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BAC304/05 Company Law
TMA1 (25%)
Semester 2, July 2013
1. This is an individual assignment. It covers knowledge acquired from Unit 1 and 2.
2. Please answer ALL questions in TMA1. Submission is to be done via online through OAS on
or before stipulated deadline (to refer WawasanLearn).
3. Evidence of plagiarism or collusion will be taken seriously and the University regulations will
be applied strictly, henceforth please be familiar with the Universitys definitions of plagiarism
and collusion. You are advised against sharing of answer with others as plagiarism will be
penalized, any evidence of plagiarism or collusion may result in ZERO mark awarded to all
involved and further disciplinary action. Kindly upload your TMA into Turn-It-In to obtain a
report before submitting your TMA via OAS. REMINDER: Turnitin submission is NOT the
same as OAS submission. You need to submit your TMA both to Turn-It-In and OAS. Attach
(using Insert object) or zip the Turnitin Originality Report together with your TMA and
submit that combined file through the Online Assignment Submission (OAS) system.
4. Total marks awarded for the TMA1 is 100, which contribute to 25% of the entire course marks.
5. Your assignment will be assessed on the factual answer provided based on your reading and
analysis from various references related to this course. In additional, you should demonstrate
a sound knowledge on corporate compliance and management.
6. You are advised to adhere to the following pertaining to your written answer:
Font type: Arial
Font size: 12 point
Margin: left 1.2, right 1.0, top 1.0, bottom 1.0
Alignment: justify
Spacing: 1.5 line
Paper size: A4
Pagination: right bottom aligned, font size 10
Header: right hand, top aligned, Arial, 11 point and bold
Total word count : not more than 2,000 words
7. Information on cover page:
Course code and title
Student name, ID and I/C no
Name of tutor
Class code
Indication of TMA1
8. Please do not send this information on cover page into Turn-It-In in order to avoid high
similarity index
You shall retain a copy of the answer of TMA1 for easy reference.
You are advised to adhere to the rubric stated in completing your assignment

Essay Questions

Answer ALL the questions.

1. Discuss the following:

(a) FIVE (5) differences between a partnership and limited company.
(35 marks)
(b) Duties of a promoter.
(15 marks)
(Total: 50 marks)

2. In relation to company law:

(a) Elaborate the memorandum of association and the articles of association.
(20 marks)
(b) Explain TWO (2) restrictions on the alteration of the memorandum of
(30 marks)
(Total: 50 marks)


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