrated birthdays by:__________________________


Special traditions that we had included: ___________________


Naming traditions in my family were: ______________________


Physical traits that run my in my family are: __________


A few family rules were: _________________________________________


Some memorable memories with my parents include: ___




My family took the following vacations: __________________



Cars my family owned (year, color): _________________________

Remembering Childhood

My earliest childhood memory was:___________________________






Games I enjoyed playing when I was young were: ________



My favorite toy was: ______________________________________________


Certain world events that had an impact were: ________

Church has changed since I was little in that: ___________


The town I grew up in would be described as: ______________


A little bit about the School Years

School activities and sports I participated in were: ______

Fads and popular hairstyles from my youth were:_______


Some of my friends in elementary school were:____________


Favorite subject in school was:__________________________________


Worse subject in school was: _____________________________________

My favorite thing about school was:__________________________


I got to school by (bus, walking, etc,):___________________________

When I grew up I wanted to be a:________________________________

First time I first drove a car (officially and


Gas cost about this much:__________________________________________

Remembering the Teenage years

My favorite type of music was:__________________________________


Some of my friends in high school were:_______________________


One of my favorite songs was:_____________________________________

The world is different today than when I was in school by:




Some of my first jobs were:_________________________________________


I graduated from high school in___________________________ there were about

_______________________ students in my class.

My first date was with:____________________________________________

Reflecting on Young Adult Life

I attended college at:________________________________________________

My major was:________________________________________________________


I attended school for__________________________amount of time.

Some of my favorite roommates were:_________________________


My favorite classes were:__________________________________________


I met my spouse for the first time when:_______________________


The proposal went a little like this:____________________________




My parents reaction:________________________________________________


We were engaged for:_____months before we got married.

We got married on:___________________________________________________

Our wedding place was:____________________________________________

Wedding Colors:________________________________________________________

The memory that stands out most from my wedding day


I would describe my spouse as:_____________________________________

How we decided on our wedding rings was (picked out together or


We went on a honeymoon to:_____________________________________

The thing I admire most about MY SPOUSE IS:___________________



My Family Life

My chosen profession was:__________________________________________

I chose this profession because:_____________________________________


I found out I was going to be a parent for the first time




We chose our children’s names because:_______________________



My proudest moment as a parent has been when:__________



Our family enjoyed doing the following activities



Who I am Now

One thing I want people to remember about me is:__________



Some accomplishments that I am most proud of are:______


Places I have lived:___________________________________________________


Of all the things I have learned from my parents, I feel the most valuable



If I couldn’t have my chosen profession I would have chosen to work



Church callings I have held:____________________________________



I believe the key to a successful marriage is:________________




The happiest time in my life was:_________________________________



If I could go back and do something differently it would




My favorite thing to do with my children is:_______________



My favorite thing to do with my grandchildren is:______



One thing I would like to share with my descendants




Encouragement and counsel I want to give to my descendants





One thing I really want my children to learn from




Places I have visited:_________________________________________________




Favorite vacation:___________________________________________________




Little things that make me happy are:________________________

My testimony:__________________________________________________________






































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