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Completing Story

Teaching of Prophet on Begging

Once Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) was sitting with his followers. All on a sudden a
man came to him. He was healthy. He came near Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) and
said to him, Please, Hazrat give me some food.
Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) asked him if he had anything at home. The man said
that he had only one blanket. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) told him to bring the
blanket. The man went home and again came back with the blanket in his hand.
Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) took the blanket and said to the followers:
Is there anybody here to buy this blanket?
One of the followers raised his hand. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) sold the blanket
and gave half of the money to the man to buy food. He gave the rest of the
money to buy an axe. He requested the man to maintain his family by doing the
work of woodcutter. He said to him, Do not beg. Begging is not good at all.

Selfless Help Has Its Reward
Once an ant was very thirsty. He went to a pond to drink water. When he began
to drink water, a wave swept him away. He was about to drown. As hard as she
tried she could not manage to swim to the bank.
At that moment a dove flew by and seeing the struggling ant, took pity on her
distress. She broke a branch from a nearby tree and dropped it into the water.
The ant did not delay but clambered nimbly on to the branch and at last reached
the safety of the bank.
Not long after this, the ant was out for a stroll when she came upon the dove
again. A hunter was just about to trap the bird. The ant noticed it. At once the
ant remembered the great help of the dove. She thought she must do something
for the dove. She could not let one die before her eyes who once saved her life.
So she hurriedly but on the sly got to the hunter and bit him severely. Being
troubled by the ant the hunter moved forward which caused a sound. Hearing
the sound the dove could escape from being trapped by flying away.
Afterwards the dove met the ant and expressed her gratefulness to her. Since
then they became good friends.
In fact, helping others selflessly never goes unrewarded. One who helps others
selflessly is helped by others somehow, somewhere, sometime.


Traffic Jam
Traffic jam is created where different sorts of vehicles stand still and cannot
move for some time. The causes of traffic jam are many. The rickshaw pullers
do not maintain rules and regulations. The drivers always try to overtake
another vehicle. The number of vehicles is much more than the narrow roads
and streets in the town. The traffic jam usually happens in towns and cities.
Specially, at the turning points and crossing of the roads the traffic jam happens
tremendously. Traffic jam has become a regular phenomenon in big cities
nowadays. It causes annoying and disturbing for the people. People cannot
reach their destination in time. They fail to reach their offices timely. Students
fail to reach their school duly and so they have to miss their classes. To solve
these problems government should take proper steps.
A Postman
A postman is a familiar figure both in the towns and in the village. Even a child
can instantly recognize him when he knocks at the door. He brings us news
from our near and dear ones living at distant places. He works both in towns and
in villages. He usually wears a khaki dress and carries on his soldiers a bag
containing stamps, letters, post cards, parcels, money orders etc. though a
postman is a low-great employee of the postal department, he performs a
responsible job. His daily work begins with the sorting out of letters, parcels,
money orders etc. in the post office. After having finished this job in the post
office, he goes out on his beat to deliver them to their addressees. A town
postman oft en drops letters into letterboxes or pushes them through some
opening of the door. A village postman generally goes on his beat twice or
thrice a week. He comes to the market place on hat days and delivers letters,
parcels, money orders etc. to their respective addressees. A postman is really
good man and a good friend to us. He performs his duties honestly and
sincerely. He is hailed by everybody and hated by one. We should feel for him,
show honors to him and do something for his well-being.


A Football Match
Introduction: football is an international game; I had the occasion the
whiteness an interesting football match few days ago. The game was played
between our school team and our neighboring D.N pilot high school team in our
school field.
How started: the game began punctually at 4 p.m. The players entered the field
with a majestic motion. The game started with a toss. It went in favor of our
team. We arranged our players in the best possible way. The referee blew the
whistle. Thus the game began. Our center forward Md. Kabir first kicked the
First half: the players of both the teams were very strong and skilful. They
displayed a nice play. It was just a tug of war. Our forward, Md. Sumon, went
into action immediately. Luck seemed to be on our side from the beginning.
Summon could dribble wonderfully. He was able to out with the rival players
several times. But their goal keeper was an expert hand. He could catch the ball
all the time. The spectators witnessed the game with keen interest. There were a
lot of shouts and rejoices and around. The first half ended with no goal on either
side. We offered our players ice and lemon juice for refreshment.
Second half: the second half began after a recess of ten minutes. Our team
began to play with utmost vigor and promptness. They made frequent attacks.
The rival team was also up and doing in their actions. There was a wonderful
scene of attacks and counter-attacks between the teams. It created a very
suffocation situation in the field. Suddenly our team got a corner kick. It
brought a good luck for us. We scored a goal. We were wild in joy and
excitement and shouted in great ecstasy. The whole field was ringing with the
ear-deafening shouts, goal Goal. We danced in joy. Then there was only five
minutes left.
Last five minutes: the game started again. The visiting team now grew furious
and tried to return to goal. The game grew more contesting and exciting. All of
a sudden they made a serious attack. I was holding my breath. But fortune
favored us. The ball went over the bar. I heaved a sigh of relief. Then they
moved heaven and earth to repay the goal, but in vain. The time was over. The
referee blew the final whistle. Thus our team carried the day. We left the field
with hearts full of great joy and merriment.
Feeling after the game: though the game came, to an end, it seemed to me that
the time had passed away swiftly. It remind me of the poets feelings,
The day so soon has glided by
Even like the passage of an angle tear.
Still now, the sweet memory of the game floats up before my minds the eye
and gives me immense joy and pleasure. Let me quote the words of the poet,
I gazed and gazed but little thought,
What wealth the show to me had brought.
Conclusion: it was indeed and enjoyable game. The memory of the game shall
remain ever fresh in my mind.

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