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During the 17th Century, when Hindustan (India) was ruled by Mughals, people were humiliated

and treated like animals. Mughals treated Hindu women as their own property and were or!ing all
Hindus to a!!ept Islam and e"en used to kill people i they reused to a!!ept.
During that period, our #inth $uru %ri $uru &eg 'hadar(i who !ame orward, at the re)uest o
some *ashmir +andits, to ight against all these !ruel a!ti"ities.
$uru(i told the Mughal emperor that i he !ould su!!eed in !on"erting $uru(i to Islam, all Hindus
would a!!ept the same but i he ailed, he should stop all those a!ti"ities. &he Mughal emperor
happily agreed to that, but e"en ater lots o torture to $uru(i and his ellow members, he ailed to
!on"ert them to Islam. $uru(i, along with his other our ellow members, was also tortured or the
same and they sa!rii!ed their li"es in Chandni Chowk, #ew Delhi. %in!e the Mughals were unable
to !on"ert them to Islam, they were assassinated. &hus, $uru(i sa!rii!ed his lie or prote!tion o
the Hindu religion.
Can anybody lay his lie down or the prote!tion o some other religion, &his is the reason he is still
remembered as -Hind *i Chaddar- . Howe"er, none o the people or whom he.d sa!rii!ed his lie
!ame orward to lit his body, earing that they would also be assassinated .
%eeing this in!ident our 1/th $uru(i, %ri $uru $obind %ingh(i (%on o $uru &eg 'ahadar(i) made a
resolution that he would make su!h a !lass o people who would not be able to hide themsel"es and
would stand out e"en amongst a !rowd o thousands, &H0 %I*H.
1t the start %ikhs were "ery less in numbers e"en though they were ighting against the Mughals
emperors. 1t that time, #adir %hah raided Delhi in the year 1723 and looted Hindustan and was
!arrying lot o Hindustan treasures and nearly 44// Hindu women along with him. &he news spread
like wildire and was heard by %ardar 5assa %ingh, who was the Commander o the %ikh army at
that time. He de!ided to atta!k #adir %hah.s *haila on the same midnight. He did so and res!ued
all the Hindu women and they were saely sent to their homes. It didn.t happen only on!e but
thereater, whene"er any 1bdaalis or Iranis had looted Hindustan and were trying to !arry out
treasures and Hindu women along with them or selling them in 1bdal markets, the %ikh army
although )uite ew in numbers but bra"e6hearted, atta!ked them at midnight,14 o.!lo!k and res!ued
the !aptured women.
1ter that time, when there o!!urred a similar in!ident, people started to !onta!t the %ikh army or
their help and the %ikhs used to atta!k the raiders at midnight, 14 o.!lo!k. &heir !ontinued su!!ess
be!ame a legend, that at midnight nearly at 14 o.!lo!k, it is "ery dii!ult to ight against %ikhs as
the %ikhs are endowed with supernatural power to deend 7eligion, #ation and Humanity. #obody
!an ight and win against them at midnight. &hat is the legend behind the story today. 8"er time, a
ew smart ale!ks !orrupted this into the line that at 14 o.!lo!k, the %ikhs go out o their senses.
9ith .guerilla. ta!ti!s, they !ontinued to atta!k the Muslim !amps and liberated the Hindu women
rom the !lut!hes. &he usual time o su!h atta!ks was either at noon, or midnight. &he atta!ks were
so ero!ious, that the Muslims began dreading the e:pe!ted atta!ks o the %ikhs at 14 o. !lo!k,
midnight or noon.
It was these people, the marauders, who !oined the phrase that -%ardaron ke barah ba( gaye-.
1nd #ow, &H0 I78#;< the des!endents o the res!ued people are making un o the res!uers=====
I think any person who repeats this senten!e against the %ikhs is making un o the meekness o his
own lineage.

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